Golf Players

2024 Masters Preview with the 5 Clubs Team

Gary Williams, Johnson Wagner and Brendon de Jonge go in-depth in this 2024 Masters preview show. They examine Augusta National and all the top players that will be in the hunt for the elusive green jacket – Rory McIlroy, Scottie Scheffler, Jon Rahm, Jordan Spieth, Brooks Keopka, Tiger Woods and more. They make their predictions and discuss who some of the potential flyers might be that could be last man standing. This Masters Preview is one you will want to watch to be all set for the first Major of the season.

Editor’s Note: This preview show was recorded prior to final determination of whether Mackenzie Hughes would be in the tournament field.

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Our 2024 Masters preview it’s upon us hard to believe it’s been a calendar year yes it’s the five clubs Masters preview but with Johnson Wagner Brendan young yes that’s called wagu and filt how good could it possibly be we’re going to touch on everything from Rory’s Rubicon to how good can tiger possibly

Be Scotty getting back into the winner circle and rah’s return all of that and our own Master’s memories that five club’s Masters preview begins right Now in this Split Second your hands make all the difference it was time for a grip to help them own the moment introducing reverse taper technology to stabilize both hands for a more Square putter face at impact the most important Split Second and golf reverse taper only from Golf Pride

Respect the grip welcome into our studios here at five clubs Johnson Wagner Brendan young wagu and filet themselves we are not going to have you recreate famous Master shots even though that apparently has become your Forte I don’t know if I can recreate them well

But I can make the the pros look really good by my Recreations it’s great being with you guys um all the stuff that you guys have already done in 2024 uh is appreciated by obviously our entire team getting together and sharing Thoughts with you guys I know how much

This tournament means to both of you do you remember forget forget the first time you went there to compete um your first Master’s memory of watching it do you remember which one yeah 91 wam I was there y um it was obviously it was hard

For us we had that time change it was I think 6 hour time change at the time so leaders weren’t teting off until 8:30 but my folks were always really good about letting me take that Monday after the Masters off school so I remember 91 very very vividly that fist bump that he

Made when he made that putt on 18 to win um that’s one that jumps to mind I remember the two falo playoffs not quite as well but uh 91 was the one that that I really remember yeah woozy you know it’s interesting you said 91 because Gil Hance on our design preview talking

About McKenzie I asked him the first one that he ever went to and it was 91 which was also the first one I went to I think woozy was wearing Sergio teini gear so stylish how about you your first one that you remember 1992 Fred Couples he

Was my favorite player at the time and had such a great lead in I I remember that was the the kind of first time I really started watching golf more regularly uh the ball hanging up on 12 on Sunday it had that overnight rain and that ball never stays there but

Definitely watching Freddy win was was the the first time I I was completely glued to it you know I I remember little bits and pieces and it was you know coverage even even now they they they tany you with and and because you have and you can watch featured

Groups and there’s much more available to you now but in terms of the precious hours on overthe a television it’s still precious so I remember a little bit of like mid to late 70s um but it was 40 years ago it and this is the 40th anniversary of crin Shaw’s first Masters

I was a junior in high school he was my guy I mean I and everybody I think knows that um that week I remember so much about that and again we were you would get the the Saturday and Sunday they’d come on the air and the final group

Would be on like six or seven MH um anyway I I that year was I was living and dying with with every single shot um why do you think it is that that we feel the way that we do about this tournament it’s just the history and the tradition

It’s at the same course every year it’s the only major that’s that way uh 95 Ben crenchaw was one of my favorites as well because Harvey pinnick had just died and I think Ben had gone to his funeral earlier in that week and he and his

Caddy the Embrace they had Sunday I just think we all feel like we know Augusta National so well from watching it growing up that I think that that’s just it has this aura about it that way yeah you you almost establish this familiarity where you feel like you know

The golf course well enough to where you’ve played it a bunch of times you know from watching year after year it’s Sony major that keeps going back to the same spot so I think I think it’s that feeling like you do you watch and you’re

Like oh I know that I know what this butt does I know what this shot does and you do you establish that familiarity the uh the the shirt that Ben wore on Sunday in 95 was was a 4Runner to the 99 single shirt they were at the rer cup that was

A Jeff Rose shirt very high-end silk screen those were those were images from Master’s pass that were on his shirt in 1995 was kind of like a a muted silverish Navy tonish uh colored shirt and again when he when he and Carl Jackson if you thought they were weeping

You should have seen me I can imagine so that was just one of those moments that you know as a golf fan ingrains in you and I think the very next year as well Greg Norman collapsing with FDO charging in 96 is you know I wrote down three

Memories of mine as a kid and I don’t think I can think of three better ones than 92 95 and 96 they were they were amazing you you were talking about like f 8990 um you know 87 I was now I’m in college and one of the most underrated

Kind of sad images I think all time at the Masters was was the M Norman sevie playoff and sevie was eliminated on the 10th hole and CBS caught him and again the lights fading and he had his brother who was catting for him walking back up the hill on 10 after being

Eliminated I’ll never forget that but the thing about it is that for the Heartbreak of of Norman and sevie both from 86 the fact that both of those guys got back into the mix and got into the playoff the following year uh there’s so many that we could spend two hours

Talking about just those things let’s start with somebody who’s got a lot of memories and and good ones but but also some some bittersweet tough ones uh including 2011 when it looked like it was going to be him as a as a child and that’s Rory we’re going to start with

Him the Rubicon this is every year we’re going to keep doing this uh until he does it and and I know both of you think he’s going to do it do you think he’s going to do it this year uh potentially I mean for me watching him he’s he’s

Said over the offseason he’s going to play more leading into Augusta to try and get ready and and at the Players Championship you see him come out guns blazing making a ton of birdies but he rinses two t- shot left on both 18 making the turn and then later on number

Seven and I just feel like he’s making too many big numbers uh you know I know Brendan and I’ve talked about this a lot with with Harry Diamond his caddy it’s like somebody needs to try to re Rory in a little bit because like the the the offense is there but occasionally he

Just needs to wake up and and make a good decision off of tea and realize that par is not a bad score on certain holes yeah yeah he needs to clean things up um he the the biggest tournaments are going to expose your weaknesses as well and Rory’s biggest weakness is his

Course management right now you play a golf course that’s so exacting as Augusta National that weakness is going to be exposed he’s making way too many big numbers and I couldn’t agree more and I know we’ve talked about it a lot he needs somebody to say Rory pitch it

Out Rory hit in the fat part of the green Rory miss it here and he doesn’t have that at the moment I went out at the Players Championship it was Friday on 7 he made the mistake on Saturday or I mean on Thursday hit it in the water

And then on seven on on Friday he hit this shot from the right trees that was under a tree over a penalty area through a bunker that skipped up on the green all he had to do was Pitch it out 20 yards dead left he had the opening and

All take double out of the equation put yourself in a position with a wedge in hand give yourself 1015 M feet maybe you make par maybe you make bogey but you’re never going to make double and the decision he made to hit it now I know he

Executed it but it brought brought in triple if not more in play with that decision and that just speaks to what you’re talking about like I don’t have a lot of confidence in him until he can show me that he’s uh wise enough to make better decisions yeah I I think we were

All look we’re all excited when the best players tell you the beginning of there they’re going to play more um and I think it’s great that he made the choice to say you know what I’m this is going to be my approach this year um and and

He wins in the Middle East and he could have won the week before in the Middle East he could have started with a double um in terms of winning twice so he comes to the states and he hadn’t fired yet and and to your point about these

Mistakes making a triple in in in your first three events and then a rash of doubles and he made all the birdies that he made at at the Players but he compounded that and offset it by making all of these these double boxes if you look at his stats he’s

Driving it now he didn’t drive it well at the players and and I kind of you you guys tell me because he can’t hit driver with total freedom I I don’t want to throw it out but I think I I put a little caveat next to it how do you look

At the way he had driven it so well everywhere else and then didn’t drive it well at all at at the stadium course well I think it’s bad decision Rory does not need to hit driver off of 18 and then I think it was Friday or Saturday he started finally hitting three-wood

And was sending it down there and flipping a a wedge of some kind and so I just think it goes back back to you know the driver’s such a weapon and you want to see him pull it out all the time but there are situations where he does not

Need to hit it and it’s it’s affecting him negatively yeah oh very much so I mean I agree with you there though I think TPC as opposed to Augusta with the drive is very very different that that’s an awkward driving Golf Course for Rory somebody that hits the ball that far

This being TPC I don’t think we need to worry about Rory with the driver at Augusta those are the pretty generous Fairways very comfortable looking t-shots to him how about the balance of his stats thus far uh putting has not been very good um he’s had moments he’s

Had he’s had some decent rounds um but in totality it’s been average his iron play has been below average which to me we there’s been a lot made for years about his wedge play how about everything else outside of the driver which statistically has been excellent

Um being not excellent I think we saw it to players it was kind of a roll re reversal for his game he didn’t drive it very well but his iron player was actually quite spoton and I thought he had moments of Brilliance with the

Putter I think he’s put a lot of time in with the wedge play over the last year or so going to that four wedge setup I I I’m comfortable with I’m comfortable with his game as a whole but I I hate to harp on it the decision- making has to

Get better yeah I agree I just think it’s so hard to recover from the the doubles and the triples you make a bogey you can recover from that I remember I had a the conversation with Nick price and Nick said to me you have to make

Your birdies count I was like what do you mean he’s like well you make a double you make a birdie it doesn’t count you’re still just picking up one shot Rory’s got to do that right now he’s got to clean things up and again the majors expose those kind of

Weaknesses so I I’m not bullish on Rory going into this week I’m really not okay um so in terms of what he’s trying to do here we have talked about this and I think it’s a fascinating discussion about knowing what you’re trying to accomplish and and really nobody’s ever

Done this retroactively we Sarah in done it um but come on uh it it was so different and now with every passing year I don’t know how you you just it’s the same as it was three years ago or since you won the PJ and it’s been on

The doorstep um how does he manage that I think he’s tried every WI way to and he’s never really been in contention now I know he finished second a couple years ago when he h that bunker shot but he was so far out of it he’s never

Really been in those last couple groups maybe one time at at Augusta in those yeah exactly uh and I I think that the nerves and you’ve said it so eloquently so many times about nobody’s ever taken more than four attempts to complete the career Grand Slam at the same event and

This is working on 10 this is his 10th attempt this year so you’ve kind of convinced me that it’s getting harder and harder and to to imagine the kind of nerves he would feel on a Sunday within one or two or with the lead I can’t imagine that pressure and how what it

Would take for him to stand up to it yes the golf course is perfect for him but I mean that’s that that’s nerves like nobody else could ever feel I mean tiger did it at St Andrews you know and it was his first crack at it and he was by far

The best player in the world as a young man and didn’t know any different yeah it’s it’s it’s not only you know those who have done it it’s also the fifth major thing this is the other one that that gets me and maybe and and you guys

Tell me if he needs to win another major somewhere else and and and there’s something that will be Shed from him because again he’s historically in uncharted waters every single player who has five or more on average the length of time taken to get that fifth major

Was 2 and A2 years and the only outlier of than Rory is Peter Thompson who only played a couple of majors in the United States outside of just focusing on the Open Championship and it was seven years from for him I mean this is 2024 and it

Was August of 2014 I think that is a huge thing that yes the the career Grand Slam at Augusta National is a is a huge layer but this other thing I think is equally as challenging for him yeah it is um getting back to G I think he will

Win there but again you do yes but he’s going to have to win another major somewhere before okay um but yes again it’s it’s getting more and more difficult every year that moves by I mean he’s starting to talk about it openly now so he can’t help himself he

Talks openly about everything refuses himself from the board and then he just talks and I listen I appreciate the his willingness to share thoughts uh because they’re good thoughts they’re interesting thoughts they create convers ation I almost want to say you know don’t even walk into

That Press Room on a Tuesday which is you know he’s going to be in there you can count on it and I’m gonna be sitting there and I know what I’m gonna ask him what are you gonna ask what I’m GNA ask him is um and it’s more in the abstract

But I I want to I want to ask him about knowing what’s on the line whatever the sport is how much having context affects performance in sports because I I find it to be I think social media has affected performance um I think that we are abundantly aware of

What’s on the line as opposed to thinking well you know I’ll wake up tomorrow there might be an article in the paper people are reacting in real time they’re eviscerating you they’re they’re tearing you down and I don’t know how you avoid not having a fleeting

Thought as focused as you might be just the effect of knowing what’s on the line and its impact on performance which which is part of the reason I’m so impressed with a guy like Scotty Sheffer not on any social media at all and that’s why I feel like he is positioned

Himself right now as a world number one that just doesn’t he’s not affected by it because he doesn’t see it he’s so well grounded with his family with his wife about to have a baby I just think that you see all these guys get to four

Majors you saw spe get to three JT got to two uh Rory getting to four Kea is a bit of an enigma just because I think he’s like the best major player of his generation clearly but Scotty I think has the potential to go rattle off a

Couple Majors this year do it again next year and not be a guy that’s affected so internally by expectations and what people are saying about him because he just flat out doesn’t care yeah it it he’s an incredible study uh for for a lot of reasons and I could not agree

More with that so let’s we’re going to get to Scotty right away so let’s put a bow on him are we all kind of lukewarm about Rory for various reasons are you maybe a little bit more than lukewarm or I picked you expect a good week I expect

A good week I expect him to contend I picked him last year and you laughed at me and I I laugh at you I just think it’s hard well I want him to win so badly that I’m not gonna I’m not going to put that on him and so I am not gonna

I’m gonna say he’s going to finish top seven and and hope for for better because I really would like for him to win but I’m not picking him okay I’m not either I’m I’m a massive Rory fan I’m the same I want this guy we all want him

To win it it’s it’s great for it’s great for the sport of of professional golf and I think even Beyond it I also would say this and we’ve talked about this I he’s destined to be a regular member at that club I really believe that because of his relationships and and the

Affection people have and there’s only been a couple historically who have been and I I think he could be somebody who is still not contending but competing in the Masters and putting on a green jacket as somebody who is a member of the club but he’s never going to be a

Member unless he wins there’s no way he’s going to subject himself to that he’s not going to show up there as a regular member and put on a green jacket and not be a champion am I am I wrong no you spot on I mean there’s no way that

He’s no way that he does that way there’s no way he does it I I I’m not sure he’s going to win there I’m not I I that place has has broken hearts man and and if you look historically is he is he stylistically more inclined to win there than Greg

Norman is he more stylistically inclined to win there than Tom weof Ernie ell’s Ernie Ernie come on man guys who come on you just come on down you’re the next guy who’s going to win three of these and those three guys didn’t win one well tiger kind of had something to say about

Ernie but Phil but it took Phil a long time did I mean it took not only did it take him a long time to win a major but it took him a long time to win The Masters and then he rattled off three of them so I think if Rory can get over

That hump and maybe he does need to go back to Valhalla or Pinehurst or or trun this year and maybe coming in next year if he doesn’t get it done maybe he’ll be a different person but I I think if he can cross that threshold he can have

Sort of a a master’s career like Phil did winning multiple you know after the first round no I think that’s a look Phil was 33 years old he had won more than 20 times uh there was no social media so he didn’t have to navigate just the the incessant cat calling about

Being a non- major winner when he did it in 2004 I think that if he does break through again I’m I’m I don’t know that he’s got six more or five more as Phil did with five beyond the first but he’s roughly the same age he’s going to be 35

At the beginning of may do you agree with him that if he wins there or anywhere that there are three maybe four more somewhere for him yes you do and and I think if he goes somewhere and wins a major it’s going to be such a weight lifted off his shoulders that

He’s going to come and I know it’ll be Augusta still and it’ll still be trying to complete that career Grand Slam but I still think he will come in feeling like a different person yeah um do you think he wins a major at some point this year

By Hall I I do I think he wins a major this year okay you agree I do too I do yeah okay yep you I’m I’m I’m going to bet look these things there’s four of them I remember after the mates and we came came here to do our our PGA preview and

You guys are all just earmark and ROM for a second one that year and I I just swam against the stream by the way where’s Taylor Zer he I guess we didn’t pay his waiver uh to not be here with us today I I’m gonna say no only because

There are there are a lot of guys who are capable there’ll be zero surprise for me if if he if he does all right let’s get to Sheffer because you’re you’re on to something that like I think he’s lethal for for the statistical just historical ball

Striking machine that he is but it’s the other part of it like he’s such a grownup he is not defined by playing golf he plays golf for a living and he’s and I think he’s quietly chippy and hyperco competitive but he leaves it all behind and he doesn’t he he’s not he

Does even he doesn’t dabble on social media he he’s not going to meetings in the Bahamas about the future of the PGA Tour he plays golf and then he goes home and he’s a husband and he’s soon to be and he can be a father any moment I think he is this

This is a watch out moment I think he is ready to go on a hellacious run Am I Wrong nope not at all I think he has the perfect makeup for major golf as you say doesn’t dabble in any of that social media doesn’t get influenced by any of

This outside noise I think it is perfect to get down knuckle down grind for that week and I think he loves it and I agree with you I think Scotty Sheffer is so inwardly determined that we don’t see that I think it’s an underrated quality of his another underrated quality maybe

It’s not underrated but he’s such a good ball Striker when you watch he doesn’t doesn’t miss a lot of greens but when he does I’m going to flash back to Sunday at the Players Championship miss the green on 14 kind of Spawn off that false

Front that’s not an easy I mean it’s not a brutally difficult pitch from there uh hits it to a three Ines has a chance to go in the hole next screen he misses par five 16 hits it in the pot bunker great lie pretty basic bunker shot hits it to

Three in his short game is what separates him it’s like obviously the narrative was around his putting last year and if he could just be an average putter he probably would have won eight times and I think what we’re seeing now with that new Putter and with his short

Game like it it’s it’s going to be terrifying and I think you make a great point there there are so many short game shots into the grain at Augusta and maybe outside of Jordan Speed there is nobody better than Scotty using that Leading Edge I think that’s

It’s a big plus yeah it’s you you know it’s interesting you mentioned speed because he doesn’t do it in like a spean way it’s not dramatic it’s not like and you have expertly pointed out how you know how Sheffer does it uses the same instrument to hit all these various

Shots there’s an efficiency and almost like a boredom to the way that sheffler hits these shots it’s not dramatic it’s not like again first way he doesn’t audizine and and he’s gone through this what was a challenging period with respect to the way he was putting the

Putter that he used his the way he was putting his hands on the Putter and and finding a philosophical kind of Bas sline with Phil Kenyan that was going to be effective enough oh he’s found it he’s he’s found it and it really like at Bay Hill he ended up running away with

That and he found it for what the last 27 holes of the tournament and he was already he was close enough to the lead that he could just pull away uh it’s it’s mindboggling to me and you could see it at the Players the way he had

More speed on 20 Footers it’s like he wasn’t afraid of running those uh you know makeable birdie putts three feet by because he knew he had the confidence he was going to get it coming back it used to be last year they were all dripping at the edge and he didn’t want that

Comeback Putt and we talked about this the other day he’s only going to keep growing in confidence right the more and more puts that he sees going the easier it’s going to get from a confidence standpoint so I agree with you I think this guy could go in a tear starting

Well it started already yeah it it has and you know this gets to I mentioned his name I know that you guys you in particular you know you’re challenged by by um by Harry Diamond not you know Bo up a little bit more saying hey come on

Let’s he’s got somebody on his bag who is you know I I said this on social media a couple weeks ago one of the great caddy pivots of all time uh Ted Scott whether whether the tank was empty with Bubba whether it was you know you’re headed to live you know God love

You and and it’s not that the money wouldn’t have been decent because of the show up factor of it but he’s got somebody in Ted Scott who has seen it all and is a I I don’t know you guys know these you know cat’s exceptionally well he’s like the perfect

Match for him is he not he is I mean they’re both uh Christians they’re both very faith-based in their lives and that kind of is their number one driving factor which I think is a really good fit for both of them and I think Ted’s a really competitive guy and I don’t think

Ted wanted to go over to live and not play for you know meaningful championships other than maybe four times a year I think he is loving having a young guy and being out there and competing I mean these caddies like to compete too they’re they’re as invested

As a lot of players are so I think I think Ted’s one of those kind of competitors yeah it’s easy for us to forget that Scotty hadn’t won until Ted got on his bag I mean he all those close calls going in hadn’t been able to cross

The line all of a sudden you get a cadd like Ted Scott and well he’s winning at a pretty good clip now the um you mentioned kka historically is is you know you look at the balance of everything that he’s done he may go down

As one of the truly unusual Hall of Fame players because of the the the major championship victories and the non- major victories will be weirdly like Balan in the sense you may have as many regular wins you know usually if you win six major you have 30 wins on the PJ

Tour and his presence is I think it’s it’s noticed by everybody does Scotty cast the longest shadow of anybody on a leaderboard at a major currently no no if he’s there and you look up at those big bite Majestic boards at Augustine Ash is the longest

Shadow in golf right now has to purely for what you said because the efficiency you know he’s not going to make mistakes he’s not going to beat himself you know you’re going to have to go out there and beat Scotty sheffler that’s exactly well said and I don’t think there’s a

Question whether or not Scotty’s name’s going to be on that leader board it’s I I I mean I guarantee his name’s going to be in that top seven going into the shortest odds of anything we could wager on that he will be in contention without a doubt okay um it’s interesting because

You know you look at the the great historic players um you know look tiger was what he was it was there was nothing quite like it and Jack then the whole idea of the Jack Roars Phil was Dynamic and and you know he captured your imagination there is a there is a like

I’m gonna look up and I know he’s going to be there like counting on knowing that sheffer’s going to be there I think has an effect on people like here we go here we go yeah if he makes putts how can you contend and you listen to the

Fridays with smiley on ABC broadcast at Bay Hill they had Max H and Jordan spe both on and they’re like we’re talking about Scotty the way that you know Ernie and and Jerry Kelly and David Toms to talk about tiger the only thing I will

Say about Scotty is I know we all know what it’s like to have your first child born sure it could be a really awkward time he may not be able to practice as much as he wants going in that would be the only thing that could possibly

Derail him was would be the birth of his first child which I’m sure in his life is more important than any golf tournament sure yeah I I I was listening to um McKenzie hughes’s uh mental coach performance coach and and he said something with which I think is so

Applicable to to Sheffer he said look you got to get yourself in a place where um you know you’re at peace with the result now it doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t be pissed if he doesn’t perform at the level he expects but again he’s

Not defined by what he does um he has he has a faith that is real that is intensely private he doesn’t share it he’s not overt about it he just is what he is but I also think I go back like I think he’s got a chippiness to him that

People don’t realized like I I during those putting struggles he had some moments of exasperation like he was at wit’s end and and you’d be like wow he’s never done that before I think he’s done it before he just doesn’t have to do it often because he really doesn’t struggle

A great deal all right so we’re all in aord that he is he will absolutely be right in the middle we’ll we’ll save it as to whether you guys think he’s going to win Until the End let’s try to handle the tiger take now um what how do how do

We do this what what what what what’s this going to look like I you want to go no go for I I I I have been of the belief after all his injuries that I would never count him out people would count tiger out he’s never going to win

Again and he did and he and he’s proved it time and time again but Genesis this year really kind of changed my opinion okay he he played wonderfully Thursday I thought looked nice on the golf course hit a lot of quality shots get sick withdraws and

It’s just like the same old story he said it he wanted to play more this year once a month hasn’t been able to do it you’ve said it eloquently for the last year and a half remember all the buildup going into 19 he you’re done with you’re

Sick of my build up no I’m not it it makes it makes sense there’s no I mean Brendon and I know playing out a past champions category when you play five or six events a year there’s no way you’re sharp enough to go contend and he’s not

Even playing that not like forget the physical ailments of his leg I’m I’m starting to get to the point that I I think we’ve seen Tiger Wood’s last meaningful Victory on the PGA tour okay I hate to agree but I do I do I mean I I

Agree you cannot replicate the Reps that you get from playing competitive golf you there is no way of replacing that and you cannot come in sharp we saw it at Genesis it’s it’s the easy up and downs and and you have to have those easy up and downs to keep a round going

To keep a tournament going he’s going to make a couple sloppy mistakes just because he hasn’t played and yeah I I don’t think there is any way that tiger can contend I think he’s going to make the cut un unless he withdraws before but I mean if you look

Back you probably have these stats Gary of the last 10 times he’s played how many withdraws have we seen I mean the Masters last year the PGA at Southern Hills uh Riv I mean it just the list goes on and on like he is he is withdrawn from more tournaments than way

More than he’s actually completed 72 holes in the last three years so for me I think making the cut would be amazing keep record intact and and and maybe go finish 25th I think that’s too high honestly I think he’ll make the cut and he will be one of those guys that’s

Finishing before the leaders te off on Sunday yeah I first of all um when was the last time you heard of a guy withdrawing with influenza was an original one wasn’t it yeah it was it was I mean by all accounts he had to go to the bathroom a

Couple times on the course yeah yeah on six uh right before he withdrew and at but yeah I’m not making fun of it’s the flu SP had spe was sick that week Klay was sick K was in the final group Saturday Sunday was sick there was a

Bunch of guys that got sick and uh yeah I mean I yeah here’s the thing about um something you just said about you know these up and downs the thing that it’s kind of like to a lesser degree and and and really I think to a greater degree

When he was at the you know at his absolute best is that yes we we hold on to the chip in in 2005 um and and you know these various other moments that he’s had not only there but in all of these major championship victories I mean the the

The he didn’t even win that PGA at Hazel team you know the bunker shot Billy katzer was was out there ripping a gale he’s got his heels on the back of that bunker and hit I think one easily one of the three good shots hit it’s the holding rounds together being the

Greatest salvation expert you’ve ever seen turning 72 into 69 keeping the glue intact to get you from one birdie to the next birdie without putting a square on the card you are going to miss in all likelihood it 20 greens at at austa National and the inefficiency of not

Being able to make those six seven eight Footers and chipping it into sticky lies with you know mowing patterns that are trying to just mind you to death uh which is fantastic but it’s the truth that’s just a hell of a hard ask for somebody who really doesn’t play

Competitive golf anymore he just doesn’t and the physical nature of walking that golf course I mean last year with the rain and the cold on Saturday he couldn’t he couldn’t get through the round I mean it’s the the the physical issues the lack of competition I can’t

Believe I’m saying it but there he’s got no chance to win and it’ll be interesting to hear him speak because he’s always said I don’t want to play golf tournaments if I don’t think I have a chance to win and I think he’s got to be having some internal conversations

Right now whether or not he can still do it yeah he has to I I am interested to see what his gate looked like cuz I thought he walked pretty well at Genesis that first round before the influenza got him yeah like I I thought he actually did look pretty good walking

Around there and now we’re a couple months from moved on from there I want to see what he does look walking around you know before last year’s Masters I I asked him the question in in his presser about the build and I said to him in the absence of that how do you

Execute this micro strike and he said I have to lean on institutional knowledge I have to I I know this place better than anybody and that’s totally fair with the exception of Phil who had a hell of a week and we’re going to get to him um he does but institutional

Knowledge there’s a gap between knowledge and execution and I just think it’s just so much to ask of somebody who cannot prepare and it’s one thing to not have the time to play or the physical ability to play once a month he doesn’t get to practice to the

Degree that he used to the efficiency required there getting out there and getting lost in the pursuit of of you know winning another match MERS can’t go out there for 8 hours how long can he practice for I think making the cut is would be a hell of an accomplishment and

I’m not reducing him to anything he can play for as long as he wants in as many events as he wants whatever the result is the result is and get over yourself if you’re like well you know he’s better than this he can do it for as long as he

Wants he’s he’s earned every start at every single event that he chooses to play in um I just think it’ll be interesting to see what he’s got I just hope he can walk around and and and not feel like we’re looking at him going he’s physically diminished to the point

That walking is too much of a challenge well I think what he’s got going for him at the Masters that he didn’t have at Riv the last couple seasons is that he’s played two 18 hole Wednesday Pro AMS at Riviera yeah and I I find that shocking

Like he needs to play nine holes on Monday nine holes on Tuesday maybe go walk with a wedge and chip on a few holes on Wednesday and he needs to recover I think that Wednesday proam has crushed him at Rivier the last two seasons and I’m shocked that he’s still

Going out and playing all 18 holes yeah there’s there’s nothing that’s going to trip him up at Augusta he knows every blade of grass on that place I agree with you I think he needs to get as much rest as he can early in that week and

Try to be as ready as you are Thursday morning I I think those things which I totally agree with are are why you diminish his ability to to be a factor in any way at all if we are amplifying the fragility that he has that like

Playing in 18 whole practice round on a Wednesday uh is is such a detriment to his chances to be competitive what are we doing here I mean we’re talking about guys who go out there who are just have have one thought on their mind and that

Is to to just end everybody else I it’s just a lot um I I’ll lean that he’ll make the cut because he doesn’t he just can’t help himself like he’ll fight his ass off uh to to see the weekend and that’s why I think like getting to the

Weekend at Southern Hills and what was a just a Bizarro weather system that went from like hot and humid to like we the tobogan Caps by Saturday and then the slog of last year at at Augusta National you know he needs warm weather and and

You know we hope we get it all right let’s get to live and how we handicap it last year you know it’s not that they weren’t at at at Majors before because they were but this this was the first live Masters um easier to handicap them

Now than a year ago you think or or still kind of tricky I think we got to turn to our live expert I mean he he he put it out there man yeah I think it’s easier we we didn’t know what these guys were going to look like showing up to to

The majors last year I think we have a pretty good feeling now that these guys are still very very good they’re still very very competitive and I think there’s going to be a lot of these guys contending in some of these events there’s a few guys I wrote down

Obviously you got to talk about Rah defending Champion I think he’s still so you not so far removed from high L golf obviously Brooks walking nean who’s made a real push to go play around the world to gain world ranking points to his credit to his credit and I think the I

Think uh Augusta National giving him the special exemption was great I think Des shambo’s a big enough of a a prick that he’s going to be ready to play and I think Patrick Reed’s going to be ready to play okay uh let let’s let’s go through all of them uh let’s start with

Kka um because he he he did what he only I honestly I almost think that only he could have done what he did last year which was uh to to grab this thing by the Scruff of its neck and you’re thinking oh my God he’s I mean he’s he’s

Taken this thing down and then and then rah rah flipped it on him um he’s the one of all of them because he’s proven it that that form has never really mattered whether he was over there or whether he was on the PGA tour I’m inclined to put him in the mix almost

Matter what are you 100% I think outside of Scotty sheffler I think Brooks K could cost the a longest Shadow out there he he’s a guy that has been so outwardly vocal about you know what I’m just here to win the majors he’s got people talking about it anytime he shows

Up I think kka is going to be in that mix okay he’s in the mix 100% I think I said he wouldn’t last year I’m not going I’m not going against kka again yeah I you know it’s he’s got he’s got a Persona um and and one of the episodes I forget which

One it was it was the one where they were at oakill full swing and I thought it was the most real moment that I’ve seen in that in that series uh was Rory not only talking about breaking it all down when it was over um in the

Locker room at Oak Hill but but saying out loud someone’s got more than me now uh meaning someone like literally in Prime it’s he’s not accountant Phil uh and I thought that and that to me like I think the Rory kept get thing like look they haven’t had an episode in a major

Yet to talk about them as a rivalry I think is is you’re stretching it they’re they’re the two of the best five players of their generation undeniably but I need an episode I need them late throwing Haymakers look they had one in Memphis not a major they had one at East

Lake both big moments but not a major and they traded blows kka got him in Memphis Rory answered the bell and threw a straight right to him at East Lake uh and that’s a that that’s good but it’s not a major um but the Rory KT thing I

Think is is is it’s there I would love to see those guys on late on a Saturday if those two guys are together now that’s now we got something yeah that would be good TV that would be good ratings for the master with you out there on the on the radio call I’m

Serious to that that’s going to be a blast going be awesome uh yeah Brooks is going to be there what do you think about John ROM what do you think of his title defense chances here’s the thing about here’s the thing that I’m I I

Hedge a little bit ke is built I think mentally to say I no matter what state I’m in you know that I’m better than anybody when it comes to the deep end of the pool I can swing comfortably put me in the Rip Tide of this thing I got this

Not to look John ROM has one two majors but the absence of of you know being in the mix and I think missing it and audibly sharing that he’s missed it a little bit makes me hedge on him not that he’s not going to factor at all but

I have more conviction about Kea than I do about Rah how about you and I would agree and Brenan do you think like Rah getting in front of that press Center in the media for the first time really since going to live having these questions do you think that’s going to

Affect him very much much so I I think you said it he’s he’s talking about missing it John Rah is a deeply emotional guy you know he’s always one his heart on his sleeve I think you nailed it there when he’s sitting in front of that Press Room answering all

These questions he’s going to start thinking I really am missing this a whole lot yeah I don’t know exactly what I’m going to ask him but it’s going to be along those lines of of you know this is a different runup than you’ve ever had so what have you done to offset the

Preparation that you’ve always had before this including winning it last year um and and I’ll be interested to hear what he has to say let’s get to some of these other names you mentioned let me ask you this first about Walkin Neiman to his credit he’s hopscotched

Around uh he’s he’s done a little bit too much of the agreement like oh you know and you know you you win in Mexico and the first thing you say is I’m not in a lot of Majors which by the way wasn’t true um and then the next thing

When you win the another one you you talk about your world ranking like really like enough with the AG grieve golfer it’s the pity parties I don’t attend pity parties um but but again he has gone outside of it would he have gotten an invite if he wasn’t a past

Winner of the Latin America amateur Championship I think that there’s a fondness from the folks at Augusta naal and and not that he wouldn’t have had the merits he has the merits to get the special invite I think that pushed him over the line myself I don’t know I I I

Don’t know we don’t know let’s all speculate it’s a fun game I mean it certain he didn’t hurt I hadn’t thought about it certainly didn’t hurt I think it I think it helps greatly they love their like you said they love their amers coming back they didn’t mention

Live at all when they announced that no no no not at all I don’t think the live wins he had starting the year had anything to do with that I think it was more going down his performance in Australia and being I I like that being

A past Latin American am champion and by the way to the agreement to him being the pity party so to speak over world ranking points I mean I’m so sick of this narrative they went knowing they weren’t going to get points I know Norman sold him a bill of bill of goods

On it but like it’s over it’s like you can’t make that complaint anymore if you wanted to if the majors were so important to you you shouldn’t have left to go I I have misgiving about it’s true you don’t feel sorry for Tay gu Taylor take take take a week off take a

Month off um he said he has said you know some regrettable stuff silly stuff the asteris thing is is so asinine and so imbecilic um that he he should choose not to speak for six months should put himself honestly in a Timeout one of the dumbest things ever uttered did you did

You see the Wikipedia page Kevin Casey sent me a picture of it researcher from Golf Channel the Wikipedia page that somebody changed all of Taylor Gucci’s wins on on on where wherever he W on the PGA tour and all the live and put asteris by him and then had a little

Footnote Roy maroy not in the field of any of his professional by the way is it is the person who’s changing Wikipedia Pages literally is these things are being done or said by people the same person who has the number to the trailer to call about rules and fractions good

Point you can’t do anymore but I mean who are these people somebody with too much time on their hands incredible researchers with uh intimate knowledge of how to work a computer uh walki Neiman you you like his chances to be a part of this thing

Very much so very much so yeah and I love everything he did you touched on it that he he went out there he put himself out went and played everywhere around the world to get into this tournament and that has to carry a lot of weight to

Why he got this special invitation you like his chances uh I think he’s going to be there I would I would give him a good chance of a top 10 and you know I don’t know what his odds are going to be but I would consider him a long shot to

Win more of a long shot yeah I’m not I’m not again he’s a he’s a wonderful player um I would I would lean in another live Direction Beyond ROM and and kka um Phil Augusta National historically has been very kind to Elders um guys and it’s not you can say well it’s because

They’ve won there and they can go back every year I understand that the open has a Roa um the open not historically has been quite as good but look at the PGA at the Open Championship in addition to the Masters Tournament these guys you know they have starts and and you know

Other than Rich beam playing only one competitive tournament a year and by the way him making a couple of cuts uh over the last 10 years one of the most like underrated things ever like showing up at 7600 yard golf courses and getting to the weekend he doesn’t play golf

That’s incredible but anyway uh how about Phil I think he hits it long enough to to have another good week there but I think he’s going to miss the cut this year I don’t think he’s going to per I am that’s what I’m going with

For Phil I think Phil makes the cut I don’t see him contending I I think he’s going to hit too many Wayward shots at the wrong time to contend but I think his knowledge of that golf course he’s he knows enough that he’s going to make

The cut he’ll be there for the weekend are we not giving his distant second enough credit I mean it’s the it back door it’s the definition of a back door he had Jordan spe was playing so great and Phil was just kind of drafting behind him and then pulled the old

Slingshot around him there on the last couple but I mean it was incredible at his age to have a a second place finish in a major is wonderful um given all the stuff that he had to go through that week with media and everything I think

That says a lot too but I think it was a oneoff and I don’t see that happening again is he is he the best old golfer ever cuz he is the oldest to win a major ever um but is is the best old golfer I would probably say so Tom Watson maybe

But yeah I would say probably Phil I mean VJ was so good in his 40s yeah in his 40s for sure I mean it’s it I don’t know that anyone’s ever going to touch the productivity in their 40s for reasons including how much money and where’s the motivation now again you

Guys are weird you’re hyperco competitive you don’t know to be any other way uh but what VJ did in his 40s it’s going to be hard for anybody to ever do again but I mean Phil won a major after almost 51 and and ran second two years later in

In the Masters Bernhard longer yeah I mean I I here’s and look this is the Nuance of this conversation 54 whole events now look he won the US Senior Open in his 60s um and him he’s won more in his 6 on a tour that’s primarily 54 whole

Events than the other top five winners all time on PGA Tour Champions combined by twice that number they all won combined six times I believe he’s won 13 or 14 it’s one of the other and then Sneed sne sne Sneed finished top five in majors in his 60s

Yeah unbelievable that’s dur that’s like Nicholas and Palmer playing at that time right yes yeah I mean he finished finished tied for third in the 1974 PGA that trino won at Tanglewood have you ever played there by the way yep you have I have really how long ago probably 10 years ago now

Okay you have not played tangle wood I have not played tangle wood I used to I I did the boom mic for the Vantage which was like the Tour Championship for the senior tour uh and it was Jim Kelly was the the face and voice and Jim Colbert

Was the lead analyst you remember did you ever watch any Champions Tour Senior Tour golf oh yes had the collar bucket hat didn’t he bucket hat and I believe he had his toue I think he he might have had it sewn into the bucket I don’t know

That for certain that is just what I’ve heard I can’t confirm that uh yeah I did the boom mic at Tanglewood a couple times all right so for Phil I I’ll I’ll say um um I say he makes the cut you say a miscot I say miscot okay give me one

Other live guy is it Reed who you uh I think Des shambo’s gonna be ahead of Read Bad record has no record a par it’s a par 67 for him yeah exactly I mean what a regrettable comment God I think he’s gonna play well I think deso has a

Top 10 top 10 I do wow okay Cam Smith just because of how good he is with the putter yeah yep he’s been the guy though of all the guys who took major major money who’s been the sleepiest when disappointing yeah disappointing since he’s gotten over there um DJ not feeling

It I don’t feel it I mean by all accounts he’s still not really practicing or working at it I don’t I don’t see him showing up ready to play Sergio no I don’t think so okay what’s interesting is that we have so many past champions who who forget world ranking

Who who you know Schwarz obviously you know he’s Bubba he’s going to be there I don’t think either one of any of the three of us are feeling it for for them DJ I could see DJ having a decent week but again I say this and

It’s like what am I basing this on I don’t know I I think with W Neeman I think his play is reflective of excellent form and also a guy who we all believed was was going to ascend in this game and be a fair to say a top 20

Player uh for for years for years yes absolutely okay you you’ve played some golf with Wy NE right I did we played uh his rookie year we played we did an outing at the Wells Fargo together and then I played with him I think some Saturday uh his rookie year and was

Blown away by his game has the most beautiful bullet cut uh ball flight with a driver I know that doesn’t necessarily speak to Greatness at Augusta but I think he’s got multip multitude of different shots and shapes and I I think he I mean he’s had success Around

Augusta as well so I think of a test as Augusta is it’s a second Shot Golf Course and and I just don’t think his iron play is good enough and consistent enough right now that being said he’s you know did not play great at vbar uh he he loves playing in Texas so

I’ll I’d like to see another start out of him yeah um but I I I just I I don’t I I I think I see him finishing 15th okay which for him is average because he is the guy is built to to to be in the

Mix I mean and and he’s proven it um um from his first start 212 uh one of the great area codes of all did you ever have a 212 phone number when you lived in New York no we were 845 oh 845 that’s kind of weak sauce well it was up north

We were north of Wester yeah okay so no two12 for you uh what about SP I I agree with what you said about you can throw form out once he gets to gusta he’s obviously very very comfortable around there but I don’t see him contending I

Think make the cut kind of f finish middle of the pack too many foul balls too too many bad shots uh at the beginning of the year I I you know you do this frivolous a who’s going to win Majors I I picked him to win The Masters

Uh did you no you didn’t you didn’t do any kind of exercise picking major winners at the beginning of the year no I should have we need to put that on the wagu filet show for next year first show we need to do that yes you do um so if

You were going to had the wagu and filt show had a Majors preview show in January would would you have picked him cuz you and I both thought he was going to have a big big year yeah I may have you still can I I probably would have

Just given his history there and uh my Affinity for him as a person and a player probably would have picked him win all four majors maybe definitely the PGA of course um I um I I think he reminds me of several people he reminds me in terms of he’s he’s unorthodox in a

Lot of things um but some of his strengths are similar uh to Ray Floyd uh who didn’t chip the way that Jordan does but was a phenomenal chipper he had a ton of ho outs and also hyper competitive guy um and then he also reminds me a little bit of cring Shaw

Especially when he shows up at Augusta Ben had a had a decade in the 80s when he won that first time he he he was shots out of multiple playoffs uh including that first fouo when he when he dumped in the bunker on 18 after burning 16 and 17 and he his grip

Slipped and he was playing with Scott hul um not to mention being a shot he played in the final group in three or four years beyond the year that he won that’s how I think speed like he has an affection and affinity for the place the vibe hanging lies imagination all of it

I think he’s going to have a decent week but to what you were saying about like this there is there are holes in the tool kit hit right now that make it hard for me to to just go out and and say he’s going to win the golf tournament I

Think top 15 it’s almost like he’s earmarked to do that because that place he’s built for that joint yeah I mean when he won in 15 he I don’t think he lost in a playoff at the hu he he won he won an inisbrook at valpar and then I it

Was the Texas open was his next start I think he finished second at the Texas open and then he lost in the playoff at the Houston open that that next week and then won so he had this wonderful leadup Great Golf and I just have not seen that

Out of him so far this year I think he’s got two top 10 but it’s been so erratic in his performance I mean missing the cut by a mile at the Players champ Genesis has started this weird patch yeah you know the players his record’s terrible other than

2014 and and you know it was almost like everything he did that year and then into 15 was magical I I think he has six Mis cuts at the Players now um like I I I throw that one out but vbar the guy I mean he was right there last year and

Obviously won there as you pointed out in 2015 it’s been the the DQ like since then it’s just been strange and the iron play he’s too good of an iron player and that’s just that’s just the one hole you can’t have he’s good enough he’s good enough Around

Augusta it gives you room off the tea he can hit some foul balls and given the way he can wedge it up there if he can put himself in position like he’s ridiculous at saving par but if he’s not having the offense there when he does

Find Fairways to be able to hit it close with his irons and now he’s got he’s got a little bit of time to to iron it out but I just I just I I hate to say it I just don’t love him this year yeah Valero’s always been Valero’s been very

Good to him uh even even you know going back uh during the during the the patch 1819 when it wasn’t great he still would figure out a way to you know have and and again maybe maybe there is something that he that he was going to find here

In this final start all right give me give me somebody who’s not w a major that you are the most bullish about going into the Masters Brendon who is it ludvic oberg yeah you’re playing that card I am I am I’m GNA play that card

For a while well I mean if he wins one it’ll be a different game I’m gonna be bullish on this guy for a long long time I I just think that he’s the complete package kind of in that same mold with his makeup as a Scotty chef he’s sweet

As sheffler it’s what he is man he’s a grownup he’s a grownup he he talks like a grownup his game is similar his his build everything he’s sweet as Sheffer I don’t see him being affected by all the outside noise he seems like he’s got a great head on his shoulders you know

What I don’t really care what that guy says I think this guy’s got a good chance I know it’s his first major that he’s playing but still but his performance at the Players Championship was pretty darn incredible first time there I mean I I’m I I I like I like

That I I like him better as a as a firsttimer at Augusta than I do a firsttime major winner I I like uh that’s what you said right yeah I like will zorus a lot and I like Xander shafley but I think will Willie Z is my

Top firsttime major he’s just been there so many times he hits the ball a mile in the air which is a huge Advantage coming into those greens at Augusta I mean I just cannot even with his new swing I can’t imagine somebody hitting it physically higher in the air than he

Does and I I just think I think he’s going to get it down the putter it’s a little shaky like if he has a five-footer to win I probably will avert my eyes um but I think he hits enough quality shots and makes enough long

Putts I think he’s going to be a factor yeah for me I’m I’m going to say the name you just said Xander shafley is I mean he is there’s some weirdness to his career he guy is a cash machine he is so good and and he’s absolutely one of the

Best players the players was a weird kind of slow burn uh 145 I mean you know for the Windam Clark Wicked lip out I mean who left there more gutted wendam just because of the drama of it or or shafley who looked like he had wrestled it away and then squandered it

And had so many wipy misses to the right you mentioned 145 because of two t- shots that he hit it the 15 Fairway bunker wasn’t so bad but the wipy into basically a place where he had no chance on 14 to hit the green and to miss that

Second shot out of the rough right to a front right pin like too many big mistakes out to the right for Zander the players 17 the putt on 17 uh I think Brian Harmon left pretty gutted as well missing that Fairway on no no doubt missing that Fairway on 16

But you left as gutted as Harmon did I think I did and I refused to pick him any point that week I uh yeah oh my God Saturday night you were just or no maybe it was Sunday with with brandle he came up on the desk with you guys and you

Wanted to put like a bag over your head you’re like please stop talking about and and then Aaron overholser said the same thing he’s like yeah I’m going to go and and I I was like what are y’all doing are you trying to make me mad

Right now but uh yeah uh I think Xander is due for a major he’s got everything on his resume but a major championship and and I he plays Augusta great excellent I mean he’s had what three top fives in the last four years but but again like these moments you know the

Matsuyama year he’s the guy like he’s the one and Willie Z was was there but you know inexplicably the the t-shot on 16 he has these and again the guys guys guys won a gold medal he’s W TOUR Championship I mean he’s got he’s got

Big bold type but um but I I’ll go in that direction all right give me give me a somebody who is give me like a flyer and I’ll tell you whether by definition he’s a flyer or not this will be funny go ahead Eric ven royan because he’s got the best mustache

In golf by far now does he respect your mustache or is he jealous of your mustache what is it about I mean do you have a Vibe with him yeah we’ve got a good vibe we’ve we’ve got a few pictures from the beach and punana last year together both shirt

Not quite the same body sty is that on your only fans page no I think I think I have them and I they’re not they haven’t been anywhere um he thinks that I diet and and I kind of had to confront what a few people do my mom thinks she do well

It’s not true I’m I mean I would be happy to admit it uh as defensive as you’re getting about this there might be something too but I had to confront him on Sunday morning at the Mexico open and tell him like look man and he said he

Said no it was a compliment because he’s like there’s no way it looks fake there’s no way it’s that dark but anyway Eric Van royan has been playing some incredible golf I mean after that win at worldwide Technologies last fall he was right there for the Honda had that great

Sunday he’s been he was in contention in the Mexico open I I’m with you on him totally I love the way he is playing hits the ball plenty far he’s got a good game for auga hits the ball high hits the ball really high and as you say does

Hit It plenty far and when he gets that putter going I think he can get really hot uh doesn’t have a ton of experience around there but I I think he’s a good I I think he’s a good long shot the other one and you tell me if he’s a long shot

Gary I think walking Neeman is a is a quality long shot maybe maybe not considered in that flyer but he is also a special exemption I think that’s the definition of a flyer Yeah It’s Tricky I mean these guys who who you know whatever the odds are going to show and

I think that you know neeman’s odds will be well I don’t think they’ll be reflective of a long shot um but I think in terms of the public discourse and other than the intelligence JY on you know the desk of a live from where you

Guys are going to get into the Weeds on a lot of people and he’s going to get you know the due conversation that he deserves yeah I think so I mean in the general public who knows much about him and he’s not playing on the PJ tour so

And again this is not to disparage live it’s just yeah I think that’s fair um I’m going to say someone like McKenzie Hughes um I think McKenzie Hughes is at a place 33 years of age uh showing up more on leaderboards and here’s the other thing which I know it’s an

Intangible but I think it matters I think this guy like is willing to share his thoughts on things that to me is reflective of confidence and confidence is is a byproduct of a lot of things it’s not just Talent it’s discipline it’s preparation it’s believing you

Belong um this guy belongs man and he’s got a lot he’s playing for this year and playing for the Masters is more than you you know being on a president Cup team in your home nation I think that he is and you guys were around him and he’s a

Charlotte guy I I think he could have an excellent week good I I think McKenzie’s starting to believe how good he is now and I think it’s taken him a little while because I I remember playing with him a couple years ago and he’s asking me all these questions I’m like you know

What you beat my head in why you asking me all these questions but now he’s finally he’s starting to get to that point and I think the confidence is right I think he he believes what he’s doing is along the right lines and yes I think McKenzie’s actually a really good

Pick short game and putting is his strength has really struggled ball striking driver iron play uh just about three four weeks ago he started working with a guy here in town in Charlotte Mark Wood who’s at caramel Country Club yeah I saw him out there recently it is

Uh I I think watching him play at the Players Championship the way McKenzie fought to make that cut watching him at vbar the way he got himself in contention now hit some bad shots coming down the stretch hit it left on uh 12 and rinsed on 13 but made two good

Bogies from those positions and then the clutch finish he he he birdied 18 to jump out of I think a five-way T4 and into a two-way T3 so you talk about President’s Cup points FedEx Cup points I think McKenzie is trending OIC points Olympic points I think McKenzie’s

Trending on an upward note and he told me he had not he had had a swing coach in over a year and he was really lost with Direction didn’t you know would go out there trying to find something every day with his iron play and now having

Having the direction of a guy like Mark Wood who I know from experience got me on the right track working on the right things and and on a clear trajectory I think it’s going to be huge for McKenzie and he’s gonna have a heck of a year I

Love the long shot pick for him I don’t know if he’ll win The Masters but I see him winning this season okay um how about you you already kind of showed your hand on first Tim because you you were talking about first time major winner how about a first timer at the

Masters having a good week it’s the same guy right yes the obvious one would be the same guy but I think his rder cut teammate could have a really good week that Nikolai hoard I think this guy is the real deal as well seen enough of him

On that West Coast to to really believe um I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see this guy popping up there and I’m going to throw one more at you that you’re going to be shocked I know you know he’s a first- timer but wendam Clark has

Never has never played the Masters I mean US Open Champion top 10 player in the world wendam Clark’s gonna have a great week I he’s he’s he is to me um it’s it’s it’s cool as hell to see somebody who who has this immense talent and and starts to understand and unlock

All the things that that are the reasons why you know you start to do what he’s doing and I think for him and you guys you know have been around him you understand the people who know him best self-defeating crisis of confidence things that that that affect performance

He’s in a such a different place and the fact is is that I I thought for him to show the you know the kind of grit that he did late at the Players the second shot he hit on 16 you know we’re going to focus on the violent lip out hey man

That little shelf back there where he he just I got nothing to lose I got to take this on uh and I love the crane Cam that second shot the t- shot on 17 I think the second on 16 was even better uh and then his second on 18 because it was

Downwind he loved that he thought that was closer than it was like he kind of picked up his right leg like yeah get as close as you look he is he’s got the goods man I I mean are there four guys in the world better than him not not

Currently and this the shot into 17 the wind had switched Midway through that round and since the wind switched down out of the right nobody hit it there nobody hit it that close Xander doesn’t hit the shot he hit had Windam not shown him the way first

Uh and it was both Scotty Harmon and Windham playing into 18 the players they all three thought they hit incredible shots and all kind of did funny things windham’s putt on 18 harm had the same putt low kizner had a putt to win outright back when Ricky

Fowler won missed it low like for the fact that Windam actually caught a piece of that hole because nobody reads that putt right that there everybody misses low no matter how hard they try he hit it hard he caught the lip like I I I think windham’s a baller um I think uh

Maybe some of his takes on wanting 100 man PGA Tour Fields already is a little bit suspect to me considering he was playing in additional events last year at this time in punana but but his game is is pretty darp that’s like twice as many as he

Wants yeah I’m with you I’m with you on that you’re feeling Windham Clark too I mean oh you you have to I I agree with you I don’t think you could name four guys that are better in the world right now yeah um all right you you me

Mentioned you mentioned walk Neeman as a long shot let me give you let me give you one other who’s got a really good record there that I think has shown that he still has something in the tank when I thought he was done uh and that’s Justin Rose Justin Rose uh and Mark

Blackburn is part of our masters preview series and and and you know I encourage people to watch him talk about the approach of not only Justin Rose but k mo C’s now working with and obviously Max h he’s run second here twice in 15 and 17

Guy made a bushel full of putts at the Ryder Cup like I thought it was over man I thought it had dried up and God love you I thought maybe he’d even go to live and and cash a career check for past performance um would not be surprised if

He had a good week guy’s got institutional knowledge and he’s got he’s got more tread on his tires and I thought he had tell you what and he he he’s got the the iron game that is very very solid you mentioned Augusta being a second Shot Golf Course Rosie’s always

Been very very good with the irons very good with the distance control I think that’s actually a good pick I love what he does with his iron play Brennan he does when he worked with Foley for all those years he had that training aid that had the backwards curving shaft it

Was like a tour Striker where you really had to have a lot of forward shaftan and I mean and it’s he has been so consistent in the way he’s worked at it I I love Rosie as a person and I think that’s a wonderful flyer pick okay all

Right before we get to well let’s do one more and then I want you to touch on a hole or two before you guys pick winners give me give me somebody not the winner but you’re you’re absolutely as certain of them as anybody to finish in the top

Five Scotty schaffler okay because I’m not picking him as a winner but yes he will finish in the top five yeah he would have to be if he’s not your pick uh Xander schafle okay I’m gonna say kka I mean I mean come on man I mean he’s just he is he

Guy loves it I and I love the fact that it’s very plausible that and especially now with Liv And even if he wasn’t on live that he finishes his career with seven majors and seven additional regular wins which would be one of the craziest resumés ever and I think he

Actually wants it to be that way like I think he like to be like the true greatest like major Specialist of all time I I I think think he’d be totally digging that Vibe as being that’s who he is yes he would be I mean because he

Would be the only one ever that kind of a not even close not even close all right give me a give me give me two holes and you can’t say 13 you can’t say 15 um that you think are are are key holes but underrated great hard holes I

Think seven okay I think seven a very underrated hole that way you tee off back there in that different hole it was 25 years ago very very straight hole you uh you’ve got to you got to pick your shot shape off there and the thing I

Love about seven is that if you do get out of position there it gives you the opportunity to hit some cool shots in there using all those slopes on the greens um and again it’s a very exacting Target that green is so so narrow um Seven’s one for me for sure that was

That was it was great to be behind that te in 2019 and had bogey four and five and he was teetering and Molinari looked bulletproof and Molinari hit a foul ball left and tiger hit a bullet down the the right center and he made three and

Maliner made five and it was game on I was with Ben Dawn I said you ain’t going anywhere now you’re not driving back to Orlando you’re staying with me yeah I would say so give me a see I think seven Seven’s my favorite approach shot out

There I well seven and and 14 if I had to pick a hole in the back nine I think’s underappreciated it’s 14 there’s not a bunker on the hole it’s become a much tougher t- shot there’s not a whole lot of room to go back these guys all

Hit Fades with the driver and the way that that hole turns right to left and and the the the Fairway kind of cambers left to right so it’s very hard to hit a fade in that Fairway and then the second shot if you’re in position is so much

Fun I love hitting second shots where you can aim 15 yards away and that’s the line to Ho out also my first time playing there uh not in the Masters but with uh a friend I hold out my first round at Augusta on 14 so it’s did you

Really where was the pen it was in the middle and I played it off the slope and it was a long slow delay but it was a that’s that’s a very memorable hole to me and I think probably the most underrated hole on the back on the back

N i I’m I’m with you we when again another plug for another part of our preview series with Gil H talking about McKenzie design and specifically that whole um he he thinks that that green is not only art but it is it is without question one of the great greens ever

Constructed likely not the kind of green that could be constructed today unless you want it to be your last green that you build because your career might be over I it it’s it’s remarkable to see it and and the Mounds that front the right

Portion like you ju you to see it in a two-dimensional way is not the appreciation you need if if you are going to to Augustin na whatever day make a point to go out there and see that green but to see the whole hole like you said it’s not comfortable from

The te it’s going right to left Fairways going in the opposite direction uh sneaky great to me I I mentioned tiger making bogey on five and 19 five historically terms of it was supposed to be McKenzie and Jones they they looked at the Road Hole especially up at the

Green the way that that green is construed red uh to be an homage to the Road Hole very hard to build uh it was really challenging to deal with the debris that was on that slope on the fifth Hole uh to remove it all and you

Think about the length of that hole in those big giant caverners bunkers on the left hand side and again the false front which is very extreme uh and you can add four when four is all the way tipped out four and five is it is like the the

Worst combination of a of a you know a straight right and a left hook early in your round imaginable those two holes yeah four I have four written down as well just because I mean back te like you said you’re trying to hold a hybrid

Of four iron and and to to be so precise that bunker you have to know where to miss the fourth green and five now they’ve moved that te back I mean I don’t I don’t I know you can’t reach those bunkers but I I I don’t even think

I could you at those yeah right come on you need I need a retraction on that comment please uh you’re hitting it like 230 big dog um at least I can hit it further than my weight uh but five the thing that makes five so great is that the front of that

Green it’s kind of like 14 it’s just wild and you’re coming in there with a four or five iron trying to land it into a spot to keep it on the green that’s if they’re firm it’s like a pool table you’re trying to hit it on I I love the

Second shot into five I love watching it I don’t know if I love hitting it I was going to say five as well but number one number one is a hard hole there’s nothing like a friendly handshake is it the hardest opening hole in major championship golf one at Oakmont one at

Oakmont’s hard just because that green runs away from you so so fast man I’d have to think pretty hard Quil holl well I mean the the the way it is now um and obviously PGA and 25 at Quail I here’s one stat since 2003 it’s been either first or second fewest greens

Hidden regulation percentage and it was first eight years in the last 20 on the entire Golf Course the entire golf course I mean think about that think about the immediate stress that the opening hole first of all where you guys play from now where that tea is and to

Look at that right bunker and the idea that guys look at that and just go yeah okay I just just take it over that bunker which is just insane but look John ROM made six out of the box last year but the fact that you know that the

Likelihood is that maybe that that two out of the four days you’re going to miss the opening green and and you’ve got to get up and down on a green that I think is sneaky hard um that that is it’s easily one of the three hardest opening holes a major championship golf

And and I I think that nerves play a big factor in that I mean we you and I have shared our stories first time at Augusta and it was Friday that I really felt it and I hit it at the into like the old press building 70 yards right of that

Bunker and made triple starting out I know you did you make double your first time yeah I I just missed the green off to the left and I put my wedge behind the the ball I was like there’s no way I can chip this I went straight to the

Putter made my six and was on my way the I was so so here are a few like going this is below 40% for the week 06 12 12 13 15 16 or or 16 17 and 18 in 2017 31% Green’s hitting regulation in the opening you really can’t hit that green

From the right bunker yeah and it’s such an awkward t-shot the Miss into the left Woods is is a really difficult angle to even run something up I mean I think the t-shot combination with the severity of the green it is it’s a it’s a it’s a

Piece of art that hole let me uh one one last thing uh about another hole you’re thoughts on 17 I mean this is the 71st hole of of a major championship and in the absence of the isenhower tree you guys both saw it before um and it’s it’s

It’s obviously it’s different um what what do you think about 17 it’s tight it’s a it’s a very narrow t-shot but if you execute it especially as far as most players are hitting it now it’s a pretty lackluster second shot it’s a wedge nineiron I love the back ride hole

Location and if you go deep your toast or right I think the green complex itself is wonderful I just wish we were seeing more seven irons into that green yeah I I think probably more so than any other hole on the golf course it’s the one that’s affected by the distance that

The ball’s going and the the guys are hitting it now I agree with you I think if if you are on that sort of on that up slope still where you’re hitting a mid iron in there very very difficult second shot these guys that are flicking wedges

In there it’s kind of a very easy 71st hole and there’s just no room to push that te back cuz it goes right into right into the hillside on 16 and there’s just no you can’t really do anything about it you wouldn’t push the green out you’d have what 10 yards to

Play with before he started interfering with 18 so there’s nothing they can kind boxed in as far as yardage on that hole you’re you’re right all right let’s get to um who’s going to win this I’m gonna pick Wen nean I really am I think this

Guy this guy showed me a lot what he did you love the Live card man love the Live card he’s he’s trying to get a spot yeah he really is trying to go Anthony Kim letters um I I think the fact that he traveled around

The world he showed me a lot and uh I watched a lot of him play on the live and it looks good his game looks very very good yeah boy special invite um again he’s he’s he’s a fantastic player Scotty Sheffer I I I mean I hate to go

To it but I I think he’s why I mean you want to be know I’d like to I’d like to have a winner I mean Brendan’s already used all of his Scotty sheffler picks for the year you really have I think you are over budget there close $50,000 fine

For using gu too many times seriously uh but I just think what he’s done at at Bay Hill the players I I just think he’s going to be there the putter is trending his short game so good he’s already won the Masters before I think that makes it

Easier for him he knows what it’s going to feel like I I just don’t see any other option I’m picking as well uh you know again 3 months ago two months ago maybe even a month ago I I still was going to kind of lean into to to Jordan

Spe it’s it’s too much he’s too he’s lethal I think we are on the cusp of of you know as good a run through winning a lot of golf tournaments including picking off a major or two and again winning one each year is a is a massive

Thing like I’m not not going to come back in here before balla and just go yep he’s winning another one although I might if he wins by five I just think that he is you mentioned about the birth of the child and and that is a consideration but I just think he

Compartmentalizes things he has no clutter in his life and and he has found a place and to and to go back the week before the players where he was getting ready to defend having not won sense and to go to Bay Hill and to go to the

Players and do to to to make the statement he made on that Sunday without even a a thought of him making a bogey um he’s different level man he’s different level this stuff is this is weird it’s hard to do what you guys did uh for living but I think he’s nobody’s

A sure thing he I am as confident in him having a chance to win this is anybody I’ve thought of in in some time he’s that good I I agree I do agree the thing I I think that that is makes him so special right now and I can’t think about any other

Player in the field this way Scotty sheffler does not have to have his best stuff to win The Masters which he’s proven over the last year and a half if he has his best stuff he will run away with it if he doesn’t have his best

Stuff he’ll still have a chance to win I just think he’s the most consistent and I I don’t think we can say that about any other player in this field like Jordan spe for him to win he he better bring everything yeah and and I just think Sheffer has that luxury of of

Having that ball striking to fall back on that he doesn’t have to be perfect every day the other thing is like wendam Clark’s in a very very good place um but there these other guys who we consider that we see on a regular basis uh on the

PGA tour like there a lot of these guys are going through a patch right now Klay chafl Justin Thomas Jordan spe like inning droughts like moving in on two years having not won a golf tournament and you’re going to not that they can’t all potentially break out and win this

Golf tournament but this is a weird like like coming together of one guy who’s in like almost full stride again and his chief competition not in good places collectively it’s it’s very true it’s very seldom that you see a guy that hasn’t had either a good West Coast of

Florida swing come to Augusta and win you very very seldom see that and I like what you’re saying there Scotty Sheffer he’s got won recently I think that adds to it even more well we’re looking forward to you uh having a different role uh your roles uh I they can’t do

With you at Augusta Asal what was done uh at the stadium course I look forward to you riding a a unicycle at vhalla uh but that won’t be the case at Augusta National uh but I know you’re excited about the radio thing this is a this a a

Different role you you’re you’re willing to try anything I know you’re excited about this right I am I’m very excited to be on the morning live from for seven straight days and then Thursday through Sunday I’m out on the golf course I start in the grand stand behind four

Calling action on four and then I move to the grand stand on 14 getting to call 13 which is going to be incredible and then I move to the to the little tower on 18 so I’m uh you know I love the Masters it’s my favorite tournament in

The world and to be able to be on site and be a small part of it is going to be a really special gear yeah I I look forward to watching you cut the line in the Press building for every wonderful meal that they and some maybe some crows

Nests at after 5:00 yeah look at you uh how about you how will you consume all of this I’m going to watch a lot of it I’m going to remove My Wife and Kids for four days and tell them to go find good at that yeah find them some go find

Someone else to do I’ll watch a lot of it I really will I I’m with Johnson this is my fav event I I do love watching this and um I’m going to see as much as I can yeah I I you know to to be there

I’m glad that I never took it for granted and I look forward to being there again and and and all of it and when you’re if if you are going and I know we did some little Master’s minutes there’s so many places on that property kind of take it in places that you

Wouldn’t necessarily think of I mean I think if you have time go over to the par three course and just look at that that beautiful piece of the property over there um And Then There Are Places on on the front nine like I I think three is spec just a spectacular little

Spot and my my favorite place I don’t know It’s haunting is something about Billy Joe Patton and and kinshaw even reminding himself of it in 84 the turning point on 13 not only looking toward the tributary of Ray Creek but when you look back and you see the

Nelson bridge and you see the Hogan bridge and the 12th green and how shallow it is and there’s no fans on that side of it and how much Solitude there must be but also how much pressure as a player to walk back to that 13th T

The silence must be deafening to be back on that te well there’s just such a hum around that whole Golf Course the whole time and and one of the things you know that separates Augusta that is my favorite part about it is that there’s still no cell phones yeah and so whether

You’re on property thank you for mentioning that whether whether you’re on property or you’re watching on TV I’m so sick of seeing a guy in the gallery and or on a teabox and everybody that’s sitting there watching the golf tournament has their cell phone out filming and it’s like are you really

Going to watch that again why don’t you just open your eyes and enjoy the experience and that’s what Augusta brings I think it’s such a throwback that I mean I took my son a couple years ago Saturday for the first time and the the time that we spent you go there to

The Masters and you spend quality time with whoever you’re with and and I think that more places need to take a look at that because it is special I I couldn’t agree more I love when you actually look around and you watch people having a conversation with each other at the what

We used to do 30 years ago they’re actually engaged like used to talk to each other they’re actually engaged like they are listening to what the other guy has to say you’re enjoying each other’s company and it’s it’s unlike anywhere else yeah I don’t I don’t want I don’t

Want to sound like an old man but it really is therapeutic to to look people in the eye and and to know that if you’re going with your brother or a couple of friends or your wife life and and that day is spent in conversation with those people and by the way not

Communicating with your place of business that’s just you’re going to set it aside and there is something I think very therapeutic about the experience of being there not just seeing you know this amazing you know Land of Oz but also the fact that it is it’s the way we

Used to be about things and it’s not this and it’s not this it’s this uh it’s it’s really special I look forward to the wagu and filt uh postcript uh to this seriously I I look forward as everybody does uh to to you guys’ thoughts when this thing is over

And again for everybody out there if you’re not following these guys not only their own individual handles uh but the wagu and filt show on Instagram uh on X as well uh you should be and the beef tips and everything else that you guys are doing we’re lucky as hell to have

You as part of our team team uh and enjoy the Masters thanks Gary you too thank you Gary yes thank you guys and thank everybody out there enjoy this preview and again the Gil Hance design preview Mark Blackburn and the instructional approach to building the

Game plan for some of the top players in the Masters Tournament and most importantly enjoy the Masters Everybody


  1. The weakest field by far.. bunch of am's and past winners, by the time u weed out the ones who have no chance about 25 people to beat… lots of tournaments have stronger fields and are more difficult for the best players to win.

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