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49ers Draft strategy: Is a first-round trade up possible?

#49ers #Niners

Steph joins Ashley to discuss the 49ers draft strategy: what should it be, should they trade up? Go offense or defense? Go BPA?

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Is that do you know I have no idea hi friends welcome back to my channel my name is Ashley Ariana joined by Steph Sanchez today um hope you guys are having a fantastic Monday after a good Easter I was already telling stuff but I’ll let all you guys know if I’m a

Little bit dark it’s because I usually use this ring light if you guys can see and last week it burned out on me and like stopped working in the middle of one of my streams so I was like oh I should get a new one I go to bed that

Night this was a couple nights ago because I didn’t stream over the weekend I go to bed I rest my beautiful little head on my pillow to get some Slumber and then in the middle of the night you know how sometimes like you wake up to

Pee I wake up and I’m like what’s happening and all of a sudden there’s this F florescent light coming from my computer my ring light had turned on and so I was like oh I guess it has to charge or something which I don’t even think that’s how these work you just

Plug them into your computer but I was like okay you know it’s the middle of the night my ring light is possessed by demons this is terrifying um so I just get up I try not to think about it because I’m like you know I need my

Beauty sleep I turn off the light don’t go to Target because I’m like oh obviously my ring light is working now since it turned on in the middle of the night and then right before the stream I plug it in and now it’s not working again so apparently my ring light only

Work between the hours of 1:00 am and 5: in the morning which is going to be a whole problem that I’m going to be talking to the Target employee staff about I’m sure they’re going to be really um helpful with helpful with that uh but yeah so if it’s a little dark

That’s why um aside from that hi Steph I kind of just asked you about how was your Easter did you do anything exciting with family or just hang out uh do you do that like Sunday reset I’m I’m in like a weird in my my Tik Tock Al

Algorithm is like all these girls that on Sunday they like clean their apartment and go grocery shopping and I don’t know why but I like to watch that I guess I’m not uh I’m not quite is organized but you know I I had a good Sunday I had a good weekend so yeah

Ready to get back into the week heck yeah um I went to I went to my grandma’s God I’ve had I have so many like random stories I’m where I’m originally from is like The Boondocks do you know I I bet some people watching since it’s like Bay

Area based Russian River area Northern California um I’m from a small town called ranita which is like literally not even on a map like most people either see gville which is where the Russian River is like wine country Corbell area and then like Forestville and I’m like there’s just like a one

Road blip is where I grew up and my dad and and Grandma still live there and last week I was freaking out because my dad love you Dad who’s not watching this is my number one supporter and is always watching all my streams and he’s also

Like very military so if I if he texts me and I don’t respond it’s honestly really over stimulating he’ll call me message me on Instagram which he doesn’t even use Instagram he only uses it when he thinks I’m I guess not immediately responding to like I’ll be like going

Pee but if he wants to get a hold of me I better answer right away so he’ll like Facebook message me I don’t even have Facebook Messenger but my dad is someone who’s like always very like if I want to get a hold of him there’s never been a

Time where I’ve called and he hasn’t answered so he didn’t watch two of my streams and then didn’t answer the phone and so I started like spiraling and I was like is my dad like dead or something like what happened to him why is he cuz he was sick too and he he

Asked me to bring him cough medicine and I suck and it was like a sun it was like a Saturday and I I got like that car light symbol thing and I told my dad that I had fixed it because but I didn’t I just like hadn’t gone and

Taken care of it I know no one cares about this but anyways I thought my dad was dead because then I tried to call my grandma and then she didn’t answer because I was like oh obviously if my dad died my grandma would have called me

Or my Grandma Di my dad would someone would call me right and like this is literally like I had I had only not talked to him for like four days but I was spiraling in my head I call my little sister who’s also overd dramatic so then she starts spiraling she’s like

I’m gonna call a wellness check on on him I was like please do not call the police um I called him the AT&T tower is just down um in riono so he can’t watch this I don’t remember why that was relevant I went to Easter at their house

And didn’t have cell phone service um but my little cousin was there and I got to play with him and that was fun anyways football happened um that’s what that’s what we do on this stream as we talk about football my dad likes football but can’t tune into the stream

I don’t know how that conversation was relevant but I’m glad we got it over and now we can get into things rock party and Dio Lenor were given some bonuses which makes a ton of sense because they are both severely underpaid and I guess the NFL has a little bit of something

That tries to reward players who far outplay their contract um obviously both of them had incredible years and so they were compensated for that what did you think of that news when it comes to Brock pie and then I’d love to talk to you a little bit more about de Lenor

Because he’s actually a crude three seasons right so he is able to get um an extension if needed and last week I was talking I think with Tom Jensen um or maybe it was Marco from clutch te Sports and we were talking about charvarius Ward and maybe extending him but obviously he’s gonna

Be on the wrong side of 30 coming up now he had a career year but um when it comes to demo 49ers drafted diomor Lenor he’s obviously shown to be a very versal player he’s been able to move around when needed and I think if they were to

Extend him this year versus like trying to let him be a free agent or something they could potentially draft a guy if they end up wanting to move on for from Ward and then have demo locked down because they don’t have any cornerbacks locked up after the 2024 season right so

How did you feel when you heard about those bonuses did you even know that was a thing and then um maybe we can get into diomer Lor a little bit yeah I thought like the bonuses were just like a part of their like agreed contract already but it seems like this

Is outside of that so yeah it’s pretty nice for those players especially for Brock who we know is severely underpaid just based on his production and you know uh what he’s done for the team and being the starter for the last um you know year and a half uh you know I

Definitely think he deserves it also Lenor has been awesome I think you know if if this was the team kind of deciding to to give him that or I don’t know the NFL I think it just speaks to how important I think he is going forward for this team and and to your

Point like there’s um you have money Ward you have Ambry Thomas and you have dador Lenor who were your starters last year um we know the top two guys are Mooney Ward and dador Lenor both of those guys are not under contract past 2024 so they’re playing this year and

Then they’re a question mark right um and I think between those two guys like if I had to pick you know i’ I’d probably go with Lenor just because Mooney Ward’s been awesome I mean he he’s had the capability of being like a shutdown guy and the both of

Those guys together have been great and it it’s allowed the secondary to you know kind of grow but I think Lenor just being the younger of the two I think uh it would make sense for for him to stick around um and the 49ers to sign him to a

Longer term deal I mean he’s only 24 and like after after the 24 season he’s he’ll be you know 25 let me see when his birthday is it’s uh it doesn’t show me his birthday but um yeah so he’ll be like around 25 and I think that right there should tell you

He should be the guy the 49ers should look to um you know keep Mooney Ward on the other hand is 27 so his birthday being in May so he’s he’s about to turn 28 um birthday is October 6th oh okay great thanks um yeah but

Yeah like for for money I’d be open to bringing him back but but I I just don’t know if the 49ers could afford like to bring he he might have like outplayed outplayed himself at like played himself into a higher price contract is that like what you’re um

Thinking yes and no and also like if if that’s how he feels that he he wants more right which you know he he has every right to feel that way um you you just have to keep in mind that he’s getting older it’s not as much a big

Deal with Lenor because he’s getting older he would still be young uh Mooney would be entering 30 years old you know say in the time of an extension you know say if it’s like two at least two years so um that would be I guess like my hesitancy with with Mooney over Lenor

And you have to remember too they also have um you know a lot of people talk about Samuel wack the 49ers are not interested in in which sucks like I like him but darl lutter is the guy they they drafted last season I believe he was one

Of their fifth round picks last year right so definitely someone who they kind of hyped up you know after the draft I remember Adam Peters and and John Lynch kind of saying like he was he he can start right away kind of thing is unfortunately like an early

Injury kind of derailed his rookie season they kind of like stashed him a bit but you know I think his time is coming do soon as well um and they also sign yam Isaac yadam right who we can figure is probably going to be one of

The starters at least he’s he’s going to be favor to be the starter this season um but I would then expect darl lutter to hopefully start okay so maybe maybe you’re show uh showing why quarterback might not be as like an essential dra draft pick as I as I’m saying not that

Maybe they’re not GNA go like first cup you know in between first round I still think they could and I definitely like it wouldn’t surprise me or upset me at all if they went with a corner in the first two rounds just because they’re two main starters and you could even

Sayum if yeah you could even say the guy they drafted this or sorry the guy they signed in free agency this year yam uh who’s going to be like that third guy it’s a one-year deal so he also going to be so who do you have after that you

Really just have Daryl lutter I think Samuel WILX on the outs maybe as soon as you know roster Cuts this season Amry Thomas we know is probably gonna be out so yeah yeah I I would say they definitely have to look at a corner at some point and that’s why like sometimes

In mock drafts if Kool-Aid mckinstry is there at 31 yeah you know I I take them right just because you know a lot of a lot of people uh uh I think are hesitant because he had the Jones fracture I get that but he also wouldn’t need to fall

Uh he also wouldn’t need to play right away so you know I think I’m more and more open to the idea of them going defense with that first round pick which I’m I mean I’m still not like 1,00% you know what I mean but like I can understand the argument for it where

I think for a while I was like this is completely not even acceptable um I do think that they tried to like solidify their roster in a way so they could go best player available um within the draft and not try to like reach for for someone if

The offensive lineman that they’ve you know had their eye eyes on goes I know that uh Mr Corey says I hope we trade up for various memes I’ve heard a lot about memes I was pretty I was talking to Tom Jensen who that’s his like draft C Crush

So he was very like you know I after talking to him I was like okay that kind of makes sense but then I hear you know of a guy who’s only played you know started eight games that does scare me I you know with this being the first first

Round pick that the 49ers have had so long it still in some ways is a gamble like you’re gambling on traits and maybe it feels like a little bit more um of a sure thing because he you know went to a good school and everything like that and

And in the games he has played has has shown up very well but I do still think it’s kind of scary to it it feels a little more like a reach and um I forget the guy’s name I think it started with with a J but I think maybe there’s like

Six guys who are projected to go like way earlier up in the draft and I don’t know if the 49ers would be able to get that far up there but if they could go and get a guy who’s started for you know a a long time I think that might be a

Better better thing for them to do but I don’t know it’s hard to say that right because then maybe Mims will will go to the you know the team right after the 49ers or whatever because I think everything we’ve heard is if he fall

That you know to 31 it would be like a blessing for the 49ers so so it’s kind of hard for me to be like oh like they shouldn’t draft him then because it feels like everyone else is saying it would be like a really great move um I

Just still think it makes sense maybe it’s just like PTSD on my part with the 49ers kind of missing on some draft picks where I’m like oh please make sure that these guys can can end up being long-term starters it feels like this draft it is important to kind of

Start getting like the new crop for the bet I don’t know how to like say that um in the bet because obviously maybe every draft is getting the new crop but like it feels like the for lack of a better words the like ability to run it back

Revenge tour with the main stars that they have now this might be their like last year and moving forward obviously I still think they’ll carry some of those guys with them but I think it will be there’ll be a higher rate of turnover not just because of dra of Brock P’s

Extension if if he ends up getting that with which Jed York at the Orlando meetings basically you know said that it’s not a bad problem to have and it sounds like as long as BR Brock pie you know at least keeps up the same level of

Play he had last year not not that that’s easy he was you know performing very well but if he does it sounds like the 49ers are more than willing to extend him but it’s not only because of Brock’s extension that they would be doing that turnover this team is just

Getting older so they’re going to need to start moving off of guys and having more of their draft picks play I think after the last two rounds it’s like CH uh sorry it’s Brock py and and uh brown right J Jr Brown are like the only two guys who are consistently starting last

Year from from the most recent drafts and then obviously Aaron Banks I think but that was three years ago right um yeah but anyways with with um just to total up my my Lenor thing I was more on the I’d rather keep Ward than demo mindset

At first just because I think ward has had such an Ascension with the 49ers and has performed so well I really like his mindset I also love diam Leno’s mindset if anyone follows him on Twitter I feel like I need a little bit of his like self-confidence like whatever belief he has in

Has it himself is why he’s been able to you know have such a great career being you know not the highest round draic that that he was he’s still been able to solidify himself as a starter for this team um I think it would be a great

Business move for the 49ers to try to get something done this off season because I think it could actually end up being a lot cheaper now I don’t know if Don nor has like the ability to say I’m not interested maybe he would want to test free agen because I think he could

Probably get more if he does become a free agent but yeah locking at least one guy down I think would be very smart and then I can still even even with that I can still see the 49ers drafting Corner H High I was gonna actually ask you when

We’re talking about the draft kind of like going into it looking at the different sides of the ball looking at defense I was going to ask you if you thought that they um with all the moves that they’ve made in free agency if their defense has improved or is just as

Good as it was um last year and specifically I was going to talk a little bit about their run defense when when we talked about draft because I I was talking to um Eric Crocker and he has a draft Crush who is a defensive lineman but him and I were

Kind of talking about well actually is it’s kind of like what is what’s the saying like did the chicken come before the egg type of thing like um do you want to fix the defensive line more or actually is solidifying the secondary going to end up helping the

You know what I mean they work off of each other so it is important to solidify that cornerback room um and and I think I like what you said deo’s younger 49ers drafted him that Ascension that we just saw from charar Ward have from you know when he was at the Chiefs

To now de that’s like still in the cards for deep like he can continue to get better where not that Ward can’t but you do see like diminishing or turns after a certain age I feel like so I can see the 49ers trying to prioritize their guys

Kind of like they’ve done on offense I mean I guess Nick Bosa but with de with Debo Now with uh iuk I can see them doing something similar with Deo obviously you know lesser not as much of a star but they still seem to like to

Try to keep their guys on on the team if possible and I think he could be a guy that they get at a discounted rate especially if they move earlier on that now I know that’s not necessarily always what they like to do but could you see

Them trying to trying to get a deal and can Deo say no to that I never understand how that works like yeah if the if the 49ers went to demo and wanted to ex extend him does he have the right to be like I’m not interested yeah like

You know how like like Brandon IU can’t say no if they wanted like unless he wanted to sit out basically I don’t I don’t really understand how that works does that make sense well I mean Lenor is still in the contract um you know until so he he can turn it down and

Pretty much what he would be saying if he turned down an offer from the 49ers is I’m going to play out the rest of my contract so I’m going to bet on myself in 2024 and you know hope that I play at a high enough level that I can ask for

Even more money than what you’re offering me like that’s kind of why a player might say no or if there’s so set on leaving that said team right that could be another scenario which I don’t see that for Lenor um you know I think you know he he would be interested in in

Staying with the 49ers um you know he has liked being here all that stuff so you know I think it’s more so of does that player want to bet on themselves uh and so that would be the question I think the for the 49ers like they probably wouldn’t

I agree with you Ashley that I think it would be smart for them to move I guess quicker on Lenor and rather than waiting till like the end of the season um or yeah the end of next season 2024 um this upcoming season I guess it’s so weird

When we’re in the middle of of off season like what do you call it this season or next um and but I think they would wait until the draft at least right because if a scenario takes place where you they get someone they really believe in in the first few rounds right

That they feel like hey this is this is a guy we feel can be a guy going forward he’s gonna be a starter for us next season like guaranteed like that’s how strongly we feel like if they get a guy like that then they would probably be

Okay with taking that gamble of letting Lenor play out the season and then if he outplays that cont contract all right let him walk because we just drafted like you know his replacement anyway so yeah I think that’s kind of you wait for the draft

See what kind of happens um you kind of hedge on on some things and you know then make some decisions after that but yeah I think uh Corner definitely something that the 49ers should should look to I would say prioritize in the draft whether and and this is regardless

If they bring in Leno or if they extend Lenor or not um you know I think they should look to bring in someone else as well now do you think with just the free agents like pre-draft do you think with just the free agents that they brought

In that this um defense is at the same caliber that it was last year so far always yeah I mean it’s always hard to say you know in March and April you know before any I want you to predict I don’t care that they haven’t played together

And that no one has seen them that completely impossible question well if you if you look at the person I’m gonna hold you to it this is recorded So they whatever you say I’m gonna rewind the during Camp if you look at the Personnel alone that they had started you know

Last season with like this time last year we were probably very optimistic about the defense right and and then kind of underperformed uh so just there’s that as well like if the 49ers don’t underperform on defense this season then yes it could be better not because the players themselves are

Better but you know because the I don’t know different defensive coordinator they’re being used better you know all those things could play into it as well but if we’re just looking on paper the the thing that tips the scales for me is Eric Armstead right like him

Him no longer being on the defensive line is a huge loss for for the line um and so I I will say that everywhere else I think they got incrementally better you know on the defensive line like I feel like they made small upgrades aside from Eric Armstead because I don’t think

Like again um you know I don’t think that’s someone you can replace with just one guy um yeah you know so I think if you look at all the other guys they’ve lost on the defensive line I think you could find a onetoone kind of replacement for those players or maybe

In Eric’s case you can find a couple guys who will probably take on you know what his role what it was before right so you know I think I’m I’m optimistic about it I think the thing that’s going to be different and that that’s another thing that will make it hard to compare

Is like how how many new ring Les are they goingon to be with with Brandon Staley being in the house right like obviously kind of yeah like obviously Nick senson is the defensive coordinator you know but we know Brandon Staley is going to have some influence on game

Planning and what you know what kind of happens on Game Day right so how how are they going to be used that’s a it’s not just Personnel it’s like a coaching difference right like you’re saying I know I think I heard I think it was Robert Salah in Orlando was talking to

Some people and he was saying that he felt like a big problem with the defense last year was just the lack of disguising that was going on um pre- snap so maybe like it’s not even just a I just hit myself in the face with this

Um maybe it’s not even just like a Personnel thing but also if the coaching they go after if they uh switch some things up maybe that will also affect it now what scares me is obviously ly the run defense was a huge you know the biggest problem from for them last year

Compared to previous Seasons when maybe we thought that the defense was a little bit more dominant and I think green law was like a Hu you know he’s a huge uh guy who was able to tackle and stop things from happening and I know that I

Think I think it was Sean Lynch was like oh yeah like er uh dry green L might try to try to start week one but then he also said that he could start on the pup list I maybe I don’t understand these things but I assumed that he was going

To be you know at least the shell of himself for even maybe a lot of the Season at least regular season I I still put like a year on these things I know some some people I think uh Derek Henry came back in like nine months or

Something like that um there were rumors of Aaron Rogers come coming back but then he didn’t actually ever practice or come back um when it comes to being a linebacker you’re really like a you know anchoring in the ground with that Achilles it’s not like you’re just like

Standing back there not saying that standing back there is easy either but I I don’t know I’m not Assuming he’s going to be the weak one start I do see there possibly being a regression in the linebacker area for them and and maybe that affecting the defense but obviously also maybe they’ll

Scheme around you know what I mean maybe that just means they’re going to play defense in a different way so maybe it won’t actually show up but I do when I think of Dr greena I think of a loss you know when I when I think that’s yeah

That’s another one too that’s definitely a loss like when you ask me I was thinking more of the defensive line just because there’s been so many departures and then like additions but like yeah I mean that’s that’s a big one as well and it all kind of hinges on dandre Campbell being the

2021 DeAndre Campbell right all pro season and I don’t it it seems like according to him he was misused so but but but okay because when he first said that I was like this makes sense everyone in the world bashed um what’s his name the guy the Packers defensive coordinator Joe Barry Joe

Barry but that’s when he had his breakout season with Joe Barry first of all so it’s like it’s not like there was a change in defensive coordinator and all of a sudden he did worse also when Kenan was asked about like what he liked about deantre Campbell he talked about

His rookie year and how impressive it was he was able to play his rookie year because guys nowadays who are coming back coming back at the Lineback coming out coming out of the draft of the linebacker position I’m sure I can phrase that better um but it usually takes them two

Or three years to I guess start playing in the league with the way that they play in college versus in the NFL now and so Kyle shanan spent the majority of the time when he was asked to talk about like the skill set that Drew him to him

Talking about how impressive it was he was playing his rookie year but that was like multiple years ago so I was like well that doesn’t really affect how he is right now um so yeah I mean I I assume just because I do believe in Kyle and John’s ability to bring in competent

You know coaches so far I and kind of scheme around these things I mean they had Colton mivit starting on the offensive line and he you know there’s a lot of I think I was looking at Pro Football Focus grades on him and he wasn’t even like graded that poor brly

Um so I think that the 49ers do a good job at like covering up for areas of weaknesses so I can see them doing that but you’re still like spending resources covering up for that where M where if you just have a guy who’s not even like

A serviceall player but Dre Greenlaw is like a star then like I think that you can allocate more resources to you know playing the game a different maybe more effective way instead of trying to like cover up for a whole you might have so I could see that being do you think that

They’ll maybe in the later rounds dra dra any linebacking position or they did did they draft a line they they have some younger linebackers that haven’t played right they they brought in two um you know last season they they drafted D Winters and then free agent or he was a later round

I I I don’t remember but um I always forget his name I don’t know why um it was I have cam latu on my brain who I there you go Jaylen Graham um yeah so Jaylen Graham they resigned dff as well right uh Demetri flan fouls so he’ll be

There um but he’s he’s more so like you know I think you know more depth than anything you know I think it’s fair to say that there is going to be a drop off at the linebacker spot um you know where green law played but yeah I I do agree that

They do sometimes do a good job of masking it but it might be at the expense of other things I don’t know so um yeah it’ll be interesting yeah Jaylen Graham was drafted I believe he was one of the seventh round picks I know he was

Just way late so uh both of those guys uh so hope 49ers is hoping one of those guys could take a next step right like if D Winters can you know push dandre Campbell a little bit in training camp who knows maybe D Winters gets an

Opportunity to to play some uh in green Law’s absence okay I love that um maybe moving off of that I can ask you a little bit more than talking about the defense and because because like I said we spent or the 49ers not we spend a lot of

Resources on the defense and free agency and I was originally GNA be extremely disappointed if they didn’t go offense and specifically offensive line with their first couple picks but maybe it’s more likely than I assumed now have you heard of I have his name written down um

Because I’m pretty bad at draft stuff but uh Darius Robinson apparently he has long arms really good run run stopper extremely fast physical anchors hard is 65 287 but apparently looks leaner and moves leaner even though or moves like more fluidly than you would assume even

Though he is a very big strong guy uh like I said I was talking to Eric Crocker about him um not on stream but just like between the two of us and he said that that was kind of one of his draft crushes who and he I guess is um

Projected to go kind of earlier on and he could see the 49ers really liking a guy like that do you think that the 49ers could use that first round pick on a defensive player whether or not it’s uh Darius Robinson or a cornerback or something else or do you think that it

Is oh no matter what which I think is what fans want to hear the closer we get the more like the the less I can see him taking an offensive line offensive line I don’t know if it’s just like and it’s crazy because when they signed uh I was going to say mcglinchy

Uh mckids to that extension I you know I said this doesn’t mean they don’t take an offensive lineman in the first round which I still feel that but when you look at how the draft is kind of projected to go and how many offensive tackles are projected to

Go earlier than the 49ers pick then you get into this weird situation of well you you don’t want to reach for someone just because you need an offensive lineman right like you don’t want to there’s like guys who are like in the 60s it’s like well the 49ers could get

Them at 31 but then that’s yeah yeah or just see you know just any example right that but yeah I I don’t like that scenario either so and then you also kind of look at like positional value as well and that’s where things like an edge rusher like Darius Robinson

For example who I know is it he you know yes he’s very unlikely to be there at 31 but let’s just say like a different position like a Kool-Aid mckinstry just another position that that player would be ranked higher than the six seventh tackle you know at 31 let’s just say

Like you’re at that point the decision would be okay third best corner versus seventh best tackle offensive line you know so like what do you do at that point you know you know um and so the more I think about and and see like all these insiders talking about how all

These offensive linemen are going to be gone like well before then I think the 49ers if they do want to tackle and they’re set on a certain tackle in the first round they’re gonna have to trade up for him um or take a swing on someone

Who’s a bit of a not a project but maybe just like someone who you’re not sure would start right away you know um so then that kind of defeats the purpose too because all the fans like want someone who can compete exactly so like if you know that

It’s not someone who has that much of an impact right away then that also goes into the decision as well and then you know I’d probably lean towards another position at that point rather than taking a guy who’s not not going to be an impact player right away and he’s

Going to just be another guy who we develop along with all the other guys who we have drafted to develop right like the Nick zel you know the all these other guys so um yeah can I ask you can I ask you if you would be in favor of

The 49ers moving up I know that you keep uh track of all the guys that they bring bringing in and stuff I think it was more in the beginning and and not so much anymore but for a while it looked like they weren’t looking at a ton of

Guys in the second round and I was kind of thinking that maybe they were they were set on solidifying that first and second round pick to move up higher I know since then they’ve been you know they’ve obviously expanded everyone they’ve looked at a lot more but is that

Something that you would be in support of the 49ers doing like are you Pro kind of sitting where you are taking best player available or do you think maybe it’s smart if there is a guy on their draft board that they feel like they you know feel really strongly about the

Ability of that guy to perform well be a plug-and play starter like we’re talking about um do you think it is worth it to because they have 11 draft picks but I know like earlier rounds are obviously more important um do you H what is your feeling on trading up because some

People can say trading up is more like reaching because then if you miss on that guy it’s kind of like you missed out on two picks you know or three I mean yeah I think I would be open to the 49ers trading up uh I think the sweet spot for them would

Probably be in the 20s and I would even say like mid 20s to Mr Corey’s point in the comments yeah like 11 or 10 picks I think they have 10 picks at this point yeah they had to right but 10 you know you’re not going to bring in 10 rookies

To and expect all of them to make the roster right like you know or or be impact guys right away um so yeah I think it’s if there’s someone they feel that strongly about then yeah you make that move but to your point Ashley they have they they better be a guy you’re

Really sure on you know um because yeah and David Lombardi just tweeted this um earlier like an hour or two ago and he said the last time the 49ers owned pick 31 they traded up to pick 25 which again that’s not a lot of picks right um they selected Brandon iuk with that

One it cost them number 31 uh number 117 so fourth rounder and then a fifth rounder so they gave up um you know two additional picks besides their number 31 um in that trade to just move up like what is that six spots so that’s kind of

Crazy I didn’t realize that it I mean yeah if you’re if you’re going in the first round to move up in the first round you always have to give up you know pretty decent amount you know and again it’s a it’s a fourth and it’s a

Fifth rounder um you know now we look back on it we’re like it’s it’s it was Brandon auk like who cares you know that we gave up that much a fourth and a fifth um and so again you you better be sure it’s an impact guy a guy who you

Know you got to be sure on that guy so if there isn’t someone they feel that strongly about then they stand Pat at 31 you know maybe you explore or moving up one or two spots for someone who oh you’re not really sure if they’re going

To you know make it to to 31 right oh I think the Ravens are gonna try to get the guy we want let’s let’s try to you know move up couple spots in front of them right you know so they can they can always do that I feel like that would be

More likely than them moving up like six plus spots um but yeah I mean yeah I definitely be open to it um and yeah would not surprise me now a a different way that they could have a a higher draft pick as if they moved off of Bren and IU but from the

Talks of everyone in Orlando it seems like that’s pretty much not an option for the 49ers unless they were to get a king’s ransom for lack of a better word uh for lack of a better way of phrasing that but how do you how do you feel about

There was reports that came out I think it was earlier this morning might have been late last night that said the 49ers and Brandon iuk were not even close that Brandon iuk is asking for somewhere around $27 million because he wants to get more than dvo Samuel that the 49ers

Are looking to pay Brandon iuk something like $22 million obviously we have no idea where these numbers are even coming from I kind of assume that like the 49ers like I think if the 49ers are at $22 million right now then we should be giving them Applause because I would

Assume that they’re at like 20 right now because it sounds like just from everything we’ve heard it sounds like they start at like we’re gonna pay you 15 and they work their way up slowly and I wouldn’t expect the Brandon iuk offer to be done until what like Late July at

The early I mean with Deo Samuel and Nick Bosa was in late August and September so um hopefully I mean I want them to get I I’m Pro getting iuk down as soon as possible but I think Brandon iuk was saying he wasn’t even going to start really caring about it till after

His birthday which just happened recently uh John Lynch and Kyle shanan and Jed yor I think all talked about the draft you know waiting till after the draft to really deep dive into contract negotiations and stuff like that so once again I don’t know where these numbers

Are from um but just did you hear about this report do you think that at the end of the day Brandon I will make more than Debo Sam do you think that that’s a fair ask for him I kind of assume that just because I

Assume like the cat goes up so I never the market goes up all that yes and yes I I do think he should absolutely want more than Debo Samuel and I think he should definitely get more than Deo Samuel right um and yeah I mean I think

Any worry about it right now in March and April like is is crazy for these reports of they’re very far apart is something we hear literally every every year around this time for any player the 49ers are looking to extend right just because it’s too early like they’re the

49ers have their price that they’re gonna start off with and Brandon nayuk has a price he’s gonna start off with and they’re they’re here and here right the the point of negotiation which I don’t even think they’ve gotten into the weeds of it yet because yeah the 49ers

Said they’re going to wait till after literally was like we’re just talking is to chip is to chip away and try to get to somewhere in the middle or or close where you can compromise on that but like they’re yeah they’re not there yet they haven’t started chipping away at

The numbers and so yeah that that’s why they’re going to be far apart um I mean I just think it’s it’s normal um we are going to get many reports like this from now between between now and and the time this extension happens and it’s that just people people are interested in that

News yeah and you know it it generates engagement and you know people freak out about it so um really really quick before we we get on with the iuk talk um I’m not even gonna try to pronounce this but says is this released in audio podcast form these are hard to catch

Live in New Zealand first of all thanks for listening from New Zealand that’s freaking awesome um I don’t know I was gonna ask step do you do that because I don’t do that but I have heard I know Ryan Hensley was just talking about starting to put his

Stuff on Spotify um I don’t know exactly how to do that yet but I’m really down to figure it out and start doing it um I know that on YouTube at least for me my if you go to like my YouTube page these are in the live section like you can hit

You can watch them after they’ve they’ve been streamed in the live section and even if you don’t want to watch because I’m when it comes to podcast I don’t usually watch I just play it like a podcast you can just play it on your iPhone but I I’m definitely down to

Figure out the Spotify thing I just thought I would ask you step if you do that already then we could yeah I mean I I put my 49 Kats podcast on on um Spotify on Apple podcast but since this this is your show and I’m joining you on

It I I don’t put these I don’t put these on there I just put my 4 carrots um shows on there yeah well everyone please make sure to like And subscribe from step if you’re not already from her Channel which I know a large majority of

You are and make sure to check those out and then um this was a great reminder for me to figure out how to do that and now that I know Steph knows how to do that I’ll be sure to ask her about that so thank you so much for bringing this

Up to our attention and also thanks for watching from all the way across the world I was just um I was just looking at at a map the other day and um my family’s from different parts of of Europe and uh my dad really wants to travel everywhere and since he’s alive

Which if you didn’t catch the beginning of this podcast was a relief to me sounds like we might be going to going to Europe later later on uh I was reading the comments and someone was like wow a lot of a lot of drama for a

Monday and I was like my bad um but okay before I let you go because I do know I think that you have a show up for um there is the new rule with the kick off um there’s a couple new rules but I want to ask you about the kickoff return the

Kickoff rule specifically because now that it’s supposed to be more safe I was wondering if you think it’ll be something that the 49ers maybe are interested in putting Debo Samuel or even um Christian mcaffrey back there to try to try to take more take more of

Those all the way home for touchdowns or if you think that they’ll be drafting a return specialist in the draft maybe trying to replace that uh Ray R McLoud role but hopefully get even you know someone even more they might want to prioritize that more since it sounds

Like that position will be more valuable this coming year or maybe they’ll start off kind of hesitant like I could also see teams kind of trying to figure out how other teams go about utilizing that because it’s gonna I feel like the first year that teams Implement things they’re

Like some teams go 100% in and some some try to just Watch What Happens and then and then you know assess how they’re going to go I don’t know I feel like the the 49ers do seem to be more of like a hesitent team I could see Kyle Shanahan

Be the type of guy who’s not gonna super prioritize that this year more watch what other teams do and then uh go off of that the next year but I would like them to make that a highlight of their team but yeah I mean this is this is the

Year because teams are still figuring it out where the ones who are like prepared for it and do kind of like study the new rule in and out will be able to take advantage of that you know of other teams still figuring it out so how do I think the 49ers are gonna

Look to have Debo there I think they’ll definitely consider it more so than they have in years past and as we know last year yeah exactly so um but you know he wasn’t the full-time guy there it was more just cuz R was out um and you know

Even though he didn’t like really break one I did feel like it like maybe it felt like he could right like yeah it felt like he could so I mean I would even go as far as saying like even Christian mcaffrey juice you know you put them out there and just see

What happens why not I mean if it’s supposed to lessen the injury risk I mean yeah let’s let’s go for it right and regardless I do think the 49ers should try to bring in someone that you know they can uh you know what is it called two two birds kill uh two birds

With one stone one stone yeah and and then bring in someone in a position of need say Corner say wide receiver uh who has experience you know and a lot of experience um in college doing returns you know Ronnie Bell he tried it out but

He he didn’t do a lot of returns in college so that was kind of why like he wasn’t really comfortable with it that’s one thing and and it’ll be interesting to see if they go full force or if they try to pull back with like a Christian mcaffrey for instance because Chris

Mcaffrey I know this was a long time ago but in college was a return he did a lot of returns so yeah right I don’t think I’m wrong about that I I heard he did that but I don’t know when I said that I like saw your

Face and I was like maybe I’m dumb sometimes I say things like a lot of confidence and then someone will like DM me after and be like I don’t know if that’s true like my bad this is the entertainment show okay just kidding but everyone um please make sure to like And

Subscribe to my channel um and then also make it make sure to like And subscribe to Steph’s Channel she’s about to go on in literally like five minutes Mr Corey said would you guys be willing to trade up trade our 25 pick to go into the top

15 I don’t think that that would work I’d be willing to do it potentially but I don’t well actually no I don’t even think do it I want to savor those first round picks we’ve gotten a lot we’ve gotten the 49ers not we Sorry have

Gotten rid of a lot of them for me I want to start prioritizing them um unless it was like they could get one of the you know top three offensive linemen but in order to do that I think you’d have to get into like in between the top

Five and top eight picks so I don’t think that that would be enough to do that because I think people assume the 49ers first round pick is going to be you know later in the draft um you know just just based off how the how they’ve

Been but yeah we’ll talk about this more next week I just thought it was a good question I didn’t want to leave you hanging Corey because I always really appreciate you um but yeah thank you guys so much for tuning in I hope you guys had a great Easter happy Monday um

And yeah make sure to like And subscribe tomorrow I should be live with either uh Jose or if he can’t make it I’ll be doing a call in show so um if I’m doing that please make sure to join me and go Tune In step right now I definitely kept

Her a little bit later than I should have so make sure to go watch her Channel coming up bye guys thank you say peace

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