Golf Players

2004 Brier – Dacey vs R.Howard

Curling Legends Podcast Presents:
Mark Dacey (Nova Scotia) vs Russ Howard (New Brunswick)
Brier Draw 15
Saskatchewan Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
March 11, 2004
#curling #brier

Related Podcast Episodes:

These gentlemen while they’re very very close statistically in all of the areas the leads there’s a little bit of an advantage for sure for New Brunswick but I look to the skips we’ve seen The razzled Dazzle of dacey and we have seen Russ Howard produce some huge numbers

Over the years this is the show that the skips Will Rule and New Brunswick fires redstones Nova Scotia yellow we are underway 78 EAS to eight bite the four just bite of the four hard good good good good nice judge [Applause] guys here’s Grand o shop wonderful week

Again no stranger to Brier competition playing in his seventh Who who guys who B looking for that corner guard spot let’s check out the ice times now brought to you by carer you’ll look for things to clean in the morning we often see that 14 and A2 even 15 will be good enough on draws saw that the ice was a

Little bit stra yesterday and straighter means faster because the rock doesn’t have to curl horizontally as much Hard Away Away hard away come on right up right up one nice fact from New Brunswick Skipper Russ Howard this morning it is superb it’s pretty long guard isn’t it that’s how he described the conditions

On this sheet in particular the morning but all week long so not a lot of complaints from any of the curlers they have consistency and if there’s one thing that curlers seek it is consistency in terms of draw we and knowing where to put the broom and they

Have been given that by two great ice makers H wood and Eric Monford yep yep might move a bit Robbie Rob Harris in his second alack native seen Rob in the stands over the years his wife is Laney Peters who was by Fifth for Colleen Jones in fact was a member of the winning Nova scotian team this year uh yes and I threw just out

Here end it to the corner Center Line should be fine here I threw one here yeah yeah steady as always Mark La second team allar in at the last Bri and he struggled a little bit this week John not with percentages but with illness managed to stay tough I think that for

Most of these players you come to a Brier and you have to be pretty darn sick to want to take yourself out of a game hey hey well Mark BR taking a few chances in this first down he does have last Rock You can see that that red stone is in fact shot and that’s why Mark Dy wants it gone second stone for Nova Scotia second Rob Harris oh you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine shot and the shooter rolls to the back of the four wide open for the team from new brenwick h hey

Hey Hey open for Mark lack and not much a roll after that sorry wouldn’t have minded that to just slide over behind that long guard just a little bit but it’s open to well on the big reason for that John is it gives the daisy team a chance to K

And roll and they would actually like to roll behind more than just the center guard because that allows the freeze very easily for the Russ Howard team down close Bruce lus made some great shots in that Brier final last year great asset playing in his fifth BL a shot and no roll

In the right direction at least more to the open side elusive roll first thing in the morning both skips needing to test out the ice find out exactly where to put the broom for that roll talked about the great numbers by the new wi team James Gratton right at the top of

The leaderboard TI with Randy at 86% some huge numbers by a third over the course of a week John it was a second team Allstar in Halifax the yearo as well a little roll not enough completely visible down the center line as you see talked about the adjustments necessary

Sometimes Mark Daisy not taking very much ice at all they’re throwing ha weight at this Stone we’re seeing with any weight the rocks are running a little straighter keep an eye on the ice this right off y changing weather in Saskatoon this week has been has a bit of a challenge

For the ice makers but as you said a few moments ago really no complaints about the conditions of Brier ice here in sason has prairies hit with a snowstorm yesterday that’s good ice you need more ice and the weather a little more severe farther to the South wait there like I’m Shoveling when

I go home surpris surprised it’s been a little nippy in Winnipeg this week too oh alline l once again looking for the freeze on the stone in the back of the house belonging to Nova Scotia talk to Russ before the game about his games this year with Marc

Daisy how did they do so they hadn’t met very many times and they felt that they probably had won as many as they’d lost so there wasn’t a lot of advantage to either team thr James huh nice throw TR thought you had the first oh that looked like aeed the whole way

Just a matter where we’re going I was trying to keep it straight so you in the hall with the inter yeah yeah talking about the role that they did not quite get we’ve heard that Howard growl over 13 briers now straight peel Good Foot between them

His voice is up a little bit midweek form Dy also a little bit raspy the huge crowds that we have had in this building particularly later in the day means lots of screaming from the skips to make sure that their players can hear them and

That does wear you down by the course of a week yep Mark Dy fourth among skips here with the leader on the standings board heading into the final day with a record of eight and one tied with Alberta but by virtue of the victory over burby yesterday Daisy is sitting technically

In top spot well he is and that’s huge because if they get to the one two game and the things remain as they do John it’s last Rock and that could be a nice start like this yeah what do you got 29 only talking to before the game you see

Firstall skip said you ever get tired of this game and he said as long as I can play and feel competitive I will play and top of the leader board for skips John he can play he can play seven wins in nine games shot Y and that brings

Howard’s record Brier win total to 107 coming into this Championship thought it was a little much 100 wins as he arrived in sason he’s added seven more and back to the last Brier and Saskatoon in 2000 Howard made the final to lose to Greg mccauly yeah looking for the

Nose that would force Russ Howard to make a play at the stone at the back of the house to the wings control who you’re fine you’re fine and so two yellow stones and in that belongings to Nova Scotia are there and that’ll Force Howard to make a play as you

Say you were here on that one lots of experience behind Russ Howard and in the conversation this morning he said you know what it’s not about being at the Brier it’s about doing well and look at the early years he had some great runs not only when

When won but even when he didn’t but look at the latter years those are not bad records by any stretch of the imagination and this year he is definitely in playoff contention this is a man who is far from done at the Briar and no mistake when Howard has made it

To the World Championship he is perfect at the worlds after winning the National Title Here well an interesting change from the hack final Stone to come for New Brunswick’s Russ Howard talked about Mark Daisy nosing that top stone that meant that hit at the back of the house very

Difficult to stick those early on in the game and that’s why R Howard electing to play the Drawline guys you got to go being encouraged yep yep no that’s fine that will be good enough as Howard faces two and draws for one Mark Dy has the Hammer as we head to the second end here on the last day of the round robin in Saskatoon ever noticed the way guys love

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It’s going to be the biggest curling event ever held anywhere in the world the 2005 prior in Edmonton in celebration of Alberta’s Centennial year we invite curling fans from coast to coast and especially those whose family roots are deep in Alberta to be there for the draw of the century the 2005

Brier in Edmonton the largest nday gathering of sports fans that you might ever see reserve your place in history now back in the sports center Newsroom I’m Rod Smith Vancouver KN forward Todd bruzi has been suspended for the rest of the regular season and the Stanley Cup Playoffs the NHL made the announcement

Official a short time ago’s eligibility for the 2004 2005 NHL season will be determined by commissioner Batman prior to the start of training camp under the collective bargaining agreement and based on Mr B’s annual average salary brusi will forfeit at least $ 51,9 126 this amount will be paid to the

League by the club into the players emergency assistance fund as well the Vancouver canx organization has been fined $250,000 for Tuesday gone for the rest of the season including the playoffs we’ll have more reaction around the league later today now let’s send you back to the Brier in

Saskatoon and welcome back to SAS place in Saskatoon first updates of the morning morning as we watch all the sheets here on the final day of the round robin this is Ontario fighting for a playoff spot and hoping right now Mike Harris of Ontario against the Yukon Northwest Territories facing one and

There’s a chance for a bundle here well it can get four John if this rock curls a little bit more but you can see that it hangs out just jams on the back but it’s still good enough for field goal so Harris fighting for a playoff

Spot he needs to win and he needs a little bit help he does over on sheet C it is Daniel lefur of Quebec against Brad gushu at 7even and two from nin land and Labrador gushu is in pretty good shape to be around for the playoffs Quebec has the opportunity here though

In one lying one and a draw for more well it’s a draw for two and this is one of the games where Mike Harris needs some help he needs Quebec to bring New Finland and Labrador back to the field and it is a draw for two but you can see

That the line just is not there on the shot and so it will be only one for Quebec we’ll mark that down a one- nothing Advantage there Ontario gets three and we’re back to the feature match here and before we do that Manitoba struggling again this morning

Prince Edward Island with a three and one and a three nothing Advantage go I’m sure you’ll be able to explain that as we go along this morning all there has been a struggle for the Brent scales team there’s no question about that John they are a very good

Team but like many who come to the Brier for the very first time it’s a learning process and overwhelming too and it is huge crowds and incredible ice conditions but that makes everything possible and sometimes you think you’re Invincible an interesting change the guard at the Brier in recent times

Though and again this year Alberta the only Prairie team or the only Western team in the top four as we head into this final day Nova Scotia ju land and Labrador and New Brunswick rounding out the field is Atlantic that is very strong roll it Grant it has been a struggle for the

Home Province this week again Bruce Cy of Saskatoon three wins and six losses and well out of contention a couple of days ago or at least yesterday for sure but so it’s been a tough road for the Saskatchewan curlers here as well whoa whoa close yep yep hard hard right up Good one rock in the house one just in front as Mark wock winds up same r those are the two rocks in play as we look at it from the overview right now reminder that David Caruso stars in CSI Miami on a special day tomorrow at 109 Central on

CTV two guards in front of the house and tight to the house sty electing to utilize one of those stones and get behind he does have last Rock and so can afford to take chances it’s Heavy little nudge R and that’ll remain fully in the open that’s the big finish that we talk about during reading the ice when the weight comes off the Rocks really really break hard and it’s the anticipation acquired as a result Russ Howard does have the wide open hit now control James gra solid

Brush yes indeed throw peel two options throwing peel at it if it over curls he can run it straight back at a minimum makes the top one go Away who who who who lonus after this it’s a great shot nicely run back and you know John one of the reasons that those straight backs are there and why Mark dacey loves the ice is because Hans W rck always and there he is ensures that the ice will run straight

With the big weight and that’s when you see the big shots when you can put the broom right in the middle of the Rock and throw it that’s exactly what happened here nicely done real empty house H right yep yep and a little more open in front those two New Brunswick

Reds a good throw by James that Yellowstone belonging to Nova Scotia just too tight to the house for wrest yeah first one didn’t a little this way don’t you Yeah it’s Always a lot of 67 Line’s good back for scoa with the hammer and two the second from third Bruce lus got to go got to go still got it hurt just squeaks by that guard what a nice shot great freshing by the front end first thing in the

Morning in there fighting the four on sheet D Ontario against the territories Ontario opened with three and here’s the opportunity for Brian wasney of the territories a chance for couple here lying One Missed an opportunity for a win on the afternoon draw yesterday as close as they have

Come and there’s a pair for the territories so they’ll give Ontario’s Mike Harris a tussle this morning it would appear down to skips rocks in our game playing the freeze with that great shot hide HIIT you got to Go L Perfect come on gr guys James gr to help you got it Y and you wonder how he gets Brier voice nice he’s hoping he’ll be around for another three days into the final on Sunday two in farther you can’t get to the inside talking to R yesterday and he

Was uh saying that one of his problems was they ran out of the at the side of the stands down there and there was no no liquid available for the curlers during a game two days ago yeah I was thinking more like just here Russ is talking about if this rock

Had moved just a little bit more they couldn’t have got to the inside but you can see that for Mark Daisy there’s an automatic that goes that way he has to be very very careful to get by the front and not drive it back Pro side what you

Playing Mark Dy Nova Scotia has the hammer here in two trailing one nothing back line weight saw the Scot and Heather Smith Daisy the skip this year from Team Nova Scotia and there’s little Tai it was Mark walking around with him at the Scot and now it

Is Heather’s turn to cheer on morning Heather and Ty is the youngest child ever to witness a Scott Tournament of hearts and a prior live can I ask Mark at four months old still hates the sound of Applause of the bag pipes not a good

Story he’s a terrific he’s a young kid I mean cute as a butt but he’s awfully good good little up off off off no R off no right off finish nicely thrown not much room to spare that’s a very nice shot no scoti eyes too with two rocks to

Come they see looks to be in decent shape for a a shot at his Deuce should bend here or you like it normal fir firm normal firm normal I like can’t get too cute here trying to make the double to run one back on the other it’s a little narrow get by it’s

Tight you heard Howard saying we can’t get too cute here and by that he means they don’t want to play that’s so tight to the guard that they wind up ticking the guard and giving Mark dacey a shot for three this is about eliminating dacey’s chance for a

Deuce final Stone Russ Howard in the second looking to kill two yellow there’s one gone he’s got it what a shot and Howard rolls in on the other side Uncharted Territory over there this is a beauty this for two backto back great shots by the skips we talk about a

Key match up being these two gentlemen it’s going to be a shootout today I think John I think you’re absolutely right your first one I thought I was soft I really did but I thought if they got 29 and a third I couldn’t have been I thought you were close but guess

It just uh I think every game spot at 6et lighter what’s to discuss about the perfect shot they’re just worried about not the second one I think that for Rosy usually goes to Grant to talk about weight talking about his first Draw the high hard one looking to blank here and he’ll have that nothing in Play Daisy hangs on to the Hammer he was close to a couple there but Howard makes a spectacular shot with his final Stone what’s the right moment being able to respond to your partner when you want to

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House Ottawa used to contribute 50% of the cost of healthcare so how much do you think it contributes now that’s right 16% for what Canadians say is their number one priority isn’t it time the federal government started paying its fair share for healthcare back at the sports center Newsroom I’m

Rod Smith conects forward to berzi has been suspended for the rest of the regular season and the Stanley Cup Playoffs it was this time about what would should it be two games four games five games uh we felt that the player d Todd brusi had had had uh given up his

Right to perform the rest of the season and and then we had to address the fact should it be the playoffs should it be one round should it be two rounds and in our opinion uh because of the act because of the injury to the player because of a number of factors and

Criteria uh we felt that uh uh his right to perform the rest of the season uh he had to to give that up and and we had to take that away from in addition berzi will have to apply to NHL commissioner bman for reinstatement prior to training

Camps in September we’ll have much more in the story later today on TSN I am I am I am a curler a curler I am a curler we are curlers we are curlers I am a team member I’m a competitor we like to win we are great sweepers great

Sweepers we love the strategy I enjoy the social part of the game we are club members we are curling get involved I like the people curling is the best not much doubt about that here in Saskatoon the Brier here for the fifth time the third time in magnificent

Saskatchewan place and it’s been a sellout all week long NOP head to the playoffs we thought it was the place will be rocking all weekend as well hi my name is brant odha I’m from Monon New Brunswick I’m self-employed I own two small businesses a bankwood hall

Called Wedgewood Hall and a craft and hobby store called craft and hobby World I’d like to wish my friend in Vancouver his name is Mark he’s battling cancer I would like to wish him a full recovery we would as well heavy Line’s perfect weights all there Lots

Russ trying to utilize those two Center guards John to get around and he’s deeper than he wanted to be without question sliding back well behind the T line finish wasn’t quite there hi my name is Andrew Gibson I’m a mortgage consultant with Scott Walker for Home Loans Canada in Halifax no SC wall

Line right off looks like back off off on its own to the red on its own this is what I talked about John when we looked at the ice times little bit straighter not finishing as hard and when that happens the Rocks tend to slide a little bit farther because they

Don’t have as far to travel Ed up that little extra me to moment hi my name is Mark M from mon New Brunswick I’m an air traffic controller I’d like to say hi to my wife Kathy daughter Sarah and Son Matthew right off wait top 12 way out there

E very similar to yesterday John we saw that there was a side of the sheet that seemed to be a little bit take a time to Cur this one figured out a little bit better the right weight and a nice Brush so New Brunswick flies two hi I’m Rob Harris from Halifax Nova Scotia I’d like to say hello to all my co-workers at ke Canada and to my alltime favorite curler ly Peters that’s what I that’s huge of course is white okay you got a chance to play at the Scott this time

Around for Nova Scotia Laney has been the long time fifth player for the Jones girls we got guard it don’t we Team Canada over the past couple of years so she got a play her chance to be on the ice this time around decision by the Howard team is to

Guard those stones even though they’re both in the8 foot one actually is biting the back of the four it’s deeper than Russ War Cur but he doesn’t like the idea that Mark Dy might get in there on top of it so he want a nice tight guard to the line you got

Hi over on sheet C where Daniel laflor of Quebec is meeting Newland and Labradors Brad gushu guu at 7 and two trying to lock up a playoff spot this morning final Stone fushu facing one the hits and stay and you’ll count two right there and that’s we got to move the other

Guard one he’s by we got to move the other guard thinking this way number two back there up you thinking this way yeah I know you yeah that’s I don’t think so were you were thinking this way that’s what I was thinking yeah it’s cutting out the off

The out turn the inter turn’s not cut off right now we can draw around all that stuff Daisy has the hammer here but he’s facing a few too many Red Rocks as he looks at this situation Nowa he is and doesn’t want to just remove that Center guard hoping to pick one of those other red ones out along with it John looking to kill two gets

One and opens it up but Howard will cover that up rather quickly I would assume is it keeping you up you’re yawning this morning I’m breathing still draw around all that stuff well that’s always a good sign Pi it off Clean Center guard anyway what’s he thinking about hi I’m

James Gratton from arach to New Brunswick I’m the manager of the capital winter Curling Club in frederickton as well as the old milpond golf and country club in doown New Brunswick I’d like to say hi to everybody back at CWC as well as Fred Mark fo Fine’s fine this time Bendy James having a great week at this prior has made a lot of shots for Russ Howard that takes a lot of pressure off R number two among third Shooters 86% coming into this drop on day Six double peel well we’ll try that in the first one we half yeah be nice just to catch us real thin you might catch something else too the first time they were trying to run the Rocks back these two now are so high that it’s about double peeling

Making sure that at a minimum for the Nova scotian team the front will be open and you heard Mark Daisy say maybe if we hit the angles right we might clip something in the house hi I’m Bruce lers from Stak Nova Scotia I work for the province of Nova

Scotia I like to say hi to Mom and Dad and all my sisters scattered across Canada a forest technician for the Department of Natural Resources and he makes shots shot huge respect for each other for R he knows that that rock that has just slid into the house before him this is

The stone I’m talking about is something that Mark Dy will likely utilize later to hit and roll and so what he wants to do is to tap the stone up instead of just playing the guard John coming into the house now Line’s fine Line’s Fine where is in two briers as a skip for new BR this is his fourth appearance Highl guys a little tap yep yep yep nice touch Nova Scotia shooting yellow Stones facing a lot of Red Rocks right there over on sheet D it is Mike Harris of Ontario at five and four clinging to a slim chance to be around here Harris lying one

And this looks like a fairly easy opportunity to come up with two back so Ontario widens the lead flip it to five and two lus NOA SC won’t C if you don’t let it work now playing the free that stone the back of the foot even if

It’s not a freeze but it’s in front of It down a little a little off off let it will it Bend enough very nice very nice shot skip rocks to come here in the third Cho nice shot by Bruce that means it’s time to play Following the Leader Mark did you get a time and that’s what Russ Howard will

Do it’s got to be better not doing okay hi I’m Russ Howard from monton New Brunswick I sell real estate for Remax quality my wife team Howard. oh you got Mark first for Howard and an extra presser comes out James gr looking to follow the P Lova SC to Stone nice shot what am I throwing throw it just a little light he want to be just a tad deeper curling great sweeping and a great comment from Grant Aisha after the rock had stopped what am I throwing says Russ and he says you’re throwing them

Light and about that is not light that is perfect it’s not F level would it be nine yet we got 28 and a qu on his 28 and a half and half both pretty exhausted this morning it’s a long week the quicker the ice the more you sweep and when the skip is

Throwing the light the brushers get a work out hi I’m Mark dacey I’m from Helifax Nova Scotia I work at Fox Harbor Golf Resort as the head golf professional and like to say hello to my wife Heather and my new four-month old son Ty they likely did that this morning we

Certainly have done that for you mark back line up off no off dy’s first he has the hammer off here in the third end got can he chip the red not deep enough that Red Rock Remains the shot Stone know that Sor right how does sty get his de here

Don’t need to sweep ear yeah just got to what I said to my don’t sweep it early cuz it’ll hang unless you want to do this she got that double too I know nose uh where we throw a bullet throw a bullet a bullet and both of those and

Then he just DWS to the back we might clip the back one out which is good then we’re shot up there yeah as long as we stick the shooter will that go though oh yeah that has to go doesn’t it oh yeah yeah it does I think we got

To play it he’s got us he guard that he got that I think you do you don’t even have to throw a bullet like just as long as you get to the inside just make that one and you got it yeah yeah but I’m losing you’re losing this one I’m losing that one

Anyways what are you thinking for weight well we got to we got to make a decision whether we want to save our red or get rid of his yellow why you can’t we can’t do both I don’t think we’ll ever save our red I think if you make that you got

Them all anyway I don’t think this is going to go though do you it’s got it’ll hit that one I’m not saying that that’s why we need to save the shooter almost you’re losing this one either way anyway even if you are losing the shooter you’re losing this one I know so

We got to get rid of the two yeah we can come on to this one and be shot though too we’ll get rid of the two I think R fir firm normal yeah you got to be firm anyway good track right down there e oh yeah wellon it’s not going to go

Crazy looking looking at the options even though it is in fact a red stone that is shot Russ Howard knows that Mark Dy makes those big shots we showed you one when the show started when there’s lots of rocks and play wants to hit it just on the inside drive it back yellow

Should go this yellow should go could be a bunch of cherries at the end of this jum final Stone Howard Dy has one to come to respond to what Howard accomplishes here this one is not light one yellow gone another yellow gun squirted two yellows out of

There he has nothing left but a draw to avoid a huge count it’s a great shot they talked about making the double having them both go but the triple with a nice bonus and there’s a m full of red cherries now in the house no the one at the back there’s

Your three rock that was up top two yellows go another one as well so he erases all the yellow rocks probably needed an inch I we ever get that stock in behind he’s to oh I know that’s what you could have made it easy I thought I had it

Actually well we’re still marveling at the triple here just clean that was a pretty nice shot we’re going to play This so Daisy has to come around that way and put it about there somewhere in the floor same as always final Stone to come few times NE Brunswick has the lead one nothing I we set you up Howard has put the pressure on Daisy here just a line

Shot straight drop we wanted to make you look good what was that just back line or something giant hole no it isn’t actually Mark Daisy playing in a HomeTown Brier for the second year in a row when you look back to skipping Nova Scotia last year

In Halifax and back to skip Nova Scotia here in the town he was born in Saskatoon for Mark this is his second draw but this one has a whole lot more pressure on it facing five with a relatively small hole to get through no SC is Mark Daisy

Needs the 4 foot here against five counters for New Brunswick’s R Howard will they get it there not this time or will what a great shot that is a lot of pressure against five and he had a small hole to get by the guard and then by the

Rocks in the house a great team effort you saw the numbers at the hog line 1487 that is low that means that this is brought to you 100% by the sweepers and they barely get it there they’ll count one by a matter of an inch or

So that’s what Nova Scotia needed to get even in my world I can go anywhere all flight SLE in the afternoon all hotels are on the beach all rental cars are SUVs no convertibles in my world I am I godess planning a trip with is the difference between getting a trip and

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Ever ever notice the way guys love to use their CER is it because of carer’s German engineering incredible features exceptional styling it’s because CER really cleans ker invented the first household pressure washer and sells more of them worldwide than anybody else carer is also the world leader in commercial and industrial cleaning

Equipment everyone loves their CER can you blame them trust CER you look for things to clean welcome back to The Newsroom I’m Rod Smith Vancouver conu forward Todd brusi has been suspended for the rest of the NHL regular season and the Stanley Cup Playoffs it wasn’t this time about what

Should have be two games four games five games uh we felt that the player d Todd bruzi had had had uh given up his right to perform the rest of the season and and then we had to address the fact should it be the playoffs should it be

One round should it be two rounds and in our opinion uh because of the act because of the injury to the player because of a number of factors and criteria uh we felt that uh uh his right to perform the rest of the season uh he had

To to give that up and and we had to take that away from now in addition berui will have to apply to commissioner Gary bman for reinstatement prior to training camps in September will have more throut today here on TSN and back live at SAS place in Saskatoon terrific showdown between New

Brunswick and Nova Scotia Russ Howard Howard with a great triple in that previous end and Mark Daisy responded with a wonderful draw to get one so as we pick it up again Howard has the hammer in a one-1 game hi some great shot making first thing in

The morning and that’s what you expect to see by the end of the week Prince Ed Island a tough week winning this morning Newland and Labrador a great week and winning this morning and onario scrambling to keep a slim playoff hope alive up up yep who who

Who hard you got to go hard hard right up for that inside roll they get the roll maybe a little farther than they would have liked yes Mark Daisy sailing along at top the standings as it is right now with a record of eight and one with Russ Howard at seven and two

He’s one win behind regular ah okay looking ahead to the end of the month March 27 and 28 the 2004 World Junior curling Championship will come your way from T Rivier so join us for that and good morning to you folks you should be able to get some finish there yeah it’ll finish

Late should be good should be good going way to the outside to get around that corner almost Center guard F goes second Rob har lot of room on it own doesn’t need much rushing on this heavy on shot you’re up 284 just not 29 no it’s not I don’t 34 not much visible

Here on the Yellowstone belonging to Nova Scotia in the four who that’s where I hit looking to just draw tap back the St what you want for Mark from the hack he cannot see any of that stone just buried by Rob Harris wait good lots lots wait there lots lots back back F maybe we go now movement Starts Now little tap and that’s for shots a nice shot good weight control that stone was completely buried John that forces Mark Daisy to come back down on top is good little option for Daisy without the hammer here in

Four and for Bruce lonez as long as in front of that stone cornering it somehow very difficult for New Brunswick because there is a guard and there another Stone behind line yeah you got a real hard line hard line really down tight F got to bump it got

To bump it bump it guys freaking bumping that that weight thought that weight was okay whatuh I thought that was okay it was okay well obviously yeah obviously left Mark with a tough shot and for Russ Howard sensing a great opportunity asking James Graton to come down on top

Of that stone take away the freeze that Nova Scotia would play Line’s great clean C Sha this one is drifting a bit as well I think that rock picked up I think that rock picked up something Grant there got to be something there yeah I want pick two you guys might want to clean up there right the Canada thing you could see there was a lot of

Rotation so this is not both when is that what they’re talking about now that both of them they’re wondering I don’t know Nova scotian team thought that Bruce was just light but here you’ll watch the handle just go sideways as does the rock lot of weight lots of line

It’s definitely picking lots of line shot what’s that oh wait stopped rather suddenly and moved over as Well another chance for Bruce he gets a bit of a reprieve back for lot of weight back for still a lot of weight who who whoa to take a little ah wa ah no lying at all yep hard without the hammer here just a different weight over there it’s

Not it’s not it’s just it’s a different weight over there mark yeah I see that trying to solve the other side of the sheet it’s a jamming it’s going to I if you hit a de on you’ll drag it this way on the ice I think there’s no question it just picked up

Where’s the red going I think the Red’s pretty safe this one might stay we’re not getting to now so what the hell let’s try it look at there’s a lot of footprints dir I know that yours pick get it perfect I think dead on I think the hair

High side maybe well I’m afraid of getting my own what turn you like there we got to make sure we get yellow I got to hit it on the the nose anyway on the nose are there yeah I like nose I think isn’t it work I’m a little afraid if you do this

You might get hard yeah okay no out turn second Stone to come for third James Granton no the only problem he’s playing off at Nova scotian Stone if I get too far on the inside I’ll take my own heel or Firm finish brushing required and one Jam there so the Nova Scotia yellow Remains the counter there and a chance for d see perhaps I don’t know how that happened over on sheet C Quebec final stone for Daniel leflour playing out the string Brad gushu new land in Labrador at seven

And two coming in hoping to end up clinching a playoff spot it will be two and that’ll be two for a three3 tie there so gushu is not out of the woods yet and guaranteeing a play play off spot outright at 7 and two try to get to the

Inside of it pretty good chance that at worst new Landon Labrador would be yeah there for a tie Breer y choosing to come around this side and the reason for that is that even though this stone is exposed for Russ Howard any play on that stone drives it onto his

Own trying to tuck around the other side draw top you know kind of heavy draw yeah big line get to the nose or to the inside of it yeah here Rob talking to Mark saying he threw a couple of feet more weight he going out to A New

Path those little lights that you see on the Rock are those little dots that’s the new hogline violation detection system trigger when the player flips The Rock to clean the path and you’ll see these lights there they go green when it is a safe throw if there’s a foul terms

Of the player reaching the hog line without letting go of the stone the lights would goine it was in fact a professor University who developed the system and it’s something the players it’s worked very well at the Canadian championships this year still curl I was up the stick

Not enough room there I don’t think and that’s Garden it anyway that’s too tough onario Advantage as Mike Harris normal hopes for a win this morning and needs a little help here are the standings as we have it8 and one guarantees a playoff spot so Nova Scotia and Alberta are all already

Guaranteed spots in the playoffs New Brunswick needs one more win as does New Finland and Labrador BC still with a Chance depending on how the Rocks fall for J pach and Company and Mike Harris at five and four still has an opportunity if he wins out and gets a

Little help from well back trying to drive that stone straight back John and that’s why it was so important for Mark Daisy to be second shot on his first right off right off right off whoa whoa whoa whoa who who who W erasing one more red two rocks to come Howard gets to throw the final one no no just soft soft regular Maybe just a little positive I think that’s good little positive means he took a little bit of extra ice got that rotation going outwards a little bit

That’s why it ran straight gives him a run back run back for two yeah well I I like this which one oh down there that’s how they get us don’t worry about it’s not a huge hole that Mark Daisy will leave but you can see that

Stone is open it’s about getting in here back for tapping the stone back I mean it’s kind of hard to imagine it missing that guard on the right and catching a split so it’s kind of so it’s kind of hard to imagine I was thinking of a

Split but it’s hard to imagine out turn missing that corner guard on the right and then hitting the yell as well yeah just a straight draw it looks like a huge hole from the hack but Mark’s point is that it curls so much to miss the

Outside guard just like you think it’s a little heavier Over the Top of the Rock not a whole lot but just a little Bit finle stone for Mark Daisy without the hammer playing in four that’s good 63 Line’s good split split split yep nicely through okay a not bad at all backing on the Yellowstone at 4:00 okay in the four I don’t know throw it like that y oh man turned out great for Marc Daisy

Because of where this stone is you can see that for Russ Howard to hit that on the nose does not give him shot and so he’s trying to draw through there Tough Top Shot Russ has had four draws today and he’s been 75% so some great numbers for him

But the degree of difficulty here is huge John because of he has to navigate that tight port at the top and then get by the Yellowstone at the top of the four what’s great about this game so far is Howard put the pressure on Daisy in the previous

End and Daisy has returned the favor here for Howard’s final Stone Howard has one opportunity it’s a tough shot with his last Rock through the same port the daisy traveled yep yep and what does he accomplish there by nudging that he’ll get one I think he will this has been a

Huge shootout one red for NE brunwick and that’s all he could do not by very much Howard gets his one the hard way little nudge there inching out the daisy Yellow the world’s largest hotel chain is almost anywhere you want to go the world’s largest hotel chain tucks you in around the globe with over 4,000 hotels in over 80 countries the world’s largest Hotel chain is Best Western inviting you to get a good night’s sleep Best Western the world’s largest hotel

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But I always say if it don’t fit between two pieces of bread it ain’t fit to eat and I’m not just a driver I delivered a baby 2 days ago right where you’re sitting so you’re probably meeting some fancy lawyer boyfriend who sniffs a COR before he sends back his Speer for

Having the wrong kind of BU hey get a load of this guy wouldn’t be caught dead in that wait I missed a turnoff but I can circle around don’t worry I know this city like the back of the car in front of me one Advil for today’s tough

Pain one is often enough also an extra strength good talking to you the beauty of the suit is that the bottoms match the top so all you have to do is throw on a shirt and tie and you’re out the door you get to work earlier your

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Moors fifth time that the Brier has been in Saskatoon in 1946 Alberta’s Billy Rose scored a victory in 65 Manitoba’s Terry brunstein a winner with Ray turn bullet lead back in 89 p ran won and in 2000 Greg M who will be the winner on Sunday afternoon well the two gentlemen

At Center Stage here will’ll have a lot to say about what transpires in 2004 not yet we saw two spectacular shots in the third End by Russ and Mark and then they just little chat during the break both got fortunate ticks in the last end it

Is and they’re both at 84% so it is still the big shootout with the man that throws last Rock New Brunswick at seven and two Mark Daisy of Nova Scotia at 8 and one coming into this game both with one game to play after we’re done here and both will take on JP

Of British columia and that is a top row jpg has been very impressive this week I’m sure he looks forward to a great day but a top day for BC come on hard all right a little more B no rest for the brushers this morning at all none but look at these two

Gentlemen I’ll tell you so much experience behind them more to Russ Howard for sure but what big shot makers they both have earned reputations to be looks up to me foot looks up Rob looks up what’s up no sc’s Andrew Gibson leave it high leave it high

Right he was a little concerned that perhaps they were jumping all over that stone what morning growlies Russ just thinking through some of the options tapping this Stone Back does not like the fact that it is in front of a t line line back line to create pocket that maybe he

Can freeze too later New Brunswick taking one last in last Rock does belong to Nova scoti [Applause] Mark you can hear Russ encouraging the boys up front no handle Mark good and he’s happy there obviously the no handle he’s referring to is the lack of rotation there was a

Little bit of one but that is why that rock just went sideways oh double Reds yeah here I am pouring coffee again good for you thank you your Donuts have AR ride oh you get them both let’s get them moving so are you happy now I’m very

Happy I’m always happy happy Wy working with you trying to reach the outside and make the double control sc’s Rob Harris who whoa right up right up oh that did not work out well not at all as the results he couldn’t have hit that on a worse

Angle for Rob just gets too tight to the guard instead of the double he jams red and red onto yellow yeah we got to play this it’s all right don’t even need to roll that far it now so New Brunswick there’s the shot Stone and second shot as well good

Wait for Russ Howard’s team Mark loock watch noral looking for the roll no roll no Roll a two on sheety fif and Ean Labrador in a 3-3 tie with Quebec critical game for Brad gushu at seven and two trying to ensure his spot in the Playoff round if you T that one just top chance for aduce and he’ll take it

Back four back eight 53 try to tap that th then that just that one is good trying to tap that stone back looked at that angle but it’s too sharp and so electing to come around this side he can move these Stones back create a bit of a pocket indeed but at

Least it would give NOA shot looks like I think I’m following what you had to say haris got to go for the Miss with his first off close yep nicely by nestling in nicely right there shouldn’t let it take thatp shouldn’t let it yellow as the

Shot still there TI just a hair harder well it is but if they had let it tick a little bit harder John the yellow would not have popped out as much and that stone is now accessible to Russ Howard and Mark with draw weight yeah just back four back yeah yeah I like

That the guard is the concern if you come off of ours jeans even if you ended up on the TR find a way to get to the inside of the stone just back four weight I just need to move it an inch dou here oh yeah it

Doubles off our own is there that won’t kill you either no see that all he has to do is move it about think like a back 12 weight to no he said back four will that give you enough we don’t need to move in an inch

Okay down to third stones in a critical game in the playoff run for two teams that have had a great week New Brunswick’s Russ Howard at seven and two coming in James Bron Back quite a cluster there yes not what they were hoping to achieve and the question is yellow or red for shot Stone when you look at it from this view think it’s red looks like the red stone to the left Mark trying to figure out this and

Just kiss it I mean MP and roll to here know if if we just take it a bit if if I play a bullet here I’m losing this right but I was thinking so you hit this thin enough that your shooter then hits the eight and then hits the four then this

Is gone and that’s gone no no no cuz if you hit this and then the eight that’s the third Stone you hit that’s the fourth Stone hit it’s not going that far this one’s gone yeah well that one’s never going to count Daisy has last Rock here in even if you just come

Through and hit it on the nose looking at the angles of this without losing this Stone pretty tough to do what they’d love to do is move some of these red stones here around and just move this Yellow Stone over a little bit without taking it out of play Nova

Scotia does have last Rock scoa third Bruce Lis never to hit a lot thinner had to hit a lot thinner we couldn’t have rubbed yours in the inside like that can you see enough of that got to guard this keep guarding it New Brunswick lying three guard if we

Guard this cuz he has he has this right now yeah and then well not only that we’ll never get it out no show you that he’s got this one again the only other Take the Lead You Can’t See much of that can he no and the territory is trailing Mike Harris 72

Now haris trying to keep a play off move can we no I suppose we can but we’re not getting that uh seven out or whatever it is we’re not getting the one rock out no I like the guard okay I like it he doesn’t have anything on the other side does

He I like the situation that they’re in and you can’t does have anything on the intern side well Ling three as it is right now but no he can’t see got a flash but I don’t know what that does no uh here’s trouble we’re going to run out of time

Here only problem is he runs our guard in there or something it’s the red guards though that’s the only good news yeah but like leave it h he’s got to run the guards that’s what he’s going to do for sure I don’t know what else we do

Russ unless you got to the inside with hackers but then he still has a slash this is the respect two skips particularly have for each other shot Mak he’s going to be rush just very worried if they play a guard and Mark Dy makes a great shot how

Will they get in there but the reality is John that it is new brunwick Ling three the as it stand right now just clean it clean clean it’s over Bing James bran halfway his final Stone and they’re looking to protect a very crowded house sorry guys wanted it higher than that sorry would have been nice to get him dead even sorry wanted I wanted it higher than the other one just bent oh wider it bends this is the big WBY dazzler shot

Driving St cat this one Thin you might the double at a minimum wants to remove those two guards clean up the front so that he’s got a shot a away to get into the for foot on his last shot close yis looking to kill two in front there’s one there’s two

And Miss coming through the house Direction changed a little bit he be happy well there’s no way that Russ Howard can guard both sides so it’s open it’s about having a shot shoot why leave my longer we he has that but it’s staying and he has that and we can’t get him

Out up there he has a maybe even 12 yeah I like that how much ice and then he’s then he’s doing that that’s not bad top 12 you want do you want to guard all the yellow right here be good this line leave him leave him as little as

Possible down to skips rocks Harris throws first Daisy with the hammer here in five we still got to guard the yellow I think hey guarding in the house to make the shot tougher speed it’s about eight and a half Red Rocks belong to Russ Howard he’s lying three where is

It y top oh line really going to go at the end we’re going to have to Go guys Hard heavy brush they wanted to bring it deeper than that okay light never top 12 wanted to be in the top of the 12 foot are they’re yelling top 12 yeah top 12 would have been fine for line well I didn’t know Line’s good Howard the lead at 21 playing Five

Well Daisy has two rocks to come you got to hit a little high side to get kick this one I we got to get it another the for foot yeah I know but how much you’re going to lose a lot of energy and you got to push out out

Here does a hard nose hit on four get eight out of the four foot you got line number one is that what you’re saying yeah but I’m line number one anyway but I’m right on top of them they’re laying three I mean if they steal one here I’m not that upset make

The double I missed that and they’re I’m going to have a pretty hard shot to cut it down to one play play to stay at the shooter cuz even if the shooter stays over here I might be able to use it coming up yeah yeah like the call this

Girl this girl is pretty good even with peel okay this is about running these in here shooter goes over here this is not about being shot when it’s that he knows that’s not likely but if he doesn’t some motion now and get a couple out he not

Only will not have a shot but he could give up a pile this is about little bom playing for his final Stone and he needs somewhere to go with it to get one at the very Least no scoia Mark Daisy wow still a lot of we oh wow no brushing required he gets rid of two and the shooter won’t hang around but there’s only the one red stone there as the shot Rock belonging to New Brunswick now I don’t know what he has right now

Has a shot for Two and he’s a straight pick that’s it that’s a tough hack that’s tough yeah yeah how much we got to make sure of this one this will go we’re probably better here aren’t we you think it it’s a straight pick okay just touch the center

Line to the center line did he get to the inside of that intern he leaves a hole that intern would finish brwi L one final Stone in five to come James curled there once for Russ this is about getting another Stone not want to leave a lot of yellows long tight and

L Master sweepers up front for Russ Howard theck rock is curling a lot but it should be good enough it’s right on the the line and what does that leave Mark Acy well the concern was can he come around that outside and touch the red one

Enough to get it out of the foref foot with the guard thrown by Russ I would suggest the answer is no that’s all we can do man here we go he The Call by Mark drive it straight back knows it it’s a tough two it’s a tough

Two but he has not faced easy ones today looking back to last night in the eighth against Randy Furby the angle race take out for three that he engineered and this is his strength John it is the hitting game playing very well again today he reads the angles well and

Throws big weight well as well final Stone of the in Mark Daisy in a little trouble here if he doesn’t make this SP still a nice shot for one a heck of a shot to save one couldn’t save the shooter this is a tough shot that’s a long long

Guards a little bit more he scores two but he scores one in an end that has been all Howard he’s got to be happy with that yeah little there right now here the gentlemen you’re watching this morning Grand OA and Andrew Gibson are throwing lead Stones Mark loock and Rob Harris are the

Seconds for two great teams James Gratton and Bruce lonus are the third Shooters and the skips Russ Howard in his 13th prer Mark Daisy in his fourth great shooting skips in a two two Tie yeah when you’re smiling the whole world it’s smile with you Smiles crispy outside mashed potato inside from McCain Lampard tomorrow’s card today hockey Stars teams stats bios Lampard get yours today slam cards collect them all in stores today when you drive it pays to see what’s ahead that’s why you need new wiper blades from anco in bad weather ano’s exclusive design Scoops water up and

Clears it away that’s one reason more drivers trust anco than any other brand see there is a difference anco the clearest choice in wiper blades Ottawa used to contribute 50% of the cost of healthcare so how much do you think it contributes now that’s right 16% for what Canadians say is their

Number one priority isn’t it time the federal government started paying its fair share for healthcare it’s going to be the biggest curling event ever held anywhere in the world the 2005 prior in Edmonton in celebration of Alberta’s Centennial year we invite curling fans from coast to coast and especially those whose family

Roots are deep in Alberta to be there for the draw of the century the 2005 Brier in Edmonton the largest 9-day gathering of sports fans that you might ever see reserve your place in history Now get your ski shined up grab a stick a juicy fruit The Taste is going Tove you take a sniff pull it out the taste is going toy sweet Juicy Fruit red sweet TSN HD redefining the image of sport TSN HD is proudly presented by JBC JBC the HD technology

Leader the 2004 Nokia Brier on TSN is brought to you by ker you’ll look for things to clean by Ford built for life in Canada and by Nokia official wireless phone of the season of Champions it is the final day of the round Robin and six teams are in the

Hunt for the playoffs Prince Edward Island and Manitoba are playing out the string with Pei leading there 7 to three these two teams in the thick of the battle all tied at two Newland Labrador ski by Brad gushu in control of a game with Quebec at 5-3

Gushu is looking to go to eight and two and Ontario clinging to a hope for a playoff game leading 7 to3 over on CHD some of the sponsors that make the season of Champions possible for these great curling teams and we’d like to thank the sponsors who make curling possible in this great Nation Back Back the world’s largest hotel chain is almost anywhere you want to go the world’s largest hotel chain tucks you in around the globe with over 4,000 hotels in over 80 countries the world’s largest hotel chain is Best Western inviting you to get a good night’s sleep Best Western the world’s largest hotel

Chain call 1800 western or visit with new intelligent four-wheel drive and a 200 horsepower jch engine the 2005 Ford Escape can get you out of the city can you get the city out of you the new 2005 Ford Escape Canada’s number one selling compact SUV just got

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Everyone loves their CER can you blame them trust CER you’ll look for things to Clean The new phones from Nokia the world’s number one maker of wireless phones they put a new spin on everything you do Nokia Connecting People one reason we decided to start renting tuxedo at Moors is because guys aren’t just wearing them for weddings anymore it could be a date a fancy

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$60 wellmade well priced welld dressed Moors TS TN HD redefining the image of sport TSN HD is proudly presented by JBC JBC the HD technology Leader visit member of starw Preferred Guest SAS place in Saskatoon home to the fourth Nokia Brier as the Briar celebrates 75 years and we look at a terrific match this morning with playoff implications on the line real Brunswick’s Russ Howard at 7-2 against Nova scotia’s Mark Daisy 8-1 Daisy is

Already qualified for the playoffs with that record but he’s looking to lock up top spot if possibly can time now four after five and you’re on well let’s look at the numbers we’ve got a tie game and some very good percentages on hits you see that the

Advantage is New Brunswick for the draws but overall it has been who has been making the big shot at the right time we thought it would be about the skips battling it out it has been power at 80% Mark Dy at 85 huge numbers and the degree of difficulty for their shots

John this morning has been huge after five brought to you by True Value Hardware help is just around the corner number up the Numbera trying to get around that tight guard and this is that spot John where they wondered if there was something wrong with the ice the last time we came here there was a rock that picked and slowed down something wrong with this Stone as it slides all the way through

But the ice was not the problem Brie on the ice W there’s Hans VRI and there’s what he found to show us in the booth it’s little pieces what you see the black marks that’s the gripper the bottom of the sole of someone shoes who

Is out here on the ice and when that stays on the ice you can imagine that when a rock goes over that it just stops or loses the turn has a huge impact so they have corrected that problem and that’s why it’s important to keep your brush down in front of the

Path of the rock all w w no finish just let it die yeah maybe a little yep so we got the gang from CSI here we could likely find out whose shoes were responsible for that problem could we not we could CSI can do a lot and over on sheet C Newland in

Labrador Brad gushu at s and two with a five to3 lead here’s the last stone for Daniel leflour and the quebecers are hanging tough against a great team from the Rock and this is a team this young Quebec team that has played very well this week has not

Always walked off the ice with a W but you know that with every game they will play hard and three spot right here little tap and count up the Red Rocks go back will get three and it’s 65 there very game for guu it is and for Brad guu

What you didn’t see is he made a on his last Stone to not allow get it over get it over over ready line one on the pot and a guard team Nova Scotia wants to protect that stone worry about other things later it’s about making sure they can’t get to that great spot

Control control right off heavy one off the front Manitoba struggling against Prince Edward Island this morning at 71 there and this is updated on sheet D 7-2 now for Ontario Mike Harris needs to win and then he needs a little help if he wants to have an opportunity to make the

Tiebreaker round finish it hard Ontario coming in at five and four away now it is no longer just about what he can do and you don’t like to be in that position John on the last day of waiting for other things to happen for you that Howard is watching the sheet next door

And cheering for Quebec and Ontario will have a final game against the skatan this afternoon the standings are like this with the top two at 8- one Nova scotian Alberta qualified for the playoffs one way or another a matter of how they finish one two three or four still to be decided

Brunswick New Line Labrador 7 and two right there AR yellow yellow yellow not the red shot your new brwi yours back this is a long guard that you cannot see on your screen right now just over the hog line but this Stone red one still is exposed and that’s what Bruce

Lonus is trying to remove right now to the the will he get it around no brushing required nice shot it will remain open however and Howard looks for a bit of a roll and you can see that long guard that is causing Havoc makes it tougher

To get the roll because they can’t throw good weight at the stone they have to throw only about Half same path same shot but Nova Scotia is the shot Stone there back to the four at 4:00 s tough shots James left Grand thinking a he had back line we were we we were yelling it you got to Rack oh we should have let it rack then I mean it but he’s

It Mark can see about half of that Stone from the hack as you look at that angle with that long guard down to skips rocks and Daisy throws first after picking up one in five good no no no no ever for off no off a hitters game for the

Moments narrowly misses he got a very nice roll as well there John behind that Ontario has one so Mike Harris and his team we’ll sit and watch the sheet they were playing next to Quebec and you land and it’s over on eight as Prince Edward Island hammers Manitoba

9-3 Manitoba drops to three and seven and the EI goes to four and six 28 is what I’m thinking and this is the one you got that has interest as well as the one we have been covering all morning long back with a chance to be a spoiler

Here they do and on top of that for new finon Labradors Brad gushu he has Randy Furby left tonight so that is not an easy [Applause] game first for Russ Howard here in six he has the hammer I got to get rid of that rock man well opportunity here for Mark Dy to try and make the last shot even more important for Howard no you got to get rid of that everybody else is his mov shot

Stast any better than that concern good Lord I thought I was tight on you I thought you were concerned by rest with the stones that he is throwing that’s not going anywhere this is the straight side though yeah none of your are going anywhere we’ve

Been wide and uh like high side on every one of your shots there and where do you want the shooter after that too cute either right behind or way away what they don’t want to do is leave that stone there to give Russ Howard the out you’ve heard Russ talk about his Stones

Perception is often reality to skips John whether those stones are good or not for Russ he feels that a couple of times now hisid stones have run straight where others have curled and you can expect that he will trade those off in the next 10 is someone else on

Team up final stone for Mark Dy Howard has one to come after this in the sixy Nova SC the hits and he rolls it to count or at least lie three as it is right now what does Howard have left the the button he has a tough shot because not

Only does he need to get to the fork but that long long guard is the problem he needs to scoot by this and put it on the logo pretty well it’s a strong part of Russ’s game at 75% on his draws today and they have been difficult I

Don’t think that Mark DAC or Russ Howard can what do you think Grant say that they’ve had a very easy qu at all no question he is a superb shot maker final Stone in the sixth R Howard faces three Nova sco yellow Line coming in the other way the brushers are required Oda and L now James Granton comes up will they have enough to get there it’s a huge steal for Nova Scotia two for sure have they counted Three Howard comes up lights Nova Scotia takes control with a huge steal in the sixth welcome back to The Newsroom I’m Rod Smith Vancouver conu forward Todd bruzi has been suspended for the rest of the NHL regular season and the Stanley Cup Playoffs it wasn’t this time about what

Would should it be two games four games five games uh we felt that the player d Todd brusi had had had uh given up his right to perform the rest the season and and then we had to address the fact should it be the playoffs should it be

One round should it be two rounds and in our opinion uh because of the act because of the injury to the player because of a number of factors and criteria uh we felt that uh his right to perform the rest of the season he had to

To give that up and and we had to take that away from now in addition berzi will have to apply to commissioner Gary betman for reinstatement prior to training camps in September we have more throughout the day here on TSN we like to stay fit and enjoy an

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We invite curling fans from coast to coast and especially those whose family roots are deep in Alberta to be there for the draw of the century the 2005 Brier in Edmonton the largest 9-day gathering of sports fans that you might ever see reserve your place in history now over a million understand its

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One of three BMW Williams F1 team shirts inside specially marked Budweiser King packs in Ontario no purchase necessary must be legal drinking Age get SK Shin up grab a of Juicy Fruit The Taste is going to move you take a sniff pull it out the taste is going to move you when you it juy sweet Juicy Fruit Sweet SAS place in Saskatoon the final day of the round robin of the 2004 noia Brier key game this morning Nova scotia’s Marky the runner up a year ago against the two time Brier and World Champion Russ Howard of New Brunswick and Howard gave up a huge three

In six so Daisy has control of the game at 5-2 as we play seven he does and for Russ Howard there’s not a lot of times John that you will see him give up a steal of three the last time that he did that in Brier play was in the final in

This building a final that he would lose to Greg mccaulay and only one other game continuing here this morning it’s New Finland against Quebec New Finland and Labrador Brad G at seven and two coming in and gushu has been hard pressed to stay with quackers all morning an open Draw here though for

Two and a chance to retake the lead new in Labrador trying to lock up a playoff spot for sure and a win this morning goes a long way to yes it does doing that two eight and one teams Daisy of Nova Scotia Furby of Alberta have a playoff block and then

There are some other things to be decided with the four teams following you bet just clean and for Russ Howard what he needs to do is to generate opportunities for offense and he will do that by playing the corner guard game and ignore the stones in the house got wait

Look at the difference that was more ice than you mark Daisy just trying to figure out where to put these Stones he has two in the house and even though those are tough to remove wants to minimize the guards out front speaking of thr yesterday John in

The afternoon I went to the new Tana Curling Club and played a little bit of this curling game and I had a chance to meet the dunder Elementary grade 6 CLS who are all butting curlers and I just want to say hello to them this morning just behind the guard who who yep

Good Nova Scotia lying three as a result of that NHL on TSN Sunday 7:00 e time Nashville from Detroits and good morning s join us for that seven Eastern for Pacific Time Lots way heavy way heavy yeah n back eight back 12 back huge turn around in this game with a

Steal of three by Daisy in six that’s the advantage he holds right now the shot Stone belongs to Howard sitting there on the Brier logo by tapping that stone back a couple of feet John it makes the removal easy for the daisy team just to pick the stone out this

Way not concerned about keeping the shoot more rocks in play means more opportunities for the Howard team to freeze take the back sty keeps putting the pressure on though does he not he Does for Bruce would have been happy on that last one John to clip the stone at the back of the 8ot take it out of play back four be dangerous before this is over yes sure just wants to tap these Stones back create a bit of a pocket because as

They sit right now in front of the T line even freezing on top of them would not give him shot so it’s not as much about the shot that is made here by James Gratton as much as what they might be able to do as a result of what he leaves who who

Who okay playing in seven Howard has the hammer after giving up that huge three there it is looming behind ref hard got to go real hard hard really hard guys Bruce lonus elas scos and he gets rid of some of the rocks that you were talking about you doing

There opens it up a little more little tight a little bit not the result at all John because all of a sudden now it’s a chance for the New Brunswick team Russ Howard to to split the house lie to just hit this knot where he wanted to you heard him

Say tight out of his hand removes three of his own and leaves New Brunswick shot realine Switchline Hurry hurry heavy brushing as New Brunswick lies two died a bit I thought it was there all day girls too had a busy morning could take a rip at it like like it didn’t change it handle but it obviously work by the front end this morning I don’t think it’s worth I don’t

Think it’s worth it right now well there’s no double Jam there’s what there’s no Jam there’s no double Jam to leave Two Reds in that’s impossible well that’s fine take a rip at it yeah touch more ice touch more I’m thinking about peeling it right into the

Red there’s no double Jam guty we’ll give you that right talking about running the two together hit th the back one goes out because it’s only side froz and my Sho always not that way well that’s one of the most difficult shots I’ve seen predicted in the history of

Curling but I’m with you I had a little arody directional problem but you got my points he’s playing the outside in shot they were going to peel it out and he thought what the heck try for the double technology C huh sometimes it just jumps up and bites your back doesn’t

It skip stones first Mark dacey and that’s a gets rid of two New Brunswick stones and that’ll make multiple points a little more that is a tough shot but he called it thought about it had the wait and what a great shot great brushing cuz

This rock just at the back will get out and the red jams on yellow at the back and he still has enough it off to roll that out of there what a fine shot James a little tight on his all of a sudden it’s a wide open house pretty

Much still think it’s like eight a bit I did too I think he’s still fine he just smudged on him Howards first he has the hammer in seven just through all right back back line close never roll it Grant hoping of course that he would have rolled a little bit

More but sometimes these are the toughest ones John if it’s right behind Mark Daisy knows he has to run the rock straight back this is a little bit of a teaser do you play the run back or you play the pick he’s playing the pick best we could do really Daisy’s final Stone

Here with a three point lead after that huge steal yeah in six your went pretty good there mine shouldn’t go as hard as yours and no question about it he’s got Russ Howard in a little trouble here this morning he does indeed in a close close game until the sixth

In these two matched each other shot for shot until then and Daisy went one better yes W nicely picked out of there nice so no way for two pistol on your first one there ni Howard will wait until 8 to try and get back a little closer in this one Brunswick blanks the seventh it’s a five to2 Advantage for this man Mark

Daisy who made it all the way to the prer final a year ago in Halifax when you drive it pays to see what’s ahead that’s why you need new wiper blades from anco in bad weather ano’s exclusive design Scoops water up and clears it away that’s one reason more

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Matter two more draws to complete after we wrap up here on breakfast at the Brier it is day six draw 15 and a critical showdown between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia with playoff implications hanging in the balance we do know that Nova scotia’s Mark Daisy will be around for the

Playoffs with his record at 8 and one Russ Howard is still trying to solidify his spot at s and two 64 line line line back four line getting better no no no Line’s good no no line we’ll check out a few numbers now the player comparisons brought to you by

Nokia official wireless phone of the season of Champions some pretty good numbers this morning for both leads John you see there’s not much of a difference between the two that means that they’re putting the rocks in the right spot and it has not been at the front end that

There has been a huge story this morning some good numbers there sa R Howard Y with the hammer as we play y Yep they’re all smudging eh that’s good the hell is it talking about smudging these would be back to the Grier marks ofet there is we’re still trying to find out who

Needs new shoes and someone like hounds as you know got on that right away he wants to make sure that there’s not something going on with the ice plant and when he came back with that pile of debris that somebody’s gripper is Letting Go second stack up this way very close

Numbers once again both Mark and Rob Harris playing very well anytime you’re over 80% you’re having a good outing and again what this has said to us is at the front ends complete parody New Brunswick’s mark loock back four played very well in Halifax a year

Ago he was a second team Allstar go around it no no I got it I got it I no line ready yep all real hard y y partially covered there over on sheety the only other game going this morning Quebec’s Daniel leflour up against newfinland and labrador’s Brad

Gushu this has been a tussle all morning long and the opportunity here a chance for a couple for laflor with his final Stone but this time that rolls away and it’ll be a steel of one guu proves his advantage to two points at 86 and nicely done by Rob Harris to

Raise her own Stone back and remove the new brunwick Redstone that was in the house funny to watch looking at all the shoes oh a little red green tape on that one duck tape well and that’s not to hold his shoe together that would be to minimize

Resistance on his trailing foot so that it doesn’t touch the ice doesn’t mean it’s taped together because the Bottom’s falling off no line just let it smudge grab some crap I had my best CI way back way back investigation going there now on the bottom of his shoe

Though as he kicks back that’s a different story you can see on the outside some of the the pebbling almost as the uh the gripper starts to wear it makes little rubber balls on the outside and when those drop off that’s what the rocks can pick up good CSI work Wy off right

Off playing an eight and a flash o a big Miss CU there need to catch one or the other of those and the lead certainly is for James Gratton this morning and Bruce lon’s numbers will not be think so we’re eventually make that double I think we got to make the roll don’t

We yeah Russ Howard down by three with the hammer here and an opportunity to set up multiple points in8 control hey control hurry this is all about the roll trying to set up a way to score three y Nova Scotia still shot Stone half the four at

3:00 James without that Ro the stone is exposed it’s wide open and that’s the stone that Mark Dy will chase talked a lot about Hans withi this morning the ice maker his assistant Eric monford asked me to pass along a happy birthday to his wife Pam back home in

Winnipeg I asked him when he bought her for a gift and he looked shocked part of the deal Eric y looking ahead to the summer season on TSN well not very far away when we think about golf at the PGA Tour on TSN The Players Championship begins March 25th all the action

There mark Daisy a player in the off seon he most definitely is a fine player head professional at Fox har Russ Howard great player too he’s off to play in Norway a little snow golf when his curling Duties are over here mik car is also a very good golfer

At the northon golf and country club lots of golfers in this current Nova Scotia still lies one and when your dad has been to the Brier 13 times you get a pretty good seat there’s Ashley Howard who’s 14 I met her yesterday she’s awesome real fun kid hi

Ashley ever should say hi to my Ashley too and her Winger Leanne studying hard I’m sure at Wilford laer University this week naturally and there’s Wendy Russ’s wife around with have know there technically only one I would have I don’t know I was torn down there I wouldn’t have figured that

Ashley would have been camera shy down there but she seemed to be just a little bit Mark looking for that long cross house double that is a long way to go but he can throw the weight and that’s what you need for a double that’s that far apart all the way across the

Rings to make this Mark Daisy has made some spectacular shots already this week the long double here and the angle not quite right Sor right little tight have to hit a little bit more of the top one advantage is all mark dacey this morning but what is not on here is the

Degree of difficulty of many of the shots for Russ Howard the only shot I’m sure he would take back is the draw in six against three that’s been the story of this game board control control control the six it was a seasaw battle Howard tries to turn this in for a big

Finish here he has the last rocking eight needs this to split the house and that opens the door for Howard to get a couple very good chance at it for Mark Daisy that is a very very flat pair of red stones so will hit and stick and

Then say to Russ do that again you can take your Deuce shot that was a beauty throw yeah I want to roll a little y fairness to Acy the double he tried was a tough shot going all that way was it not it was it was pretty long but the

With the weight that he can throw it’s not about having to throw any more weight these ones are very flat as you see that’s why he’s just looking for the nose hit on this one but the first one John it was there for sure you needed to

Hit a bigger part of the first stone so that the angle was not as aute no chance for two here dacy will hit and stay well he’s rolling a little bit too far that means Russ does not have to hit he can just draw for his extra point all

Right first bral got a chance what you got same down eight and a half don’t give them don’t give them a three 8 and a quter eight and a half area mark W looks like a lot we can hurt it Mark clean clean it clean clean it hard clean it

Hard seeking his 108 win not throw at the Brier coming in as the winning is Skip in the h history of this event with 100 adding seven more and adding a couple of points here that means we’re in for a big finish as Howard gets his deuce in

Eight it’s 54 as we head to the ninth end on day six at the Saskatoon BR the world’s largest hotel chain is almost anywhere you want to go the world largest hotel chain tucks you in around the globe with over 4,000 hotels in over 80 countries the world’s largest hotel chain is Best Western inviting you to get a good night’s sleep Best Western the world’s largest hotel

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You blame them trust ccher you’ll look for things to Clean The new phones from Nokia the world’s number one maker of wireless phones they put a new spin on everything you do Nokia connecting people at True Value we encourage kids to throw rocks at houses and we even like to give them a little help we’re proud to be the official Hardware

Supplier to curling’s season of Champions just like we’re proud of our Master Mechanic tools all hand tools have a lifetime guarantee on workmanship and material Master Mechanic your purchase of a lifetime True Value around the corner from your house it’s going to be the biggest curling event ever held anywhere

In the world the 2005 prior in in celebration of Alberta’s Centennial year we invite curling fans from coast to coast and especially those whose family roots are deep in Alberta to be there for the draw of the century the 2005 Brier in Edmonton the largest 9-day gathering of sports fans that you might

Ever see reserve your place in history now welcome back to SAS place in Saskatoon home to the Brier for the first time in 2000 and that was the year the City of Saskatoon set the all-time Brier attendance record 248,000 793 right here in this building great crowds all week long

Mine’s good been a virtual sellouts a bit tight no it’s good it’s good yep back for her little heavy close whoa by little heavy heavy ninth in little heavy New Brunswick and Nova Scotia with Mark Daisy of Nova Scotia a 54 lead and the hammer here playing nine pretty disappointed just a

Miss Red Rock they took that one back and they did have lots of room to get by see the great crowds that we’ve had here in the morning which is great for the players John how’s it luck trip to the Brier you want to play in front of a lot

Of people and a bit intimidating for some of the teams who get to this championship for the first time there’s no question about that a little Brier experience really goes a long way to on helping the team hang around for the playoffs on the weekend it is and it’s

About mental concentration when you’re in the your back swing and the crowd breaks out in a huge cheer to be able to concentrate and throw the Stone New Brunswick’s Russ Howard is back Center Stage this afternoon and when you look at it British Columbia’s J

Pichy is right in the middle he is of this he played plays Howard this afternoon and then he plays Daisy this evening and so hard JP has an opportunity to be around for the playoffs but he needs a lot of things to go his way okay okay okay so

He holds the key for two teams here ke line fine Nova scoa lying too Mark Lok is ready two long guards by the team from New Brunswick have meant that those stones that are half exposed are a little bit more difficult to remove back bar finish finish go Grant finish good a good

Spot happy with the placement of that rock two long guards and you can see that for Mark Dy he wants them gone has last Rock and even though that red stone by New Brunswick is exposed agree with Mark yeah I don’t mind running back have a lot of out turn cross

Face discussion about whether Rob should drive them back straight into the house and get some movement peel them away what do you think when they’re that far apart and they’re straight behind each other to remove both is difficult and you don’t want to leave your guard there you’re defeating the purpose by hanging Around a little bonus there gets rid of one long guard and one new brunwick right of the house but he gave Russ Howard a pocket that’s good or not we’re getting a little greedy there by trying there’s the pocket as you see you want to straight peel

Yeah right in okay I don’t care talked about the straight peel now in hindsight saying perhaps it wasn’t the right shot where we going hope G heavy heavy just over ball line ball line guys yep yep okay who who good shot and for us not worried at all he’s got couple of stones

Behind the tline John something he can draw to later wants to make sure that the guards are there Rob Harris of Nova sco Yesa looking to open the front up again very bad break not only does Rob not remove either of the front stones

But he drove a red stone which is a new brunwick team stone for shot jamming on his Yellow Rock no I was 57 all game you yeah yep did I so a changeing tactics now all of a sudden with shot Stone in the house Russ Howard can draw to the top of the

Four foot Big Shot for James Gratton to put some pressure on Nova Scotia for the first time in the since that three was scor Brunswick picking up two and eight oh you got to get back within one the hammer belongs to noosha here hard trying to set up a steel just got it

By this is pretty [Applause] here Brunswick lies two and they didn’t really want it that deep but when it’s that tight y to the guards you sweep to get by little top pretty good Bruce L’s being good back wouldn’t mind moving it back a little bit John maybe somehow bring that other Yellow

Stone into the picture at some point yep hard line hard heart wait’s okay fin yep heart line heart wait Don’t back on it nice touch a little tap a shot exch an exchange of shot Stones it belongs to Nova Scotia right now okay standings to the moments Nova Scotia and Alberta have qualified for extra play New Brunswick up Labrador at seven and two still trying to lock up a

Spot BC hoping and Ontario hoping as well but both those teams needing a little help they do indeed DC and Ontario I’m talking about right on top and not enough to be shot no Yello is fairly well buried in there it is there really was no way for

James gr to be shot made a great shot to First this from what Mark way Mark shows it to where way I show it that’s the hard party yeah it’s been a real interesting game this morning could come down and just put freeze with the little top again is

About moving the stones around no way to score two at this point but if he’s able to touch this Stone Back might be able to create that but Mark wants to think about it and so he’s asked for a time out talked about it being an interesting

Game and close all the way only four points scored through the first five ends and the three for Daisy of Nova Scotia open things up Howard came back to get two and get back to within one play what Mar call Peter corham coming down to take a look he is their

Coach he did Skip Nova sco’s entry and since the 1992 93 and 2003 Canadian seniors so he certainly had some experience also been in three briers so what he has to say will be wor L freeze but you know try to tap it so it goes to

Here just loosen that seven up a little bit if you sat here if you end up right there and the Seven just you know well it’s not going to squirm far but if you got this back enough that we could angle shooter on it was seven same shot well I H back

12 yeah okay less weight T line back forth well T Line’s good just Corner freeze little bump’s okay no real change in shot from the first thing that Mark thought about in the first place I don’t know you would you be happier with guard I’m okay with guard whatever you want tight

Guard changing his mind now after the meeting they it’s hanging pretty straight a look from the other end again Bruce lonus feels more comfortable throwing a guard it would appear who whoa whoa whoa whoa who how’s the wait halfway tight Queen let it let it curl guys let

It curl whoa Queen tight whoa this is a little bit over to you kind of strategy want to see what Russ will Do even though they call the guard he wound up throwing the original called shot new land and Labrador that’s Brad gu seven and two they don’t have any room looking to lock up a playoff spot final stone for Daniel lfl facing one or Two gets two I didn’t think it was by so it’s all tied up coming home between I that’s pretty long and Li right and for Russ Howard what he would like to do is throw a long guard make it very difficult for the daisy team to

Score more than one he’s fine with the force to one that would be two points coming home with last Rock he’s been able to score two points today would like to do so again about holding Daisy to one Howard got his two in the e that’s fine who what does that leave Daisy

Now well for Daisy he gets rid of all the friend Stone St so that he might have a shot somehow to score a couple points and I can see how do a little rearranging but he has to open up the front he does for three probably yeah bring can you bring

It next one deeper where you put it just off nose and both of those redstones go I can’t even jiggle them deep that’s a tough wowow get up get up ah okay still a little too much traffic out in front for Daisy’s liking as a result

There so the final Stone to come now from Howard and one more from Mark Daisy for Nova Scotia too deep he’ll just run this one nah think I can get in there can I I don’t go that far I think we got a guard either one’s going to be for three

Yeah same yeah so Howard will play the same shot and he talks about the hope there is certainly a shot for Mark Daisy for multiple points but it’s off very long guards and him something I know and what he’s talking about but that’s laser when this one to here that comes

Here and the red ones leave the house but he needs to make that great shot but it’s certainly there for three the only way that Russ can block it is throwing a long guard and then Mark Dy will have to choose either of two long guards to drive back into the

Pile Howard’s find Stone in nine c c c CLE and that’s a long guard it’s an interesting house as you look at it Howard has put a guard out in front of what is a Nova Scotia counter sitting on the button there covering part of the Nokia side so it’s over to you

Let’s see what hard yards you’re all over the yellow one till the last foot yeah hair it’s an easier call for you certainly a potential Game ending shot here if Mark Dy is able to make this for three driving this straight back into the pile and hoping that red pops red

Pops there’s danger here though too isn’t there not a whole lot because of the way that the back stones are placed John yellow probably drives onto there and their risk and reward the reward is huge final Rock nth in Mark Daisy has made spectacular shots this week he

Looks for one more here yellow on to Yellow try but it will be give up a steal of one so there’s risk and reward there was the danger I was asking about but the risk to give up one tied up with last Rock if he makes this John it is for

Three and that’s the game but instead we have a tie and Daisy will have the hammer coming home giving up a steel of one to get things back to even with russow bye guys hey Grandma mom’s gone mcain deep and delicious Cakes so chocy and moist with a recable dome that keeps it fresh tasting slice after slice hi I’m back I just forgot my keys nice lunch guy main deep and delicious cakes the treat that’s Simply Irresistible what’s the right moment being able to respond to your partner

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Phone of the season of Champions and we couldn’t ask for much more than this it’s a five5 tie coming home two time prior and World Champion Russ Howard against Nova scotia’s Mark Daisy the runner up in the Brier one year ago in Halifax Daisy has the

Hammer as we play 10 we go back to that last shot about risk and reward John Mark Dy knew that he may give up a point but he was prepared to risk it because if he does that he has last Rock coming home and that is something that most skips and teams would

Prefer to be one up coming home and that’s where Daisy is knocking off Randy Furby yesterday when nean had problems with his last Rock in the meeting between Nova Scotia and Alberta that ended the 23 game win streak for the albertans if not missing it hit that and puts Daisy in top spot

At eight and one tied with Alberta but as it stands right now mathematically ahead of the albertans if they did finish in a tie for for top place in the standings because of the win yesterday y pretty good y for Mark Dy cannot remove these stones

From the free guard Zone but he can move them around and that’s what he’s doing not bad at all wrapping up one other game 10th end on sheety next door this could be the final shot of the morning Quebec facing three with Newan land on having the hammer

So USU with the hammer here and spill out there so New Finland and Labrador getting two for a 108 Victory and that improves gush’s record to eight and two as the handshakes are complete down there halfway wait pretty good line’s dead so one game to decide the winner

Right still to come on sheet B so the standings look like this up to the second with Newland and Labrador playing Alberta in the final game for the guys from The Rock they are at 8 and two whoa whoa and lot still to happen today with JPY to play two games new Landon

Labrador to take on Randy Furby be lots of movement at the top of the board just yet shot Mark and to finish off tan John what we will continue to see as Mark dacey trying to remove as many stones as he can and for Russ Howard trying to

Find a way to steal and he’s just throwing a pile of guards in front of the house so at the very worst for Newland as you see in the background just heading off board the dressing rooms at the very worst a tiebreaker there with a record of eight and two that win for

Them what’s very important this morning just clean it my grant well if you can it’s overbending well set Mark da at 79% through nine ends some pretty okay numbers much higher for the Howard team when we see Grant autot 90 the rest of the team in

80s it really has been about the three that was stolen and that’s how we got ourselves into a little bit up and down game and the biggest story I think today John has been the degree of difficulty and the spectacular shot making by Mark Daisy and Russ Howard and Russ Howard

Really just wants that one shot back the draw that came up just a little shy in the end that he gave up the three points in and that allowed Daisy the chance to steal bet was Howard making a lot more shots in the second half of the game his numbers improving

Dramatically James Gratton Well mine’s fine well let to wait well one Howard looking to set up the steel one way or another and Mark trying to figure out how to remove at least two of those guards on his next shot Red Roll Andy all the way yeah Dy obviously thinking of

Keeping it open so he has the opportunity to throw that last stone for the win at 55 as they stand right now and in this sport called curling there’s always a shot but for Mark Dy he’d like it to be easier Bruce lonus okay mission accomplished there it’s a

Little more open in front with the Red Rocks missing there what do you guys think that all right Highline wait sirl wait sir final St 10 for New Brunswick third James right anywhere high top of the too much too much well at the end Russ tried to play The Tick John to a

Little too late but for James a huge huge error they called for the tech as you heard hoping to get it over onto the Redstone in the 12 and I should have got on ite I thought I was can’t believe that SL M SM just fooled everybody

Sorry 55 coming home New Brunswick It’s s and two Mark Dy Nova Scotia at 8 and one Bruce lone is trying the double yep open skips rocks to come after this just one guy it’s not giving a face there try the for Rock he has the guards that he needs now

What what are you thinking confirming the draw weight had a chance on James but without Nova Scotia making that double peel chance now for Russ Howard to get into the forfoot and make it very difficult for Mark D I’ll try to get it there for you

Let it die ready for skip stones here in 10 in a five5 game New Brunswick’s Russ Howard goes first Does he have what he needs an extra bresser comes out James helping Shot well played I bet that was more like 60 59 yeah the 51 doesn’t make it great weight again I took the cutter too great brushing by all three players I threw 60 there make it great weight just didn’t have the Finish you saw how much

Room he had by the guard two open when it comes to rest I never said that no I don’t he’s a screamer help crowd got behind him a little bit on that one joh on this one there on your own Let it Girl yeah been a tough morning for these two in

Particular set the first of close to the not closer Mark can get to the nose the tougher it makes for Russ Howard playing 10 and a 55 showdown between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick right off you’re not on it nothing yet you’re not on it Daisy has made some spectacular shots over the

Last couple of days is this one more won’t hang around still love that though and well watch Mark coming out of the hack usually pretty to watch but you can see that last motion out that means that that rock is moving away from the stick before it has a chance and he

Knows seemed almost to be a little off balance on that delivery shooter is gone I don’t think myself a reasonable shot so Howard gets a chance to put one more in place and to make it a little bit better eight and a half I thre there 8 and a half 53

SPL final stone for Russ Howard in the 10th should be about 14 to 14 and a half No brushing required a little deep behind the line so that’ll give Daisy a little backing should he choose and the smudge he talked about is that often in the latter part of the game the sliding path from all the traffic of the curlers going over it

Will get a little soft and grab and D close yeah ever cat do SM perfect well why wouldn’t it yeah it’s on the dead center so the final Stone to come now for Mark Daisy one L he has won seven in a row and Daisy looks to make it eight straights with

His final shot in 10 this for the overall lead in the 2004 Brier back at nine wins and only one loss marked acy’s final stone for Nova Scotia you saw the numbers for R 13 and a half 14 numbers are much higher it’s about the line does he have it yes he

Does right on the money the kid from Saskatoon comes through with his eighth win in a row Daisy now skipping for Nova Scotia but this is where he grew up on the Prairies and not far from SAS place in SAS Kon great shot it has been about two

Great skips and yes I won this outing Russ Howard Mark Dy moves into the overall lead at the prior after 15 DW hurry hurry hurry come on hurry hard hurry hurry hurry [Applause] Hurry that restaurant I’m taking you to wa fancy oh yeah but I always say If It Don’t Fit between two pieces of bread it ain’t fit to eat and I’m not just a driver I delivered a baby 2 days ago right where you’re sitting so you’re probably meeting some fancy lawyer

Boyfriend who sniffs a COR before he sends back a spear for having the wrong kind of bubbles hey get a load to this guy I wouldn’t be caught dead in that wait I missed a turn off but I can circle around don’t worry I know the

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Brought to you by Carlson vagen Ley and John this was a game we could have chosen so many shots because there was example after example by Mark Dy and Russ Howard but when it comes into a tie coming home and you have to make a big

Shot Mark Daisy has been the man this week that has made them time and time again and no bigger than this one against Russ Howard last shot needs to get to the for foot win what he does a cash donation will be made to the Canadian coaching Association for the

Training and development of coaches in amateur sport on behalf of TSN and Carlson vagen Lee Royal Caribbean International the playoff picture gets a little bit clearer as a result Nova Scotia moves to the top of the heat but first place is not clinched Alberta with

Two games to go can still have a say there Newland and labador grabbing a playoff spot to move to eight and two and this game will decide or at least it could decide the four playoff teams if Russ Howard beats JPY in our feature match this afternoon the four playoff

Teams are decided C they are and JPY knows that he controls his own destiny by two wins that’s where you want to be and what a show we had today it was close all morning long breakfast at the Brier a true treat today it’s a presentation of TSN Canada Sports

Leader this Sports Center Special Report is brought to you by the new B Flex extreme the new B Flex Extreme has arrived hello again from the sports center Newsroom I’m Rod Smith of course the big news of the day coming in the National Hockey League with Vancouver conu forward Todd bruzi suspended

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