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WWE Monday Night RAW, Full Show, April 1st 2024, Live Stream watch along

Wrestling Gab Monday Night RAW!
WWE Raw live stream is my WWE live stream also known as my WWE Raw live stream
WWE Raw live stream
WWE Raw live stream
WWE Raw watch along
WWE Raw live stream Full Show is our WWE Raw stream which features all my WWE Raw reactions to the WWE Raw. This WWE Raw watch along is part of our weekly WWE live streams & features the WWE Raw results

This WWE Raw live stream is actually a WWE Raw full show live stream will feature all the reactions to this weeks WWE RAW.

This free WWE Raw live stream is my WWE Raw live stream & again features our WWE Raw reactions

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2. WWE Raw watch along
3. WWE Raw live reactions
4. WWE Raw live stream
5. WWE Raw live stream
6. WWE Raw watch along



WWE Raw roster – Men
Big E
Randy Orton
Keith ‘Bearcat’ lee
Rey Mysterio
Dominik Mysterio
Austin Theory
Akira Tozaswa
Chad Gable
Apollo Crews
Commander Azeez
Drake Maverick
John Morrison
Bobby Lashley
Seth Rollins
Damian Priest
AJ Styles
Kevin Owens
Angelo Dawkins
Montez Ford
Finn Balor
Karrion Kross
Gable Steveson
Dolph Ziggler
Robert Roode
Cedric Alexander
Shelton Behamin
Jaxson Ryker
The Miz

WWE Raw roster – Women
Bianca Belair
Rhea Ripley
Nikki ASH
Nia Jax
Zelina Vega
Becky Lynch
Alexa Bliss
Dana Brooke
Liv Morgan
Mia Yim
Tegan Nox

WWE SmackDown Roster – Men
Roman Reigns
Drew McIntyre
Kofi Kingston
Xavier Woods
Happy Corbin
Madcap Moss
Isaiah ‘Swerve’ Scott
Top Dolla
Ashante ‘Thee’ Adonis
Jeff Hardy
Drew Gulak
Mustafa Ali
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
King Nakamura
Rick Boogs
Angel Garza
Humberto Carrillo
Ridge Holland
Sami Zayn
Jinder Mahal

WWE SmackDown roster – Women
Charlotte Flair
Toni Storm
Sasha Banks
Shayna Baszler
Xia Li

Free Agents
Brock Lesnar
Gran Metalik
Lince Dorado
Titus O’Neil
Eva Marie
Lacey Evans

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E e hello wrestling fans and welcome to wrestling Gap it is Monday that means it’s time for Dynamite ah just kidding it’s raw and it’ss it’s the go home show for Wrestlemania this weekend so I hope you’re in for a a long night cuz it’s

Going to be a long and a lot of talking a lot of go home stuff lot of storyline build yeah they’re going to pretend that they’re not going to have commercials but they’ll have commercials they’ll just be their commercials and it’ll be stup well did everybody have a good Easter

Weekend did they though we have Sophie in the chat hey Sophie uh Janelle is out there Walter is with us too ravie and Chris Aon is with us tonight hey guys good to see you s says hi that Bray Wyatt documentary was an awesome watch Janelle says hi Walter says hey Travis hi

Daffne Robbie says lollipop lollipop oh lollipop uh Chris says hey Travis and D Walter says Raw tonight good matches Chris says yeah uh the Bray Wyatt documentary is sad um and Walter says yes good Easter weekend good hopefully everybody had a fabulous time if you did celebrate or if you just

Had food I don’t know something like that it looks like the they are going to be starting WrestleMania at 7 Eastern why like starting it starting it or they’re going to have their stupid free pre I’m sure the pre-show will be two hours before that cuz I’m off the air I can’t keep

Whooping his handy ass he’s going to see him at Mania where the wrestling happen oh they’re in New York what is it it’s Called what do I have on my shirt Walter April fools what are you doing than I don’t know did I need this no I was just showing it to you oh am I what am I doing with this if you wanted you can unplug it and then flip it under

Here oh to the dongle cuz it’s in there too uhhm I think it looks cool the colors are weird in the background of it because there’s probably a way to turn it off I just didn’t get the instructions out hey if you smell what The Rock is cooking in

The barklay center oh I smell it all right it smells like [ __ ] [ __ ] you think it’s like a beat smell smells like garbage to me oh there he is the garbage garbage you realize this is WrestleMania I changed the setting so you shut this it that’s probably good A lot of people think

That Walder says okay at 9 P p.m. I’m going I’ll be here Wednesday for aw ravie says go on D Travis with more TV screens then the production truck at WWE it’s so you can’t see what we have behind her you guys don’t need a look this big one actually isn’t even on

Right but I figure I can use it for like other pay-per-views and other things well there says okay the rock starting raw Robbie says yeah not too shabby weekend yeah did you um did you have today off in your line of work or did you have to work today do they celebrate April

Pool not about April it’s about Easter got excited they get Good Friday off and Easter the Monday after Easter off in the UK I don’t know if everybody does you know work that day their Bank stuff and everything does though that kind of thing but some people don’t you know

Like retail places probably don’t things like that I don’t know I said retail like retail like she [ __ ] well robu does work in a place with people that have problems and their mental capacities some of them might be how would I know are they full functioning maybe probably

Not if they’re in a facility I’m guessing no night one we’re going to see The Rock rle Sophie says CM Punk threw both a and Tony Khan under the bus with that interview oh well just just uh his April fools of me having something on my shirt

He was like April Fools Chris says I really don’t think it’s a spoiler because it’s already videos on YouTube show the end of the clip of Bray documentary of bod alas dressed as Uncle howdy that he will return Brandon Stephens in the chat hey Brandon says Brandon stens Mary Bailey Sophie says

Rumors are the 25 Rumble could take place in London oh hey you know who we didn’t see this weekend on Saturday that Brandon that we know and he didn’t give us an invite what a rude face lied to us he came in here and [ __ ] lied lying [ __ ]

So he like rumors are the 25 Rumble could take place in London London Rob’s like oh go on DNE getting fooled by Walter yeah DNE sure did Robert wary in the chat today hey Robert good to see you tonight did you have a good weekend

Did you uh have some Easter stuff or did you have to work uh Walter says it’s just today joke time yeah it’s April fools Sophie says how was your Easter that’s good do much R says yes I took it off oh okay today off did you nice Robert says

I had a great Easter how was y’all’s Easter I forgot it was Easter but I did end up watching The Ten Commandments himself did you watch the rest of it not all he didn’t watch all of it by himself I watched the first most half of it with

You and then we did stuff and then later on he’s like most have he’s like do you want to watch do you want to watch The Ten Commandments or do you want to watch angel I was like well I don’t really want to watch the second half of the Ten Commandments I watch you can do it later mhm he made that boy bleed like a girl he’s trying to be cool but he’s like not is gross Walter says Rock promo I want to fight oh no honey there’s no commercials the first hour you’re not getting one

Fight and if we do I’ll be surprised so saym Punk said that that interview in my interview that Tony KH isn’t a boss he’s just a nice guy I don’t know if that’s staring anybody under the bus we all knew that I know about be a nice guy but

He’s not a boss Robert says yeah I had to work and I got a lot of a lot of stuff for Easter cool he got stuff for Easter damn so he says with that white dark I think I could watch it again um MMJ Z fan the MMJ Z fan is in the

Chat how’s it going says hi do you remember me yeah we kind of remember you being in here been a while been a minute Harley is in the chat as well hey Harley good to see you today uh did you have a good Easter weekend says hello everyone

Walter says The Rock still a heal but Cody will get his revenge yeah look at he’s wearing a cow he wears cow he is a cow that’s you Cole he’s a h you’re Cody cry baby so without there being commercials I would assume we’re going to get talking the whole first

Hour how many matches in the first hour over or under two zero and that means if it starts so like two if it starts I’m going to say under two zero we’re going to get zero that’s under two sure zero we’re not even going to get one you got your

Baa was it a nice baa oh God who’s little sister I have no idea I don’t know who that is is it somebody famous is there a group called little sister oh maybe it was her little sister all these people he’s got the Cody crybabies so not only is he making fun

Of children which is kind of gross dude I mean that’s disgusting The Rock you’re gross dude I mean I know you’re a bad guy pizza but but now it’s just nasty anyways Harley says send an alarm for weekend spend time family and girlfriend nice Robbie wants to know is

The Rock still good enough at his age to wrestle well considering doesn’t tear anything but I think Roman will carry most of that going to say since the last time that he wrestled and he tore like more than half his abdomen out of himself I think he should just not he

Should just go away he’s not he’s not wrestling anybody like John johnen is a big physical wrestler and Cody’s not that style well when he did it right MMJ says I have a question for you guys when did you first learn about WWE it was there when I was

Born Travis learned about it in the womb I mean my earliest memories are watching wrestling with my grandpa and my cousins a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do either that or somebody forgot to tell them no means no we going to have a me too moment with you there

Buddy no ST they’re cutting out [ __ ] now huh H you think they’re going from the PG era to the G era I don’t know I feel like they used to swear a little bit on USA they’ve never said [ __ ] and so it’s USA not isn’t doing this it’s WWE that’s doing

Possibly if that’s the case then they better not have anybody on there who says bad words or words that don’t fool into their stuff because half their shit’s blanked out and you have no idea what’s happening that’s kind of against their Narrative of what they want robie’s like so the rock carrying

WWE right into WrestleMania season no he’s not carrying [ __ ] he’s our only headline star besides Becky well I guess he is carrying [ __ ] because he is full of that so he carries that around with him everywhere but in all reality I feel like he’s a hasb been

And needs to go the [ __ ] away from any kind of wrestling [ __ ] this is and infiltrating largest gate in the history of raw ever the most money they’ve ever made on a raw they builded up a giant basketball arena because the rock going to be there whatever just because raas before were

In places where they could put 15,000 people doesn’t mean [ __ ] in Russ before russl Mania they just said how many it was oh 15,500 and something well it wasn’t the people it was the money they made they just charged more money of course they did it’s the Rob before WrestleMania

He’s in Brooklyn and he’s just as [ __ ] greedy as the rest of them and he’s on the board so you know he’s saying yeah we should raise the prices cuz we’re greedy [ __ ] Rocky MOA is Cody gonna come out or is they gonna let him leave or is he gonna bring Roman

Out there he comes well it okay matches hurry up the rock match oh Roman comes your tribal chief Revy says but he must be if viewers have gone up views have gone up of course they have it’s the rock acting like it’s not the rock he’s not carrying WWE

Though he brings a lot of eyes because of wrestling fans that quit watching I want to quit watching they forgot to like make another star I to be honest I think Vince was scared to make stars cuz he was worried they would leave Robie wants to know how tall is

Roman I don’t know Google it I would say 62 he’s probably 62 63 probably listed at 6’4 CU I know Hogan was quite a bit taller than the Rock and I think the Rock’s taller than Roman although I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them next to other right

If you’re just joining as we’re watching Raw um this is a commercial free first hour we haven’t had a match of any kind yet this is a go home show for Wrestlemania right now we have the rock out there yapping his butthole on everybody and then he just brought out

Roman Reigns to Yap his butthole at everybody too now Roman’s out there well he’s just about to get into the room to Yap his butthole Ra was like Rudy well you’re the one that tells me to do it do it yourself Google [ __ ] you got it at your

Fingertips Becker is in the chat hey Becker good to see you tonight gives a smiley face hello how you doing did you do here I’m not doing that you didn’t acknowledge it I’m not doing that not going to I’m not doing any of that I don’t like any of these people out

Here now did The Rock dude the L sign he’s got a one out there I saw the finger but I could see OB says you’re a wrestling Channel D me to know wrestling info for the chat here he comes I don’t have to know people’s stats of what their height and

[ __ ] is I don’t give a crap about their height the only time I care about their height is when they’re under the um height of the actual ring ROP ropes out there then it’s becomes a problem or when they can’t ride a roller coaster basically

Uh Jody Crawford in the chat says yo yo Jody good to see how’s it going we just have our commercial free hour of raw right now you got Roman Reigns sitting in there the music just stopped oh it finally stops so we can listen to him talk ask people to

Acknowledge him and wherever they’re at tonight where they at anyway New York no not listen I have no idea he said Brooklyn New York and you said where Rob is like wiy and punk joining doubt that he’s going to come out for any of this no family above

All yeah The Rock’s quite a bit taller than Roman yeah are they eating I know but real in our chat is eating Reals in the chat says yeat Ye Ye yet did you Yeet did you yeat yet Roman’s all like being serious and the Rocks like trying to laugh and smile cuz he’s over there with a stupid dumbass grin on his

Face well he’s a businessman R says oh yeah he’s fighting Seth CM Punk is fighting nobody he’s broken no he’s not fighting anybody at WrestleMania not until he gets back and then he’ll fight what’s his name Drew he was invited or he invited himself Seth and Brock

Undertaker who this guy yeah Roman he said this is going to be the easiest WrestleMania of his life I’m going to smash those fool cool they’re gonna have he’s gonna have his way with Cody he’s like the but Cody’s of age probably say niia Jack’s going to show up

Tonight maybe I don’t know I don’t know why you she would need to cuz her and uh Liv are out of that mat you know that’s not happening at WrestleMania the only thing that would happen is if they wrestled each other but I don’t even see that

Happening they’re not at that match what do you mean uh remember they were kind of inserting them into the Becky and Ria stuff oh yeah sopie says that CM Punk interview sound Ed interesting okay Robbie says Seth involved yo he’s involved in what well he’s involved in this garbage

Yeah so are they going to put Bianca is that going to be a six woman six man tag team oh cuz of the crap they pulled well I was just wondering if it was going to be for the titles or if they’re just going to do a six and put Dakota

With them I don’t know maybe I just don’t even know why they put I just hate everything that Happ because they had the same color of skin that’s what it’s all about I guess [ __ ] up is what it is it is this letter stand on own for [ __ ] sake

Jesus Christ I didn’t know that Naomi needed so much [ __ ] support for sethy poo oh God sethy poo Robbie’s like l d LOL great Feud ain’t it I don’t know what’s happening sounds Stupid he’s going to come through the crowd guys acting like you haven’t seen Seth before he would never they have a toothpick please Yeah well probably going to get Cody out here cess coming down he’s in the hospital poor Drew because he’s supposed to be in like a legitimate fight with with Seth mhm and then instead they have him all the stuff with Cody yeah he’s just acting like Drew ain’t

[ __ ] hopefully with that that Drew wins because of it yeah well holy that guy got in trouble yeah but he just brought him back to his seat though yeah well he was down there below him for some reason weirdo it’s like dude you got to get the [ __ ] out

There this guy is like I’ve got my phone in your face you like it everybody likes it live in the [ __ ] moment you dumb [ __ ] like be a kid I would have the hardest time if I was those people I would just be like whack like constantly why are you assulting my

Phone Chris has so much BS rock sing largest gate in raw H history yeah Triple H announced it on Twitter today yeah they’re both a bunch of [ __ ] faces buch of [ __ ] waffles come on Cody kick his ass biggest WrestleMania of all time that’s Hilarious sounds like crap the biggest main event of all time OB he like Seth gonna kick some ass is it act are they acting like he’s announcing it it’s already on Twitter I already saw he’s they’re Ending night one I already read it they’re pretending that doesn’t exist I guess I don’t know

Chris says you can’t tell me over the years with names like Stone Cold that had bigger sellouts than this show it’s not the people it’s the money yeah they just raise the prices of [ __ ] same amount of people 15K is not that many people they have that on all

Their [ __ ] it’s no different they just up the prices of everything because they’re greedy [ __ ] and up their pric stuff so that they could charge people more money to be there he might have drown a set in the last three years few years who wants to wrestle Roman Reigns

Or the Rock tonight in the main event Jesus Christ solo why would you do something like that this sounds stupid uh Sophie says there is rumors they might do a sequel to Clash at the castle but this time in Scotland in June that’d be cool don’t they already have a

Pay-per-view in June no or did they skip June because the one in May is so late I can’t remember I don’t know hey Sophie while you’re getting all this information you should see why they didn’t do a Saudi Arabia show yet feel like that’s like a big deal yeah with their contracts they

I hope they breach their contract they have to do two in a year so they going to do them back to back or something Chris says also BS because apparently Roman will tie Hogan at Mania which is BS because that’s not the same title also he needs five more years

To beat San Martino’s 8-year Title reign Chris says yes is sequel to Clash at the castle in bash in Berlin is Bash in Berlin so he says WWE doesn’t have a pay-per-view scheduled for June cool who’s he going to fight solo yeah you sit there and enjoy the

Ride cuz a rock is taking you on it Soo he needs that moment this says Kevin Owens says he doesn’t want to win the IC champion ship because of Owen Hart I didn’t like Owen did you not like him makes sense I didn’t really know Owen very well so Kevin Owens hates Owen

Hart wow it is what it isans ha Canadians a lot of Canadian hate there I figed he’ just apologize Chrystal like Solo versus Seth is not biggest main event of Rob all time [ __ ] off laugh the top not even the top two yeah there you go I was going to

Say give it a crazy number because this is just a joke I mean this is a joke wait have they got to 2,000 yet I thought they did the 2,000 show I have no idea still even if there wasn’t still would never be in the top

2000 it’s a joke the whole thing’s a joke he’s got the biggest bag in the bloodline oh yeah we get solo in the main event she say bag yeah like where he holds his balls oh God e that’s nasty it’s kind of gross why do you have to be so gross

About it me yeah why would I be I don’t know H Chris says [ __ ] those damn Yanks beating my stros oh no not the Astros uh Sophie says Kevin Owen says he doesn’t want to win the IC Championship again because he held it the same amount

Of times as Owen har as well as the combined days well um whatchamacallits are made to be broken supposedly it’s not even a record it’s just he’s a dude that wrestled in the 90s there you go a dude so it says my Mets got swept this weekend and Chris

Says but my have the Blue Jays this week also might go to the minor league opening day this weekend you should you guys understand what’s happening tonight in the main event garbage could be the biggest Main Event ever oh Jesus no it’s Solo versus Seth but there’s a catch

It’s the bloodline rules God that we’re going to see night two of WrestleMania in the main event oh after the Rock and Roman whoop the [ __ ] out of their candy asses on night one so we’re going to know what’s going to happen night two because of the overwhelming bloodline rules wow all righty

Then s says this first hour being commercial free is a test of when they go to Netflix was it oh she’s there Becky was there earlier they’ll just uh Jesus this is even more stupid that’s the biggest star in wrestling besides the Rock her daughter I don’t even know what her

Daughter’s name is no her mom the mom of the daughter that Lynch who’s to say that they’ll be commercial free on Netflix Sophie they’ll probably just put commercials in it as much money as they can get so they’re going to put commercials in it they might be every 30

Seconds although I don’t know how they’re regulated if they’re regulated like cable companies were because in Britain they can only have so many in Britain in Britain they can only have so many commercials per hour and in America it’s different they have different rules and that’s why aew does what they do

With the picture and picture because if you’re watching it in they don’t have the picture and picture it’s just the map I don’t know how they do it on USA there I or if they even have USA nowk work they might have a different um channel that that has it so they have

Their rights right uhoh it’s the new day yes it is sucker e we’re over we’re going to be over one you said zero h said over under two I’m surprised they’re even having a match there could be two I’m surprised those [ __ ] earlier didn’t talk for longer they they probably were like um

You need to not talk so long this time they’re closing The Showdown Chris says Smackdown is good for cha Jade Cargill but I feel like Ron needs her star power for this BS long three-hour show she could easily dominate raw than face Ria yep Chris also says admit and then

Eventually face Smackdown champ like maybe Tiffany could win the title they can face each other at a Survivor series or SummerSlam champ versus champ yeah with the future so these four are they going up against the uh Judgment Day then or they just going against two of

The other people in the lad map it looks like Judgment Day so is it all four members is it even uh M go Robie says in the UK they don’t show aw live or the pay-per-view you have to find other ways well decent Little Match dirty Dom

LOL oh my gosh supposedly they had it on TNT there and that’s why they did the picture and picture thing that the reason they do it that way that’s what I had read so was that a li Bobby they don’t have TNT there I thought TNT own their

Sports isn’t it called TNT Sports now obviously I’m not from there so I’m not arguing I just thought my perception your assumption so Dom’s wrestling is dad mcdo doesn’t have a match which he shouldn’t Finn and Daman are in a ladder match right or is that a

Lad is that a lad yeah yep it’s a ladder match it’s a six tag team ladder match kind of crap yeah yep yep yep nice um Robbie says n TNT only shows WWE huh weird that makes sense Chris says I don’t know man I kind of like Dom

Not necessarily because of his wrestling ability but he’s kind of like funny when he gets heat from the crowd every time he talks yeah no it definitely is a is a big deal anytime you have something about your character it doesn’t matter what it is that

Draws love or hate if it’s that strong you have to keep them on the roster for a while it’ll fade but right now it’s still fun he’s like dirty Diana dude Dirty Man Nick anyways we have an eight-man tag match going on right now you got one member of

The DIY in there with the uh whatever his name isio and Finn’s got a Walt on his forehead caused from a house show basically oh no that guy wasn’t there when you tried to nobody’s home gosh well there it is Big clothesline from Finn Balor and it took him

Out Rob’s like DIY getting smashed right oh mcdo who might be the worst wrestler that we’ve seen in the last decade on WWE program period I think just like you could easily put him up there with almost anybody wow how he’s on the main roster it it’s

Joke it’s an insult for anybody that’s ever wrestled on the program but for somehow he’s on this I don’t know if he’s uh a piece of pizza for one of the uppers or or what Chris says people think Motor City Machine Guns will debut at Mania in the tag Ladder Match they

Are from TNA and are considered the best tag team behind Young Bucks you should check them out Travis they are cool no I mean obvious it has a cool name I’d have to say who they are I think we’ve seen them before but to say behind the young

Buck is kind of weird I’m pretty sure we’ve seen him on FTR before the trend like the the group right maybe were they better than those Brothers the one that passed away in the car accident two yeah who cares how many you w you win the world title and you’re one win

That’s a big deal mhm and then to lose it to the uh the Natural Born Killer terrifying I’m pretty sure he beats every Black Champion well m he beat Bobby for his he beat Kofi for his and he beat biggie for his or did I already say biggie no no Bobby Biggie and

Sophie ouch they’re like okay’s like my underwear parts are going up uh Chris says one n Chris says yeah machine guns are better than Buck technically but because they are from the TNA they don’t get that right recognition like other teams like FTR [ __ ] Jesus Christ I hope he’s not

Dead he’s fine I thought he was going to hit that corner I know me too I was like oh he’s going to get a broken neck right there he almost did too he’s so small it wouldn’t hurt him right we doesn’t have the mask like

A big guy would have yeah like Big E when he came up and over that’s 300 lb coming down mhm where mcdo or not mcdo but moar whatever his name is what the [ __ ] is that D’s name the little DYI or has the wife Johnny spaghetti John Mr spaghetti pants he

Only weighs like 135 PBS I doubt it he weighs like 98 okay let’s he’s not smaller than the wind he is too he’s right there with him I was saying he’s about 150 35 150 ra is like dirty Dom with the big where oh [ __ ] uhoh caught him by the throat let

Him go dribbled him back somehow pulled him back like the force oh my I don’t know if you seen that that was crazy mm I did he grabbed him by the throat and he somehow Almost Got Away pulled him back he’s just like like you’re never getting away it’s almost May the fourth

Oh Daman Damen priest got the win over the DIY dude yeah against the weird I didn’t expect that one half of the nobody’s I honestly thought mcdo would get pinned Russell talk needs people they’ve got their support people out there with with their posters sweet losers I want people to take my

Stuff you wouldn’t said I would I would wouldn’t I well I understand that but I doubt that person works for Russell talk no Rob’s like d would you wear the same waste coat as The Rock no I don’t wear anything you’re not going to wear cow no

No I don’t know anybody that can get away with wearing cow good stuff well we’re one match deep into the night and there’s 12 minutes left think we’re going get to the second one they’re babbling about stuff back in the back he’s ready Robbie says it would look good on you

De sure it wouldn’t Robbie Roman’s leaving probably look better on you bud you should probably wear it maybe you should get it for your DJing act Jesus Christ Twinkie tits over there [ __ ] rock doesn’t like him either wrote a song about him Roman’s putting him in the H

Of oh God Jesus Christ robie’s like do you got the better body shape than me for I don’t have [ __ ] dude better just leave it on the rock where it belongs may put on Twinkie tits yeah probably be better for everybody CHR says LOL Roman will induct Paul hymon

And Hall of Fame PS man of saying that ACW original should induct him bring in Taz from aw bring in Raven and Sandman Sabu RVD and Tommy Dreamer you know he was in wrestling before that and so he I can’t remember the name of the teag team

Was it Midnight Express that he managed for a minute I swear it was one of those teams when he carried his big Zach Morris phone he was Paul E Dangerously oh they’re starting to tell us what days so Sammy Gunther is Saturday which is fine yeah

Robbie says do you ever had corn soup just wondered what it’s like nope never had it never heard of it it sounds good believe it or not corn soup but it’s it just reminds me of like cream soup or something yeah I’ve never heard of it so

I I didn’t even know it was a thing I mean I like corn it I guess it’d be okay in a soup Chris is like so dramatic BS from Sammy and Chad it’s the most I love it who trains that hard right before you had strain hard like months

Before and then well we know that but he’s had two seconds to get into MH he didn’t Main Event [ __ ] he Main Event [ __ ] Chris says so dramatic BS for Sammy Robie says it made with sweet corn well I would hope so or else it’ be gross Chris says bro I hope Gunther

Destroys Sammy in a squash match at Mania I hope so too but it won’t be a squash match I’m sure Rob’s like this is like Karate Kid why are we insulting Karate Kid because he’s afraid Chris says I know right why why the [ __ ] do you train

That hard before Mania if anything you should be eating steaks and having sex celebrations every night get has some spaghetti two nights before Sketti Mr KY might have a problem with that he’ll dump it on him this is dumb as [ __ ] it’s a good thing they waited this long to they

Should have just done all this during the first hour so we didn’t even have a match prob was like oh you insulted it with the strange voice insulted what the cow sweet corn oh corn soup I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah I hope it’s a squash match me

Too like he goes in there just running all excited and just just smash he threw in the tail for me let me kept going the intestinal fortitude of a Canadian D ah Brandon stens is like hi wrestling C hey Brandon how is your Easter weekend buddy have a good

Easter Robie says oh wow it D Sammy is a decent wrestler Entertainer allow it what does that even mean in your world just let it happen that’s I’m not asking in your world sorry I’m asking in Robbie’s world what it means cuz he says weird he’s in wrestling

Gear it’s going to be it two Brandon says yes and Chris says here’s Big brunon re playing the big guy classic role sad man that’s big guys didn’t get to shine I’m sure he wishes he could be facing Gunther Mania maybe he could win Andre the Giant

Rumble we’ll see it on uh this Friday Friday yeah I wonder who’s going to win that this year it’s going to be a little guy isn’t it probably they’re gonna have a tiny little man just a little tiny man Ro says oh D always loves to overplay the hill rooll is com so

[Laughter] I have no idea what you say after talk Robie and he said me like what something about a heel do you really want me to repeat it you say do you want it in the chip chip Cheerio like in the stuff D always loves to over play the

Heel rule oh does that help yeah did you kidding yeah laughy faces laugh laugh LOL LOL I love the L why is Chucky weird old it’s so dumb Chris says I think Lashley won the Andre Rumble last year usually whoever wins it like it gets broken he won it

Not saying he didn’t Robie is like lol you’re a [ __ ] D lol lol lol with lots of fluffy faces you’re the one that wanted it that way Travis wanted it that way dude I was totally fine reading it the way I was reading it and he’s like I can’t even

Understand that’s the stuff you say when you read Ra’s Parts he was all upset that you didn’t have a voice and now you do so there you go Chris says that they could throw Braun breaker in that battle royal he could win it yeah would he get attacked by anybody if

Anything he’d probably be a heel and then somebody else would win it and then he would attack him and beat up the trophy because somebody’s going to get beat up and that it’s they already have a script yeah script uh Chris said either Nakamura to

Re or Reed to win the Battle Royal I would say la Knight but he has a match with Styles H Robie says I’m blaming you D laughy faces Robi says is Gunther getting the right push I don’t know is he is he Travis is he getting the right

Push D yeah mhm it’s fine it’s not wrong or right it’s fine I mean they’re going to have to have him lose at some point if they want him to be world champion because if you go undefeated and then he gives up the belt and wins the title people won’t like that

Right s says I thought the whole hour was commercial free why am I seeing commercials like 5 minutes before the first hour is over cuz that’s how it always goes their first hour is a lie welcome to the retardedness of lying about commercial free hours for blah blah

Blah what the what is happening to my TV is this real get your French on oh my this summer in per I’m like uh I’m like why are they speaking in French why are they talking in quitter was talking to them or something uh Robby says I had to laugh I

Saw randomly on a live Tik Tok some women cosplaying as Ria Ripley it was so dumb it’s not very nice why can’t people cosplay as other people what’s wrong with that I wouldn’t do it I’m just curious why it was D I read on Twitter today that they were

Going to move WrestleMania across the street into the other Stadium because of water main broke and it wasn’t safe for the uh fans from level 20 up or something so and if you had tickets over level 100 then you wouldn’t be able to watch it what was it

I didn’t catch the first part of what you said I’m sorry they’re going to move WrestleMania across the street into the basketball arena this here it’s April Fool’s Day oh I’m like what it was pretty funny though it’s this long news break oh okay I’m like what are you talking about and if

You’re still reading this that sounds like a bunch of crap to me Chris says myos beating Blue Jay’s cucks four to zero baby um dude I don’t know if that’s something to be excited about I mean it’s the Blue Jays I don’t know how good they are now is uh Vlad Jr

Doing any good I know the season just started so it doesn’t matter but these people robie’s like it was dumb cuz she didn’t do the accent well who can do a ria Ripley accent I can’t Chris has a little my boy angel tried to touch Ria what he would

Never this is too much cut the crap I’m going to make a call I have no idea this this probably some spam thing look at my [ __ ] [Laughter] answer do you have any plans for tomorrow or like no who are these people no it’s a Spam thing so don’t be late

Tomorrow I have planed to make your favorite special dumplings I don’t eat gluten I wonder what their response is going to be waiting for I thought they might come when you were there cuz they come pretty quick this just happened literally 71 includ obviously that’s a sex term I

Would assume is that your favorite dumpling well they have the little dumpling thing like they’re like pot stickers Walter’s leaving us though they did it Walter we’re under two matches was the under mhm yeah because they didn’t they aren’t even going to start this when it’s after 7 o’clock already uh

Robie like Bronson going to mash it up uh Chris says the blue yeah the Blue Jays have only have vlat Jr Walter says okay bye guys see you Wednesday for ew after Bingo yeah well good luck with Bingo you better win looking for a winner on Wednesday Walter it’s winner Wednesday winner

Wednesday yeah winter Wednesdays hump day should have been like where am I going I don’t remember your address I’m still waiting for it there’s the bell’s like de don’t pressure Walter like that he better win I need him to win a gift card to Chick-fil-A at Sammy

Sammy has more heart now oh more heart he should have cut his hair and shaved his beard though right cuz they need be cool like on different levels of cool there’s always different levels of cool he’d be is as cool as a Canadian can get how about that a

Goose they’re pretty cool that as cool as a Canadian can get I think so Goose L not a malard but like to hiss at people uh Chris says earlier today aw YouTube channel did an interview with Harley Cameron that woman has way too much energy and

Funny um as [ __ ] all over the place it’s awesome okay she also has everything else all over the place Charisma sounds terrible eyeballs e puppies she probably should keep her animals under control mhm like Spade M probably shouldn’t leave them off leash too much people get upset about that Bob

Barker St somebody should call Pet honor because of we’re puppies yeah and Chris is like lol pups there you go oh get that’s what you’re getting read you read that what does it say I don’t know says that’s the food and it says says this is the mixture of dumplings

Dear not a gluten why are you talking so strangely this is great I’m not the one talking strange why are you sending me pictures of porn that’s food porn’s like Travis did ever think Bron said would be this good for who he is who said he’s good are you saying he’s good

Ravi oh my God he’s like hey get your fat ass in there I can’t lift you up so you got to do it yourself great robie’s like I’m asking oh he’s asking Rob’s asking one momento he’s just being a coach he’s like well if I can’t have a chance you

Should okay you ready for Robbie’s question he goes Travis did you ever think Bronson would be this good for who he is good he’s not good I don’t see him being good he loses all the time but he is the big guy they got to try to make him

Somewhat believable because why would you want a big guy that loses all the time I feel like he needs to be wrestling Cody for the championship well no is that believable I don’t know character he’s too short but he is a big guy uh Chris says it’s

Because Ravi is UK so is red well actually Rio will actually Australia oh yeah R is Australian yes it’s different it’s a mixture of dumplings de not gluten and I said but noodles have gluten it’s not well it might be rice noodles rice noodles don’t have gluten what the hell’s a dumpling isn’t

That a okay so there’s filling that goes in the dumpling which is meat and like vegetables and stuff like that but the dumpling like what it goes into is a dough so it’s I don’t know what that is but isn’t it little DS like little pods

But so you know those little pot sticker things I get it’s that’s what those are exactly those are dump Lings basically that’s what I was thinking anyways I tried to zoom in yeah that’s food porn looks great noodles have gluten you’re so weird two oh son of a [ __ ] Daphne’s a slow count

Him Robbie’s like I didn’t know that crying and laughing at the same time what are you not knowing I don’t know what’s happening in your business Robbie says dumplings are used in casseroles and Jamaicans use it their food yeah dump dumplings dumplings can be a lot of different stuff in Asian

Cuisine dumplings are basically meat filled little pockets of dough so yeah well I’ll get you different food tomorrow buddy come on hey hey M you’re a good boy is there anything you can give him that counteract that I mean you could take him to the vet and like try to get

Him like allergy medicine but the shot no he’d be a pill or something they they got you back need to talk to them about their food porn e nice where you living these days what did they say to you there’s no noodles in my doubling recipe wow that nice where you living these

Days Je I mean I guess I could do the oldfashioned trick does that Alexa what area code is 626 Gabriel Valley Northern California like I’ll see in 16 hours I’m in the gate [Laughter] City uh-oh the world is on yeah God no notice Wrestlemania 40 Saturday and Sunday only

Unck well we thought Sammy was better than he was he trained hard maybe he’s just tired yeah it’s probably because he’s tired so says uh CM pun said he didn’t sign his WWE contract until that night he came back ni cool I would assume it was a April

Fool’s joke but I did see on Maxwell Jacob fredman’s uh what do you call that TW not the thing you look up people and it comes up Facebook Wikipedia oh Wikipedia that said he was a member of the WWE that’s funny Sophie says it looks like Survivor Series could take place in

Chicago again Chicago cool is that because uh Punk will be back but he’ll just get injured again you don’t want him in that match that war games match Survivor Series yeah just get broken again or something Little Neck breaker right there Bronson he’s just stuck in his outfit going up

Top choso in the chat hey choso good to see you tonight says hello everyone and Sophie says that Bray what documentary you find out stuff about him that you probably didn’t know yeah maybe I didn’t know it was out I’ll have to check it was it

On I like Bray worth a watch I’m sure right oh God nobody was home you get it you rip your eye out uh oh look at this Sophie says it is on peacock Sami is gonna lose oh no Chad Gable was broken that’s his coach his coach his friend Sophie says

It was confirmed Bray Wyatt got Co like months before he passed yeah it just makes you wonder if he got the shop vaccination the vaccination it’s been causing a lot lot of problems with people oh [ __ ] oh defie rang the bell I didn’t hear it no Bell has been rung so she’s not

Looking is she not paying attention how would you not hear it you’re in the ring and the crowd’s all I don’t know I would think you’d hear it just fine I have no idea what’s happening at this point he should be just counted out I don’t know what’s happening

Joso says I need the rock to beat out Cody tonight why Cody got beat up last week and it doesn’t look like he’s there so oh Cody’s gonna hit him back tonight because the Rock’s staying Roman left to go write a speech well I haven’t heard the

Bell I just don’t know how she’s not paying attention I guess they forgot that they’re supposed to like count them out or something or not half is that a count out or a disqualification want to see yourself G with a big boot all he did was move out of the way

And the fat guy just landed on his belly what he rupture it maybe maybe he ruptured his gut this is a weird built-in story I hate this all right now just um I still have the match going because I haven’t heard a bell that’s what the timer is it’s the old wrestling clock

Gunther what a great Champion you’re funny I don’t I I don’t think he wanted a Miss champion before uh Robbie says ra my man got blast choso says I’m not in support of oh that’s is retracted hopefully Sammy can get up and get back in the ring and win better it up

Buddy there you go you can do it with your weird seizure you’re having he has no AB strength yes she’s looking now I saw her looking down still no Bell uhhuh excuse me Samy’s just five short days away from uh losing to Gunther at WrestleMania night one let’s hope

So well I’m stopping it since they just cut away uh Robbie says LOL Lil Wayne looking like he’s just backed something to keep him going yeah he almost died when he was a kid yeah Robbie it’s not cool to make fun of him he almost died what did Bronson win that because the

Count out I have no idea what happened or did Sammy win that because of a disqualification I don’t know oh look the Riff rafts there with AA that girl needs to wear way more clothes than that who which one the one on the left in the front with the title belt oh

The fake title holder Robie says Lil Wayne does drugs so I’m not surprise he nearly died no it was a shooting it was a gang involved drive by shooting or shooting not maybe drive by but he was shot he shot himself on accident I think uhuh thought he was shot by somebody

Else in the group I just somebody who ran through the house or something nobody wanted to call yeah well of course they did robie’s like yeah but he still does drugs yeah drugs are a thing okay and he looks like the type that does like Snoop Dog SL Wily Nelson drugs dude nothing

Else super weird I’m not I’m not in a weird uh choso says I’m not in support of Cody winning Roman Reigns at WrestleMania but I do know for sure that Roman will surely defeat Cody once again and Cody and Seth will surely lose the tag match so Cody’s going to lose twice over

WrestleMania weekend damn that’s ouchie Robbie says but you get involved in gang is then I can’t feel sorry for man’s bringing it on themselves he was 12 he was 12 years old Robbie he was 12 he could have been he wasn’t old he wasn’t

Like he was either 12 or 14 13 he was in that he was like I mean he could have like started being involved in him in a couple years but at that point he’s still an innocent child that’s not cool anyways the cop saved his life yep so he has mad respect for

Cops like he like keeps in touch with the guy who saved his life and stuff yeah the guy that died yeah he had kept in touch with him and went to his funeral and all kinds of stuff Robbie’s like well I’m not feeling sorry for

Him you don’t have to he’s like a full grown man I didn’t say you did have to feel sorry for him right now I’m just saying that when he was younger he he almost died not from drugs I mean yes he was in a bad wherever situation but it wasn’t a

Situation he like put himself or not put himself but made choices at that point all the [ __ ] all the [ __ ] he’s done as an adult is all his [ __ ] fault he made those choices it it’s terrifying creepy e feels look gross as [ __ ] and the ones I’ve had are disgusting yeah

You yeah I don’t know if I’m excited for anybody to go in the Hall of Fame this year was it Friday what happened on Friday T yeah lots of 12 to 14 year olds in the UK do Gish I’m not feeling sorry for them either okay Rob is like hem F watching that

Is why is she going into the Hall of Fame because she’s related to The Rock okay that makes a lot of sense this Peter Mia’s wife or sister I’m assuming no it have to be his wife Al Rock’s Grandma yeah and that’s his grandpa mov like one with the best match on Raw

Laughing just said it the wife of the high chief theer mobile uh Alicia Murray in the chat hey Alicia says where can I watch this for free uh I don’t know you just have to do some research on go watch it for free I would probably try to do it on TI to

Yeah choso says the only place I could think of choso says Sami Zayn has a 60% chance to defeat Gunther at WrestleMania I know that possibly Gunther will surely have backups the only way Sammy could have a 99% guarantee of winning Gunther is through Chad I was like Alicia chy WWE crackst

Streams we don’t condone doing any of that kind of stuff so whatever that is does no we don’t like crack no on the crack Robie Dyan drugs in her chat Jesus Christ after he was just like I’m so against it that Gish stuff and drugs oh great we get

Indie Hartwell and Candice lay oh great the Mrs spaghetti had to be on tonight with her hideousness what was OH Ivy right Ivy Nile yeah Ivan Maxine oh maxini or it’s like that’s what the stream is called works well for me sure buddy don’t be spreading drugs in our chat it’s gross

Man it’s a hard one to find and they always change it but I know what you’re talking about there it is there’s the Bell she going to uh be mean to Maxine and make her cry again or something just going know what’s going to happen here they’re

Going to throw some more of that garbage out oh yeah that’s gonna be a Jesus Christ Rising any Heartwell she got any new moves uh just a butt that’s about what she’s got new moves oh does she have any new moves you’re like just a butt well that’s about all she’s got

Right just butts it’s fine and it’s not like a Chelsea Green butt it’s just a butt like to be honest I have no idea she how she’s a professional wrestler but she is she’s taller and maybe they need some taller girls there’s Maxine thank you whatever she’s wearing is fine she’s

Got really short legs though for a tall girl next scene yeah she’s all torso she’s just all torso Candace is just so much meaner and Indie wrestling is all sorts of upset at her every time she’s just upset at her instead of saying something like Indie wrestling should she

Doesn’t she just allows it is that what happens she just allows it yeah she’s like I don’t like the way you wrestle you’re mean oh je we’re not a mean team well there you go I mean she does let it happen so well this match is over a minute long it’s

Already went too long uh oh Maxine rolls her up one two oh almost had her anyone with a conscience I feel like anybody without a conf what’s it when you go back a conscious conscious conscience conscience robie’s like Indie she’s not bad looking choso says I know that Seth

Is trying to play a trick on Drew because he’s trying to put a confrontation between CM Punk and Drew but not really sure that could work out I’m afraid Seth will lose to Drew I think so because his mind’s not in it right like he’s not even paying

Attention to that mat all he cares about is the Cody match true he wants to be in the ring with the rock because the rock is a big you know bigger head in the wrestling business right come on iy you can beat this Indie wrestling although she’s 5T of

Fury another tiny woman it’s supposed to be strong but she can’t lift up any of the bigger girls yeah she can’t she’s not very strong for her tininess needs to be wrestling little people uh oh see andice cheated that’s hurt that’s gonna hurt Indy’s feelings see

She’s either going to get pinned here oh yep well that’ll work Maxine going to roll her up wrestling gets pinned two and three good for giving him a win to Maxine Maxine with the dub good for them 3 minutes 30 seconds poor Indie though I

Mean it had to be her that got it but that’s all right I guess they did make it short anyways but I was hoping it was going to be under a minute and a half but that didn’t work out it went to how long 3:30

It’s okay it’s cuz I [ __ ] around for a minute what’s wrong with her neck like why is it so thick and weird she looks like she’s ficky or her this one miss skip yeah she looks old pisti and she’s got a weird thick neck yeah it’s really thick isn’t it it’s crazy

Choso says and as for Becky she might not still lose to Ria though because I’m sure ni hasn’t gotten her off her mind yet though yeah I have a feeling Becky’s gonna lose Robbie’s like it’s the makeup ah that makes her look gold the makeup on Mrs spaghetti or are you talking about

Indie I don’t know who you’re talking about the makeup poor guy has to off he’s like I don’t know you’re not fight the final boss tonight either says yeah Weez F babysitter is a raw LOL Little Wade you Robbie have a good hate relationship on Lil Wayne Robbie’s like both

Oh both for Indie and Miss P miss pisti her hideousness pisy pants Oh piss ew they in Jimmy Fallon oh [ __ ] off it’s be crazy that’s dumb as [ __ ] seriously Lambos lame I don’t even know what time that show’s on here he does The Tonight Show I didn’t know cess in the

Back he’s yeting himself all over the place ye eat all the eating ye they’re going to make a plan they’re going to make plans always you ate what you looking at post nothing exciting in not really oh is it not insta it’s oh yeah it’s on Insta but go click on

Messages like our messag you get M and go to the ones that I sent somebody ear this one probably makes the ones that I look at that you got to listen [Laughter] though they silly anyway look at the other two I can’t even remember what they are starting

Things on fire no no no no you can’t scroll down like that other thing oh oh my no I send those to M the you don’t want Jesus Christ but that’s not me that’s I’m saying are you sure that wasn’t one maybe you should have oh careful

With this one put it in your ear I’ve heard that one multiple times seen that one a lot this is so awesome does it with a pressure washer it’s a can of gasoline but he doesn’t use gas he’s a gasoline’s way too flammable and there’s a little leak he’s like so use diesel

Cuz diesel isn’t as he’s got a pump a water pump on it it’s not as flamable I got it look at this he like tweaks it it works he tweaks it then he takes it out look at that how cool is that we live in a great country Jesus flamethrower

Oh let’s see Robbie said barness about D tuning into Jimmy Fallen show nope too late for me my friend too late in the night for [Applause] me um um see chin alsoo said Jay needed needs to be focused on the bloodline he needs the bloodline seriously and no

Know deeply Jay will give himself up at WrestleMania the bloodline needs Jay Jay needs the blood light Chris says we’ll be cool at Mania NXT this weekend to hear 15,000 plus sharing whoop. trick I hope trick beats Carmelo hay is another small guy yeah me too of course Robie

Says WrestleMania bringing all the big celebrities on the two days yeah they think it’s cool Chris says Jay comes back to the Bloodlines Cruise Cody Roman will be champed for five more years would be funny all the Pyro going off as bloodline celebrates Quinton Mitchell in the chat

Quinton says what do you think about the new alliance with Bianca Naomi and Jade Carill I think it’s gay on the part of Jak gargin it just uh lessens her um debut and performances at this point it’s it’s a it was just a terrible idea she should have been by herself they’re

Just [ __ ] her over she’s the biggest signing that they’ve had from that company besides I guess you could say Punk but Punk didn’t do anything came over and got broken mhm she she’s a star there’s no reason you would ever put her with Naomi ever like ever

And to put Esther with Naomi is even worse CU she is already a star established in this company yep and to drag him down with the quitter is disgusting mhm not holding back on that one no I don’t think you need to at this point I I mean that’s just ridiculous

I mean they’re really making them look like [ __ ] hey look they’re showing Owen Hart stuff on here Vince would have never done no it’s only good in your opinion Natalie and nobody cares what you say you’re a woman who’s not worth anything we all know

It and to have Brett lose is even worse Brett was a kind of a star oh H Drew at the c or he’s like well my story has nothing to do with anybody I’ve just got a Russell set but Seth doesn’t care about our story right so there’s a coffin

Di oh let’s see Quinton says what do you think about the new alliance oh read that uh Robbie says DB lying she watches all these shows nope watch any of them uh Chris says LOD saying it’s G yeah lame it’s lame joso says Jan and Bianca

Needs to be a team now for them to defeat the Kabuki Warriors and become the new women tag Champs no actually they don’t Jade needs to be a singles wrestler and she needs to go after a title that isn’t a tag title and uh if you want to throw Bianca with Naomi and

Ruin Bianca’s career go for it but I don’t think that they should ruin their careers by being associated with quitter named Naomi Naomi needs to go away or whatever instead of having to have people put with her so that she doesn’t look like a quitter anymore she’s so bad

That they’re like well we’ll put these two with her and see what happens and it’s like Jesus [ __ ] Christ it’s Dum like it’s the dumbest [ __ ] [ __ ] ever like stop like it’s well these pieces fit together these match it’s like stop doing it it’s dumb Chris says no Drew it’s meth try harder

Edge Lord Rollins oh my joso says a fill the Miz and our truth might win the tag title though that’s hilarious Our Truth needs it Our Truth needs to be a winner for sure why not but I don’t think that’s gonna happen no they’ll give it to the

Chimney sweep and the [ __ ] oh yeah that or the other [ __ ] company DIY or whatever the [ __ ] one of the [ __ ] groups is going to get it if they don’t keepi getting it but I could definitely see the chimney sweeping if they don’t keep it on uh

Mighty Mouse the Judgment Day no they’re losing that makes no sense to have it on them anyway give them to a tag team and they could have some sort of controversy where they split them like two teams win it like they climb the ladder and both

Of them there’s two titles up there so each guy grabs one and they’re just like what the f and especially if they had both Bel colors up there one grabb the red one grab the blue mm and then Triple H just comes out or sends one of the goons out

You know Postman Pierce or uh Nick Al this it just says Hey keep them r that happen I don’t know I feel like it’s higher than zero 20% yeah give it a 20% possibility maybe uh Chris says yeah now with Jade and Bianca’s a VIN ISM pairing ethnic groups with each other

It’s just dumb and it hurts it hurts Bianca and Jade more than helps them it hinders them so badly doing that [ __ ] it’s like if Naomi can’t do this crap on her own then why is she there right it’s like do you I I don’t know like do you

Want to be a a black tag team champion or do you just want to be a tag team champion yeah do you want to be an Asian tag team champion or do you want to just beag team champion like to me it makes more sense just to say they’re tag team

Champion right over bless in the chat hey ever bless good to see you tonight says hey guys I just want to tell you Sonia DeVille has been released is from Sean Ross app confirming it oh has she oh no on April 1 Sonia Deville on April 1st

Has been released terrible Pico is in the chat hey Pico I good to see it says Hey Y’all hey what’s up buddy choso says don’t say such about Nami okay Nomi is an awesome role model though I know she’ll be a women champ one day though no she won’t

And she’s a loser and she’s a quitter she quit on you she quit she quit on when she was a [ __ ] tag team champion she quit on all of her fans she quit on the WWE I don’t care what her [ __ ] excuse was she was a quitter she

Followed some dumbass [ __ ] out the door and they both quit no I have no respect for that person at all and she’s a terrible wrestler I’m glad that you’re a fan she deserves to have fans but I’m not a fan I will never be a fan

Ever ever Pig says had some car issues with the neighbor how’s Rob been so far good The Rock started it out with uh Roman a couple matches since Sami Zayn was in a match after being trained Chris says [ __ ] kidding me not Sonia no Sonia Sonia where’s the April fools April

Fools hilarious stuff right now we got iar in there who will probably be in the Battle Royal right with Ricochet uh ever Bloss is like I’m serious oh I don’t know it’s April 1 I feel like that’s not real why would she get released maybe she’s doing only fans with her friend her

Friend Chris says at least Sonia is in the game as a playable character and as a GM mode yeah she’s got something going for her chosa says I’m going to tell me for you though I believe in Naomi so much I mean great and that’s why I mean

Somebody better cuz I’m not a fan for you to like her like hopefully that’s what I mean like I’m glad she has fans like I would never take that away but I’m not a fan I will never be a fan of her ever she did the women’s division dirty she she hurt the

Division when she left the way they left was disgusting mhm there’s better ways to do it yep lots better ways to do it this is that Saturday Night Live girl I don’t know if she ever did any movies or anything but now she’s in mer my God

Y ever bues like silver has been released by aew to that would be fine I’m not looking at them I’m seeing if anybody’s texting me back did you get more gluten stuff obviously weird spam thing hey are you drunk I don’t think I’m talking to Alice

Right now oh [ __ ] I I apologize now I am speechless sorry whoever you are it was my mistake that I tell the wrong number so you received the message started bothering you this is embarrassing you should be like enjoy your dumplings jelly of Alice is she a vampire does she Sparkle

Sorry choso says let’s not forget Damian with the Money in the Bank briefcase though I know but at this point I feel like the Money in the Bank briefcase for him is just a joke like I mean is it really going to go anywhere like who’s

He going to take a title off of you think that they’re going to let like Seth lose to Drew and then Damian will take it right off of Drew immediately I mean how’s he going to get a title how would you how would you put it for him to get a

Title he only has so many months left right you could go take it off of hermy July do see have until July yeah whenever it is it’s somewhere in there yeah July 1 or something like that yeah that he’s got time maybe he can take it off

Of uh hermy down in NXT and then we don’t have to worry about it right why is there volume I don’t know old Ivar ricochette uh let’s see trans he could cash in on Gunther or Sammy though why though why what why would you lower yourself if you have gotten money in the

Bank and you won that from all those other guys you would go after a midlevel championship right and we have seen it before with what’s his name but he lost yeah but that’s just dumb like why would you why would you do that I mean the only other one is what

Going after Logan Paul and KO and Randy Orton right I mean you’re going to do the US one you don’t have to just go after Gunther’s title why is it just Gunther I mean if you’re going to throw all of the titles in there like Travis

Said throw in the one from NXT throw that one in there too but why would he that makes that doesn’t help his career it doesn’t help him in any way yeah puts his trajectory sideways he’s already a mid yeah it’s weird I mean they’ve literally made it

So like this Money in the Bank briefcase is is just nothing well it’s hard because of the title that’s what I mean like who has it who might get it like I it’s like it’s a it’s a fake thing this this time around like I just don’t know

Who they would be able to cash it in on for it to even make sense or even try and and if he does try is it just going to be a big loss and he looks like AE so if they wanted to like really screw the crowd and

Really screw everybody and just get just heat on themselves more than anybody right they could do what they did with Seth when he cashed in on the championship at WrestleMania about seven years ago he was go he wanted to cash in on Brock and so he cashed in in the middle

Of the match and it made it a triple threat and then he pinned Roman to win the title oh so they could have him cash in and have Cody beat him for the title oh instead of Roman but isn’t that one supposed to be uh under their rules or

Whatever or is that the tag team one it depends on night one oh tag team is to see if Knight two has that in the main oh okay can you imagine them doing that and then Cody beats Damien to be Champion that’ be Fu so it saves Roman

But it makes him look the champion yeah but it makes him look like a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah oh my God so basically it would make the championship worthless again so it’ make that championship belt dumb and worthless just like they have the other one now what I don’t know I don’t know how

They’re going to pull that off I mean at this point they haven’t really made a big deal out of it even though him just wearing shirts and stuff about it but they haven’t brought it up again so I feel like it’s nothing Robie says but he would keep

That particular title longer if he cashes in on it and not necessarily just because you cash in on a mid-card title doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed a long run on it he could lose it the next night for all we [ __ ] know that’s what I mean like it just it doesn’t make any

Sense like everything with Damian there’s just nothing to push him forward to be getting a mid card let alone a high major title so so I don’t know it it’d be hard to what kind of story they would kind of throw in for that it they’d have to

Really do some crazy maneuvering I think choso says he’s going to cash it in on guner Sammy I’m telling you that okay but the way he looked on guner when they were face to face in the ring I’m thinking maybe he’s coming for Gunther though okay you can tell me all you want

I’m not going to believe it until I see it till I do everything in this business of wrestling crap oh he wasn’t there nobody home nobody home look at Ricochet just carrying him around oh God oh God drop him on his head no but Jesus it’d be cooler if Ricochet

Lost this match but it doesn’t look like going this is some terrible booking this is [ __ ] crap boo lame yeah probably like Rico didn’t realize he was on yeah that dumbass there was was there a match right before this one no I think the last one was the

Sammy one I don’t think there was one there was women after Sammy oh was there mhm huh I just thought maybe there was just a match on before this one the hell’s been going on I have no idea oh they had Seth in the back and

Jay yeah for a second and stuff they did some of that stuff and then they did some weird promo thing or something I think I don’t know I haven’t been paying much attention if you’re going to have ey bar lose to Ricochet just release him right choso says Ricochet is a loser too

Though I wonder how Samantha still dates that guy though I’m with you I don’t know I don’t like him well she’s kind of a bigger girl she’s loser too so I guess it makes sense why Roch hasn’t been handled yet what weird Chris like holy [ __ ] with

Throwing a no hitter my stros it’s against the blue JS is that angel in the back yeah there’s Roberto so yeah it’s just the Escobar’s group of people with them because of Dominic oh Angel give me that at WrestleMania Chris has seven Innings so far wow that’s good

Don’t talk about it you not know the rules of you don’t talk about a no hitter after the six I don’t know that’s Chris he’s talking about it I’m just reading comments I don’t know anything about it I’m just saying that you don’t talk about it after the okay

He’s trying not to laugh who who is it D okay I’m TR going to take care of Rick and chat I told him not to touch him what oh the darts the darts are they are they are they using my darts I told them not to touch

Them Chris says they are trying to make loss in ignora bles in WWE yes choso says solo needs to win the Andre of the giant match this week on Smackdown like for real or is he in the tournament at all I have no idea who’s in the tournament

Well we they haven’t really talked much about the people in it they just said it was going to happen on Friday this week Chris says God damn two homers by Tucker again tonight we cooking AOL I know it’s only Blue Jays well it is dude you’re making it out like it’s something

And it’s not you’re funny okay buddy your butt’s going off the end I’m sorry yeah oh she bluring it out hey that’s that girl from uh the shows that McKenna used to watch can’t remember her name and weird oh it didn’t say her name maybe I don’t know I wasn’t looking

At her can’t remember the show that she was on though but she was on a show mhm yeah I could tell you which one cuz I’m remember a lot of those I didn’t watch a lot of them with you guys Glen clo oh she looks exactly the same

That’s crazy see her mhm I saw her on the thing I looked up um 101 Dalin Chris says and it’s 10 to oh what the [ __ ] was this against the Yanks um I don’t know what was it what what was it supposed to be yeah excuse me sorry BL your

Face Soul choso says Andrade can only break the Judgment Day and I bet he doesn’t even like Dominic he’s just playing the game yeah along though don’t know if you guys noticed it though I think Kim and Dominic might leave the Judgment Day yeah and he’ll be with him instead

Yeah and to kind of move him a different direction Dominic really I think that’s why he’s there and you could see the the whatever you call it the Discord oh yeah them having their issues h uh Robbie says course they are playing a game they’re all out for themselves ever

Bless says bye guys see you for Wrestlemania big night big night night one and two all right cool ever boss will you have a good rest of your week Chris says here comes Becky politic Lynch it’s white Christmas time ecky and uh what’s her face is just therea the

Man I didn’t get mine I wonder if it’s in the mow he said he got his today who’s the man oh I ordered it but I didn’t get mine Cole said he got his today well of course he got his she probably handed it right to him all right Becky Lynch

Mhm oh Becky pants col her Becky poo oh Becky poo SE Chris says three outs away from no oh no uh Robie says Becky Lynch needs her theme tuned beefing up it’s become stale like D’s old bread cool you’re really nice we’ve done enough talking she said come out and fight

Me Postman Pierce said no I’m the April Fool he’s a fool fool I see fool Here Comes security oh not security why are they trying to make it sound like it’s going to be a big WrestleMania cuz the rocks in it he was in WrestleMania before right [ __ ] HK Hogan once or

Postman no he says no R save it for prania Sophie says this whole on Judgment Day story line doesn’t make sense Robie says if I was Ria I would lump peace and then batter Becky Sophie says it’ll be interesting to see how they split their matches between two

Nights they confirmed the lad match for Saturday night yeah they had another one they talked about too yeah they did they put and Sam’s gonna be Satur Saturday uh oh they’re fighting they’re jeopardizing their uh midc card match at WrestleMania which one what night will they be on I don’t

Know hopefully they release the cards the match cards for what night’s which well they’re going to have to at some point more security is what they need because you know one dude couldn’t break up two women for some reason you see that guy in the corner he’s an

Older he looks like an old man and he’s just standing there like this like literally the whole time Becky’s fighting and he’s she’s like fighting against the you know the security guys and Ria and stuff like that he’s just standing there in the corner like this like just bra dead like a [ __ ]

[ __ ] looking wacka dooodle uh let’s see Chris says sexy Kai time Ry says do you excited for Wrestlemania can hear it in your voice I can see the crew turning like sour cream on Dakota bre dude why would they do that it’s weird it’s good song is

That no I wouldn’t listen to it if you paid me but I’m sure it’s good right now right now right now there it is any pizza any crust any pizza any crust or create your own $12 any pizza any large any toppings ites free it 10 toppings

10 it’s having something in the small print about it uh right says do you don’t think this group will be sticking with Dakota L I have no idea what the [ __ ] they’re going to do but it’s your story man so we’ll go with whatever you want to Say Orange dreamsicle Frosty at Wendy’s I was like go on that’s ste’s dinner sorted for you from Domino’s for tomorrow um pretty sure that was a Pizza Hut Commercial um and no I won’t be eating pizza sorry Pizza out I probably don’t want pizza for like a month or so I’m

Not a big pizza person in fact it’s kind of one of my least favorite foods Chris says chop of the 9th I’s like d why are you so negative about WWE tonight why do they have Domino’s Pizzas or commercials and the other that noral we have Papa John’s

Ones too sometimes they have Papa Murphy ones as well they were back I don’t know the competition on the same show sure I don’t know how would I know barely oh no oh God h r like do you seem like the person that always knows stuff I don’t know

[ __ ] anything man I don’t know where the [ __ ] you’ve been and Chris is like one strike away oh no who’s going to win yeah it’s 10 toppings Max yeah and it was in the fine print it says 10 toppings Max so you can only put 10 toppings on your [ __ ] any topping

Pizza that’s a lot of [ __ ] toppings that’s a lot of top 10 toppings like could anybody out there like really put 10 toppings on your pizza I mean in the chat I’m asking you guys could you put 10 toppings on your pizza I was like on D you know you want

A pizza God [ __ ] [ __ ] looks like nasty no thank you nope not a fan CL on the castle ouch uh what is what oh I don’t know my knee popped or something weird H was like that’s generous from Pizza Hut 10 toppings well yeah but I mean I’m not

Asking osity about it I’m asking how many could you put 10 toppings on a pizza Robbie I mean you seem like a pizza kind of person you like pizza I’m sure could you [ __ ] put 10 toppings on pizza well I mean that’s right right I mean this just seems weird says like

Clash at the castle June 15th they confirmed it yeah they said you should look on your thing look online for their venue and where they’re going to be at there Sophie so Yepi says with WWE with an actual decent Backstage Brawl for once yeah those girls really not doing

Anything but we’ll we’ll call it decent nobody can answer my 10 topping question see I told you nobody can [ __ ] put 10 toppings on a pizza and you can’t double anything that’s the point no doubling just 10 toppings I just feel like that’s just too many toppings you imagine doubling five toing

On a piz I mean I yeah but I mean still yuck I feel like that’s a lot of stuff that I mean and that’s what I’m saying you can’t double anything so you can’t and do they consider cheese a topping well I mean extra cheese yeah but is cheese a topping because there’s

Cheese pizza it’s considered a topping or is the cheese included and it’s not considered a topping cuz if cheese isn’t included that’s one of your toppings so now you only have nine sauce isn’t sauce is extra included extra cheese pepperoni hamburger meat what that the ground sausage sausage Italian sausage okay

Sausage and the bigger round ones I was like yeah I can put 10 toppings it’s not hard [ __ ] name them then [ __ ] name them name your 10 toppings ravie I’m not talking to you I’m talking to him olives what toppings we got to choose I don’t know dude whatever you get from your

Normal [ __ ] pizza place whatever toppings they include all of those I I guess any topping you could think of a pizza place would have for pizza right God look no need yeah it’s started already too put uh I don’t know what they’re doing why she’s there but it’s three on three

So it’s the Kabuki Warriors and Dakota Kai against three people that aren’t even friends oh yeah those people oh maybe she just needed some friends s says wonder why they didn’t come from the venue for Clash of the castle though I don’t know they said to

For you to look it up online Sophie so you’ll have to go look what is it for clash at the castle there where it’s going to be at the venue and the place you have to look it up online though uh Chris says [ __ ] yeah no hitter off vlat

Uh Robie says what toppings we get to choose from like I said any toppings you can think of from a [ __ ] pizza place it makes sense uh Chris says it was one of our relief pitchers ronell Blanco I have a auto from him from miners uh no

He’s a big leagues making history baby laughing against the Blue Jays yeah against the Blue Jays that’s funny it hurts him yeah oh and commercial break from this uh great women’s match that they have going on oh yeah it’s gonna be so great right true so good like a oh yeah that’s true

Huh the who’s who Who’s the who it is a who who I don’t know who but it’s in a who’s in the who who Winnie the who the Winnie the who of who oh careful you’re stepping on your thing no I’m good things I had

Plenty do I hate it no I don’t want ham with hot sauce now that’s kind of gross it’s not hot sauce it’s sprs that’s hot sauce it’s sprs h red it’s hot sauce atude right why because it’s the truth Frank’s Red Hot Sauce is a hot sauce quote unquote spicy quote unquote

Made from Peppers Tasco doesn’t matter it’s still made from the same type of peppers cool what’s happening commercial looks like is that match still going off it’s the match that’s on those ladies match three on three yeah they went to commercial in the middle of it

Of course what do you mean of course that means it’s a banger yeah it’s so banging it’s one of bangers in the history of this sport it has three killers in it basically no mhm it’s a future world champion in the wheelchair Olympics wi Olympics oh buddy

You can’t handle the shrimp not the shrimp not the shrimp it’s still sort of light outside pretty cool right not all the way not all the way just Instagram what who is it um wrestlers or just PE chelse say green oh God I don’t know what it’s from but something

Mhm all right ravi’s uh toppings are this chicken ground beef mushrooms Peppers olives pepperoni onion ham pineapple sweet corn and jalapeno that that’s 11 I don’t like the sweet corn but the rest sweet corn sounds weird Onna well with the last thing pineapple yeah the last thing

Jalapeno is that the last word that was the last word he had said something else and just didn’t sound like it would good to go onion olives pepperoni Peppers mushroom ground beef chicken going back what you want chicken ground beef mushrooms Peppers olives pepperoni ham onion ham pineapple sweet corn and jalapeno yeah

It was sweet it was the pineapple with the corn seemed weird to me so robie’s like CD I got 10 and but I would get rid of the pineapple for the jalapenos I just feel like that’s a very weird combination of toppings like it’s almost like you’re

Just putting toppings to put top would you eat it I mean if you made a pizza that way would you eat it it sounds like something a little kid would make you know what I mean like you know what I’m saying like you took you took all of the

Sodas and you mixed them all together type of that’s what that that’s what these pizzas sound would sound like chis says commentary just confirmed Kai’s leader of damage control oh that’s funny that’s hilarious I’m sure they really enjoy that is that because the Asians can’t leave that’s

Like the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of in my life they have Asa and yet Dakota somebody that has no experience right her leader right come On and to be honest I think all of them have more experience than Dakota that’s a good possibility there well I don’t know Leo Sky me well she was a champion in Japan I believe M she was one that was already established when she came so close no knees no

Knees with her rainbow hair or whatever the hell’s wrong with her big boot like the hula Ki that’s funny same of sort Rob is like d yes I would eat it you said 10 toppings so that’s 10 toppings Not Duplicate no I understand it’s just a a plethora of weird topping

Some of it and no knes took the pin of course she did it’s a weird combination of toppings Chris says Kai turned her back on no knees and NXT so this match is fitting Chris says Kyrie s would be better as champ Kai only has one knee

Brace so that means she only on her knees half the time as no knees with both her knee braces right yeah but she had both her knees go out so technically she’s still no knees bloodline rules shouldn’t they have the referee too bloodline that’s what the rock made it

Sound like he could do literally anything you wanted right [Applause] can you imagine playing that game you bootyos as one of your word oh God would it even be a thing I mean I don’t think you could do it they just did it and he got mad cuz it wasn’t a

Word and he’s like you don’t remember coming out of a giant box of it at WrestleMania I was like d if want a plain pizza then get a margarita oh yeah Chris says that’s was only his eighth career start as an Astros and Robie says you can’t have 10

Toppings for it not to be a mashup of things but the thing of it is is like you could have had different types of um vegetables on there too like I don’t know I just feel like chicken’s a weird chicken’s weird with the other chicken’s

Weird to me like the chicken part is a little weird and and definitely the pineapple like I get I get the jalapenos okay take the chicken off the pineapple and said jalapeno and uh the sweet Corn’s a little odd too what’s a little fish and chovies and chovies would be

Fine anchovies on it instead of chicken oh I don’t know I just think it’s a a very weird mashup of toppings as all I mean are those all toppings you like on your pizza like all at once would you eat it you said any toppings I know I

Said any toppings I’m just curious if you would eat that graie would you eat that pizza I legit question I know I [ __ ] wouldn’t so I wouldn’t touch it with the 10 foot pole even if you exchanged out the pineapple for jalapenos I still wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot

Pole uh Chris says L it’s going to be like a holiday here tomorrow D I mean our fans are so fake that we celebrate anything that Astros win that’s sad Chris maybe that’s sad Chris says this is no need for celebration however I will get the newspaper as a piece of history

There I was like yes I would eat it thin crust as well okay that’s a interesting combination of things there buddy how about this ready okay pepperoni mushrooms onions sausage bell peppers black olives extra cheese bacon spinach and pineapple yep wouldn’t eat it well you wouldn’t because the pineapple but I wouldn’t eat

It because the peppers the green peppers y [ __ ] up I hate that [ __ ] I hate them with a passion of hate yeah I’m not a fan of green peppers they make everything tastes like them and they can’t stand it never liked them I can do the Reds the yellow the orange cuz they

All are their own thing and they don’t make other things taste like them well then did switch that but green pepp Peppers no and there and probably a lot of it wouldn’t eat the spinach either I think it’s weird out I would have a hard time with the

Onions I don’t like onions on my pizza either so I would be very picky about mine wh that trick oh [ __ ] yeah that it was a very wise decision for WWE to put his dad and his uncle in the Hall of Fame this year because then you can be like well

You I didn’t want to do it with with his dad right there going to be 30 hours of wrestling this weekend it’s a lot of wrestling count oh because you have NXT Stand and Deliver too people are into it the slammies are on Sunday and then you have what press conference so you

Have so you have Smackdown and then Hall of Fame so Tom speed speed’s like three minutes Thursday fridayy Eradicator Saturday Saturday Becky and um R is Saturday too yeah that means this will be listed somewhere Saturday Jimmy and J show Jimmy and J J and Jim

J like I don’t want either woman being title holder they are doing the six Saturday yeah Ray Dragon Lee versus Santos and Dom on Saturday and then the Cody and Seth and rock and Roman for Saturday so AJ and LA’s night two Randy and Paul night two Bobby and cross night

Two Cody and Roman night two Drew and cth Sunday yep Sunday Women’s Championship Sunday they’re just trying to add people to it yeah the six-man Philadelphia street fight um the United States Champion Triple Threat yeah and then La KN and AJ La n that’s it they have all the rep matches that I

Picked like weeks ago yep pretty much the only one wasn’t the Judgment just the I have Judgment Day on there yeah but they kind of put different directions but yeah well Dom isn’t really part of the Judgment Day having a match and then Finn and Damien

Are having a tag match for the tag team title so she looks like she might be pregnant baby bump or something there Cathy Kelly yeah uh let’s see Robbie says Becky has had her time of being champ go on Bailey for the title uh Robie also says D is

The type of person to go Subway to get a plain cheese sub I don’t eat Subway Subway is gross sorry buddy you’re just hitting it all the misses there sweetie all the misses have no idea is there something’s going I ain’t dead yet he says yet

Yet he’s not dead yet so after Seth fought on Monday to that grueling finish to beat solo Against All Odds and then after getting pinned on Saturday giving the rock the advantage Roman he then somehow managed to go 25 minutes before losing Rob’s like H I’m using that as a

Reference to your fussiness on pizzas well considering I don’t like pizza there’s a reason why I’m fussy about pizza I don’t like pizza it’s not my favorite food it’s a lot of people’s favorite food it is not mine Pizza actually makes me kind of want to go a lot of the times lasagna

Your favorite food I don’t know what my favorite food is depends on what mood you’re in basically it really does cuz I don’t really have like that food where you’re just like oh my God I could totally just eat that no matter no matter what no matter who made it no

Matter what it was no matter what it is or anything like that M would be probably yeah I have whatever I wanted anytime I wanted it just be MC without pickles no pickles sometimes sometimes coke coke to drink I’m a grip all 400b I made it to six it’s fine can you bring in the dump truck I need to go we take this window out the last time you went downstairs 8000 for three [Laughter] weeks a lot of smacking lot of [ __ ] work out here live Saturday we have to get on early hour we

Normally do must pay-per-view start at yeah meaning they’re going to go four hours minimum good book don’t sweat the small stuff and the secret is it’s all the small stuff all small that’s why you shouldn’t swear about any of it for tag me [ __ ] tag him in tag him what why are we

Tagging don’t don’t be weird it was Shaq he said tag it in oh no what team they have MC marish with the pedler what team Twan team could beat Shaq and that’ll make sense now about his issue oh wait no that’s the wrong guy it’s a different guy your joke wasn’t

Funny you got the wrong guy I wasn’t trying to make make a joke I was talking about South Park but it’s the wrong one South Park was the Kardashian and she was married to uh what’s his face that’s all about God not the pedler not the pedler I think it confused because they

Both like seeing it’s like wait a minute they’re both very good with their Robbie is like mine is Curry or roast dinner or Wings D with the Sound Advice see see you have like three things you I mean like you can’t have three right it’s just one you can only have one

Favorite uh Sophie says CM Punk did say in that interview that it was Bailey’s idea for him to visit that raw April last year okay you know how you always thought like Gary py was kind of like creepy like he’s kind of a creepy looking guy Gary

Buy yeah right now look at him as an old person it’s even creepier and that’s a filter not to make it look older than to make it better yeah nasty that’s gross I had a roomate looked just like e like that like a skeleton just

Like when I say that I don’t I’m not kidding it was Ed Ed Ed old Ed he was kind of slower right it’s terrible like n d life doesn’t work that way about one favorite that’s what I mean it just doesn’t work that way like I know that there’s people who

Are like I could just eat that all the time and I’m like I couldn’t do it like what’s on his a shirt oh that’s funny I it’s a snake yeah who’s bu who is right that’s amongus that’s eating the snake uhoh we’re underway your main event Seth fet and Rollins against and

Solo hand solo hand solo R right you oh God think oh god oh Jesus are you laughing no no not death there’s a snake in this oh yeah ceiling fad think it’s thrown have you seen that one you sent it to me on TI Tok did I that’s funny it comes at the Person we’re at our main event for Raw tonight people it is Seth versus solo we’ll see how well this goes oh my goodness see if that makes sense what is that cool oh God all right well solo looks like he’s uh beating the crap out of the world

Champion who should have already won this match I would assume anybody that doesn’t believe me when I say she’s kind of a heavier lady you can see her in her purple dress right there she is definitely not a petite woman she’s a bit thicker with the Triple C’s or thick has thick

Um yeah I don’t know it makes sense now you have the match yeah no excuse enough to print it out oh my God you print it out you want me to email it to you you have a printer I do probably try to figure out how to use

It I’ve used it once and I had it like down M I had it in a chair using it this years ago 2018 or something oh 12 years ago or scoring 12 years ago there’s one last match on night two so they didn’t add thatt match that I thought they

Might I mean I guess they could still I mean yeah okay oh oh god oh Jesus that poor deer well placed elbows right to the Jawbone let me yeah oh no he’s going to get on the table I think it’s going to [ __ ] kill him what’s your easiest email that

You just say the first letter it doesn’t matter the B one’s fine really you know I haven’t used that one rafy’s like table time they must be swearing be terrifying wouldn’t that well if you’re just taking a nap in a hammock and somebody dropped a fake

Snake on you but you woke up with fake snake thinking it was a real snake I mean that would be pretty terrifying right I mean it wouldn’t be like Yay because you’d be in your fight or flight immediately because you just woke up true it it would also there’s a few

Other things that would have to go through my mind because I don’t think I would jump I’m just saying it first like after a second like this isn’t real no I’m not even talking about that even if it was real I don’t think I would jump because I’m not scared of snakes like

Normally so if a giant 10 foot Boa Constructor no I wouldn’t be scared fell on you it would be while you were sleeping and you woke up at first you wouldn’t be all like whoa and then be like oh and then it’s trying to suffocate you and kill you it like bites

You it’ be trying to bite your face sh the one I would worry about is like a cotton mouth or a rattlesnake those have you seen their teeth they do not fall from trees no maybe Brandon wants can to marry him and the women’s Battle Royal and Wrestlemania 40 I don’t think they’re

Going to have one of those you think they’ll get married to that maybe kind of fun oh God oh God H uh oh oh poor fourwheeler that’s what I need you to do during the show is exactly what you do ah yeah kind of all I need oh I’m not

Allowed to talk no words no you can talk oh but that would make it so much funny is he getting chased by he’s like son [ __ ] now I’m chasing you oh my God tre’s like I got you boss that’s funny look at it there’s the seat no see he’s like yeah he’s trying

To stop it and then he’s like I can’t I can’t stop it it’s like you’re better off not trying to stop it that thing weighs a lot yeah proba is like not the best Main Event whatever Travis said this would be epic this is the greatest Main Event

Ever if everything that I said earlier happened mhm I don’t know how you want me to send it to you is that good enough and then you can adjust it and all that yeah it’s fine just send it I wonder if it’s the music oh [ __ ] no it’s not the right

Music but the Roman cards checking on Jesus after it’s not after three [Laughter] days like where the [ __ ] what the what the [ __ ] where the [ __ ] did he go we move the rock that’s a big heavy ro oh look at the pain about ready to happen to

Somebody oh [ __ ] oh my God I can’t lift it up his back hurts too bad he’s got a knee injury and back injury it’s awesome to see Seth go this many minutes with a mid Carter so great isn’t he supposed to be the champion of the world he’s supposed to be a great

Champion but it doesn’t seem very great zero ring rust and a lot of people thought he would have a little ring around one more table you should look and see if this this is a real snake yes it is they live on the sides of cliffs isn’t that crazy and the birds

Come in to eat their tails cuz they’re little bugs and they grab it and the snake just goes yeah I’ve seen those those are pretty badass their tails look like a spider like a spider but if you keep looking at it looks like it has like who’s going to go through this

Table you can’t see them either when they’re on the side of a mountain yeah cuz they look like a rock yeah they just blend in and so you don’t even see it but the but the spider moving M and it’s a big tarantula or whatever and so those birds come in and eat

It this dog like it’s like what the [ __ ] I can’t get past this weird creepy thing it’s a freaking aasum a possum with a whole 12 babies on it it’s all hissing it’s like don’t they have like something like aund nipples or something I don’t know how

Many they have oh my God it lost one of its babies would it move oh look at this oh no solo get he went he went through the table solo went through the table solo a oh look at that but look at that oh he’s gonna fall out oh no it’s the

Gim jems Jay will show up the jimy boy came out the referee just folded the table up he’s like I need to get it out of the way he like yeah trick or yeet yeet boys coming trick or Yeet they need to put him with trick they called

Tricker ye oh my God tricker Yeet she going to the light who knows what she’s going to do I don’t want to watch her I don’t want to watch that either it’s weird like people ruining their lives possibly breaking their backs oh God no he just yeated him

And the other guy’s like no ye no ye no ye not the ye oh no it’s the rock guess what’s gonna happen guess what’s gonna happen oh no The Rock’s going to beat up Jay guess what’s going to happen oh Cody’s gonna come out and do something or the cry

Babies now the final boss oh great this guy he’s swearing so much they had to literally just block it out they’re like we he like the Black Will Smith Jesus talking to Chris he’s like or what was just a little guy that is in the movies

With oh um Kevin Hart you’re like the Black Will Smith he’s like is that racist oh no Rock didn’t get it done he’s not dead he’s not clear thought he was supposed to be dead oh no Rock doesn’t know what to do he looks so confused I’m confused poor Rocky oh Rocky’s

Down oh Rock Run Away you’re M of it like he’s overselling it like crazy he got but he fell on to the table no Cody don’t hurt the Rock and his cow outfit oh he’s going to hit him with the Rock Bottom oh no Roman oh we thought he left Roman

Hadn’t left a lot of people didn’t realize it but Roman hadn’t left you are you know this is like the main event oh yeah I don’t care energy oh you bring it I am bringing you are you’re doing a great job Roman a lot of people thought he left he

Pulled the wool over their eyes sopie says this isn’t the right week to get injured Chris says yep Cody is losing when good guys get upper hand before pay-per-view that means they losing five more years he is g to get beat right now Sophie says nobody wants to get injured

On the week of mania because you could jeopardize the pay-per-view and Chris says why the crowd cheering for CM Punk because of the rock Rob is like the rock [ __ ] it properly and P is acknowledging everybody with his fing a spear acknowledge your tribal Chief Rock like help himself the rock yeah cuz

His KN yeah cuz is old as [ __ ] Cody got the green bottoms I don’t know if that’s a thing like the red bottom that’s weird I think they’re just like normal like few more days oh he’s taking his cow off oh he’s going to whoop him oh great okay more stuff

One this time a white one last time whoop him Rock Rocky MOA oh he’s gonna get Seth too he got Stu did you hear it mhmm yeah unfortunately am listening woo can’t listen now cuz I blacked out the words I love that in the audience are still like Po H

Fans has wrestled like two decades they’re like hey look it’s we’re love H I want to be him as cosplay I’m G to go to the go to ra yeah I saw him earlier chill like Mania baby oh Seth somehow got back up to his feet Chris is like Whoop That Trick yeah

Whoop him oh [ __ ] that would hurt your kidneys p is like do you recall the mjf lashes to Cody yeah absolutely uh with wordlow or whatever P’s like this is 1,000 times worse it’s like d with loom good in Hulk cosplay costume with the Tash cool here

It is thanks for calling me ugly appreciate it Chris says oh what if mjf music hit what would it do why would it what what would it do what would be the purpose he just comes down to help I don’t know he’s part of the bloodline Chris is apparently mjf is off aew

Website oh oh I was like oh you said it not me you were implied it I didn’t say it I said I asked so you’re calling me ugly now that’s nice is this over yet stupid The Rock’s whooping his candy ass I don’t get beeped for saying that

Oh do you want me to beep you what’s he doing he’s whooping his what his his candy gets we don’t Cy here beep beep you can’t say candy beep nightmare I still have a feeling that The Rock’s going to turn on roben and cost him and then Cody wins right

So I think they’re going to lose night one and then I think Rocky moia turns on run you can kind of just see it ready to happen always behind him right he’s not going to do it before Robbie’s like I didn’t suggest anything see and then he keeps whipping

Cody like but you could see him just kind of looking over at Roma right that shit’s real that’s real people that’s all real all right so that was the home show for raw I’m sure a lot of people were excited and wet themselves the whole time yeah you could definitely wet

Yourself to that because of the lots of rock sightings tonight yeah lots of people probably jacked off on their pants all right everybody thanks for joining us we really appreciate it we’ll be back again on Wednesday for aew Dynamite their show isn’t really special or is it called something special I

Don’t remember is this week’s anything special just normal normal dynamite and then of course we’ll uh be here for uh Friday and WrestleMania that is this weekend we’ll do the go home show on Friday with uh the Battle Royal stuff and all that but we’ll be back on

Wednesday for a guys so hopefully we’ll see you then have a great night thanks for watching wrestling gab bye-bye bye

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