Golf Players

More BAD NEWS for LIV Golf Stars 😬

The OWGR fallout continues to haunt LIV Golfers as Brooks Koepka and other LIV Golf stars endure yet another setback.

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Whether they like it or not official world golf rankings continues to haunt Liv golf players and now we’ve got multiple players over on the Liv side who have with drawn themselves from the qualification for the upcoming Olympics in Paris this is you know it’s fairly significant news and it’s a reason why a

Lot of the guys who may or may not make that move over to live this is the stuff that’s got to be on their mind the guys who want to compete in these other competitions we’re going to talk about why the official world golf rankings matter so much for the Olympics in just

A second but also seen some other really big news in the past week or so on the Liv side uh specifically Dustin Johnson’s team the Four Aces uh brought in a a heavyweight in the business world uh as their general manager uh so we’re going to talk about how that you know

How that reflects on teams and the whole team Dynamic and what that’s going to mean kind of going forward what precedent that might set for more teams uh but the other the big thing the lingering thing that we’ve got to dig into of course is the fact that we are

Now a week out from Masters that is the new additional framework agreement deadline that just continues to be passing by and uh we had that meeting with Tiger Woods and in the The Players Advisory board and the Bahamas with yaser and then nothing happened then nothing happened and we’ve got now one

Ex Rider Cup captain who’s been speaking out and basically indicating not the best news for that deal yeah so there’s a lot to get into but first let’s get get let’s talk about this Olympics thing um because you know some of these guys you’ve heard before whether it be the

Ridder cup or you know any opportunity for players to represent their country it’s something that means a little bit more guys usually jump at it right they they want to do this and I have a feeling we’re just rewatching you know Netflix and and the whole um you know

Following along with the Ryder Cup and you just start to see the emotion and what the guys felt just feeling like they’re playing for their country I would imagine as Netflix follows this season the Olympics will be another story line I got to think so yeah and

And so some of the names here you know I think these are guys who I would think would definitely want to represent their country and they really playing for live they don’t have a vehicle to do that so some of the big names here are Brooks Kea right um who undoubtedly you know

Would be a great addition you know we know how he rises to the occasion in events like this uh to the US team you also have Terell Hatton you have Lou usas and all of them have pulled their names from the Olympic qualification and this is largely because like I said they

Just don’t have a shot um they would have to in order to get into the Olympics and qualify which is coming up in only what five months four months they would have to play outstandingly well in the majors that come before the Olympics uh and the reason for this is

That effectively the Olympic qualification points mirror the official world golf rankings okay right now going back just a couple of weeks ago we had Greg Norman announcing that Liv was going to no longer pursue official world golf rankings we talked about it here on the podcast but what he had said was a

Resolution which protects the accuracy credibility and integrity of the official world golf rankings no longer exists and he said we have made significant efforts to fight for you and ensure your accomplishments are recognized within the existing ranking system un unfortunately official world golf rankings has shown little willingness to productively work with us

Now that was a letter that he expressed to the live players but it just shows official world golf rankings and this is the debate that we continue to see whether they’re valid anymore no matter what you feel about that current state the reality is its influence across all areas of golf

Is significant and this is one more way we see that yeah I mean and it shocks me about Brooks though I mean with with first major coming up I’d like to know what are the exact qualifications because here’s a guy who knows how well he plays at Majors like why wouldn’t he

Go for it why did well the exact qualifications are are this I mean you the current rules it’s they take the top 15 players in the official World Golf rank golf rankings are eligible for the Olympics with a limit of four per country so you go to your country and

You just start going down that list and the the four top guys yep now guy like Kea way out of it right because you think about how many Americans are on that list exactly he knows in order for him to get to the top four in the

Official go golf rankings it would need a miracle because he’s every week that he’s not on PGA Tour he’s losing ground to these other guys he’d have to win the first two majors right right at least and and still not not still not even yeah yeah because like I said as much as

Ground as you gain when you win a major you’re the live guys are losing ground every single week now there are going to be some other countries where maybe there aren’t as many players in the official world golf rankings so you may still have a shot being on live keep in

Mind this is an important thing to clarify here is that the the Olympics have not made any claims or disqualifications or suspensions for Live players it’s not like what we saw with the PGA tour with the European tour if you’re playing on live that does not mean you’re automatically suspended it

Just effectively means you’re not acre the points that you need to get there right you know very much similar to the way the US Rider cup is run you know so it it’s so is Olympics another Aster people are going to say cuz the best players in the world aren’t competing

For their countries we’re going to hear this again I think you’ll hear to some extent this debate forever until we get a resolution and that’s why I think we need to continue to work towards some sort of resolution and I just don’t know if we’re going to get there you know

Like I said in a minute we’re going to talk a little bit more about some of the recent comments to kind of indicating that they’re not as close as we’d like them to be but I think for me what stands out the most about this is It’s

Just Fur further evidence of just how fragmented the Go the game has become you know as part of this this whole split that we’ve had and we’ve said it countless times that the official world golf rankings almost has to Now find a way does it’s insane just to think about

Like can you imagine the the Olympics Spain not having John ROM right playing for his country like when you think golf in Spain obviously if you think about modern day golf Spain you think ROM r ROM so it just blows my mind it feels like it’s just another

Feather in the in in whatever they they need to get done it’s just another reason why like the Olympics guys is not going to be as great this year but we have to get something done I just hope it moves the needle for next week and

And the good news for any you know Spanish fans is that I think Rah should still make probably because largely because he join Liv so late and he was so high up in the official world golf rankings unlike Kea who’s been playing there for multiple Seasons now and has

Had time to fall down the official world golf rankings but if this is not resolved in four years from now you could very well see romn not making the Spanish team exactly right now I mean that’s where when a lot of ways we said Rah was in the perfect position to make

The move if anybody ever was because based on his his his wins his major wins he has exemptions for a long time M that out probably even Olympics there’s a lot that Rah doesn’t have to worry about and it looks like the Olympics is definitely going to be one of them but regardless

Like I said it’s further evidence of the fragmentation of the game and it just shows that we’ve heard from the official World Golf Ranking side that it’s not political they just said they can’t quite find a vehicle and a way to rank these guys because they’re play their

Style of play is so different then you saw on the Liv side Norman forcing the hand of and in a lot of ways this is where it bubbles to the Top by Norman forcing the hand and saying we’re we’re no longer even asking because doesn’t look like we’re getting them continues

To put the pressure on the official world golf rankings to say figure this out because it just seems like and it’s become quite obvious at this point that Liv’s not going anywhere yeah that seems that way so figuring it out is is an important thing but that’s where we

Stand at the moment um and and it’s it’s it’s unfortunate to see that you know there are going to be certain guys who might otherwise have made it into the Olympics and there’s going to be that certain nationality behind it where you’re going to say there going to be

Certain you know countries and say I really wish I had this guy there and and it’s it’s and you know we’re we’re losing out on meddling opportunities because of this but as we always say you guys weighing in the comments below let us know do you think this is fair do you

Think it’s unfair what what are some of the ways that we can kind of get this problem solved um but moving on and talking about how again and more further evidence that Liv is not going anywhere we’ve got this other big news that um dust uh Dustin Johnson’s team the Four

Aces um and there’s a degree of this is not a big surprise I’ll tell you why in a second but they brought in their the former Travis Matthews CEO uh Chris Rosen um and they’re gonna bring him in as their general manager okay big moves

So I think that one thing that this is a sign of it almost makes me feel it kind of like formalizing the team environment like we see in baseball with general managers basketball etc etc it just shows that the the team aspect of live continues to evolve uh this is in a lot

Of ways where they’re now bringing him on for a couple things they’re bringing him on one to run the team um and as these teams become bigger and they have more you know merchandising um sponsorship deals things like that they’re going to need someone to run that operation um and

Here they’re bringing in somebody who has not only extensive industry knowledge but also industry connections you know um he’s he’s somebody like I said running You Know Travis Matthew previously and being in the golf world for a while sure knows a lot of people and this is going to help the team kind

Of expand but it just shows bringing in a general manager just shows the the continued effort to make the teams not just like an afterthought yeah I mean there’s no doubt we’re going to see a trend we’re going to see some some other fomo out there of oh this team’s doing

It we need to get into it we need to get involved other teams are going to want a general manager they’re going to be want want to move in a different direction here’s what I’m curious about these teams over the last few years have lived being alive have won money they’ve won

Money individually and they won money as teams these guys we always thought they chop them up the money like let’s say the team won4 million for coming in first place each guy got 750 whatever bad math but whatever so was there you think there’s like a massive corporate

Kitty for each team Money someone running that now to pay people like this or is this an investment on the player side there Pat Perez and these guys are going to start ponying up money be like we’re going to start hiring as a team I would love to lift the hood of these

Live teams and just see how they’re operating cuz I’m curious cuz then maybe they’ll give us a little more Direction on where this thing’s going to go right so basically saying where where is Chris’s um salary coming from where’s it coming from right and and there’s there’s different shares of it like so

For example not every person on a team is a team owner right right and there you have guys like DJ who’s a partial team owner so you’re right does does as he as the owner does he pay part of that salary it’s a great question curious um

But you know one thing that the reason like I said it wasn’t a big surprise is that when when Chris had left Travis Matthews he founded extracurricular which is a a new apparel clothing athleisure whatever you want to call it brand DJ started wearing that in 20 uh

23 and then they came on board as the official apparel sponsor of the Four Aces um later in that year I think it was August of last year yeah so there’s a natural Synergy he’s already been working with the team in some capacity but he is going to be like I said tasked

With the idea of br bringing in additional revenue streams for the team and and it’s it’s a business it’s it’s kind of an open book there it’s not just apparel there’s a lot of ways that a team can make money right but it really kind of goes back to the original point

With live was to kind of get a little bit away from the PF investment at least for the team aspect and start to bring in individual investors well the only way you’re going to bring in team investors is going to be through showing them the you know the ability to

Generate Revenue right so whereas got to be there we’ve come a long way from the times when no one wanted to touch a Liv team with regards to a sponsorship all the corporations were were worried about the Optics of that to now you know new names emerging and then now starting to

Bring in some of kind of the Old Guard when it comes to golf business Executives and and how that will reshape and change everything right I mean although the eyeballs aren’t really on live yet you know we keep saying yet we’re waiting for I guess there are live

Fans or or live backers and supporters that are waiting for the numbers to blow through the roof blow past the PGA Tour one day maybe it will maybe it’ll take many many years but I think it’s just going to take time it’s going to take time for these teams to still grow like

You said I and I agree I don’t think Liv is going anywhere I think it’s only going to get stronger yeah and and I think this is where you’re going to see that direction where potentially more teams start to treat it more like a business bring in experienced General

Man ERS I would not be in the slightest bit surprised if you started to see even you know a cross Sports jump like somebody coming from a general manager who’s been working in a different sport baseball something like that and coming in because at the end of the day you

Know gol this is just still so new to golf M you know I mean this is the first real time we’ve had you know in the at the highest level teams being involved so there almost isn’t a precedent for that for a general manager of a golf team

It’s almost a new position that’s being generated but undeniably this is something that I think will start to trickle throughout the league and you’ll start to see that and and I think as you get these guys who’ve been inside of the sport and inside of the business operation side getting more involved

With live that’s when I start to see more of those doors start to open uh and live becomes more viable long term right and you can’t rule out that these guys have individual massive following so although Liv Jetta on a Friday get 200,000 views Bryson can get a million views from his

Social media so like they they individually have the eyeballs so they’re marketable right that’s what I’m saying open book to the ways that you could generate Revenue absolutely you could take the team and and who knows you could do appearance fees with the team there’s a million things you could

Do this is where a smart businessman was going to come up with those ideas right cuz all these people out there saying like I don’t know why these brands are going to be jumping on nobody’s watching live unless that you know the reality is every time we say this here on the show

That nobody’s watching live undoubtedly we get a million comments and and I have to agree with a lot of them the fact is it’s not cleanly quantifiable exact there is a lot although for us here in the states it’s not the easiest thing always to watch you know what I mean

Aside from the app when I say easiest I mean if you’re you in your usual used to right your usual rhythm is to turn on the TV on Sunday channel so the issue with the c and where it’s broadcast and where it’s not I get it but the reality

Is you have you know you can stream it through the app you’ve got now you know overseas especially where where Liv has really had its biggest growth is internationally there’s a lot more viewing options uh and you can make the case even on the other side we saw

Recently a number of headlines with the PGA Tour uh hurting for for rankings for you know ratings I should say um with some of their recent events so I think that is another it’s a hard to quantify Market because it’s not just where you could just say what are the the neelen

Ratings on something because nowadays people just don’t tune in the same way right so I think it’s a combination of a slow but steady growth in viewership but on the other side of it you got to go back to what you’ve heard from the mouth of Greg Norman from uh Phil Mickelson

Saying this is not something to expect to be an overnight success it’s a startup and it’s going to take time for people and fans to to slowly grow their investment into players and teams do you think over the last four or five weeks the news headlines have been PGA Tour

Ratings have been worst ever declining dropping we’ve been seeing it everywhere you think that’s good for Liv or is it bad for the entire sport in general I I would file that under bad for the whole sport I I think in general I think the continued rivalry between these two you

Could file under bad for the sport I think anything that we talk we’ve said this before you and I are very active viewers yeah of golf we’re GNA watch it no matter what I worry about the Casual viewers I worry about the people who are put off by not

Knowing where their favorite players are playing that week not understanding the events even on the PGA tour side we’ve had dramatic changes in the names of the events because you have sponsors who are dropping out because they can’t afford the new Signature Events uh it just feels like every week you’re playing

Catchup whereas before there was a rhythm to it kind of knew that this week was this event the guys now it’s in and out and I I worry more so about how that that the the TV sets so to speak being turned off or not being tuned into

Because people are like there’s just there’s too much going on here right and there’s a certain degree that the drama brings some eye draw eyeballs but long-term sustainability I think that’s why going back to what we said before you go to you got to get this resolved

We got to stop fragmenting the game we got to find a way that we can level the playing field with a rating a ranking system that we know who the true top players in the world are there’s no more speculation it becomes very simple and clear I guess that’s why we’re all can’t

Wait for the majors because it’s the only real unified version of the sport yes and even that you could debate is not fully unified because there are guys who are going to miss out on the major should be there right yeah exactly um so there’s there’s a whole lot going on

Here but I also want to I want to get into this interview with the ex Rider Cup captain and what he said indicated where he felt like this is just not as much as we have high hopes for this to happen and and you know us to to get

These these together and some sort of agreement he’s saying we’re further off than we think and and I’ll tell you exactly why he thinks that in just a second but let’s do a quick word from our sponsors all right guys we all know that nothing can sharpen your short game

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Visit one by just coming to one of our meetups our first one in fact is next week yes we’re doing Masters Friday April 12th at 4:30 like a happy hour 4:30 to about 7:30 Scarsdale New York in Westchester so if you work or live in this area Rockland County Westchester

Connecticut come on down come hang out with us long drive closest to the pin prizes prizes we’re bringing prizes bring prizes going to be some great stuff we want to meet you we want to hang with you come on down we’ll see you there all right so kind of rewinding

Just it was just a couple weeks ago you know it was like the first big thing that we could all kind of grasp onto the the players and we talked about it here on the podcast the the PJ tour players Advisory Board we had um Tiger Woods was

There J Maham was there finally me meeting with yaser the PF and it we all talked about it seems like why did it take so long why so many years it showed us how far behind we are and some sort of an agreement but from the little bit

That trickled out of it it seemed very positive there’s a few notes on social media of how you know players kind of mentioning that they they they felt comfortable with yaser they felt like he was invested in the game and it felt like it could be a good clicking you

Know there between the two where you could bring in some more PF in investment might this mean something with you know dropping the the suspension for Live players who knows but then all of a sudden everything just kind of went silent and cold Y and now

We’re creeping up on the Masters and no announcement no nothing formal nothing any more than that you really thought if that was kind of the the last kind of little bit that that more formal meet greet to where we can really start the negotiations going then we’d have more

Information by now yeah so sure it’s it comes as no real surprise when you hear a little bit more pessimistically um they were speaking to as a recent interview with uh Paul McGinley uh so he’s the ex uh Rider Cup captain um and they were asking him like you know

Anybody basically who’s close to it and close to what’s going on you know what information do you have to give to us are we getting closer and and his his response and his answer was don’t hold your breath he said I think both parties are still wide away from each other in

Terms of where the com ground is and then he continued he went on to say uh it could be a few more years before we see any kind of daylight unfortunately remember what makes this so difficult is that the PGA Tour is a members organization and that is so true you

Know we think of it on the PF side uh it’s run by a couple of Executives there are people who are going to make those decisions and then the players kind of have to follow along but the trouble here is that with the PJ tour being a

Members organization you’ve got to get a lot of people kind of all aiming in the same direction right and I think that the biggest harm to that so far has just been and from what we’ve seen you know through the past almost two years now is

How in the dark so many players are remember the PGA Tour is a big organization there’s a lot of players and what did we see remember we saw the was it an open letter or or some sort of um petition that the players have put together you know basically saying we

Want more information what we saw was Netflix full swing or whatever the the broadsided by the information and just kind of being in the dark I mean it’s it’s crazy for us to hear players who are part of this organization to say I’m here about something the same way you are from

Social media and I think that that has brought us further and further from the ability to to get everybody on board um so it just kind of really leaves everyone scratching their head like Where Do We Go From Here Yeah curious I mean with next week me Ian maybe

There’ll be like a nice bomb drop next week you know give the the Master’s uh press conferences a little something extra to it well that’s what we can hope but like I said from hearing this St sound andul just give us something though give us like an idea of what

You’re working towards what are some of the things that some of the people are agreeing on give us a little bit of the framework and because that’s not being said it makes me wonder if there is anything yeah right or if we’re in a complete stalemate and that’s because

Some people are in the dark kind of going on on that um what Paul had said is he said trying to get a consensus talking about among the PJ tour players to move forward is incredibly difficult and that’s that’s just what it is like when you have too

Many cooks in the kitchen you know so to speak how do you get an organization this big to all kind of go into one direction or or reach some sort of common ground and the only way that I can think that that could possibly happen at some point is with some sort

Of leadership leadership stepping up and this is the concern that so many have expressed of whether Jay Monahan might be time for him to to go and and gets a new leadership in um because the only way and and you think about any big organization with lots of stakeholders

So to speak the only way to really get that so it’s not completely fragmented and everybody wants something different is through strong leadership so whether it be Jay or whether we see Tiger Wood WS Patrick Klay someone I think needs to and maybe they’re doing this behind the

Scenes but that’s the trouble like we’re not privy to it at all and we can only speculate that it’s not happening because these deadlines keep coming and going right but to me it seems like one of them needs to take the lead on educating the players educating them on

What the talks have been about making some sort of decision of what direction you want and then sell that decision to the players mhm and get them on board that’s leadership that’s what someone seems but for right now when you have people who largely can’t seemingly even make a decision because

They don’t have all the information that just tells me yeah how’s it going to ever happen yeah right I know I know so it’s unfortunate but it is and and again these are just things that like like I said just hearing this and seeing this

It’s just it’s not what you want to be hearing or seeing if you’re hoping for a resolution anytime soon right and and I think what we have is a number of players who like I said either are still in the dark and don’t have enough to doesn’t have enough information to make

A proper decision or have effectively given up you know I I look right right at Rory here’s a guy who who fought and stuck his neck out and then he said he felt like a sacrificial lamb and now just has stepping stepped away from it because of

The chaos a lot of heat from that man so it really just feels like to me the only way that we’re going to get any closer and and I and I really hope that that um this whole whole you know take from Paul McKinley is is is wrong and we are

Surprised this week with something but being in this 11th Hour once again I don’t have high hopes for and and I just I just wonder if like this is where it it really boils down to is it’s just chaos and no one knows you know really which direction we’re headed and it was

It was only two weeks ago that Peter malady another guy in the player Advisory Board was pressed at inisbrook about this he gave a very political answer yeah you know to the state of golf it’s almost seems like he didn’t know anything he just came out of that

Bamas meeting himself right so you’re right I mean I don’t think there’s going to be much that’s going to come out but I know tiger Klay you know all the guys at Augusta they’re going to be even live guys are going to get pressed yeah by

The Press like what’s up and and where we at what have we proved in kind of this whole episode talking about this was that a fragmentation is still hurting the game I.E what we saw in the Olympics B live continues that they’re not going anywhere uh making these Investments bringing in general managers

Continuing in that direction where they’re making themselves sustainable in any way that they can with or without the official world golf rankings and then C is like just all we have is surrounded by speculation because there’s nobody coming through like you get to a certain point where you know

You feel like good kind of Crisis management and I think golf is in that golf is in a crisis moment the way through that is to communicate yeah even if that’s admitting the things you don’t know in the moment I would much rather see where we’re in a state

Where we’re having weekly updates in some way Jay somebody hold press press conferences admit what you do and don’t know totally but get people more involved in the discussion and allow people to understand like what’s really going on because I think as a a lot of the players are sitting in similar seats

To us there there players in the organization they don’t know what’s going on right and until we write that ship we’re going to end up with this continued limbo and if as if the PJ tour keeps trending in this direction and and the kids out there who are coming into

The game of golf at age 12 13 14 there’s a chance that they may never know what the PGA Tour is as sad as it sounds because they’re not watching it or their parents aren’t watching it anymore and the only thing they might know this this

Might be the long game for live the only thing they know is live right kids so maybe lives long games to go go after this such young Market you come up in the world and like Scotty sheffler who like I didn’t know these people cuz I

Didn’t watch this PJ tour started to get lame is what people are calling it when I was young maybe these 13y olds now when they’re 18 live as the dominant tour because it just grabbed all this young demographic I don’t know what their long game is but I could tell you

Right now from what we see out there is that we see those ratings on PJ tour dropping still Liv I don’t see it going this way yet but eventually it’s going to and there’s going to be a point where like who’s the better tour someone’s going to be the much better tour and

That’s what they have to they have to figure I just wish you could get to a point where it’s not this Conant rival and it’s a coexisting I I just don’t think they’re ever going to come together I that’s that’s just I think they’re going to have to find a way to

Live separately unfortunately and I don’t know I want them to I’m sure we want them to because enough is enough already right that’s what I’m saying even if they if the answer is that they find a way to to operate separately at least can we do it in a way that has

Less question marks around it we know the rules of engagement so to speak and we find a way to equitably rank these players so we don’t have situations like we have this with the Olympics cuz I think that’s a shame it’s a shame yeah anyway that’s everything we have for you

Guys this week make sure you subscribe wherever you get your podcast we’ll keep a close eye on this Master’s week is coming up so stay tuned for that


  1. 1) No one really cares about the Olympics. 2) Choosing a team should be done by a team captain, not a rankings system. 3) Paul McGinley knows shit about what's going on behind the scenes, you might as well ask Eamon Lynch for his propaganda.

  2. What if say the South African Olympic delegation wants Oosthizen in? They don’t have a choice?

  3. HUGE mistake on the part of the Olympic qualification committee…. First they allow Pros, now it's only SOME Pros ?
    What have the Olympics become ?
    Very Sad

  4. OWGR does need to bend to LIV… they have totally stood by there rules from the start. And Greg Norman is being a bully and now is playing the victim. I seriously don’t give 2 💩s about LIV now or in the future. You are both talking in circles . No body cares about liv they haven’t moved the numbers in the last 2 years and the hole John rahm debacle has totally backfired on liv it hasn’t draw flies let alone golf fans .

  5. PGA is nothing but a feeder tour for LIV whose world wide viewers are growing like mad. LIV is now world tour. If pga doesn’t get rid of Jay and get their act together their ratings will cause networks to renegotiate their contracts and purses on tour will drop

  6. LIV guys haven't got a chance at a shot for the Olympics. The International Golf Federation runs this event and guess who is the chairman , Monahan accolyte Keith Pelley with PGA T Tyler Dennis chairman of the Olympic Games match committee. You know the LIV guys will not get a fair hearing with these guys pulling the strings.

  7. PGA T ceases to be a member organisation as soon as the SSG deal goes through. Once they accept the blood money they lose any control they may think they have.

  8. You are out of your minds. PGA is a historical league. LIV will be short lived because they poached players that were made famous by playing in the PGA. Any new young golfers that join LIV will be nameless grey faces. However, legend and history will keep best young talent wanting to join Tiger, Rory and Arnold.

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