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Matt Jones on how John Calipari has lost the connection to the fans

Kentucky Sports Radio host Matt Jones spoke on his show about John Calipari’s relationship with the fans and how it has deteriorated

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What’s up guys um you know with with the hire Kenny Brooks and hearing him on your your show that guy got me fired up uh thinking about women’s basketball the the trajectory of that program and then you got Mark Stoops who’s really embraced the transfer Port transfer

Portal portal I can’t talk this morning and uh and trying to you know get guys over into that program I just I I wish I really just wish that if Cal doesn’t do it I I wish our next coach would have that same mentality because swear the

Way I love this football program and what it all stands for with the family and all the recruits how they talk about Vince Maro I just I would give anything to have the community and the feel that we have for our football program back in basketball because I feel like that’s

That to me as a fan that’s what I’m missing like I think it’s been lost I do think I do think I think it’s been lost and I could trace it back I appreciate the call I don’t think it’s all on Cal don’t get me wrong I don’t I think

Though you go back to 2010 20 11 even 2012 you go back to what that was like as like the the community aspect of it we got away from that now some of that is natural the growth of the program social media but we got away from it

Camp out I know that’s a little thing but camp out was awesome you could take kids and they could go meet the players and the players embraced it and they played basketball with them and all that stuff like that went away Big Blue Madness is is a shell of what it was

It’s a shell it’s not it’s not even the same thing like it’s like a different sporting event and that could be fixed overnight you if you wanted to fix Big Blue Madness you could they choose not to they know it’s not good they choose

Not to fix it I give a lot of credit to some of the students especially a lot of the students online because they tried to get that going again camp like waiting out and camping out for the basketball games and all that stuff and that was cool but that used to be the

Norm like that used to be regular and that’s kind of gone away and like all the things you do to build community look you know to get these coaches on for the most part like we have to go around the university like like the reason let me

Just get let me just I’m G be I’m just being honest the reason mark Stoops Vince Maro uh Kenny Brooks even Mion the reason those guys get on is they want to come on because they want to talk to the fan base and they basically tell jmi we want to do

It like jmi is a hindrance when it comes in my opinion to to getting to the fans I can’t let me give you a perfect example I would love to have Mark Stoops would love to walk in here sit at this desk and do an interview with me and

Then meet all the fans he would love to he is not allowed to do it he is not allowed to do it why he’s not allowed to do it because the official restaurant of UK is a different place that’s absurd that’s absurd what last year during the

NCA baseball tournament I wanted to take my show to UK do the show outside of UK to promote the regional to get fans to come to the UK baseball game which was at noon I was like I’ll be on from 10 to 12 we’ll tell people to come they’ll

Then walk into the baseball game jmi said no you cannot come here this is our place only our shows and I’m like you don’t even have a show right now there’s no show on and they’re like sorry no nowadays because of nil I can get

These players to come on here but do I go through UK no I have to go through their nil agent to get them here UK will tell them no but their nil agent will tell them as part of your nil deal go on Matt show so my point is just to say

Everything that keeps people connected to the to the fans is gone and the only way coaches get around it is they just say I’m doing it Mark Stoops and Vince just say I’m doing it and that’s just going to be the way it is but yes we’ve gotten away from it and

Then some of that is on cow you know I went back and looked in 2012 the year we won the National Championship we had 31 regular season games Cal did the pregame press conference 29 of the 31 games you know how many pregame press conferences

He did this year one one he did the year one of the 31 now is that the most important thing in the world no but if you want to hear from your coach and hear what your coach has to say that’s important he skipped the postgame radio

Show nine of the 31 games that’s a lot considering three4 of his salary comes from that so there has to be a mindset change forget about X’s and O’s cow will change those or not but there has to be a mindset change about this being a community that’s why I loved I’m going

To be honest with you I’m I’m R I’m ranting right now but when I heard Kenny Brooks yesterday Kenny Brooks said I want to talk to people and he even said whether they’re criticizing me or not I found that fascinating he doesn’t even know what’s going on and he said

That he Saidi want you to come up to me in Kroger right well Cal’s probably a little too famous to have everybody come up to him in Kroger but there is a sense in which they got to get back out in the community they got to get back out

Connected because there is a family feel around UK football UK baseball UK gymnastics gymnastics is going for the national championship on Thursday women’s basketball wi we’ve been good has that that’ll have all kinds of passion here in a few months once that basketball’s got to get back to that

They got to get back to that and they got to stop the see what I did see what I did what do you think about that oh did you all come here to see us lose like get away from that this is supposed to be a community and let’s get back to

That and I know we focus it being ksr because it’s our show and we’re doing it right now but I the first thing on my checklist if I were a coach feeling some heat is I would be on every radio show I don’t care if it’s got 20 listeners or

20,000 I would just want people to hear me being a part of them explaining what went wrong and how it’s going to change moving forward not just people guessing well is he going to make a change what does it mean to get tougher what are we

Doing in the port no one knows let’s just be blatant about it when I mentioned yesterday should I have the UFL coach on you know what happened within 30 minutes the UFL people reached out to me and said he’d love to come on where are we where the UFL coach would

Like to come on and the UK coach would not like where are we the why what people say we are still fans and would not you know we are still positive and it’s nothing to run guy who wrote me literally said he’d love to mix

It up with you and talk trash don’t make me start to like anyone over there now I don’t know if I’m GNA do it but like where are we where that’s the case and again let’s say he’s too mad at ksr to come on is he going on any of these

Other shows he should be on a tour right now even if it’s not this one do something fine don’t want to come here there’s other ones go do that one right that if you want to throw it in my face go on every show but ours but don’t sit

There silently and I hit my finger on that and it really hurt heard what


  1. Cal says “this is everyone’s Super Bowl”. That may have been true in the past, but Cal you have single handedly lowered Ky to an easy victory.

  2. UK Basketball is a total joke. It’s no longer about the fans! Cal only cares about the NBA. College basketball as a whole is a joke. Such a shame ☹️. I used to love March….not any more.

  3. Cal needs to donate 8.5 of his 9 million per year to the KY NIL fund to help repair the damage hes done. No coach has ever don’t less with more talent. He’s just not a “real” person anymore , he’s like a caricature or a lampoon of his former self. Sorry, just time to move on for both parties involved. I’m done. ✅. Go Blue

  4. I disagree with the guys on this one. I've been a UK fan for over 40 years, and I don't want to hear Cal speak right now. We have been forced to accept the fact that he's not going anywhere, and most of us are trying to be ok with that, or are pretending to be ok with it. Even if we aren't really ok with it, we're stuck with it. So I'm personally at the point where I don't want to hear his words. We've heard all his words. Show me! You want me to be excited about next year, too bad. You don't deserve that. Show me! Produce on the court. No embarrassing losses. Be a contender from day one until late March, or early April. Don't tell me we're gonna be good. Don't tell me you're gonna fix it. Just fix it. Prove to me you can still do this at this level, and I'll invest in you as my coach again. I'll get excited. But there aren't any words that will get me there at this point, because you said all the words already, and you didn't produce.

  5. All this hype and the things Cal has let go by and now he's calling for the fans to join him and let's do it together and how he's going to work. But, then in his latest public comment he iterated three times that he was not going to change a thing. How Barnyard would let that stand is beyond me. You know how the saying goes , "Keep doing the same and expect a different result" in moronic to paraphrase

  6. Spread some positivity and support the program in spite of Cal. BBN was dealt a bad hand but we've got to make the most of it until the time is right for change.

  7. People's complete misunderstanding of basketball and UK in general 🤦‍♀️, this year's team was up and down, either win by 30 or lose by 5 😂 Matt doesn't understand sports and Ryan Lemon head 😂 what a joke…

  8. It's clear Cal doesn't like the fans or care what they think. To think that he will actually change is faulty reasoning – it's not gonna happen.

  9. What does Cal has to connect to fans, losing record? He may not know how to coach anymore, maybe best fit for G-league recruiter. Many SEC coaches can probably coach better than he does.

  10. So i got the best recruiting class…again…and got bounced early in the tournament….again (Forrest Gump voice)

  11. You know, if players first puts Kentucky in the final four, elite 8 , even the sweet 16 and then they went on to be superstars in the NBA. I’d be fine with that. I want to see them excel after their college career whether it’s one year, two years or more. But it means nothing, nothing to me as a 35 year Kentucky fan if we don’t show up in the tournament.

  12. In my opinion…. we'll let's look at the 2015 team. He had two NCAA championship starting lineups that probably 5 different college coaches could've taken all the way with either platoon. Cal couldn't do it with both. He hasn't done anything in the last 7 years. His way doesn't work.

  13. Cal thinks he’s too big of a celebrity to hang out with you peasants or peasants from other shows. His ego is just unbelievable, especially for a coach that hasn’t got out of the second round since 2019 i think.

  14. Cal has lost connection with the fans because of his mouth. If you tell fans that you don’t care about winning and you don’t care about championships then not only did he turn out to be a loser and a stupid coach but he even tells his fans that he does not care about winning, yet Kentucky fans, some of them, will still support a man who says I don’t care!

  15. Cal has become far more interested in seeing how may player "HE" got into the NBA than in how many ball games or championships he as won for UK.

  16. Pitino restored Kentucky with John Pelphrey, Deron Feldhaus, Reggie Hanson, Richie Farmer…..Cal knows nothing about this formula of Kentucky pride. No one wants to see da club show at Big Blue Madness. Kentucky fans know our tradition and culture and history, Cal doesn't really understand this. I got more…. But imagine watching the Kentucky Duke championship in 1978… I was 9 years old starring at an 11" black and white TV, sweating bullets. Cal just doesn't understand UK Wildcat tradition. Playing basketball with friends or in a bedroom with a nerf ball, or on a court impersonating each shot like Jack Givens or Rick Roby or Kyle Macy knowing the physics of their respective style shots, replicating it, dreaming. Cal just don't know. The panic that set in when the game wasn't on a local broadcast and we couldn't watch the game. Some people wouldn't listen to the game on the radio, because they thought they would lose. Some people watched the game on the TV, turned down the volume, and let Cawood Ledford broadcast the game. So many traditions, each fan with their desire to support UK their own way. It's how we grew up, we lived it, we had true emotion for it, and so much more. We sure wasn't concerned about the NBA, I can tell you that for a fact!

  17. This dude loves the football program that has underachieved 3 out of 4 years, and stinks it up in every big game, but hate the top 10 basketball program. It’s so silly that this is what UK fans have become. Go support a different program.

  18. Does Matt really not understand why Cal doesn’t want anything to do with him or a lot of the media after they called for his job? It’s not rocket science. Why would he boost Matt Jones and KSR after they’ve put forth such an anti-Cal agenda. Everything from the website and show has been all negative and acting like it’s the end of the world, even though every other program has had similar stretches. Yet he preaches patience with football through underwhelming results. At this point Matt dislikes cal more than he likes UK basketball and that is sad to me.

  19. Have you guys figured out anything at all, you have tormented the hell out of Cal and all his players, every year. Then expect them to really acknowledge your show. I don’t blame Cal, or the university. All you guys do, Matt and the Yes Men, is criticize, complain, and criticize, and complain. Put up or shut up show us how many basketball games all of you at KSR have won. Well I’ll go further even played in. We can go back to little league til now. I’m afraid guys you are the problem but you don’t get it. With your hot takes, rapid reactions, all the junk trying to stir the pot. I guarantee you better get Louisville’s Coach on your show, because if I were Cal , it’d be no chance I’d ever recognize you in any way .

  20. I hate that he makes derogatory statements about the fans. When he spoke a year or two ago about the SEC tournament, he said Kentucky fans save up their “cigarette money” in order to go to the tournament. He thinks most of us are stupid hillbillies

  21. This is deranged hearing guys act like Cal isn't in the transfer portal when that's been our best players and POYs/FOYs/award candidates consistently for years, literally since portal stuff started. What sport ya been watching buddy?

    And the reason you don't feel community with basketball players is you bash them and try to drive them off because of your weird Cal grudge. Remember spending all off-season trying to rile people up about how Reeves was supposedly guaranteed gone, only to find out there was never any question? Or Z supposedly guaranteed ineligible and would never play? And actually that was after you guaranteed Z was leaving for Duke because of the admissions process. KSR guys scour the earth hunting for any reason to alienate a basketball player and then wonder why they aren't in some kind of community with the basketball players, this is really shocking and unreal to hear complaints like this.

  22. Please Matt quit knocking Cal down. Matt's show. I wish you would say something good about Cal. You are just ragging himm all the time.

  23. Conveniently lost the fans right around the time he cut Matt off 😂😂. Man will do anything for clicks

  24. I really despise this kind of arrogance – on YOUR part. And Pilgrim's "love" but "don't trust" Cal. You lost this fan and many others.
    This isn't politics where people think venting is a duty (it's not there either), but you really sour the fun of sports by these pontifications and Pilgrim's posting as if Cal was a disappointing lover he's breaking up with.
    This may be lucrative now, but I think you are eroding the very basis of your business. I'm wasting pixels writing this, so just carry on. I won't waste any more time on pompous nonsense.

  25. Matt Jones always thinks he’s got a beat on what’s happening with the UK basketball program. He’s constantly whiffing on the crap he puts out. Just like it was “imminent” that Cal had to make coaching changes. Quit drinking the Matt Jones koolaid folks, he don’t speak for UK basketball and never will

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