Golf Players

I can no longer do this…

I really don’t know how to deal with this. Is there a need for my YouTube channel? I don’t understand the algorithm and I’m so confused! I can no longer do this keyword/algorithm/thumbnail chasing grind. SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE for my golf channel to continue.

⛳️ Steve’s Coaching at Peebles Golf Club:

⛳️ Steve’s Online Coaching Service:

Filmed at:

Right we’re on I’m just about to play four very very windy holes here at cadona and I’m going to film all four but what’s the point nobody will watch it anyway so still have the mini driver in play just now which is really good um I swing it at

104 mil per hour I’ve been working on Club head speed trying to get that up 104 mph Club head speed carrying between 258 and 268 I’ve just completely healed that that is horrendous sorry about the language just completely neck that drive there it’s not even reached these bunkers on the

Right strong wind sometimes you just get days when it’s just just everything seems to be against you you know just made it over the bunker I have no idea how that finished there I think it landed yeah unreachable okay we’re now up the left side of the Fairway one 48 back into the

Wind 148 strong wind it’s 7 iron 7 170 so 150 gone this might not even get there turn in there Steve that is the strike it’s the only strike that’s the best strike ever front edge if you’re lucky wow I’ve only got a few IRS with

Me so my next Club up was 5 on that just seemed far too much but probably had I poked that that would have been fine I got a lot of great feedback on my YouTube channel it’s been going for about 8 years now and I’ve created over 1 12200 videos

Instructional content 1 12200 videos so every area every facet of the game has been covered on my channel somewhere so where do you go now is there a Next Step probably not is there any more new fresh content I can bring out probably not look how short that is

Wow so where do we go what do we do do I still enjoy it yeah I do I do still enjoy it of course I do golf’s golf’s life you know it’s of course I still enjoy it but I look at other creators and I think to

Myself why am I struggling why am I nowhere near where these other guys are it’s a very good shot by the way I look at like Danny mod you know Danny Mod’s putting out amazing content constructional content he’s got all the feelers out there from Callaway he’s

He’s right in there how does that happen how does that happen Danny’s content is instructional content like mine hold on that’s a solid five considering the weather driver 5 and 7 and Chip I’m using Danny Mod’s content just as a just as a reference I know Danny I’ve

Spoken to Danny a few times he’s done amazing so proud of the guy so happy for him really am and you look at his situation he’s obviously tied in with Callaway brilliant his views and subscribers are off the planet absolutely off the planet but I don’t feel as though my content is any

Different from Danny’s perhaps it’s a Scottish accent it’s harder to understand Danny’s just nailed it and well done to him well done indeed and then of course you’ve got Dan Dan Hendrickson again doing great stuff and I look at Dan subscribers near slightly below

Me but again Dan’s had the F Joy tie in he’s done loads of amazing videos he’s got his Sunday Morning Show which I think is fantastic he’s doing something different than no one else is doing and I’ve spoken to Dan in the past as well and he

Again expressing how hard it is to gain subscri subscriber traction on a golf YouTube channel based in the UK oh yes see that’s why I love it I love golf is that it is it because we’re based in the UK that myself and other UK channels are struggling to hit the

Subscriber Mark but look at Rick Shields I mean okay Rick started the ball rolling if you like and he set that bar very very high and he’s I mean well done absolutely bro you are the man Peter Finch as well he was in there Crossfield

Me and my golf right from the start they understood they saw the Gap in the market for golf being available or being a thing on YouTube and then we’ve all come along and just straggled behind a little bit but it just seems as though the share of subscribers in the

Marketplace doesn’t go around you know and I look at golf and I think about golf that I’ve just talked there about Dany and Callaway Dan and fut Joy can you imagine if you were on tour and you could be sponsored by eight Brands you had a driver brand an iron brand a wedge

Brand a putter brand clothing brand glove shoe ball bag and that was advertised on your golf bag so you had your tour bag with all those logos all over it which a share of the market place and Peter Finch for example Peter finch why is he not got the same amount

Of subscribers as Rick Shields when it all started with the pair of them to together the Trafford Center why is that not worked out like that this is nice down here the winds away a little things in life you know by the way that was a tremendous t- shot

With my 104 mil our club head speed the club head speed is based on a 3-wood length shaft let’s just clarify that with normal driver I can get up to 109 but that’s 104 I can get up to 106 with that three wood shaft but this is a very different video

For me the future you know what what is the future for my YouTube channel is there actually a place on YouTube for my channel probably not probably not it’s possibly ran its course get up okay we’ve got birday coming up it’s going to happen come on I was so

Delighted to get to 100,000 subscribers I mean over the moon you guys have all been there for the journey you know how much what’s going into that but it comes down a financial thing at the end of the day you know it’s all very well having 100,000 subscribers but if if the views

Are way down and the duration of people’s views are a way down so if you watch a video for if I upload an 8 minute video which then allows me to put ads in the middle and monetize it and people watch that click on that 8 minute video and after 2 minutes click

Off there a there a lot of effort going in there 1 2 3 4 5 53 is 15 15 ft so there’s a Rolex t I don’t know where that came from come on okay that’s fine that is fine Rox they should sponsor me so there’s a lot of efforts gone

In I mean thousands of hours gone in and I ran a golf shop I was head pro pe’s golf club for8 years and I stepped down from that position to focus on my YouTube channel my Eureka golf swing website and other business interests and I still coach there

Obviously which I love the coaching side of it’s brilliant get yourself booked in linked below I guess what I’m trying to say is it would much better it’ be great if there was more share of the market you know if the subscriber base was boosted

Up and I know all channels are the same Rick shs will be the same but the amount of subscribers he has it’s there’s some crazy stat like I’ll have to check my analytics that you know of all the views on your channel they’re from 20% of the people who view your channel are

Subscribers so the other 80% of not click that subscribe button and clicking the Subscribe button is massive because even though that’s the case you look at Rick shields for example if you never knew Rick Shields and you oh my trolle is away if you never knew Rick Shields

And you just came into the World of Golf and you were on to YouTube and you saw this guy with whatever he’s got 2 million 3 million subscribers you would subscribe and follow that purely because you see that number there bit of a scruffy little winter tea going on

Here but that’s uh that’s golf in the UK so maybe that’s something maybe golf YouTube channels in the UK are not as appealing because you know everyone’s wrapped up look at me I’m wrapped up in all my gear if I had shorts and t-shirt on and palm trees in the background that

Would be fantastic but it’s not where I live it’s not what it’s it’s just that it’s not going to happen do you ever play two balls when you go just play around I love it I know a way to get more Club head speed without having to go to the gym that was

Right out the toll and it’s come back in nicely because of that you know because of the Roll in your face when you catch the toe the ball goes left for a right-handed golf club that for me is a technology draw technology Draw black golf te’s who come up with that this one Trump Scotland I’ve gone through my whole golf bag today so two balls against each other is quite good fun so I’ve been working on speed I I I can add more speed to your

Golf swing I’ll do a video on this I can add more speed to your golf swing without having to do any training just understanding where it needs to be fast to get more speed so this this 104 mph Club head speed with my three-wood shaft

Good for me it’s pretty good um I can get up as I say I can get up to 106 107 by applying it I need to work also on accuracy so there’s a tradeoff at the moment that’s tremendous little draw balls I think with eure go swing I try and get deep I

Try and get almost Matt CER in there then I can explode 150 exactly downwind 150 I’ve got no wedge with me but I’ve got a 9 I’ve only got a few clubs in there when I coach I was coaching this morning and at pe’s golf club and I

Don’t take all my clubs anyway 150 is 9 iron distance let’s just smooth one in there deep behind deep behind get the hips open to the feet line oh yeah 10 ft never quite got into it it’s one of those ones that you know when you’ve you’ve played it and your

Pals have went that’s a great shot and you know deep down I never really struck that but I’m not going to let on I’m going to let them think I am brilliant we’ve all been there so I got right into that one that’s right on on it that landed that from the

Hole so I’m sorry to um come out with all this miserable chat today but you know sometimes it gets you down and you need somebody to speak to so I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do with the channel I mean I love it

Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love it but you know when you create content okay for guys have never done this when you create content you just you film and you do your thing you’ve got your plan a lot of research goes into every video a lot of research then there’s the

Algorithm of YouTube which you have to try and figure out my trolley away hold on so you’re creating content that you feel is those good for good for the viewer but the YouTube algorithm doesn’t like it so it doesn’t push it around YouTube it’s like no no that’s too

Technical you’re talking about the pressure points in the golf swing nobody understands that nobody wants to nobody types those words into Google um but it’s really important for the golfer so there’s that outlet there it’s not it doesn’t work but then you look at Danny mod going back to Danny mod and it

Does work what what does Danny do that I don’t do what what does siguto do that I don’t do you know it’s just I don’t know if it’s the more I talk about it the less worthwhile it seems to become and maybe perhaps maybe it’s time maybe it’s

Time that ball there that you see close to the hole that was the one I miss hit that’s the one I hit first this is the one I ped golf huh golf so i’ absolutely pure 9 here too far with my putting now I’m trying to reduce my follow through it’s just

Wasted energy but I get more um better distance control and more energy into the ball by reducing my follow through and then he leaves it short classic explaining distance control then leave it short am I bothered nope good four though I think we’re still Level par yeah five 4 four

So we’ll have to have a go with this now obviously shouldn’t have bothered oh dear let’s have a little chip around here shall we let’s chat more so that’s where we’re at with the channel I am going back to the sponsorship thing with Danny and his Callaway you know I don’t go anywhere

With Wilson I i’ I’ve not got a sponsorship with Wilson although the new ZM wedges are class I’ve got no it’s not a sponsorship you know they give me clubs and they give me some clothing some balls and some some Hardware to try out which is great absolutely

Brilliant um that that’s that’s it though I I don’t I don’t know what I’m expecting look at that see o z dam wedges we I’m not expecting anything more than that but just it seems like other channels get much more opportunity much more opportunity to be

A part of bigger things which of course grows their Channel go in oh come on see Wilson see so I’m going to do it again ah so where am I going to go with the channel from here I think that do with that a little bit sick fed up a fighting

An algorithm a little bit hacked off of having to do so much research for each video downloading software like vid IQ to try and find out how the algorithm actually works looking for Trends on Google to find out what’s going to be popular then going to the golf course

And making the content that’s fun that is fun I know I don’t sound as though it’s fun but honestly it is fun I really appreciate you taken time to listen to this by the way cuz you could easily have turned off by now I don’t blame you

And of course as a mentioned earlier on editing the video when you create something of nothing there’s a job satisfaction there that you want to share to the golf world but how many people are going to go to see it how many people are actually going to see

That you don’t know you have no control over that whatsoever so therefore you have no control over what Revenue you’re going to generate from that video or all your videos so the future what is the future Eureka golf swing that’s the future that will always continue I’ll

Keep my un golf swing website going that’s Dreadful come to the shot man that’s better I’ll keep that going um my coaching at pe’s golf club’s always going there’s eight guys booked in for a coaching Camp here at the end of October uh with myself a two-day residential camp that will

Keep that will keep going I’ll show you how to do that shot um that was a dreadful attempt what am I what am I actually doing in here but basically I’m just fed up of sleepless nights because of YouTube but then you get news that changes everything absolutely everything

I’m going to hit a few balls here because let’s be honest who else is going to come out in conditions like this unless they have to make YouTube videos so everything changes a friend of mine who lives down south my age comes for a golf lesson comes up on the

On the plane gets the bus down to Peebles starts the golf lesson explains to me that he has unfortunately got Cancer and I’ve been a few members of my family who have struggled with that nasty nasty nasty disease and then all of a sudden it hits home that somebody my age that I know and have a lot of respect for is fighting that battle however thankfully

He’s fighting it very very well as’s a strong man and he’ll get through this he’s getting through it absolutely fine but it makes you realize I’m 48 years old it makes me realize it’s not I’m not an old man but it makes me realize that my life with my golf interests and

My YouTube channel is maybe a nice way to continue it’s maybe a nice a nice way to to go about the rest of your life let me hit this golf ball man wow getting carried away here quite here that’s so good so feelings like that that was a great strike and

Creating content like this that I’m going to go home and edit and make something out of is very rewarding that’s the Rox T I’m keeping that I don’t know where that came from and hearing this person had cancer really made me think you know every day

Is a blessing every day is a real blessing I’ve got a dog Wilson’s his name he’s a Labrador and I take him out for walks and you know he’s he’s such good fun and I could imagine I couldn’t imagine not having that and if it wasn’t

For my YouTube channel and all my other business interests then that world that I live in would not go around I wouldn’t be able to to Have the lifestyle that I have here’s two good two irons so let’s take these and the r XT so perhaps worrying about a YouTube algorithm or a Google algorithm or something along those lines it’s just an absolute waste of time waste of my time waste of everyone’s

Time so let’s let’s try and take the channel let’s let’s move forward right with a new perspective on it and I’m going to try and forget about the amount of subscribers I have I’m going to try and forget about the algorithm I’m just going to make content

More like this so it will’ll be if you want golf instruction absolutely I’m there for you there’s 12200 videos on this channel about golf instruction I nearly tripped up there if you’re struggling with your chipping it’s there if you’re struggling with putting it’s there if you want to hit the ball right

To left eure go is the place to go all that content’s there brilliant I’m going to try and make more content like this where I just play a few holes I just go a couple of golf courses I play golf and I’ll explain yes there’ll be instructional stuff in

There a lot of the videos might actually might fact a lot of the videos will still be instructional videos because that’s my thing I’m a golf coach I’m a businessman golf pro that’s that’s my bread and butter so of course it will be that but if there’s

The odd video that comes up that’s a little bit off parallel which is a little bit away from the algorithm I’d like to say I’m now walking through a puddle as I hold this camera so off algorithm off track so the YouTube algorithm says okay Steve you’ve created content about your

New Macbook computer that you edit your videos on we’re not going to pump that out nobody in your channel is interested in that none your subscribers are even bored about that and that’s not what they look for so we will not recommend that video to anyone hi very good thanks very much I’m

Going to do that cuz I think I’ll get more fun and more pleasure out of it and it might bring a new audience to it as well but if that’s the sort of content I want to make on that day that’s the content I’ll make on that day your golf

Instruction will still be there all your golf content will still be there but I’m just going to try and create content that I enjoy filming doing the research on as a opposed to continuously chasing that algorithm I’m a guy down south who’s fighting his own battle he’ll love to hear this every

Day is a win so last week I’m in Glasgow at the theater Royal to see Steven Bartlett who is one of the dragons on Dragons Dan and he talked about when you come to Earth your life expectancy in the UK is 75 years now that’s 29 or

27,000 days I believe and he brought a chart up on the screen and he classed as jelly beans how many Jelly Beans you have every day is a jelly bean 27,000 jelly beans for 75 years my Mas are probably wrong there I’m just trying to think but I remember looking at the

Screen I was looking at my age going 48 years old okay cool I’ve got less than 10,000 jelly beans I’ve got less than 10,000 days left on the planet and I tell you what when you look at that and go 10,000 days or 9,000 700 days or

Whatever it is I have left before I die tomorrow it’ll be one day left so right now I’m eating a jelly bean I’m giving you guys one of my jelly beans I’m I spend if I’ve made 1200 videos that is probably hold on get

Up okay this needs to be hit harder if I if I’ve done 12 1200 videos I don’t know how much time that is but let’s say it’s let’s say that’s 14 days worth of content from start to finish without stopping that’s 14 jelly means that’s 14 of my 27,000

Days I’ve given to YouTube now I want some return on that so I’m going to keep making better and better YouTube videos from that I never measured the yardage out here I’m just going to hit this harder that’s done well oh yeah when I said I wanted to

Return on that I don’t want to return on that at all that’s Absolut I’ve worded that wrong I’m just highlighting how precious is how little time we have you know and you get to your 99,900 days and you the last day I’d quite like one more

Day to spend with my dog or with my wife with my son or on the golf course I’d like to have one more video to edit you know so I don’t I don’t even know what I’m talking about now I’m going to hold that part finishing with the bogy there kind

Of sums this video up I never really put much effort into that um first part to be fair so there’s more content to come it’s going to be a slightly different format subscribe if you want well if you want to and um I’ll see you in my next video I might take a

Little break from it just for a little while um let the algorithm just freak out and and we’ll be back when we’re back but thanks very much for your time today thanks for listening thanks for um just just being there I guess just just just thanks thanks thank you


  1. I and many people don’t understand the financial implications of not watching the whole video, I’ll watch to the end from now on.

  2. Your video showed up on my feed today for the first time since I have been watching golf vids. You must have done something right so keep it up….I subscribed.

  3. There are lots of different frustrations baked into this video; they need a bit of disentangling. Before I add more, I'll echo other comments here: I've enjoyed your videos; I've learned something from them; it's not great to see your pain. I've chatted to you in your pro shop a couple of years ago and loved your passion. Plus, it's refreshing to see videos from windswept Peebles and the kinds of course I play in North-East England.

    Sorry if this sounds presumptious. First, if you're not enjoying something, walk away (at least temporarily). Follow your heart, not your head. You''ll only downspiral unless you're getting some kind of satisfaction. If you're not enjoying some aspect of your life, don't do it. Something else will fill it's place, and you don't get an opportunity to appreciate that until you get off the treadmill. You need to start thinking about enjoying the jellybeans that are left.

    It's nigh impossible to beat the algorithms. Anyway, the algorithms are always changing. The host sites are interested in them making money, not you. The people who succeed seem often to have other networking going on in the background, like sponsorship deals built up over years. If you think the interesting part of your job is exploiting algorithmic nuances, then go ahead. Otherwise you are on a hiding to nothing. I used to work partly in digital commerce; it's bottomless custard.

    You seem to think that you've reached a brick wall in terms of content. You say you've covered everything and what else is there? I'd argue that this is a false perspective. I'll try to explain this in a roundabout way. I am not a good player. I started playing about 7 years ago, shortly after I retired, and shortly after I had to give up my preferred sport (badminton) because of banged-up knees. I play 3-4 times a week and go to the range otherwise. HI 15. I love practising and spending solitary hours trying to figure out stuff. I have gone through 3 coaches, and I still get on well with all of them. So, to get to the point, my feeling about your videos is that they are aimed at people who can actually implement your advice. They focus on correct technique, correct in-to-out paths, etc. etc. Whoa! I hear you say. What's wrong with that? Well, my guess is that most people who watch golf videos know the theory, but can't implement it. (I am reminded here of the videos you did with Ben Hogan's book in one hand.) It's my same beef with Danny Maude's videos (I find them mostly useless). It's all well and good promoting good technique, but the players who already have good technique aren't much interested and the vast majority of other golfers with bad technique *already know that their technique is almost incurably bad and are looking for a circumvention rather than a fix*. I'll use me as an example again. I'm 67. I have a weak slice. I close the club head at impact (all clubs, PW to driver). I have spent countless jellybeans trying to fix this, but it is hardwired into my swing. What I'm interested in is mitigating these defects, finding ways that I can still be consistent with these flaws, and play some satisfying golf with some of the jellybeans I have left.

    What I am suggesting is to aim videos at defective players like me, but without pretending that we can achieve the perfect swing. These are actually the videos I enjoy most, even if I can see that the advice might not be fully relevant all the time. You'll see, I hope, that there is enormous scope for improving bad golfers. Example: my swing is over-the-top and club-face closed at impact. How can I adjust my set-up position to improve my consistency and avoid topping the ball, but still allow me to play my hard-wired over-the-top? The permutations for bad golf are endless! (But the real point here is that everyone has a different body and different capabilities and limitations.)

    Helping players with grooved defects might hold no interest for you, but believe me there are millions of golfers out there google-searching topics just like these.

  4. Collaborations, just single vids inviting a fellow tuber on, Rick perfected this. Celebs invited again mutual benefit. Even invite nobodies, the extra dimension retains interest aka mid handicap golfer etc. You have a unique opportunity being Scottish, in Scotland, milk it. Good luck.

  5. Hi Steve, Great, honest content. I think from watching the other guys, Danny, Rick, Liam, Andy, and so on. They all have people with them, guests, camera people, sound people. Tubes and Ange, Golf life. Golf can be an extremely lonely game, and to do what you doing, and trying to achieve on your own is incredibly difficult. Your golf tuition is great, easy to follow and we can see almost instant results. All these other guys are playing abroad in some exotic places, which I know costs money, but there's and old saying, "You've have to speculate to accumulate" Don't give up, we want you.

  6. Long time viewer. I clicked on because of the heading. I think your channel is very good. Your Scottish brogue and good humour keeps me coming back. I've learnt loads from you, and long may it continue. Funnily enough, I watch some of the channels just to watch the matches that I find entertaining and always learn something when the shots are explained or how and why the shots have been played. Keep going, Steve. 100k supporters says much. Glass half full always works for me.

  7. Collab with other content makers Steve. Learn from each other re keeping content fresh etc. Reach new subscribers. Your instruction is excellent by the way and one of the best on YT. Best of luck for the future you deserve it

  8. Unfortunately there is only so many ways to show people a golf swing, I personally like watching course vlogs especially if there’s a good 4 ball, i also watch DH and his Sunday morning show, and he always trying ways to get subscribers, there’s a man in Australia who is very good on YouTube Ron Chopper he has no were near your subscribers and takes pros on around sun stunning courses , so I don’t think it’s where you are in the world, keep the faith I give up golf every weekend then can’t wait till the next weekend 🏌️‍♂️

  9. Hey, Steve. Not sure if this helps, but I am driving the ball way better because of you, and my putting has improved significantly. I often hear your instructions in my head as I’m addressing the ball. And it’s a good thing! For my two cents I’m really glad you are creating content. My game has improved because of it. Much appreciate what you do. Just so you know. Hang in there. Thanks for the help.

  10. Hi Steve. I’m a member at the Roxburgh where you worked as assistant pro beside Craig Montgomery. One day you came up with packing it all in and perhaps doing cycling I think?? You didn’t really know me, but your honesty at that time explaining how working in a shop throughout long quiet winter months had worn you down and left you disheartened at golf as a job. I’ve learned later that you became professional at Peebles and have helped many hundreds/thousands of golfers of all ages improving their skills.
    I’ve been to many dinner parties where having great chatting skills have left me feeling isolated, I could speak to you all night because you speak from the heart, you take a risk and open up to people and I understand your frustration fully!!
    To be totally honest, your instruction is faultless, you have a canny humour but I would watch your channel much more if you had course blogs over 3-9 holes with guests being involved, who knows ( Danny himself!!! I never watch a Rick Shiels instruction video but watch every beat 75 score video. I would love to see you doing this kind of content and may the algorithm gods be with you!!!!

  11. Hi Steve I hope the video got the response you are looking for , I agree with one of the comments you are in the golfing sweet shop Scotland, love it up there been going to Scotland for 32yrs playing golf still amazed wen I cross the boarder ,👍

  12. Hi Steve. There are plenty of comments below, each offering similar views, appreciating what you do in different ways. When you look at the evidence Steve, Danny Maude initially offered a southern version of Rick Shiels, he like Rick, improved his client base. The big thing is location, Danny feeds from the Southern money markets, Rick the Northern sprawl of Manchester/Cheshire, stockbroker belt. You're up in Peebles, within the golfing Mecca, Scotland.
    Use what's around you to appeal to the American market, who love Scotland and its golf history, that's where the big bucks come from, as you know Steve.

    So do something using the huge thing the American market can't get enough of, Scotland, the home of golf. As others have said, do a tour of the hidden gems, the courses missed by the touring USA, JAPANESE ETC golfers. Village courses, manned by members. Put them on the map, and create a huge series on what Scotland has to offer, its on your doorstep Steve, utilise it, maybe that's where your market might well lay.
    You could invite subscribers to play with you at the hidden gems, you could also offer a playing lesson, so people can see the changes in real time, push Eureka as well as the club being visited.
    Then ask the subscriber what they thought of the course, you offer your opinion too. The course will benefit from your visit, as will YOU if all your subscribers help by watching every second, watching every advert.

    Come on Eureka fans, give Steve our support in real terms.
    Steve, you are chasing your tail, so stop and do something different with the channel, evolve. People love you and what you offer, just need more EXPOSURE. Which is the secret ingredient. The average golfer has same problem Steve, good content, doing content for a long time, but struggling to get to the next level.
    Collaborations with bigger channels, will help with raising exposure, if that can be arranged. Best of luck Steve, some doors open, when you least expect, but being there when the knock at the door comes, is up to you.

  13. Steve, you provide interesting content I am sure that you are frustrated but when you look back and you are about to taste the last “jelly bean” you will be able to look back and feel justifiably proud of what you have achieved. Chin up move forward and f…k what others are doing your body of work speaks for itself

  14. Alongside the instructional stuff. Some videos of 18 hole rounds, course reviews in Scotland, subscriber matches.

  15. What a heart you have. That’s the passion you pass to us. Your exuberance for golf. Hope all the best for my Scottish friend. JG

  16. I have no idea about the algorithms or sponsors. For me, a non golfer who watches for my son…when he was young I watched all the videos like the ones you mention….get more distance, fix this, low hcp’s do this, etc., but you soon realise that there is no quick fix. I think your videos offer a real and wide perspective and make the viewer reflect and why we watch your videos. If it’s about money then maybe sponsors and catchy, quick wins will work? Or get less but get more over a longer period through longevity? I hope it gets better and you continue. Is accent an issue? Maybe? People don’t listen well I’ve found for accents, lazy listening, maybe others with accents find similar from Europe and beyond? Keep going and trying things, something will click. You may find others are doing well now but could feel what you are going through in a few years, who knows?

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