Nelly Korda’s Golf Swing Is REALLY Good Because of These 2 Moves…

The transition is the hardest move in the golf swing to get right. Nelly Korda has perfected it. Watch how she moves from the top of the downswing into impact. Its one of the best in the business…
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Ah it is Master’s week it’s my favorite week I don’t know what we’re going to see in the golf course this year but I can tell you right now I think it’s going to be a pretty exciting event I’d be interested to hear your predictions in the comments below and to Kick

Masters week off the right way we’re going to be looking at one of the best swings in golf and that is not from the men’s side it’s from the ladies side Nelly quarter who just picked up her third consecutive victory in the LPGA Tour has got some action and I know a

Lot of you at home really like this golf swing but there are two things that she does so well in her golf swing and so what we’re going to do is we’re going to focus in on one of the hardest moves to make and that is the start of your

Transition how to get your lower body moving in the right direction early on so you don’t cause a lot of catastrophic faults and you make it almost impossible for you to be able to transfer energy from your trunk and your core and so what we’re going to be doing here is

We’re going to be focusing in on this key move and then later on in the week we have two bonus videos coming out that are going to coincide with this the first one will come out at the end of the week and the second one will come

Out after the week again after we get through the Masters where I’m going to show you a good drill to help you transfer speed and stability from the club face into the golf ball down through the bottom just like NY does cuz she has a very very button- Up release

Pattern and a very good solid move with really no wasted energy so without further Ado let’s step inside the lab and let’s take a good long look at her magnificent move remember if you are brand new to the channel make sure you take a moment and head down below

Subscribe to the channel and make sure you turn on your bell notifications because you want to make sure that you get notified when I release these next two videos because they’re going to help simplify the way that you move into your lead side and they are certainly going

To help you provide a whole lot more stability to the club face okay so listen this golf swing is like its own highlight reel really um but what we’re going to be focusing in on is two of the positions that allow her to be so successful and so consistent week in and

Week out and these are two positions that a lot of amateur golfers tend to struggle with the first position on the right hand side of the screen is the transition after the transition’s complete she has moved her weight perfectly into her Lead Foot and she is

Set up to be able to use the ground and start to really accelerate the hands and arms through the acceleration Zone down into the speed zone and really be able to transfer a lot of that energy from the ground through the body out through the hands and arms into the golf club

And into the golf ball and so a lot of you really struggle getting yourself into this sort of position because you just haven’t learned how to do it properly yet and we’re going to be working to simplify that whole process for you later on in the week now the

Other thing that sets her up for a great deal of success is the position that’s on the Le hand side of the screen what you’re going to notice is is that her hands and arms when they’re working down in front of her body she’s got a substantial amount of flexion in that

Lead wrist and a fair amount of extension in the trail wrist as a result if you look at the club face it’s not perfectly towed up to the sky it’s slightly towed down this is the position that when you start learning how to get here and move through the point of

Contact and you learn how to provide stability back to the club face meaning you’re not going to have the club face rotating at this really high rate of closure and you’re not going to be adding a whole bunch of Loft to it then you’re going to play good golf so you

Couple a good transition with a good delivery position and a great way for you to be able to deliver the club through the hitting area then golf becomes a whole lot easier and you’ll be a whole lot more consistent and so you can see that’s exactly the reason why

I’m going to be working on these two areas in particular now one of the things that I want you to understand is that the way that we generate our forces or the way that we use the forces in the golf swing is very different from one

Player to the next we know that there is horizontal rotational and vertical forces that take place this line that I’m drawing up from the center of the ankle from a face on perspective is what we call the load line at my golf DNA now typically what we’re going to see with

Our older players or people that just don’t have as much Mobility is we’re going to see that in that first part of the golf swing that the trail thigh gets moved up against this line and then as we start to rotate into our Trail hip and turn our body fully the hip will

Rotate back inside of this line a substantial amount because again we’re looking at this from a two-dimensional space now with Nelly she’s not going to use a lot of big horizontal movement because she has a lot of Mobility still at this point in her life and so you’re

Going to see that there’s a little small pressure shift into her Trail side and she stays very centered as she starts turning into her right hip now this move right here is the key we’re going to be working on making this move come to light in your own golf swings later on

In the week but I want to show it to you from a down thee line perspective so you can see kind of the Grassroots of how she does things now as you start to watch her lead arm get pass parallel to the ground going back you’re going to

Notice that the hips slow down a substantial amount you’re going to notice that with most premium ball Strikers men and women that their hips get really quiet as the lead arm starts to pass up into the vertical plane and the body finishes off its turn now

Here’s the key she’s going to start to transfer the weight from the trail foot into the Lead Foot and it’s going to be done with a combination of what the right hip is doing and what the left leg is doing if you look at those left leg

Muscles right there you’re going to see that they are active and you can see that she starts to externally rotate that lead leg in the direction of the target but she’s doing that in keeping the right hip back and a lot of that pressure is now moving from the trail

Foot into the Lead Foot and so she’s setting herself up to be able to start to use the ground through the acceleration Zone on the way down where she’s going to really increase the hand and arm speed and then she’s going to be also using the ground to slow down the hips

From rotating and moving horizontally so that she can really throw the club as hard as she wants with this stability factor involved and have a very very good tight ball flight right out of the center of the club phase so we’re going to be working on getting your legs and

Your hips to work perfectly in that down swing we’re going to be working on getting your hands and your arms to cooperate with that movement and get you set up into a good delivery position that’s going to be our first goal this week so once I start teaching you this

Movement you’re going to be doing a whole lot of reps between between now and the end of the Masters and you’re going to be setting yourself up for next week’s video where I’m going to teach you how to get that angle down into the point of contact and have your hands and

Arms exit through the hitting area so that you have the proper amount of forward chaffing and the proper rate of closure in your Club face so that now you have the stability Factor like you would see of the best players in the world so hopefully you guys enjoyed today’s analysis hopefully you guys

Enjoy the Masters this week put your predictions in the comments below and um we will see you guys in the next video


  1. Love watching this woman on multiple levels. Such a gracious winner and the funny faces she makes during play versus accepting the trophy, lol. Got a Nelly swing image on my background screensaver. It's that image of the divot exploding up from the ground that inspires me to make better ball contact. Master's week is April 11-14 though, isn't it?

  2. Yep, my excitement got me all screwed up. Masters week is next week. I blame it on Easter weekend really. 😂

  3. Excellent topic. The transition to the down swing. One of the most difficult things for me to do consistently correct swing after swing.

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