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THE GLOVES ARE OFF! | Fabio Wardley vs Frazer Clarke | Full Episode

Watch the full episode of The Gloves Are Off ahead of Fabio Wardley vs Frazer Clarke on March 31, live on Sky Sports.


In the Land of the Giants there can only be one king of Britain there’s a few to settle B wardley Fraser Clark welcome to the gloves are off you can stick it on me and I’ll stand right in front of you and go back at you and every time it’s happened the other

Person has ended up on their back and my hand has been raised I know what’s in this chest it’s going to bring a good fight but there’s only one winner this has got to be one of the most eagerly anticipated British title fights I can remember Fabio you’re the

Champion is this the stage and kind of Fight You relish yeah clearly I think you can see that from from the last few fights I’ve had from my career entirely that these are the ones I hunt for these are the ones I I ask for these big moments these big

Occasions they’re where you see the best of me that’s where you see the best of Fabio wle so I’ll hunt them wherever they are wherever I can find them and this is this is the next one on the list for me that’s all praiser you must have

Dreamt of this kind of fight this stage I knew this was coming from from not even from day one of being a pro probably 10 years ago I knew we’d get here at some point I didn’t know it’ be Fabio but I know i’ be fighting for the

British title I know it’ be early on in my pro career because I’m good enough and just like him I’m all about challenges Johnny a relish a relish I love being in the fire I’ve got to ask you why is this fight happening now Fraser I think it’s happening now

Because obviously we all know what’s happened in the past we all know this was something supposed to happen a while ago it’s happening now because the money’s right that’s that’s the honest answer the money is right for both of us the time is right um he come

Off a great win out in Saudi um I got the experience which which I needed and now we’re here Fabio he was mandatory in April in your opinion why didn’t that happen clearly and honestly didn’t want it and he’ll say he did he say he was ready for it

He’ll say He he’ll take it at any time at any place anywhere but push comes to sh when the moment came he wasn’t there he didn’t show up and if if that’s if it’s the case of that he he said that he wasn’t in control and there was the people above

Him and they they they made the decision for him I know the facts of the situation and I know when a mandatories made the only the only person who can sign that bit of paper to say I’m withdrawing myself is is the fighter whether that’s whether that’s under

Instruction maybe they told him to and they promised him and said look we’ll get it for you later we’ll sort this out or whatever but on that day when the phone rang and the board said are you taking this he said no the phone didn’t ring so you you don’t nothing the phone

Didn’t ring and it’s signning no paper this came down to sort of don’t bite the hand it feed you sort of thing that’s what it came down to because there’s no way I’m pull what give me a reason why I’d pull out a fight with you because you blasted away 17

Nobody’s you know I wasn’t pulling out that fight I wasn’t doing nothing other people’s the power at be I left the room distraught I left the room in Birmingham vexed wanting to go and smash up a hotel room because I was basically being told

And now you know what it was a bit naive of me if I knew what I knew now we would have fought already but at the time I was new to the pros a bit naive the fight didn’t happen but was it a bless in Disguise it it might

Have been it might have been so we’re here now and you know we can go over to Old Grand till we’re blue in the face March 31st this man thinks you docked him no the whole of Ip switch thinks are dued no no no no no the whole of

Boxing it’s not it’s not iwi it’s not local to where I’m from everyone listen in in the little circle of it switch you’re the king boxing people in boxing know me they know what I’m about so they know that I’m not ducking no one especially not

Yourself do you believe him do you think he adopt you I know he adop me and it’s fine and you can you can lay it out however you wish and say oh like they didn’t let me do it I was I wasn’t in control dad daddy didn’t let me yeah

Yeah Daddy Daddy didn’t let you Daddy Daddy Shalom didn’t let you fight me because he knew what you know as well you weren’t ready then and I don’t know how you think that laboring through a 10 round fight with Marius wack and barely scraping by with

A Dave Allen makes you ready for me now but if that’s where you gain your confidence from having those two fights cool we’ve seen the pictures this man’s put on social media he was a baby MH and a boogy M wheeled by Ben Shalom yeah Daddy Shalom

He’s laughing and I know you’re a proud man yeah he is not burn he’s not hey don’t burn me you know what I laughed one 1 nil you know what if if let’s hope he’s as good as fighting as he trolling people because he’s a funny guy he’s a

Character but after after March 31st maybe you know maybe I learn a few techniques on the phone and start uh doing a bit of trolling myself I’d have laugh you were trying to poke the bear weren’t you hey that’s what the game’s about I’m here to poke all the rars I

Did it in my previous fights as well it’s it’s nothing personal to him it’s but I’m here to give everyone a nudge that the the fight starts before we get in the ring I’m I’m poking you I’m prodding you I’m nudging you I’m seeing What You’re Made Of I’m seeing if you’ve

Got it I’m seeing if you can survive it how did how did how did that make you see what what I’m made of what my because I watched your replies to people and how upset you get about it and you’re kicking off with this random I’m

Laughing to you I told you I was laughing to you yeah about that one you had a laugh for that one fair but then when the random public are digging at you and think I’ve seen some of your replies on there you take you’re picking on random Steve from dors

Who just had a pop at you for no reason tell me tell me are you saying he’s mentally fragile I haven’t got enough to say he’s mentally fragile I say he those things however he may say now however not they do get to him in in some context you’re

Saying he bites definitely bites listen the man needs he needs an edge he needs he needs something he needs something to get him that little bit and if that’s what he wants to give him that that’s fair enough you know Johnny okay I bite I bite at people on the internet and uh

Yeah I hope these are give me that little bit of confidence because your confidence will be what kills you you know that when you call and you you swing oh Fabio wardle’s been hit with a shot now now you know this is what wakes him up now he’s coming swinging Big

Shots right hand over the top left H head all over the place that’s not confidence there factual situations every time I’ve been clocked I’ve come forward and I put the opponent down try that this time so it’s not is confidence yeah because I’ve backed it up every

Time you can stick it on me and I’ll stand right in front of you and go back at you and every time it’s happened the other person has ended up on their back and my hand has been raised and the good thing about this is there there’ll be no

Diff there’s no difference in you that’s in me tell me what you’ve got that I’ve not it remains to be seen that’s all no well listen in the pram remains to be seen that’s all I’m saying is that you with me you can pull up image you pull

Up images videos whatever you can prove it it’s there to be seen I’ve it with you question mark I can feel a confidence oozing out of you and you seem so so comfortable in this environment is it fake is it front is it true no not at all because I again the

Same thing I only base everything off things I’ve done I’m not here saying I’m I’m this that I’m the other I’m saying I know what I’ve achieved in boxing I know where I’ve come from I’ve know how I’ve had to grind through in boxing through a

Very different path to him I’ve had to scrape and Claw for everything I’ve got in in boxing as a whole what do you think I’ve not to do the same I don’t know I don’t know your I don’t know your path entirely you do you

Do know so do you think govern had to scrape and work my ass off everything I’ve got think anything anything’s been given to me say I’m not saying you haven’t I’m saying your path has been very different to me and I’d say your path was definitely easier coming off

Someone with an amateur record and an amateur background do stuff and then you moving into the pros that’s definitely an easier path than easier easier you CH you chose the easier option why didn’t you box as an amateur why did you box guys in white color it wasn’t around who

Who was doing e what wasn’t amateur boxing it wasn’t around in my area amateur boxing is not in your area there was no there was no box is not switch there wasn’t there wasn’t at the time there is now there is now but there wasn’t at time you’re telling me amateur

Boxing is not an niwi no it is now when I started there wasn’t at the time talking rubbish how how much boxing UK everywhere it’s everywhere yeah it’s all over if you wanted if you wanted it B off I didn’t take the easy option to

Go and fight these Pub men yeah and and like I say you’re a big guy in your area the man he’s knocking everyone out in the white collar he’s two and Pro and he’s carried on doing it which you know what once again I applaud you I do you

Know what you’ve done it’s actually unbelievable it’s unbelievable Johnny Fabio’s the champion he’s the aide does that bother you is he is he is he the favorite no he well according to to everyone I think so yeah possibly you know what he’s got a longer Rec do you

Think he’s the favorite yourself I’ll punch his head in I I I can outbox him I can swing it with him it’s not e EV ones not an issue because I think he’s banging on the fact that he’s got this heart and this punch power we’ve both

Got heart are you the favorite yeah of course but should I be that’s a different question I’ve gone into I think all of my fights being in the favorite what do you mean should you be well based off his background based of where he’s from

On paper on paper if you list it out of of his background and his pedigree and stuff should I be the favorite who knows am I the favorite yeah because again people judge it based off what you can see and what you have seen from me and

What we’ve seen from him is not a lot due to his opponents due to whatever situations whatever circumstances has gone on within the professional ranks what we’ve seen from him is next nothing so I think that’s why then people look at me and they look at previous fights

And they go you know what we’ve seen this this this this this from Fabio he’s the favorite I’ve been fighting since I was 11 years old there’s not there’s not a lot that I’ve not seen I’ve seen and I’ve beat and I fought Fabi wless a lot a lot of

Them Fabio what scares you having a disappointing career scares me looking looking back and thinking oh I dodged I dodg that F that situation that fight I could have had this big fight I didn’t have that big fight hence why you always see me in the big in the

Big fights in the big situations I don’t want anyone to ever come up been one we’ve been in one big fight there’s more to come you’ve been in one big fight this more to come there’s more to come You’ already over we’re not all old men

Like you I’ve got a good few more years in the game there’s a lot more to come there’s a lot more to come M don’t wor when you lose once I knock past you they’ll keep moving they’ll keep moving and when I look back on my career I want

To sit there and be proud of that career and proud of that resum and look at those people and going yeah I took on him I took on him and I didn’t dodge I didn’t wait I didn’t say oh yeah in a couple of years I’m not ready yet I’ll

Do it later I did it when it when it was asked for I I went away I went to adel’s Camp I went to Queensbury cool done ticked off I’ve come to Sky I found you cool done I’ll tick you off as well you fine me BR I’ve been looking for you

I’ve been looking for you and you know that you know it’s the rooll of the eyes he’s got his good points Johnny I’ve got mine we both got faults we can both improve but I know what’s in this chest and what and what’s in his to be fair is

Going to bring a good fight no I agree with him on that but there’s only one winner had a message you know what it said it said that the amateur boxing reputation in England is on your shoulders should you or not beat me I will beat you no should you you beat I

Will beat you exctly I will beat so when you don’t it’s going to crumble all of that behind you what was Fabi W like growing up mischievous um no I was I was I wasn’t the best behaved kid I didn’t do I guess as youve seen in boxing as

Well I did things my own way I did things however I wanted to do them I found myself in situations that I shouldn’t be in um I got myself into some sticky points at early points of my life and thankfully I had some some some more level-headed people

Around me to pull me out of those situations and and move me on and and found boxing and and gave myself to that as opposed to the negative things in my my life was it a a tough childhood it was a we didn’t have a lot but it was a loving childhood whatever

Was there the the family that was around me the people that were there they they cared for me we we didn’t I wasn’t going on trips to America or or or flying around the world on holidays and stuff like that I was I was wearing my cousin’s hmy downs and and stuff like

That but everyone that was around me it was a it was a loving childhood it Swit toown Academy playing football tell us about it short period of time um it wasn’t it wasn’t my calling um I was I was pretty young when I got into that

I got in I I got in yeah um but I was pretty young when I got into it and again I wasn’t a focused kid at that point I didn’t I wasn’t paying no attention to the coaches I wasn’t really listening to what they were saying I was

Off in the corner playing keep UPS while everyone else was trying to do drills and and taking it seriously so I was um yeah it it didn’t go for me but luckily I found a sport that did let’s get into the white color story you had uh four bouts before turning

Pro how and why I I always say that I fell into boxing the I I walked into the gym one day um and that was it never left I I fell in love with it on day one I asked the spa straight away I what to do extra extra

Sessions I wanted to train it was just I I fell in love with it they asked me if I wanted to fight and I said yeah I I took a fight and again I say that was the that was the real turning point for me in boxing was that first win of

Getting your hand raised and cheering your name and seeing your friends and family cheer for you and stuff and I was like no this is this is my thing Fraser it’s a nice it’s a nice story it’s a nice story you know I had to do it the hard way I had

To train had to box an amateur had to go on GB had to go around the world get my ass kicked in Russia usbekistan Kazakhstan all these places and I got my ass handed to me for years by everyone Joshua Joyce I was like a punch bag but

Guess what it straightened me out and did me well do you pinch yourself with all the things you achieved no because it’s been it’s gone now you know what I did my best I got what I got still not happy with it all still not happy there there’s medals missing from my

Collection World medal you’re not happy with an Olympic bronze medal no we wanted gold who’s happy with bronze medal you don’t ever go somewhere to try and get a bronze medal you go because you want to be number one you know you’re still you’re still a loser you

Know I I look you remember when Ben was on the podium Ben was crying his eyes out I felt that way inside I just felt like I had to keep it together my kids watching you know what I mean so I just I failed at what I was trying to do I’m

A proud of it it’s some you can look back and proud on but guess what that’s just that’s just pushed to as side now we look at back at it one day you know what I did all right but on this new Mission so far I’m not happy what I’ve

Done so far no way boxing your life yeah I live it this is this is what uh this is this is all I’ve got you know you talk about him his F and his football trials which everyone I didn’t you just turned up to your local Club kicked the

Ball and you had a trial there something to talk about I suppose um but yeah boxing just it’s all I’ve done since 11 that’s a long time cuz I’m old I’m an old man Fraser you can’t lose to white colar boxer can you do you know

What CU because I go through all the comments I had a message you know what it said it said that the amateur boxing reputation in England is on your shoulders if you lose to this man then guess what you can’t be the person that tells people cuz I’m one of

Them Advocates you know see all the kids turn in pro Night 18 I’m like what you doing man you got to try and aim for them Olympic Games World Championships commonweal games you got to you know you got to try and represent your country it’s important important for yourself

It’s very something very proud I’m The Advocate I’m the one that goes to all the gyms and says that if this man beats me guess what they say that ain’t listen to you we’ll go we’ll go boxing then we’ll go and sell a few tickets fight

The Geer from the pub in the um in The Ledger Center so guess what there is there is that does that idea alone scare no thrive on it I’m I’m going to be the reason why these guys these guys are winning Junior Championships and thinking about turning proc course they have these snake

Promoters that are offering them offering them some pennies and and their eyes light up I’m going to be the reason to say listen go and do your job go and learn your trade go around the world go and get different experiences the best time of your

Life is there more pressure on this guy because of your different routes 1,000% more pressure on him than you more pressure on him yeah like I say he Carri cares he’s he’s carrying the whole of the ABA on his back if he loses to me

What does that say he says he’s the guy to run around and and and advise all these kids on how to do it and stay in the amateurs and and drag it out and do longer go around the world and and get all your experience like he’s done for

Years and years and years represent your country more all of that it’s it’s a all of that say he does all of that loses to me who hanged out a few Pub geers did box him for a laugh what does that say to his pedigree what does that say to

His record so that’s that’s where the pressure comes from you I’m expected to lose the white color fighter is expected to lose against the Olympic bronze medalist but that’s in the past that’s in the 17 170 Pro 17 Knockouts does that not sound like someone with eight fights

Who’s labored through his last two so so you I fought nobody so why does it matter we both have let’s let’s be okay if we both have then fair enough say we’re both on zero both fult nobody based off your pedigree you should be the one to beat me know that should put

The that should because if I’ve if in the pros if I’ve beat no one and also my four white colif fight if I beat a couple of geers from the pub and you’ve been around the world with your ABA and you’ve boxed all over and you’ve done

All this and you’ve got your bronze medal you should I’m not banging on about that I’m not banging on about what I’ve done I’m not banging should you or not beat me I will beat you so should you will be ex I will be you so when you

Don’t it’s going to crumble all of that behind you faia this is the toughest test for you to date is this the a test is this this that F you need think I belong the last this is the last one this is the last one for me well you feel like you

Belong you feel like you belong to the next level yeah I feel like once I’m done with you I’m I’m I’m in the next level I’m done I’m gone we know what the British title brings out in Fighters you have to go to a dark place to

Win who’s prepared to go there oh 100% 100% I love it though that’s my favorite place to be you see it in my fights I aim for that place I want to get there he he likes to have once he gets hit he likes having a swing up you

I mean he’s no composure it’s just Reckless I don’t I I don’t mind going on either you haven’t had to see it yet you might not have to see this time you might do if you do it’s there I can you you will see it I’ll drag you down there

With me we’ll find out find we’ll find out you say You’ got heart no one’s seen it and let’s see see if it’s there let see middle of the Ring then that little the face the ring if you want to stand there no problem mate

I’m um as much as he’s born for it I born for it this fight has everything beautiful belts M two undefeated Fighters the O2 Arena Easter Sunday can this be anything other than a classic as long as he turns up to fight it’ll be a classic I’ll be there my

Fight always entertaining they’re always a good watch I’m always a fan favorite so as long as he turns up does his part make sure he gets there it’ll be one to remember FR what fight You’re Expecting toughest one by about 100 miles compared to what I’ve been do with yet a guy

That’s focused and ambitious they they’re usually the hardest ones the ones that come with ambition it’s going to be a difficult night but guess what I’m prepared for that and I expect you to be the same two balls in the pen who’s the last man standing Fabio wardley behave yourself

Behave yourself me Johnny I’m the one it’s my time waited too long 11 years old that could be the problem you could have waited too long mm could be past it too many rounds I’m just getting started man too worn in too tired I thought I thought you I thought you done more

Rounds than me no I was talk about your everything before the Ames yeah yeah man you said he was running around the world getting punched in the apprenticeship the apprenticeship was good told isn’t it the apprenticeship was good man takes his to on your body a school in things hurt

Ache this is truly the Land of the Giants I’m a giant he’s a Cruiserweight man I’m a giant what you talking about who’s the bigger man I’m the bigger man who’s the bigger man it’s a Cruis man so Cruiserweight is trying to eat trying to eat a lot of food and build

Himself up man it’s even worse for you then you get beat by Cruiserweight and a white qualifier yeah what are you going to do then where’d you go after boys me go tell you where I go when you where do I go where do I go I go you buy my drink

Boys I’ll give you a cheers drink you know what’s coming ask this question every single time am I going to get a handshake all right almost outed pushing a pull then I was thinking about it it’s been done it’s been done already good up boys let’s do it


  1. This will be a fight, really want to see the aftermath of it all. Though Fabio is a quiet storm i think big Frazier will pull some of that experience out the hat and be victorious. Then again Frazier seems to have alot of added pressure on his hands for representing the amatures and future GB youngsters trying to take on the path he did.

  2. I’ve think Clarke has more technical ability and will beat Wardley imo , but would like to see Wardley win , it should be a good fight

  3. I think Wardley schooled Adeleye in the gloves off and got in his head and ultimately beat him in the ring. Looks like he’s done the same to Frasier too. Winning the battle of the minds is half the battle.

  4. This is a fantastic fight, everyone seems to be behind Wardley winning but I dunno… Fraze starts landing clean and things change rapidly.

  5. Wardleys done well to get to this level after fighting white collar, but he’ll never get to world level.

  6. Neither are going to be a world champ but this fight shoukd be pretty good, big chance for Clark to shiw he is better than hr has shown so far, being slow hasnt stopped Joe Joyce getting to a high level, got to use his brain as Wardley is a decent fighter

  7. Frazer is honest because he's got nothing to lose he already doesn't get credit or recognition. A medal for our country? That adds to the total medal count deserves the upmost respect from us. We aren't very patriotic these days are we. He seems like a good man with grounded values I met him once he took a moment to say hi when he could see I was a nobody straight away still had some time for me. Most people shy away from the level of honesty Frazer is showing here. That takes real inner strength of character to open up like that. Fabio is blatantly bluffing talking about looking past this fight and giving ye olde Barry Mcguigan big un. Most know the risks of looking past an opponent I'm sure Fabio does too so it's to make Frazer think he's more confident than he is but Frazer isn't shook and isn't flexing isn't bluffing and Fabio knows and you can see he's trying to gain a edge because he feels he needs one. I'm looking forward to this best of luck to both men Fabio is cool but I am a Frazer fan now he's on my radar as a casual boxing and human behaviour fan

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