Golf Players

Free Agency Fallout: IDP Winners & Losers

NFL free agency isn’t just about the guys who switched teams the past few weeks. A team’s existing IDPs are also impacted by these new arrivals, both positively and negatively. To sort through the free agency fallout, the Big 3 gather in the Sode Shack to run through winners and losers at each position. How are we feeling about Nakobe Dean? What about Will McDonald? Both these guys and many more are covered in this episode. Enjoy!

0:00 Intro
6:36 Winners: EDGE
13:20 Winners: LB
29:35 Winners: DB
47:04 Losers: EDGE
53:10 Losers: LB
1:02:31 Losers: DB

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The Mario Davis is really deteriorating I know the team really deteriorating he’s old as hell it’s an amazing verb for a human being to he’s withering he’s withering away from like a paper and water just falling apart welcome to the IDP show I’m your host Josh rmer joined in the so Shack

Tonight on my right Adam Markham on on my left Bobby Reynolds gentlemen how are we this evening great evening Josh always good to be joined by you fellas love you guys all right getting know off to a real good start boo all downhill from here I think I love the quick

Awkward uh comments it’s like how how weird can we get right off the Jump just leading off with I love you boys sure you boys are good guys good Golden Hearts as we know is that me I think I have a bad heart yeah yeah you can’t say

That about yourself that’s true bad heart bad heart yeah well we know you all have good hearts out there watching this listening to this and we appreciate y’all tuning in uh we are excited to be back talking about free agency Fallout we are going to be looking at the

Players who did not switch teams but were affected by those who did so gentlemen free agency’s pretty much over at this point I mean we had uh J Devan Clowney signing a two-year deal with the Carolina Panthers but that’s fun that’s a nice little deal um I I agree with

With Mike Waller on the after show saying as the team goes Clowney tends to go as well so how’s he going to do on a Carolina team that may be picking first again next year uh we’ll see that’s true and it’s a two-year contract exactly that’s what worries me too he can’t cash

In again next off season yeah yeah but 2025 look out look out baby if Clowny hasn’t been cut at that point and looking to get paid again yeah we’ll be in business but yeah he should get a ton of volume so I mean yeah he was great

Last last year pressure rate was good all that stuff so uh good opportunity so is he immediately their best pass rusher there someone there I’m not thinking of DJ W him yeah W recover recovering from the Quad injury which is a pretty serious injury so that’s a bad team not

Good I’m just thinking they’ve let pretty much all their best players usually you want to keep your best players right and they’ve let their four best players DJ Moore Christian mcaffrey Brian Burns Frankie louu all get out the door Jeremy chin you know yeah Jeremy chin now gone Derrick Brown’s still

There he’s got to be close to needing a contract yep he’ll be getting a big big deal here soon you would think maybe I mean do you think the Titans are going to be good this year N I think they’ll be six seven wins I feel like they’ve

Had some signings that have been like what are y’all doing like I mean Calvin Ridley Tony Pard was kind of strange to me it all depends on Levis yeah can Levis sling it we’ll see I think I think Levis is actually pretty good I think he could be like right around League

Average dton DT line yeah right around the DT line yeah if that’s what you got that’s pretty good they feel like a 500 team next year new coaching staff they’ll be frisky Fel had them swinging punching way above their weight do you agree with the um kind of the turmoil

That’s building in Dallas with uh with Dak not getting a new deal yeah that team is um hamstrung by the fact that Jerry Jones is like a day late and a dollar short on every single contract negotiation coaching move like they just seem a year behind everything that’s why

They had to pay Dak all this money yeah you know should you have kept McCarthy uh I don’t know it just seems like they’re headed for potentially a massive rebuild starting next year Trey Lance season Trey Lance season might be and that’s what I saw Shawn Payton is he

Gonna play it cool and they go throw a massive bag at Dak Prescott next off season if he hits free agency so yeah Dallas is always just weird it is always a drama d there it’s a soap opera God they owe so much people money did they

Pay Micah not yet it’s coming up Micah CD you going to get about 35 million a year maybe probably gosh what could those three guys make oh gosh I mean you’re looking at probably 50 million for Dak probably 35 to 40 for CD whatever JJ gets just go up from there

And then yeah Micah’s probably gonna get5 Burns just got 5 years 150 so what’s Micah going to get 5 years 175 years 200 could that happen yeah absolutely so it’s you got good players but um you got to pay him yeah you’re going to have three of them having a

Pretty big you’re going have three of them making about a hundred million against the cap yeah making almost half your cap yep easy probably more than that depending on what Micah and and cidi get wow so yes and uh yeah Dak hasn’t shown he can really win in the

Post season nope it’s I don’t want to pay him 50 million where you going to go you going to do better you know but at that price is like ah because you’re not going to be at the top of the draft you’re going to have to trade up and

It’s not a good QB class next year I just rather I think I just try and figure out the quarterback I mean it’s it’s not Dak 50 million daak is not a is not an asset in my opinion you know MH yeah but if it’s try Lance or recycled

QB on the QB Carousel next offseason it’s like that’s that’s the Dallas Cowboys everybody wants to be quarterback of Dallas Cowboys that’s make being the Yankee shortstop wait a minute hold on how old is Archie uh not uh not yet 20 I don’t think maybe

21 did he play he played in Texas last year here’s a backup to Quinn yers I think I don’t I think Quinn’s Quinn’s coming back so I think Archie transferred okay maybe I don’t know or maybe he’s sticking around I know he’s not in the new NCAA college football

Game okay he said he’s focusing on the field they’ll probably play Dak or pay Dak I think so I think that’s going to happen yeah that’s the Dallas Cowboys they love overpaying their own guys that’s kind of their as the Greek he know it’s just a juicy storyline in the

Offseason right just staying trying to get Dak motivated yeah just that great picture of Jerry kind of leaning back in his chair with his little notepad it was just a bunch of like it’s like someone trying to get their pen to work type of scribbles it’s like me all day training

Just like bunch of Doodles just totally zoned out y well let’s talk free agency Fallout boys we have a list of essentially winners and losers folks whose situation got worse because of what happened in free agency and people who situations got better and we’re going to start positive and we’re going

To start with some Edge rushers and you boys tell me who you want to kick things off with but three winners at Edge rusher let’s start with Will Anderson Houston Texans Tampa Bay Buccaneers Yaya diabi and Will McDonald New York Jets are winners now a little bit of

Rationale here for each of these guys so will Anderson gains denil Hunter opposite him so who are you know offensive lines going to double team here you can’t double team them both Yaya diabi sha Barrett out the door there go 650 snaps and then will McDonald Carl Lawson Bryce Huff gone off

The New York Jets defensive line so could we see a big time bump for Will McDonald who played less than 200 snaps in 2023 so gentlemen who do you all want to start with here as a winner uh in the free agency Fallout at the edge position

Let’s talk about Will Anderson I mean why would we not my thing is going to be um with Will Anderson I do love Jonathan grenard don’t get me wrong I’ve been on the grard train here for a couple years now I think we’re pretty quickly GNA

Find out that uh denil Hunter plays a little differently than Jonathan grard denil Hunter is an elite Edge has been for many years now and um I think that could be really really really good for for Will Anderson 23 points per game for Will Anderson 11.5

Ntfl seven sacks I mean going into 2024 alongside of denil Hunter what are we looking at for Will Anderson probably a 12 sack season you know I don’t feel like that’s out of the realm of possibility for Will Anderson the tfls are fine I feel like you’re going to

Probably see some more tackles from him this year I don’t know I would see a DL finish of like top six I feel like I I I maybe y’all completely disagree and maybe I don’t know where I think you’re always pretty high on the denil hunter

Train oh yeah um I just think that Hunter is a pretty substantial increase in Talent from grard oh yeah I think as as good as grard played I mean denil hunter is you know one or two tiers up from that yeah so I think it’s interesting right now to see Will

Anderson and denil Hunter going back to back in ADP and Brian Burns and Kayon Tibido also going back to back in ADP so I think the market is very keen on Will Anderson year two uh and denil Hunter uh in Houston so but there’s no denying that will

Anderson second year as a pro that kind of full off season that we always talk about it takes a lot of guys two three even four years to fully kind of grow into this Edge rusher defensive line role in the NFL Will Anderson showed flashes enough to win the Defensive

Rookie of the Year so what will he look like in his second season and especially now that you have denal Hunter opposite so uh I’m With You Will Anderson big winner uh Ed want you talk to me about uh Will McDonald another will because uh

This is a guy that I think you are very high on and will’ll probably have a lot of exposure to in the best balls once this offseason’s over yes definitely drafted him a lot in uh last year’s rookie drafts you get him like in the fourth round uh in these best balls he’s

Going like these IDP only best balls he’s going like in the 10th 11th round do you have the ADP yeah he’s a DL 62 right now I will actually pull up what round he’s in it’s really really nice that’s very nice um but yeah I mean

Bryce Huff he’s gone now Carl Lawson was released um so wide openen opportunity there for Will McDonald it should be him Germaine Johnson and then uh John Franklin Myers will will be in that mix as well they’ll likely bring someone else in I would imagine there was some

Rumors of clowning going there so I thank God that didn’t happen is there anyone left on the free agent Market that could potentially come in and threaten for snaps caloi you know players like that but no one no one uh that I don’t think is going to threaten

Will McDonald too much uh for playing time so I I feel good about will McDon year year to I think that you know as things stand right now he has a a good shot at maybe getting 600 700 snaps yep and that could equal you know maybe 10

Sacks for for McDonald I think he is a um a pretty special pass rusher um and I think we’re going to see we’re going to see a nice little year two from him I agree yeah he is uh ADP 117 right now so yeah right around what is that 12 time

12 is 12 144 so like a what a 10th round yeah like a 10th round pick back of the ninth beginning of the 10th round for Will McDonald yeah dual uh designation on there as well nice and uh we have that in the ADP as well folks you can

See if people are dual designation for sleeper so uh and then yeah Yaya diabi the difference here with Yaya the reason I’m not as excited even though the market is more excited about him than even Will McDonald who is uh again setting as DL 62 Yaya diabi

Dl56 the difference here is just draft Capital right I mean these two guys we’ve talked about Will Anderson and Will McDonald both first round picks I think Yaya was a third round pick in last year’s draft if I’m not mistaken yes correct so doesn’t have the draft

Capital but did get the opportunity so we don’t have to really project what this guy if can he handle a snap volume above you know 600 approaching 700 played 650 snaps last year over 650 um and yeah with sha Barrett gone there’s more opportunity than ever it’s just him

Joe Tron shinka so I think diabi is gonna get some run yeah I like diabi he averaged 12.1 points per game last year weeks 10 through 18 so I mean that’s came on strong came on strong down he replaced uh Joe Tron shinka right Joe Trion was like went to the bench yeah

Like playing like 30% of the SN per game you know so um yeah I like Yaya quite a bit too a lot of you you don’t have to project opportunity for Yaya and for Will Anderson we do with Will McDonald but I just even like I think John Frank

L Myers will get plenty of run yeah but I don’t really see them bringing in anyone that’s going to stop them from giving Will McDonald snaps y if he’s earned those snaps and I think he’s gonna earn those snaps I really do also like a he came out of college a little

Bit older so I mean he should be ready ready go yeah and we saw Johnson start slow his first year Big Time breakout last year so I think I would expect the same we’ve seen the blueprint New York so juice should be back in the building

With AJ coming back so I mean that not going to be the vice president now for RFK so that’s good a shame yeah what a shame would have been good TV yeah it would have been very good TV or very bad TV depending on how you like your TV

Let’s talk about linebacker winners though uh let’s start in Baltimore Trenton Simpson Baltimore Ravens speaking of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers cassier Dennis Isaiah McDuffy Green Bay Packers Deion Henley Los Angeles Chargers now rationale for these guys of course Trenton Simpson Patrick Queen gone over to Pittsburgh to be their lb1

Uh over 1100 snaps vacated with Patrick Queen gone is it going to be Malik Harrison I believe is the other linebacker they brought back yes right onee deal yeah and then you have Trenton Simpson there so who’s going to get that opportunity uh cervas Dennis uh same

Kind of question now Devon white gone uh n just shy of 900 snaps in 14 games KJ britz still in town there’s a lot of KJ Brit fans out there but it’s either going to be as of right now cassier Dennis or KJ Britt taking over for Devon

White Isaiah McDuffy uh we saw uh dandre Campbell out the door and McDuffy was the goto replacement the one forone replacement for dandre Campbell so assuming they don’t add anyone Isaiah McDuffy is walking into a nice situation same thing with Deion Henley except both guys are gone Eric Kendricks gone uh

Kenneth Murray gone and so now it is Deon Henley and pman they brought back Denzel Perryman so how that split kind of shakes out uh we’ll see but um we know that Denzel Perryman has struggled with health at times so I think all of these guys at least as it stands right

Now and hell even if they add a rookie linebacker that doesn’t scare me yeah we’ve been talking for months now about how we’ve got to pump the brakes on expectations for rookie linebackers so I think especially when you look at the ADP for these guys Henley lb 54 Isaiah mcdu McDuffy lb

71 uh sasia Dennis lb 63 tritan Simpson lb 27 he’s the one that’s going to cost you the most yeah I will say with with Henley though if it if it is one of these top three linebackers that ain’t good you know if it’s pton Wilson if it’s if it’s Junior Coulson from

Michigan that’s really not good great tackler um because also Nick Neeman was was ahead of Deon Henley last year as well and it’s a new coaching staff Henley is uh a little eccentric if You’ ever like listened to him talk like I don’t know that Harbaugh is going to be

The biggest fan I mean I hope it goes well for him but he uh he’s a little different little out there little just a little like immature I don’t know okay okay not like me you know not mature like me oh very mature are you a mature

Guy or a mature guy H it’s mature mature I don’t think I I could like seriously say immature or mature mature it just reminds me of manure so though maybe if that was your jam uh Bobby that could be maybe something I start doing maybe you could you sound more sophisticated uh

Bobby you’ve always I felt like had a soft spot for Henley yeah um I think you took him in the rookie redraft we did with John Macker is that right I did so what is your gut feel right now Perryman de on Henley what’s that split look like

In Los Angeles I’m worried I’m worried if you’re the Henley manager that it’s not going to be as uh Rosy of a season as us in fantasy would like for it to be I think that you know everything lines up for it to be like great for Henley

But now you know we talk about this often times where you’ve had a player there for a couple years and all of a sudden like a new regime comes in well it’s the same situation it’s just that like Henry Henley was drafted by um the previous regime Brandon sty Brandon

Staley and now you have a new you know I was trying to think about earlier what type of linebacker did Harbaugh have when he was with San Fran he had a really good linebacker then right I can’t remember if that was still the Patrick Willis Navaro Bowman days okay

So just like just potentially two Hall of Famers you know I think honestly this sounds ridiculous but there might be a little bit of play with Junior Coulson ending up in he’s going to take one of his Michigan guys abely at least one absolutely you know what this this feels

Exactly like what uh alamoa Brian ala it’s exactly the same situation y new defensive coordinator comes in and and then yeah he’s and a stinky vet is there that we think oh yeah Jordan Hicks n I’m not worried guy comes in still talking yourself you know into Osa how many of

These like a athletic freaks that come in ever really pan out anyways I mean making the transition from Wide Receiver right yep so you know it’s not like he was a great tackler that can be an asset because you’re you can cover those quicker guys but you’re also not you

Haven’t learned and played linebacker your whole life henle’s not really big um he doesn’t have a ton of draft Capital um I don’t know man I’m just worried that this might be a nice little sell window for Henley I don’t want to act like his NFL career is already over

Before it started I’m just worried that he could be a little bit of a trap if you can cash out cash out I think so like if you could get a third right I think you just go ahead and just get rid of him because he cost a fourth you know

It’s just good process especially a third now is going to push a lot of idps down because of all this offense I think what you do is you go and trade uh Henley for a guy like McDuffy plus I really like Isaiah McDuffy going into you go pick up yeah

One of these kind of yucky vets and add just add a pick add a little sweetener in there I I know that Macker or somebody smarter could tell me how much Green Bay actually rolled out two linebackers but I feel like they’re a really heavy Tob set they’re really

Similar to like San Fran you know last year it was a lot of quay walker and a lot of DeAndre Campbell when they were both healthy now I know that you know their the health has been a concern for both of them and you know quay’s had some suspensions and stuff suspensions

Maybe is that right yeah because he had the uh he bumped into the that’s right C baby Quay yeah crybaby Quay in in the tunnel McDuffy though when he plays like a full assortment of snaps is really really good oh yeah um last year um week

Five he played 95% of the snaps he had 10 tackles week 10 he played 89% of the snaps had 10 tackles week 12 he played 85% of the snaps had 11 tackles um even back to week seven played 66% of the snaps had 10 tackles um has not done a

Ton in the big play department but you’re looking at 86 tackles on a really like minimum amount of playing time if you’re looking at like a nice little like honestly I get a little bit of like Ernest Jones vibes from Isaiah McDuffy um you don’t get a lot of really like I

Don’t I don’t think Ern Jones is ever going to be like roquin but the way that McDuffy plays and his production um I don’t think it’s out of the realm a possibility for McDuffy to put up like 150 160 tackle season here’s what uh I

Know I was thinking wait Green Bay has a new defensive coordinator how do I know that because Mike wart just published his NFC defensive coordinator article over at the IDP it is Joe Woods is out Jeff Halley who was Boston College’s head coach for the last four

Seasons is in and this is what Mike had to say um he expects that uh he’ll run a mix of Zone and press coverage with a preference for man probably run a base 43 uh and even though the NFL is primarily a 425 kind of defensive base

They could run uh 43 30% of the time which means three lbs wow and um yeah he said that halfway didn’t say whether Quay Walker would continue to man the middle and their lb2 is Isaiah McDuffy um so I think he’s a little bit down on

Walker and yeah McDuffy could be a very nice value because I mean look where he’s going in drafts lb 71 yeah that’s crazy that’s crazy 75 tackles on 513 snaps last season that was a 14.6% tackle rate that was 19th best among all linebackers pretty good he’s a good

Player very good yeah solid solid and a and a really good tackler so uh yeah we love that 90p I also want to say real quick before we move on I don’t feel like we’re talking about Trenton Simpson enough I know he didn’t play a whole lot

Last year um but the amount of vacated snaps that are gone and the athleticism that is Trenton Simpson and kind of the way that he can honestly maybe even look like Patrick Queen has never left um and yet here we are you know he’s lb27 is too high I

Will admit that it is because the Malik Harrison thing is real I disagree Ravens love that guy that’s one of those you want to pay attention to in training camp I’m hoping it’s Trenton Simpson yeah but we another aesa situation I know man it just worries me because

These s these stinky vets have stuck how many knives in our backs uh throughout the various number of Seasons that we’ve done the show it feels like we’re always really excited for the unproven kind of seconde guy or rookie and then Here Comes old stinky vet y to mess things up

There’s there’s truth to that I just I don’t know I guess with Trenton Simpson lb 27 in baskball is way too high but in Dynasty if you can grab Trenton Simpson and kind of let him sit he’s the one that I’m kind of interested to see like

I think if you were to put like Trenton Simpson and Deon Henley beside each other and say like look you got to pick one that you think’s going to work I think it’s Trent and Simpson I think I would bet on Simpson too I agree so but all those linebackers from last year

None of them really got draft Capital outside of Jack Campbell right all those guys were third round picks and we’re still even scared of Jack Campbell and how and how many of these guys have that vet just kind of enter the picture yeah we could have just kept things simple

Baltimore and just given Trenton Simpson the keys but instead oh here’s Malik Harrison um you know same thing with like a dayon henley oh let’s bring back Denzel Perryman I was thinking about this the other day and I think we talked about this on one of the episodes that

Like your linebackers are just your running backs and I mean like running backs right now in the NFL what are they like I was listening to a JJ zachar pod the other day and he was talking about like what are there like six to eight uh RB ones you know what how many

It gets ugly pretty quick after like JT how many lb ons are there right now you know probably very similar and then like after good about yeah I mean after about 10 or so it’s like ah who really knows what this role looks like for them and I

Think the NFL is kind of treating them like that to some extent to where they don’t want to draft these guys high but they just want to kind of grab them in the third fourth fifth round and just see if any of them work out you know um

Some of them are going to pan out and it really is interesting you’re right I mean I’m just looking at the lbs right now and it’s like the top three I feel really good about ran Smith Foy Delan and Fred Warner yeah that feels great all day thank you very much proven

That’s kind of like beon Brie and jir Gibbs right that’s your sexy top three then we get into Nick Bolton who I know you are not a fan of for this season then you get into Bobby O who I think is one of the best cells in all of IDP

Right now because there’s really not a lot of room for that dude to go up played 100% of snaps y’all like that just does not tend to stick um and then the six guy is probably the one I’m most interested in which would be Ernest Jones uh but then you look down past

That he’s also risky in I know I know uh TJ Edwards and then Z Franklin a little less risky now that he got the he got the extension but beyond three years Quay Walker lb9 and points per game for Z you got to be a little worried about

What EJ speed did to zier’s production once he played I mean that was a real things I Year’s production went down when EJ speed was there more top linebackers man uh Patrick Queen lb1 yeah Quincy Williams lb1 uh Frankie louu lb1 12 now with Bobby Wagner in the building Terrell

Bernard lb 13 Logan Wilson lb1 14 so it’s like the top three and then like just a big fat middle of guys with a lot of question marks so yeah it’s I’d rather just take the value yeah take exactly top three you clear top three and then like it’s lb4 to

Lb40 pretty much yeah I mean you could make a case for all of those guys to be like I don’t want to spin up on those linebackers four through let them let them fall take the defensive line value and scoop up late linebacker do you

Think in best ball you could go heavy DL early and then go to DB no that model doesn’t work at all if you were to just go crazy D people love linebackers by the time You’ be linebacker shoing it really is you’re probably right you

Do have to sprinkle some in I I think you could I think you could alternate DB lb but if you fade lb you’re screwed you got a hammer line you got a hammer linebacker in those rounds like five through nine or 10 you got a hammer linebacker right there like it’s your

Jordan Hicks your Josie jwes Josie jwes right sing aiz aier he’s actually probably going to be outside he’s going to be too high but fifth round is us like Levante d Bobby Wagner going over yeah you’re right you’re right yeah let’s see where Aziz we got seven drafts

In here now so we’ve got a couple I think post free agency drafts in here now Aziz Al Sher up to lb21 he is sitting at the end of the fifth he is El he’s the 60th by ADP let’s see where Wagner is I’m curious so

He’s lb 15 sitting at overall by ADP so um y worried at all about that with Wagner not really lb what 15 lb 15 that feels about right feel yeah that feels about right it’s jell Bernard Logan Wilson Bobby Wagner Alex Singleton J Levante David that’s kind of your sort

Of stretch right there if Drake may can dish the uh commanders could be pretty good this year that’s those are good linebackers I that’s so that’s why I like starting around like round four round five with the linebackers I’ll try and get like maybe if I if I have a shot

At one of those three in the second round or late first you know the Reds the Foy and you can you can get I got ran 209 one of these basetball did they just go DL straight yeah I don’t know someone someone’s getting fired though some getting fired have yall heard the

New Aaron Donald kind of thing that there was a way that um La went about doing the um what am I trying to say the re um renegotiating not renegotiating that restructuring contract before he retired to where um there’s a bunch of money still left out on the table to

Where all of a sudden if June July come around and Aaron’s like hey you know what maybe he just wants to skip training camp that he can be like the first time this it happen yeah Tom Brady anyone yeah it happens so like there’s a little bit of chatter about that I mean

Yeah like take like yeah have yourself the summer to really really think about it and you may you may get to like June or July be like this retirement is for the birds stff go kill someone MC texting you being like dude look You’ had your time with your we had a great

Draft exact we’re looking good we’re not asking play for 10 more years but Stafford’s got he’s he’s going to be like look Stafford’s got three years can you give me two we we resigned yeah and I even think the Rams have money to like maybe even worse every episode give

Donald another contract you know if he wants it make him the highest paid defensive tackle if that’s what you want ad is it money yeah is it is it money is that all like if we give you I I really can’t believe he’s retired it do feel

Real it really doesn’t it crept up on us yeah 10 years and he’s going out playing well it’s not it’s like JJ Watt J know come on let us squeeze every last drop of juice out of here I might be I might be buying a little ad here you going

Start dra I mean if you can get him in the 30 round was already overweight on uh my first four best balls this year all have ad yeah I real Auto is was Auto pick in the third yet I’m I’m still hopeful that ship’s broken in half they

Got a like Superman weld it back together stop it let’s move to DB winners and talk about the Seattle Seahawks Julian love uh Denver Broncos PJ lock Kirby Joseph Detroit Lions and Jason panak of the New York Giants rationale for these guys Julian love you have both quandre Diggs and Jamal Adams

Alador uh Julian love is the guy there along with who else did they bring in um alongside jul Julian love ran Jenkins there you go ran Jenkins alongside Julian love so who gets the Box Roll we’ll see uh PJ lock in Denver uh Kareem Jackson of course was let go uh Justin

Simmons let go as well lock and Brandon Jones who was added in free agency are going to be the safety tandem it appears uh Kirby Joseph you have uh cidi Duce alaor Brian Branch primarily a nickel Corner Tracy Walker was cut this February um and then you haveu yeah

Melaan Wu there as well but uh you know Kirby Joseph the room has cleared out a little bit with both cidd Duce and Tracy Walker gone and then Jason panak of course Xavier Mckenna over to Green Bay now so I mean who is really the safety

Of note in New York right now there not a lot to like there so where do you want to start with this one babo um I’ll go to panak okay just because I think that um this is going to be one of those stinky but startable um I don’t think

Panak is a great player um but just like you said there’s nobody there Xavier McKenna is now a uh Green Bay Packer um jabriel Peppers is playing for New England Patriots the New England Patriots that’s that’s right um so now it’s like Jason panck um Dane belon um I

Don’t know who else that’s I think I think it’s just those two guys so I mean some scrubs maybe they draft somebody that would be interesting to kind of keep up with but um db22 finish 12.1 points per game game drafting it right now is the db78 you could do way worse

Than panak at db78 I think he has the possibility to maybe even improve on his 2023 finish because now two of the you know main guys that he was playing alongside of last year are completely gone and and that PT is going to increase he may not be the best player

But at db78 gosh absolutely yes please even in Dynasty like I’m okay rolling a guy like this out they’re still DBS they’re still replaceable regardless of you know what type of redraft bestas ball Dynasty whatever Pano’s a guy that I don’t mind rolling out for a year or

Two yeah they brought in Jaylen Mills yeah doesn’t really scare you though it’s Jaylen Mills Jason panak and DNE Belton there in New York so not very scary Addy who do you want to call out from the DB group PJ lock was pretty good to finish last season um and yeah I

Mean he I think he can do a lot of different things he can play the box he can play in the slot um he’s a a really versatile player so yeah I think that he could be you know he’s a fine value what’s his ADP right now do you have that is

Dbb DB 45 I was going to look up and see where Brandon Jones was going because when you have these ambiguous situations I’d rather just take the later guy and that’s Brandon Jones right now db66 now that’s probably not GNA be how it goes because you think Jones is gonna bump up

Well yeah because I don’t know that we have a lot of the we don’t have but just what two of the drafts in from two drafts post free agency I think PJ lock got the deal done early in the offseason season so that was reflected in in the

Uhp but yeah I think Brandon Jones is going to be like a top 30 safety I was going to say top 36 probably no problem top 30 DB I guess yeah uh yeah because I think he easily gets 100 tackles and then he’s got the big play Upside he

He’s he’s proven to be a guy that get some sacks and tfls so yeah and Julian love uh going as db14 that’s a little Rich another example of a time when I will just take the later guy who is SE Jenkins going as DB 40 safety 30 right now yeah so uh I

Don’t have any Julian love Julian love kind of lost some play in time last year didn’t he yeah he was just in that weird situation with Jamal Adams jamandre digs yeah it was a three safety thing that was just kind of hard to figure out if

They had cut Jamal Adams loose I think we would be feeling much better about Julian love um playing alongside quandre Diggs last year usually bring in us a safety in the draft and there’s it’s a a decently solid safety class I mean there’s a there’s no studs but but

There’s a lot of few soliders some yeah guys that I like fat middle yeah I think uh it seems like Seattle’s probably going to spend some early draft capital on linebacker as well yeah I could see them with Mike McDonald being there wanting to get some young linebackers

They can groom Behind These two veterans do y’all think Kirby Joseph is a good player not really I’m not really that interested in him but I mean this will be what his third fourth year so doesn’t really light up my Christmas Tre he just a tackle guy I mean 11.3 points per game

DB 38 finish going as DB 60 but he’s solid yeah yeah I mean you could do worse yeah he’s cheap I was gonna say db60 where is melano going I feel like he’s gonna be he’s gonna be up there now yeah people like him he’s like a top

He’s DB1 18 safety 16 it’s that finish of the Year man that is rich though bro y That’s a little Rich what did he put up let’s look this up yeah he had he was uh oh he had like some like a 30o game and a 40-point game I think over the

Like final he was a he was a championship winner for a lot of teams 24 years old 63 210 um he was honestly the real winner of all this yeah he was he was the biggest winner at yeah cing CD de leave was huge for Mel Walker he I mean Kirby

Joseph we don’t feel that great about him as like a player I think melon is a better player week 15 97% of the snaps he had eight 97 points I like oh my gosh eight tackles one sack one forced fumble uh week 16 98% of the snaps five tackles

Two sacks what was the point outputs here one interception so he had 23 points 28 points um I’m not sure that this is my big three league but either way um the production was stupid down the down the Finish he had he had three sacks a force fumble and two ints over a

Three um a three game span he’s a playmaker we’ll see what kind of opportunity oh my gosh and he had two sacks in the playoffs telling you he was nuts I think he’s probably got the log was he also doing Punt and kick return stuff too I don’t think so no but he

Like he took one to the house like a a pick or or something get it yeah um he had a 34o game in week 15 and a 43o game in week 16 wow that’s crazy that’s your what semifinals week 16 yeah week 17 championship and then 17 he put

Up I love 16 and 19 uh the following week in in week 18 so I mean was a a stud AB he was DB1 like Far and Away DB1 through your fantasy playoffs I would say yeah man yep I remember we had an episode right we didn’t we do a didn’t

We do like a playoff MVP or something segment did IDP MVP I know we did that but I feel like we we are always recapping like the F because in these logs we always you know the final last three weeks pay attention to the last how how do they do in the playoffs

Exactly yeah and NFL playoffs too so yeah of our uh all the all of our subs are very much in on melon they really are you can tell they’re in the ranks they in the ranks the uh they’re the best I I I have no doubt that they are

The best in 0p folks so where do you have melaan Wu right now in your best ball ranks I’d be curious is he going above ADP or um is his ADP above rank right now or kind of right around where you’ve got them it’s always funny to me

Just to see how much this follows just your ranks just like right down down the pecking order um he safety seven for me I don’t have it broken down by DB though I need to do that so yeah he’s safety 16 right now so he’s actually going he’s a

Nice little value compared to your ranks it sounds like arey you talking about the BB ranks or the dynasty ranks BB ranks so right now Dynasty ranks Adam has him as the safety eight right behind Xavier McKenna and right ahead of Cam curl there you go I really like him in

Dynasty I mean I feel pretty good about him so there you go folks the room is cleared out Joseph could be a winner melaan definitely a winner and also you got to remember it’s like safety like there’s not a lot of guys that have a ton of upside melon who showed us that

He he seems like he might have you know might be one of the big playmaking types so that’s going to boost him up um but again the safety is like it’s We’re not gonna we’re not going to freak out or do anything irrational we’re not going to s

For DB no not going to do it but we acknowledge good asset yeah solid asset yeah respect the game but you know still safety still safety are are you going to be having some meanu based on where he’s going which is around 180 overall it’s just a big old run of safeties right

Here like the linebackers are like Nate lman Cole hul Kiki Hudson there’s so many DBS man they’re just so many listen to this run Buddha Baker cam curl Julian love Xavier McKenna aetu melaan wo CJ Gardner Johnson Jordan battle jayen Petr Nate Hobs Trent McDuffy that is a big

Fat run really good and then there’s 50 other ones that that are really good right behind those those guys so DB is just so damn deep um you just you can overdraft if you want but you really don’t have to you really don’t have to and also there it’s so deep that there

Will be guys that slip through that’s just the way it works like there will be guys that slip through I’m kind of sitting here looking at Jaylen Petr who was I think safety2 by ADP um behind Derwin last year Y and now sitting as safety 19 so the think so yes the market

Has definitely corrected on petray um there’s also some interesting like risk involved with melon like he might not keep up that crazy Pace no he won’t can he put up 40 yes but he’s the type of best ball safety you want because you if

You can get a game winner out of a DB that is beautiful I might be even trying to acquire Fetti a little bit in some dyo leagues um that feels like a nice little safe asset well why not just take take a swing at your safety position at

Least one of them if you start multiple safties so let’s talk about some losers boys unless you had something um I did pull up my uh my exposures these basetball drafts what tool did you use to get your exposure this was Dynasty uh- okay d-daddy awesome website awesome uh bunch of Dynasty

Tools uh for for your sleep Rel connects too so uh yeah check them out for sure that is Dynasty dddy decom uh some of the guys that I’ve been drafting a lot though Travon moig I’ve got him uh 71% of these drafts DJ Turner 57% of these drafts Jaylen Ramsey I’m

Getting him in all these uh explain zavier zavan Howard’s gone he’s gone also deshun Elliot’s gone I just think that they’re gonna use Jaylen Ramsey more in like the slot role like he was like he was used as uh in Los Angeles um and the the DC has even come out and

Said that they’ve they’ve he’s labeled him a chess piece says you want to move that guy around let him do a lot of different things so I think that would be fantastic for Jaylen Rams if you look at I forgot how damn good he was when he

Was with the Rams he was a stud that star rooll like he like uh his finish wise it was like 250 points on the season in in 2022 and then like it was 240 the year before that so I mean he was it was a a great role for him also

Remember last year he was recovering from the uh what tor miniscus so I don’t think he wasn’t right last year and I don’t think he got I don’t think he got a long well with fio like there was uh locker room interviews where he just didn’t seem I don’t know

Enthused yeah with fangio and then you know fangio leaves so I just feel like maybe they didn’t have the best relationship Ramsey SE is a tough guy to probably get along with he’s a little bit of a kind of wide receiver Diva type yeah uh I will say Mike wrote up here in

The Miami Dolphins section of the AFC defensive coordinator changes article that Anthony Weaver the new DC with Vic fangio alfador uh Mike wrote that I think one of the big benificiaries of Weaver’s coaching change will be Jaylen Ramsay he might be allowed to Shadow more and to also be able to move around

As opposed to staying stationary on one side let’s go echoing the same idea there Eddie so yeah so uh and those first three guys moig DJ Turner Jaylen Ramsey all those guys just really good values I’m sure all of them are are really good as far as ADP goes um and

Then some other guys I’ve been targeting CJ Garner Johnson I get him in quite quite a few of these uh honey badger I get him in a lot of these he’s always there late when I’m shopping in the DB aisle L rounds J Julius Brin uh out of

Indianapolis he’s a guy that uh he was good when he played last year but he should he he uh he’s a good tackler he could play I know Kenny mors there but he could probably get some slots he be he’ll be our other starting cornerback Deontay Banks is a guy get super

Uh he’s he was I think their first round pick there for the Giants last season um denzo Ward I get him super late a lot of these cornerbacks yeah right because no one knows corners but also just pick Corners that are going to play close to 100% of snaps they’re safe they’re safe

Because how many times did you say DBS were popping into your Flex spots almost yeah because almost at the end of the year like it’s it’s all DBS yeah cuz you just need a cornerback to have an interception or a few passes defended or you know and there’s three starters on

You know on defense so I mean there’s going to be the player pulls just a lot more so there’s L more guys snaps there’s a lot more just solid players at the position so uh there’s no reason to to like we’ve mentioned Forever on this

Show you don’t got to s for these DBS I’m getting cam Taylor Brit late I’m getting Jordan Whitehead late I’m getting Byron Murphy late Quan Martin Joey Porter Jr all Mill all your top targets are just going to be your be like fade targets yeah like your

Exposure your portfolio is just gonna be Rife with late DB targets yeah that’s all it is he he completely pulled the wool over eyes I’m an early DB guy now I never it was that one draft and I you had to be you had to Zig it was that one

Draft that draft was was St it was dumb it was the first draft of the Year everyone was in the ranks it was dumb so yeah I got with him spon in the 11th round that’s not happened in any of these drafts since he said and I quote

I’ve got to keep Daniel kelt toown on his toes that’s right Daniel Jones can’t let him get compling I’m in between him and Kyle B right now in bb8 and it is brutal I’m not I’m not far behind you either I’m not having a

Good time at all it’s a tough one it’s a very tough draft well speaking of tough let’s talk about some losers from the free agency Fallout uh babo yeah entire Rams defense are input here Aaron Donald out the door I mean that’s going to have

An effect how much is or is it affecting your view of the Rams idps I think first off Aaron needs to pack his thing because I think you’re probably done here uh secondly don’t ever talk about the Rams like that again do you hear me do you understand me I don’t know I’m

Not worried not worried at all we got Ernest Jones we got Byron young got Kobe Turner got Cameron curl got cam curl hey and we got sha McVey I do like the pieces y’all have it’s just like you rip out the beating hard of the defense I

Mean I’m a little worried so I watched some ball the other day with a buddy of mine J Ball Jordan Ball shout out um we were watching some college ball and I said man it’s going to be weird to watch a Rams game and not see Aaron Donald

Playing just being like man we need a Donald sack here you know that was kind of the thing that you would like that was just the those young guys got to step up now get a big play on third down and it was just like that’s an Aon

That’s the Aaron Donald effect like all of a sudden that he he won a lot of games for the Rams um did you I’m sure you saw the picture of him like the screenshot of four offensive linemen blocking him at one time I think Nate Ty basically said like he he tweeted out

Like how I’ll remember Aaron Donald or something like that and there’s four pictures of him just getting mauled by like a double team three guys four guys triple team y um and yeah I mean to some extent yes I feel like this is going to affect Kobe Turner and Byron young and

Ernest Jones even um but you know they got to step up Les need is good at drafting and Sean MC McVey knows value and you know puka NOA happened last year and I trust the Rams man they’re going to pull some value out of this draft you

Notice who he didn’t mention who’s that Michael Michael ho is Hoy still sitting out there they they brought him back did they yeah I must have missed this and also uh lowkey good value you don’t just don’t if he had if he was Michael Williams you would not be as in he had

You know he had 77 tackles last year did he was like surprisingly I think he had like five sacks like we can we can play with that he’s not great in coverage play that but he’s good around the line of scrimmage yeah that’s all right what he does but Aaron seriously though this

Is probably your last time need need to need to need to see you gone and that let off the losers with that I think he just categorized it because it was a whole team no no and not and not a position don’t care for that let’s move

To Edge rusher sorry Ain um and talk about a couple guys here who were negatively affected by the additions uh Josh sweat and oari yeah that’s the thing is do we think either Hassan reick or Josh sweat gets moved well I think there opens up some opportunity if you

Listen to Twitter Twitter feels like Hassan reck is the one who’s more available right now um didn’t they just restructure sweat’s contract yes I thought that’s what I thought so I don’t know if that was like a locket deal where it was like dude you got to do

Something that could also make him more tradable yeah you hadn’t been playing that well um it’s interesting that Josh sweat finished as dl35 last year going as dl35 it’s always fascinating that’s a very Josh sweat thing to do honestly you’re not going to get any more upside

Than that and you’re not going to really get any worse than that so let’s just say that Hassan reic does get moved and you’ve got Josh sweat and Bryce Huff that makes me feel a lot better but I think as it stands right now agree it’s a crowded room because you also have

Nolan Smith what’s the and Brandon Graham mhm yep what’s the Nolan SMI Smith take right now do y’all know anything about like is he just progressing slow because there is a lot of drum crowded bro I think that’s they like having a lot of those guys that’s

What howy Roseman does he builds along the offensive and defensive lines and he’ll just stack it he’ll just taking those guys last year didn’t want them to to draft uh what’s his I’m blanking on his name Jaylen Carter yes we didn’t want cuz Milton Williams were like they

Have no need for why would they do that yeah why they do that right it’s not a need that’s true he don’t care they want he wants to stack strength on strength on strength wasn’t it noan Smith that was getting the training camp Vibe last year to where everybody was like oh God

Like this could be crazy he had some moments I think he’ll be all right he’ll be fine it just you have to be very patient he could be a year three year four type of guy as these older guys clear out I’m not so sure that you couldn’t maybe see both of these

Edge rushers gone I think some training camp injuries man I think they would be fine if it was Bryce huff and Nolan Smith I can tell you though I’ve tried to maybe kind of move Josh sweat in a couple leagues he has zero value right now yeah people just don’t zero value

Yeah not not really into sweat would you buy him for a fourth sure oh for a fourth yeah but also it’s like do you really want Josh sweat like in a league where it’s just defensive end like you’re starting you start two defensive ends like our R leag he’s worthless

Right absolutely he’s just in that no and that’s what’s also I I feel a lot of leagues are set up like that yeah I feel like a lot of leagues are two defensive ends you know what I’d rather have I’d rather have Andrew van GLE yeah oh yeah

For sure let me roll out van GLE instead of Josh SED in a situation like that and Josh sweat might get more PT but van gle’s gonna score more freaking points I don’t know Josh s is very frustrating to uh to to roster in these leagues he’s a

Little bit like Josh Allen to where it’s like some weeks he does some stuff but some weeks he get you like one tackle um I don’t know sweat’s frustrating yeah very aggravating yeah aiz oari I mean yeah that’s just uh he’s just in that range where it’s like you’re it’s easy

To swap him out like you know and then he has one of those weaks where he blows up on your Ben absolutely it’s weird because he’s dl35 I can look up what like Edge you know Edge he is for 80P but dl35 that’s right there on that line

Of like a dl3 for you or a dl4 which is a very different flavor for me a dl3 versus a dl4 I’m good with him in bestas ball but let’s see what he’s going as as like Le I’m just not Edge 29 so in bestall in beste ball yeah Montes is

Going as Edge 15 the other sweaty bro going as Edge 29 it’s good which which sweaty bro would you rather have at Cost Montes but man Mont you got to spend a second third round pick on montz now yeah he’s 80P 19 so that’s the seventh

Pick of the second round I haven’t been in a spot to where I’m like I want to take mon SWAT yet basically Josh SWAT is the end of the fifth round dude listen to this that also feels kind of rich though that’s a little Rich too yeah

Listen to Josh SWAT is turning into Matt judon um the first half of the Season through nine games he had six and a half sacks two Force fumbles the last eight games zero sacks zero yeah that sounds like a uh we just should call that uh the man had

100% of his production week 10 pulling a judon a judon chop right there it’s a judon chop there you go we found it folks we found it judon chop and then here’s the thing about van GLE yes going as Edge 38 babo if you could drop your phone one

More time we get the trifecta apolog I’m going to be getting that up though yeah so you’ll be single-handedly moving van GLE up the ranks he’s at DL 53 Edge 38 96 overall so what is that eighth round end of the eighth round we’ll be getting

Him up into the sixth round also he’s dual Desi whereas Josh sweat uh is not yeah so that’s I would much rather have van GLE vanle really good at tackling like he’s safe week to we but listen to the other side of this so montz sweat

Had sacks in nine games last year and he had five games of at least more than one sack um per game Montes was great last year he was good Montes was really really good yeah and he’s going in that area where I probably like him the best

Of the options that are there it’s like Nick Bolton Hassan reck Trey Hendrickson okar Montes judon Ernest Jones big Q Aaron Donald I think I’d go uh okar or Ernest though think so I think so depends on how you start your draft get one of those linebackers and then do the

Thing where you chill out for a little bit you know who has Chicago added an edge rusher no no I feel like they’re going to add someone in the draft they’re probably going to take a Jared verse or a Dallas Turner at nine last pod you said somebody got added

Somewhere up there in the NFC North and you were like please don’t let this be the help that we marus Davenport for Aiden Hutchinson Detroit hopefully that’s not all we get yeah hopefully montz needs some help too though linebacker losers uh channington do just rest in peace forever and always amen he

Gone uh noobe Dean Philadelphia Eagles Cole hul Pittsburgh Steelers Henry too too and Christian Harris and then Leo Chanel and Deone CL Clark and jam Davis lot of linebacker Pete Warner lot of linebacker losers on this list so let’s go through the rationale for some of these guys uh Channing tendall Jordan

Brooks now there um Anthony Walker’s there as well uh they also still have David long I think Duke Riley is still there so Channing tendall is like lb1 14 at this point for this team uh so if you had any hope left it was just a Fool’s hope for Channing tendall niobe Dean

They added both or Of these guys is going to be the one sitting on the bench probably too too uh Christian Harris probably be the lb2 there behind aiz Leo Chanel with Drew tranquil coming back kind of saps the uh man yeah the Spider-Man bus climber is come on Drew it’s a sh for both of them

Yeah it really hurts both shame for the whole unit Drew does as well doesn’t know how we could have fell in love with his IDP value if he had gone to the Tennessee Titans these people won’t stop drafting Bolton as a top six linebacker I would have loved to have seen Drew

Tranquil go back to the Chargers oh hell that would have been a reunion that I felt much better about than Denzel Perryman going back uh Deone Clark Dallas Cowboys they bring in Eric Kendricks you have de marvon overshown coming back uh from injury so uh jamond Davis totally dead I mean totally dead

At this point um jamond Davis with louu and Wagner there new coaching staff I think he’s on the outs Pete Warner uh you mentioned old Stinky Pete uh is got Willie gay breathing down his neck now uh so yeah where do you guys want to start as far as linebacker

Losers Stinky Pete Stinky Pete I think he stinks I think he’s not good I think I don’t think he’s very good they were cutting his snaps as the season wound down last year um and then yeah I mean he just doesn’t produce for us in IDP

Which is that’s the name of the game you know and the PFF grades aren’t that great 57.5 this past year I’m pretty sure those have declined every single year yeah you read that last episode I think it has gone down finished as lb 56 8.4 points per game uh going as lb 46

What are we doing here guys yeah I’m I’m taking a lot of Demario and and Willie gays uh in these best balls I really like Willie gay for this year I do too man I really like Willie gay I think this is an opportunity for not only it’s

Kind of a contract year for him he didn’t really get a whole lot of money yeah one year three or something like that but I think it’s going to be a nice little showcase to where if he can prove to a team that he could maybe be a nice

Little lb1 and a half you know I don’t know that he’s going to ever be like an lb1 for a team but um production wise I feel like what’s his what’s his ADP who Willie gay or Pete Willie gay I’ll have to look up gay uh Pete is sitting at lb

46 right now that’s disgusting it’s way too high a Willie gay is lb 53 slurp I mean it’s it’s fine I I think I think he’s linebacker too there I’m good with it I will say so that’s basically like end of the 12th round for Willie gay 142 overall and you probably

Like this but the Mario Davis is really deteriorating I know the team really deteriorating he’s old as hell me it’s an amazing verb for a human being to he’s withering he’s withering away from a like a paper and water just falling apart it’s like that Old Spice commercial from a linebacking

Perspective the Mario Davis just not so way you describe your grandparents when like the Alzheimer’s is kicking in they’re really deteriorating I feel like his play has been it it has not been that good and I know you think he’s a value and he is to some extent he’s

Going to still play but I think Willie gay is just going to have an opportunity to be the best linebacker for the Saints at the end of the season tomorrow Davis lb 43 right now it’s a damn good value leading the room though what he average

He averaged 14 who cares it’s 43 that’s that’s that’s telling no one knows what to do with that room so yeah I mean lb 43 for Davis lb 46 for Pete Warner I tomorrow Davis lb4 dude averaged 14 points per game last season they brought

Him back he was top five PFF but Adam he’s turning into sand he’s just slipping between her fingers he’s fine it’s Stinky Pete and Willie gay in the room with him there is truth to that I guess I’m maybe thinking a little bit of Dynasty mind here when I’m talking about

Willie gay best ball wise yes de Mario Davis is still fine but I just think that I think that there’s still there’s still higher higher Heights for Willie gay I just I don’t know I’m excited that’s the those are the two linebackers I want yeah I think Willie gay is like a

Really good Juice Guy too I think he’s going to do really well there in New Orleans why are people drafting Pete Warner in the 40s they’re still believing man they’re still holding on you even want him in the 80s in the 80s yeah sure because at that point the lbs

Are very gross yeah you’re looking at like KJ britz and SAS dennises at that point but I mean maybe you want those guys yeah I mean like I feel like the snap percentage last year for Warner was like okay we know what we need to know

Now it was getting down like it was they were not keeping on the fi for more than like 60% of the snaps like as the season was ended yeah the lb 80 range is Jack Gibbons Owen Papo ma Wilson Christian Rose boom Chad Muma son Taki Taki yeah

So it’s uh Chad Muma is another name Pete Warner needs to be bumped out a little bit yeah yeah I mean I don’t mind him if you if you take like you know Lloyd or Foe just nice little handcuff what about uh what about noobe Dean here should we talk about noobe

That talk about another this is just a lot of very ambiguous rooms New Orleans and Philadelphia I feel the very same way about which is I don’t know I don’t know that I want to wait wait into those Waters I feel pretty confident it’s going to be a z and Christian Harris I

Do too I feel confident in that Christian Harris was so good to finish last year I just feel like they can’t he was one of the best linebackers in the NFL he was awesome dude awesome to finish the season I mean he he was a big reason why they won that opening round

Against Cleveland stud nocoe Dean though I mean sick of him yeah so he had the question marks coming in right the health question marks Y and he has not done anything to clear that up for he’s played what how many games has he played has he played over six games has he

Played 10 games total in his career I don’t I’m not sure I don’t think so 30 tackles last year two tfl and a half sack yeah I mean maybe it works out for him look at what the team is telling us they brought in two linebackers now we

Also have a draft ahead of us too exactly and you could absolutely see them at a line he was just a third round pick people act like this is a guy was drafting the first round they don’t have high Capital invested in them you’re right they did bring in two linebackers

And before that they brought in Zack Cunningham and sha Leonard yep some crusty linebackers they played them and Nicholas Morrow too and they played Nick Morrow so they didn’t say you know what we’ve gotten a Kobe let’s just bring in someone no they brought in Devin white

Anybody they can find and ow and Orin Burks yeah so it’s like they know they know this they can they cannot rely on this dude exactly I think that’s more of it as not that this guy is not good yeah we just can’t rely on this guy staying

Healthy right so I think he is a loser in this as well let’s talk about some DB losers though to wrap things up boys and his his ADP is still high right I mean that’s that’s that’s really why he’s a loser is because he’s not a he’s not a

Discount he’s not a value yeah he is going as lb 32 right now good God whoa baby very very expensive so uh which here’s a good one I was looking around the lb60 range to see if that was a good area for Pete Warner to settle would you

Rather have Cole hul or Pete Warner neither neither thank you no good no and I’m not I I literally will not draft either one of them I’m just saying if you had to pick between the two they’re in the 60s wow Carolina’s about to lose

I will not do it you don’t have to do it you don’t do it don’t do it you don’t have to do it don’t do it let’s talk about DBS though that’s the thing it’s like a guy can become a value but you also don’t have to pick that guy he

Could just be a total land mine there’s a reason those guys get down into the 60s they may just not be good oh that’s pretty good pretty good one there not as good as judon chop but good stff T Jord battle the first TB loser we talked a little bit about this

With Von Bell coming back muddies the waters there Roger McCurry was looking pretty good until they went and gave lerus sne like a hundred billion dollars in the Kansas City trade so um yeah I think Jordan battle is it possible Von Bell is just veteran Insurance yeah sure

We can list I think the uh I think we can also let Dak Hill just CU we don’t we don’t know we don’t know what’s going to we don’t know what’s going to happen we don’t like these situations nervous right we just don’t like the situation where there’s risk especially at this

Point in the season right let’s see how this is shaking out how do you guys think the ADP is right now I’d probably say Dax Hill above battle and then Von Bell no no battles me first it’ll be Hill first I think Dax Hill is safety 10

And it’ll be battle but this is all going to change battle is db2 safety pretty close so I’d rather I think I have Von Bell queued up uh he is safety 47 DB 73 I think I would just rather take that yeah right yeah Bell’s a

Veteran they brought him back and also I don’t feel like people are GNA be excited about V I feel like that’s going to stay the same no people are people want to be excited about Dax Hill Jordan Battle Battle Hill and now you got Bell

You got Bell on the Battle Hill you got goino Stone there too and they shoot I forgot about Gino Stone where is he they gave him two years 15 million so goo stone is safety 56 DB 91 there’s your answer folks yeah it is Gino stone is

The right answer he is the answer I think I think he is GNA be one of the starters he’s gonna get he’s going to get 100% what if they roll out Von Bell and Gino stone that could be that could be a real thing dill and Jordan battle

Are just gone they also have Cam Taylor Brit and Mike Hilton and Mike Hilton’s really good in the slot so that’s a really good defensive backfield there’s only and D Turner my boy damn there’s only so many tackles that actually go around in that back field and you got

Two good linebackers in front of them Germaine Pratt and Logan Wilson uh this defense is actually pretty pretty good defense I think they’ve improved who was it not too long ago absolutely hating on uh Sam hubard maybe it was Greg Ro well John was talking about how he thought

Hubard wasn’t long for that starting role yeah how he thought it was going to be miles Murphy soon he’s in the bed with Miles Murphy quite a bit though I’ll say that he’s heavily invested sure why cuz he has him in our main League or

Something he got him in a lot of leagues he was pumping him up a lot last year I did take miles Murphy in one of these he is dual Desi so that’s nice um and then yeah Roger McCreary uh we wanted to show a little bit of love to the cornerback

Position as well um yeah he was awesome last year how much tackle machine it was okay so I thought it wasn’t just lerus sne as Ain here has here in the notes a $100 million overhaul bringing in lerus sne and doe U yeah so Roger McCurry

Where does that leave him yeah who knows odd man looking in probably that’s the thing it’s just who knows how it shakes out because there’s still like what Christian f is Folton still there I’ll look it up but not sure but there aot is db19 right now right and that’ll drop

And now just there’s who knows what role lerus need plays right’s with the Chargers okay so he just he just switched squads uh but who knows what what what role these guys play right need play outside corner does he play slot right cuz lerus played outside corner last year uh but before McDuffy

Got there he was exclusively pretty much a slot guy yeah played a lot of box so just yeah we we’ll see what he uh we’ll see what that role looks like in Tennessee um just risk you know we don’t we don’t know I don’t like to I’m not

Going to draft someone as what db19 db19 guyses yeah I don’t no no and also that’s that people that’ll jange yeah right people that they didn’t have the news of lerus sne being there so I think it’s a bigger issue that there’s just a lot of good guys there

You know like I mean you got a lot of good Corners not just good safeties there in Cincinnati from one week to the next you’re not really going to know who might be good or you know have the pop pop off week okay so that was uh that

Was Jordan battles ADP Roger mccre is going as cb17 db51 oh that’s pretty good that’s um where is sne but still now it’s like Sneed is db26 cb5 going at 191 overall so I’m just really curious what kind of role he gets though yeah I haven’t drafted any Sneed which is sad

Because you love lerus I do love Theus but you know I was uh I was out on a moer too because of that we didn’t know like what the role was going to be right oras the transcription Services always calls him luxurious sne which I think is

Kind of appropriate really that’s a good I like that toob was a DB 136 cb65 I was surprised to see him get the deal he got cuz I didn’t think he was very good and he was recovering from the ACL I think too but he wasn’t very good last year

Mhm yeah so there you go folks some winners and losers in the free agency Fallout anyone we did not bring up tonight boys that y’all wanted to mention I think um I’m still I’m a little interested again about um about my Moy Jeremy chin I’m kind of maybe back in on the chin

Back in on the chin yeah um I know D Forest Derek Forest however you say his name was he injured last year what’ he do yeah he got hurt AC played the first four games or so the rest of the season anyway he will be back I don’t think

Derrik Forest is like Elite um but I think that man if um if Quinn Dan Quinn there can use Jeremy chin in kind of some fun ways um don’t forget Marquee spell yeah remember how they used mares spell last year big safety playing some linebacker now I don’t see that as much

In Washington because you’ve got three capable guys there in jamond Davis Bobby Wagner and Frankie louu but but louu could play a lot more Edge could he could be sort of a Mah Micah Parson’s type yeah right kind of a hybrid player and they’re gonna bring chin down in the

Box that’s what’s going to happen uh and then I think it has to be mentioned not only because he’s a ram but I mean cam curl dear God that could be crazy he could be safety backing on curl backing on chin could be safety one don’t do it

Guys don’t don’t do it I’m not saying in best ball don’t draft him High um no they’re going to they’re going to Bob the end of year could be really fun could be really fun for c c Addy anybody you want to bring up sit it out sit it

Out folks get Quinton Lake that’s true that’s true you were upset that the Quinton Lake uh experience might be taking a hit yeah it’ll be all right it’ll be all right he’ll be in the slot what about yeah cam curl I just wanted to see where he was going he is safety

13 right now the Rams defensive backs look pretty decent now travus white who I’m I don’t know I think I think he might be washed yeah I think it’s kind of past him but then they did bring back uh Darius Williams but they’ve had a history of bringing guys in that seemed

Wash at corner been okay like John Johnson also had a nice little kind of resg last year at sa yeah man uh my boy Isaiah Simmons has not signed anywhere yet kind of interested in that out still um yeah let’s get on the IDP free agency tracker the

Tracker uh KY Hudson yeah that’s that’s one that I’m just kind of curious like are we going to see maybe some guys linger closer to to like the start of the season um you know what once the rookie draft shakes out I think you’ll see a flurry of uh veteran signings because uh

Teams didn’t fill the needs the way they thought they were going to I took a lot of Ky Hudson early on I had like four shares of him out of those seven I still think he could be good I think so I think so but he’s definitely dropped now

I mean of course yeah he doesn’t have a job doesn’t have a job thought that maybe Washington would bring him back the team that had him is definitely not bringing him back at this point so now we got to hope that he lands in a situ where he doesn’t have a lot of

Competition that’s a lot of these rooms are you know getting pretty full pretty full not a lot of uh space left I guess like still Tennessee is a good spot to get an lb2 but yeah Jack Gibbons is there as lb2 right now that’s pretty good where just where do you have any

Kind of opportunity um Isaiah Simmons like Bob mentioned Julian Blackman still out there I’m surprised I saw he visited the San Francisco 49ers did not sign I’m just waiting I think the Colts are going to bring him back that’s not good for uh Jer Brown if they’re bringing in

Blackman yep because honga is locked I mean he’s locked in there right yep they gave him an extension I believe unless maybe they plan on uh maybe they’re maybe they wanton know the safeties to play slot I don’t know um I think Blackman’s cominging back to the Colts

Darl Taylor they brought him back Seattle did uh Justin Simmons is still that’s a big one yeah some of surprised he’s not been scooped up yet I know I was hoping the Colts might bring him in just some veteran leadership on that defense would be nice he’s going to run

Somebody though he is uh Derek Barnett still out there Mike Dana still out there Barnett went back to Houston I Believe kind of a I believe so I believe it was like a lowkey let me double check myself here who else did you say right after that uh Mike Dana one he’s an

Interesting one still linger out there I did see where yes he went back to the Texans wow I did see dere Barnett was really really good last year to close things out um I did see where uh Harbaugh mentioned that they’re hoping to bring back Calvin and

This is before Clowny signed but they’re hoping to bring back vanoi and Clowney obviously a Clowny back but you got to expect vano is is likely going to come back now I don’t think they’re going to want both those guys to get out it’s late in the game now like there’s not a

Lot of talent out there Veno was damn good last year pressure rate was good they both were really good they were both really good last year man that OA experience has been rough 30 tackles and nine sacks last season for C nois so uh he’s probably the best on the market

Right now that’s what I was going to say James Houston’s out there about Clowny why did the Ravens not work a little harder to keep him in the building yeah I mean two years 24 million like team is contending you figure like it’s a window there withar so I mean you figure like

Uh they probably are going to be interested in one of these Edge rushers in the draft Deo M Ryan might have walked into the best coaching situation of anybody in a long time well they had to hit on the quarterback well yeah I mean so now he

Looks like a genius because they they’ve drafted CJ strad but oh my gosh man the Texans could be dangerous in the AFC South for the next like while mhm oh yeah trust me I’m shaking in my boots about the Houston Texans as a Colts fan you that’s the class of the division now

They nailed the quarterback and now they have maybe one of the best defensive Minds in the game right now and you just brought into Neil Hunter yeah and Aziz Al Sher and all of these little wide receivers that you drafted are kind of working out Nico Collins tank Dell um

It’s a good team sorry Josh that’s all right yeah it was a one-year deal for Barnett uh going back to Houston so Bud depri still out there Manuel ogba still out there where’s Kiki go I don’t know I would mean I would the dream would be

For him to go to the Chargers yeah because he’s a Michigan Alum so that would be very nice he play for har Hardball I think so been there he’s been there for a while so yeah definitely yeah he definitely played for Hardball that’d be awesome so sign somewhere good

Kiki give us uh validate those shares forie yeah thank you was like a top 12 linebacker over the final four weeks of if they season they don’t bring someone in in the draft I could see them making a call to Kiki Hudson yeah I could see

It all right well thank you all for tuning in this has been the free agency Fallout winners and losers um next week we’ll be talking rookies once again doing an IDP only Mock Draft so we’re going to be dipping our toes into the IDP only mock world uh we told you we’re

Going to be having a lot of mock drafts in the runup to the draft uh here coming up soon as far as rookie content goes we’ll be having Mike Waller and Scott suus on to do a mega preview across all the rookie positions we’ll be talking to

Sigman Bloom about the bloom 100 Scott here in the house in the shack Scott is a Lexington native and we’ll be coming down to spend some time with us here in BG in the shack and talking some DL and DB rookie prospects so and check out his work he just published an article

Walking through his rookie ranking process and his rankings have been added to the rookie ranking consensus so check those out for paid supporters at the IDP it’s cool stuff we got some really really good stuff being put on the website right now our free agent

Class was the best we were the biggest free agency winners oh no doubt about it in the IDP game so crazy level up for us this season I mean yeah I didn’t I didn’t know that we could leap any more than we have but uh those legs are

Getting stronger every year we are we are locked in yeah come lock in with us come lock in let’s get lock arms lock step and leap with us a lot of people are really seeing how how uh valuable this resource is ain’t it true so we’ll

See you all next week for an IDP only rookie mock draft but until then y’all take care and we’ll see you soon it’s thep Now


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