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We’re responding to some articles regarding the idea of the Detroit Red Wings firing GM Steve Yzerman.

Octopus Thrower:

This video is taking place after the 2023 NHL Entry Draft, and after the 2023 Stanley Cup Playoffs.

The 2023 NHL Draft 1st Round went as follows:

1st) Chicago Blackhawks, Connor Bedard
2nd) Anaheim Ducks, Leo Carlsson
3rd) Columbus Blue Jackets, Adam Fantilli
4th) San Jose Sharks, Will Smith
5th) Montreal Canadiens, David Reinbacher
6th) Arizona Coyotes, Dmitri Simashev
7th) Philadelphia Flyers, Matvei Michkov
8th) Washington Capitals, Ryan Leonard
9th) Detroit Red Wings, Nate Danielson
10th) St. Louis Blues, Dalibor Dvorsky
11th) Vancouver Canucks, Tom Willander
12th) Arizona Coyotes (from Ottawa Senators), Daniil But
13th) Buffalo Sabres, Zach Benson
14th) Pittsburgh Penguins, Brayden Yager
15th) Nashville Predators, Matthew Wood
16th) Calgary Flames, Samuel Honzek
17th) Detroit Red Wings (from New York Islanders via Vancouver Canucks), Axel Sandin Pellikka
18th) Winnipeg Jets, Colby Barlow
19th) Chicago Blackhawks (from Tampa Bay Lightning), Oliver Moore
20th) Seattle Kraken, Eduard Sale
21st) Minnesota Wild, Charlie Stramel
22nd) Philadelphia Flyers (from Los Angeles Kings via Columbus Blue Jackets), Oliver Bonk
23rd) New York Rangers, Gabe Perreault
24th) Nashville Predators (from Edmonton Oilers), Tanner Molendyk
25th) St. Louis Blues (from Toronto Maple Leafs), Otto Stenberg
26th) San Jose Sharks (from New Jersey Devils), Quentin Musty
27th) Colorado Avalanche, Calum Ritchie
28th) Toronto Maple Leafs (from Boston Bruins via Washington Capitals), Easton Cowan
29th) St. Louis Blues (from Dallas Stars via New York Rangers), Theo Lindstein
30th) Carolina Hurricanes, Bradley Nadeau
31st) Colorado Avalanche (from Florida Panthers via Montreal Canadiens), Mikhail Gulyayev
32nd) Vegas Golden Knights, David Edstrom

This video is also taking place after 2023 NHL Season, and after the 2023 Stanley Cup Playoffs, where the Vegas Golden Knights defeated the Florida Panthers in the Finals.

Twitter: @LR99Gaming
Twitch: legorocks99

#NHL #NHLNews #NHLTrade #NHLTrades #NHLTradeRumours #NHLNewsToday #NHLDraft #NHLProspects #DetroitRedWings #RedWings #LGRW #Detroit

Hi. I’m “Gio Palermo”, also known as “legorocks99” (“legorocks99Gaming”, “LR99Gaming”, or “LR99”). I post video game commentaries on YouTube revolving around “hockey”, with a primary focus on “Vancouver Canucks”, “Montreal Canadiens”, “Detroit Red Wings”, and top “NHL prospects” topics. These videos are uploaded with “NHL 24” gameplay in the background. I enjoy making these videos and I hope that you enjoy watching them!

legorocks99 and all its denominations function under “Gio Palermo Media Inc.”

You know that image of Matthew mccon and True Detectives smoking yeah that’s kind of my face right now not the smoking part but the tension and the anxiety behind it because I had that exact same reaction when I saw these few articles that we are going to be responding to in

This video today we are talking about the Detroit Red Wings because when it comes to the way they’ve been progressing from year to year to year to this year especially when they’re in a position where some of their games these are the most important games they’ll be playing in years today’s game against

Washington could make or break their postseason chances it’s a big two points on the line not just for the wings but in depravity for the opposite team you could say this is a fourpoint game unfortunately for me I’ll say it right here I’m not going to be able to watch

Tonight’s festivities between the wings and the capitals I do have myself a special movie premiere that I’m attending to in the city here in Vancouver so I will not be watching any hockey tonight but when it comes to the wings you could say that with the way they performed during the seven game

Losing streak with the way this team exposed themselves when they didn’t have Dylan Lin in the lineup you could say that there could be some concern con ER as to the makeup of the team and if you follow this makeup of the team all the way up the flowchart you have yourselves

The guy who acquired these players who traded for a lot of these guys and who makes the big decisions let’s talk about Steve Eiserman because there was an article published the other day on fited Detroit so Octopus throw. comom by Tyler cotilla talking about how Detroit Red Wings fans calling for Steve eisman’s

Head are overreacting the Detroit Red Wings are teetering in the playoff race but sitting here and calling them for the firing of Steve Eiserman and Derek lond is outlandish now I just wanted to let that sit in for a little bit now fansided of course is one of the more let’s just say

Popular sports journalism websites and octopus thrower is the Red Wings version of fansided so to see this article pop up on my timeline I was kind of like okay wait a minute what are we talking about this piece by cotilla goes out there and mentions how the wings are

Hoping that they can make the playoffs and Dylan Lin is back etc etc however some of the lows of this year have been quite tough it’s left the Red Wings faithful starting to turn on the organization there have been Rumblings of fans wanting to see Derk Lan get

Fired some folks seem to feel this is a solution but in reality it does not seem like the best option now before we dive into the next paragraph I will say in the Detroit Red wings are playing like garbage thanks priority video that we

Made the other day a lot of y’all in the comments went out there and said yeah no the reason this team is bad is because of Derek Lon that’s the guy like he is the source for not getting out the best of these players and we know they can be

Better it’s just hey he’s lost the room he’s lost their Mojo etc etc this article goes out there and disagrees with that notion that Lon is quote unquote part of the problem however the bigger and more rash opinion amongst fans that has come about is the idea

That some wings fans want Steve Eiserman to be fired what a Blasphemous thing to say Eiserman has built this team and while it has taken time they have brighter times ahead finally now you see the text is highlighted in red why is that well if you click on the red text

It goes over to another article published on talking about how there are calls to fire Steve Eiserman and they are growing louder this article was published back on the 22nd it’s got 3,000 views and I mean it’s just an article talking about how Stevie y was

Hired to return to the wings to their rightful Glory instead six years into his tenure the wings are flailing fighting amongst themselves and watching their hopes for a wild card race slip away once more predictably many fans and some of the media are calling for Eiserman to be fired now there isn’t

Really any like proof of this I mean I don’t think there needs to be proof quote unquote there’s like a TW tweet that’s talked about oh yeah bye-bye Lon but the thing is when it comes to the Steve Eiserman let’s just say hate going on I have seen a lot of people talking

About the hate but I haven’t seen too many people hating per se like I’m seeing these conversations on the Red Wing subreddit like oh do we really want Steve Eiserman to be fired or do we really believe in the eyes are plan and the majority of people are saying yeah

No we’re still good with Stevie y that’s fine there seems to be sort of this outrage this outcry against the Eiserman haters that has percolated online but I don’t know maybe I’m just the only guy not seeing it I’m not seeing many Eiserman haters I’m seeing more people

Talking about iserman haters than the Eiserman haters themselves I feel like a lot of Red Wings fans especially the ones who have been paying attention ever since Eiserman took over the team can rationally understand where the wings are in their development and what would happen if they weren to make the

Playoffs this year if the wings don’t make the playoffs this year it means they wouldn’t be able to close out the end of this season which is unfortunate right but at the end of the day this Wings team was not supposed to be a Stanley Cup winning team now they were

Supposed to roughly contend for the playoffs now it’s why Stevie y took the bait it’s why he signed These Guys these middling middle-aged middle six middle four guys because if there was a time to introduce cider r and L to the postseason now is that time give them

Experience into what it’s like playing on the most difficult hockey tournament in the world and with the support of extra pieces like cop Comer gos despare cane Etc they’d help them out in that respect so if the wings don’t make the playoffs this year it’s not like the

Sky’s falling down it just means they took a little bit of a step back compared to where Stevie y projected the team to be at this point which is not the worst thing in the world the fact is they are literally competing for a playoff spot if they win this game

Against Washington later today then it wildly affects their playoff odds take a look at this game I’m on right now if the wings beat the caps in regulation today their chances of making the playoffs goes up by 133% if they lose to the caps and regulation their odds of making the

Playoffs drop 14% And for the Caps their playoff odds if they beat the wings and regulation go up to 72% if they lose to the wings and regulation they go down to 44% so there’s a lot on the line here the wings are literally competing for a playoff

Spot so this entire idea that’s like oh yeah Eiserman hasn’t built this team that’s been progressing forward it’s been six years whatever whatever like I think most Wings fans can understand yeah no the plan was not to win the Stanley Cup in 2324 this was the introductory period to

Being competitive once again and the fact that they’re already in a playoff race means that they are competitive now let’s go back over to the fided octopus thrower article I mean the piece talks about how Eiserman has been able to come back to Detroit and how he’s made trades

And everything matter of opinion or not saying that the Red Wing should move on from Eisman as well as Lon is just silly okay a lot of people in my comment section said that Lan should be fired the fire Lon crowd has been strong in December and seemingly resurfaced during

The team’s latest skid but now attacking Eiserman 2 is just downright silly the Red Wings have the right people in the right spots Eiserman is the guy the Red Wings needed and Lan has been solid behind the bench Detroit is doing the right things and we get things

Straightened out now that’s a very optimistic perspective here from Tyler cotilla the writer so thank you for that but I want you to let me know your thoughts in the comment section below about this entire fire Eiserman thing and whether or not you’ve actually been seeing that because I’ve seen people

Talking about it a lot actually but it wasn’t until now where I saw an actual article written about it where I was like okay like let’s finally make a video about this because this has been a thing that has popped up especially once Derek Lan’s name started getting thrown

Around in the mud during that seven game losing streak that’s when I slowly started noticing people saying hey guys stop hating on Eiserman stop saying that Eiserman should be fired oh L is fine but not Eiserman like I didn’t even see people talking about Eiserman maybe you

Did you can let me there in the comments if that’s the case for sure but for me personally maybe I’m just not exposed to a lot of this information so I’m willing to keep an open mind here when it comes to talking about this but let me know

Your thoughts in the comment section below about some wings fans apparently wanting Steve Eiserman fired I hope you enjoyed this v99 and Bye


  1. I haven't actually heard anybody in real life think that Yzerman should be fired. It's a ridiculous notion to even entertain the thought.

  2. Anyone who actually believes Stevie deserves to be fired is entirely and completely out-of-touch. Same with Lalonde. Completely ridiculous.

  3. I’m so sick of people even thinking yzerman should be fired. People do not realize that in the 5 years he’s been here, only 2 draft picks he’s made are playing(seider and Raymond) and look how great they’ve been. Edvinsson is starting to come around as well the last few games. There is only so much you can do with free agents, even in 5 years, especially considering the contracts he had to clean up from holland, he’s more in like year 3. He definitely has made some questionable free agent signings and is not immune to criticism just because he’s Steve yzerman, but it’s not fair to do so when we haven’t even seen a 1/4 of his draft picks play yet. It took kuch, point, vasi, cirelli all a few years to develop before playing. If In a few years we’re still in this spot and our prospects don’t pan out, then you have the green light to question and criticize all you want

  4. Lego…Yzerman took over this franchise 5 years ago. They had the worst active NHL roster at the time. They had bad veteran contracts to move. They also had a very poor prospect poo. Move to today…they are an average NHL team. Have no terrible contracts. Have the #1/#2 prospect pool in the entire NHL. Have plenty of young talent already on their NHL squad with plenty of years of team control. Nobody that understands the situation is complaining!

  5. Anyone who thinks Stevie Y needs fired is CRAZY! All the concerns come from the coach the only one who should be on the hot seat. We are ahead of schedule and we are getting a taste of what is soon to be. People need to relax and enjoy the ride. It’s not going to be this year and it was never going to be this year. We may make the playoffs and I hope we do make that next step, but we moving closer and closer.

  6. lol only the casual fair weather fans are saying anything remotely close to 'fire Yzerman.' they're an embarrassment and clearly have no clue what they're talking about.

  7. yeah yzerman is a fraud for sure , made so many mistakes, no wonder the wings have missed the playoffs every season he's been in charge 😂

  8. I don't think we're anywhere close to a leadership change… we already passed last year's point total which was an improvement of the previous season. We are getting close to sustainable playoff runs

  9. I couldn’t imagine firing yzerman even if Detroit loses 11 games in a row. Playoffs this year would be fantastic. But my expectations were to improve not to compete. Great players in the farm systems. Players making career bests.

  10. The more I see of Seider, the more he looks like an average player! He is costing himself money. He was totally responsible for the Caps' second goal tonight. He is a good 2nd line defenceman, but that looks like his ceiling!

  11. Not Stevie Y, but Lalonde, no doubt, needs to be let go if Wings don't make the playoffs. Unless there's a God send from this moment on, the Wings WILL NOT make the playoffs for certain. They were ahead by 10 points in the second wild spot. They just lost to the Caps in OT tonight a d behind the Caps by 2 points. Although this is a reality, it's also a disgrace for them to have thrown away that chance at the playoffs. They WILL LIKELY NOT MAKE the playoffs now unless they win almost every game and the Caps and Isles lose almost every game. I think the Wings blew their best chance to get into the playoffs when they had that losing streak a d allowed the Caps, Isles, and others to get into the race. The Wings have created a different dynamic by allowing for those other teams to catch up. This is the result of bad coaching and players (with the exception of some) not putting an effort on the ice to win, maybe bc they think Stevie Y won't give them an extension, regardless?

  12. I’m a diehard Red Wings fan, this fire lalonde and Yzerman talk is mostly coming from local radio and casual fans. who are starting to pay attention to the team this year and weren’t paying attention to what the actual expectations of the team we’re going to be at the beginning of the season. And they’re the one screaming the loudest, so like usual the people who care the least cry, the most.

  13. Despite poor standings, the Wings did not get into favorable draft positions, year after year. That affects the products on the ice.

  14. The only people saying Yzerman should be fired are haters and trolls. Lalonde on the other hand doesn’t have as long of a leash imo.

  15. Firing Stevie Y is ridiculous. 3k reading an article means no one read the article. Lalonde can carry should carry some of this weight as it is the inconsistent defense and absolute crap puck control on entry that continue to be the problem and create far too many opportunities for opponents. That shows an issue with the system, dump and chase hockey is trash. That being said, these guys are all paid professionals and need to button that up on their own accord. Coaches and managers cannot do that for them. Look, McCarty said it best, this has been the first real year with Stevie Y’s guys and most of old anchor contracts falling off. He’s done well considering those contracts. The Wings are still paying Abdelkader for a couple more years still! They were supposed to challenge for a play off spot, which they are (barely) doing. I think the bar was moved ahead when Kane joined and played at the level he has been. Inconsistent defense and turnovers in the defensive and neutral zones are this difference between this team and a really good hockey team. Fire Stevie? Fire Lalonde? And replace them with whom exactly?

  16. Steve hasn't been in Detroit for 6 years. He's coming up to his 5 year anniversary on April 19th. Some people said this about Joe Sakic and the Avalanche… I feel like some people aren't patient with the process.

  17. Maybe we should hire a sportswriter to run the team since they know so much, o wait maybe they did but didn’t make it as a gm or coach maybe they made waterboy job and think they know how to run the team

  18. People wanting Yzerman fired are delusional. You will be eating your words sooner rather than later.

  19. This reminds me of when impatient avs fans were wanting joe sakic out of the gm chair. needless to say, they love him now! 😂

  20. Yzerman haters do not exist, those comments are posted by AIs.
    WILD CARD is good for Detroit, they've been at the bottom for years.
    They've got good players now so now IS NOT the time to make stupid decisions.
    I don't know if the coach is the problem, but Yzerman sure isn't.

  21. Missing the playoffs and multiple 2 digit losing streaks is meeting expectations what a joke they have no goal tending the defense is awful yet you say they are meeting expectations how low are those expectations

  22. No, we're not firing Stevie Y. Stevie Y trusted the play of the rentals who were acquired. What needs to happen is we need to have a new head coach, and I've been saying this at least for the past month and change. The reason being is that Lalonde is just too passive and is in over his head to coach in the NHL, especially a team like one from the original 6 like the Wings. And the players on the current Wings roster (and there are more than just a few) who went to sleep, seriously 😢, right about the time they knew Stevie Y was holding firm and keeping his current roster at the trade deadline, should virtually be benched and not play at all unless they go back to the minors to find their mojo or leave the Wings organization altogether. These so called rentals, with the exception of Kane and Debrincat, Fischer, do not deserve to put on the Winged Wheel based on their lackluster performance. There is no reason that these so called rentals that Stevie Y acquired just turned off the spickett the moment they find out they're not getting traded or leaving the organization. This is rather sick to think about, but when you're not playing defense at all during most of those game losses and missing assignments regularly, it should be expected that you will be benched and not put that Winged Wheel jersey on until the flaws on the ice are gone. Those who have contributed to the Wings dysmal ending this year are as follows: (1) Derek Lalonde: underqualified as a "head" coach in the NHL, especially for a team expected to win Stanley Cups like the Wings / Lalonde would have been better staying in Tampa gaining experience and then proceed as a head coach to a franchise <not original 6> team), (2) Veleno: this guy shouldn't be wearing skates/ has Veleno even scored 10 goals this season? When he's on the ice, he skates 200 feet back and forth, and he's not even close to being a threat against an opposing team, (3) Petry: get rid of him ASAP/ he's more of a liability than an asset, yet he is on a multi-million $ salary, (4) Holl: I think they're already getting rid of him / good riddance, (5) Perron: he's over the hill/too old, can't skate anymore, maybe he ought to be an assistant coach somewhere else, (6)Seider: way too over qualified, wasted draft pick in the first round, can't skate well, hasn't proven to me that he's willing to take a team on his shoulders and become a franchise player, continueous blown assignments—blown tires, losing puck possession, and then some, there are much better defensemen than Seider playing in the NHL, (7) Rasmussen: as a forward, he's not that good and shouldn't have gotten that new contract, and he's streaky, (8) although i really liked their style of grinding when the Wings were winning, especially with Fischer playing with heart, Fischer, Gostisbehere, Maatta, and Sprong need to go at some point because their salaries aren't matching consistency in production or an all around offense/defensive play for 60 minutes, (9) Copp and Compher: any idea what happened with these 2 guys on the ice? If they are getting paid millions of $, why are they not producing regularly? Or at least doing the other intangibles in support of the team to win on the ice? At any rate, those listed above need to go at some point. If he wants to be a contender in the NHL, needless to say, Stevie Y has his work cut out for him and knows what to do. I mean these rentals and even some of the young blood they currently have on the roster just decided to stop playing on a professional scale once it was confirmed Stevie Y wasn't changing his roster at the trade deadline, i mean almost to the day….. Conspiracy or not? Look at the numbers. Look at the dreadful results. Watch the Wings not make the playoffs once again, even after having a huge padded lead (5 games) ahead of who was behind them for a wildcard spot. Then they totally blew it. Conspiracy or not? You decide…

  23. The reasons the wings are bad is a lack of defense from forwards, giving bad defensive forwards a chance on top lines have cost us games

  24. Of course Yzerman should be fired, and I will repeat that to everyone who will listen to me all day today.

    On a related note: Happy April Fool's Day, Hockeytown!

  25. There have been idiots on social media questioning Yzerman since early in his tenure. Most of those people also think you can go out and sign generational talents like McDavid or MacKinnon in free agency. Many of them have no clue how teams are built in the cap era. The Detroit fan base was spoiled prior to the cap, when Mike Ilitch was willing to spend whatever it took to bring cups to Detroit. Those same fans also can’t seem to grasp that Detroit’s abysmal luck in the draft lottery has also slowed the rebuild.

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