Its good to be back!! Announcement + In the Bag!!

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I’m finally back welcome back to Total Lefty disc golf and guys I deeply apologize for being so non-existent the past 3 or four weeks I’ve had so much on my plate I’ve had my microphone stopped working so I had no way to have audio I’ve had um tripod malfunctions where I’ve broken

One of my cameras um I have had a research paper to write for my school I’m finished up was clinical as of yesterday it’s just been a wild ride the last 3 or 4 weeks and I just have had zero time to go out and make videos and

I’ve also had no way to even make videos with that being said I really want to start this video with an announcement first thing this shirt is a disc golf thread shirt they have sponsored me for the 2024 season as one of their ambassadors uh you could go to their website disolf thread

And at checkout use the code 25825 for 10% off any purchase on anything on their website um and then my next and final sponsor for the season is going to be disc golf retailer tree magnets disc golf supply they are super cool people based out of Pennsylvania smaller retail

But they have a great selection on the on the website you use code Lefty you get free shipping on any order of any amount of disc and I get a little Kickback on that I think it’s like 10% of whatever whatever you buy I get that back for

Me so and that helps me with my tournament funds for this season and uh the links will be down in the description uh with the codes as well appreciate everything go buy some jerseys go buy some discs um secondly for the next part of the video we’re doing

A in the bag being that I’ve wrapped up my offseason and I’m starting tournaments here in about a month I’m going to really be practicing with this bag here everything in it is going to be solidified for this season specifically um yeah with the development of my forehand I have a

Larger variety of shots to use in my game and I’m excited to see what this season brings uh without further Ado we’re going to start with the putters I’m going to be using the Prodigy pa3 uh I recently switched from The Lone Star Blue Bonnet and as you guys probably

Know I was on the Lone Star Ranger team starting in around May of last season all the way up until November December um the Blue Bonnets were the only py I really like that fit fit in the hand well um but now that I’ve been trying these uh p3s uh I got

This Toronto Maple leafes one for Christmas from my girlfriend and I really like the hand fill so I bought like three or four more and yeah I’ve just I switched over about two three weeks ago really like the way it feels I’m I’m a very predominantly spin Putter

And I just like having that extra grip it’s not a lot shallow it’s not as deep as the Blue Bonnets which are up here um but yeah I really enjoy putting with p3s now going on to throwing Putters I have four of them starting with the enves my

Overstable option uh this proton Envy throw it on heer it’s never going to flip up it’ll but it’ll go straight on Heiser the whole way and then have a nice finish next Envy is the eagle McMahon Tour series rebirth Envy uh prism proton I like the way it feels I

Like the way it flies uh the rim is a little bit less durable than the than the the just the regular proton rim and so like it’s got a nice beat into it I got it as soon as they released and have some Nicks already in it so it’s got a

Nice Hiser flip but it’s still going to fade dependably just like this proton one but this is more for like my straighter shots next I have the proxy which I’m trying to beat in to the same level as my other putter here which is the watt had this

One for a long time this one is a nice Hiser flip slow turn and just pan out hit flat on the ground uh this is a fision proxy I’m trying to beat this one in to the same point as this one uh but I’m not quite there yet whenever this

Gets to the same level as this Watt I’ll probably take the W out even though I really I really like it um yeah that’s the throwing Putters that I have next is the approach discs I really only have two both of them are zones zzone forehand backhand approach shots the Z

Is more for the skip shots because of the type of plastic it’s more premium a little more slick and then I have the ESP Flex Zone here in this nice pretty blue color same thing forehand backhand but this is more for if I want those along those Heering shots to hit and

Stick or have like a a small skip not as not as big of a skip as the Z plastic here moving on to mid-ranges I have three I’m starting with the most overstable is the Pyro prism proton pyro tried to find prism or sorry prism Neutron pyro I tried to find the prism

Proton pyro and they were out of stock everywhere but uh being that I can throw forehand pretty well now now not not very far but I can still throw them fairly well this pyro has been a really good shot for those uh 250 to 300t shots backhand and about 200t shot forehand um

Nice and overstable next for the straight mid-range is the Horizon md1 here I got the idea from this disc on Nate Turner’s channel so shout out to him saw him throwing it all over the place it’s a nice Hiser flip to flat but it’s never going to burn over unless you throw it

Flat and then it’s not even really going to burn over it’s more going to be like a slow turn if you throw it flat and lastly is my detour uh which is the 55 -21 the James Conrad disc this disc is amazing it’s beat in a little bit since the gyro Pala

Box released around Christmas time and it’s been in the bag pretty much instantly since I threw it the first time nice Hiser flip to turn disc if I throw it flat it’s going to roll um very good Woods disc if I throw it on a lot

Of Heiser and crank on it it’s not going to burn over all the way or I can throw it like half power on a on a bit of Heiser and it’s still going to Glide forever so that’s it for the mid-ranges now on to the fairways I have five Fairway drivers starting

With the most understable which is the Z sting very nice Hiser flip long long turning disc long turn turnover for those 320 330 foot shots um for me being I’m still an M I don’t have that Elite level power yet so yeah Zing is a nice turnover or even

A even a roller disc if I throw it on enough on enough uh flat to anheiser so next is the Crave I have three of them this R2 PDGA one I got when I first signed up uh now it’s got gotten to the point of beat in where it’s a nice heer

Flip slow turn um not as strong of a turn as the sting here so it’s a nice nice difference here for this one um and then next is the neutron crave which is a Hiser flip to Flat maybe a maybe tiny bit of turn but hardly ever um and then

This proton crave is the heer that pushing Hiser same as the proton Envy I can throw it on a bit of on a on a bit of higher it’s G to flip just a tiny bit but it’s never going to get to Flat all the way and it’ll always finish

Dependably right not super hard though with like a skip or anything and lastly is the Lone Star dis brazus which has the Freddy Mesa stamp 7502 nice and Dy the only thing I don’t like about it is that the rim is kind of shallow which makes it hard for forehand for me other

Than that really enjoy this disc um this is the only disc from Lone Star I still have in the bag and have three or four extras in my practice bag in my trunk so that is it for the Fairway drivers now moving on to control drivers I have one

Two backhand two forehand and a hybrid that I use for both uh so starting with the back hands I have the infinite dis Dynasty um it’s 95 ne12 it’s the old dis Mania cd2 mold which is the same as the cd1 I also have in here which is the

Seine this dynasty is a swirly s line so like it’s a nice Hiser flip drift a little and then fade back this C line is more of a higher flipped flat and then fade so these are very nice uh longer distance shots I don’t I’ve learned that

I don’t really have the arm speed for pretty much 11 speeds or higher um unless they’re kind of Flippy so those are my control drivers for the backhand for the forehand I have the vulture two vultures an ESP vulture with the ninetail stamp huge shout out to bomb

City dies for hooking me up with this sick sick stamp love this um and then I also have a z vulture the only difference in these is ESP is going to be the same thing with the Zone ESP is going to be more like a hit in a small

Skip or a stick and the Z plastic is going to be more of like a hit and Skip shot I’ll throw these predominantly forehand but I can backhand them if I need to um backhand they’re more like a pushy heer they’re not they’re not going

To flip up at all and lastly is the fireball extremely flat extremely torque resistance Mega overstable from axum disc um backhand shot thow throw it flat it’s immediately fading out throw it on anheiser it’s getting a nice flex line throw it on Heiser it’s it’s getting to the ground

In a hurry so that’s the fireball lastly on my distance drivers which I really only you throw these distance drivers beforehand for if I’m trying to get like a nice long flex line for the forehand um this prototype Zenith I got out of the gyro paloa box and it is extremely

Flippy even though it’s not very flippy normally um this is like my long distance no OB no trees nothing back can heer flip turn full full flight disc here next we have two two Starship the red one uh the red stamp here I have had since the Starship was released by

Sacred dis um so it’s very old very beat in a lot more flippy than this uh than this uh silver stamped one here which is a lot less beat in this one is like a nice Hiser flip drift and land flat this is a heer heer flip to drift and then

It’s going to fade back a little bit um um next is the Neo dd3 rage Stone Thunderstone not rage Stone I don’t know what I’m thinking the Thunderstone which is part of the dis Mania black Mystery Box I believe but yeah can throw this on backhand don’t really throw it a whole

Lot on backhand though mostly forehand flat with drifting comeb back or heer flip to flat and it’s not really going to drift at all um I can throw it about 280 290 ft or so I think I’m maxed out 315 with this disc before um which super

Awesome for me very glad that my forehand is actually getting some distance lastly also part of the black mystery box for dis Mania is the swirly sine pd2 love love love this disc Mega beefy not ever going to turn over I throw it on chop forehand and it’s fighting out

Every single time um really really love this disc uh that’s it for the discs for the rest of the bag I have a PDGA mini a Thro joo’s chalk bag for my forehand because I have very very sweaty hands a uh Bush now Rangefinder over here nice for uh those par fours and

Fives have a theab band for warming up don’t ever want to go to the course cold cuz that’s how you uh get an injury here the pocket is another mini nothing special and then just tripods down in the bottom of this pocket um I am going to be rocking the Squatch link

Bag super super fond of the open concept I really I like having easy access to all of my discs whenever I want and then these side pockets are super big they come in come in handy whenever I need to throw some extra discs in the

Side um and then on this side I have a towel from tree magnets and then and a flight towel here with the um what do you call it the dis fob thing for like warm-up shots in this side pocket I just have more towels and that’s where I keep my keys

And stuff but yeah uh that’s going to be it for in the bag I appreciate you guys for watching means a lot to me I’m super glad to be finally getting back into making videos it’s been a long Hiatus and I’m very excited to get back into

Doing this so appreciate you guys for watching the video um there are some fun things coming up including a new series I’m going to be starting similar to another series that you see on a very very popular YouTube channel that is for disc golf but stay tuned for that I’ll

Catch you guys in the next one Peace he

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