Unique Trail Arm Drill for the Downswing

In this video I will talking about the movement of your trail arm in the backswing and downswing and the particular “feels” that you need to have. How you move the trail arm throughout the swing can have a big impact on a lot of different aspects of the swing, so ensuring that you have a good understanding can really help to improve the quality of your shots.

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Music track: Storybook by Lukrembo
Copyright Free Background Music

In this video you guys are going to learn a unique drill that will help you feel out the movement of your Trail arm so I’ll start off by kind of explaining what your Trail arm should do kind of in the back swing and in the down swing and

I’ll show you that unique drill that I was talking about and how it can apply and how it can give you a great feel on what your Trail arm does and if you guys want to send in your swings to me you can visit my profile on the skillist app

I will leave the link in the description box that way I can take a look at what you’re doing analyze it for you and prescribe the right drills on what your particular issues are okay so just to start things off I want to explain kind of the movement of

The trail arm in the back swing and perhaps also the down swing and then I’ll kind of show you the drill that I’m talking about how it can apply after you set up to the golf ball when you take it back okay let’s start with the takeaway

So in that takeaway remember the body should be initiating everything all right so you don’t want to pull you don’t want to kind of move your arm away from you it should be moving with your body up to when the club is about parallel with the ground after this

Point after this the the club is parallel to the ground when you start to kind of hinge the wrist your Trail arm is going to have to bend a little bit okay so it doesn’t like Bend really excessively to where you know it would stay really close to your body okay but

It does have to bend somewhat okay so there is going to be a little bit of space here between your tricep and your uh rib cage so the other movement that’s involved besides just bending the arm is that the the right arm has to move somewhat external this way so external

Just means like if you’re having an arm wrestling match you’re just kind of losing the arm wrestling match just a little bit okay so you’re going to go up to this point you’re starting to bend that trail arm and also externally rotate it just a little bit so you’re

Just setting it up to this point right here okay and then from this point your body continues to turn and then your pretty much at the top of the back swing so you don’t from this point after youve set it you don’t really have to like

Again pull your arm or kind of raise it really high if you set it correctly at this point your turn should basically finish off the back swing for you okay that’s a general explanation of how the trailar moves in the back swing now for the down swing when you get to the top

When you come down again you’ll see a little bit more of that external rotation feeling so again you’re kind of losing that arm wrestling match a little bit your wrist doesn’t really move your Trail wrist it’ll kind of stay set or kind of in that extended position but

You’ll have a little bit of that external rotation motion okay as everything kind of turns and then again you’re not trying to attach you know your arm against your side at all you should be able to kind of externally rotate it and get it moving in front of

Your stomach somewhat so it’s still bent okay I’m still kind of have like a feeling of a 90° angle it won’t doesn’t have to be 90° but it’s still bent somewhat you don’t want it to straighten out okay if you straighten things out then you’ll tend to extend things out

Quite early okay so once you get to the top you typically feel like your arm stays in that external rotated position it kind of moves a little more kind of in front of your stomach so again it feels like there’s some amount of space between my tricep and my stomach here

Okay kind of like this my right wrist is bent back that helps the club head stay a little bit behind my hands we obviously don’t want the club to be thrown out in front at this point it should stay kind of behind my hands all right if you were to have that right

Elbow kind of internally rotated where you’re winning an arm wrestling match if I only did that you can kind of see how that changes the position of the club head uh relative to my hands it kind of helps throw everything more outside okay then there’s going to be a lot more

Space between my arm and my my rib cage here so you want to keep it externally rotate enough to where the clubs a bit more behind the hands and that would move across the stomach a little bit before you start to let go of your angles so at impact the the right

Arm should still technically be a little bit bent okay you don’t want your right arm to be totally straight at impact technically it’ll be a little bit bent by the time you hit it because you have some shling and then just post impact is when things will start to straighten out

Okay you’ll start to turn that trail arm over just a touch okay so again when you come in you’ll keep your right arm feeling a little bit externally rotated it’ll move in front and across your stomach with the club head behind your hands that’s really important

You’ll come in as you let go of the angles when you get to impact that trail arm will stay slightly bent as you begin to fully extend it and rotate it on the way through so this is kind of a general overview of how that trail arm should be

Moving throughout the back swing and the down swing so next I’m going to share with you this drill that will help you feel out the correct amount of bending and the position of the right arm so I’ll tell you what to look for when I explain the drill as well so for this

Drill what you’re going to do is instead of gripping it normally you’re actually going to grip reverse grip it okay I know that’s kind of weird but you’re putting your left hand low and your right hand kind of up near the top of the handle and this actually forces you

To have to bend your your right arm and in a position throughout the back swing so that you don’t you can’t really extend it out straight it’ll be really difficult when you reverse grip the shaft or the the handle when you’re gripping it when you take it back you

Don’t want to pull your arm in okay so again remember just like I was talking before in the back swing your body initiates things but with your right hand basically just closer to you or more at the top of the handle when you start to hinge the wrist it really

Accentuates or gets you to exaggerate the bending in the in the trail wrist and the bending in the right arm okay so you’re going to be here like this so it it actually really forces you to have to externally rotate that right arm which is kind of kind what a lot of people

Must do a little bit more usually so if you go back and you’re kind of like this it’ll feel really difficult or weird and you can’t you won’t feel like you’ll be able to bring the club or set the club up very high so if you start with your

Body and you set everything and you get that right arm externally rot enough and bent enough you should be able to set it at this point okay so if I remove my lead hand it’s pretty much in that position that I was talking about a little bit of bend that trail arms bent

Back okay there still should be some amount of space here but if you are a player that that usually with a normal grip like kind of keeps it out extended like way too much or if they keep it if you keep it in really close like this gripping it

Reverse you want to focus on that space and then it’ll force you to have to bend your arm and your wrist in a certain way now what’s also good about this drill is that when you rehearse the down swing again because your right hand is like positioned more on the top of the

Handle it positions it much closer to you so you you again you’ll have to bend your right arm it’ll force you to bend your right arm like this so that’ll allow you to actually feel like your right arm moves more across your stomach that bicep kind of bends a bit more and

Again you you kind of want to make sure that that Club head stays behind your hands so really gets that trail arm in this position right here and kind of exaggerates things for you okay you don’t have to hit the golf ball uh when you do this it’s like I I wouldn’t

Really advise it cuz I think it feels quite weird when even when I try to hit one but you can if you want but um this is more just to kind of feel out or get your your Trail arm to exaggerate certain movements so remember when you’re gripping it reverse when you go

Back you still ensure the space you’re going to feel a lot of bending in the trail wrist and that bicep and when you come down in rehearse if you can force that club to stay behind you that really forces your right arm to externally

Rotate you can kind of see when I when I do that if I do this I feel really uncomfortable with my right arm unless I kind of push my elbow ahead of my wrist this way then that’s going to put me in that that position that I want to feel

With the club bed behind right can rehearse this a couple times then when I drip it normally again then I can really feel out that same position in that right arm gives me that that feel that that you want so give this drill a try let me know what you

Guys think in the comment section if you guys can feel this if it makes you feel exaggerated if it’s actually getting your your Trail arm to be in a better position that you’ve never really felt before please let me know


  1. This is one of the most clear explanations of trail arm snd wrist movement i have seen. Much easier to digest and understand than Pete.

  2. "I make ball contact with the club head at least 1,000 times a day. Distributed to 100 drives, 300 chips and 600 putts. Its to create muscle memory before a tournament." – Tiger Woods

  3. Hi Jonathan; while trying this I noticed that the drill also forces the top wrist to flatten as well which is a bonus to the drill.
    It makes it nearly impossible to cup the top wrist which makes the tip even better. Awesome job & thanks for your videos.

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