Golf Players

Wowing George Best, THAT 1990 Penalty Shootout, Confronting Pelé & Cruyff | Peter Beardsley EP 98

Step into the world of football legends with special guest Peter Beardsley as he shares incredible stories from his illustrious career. Discover how Beardsley left George Best in awe, uncover Kenny Dalglish’s secret training method, and hear about the unforgettable moments of facing football icons like Pele, Beckenbauer, and Cruyff. Gary, Alan, and Micah delve into Beardsley’s best moments and settle the debate: who was the better strike partner, Alan or Gary?

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00:00 – Intro
02:10 – Beardsley’s Start To His Career
07:30 – Joining Vancouver Whitecaps
15:00 – Signing For Newcastle
21:15 – England Squad Call-Ups
24:45 – Gary or Alan?
29:00 – Beardsley & Alan At Newcastle
30:45 – Gary & Alan In The England Squad
33:40 – Bobby Robson
37:25 – 1990 Penalty Shootout
39:10 – Best Club Peter Played At
42:30 – Beardsley’s Skill Move
44:45 – Gazza Stories

Hello and welcome to the rest is football with me G enica Micah Richards and Alan Sher and um we’ve got a special guest joining us today I’ll introduce him in just a minute but Allan needs to get something off his chest first he’s won a golf tournament won the proam today guys the

Local proam Northeast Northwest proam myself Franco and our professional John Harrison so we won by two points so it’s been a good day and it’s about to get even better cuz we got one of the best on the show we we certainly have and we’re not talking about Mich Richards um

Although Mike has got like a kind of eight an 1895 golfing cap on I think he looks looks like he’s come straight out of peaky blinders but let me introduce Our Guest he was a strip partner of both Allen and myself um and um many years ago of course we talked about getting

Him on the podcast just a few weeks ago and here he is by popular demand the one and only Peter Beasley Peter welcome thanks chaps I delighted to be on obviously you’re very popular maybe not anymore but you’re very popular young boy Peter runs like a

Cheater he is going to be a world beater thing is you only your B boy then finally we’ve got some good talent on finally a proper Legend on the podcast so Peter thanks very very much to join I just there’s so many things we we can talk about because obviously you

Played with both of us and we’re going back um uh many years but let’s take you back to to your upbringing and how you first got involved uh in football because I know that you you know you didn’t sign for Newcastle in those early days and you ended up um going to carile

For a while yeah so unfortunately I wasn’t good enough to same for Newcastle in them days so I had to go to Carl Alber I went via Gillingham I went via Oxford Cambridge and uh Burnley and uh eventually got to to obviously carile which was the start

Of the dream if you like so I think we all would like to be at a Premier League club now for the kids and all that but when I was young just a chance to play football was my dream didn’t the level didn’t really matter but obviously when I got to call

Without being bed very quickly I became one of the best players and then obviously from there got the chance to get higher and higher eventually to the top yeah I didn’t know you went to Oxford and Cambridge not many people go to both those universities not from [Laughter]

Newcastle and um what was he like at car you learning your trade yeah so when I first went there I was 18 and the lad I went with there was a lad called stangate who was 16 and he was was an apprentice but because I wasn’t established or at this at the early

Stage where they even thought I was good enough I used to have to do the jobs with them so uh I was doing the jobs obviously clean out the dressing rooms as normal young players do and didn’t think anything of it because I used to

Work in a factory so it wasn’t hard it wasn’t difficult but uh very quickly I got into the first team and then I got told I don’t have to do the jobs anymore which uh was a massive thing cuz while stand was doing the jobs in the

Afternoon cleaning up all the mess I was able to go out and do some more work as in football work just kicking the ball but what what were you doing in a factory Peter what was your job there so I was a lab so it was a you could

Imagine in this part of the world it was a shipyard Factory and uh they were making the vales for the ships and my job was to basically clean all the ls all the machines but excuse my words the the old men used to just keep putting it

On the floor cuz it was a lot more difficult for me to do that so rather than leave it on the machine me have an easy job kept putting all the [ __ ] on the floor but it’s what they do it’s what and it was B in those days it

Wasn’t nasty it was fun it was uh I loved it I have to say I L being there every day you know CU at 9:00 I used to have to go around take the order for the 10:00 break and then go to the shop and get whatever they wanted and then at

11:00 I used to go and see what they wanted H I know where we were it was it Westmore SC fishies just under the bridge yeah and uh so I used to walk uh with me ball kicking me ball across the road and whatever you and loved every

Minute it was never ever thought it was a chore it was just nice to to obviously have a job and then eventually to get into the football world yeah I think football’s probably preferable though isn’t it oh yeah by a million miles you know we all talk about they being

Brilliant sports but for me there’s never a sport like football and what I mean by that is so you you train today and you do really well you trained tomorrow no other reason you’re not very good and I just the variation every day of certain players is just an amazing

Thing to see good or bad because some days it’s good and some days it’s bad but it’s the best thing because you never know which way the ball’s going to roll and it’s a brilliant thing to be a part of yeah I I just wanted to uh ask

You Peter you know you mentioned that you you wasn’t good enough for the clubs at the time so you had to go down to to Kyle L and you became one of the best players how was that moment for you did you feel as though that was going to be

The end that was going to be the level or did you always back yourself that you could reach the very top in your own mind you have the confidence that you’re going to be a player obviously because obviously you you’ll have been there it’s not an easy thing but to be fair I

Was the big thing for me so they give me a two-year contract in the factory I was getting 20 pound a week at car I was getting 30 pound a week but as you know and I know living in Southampton what have you the digs were

All paid for so there was nothing you had to pay for you know and most of the day you were training and then you went home and rested and then went back the next day so it was a a brilliant thing to be a part of I wouldn’t swap a David

But you just for me the two years was the thing that was going to change me life the fact that I was kicking the ball every day cuz certainly in them days there wasn’t any sport side to say don’t train today or don’t train tomorrow you were training every day

Morning afternoon and so loved every minute of it wouldn’t swap the day of it and uh you know getting into the well guys will know very well Howard Kendall at the time was player manager of Blackburn and I made me DAV against Blackburn and uh after about 10 minutes

I notm him and he said to me what you doing you little [ __ ] to be fair I said it’s just the best thing to do to beat you and he said if you do it again I’ll break your leg so thankfully I never did it again but

We drew one1 and so that was the second game of the season for and obviously 46 in Carl Al league so the next 44 I played 43 games nonstop and it was just an amazing thing you know traveling Here There and Everywhere CU you went on the

Coach and the coaches in them days weren’t what they are now no TV or anything like that but you never ever thought this is hard work it was a pleasure every day Pedro how did um how did then um Vancouver White Caps come come along what what happened yeah so

Pop Robson was a assisting Bob stoko by the time this came around out so Bob moner had gone to Plymouth and then Bob stoko came in but pop Robson as in the West Ham and Newcastle pop Robson he uh he was assistant to stoko and he said uh

There’s an opportunity here for you to go to Vancouver they’re going to pay 275 £5,000 in 1981 which was an absolute fortune and I said to him where’s Vancouver then honestly didn’t have a clue didn’t know it was abroad didn’t know where it was and he said it’s in

Canada and then I said where’s Canada and but to be fair to him he said the thing that you the reason you’ve got to go is in your first season you you’ll play against Pelle George best Beck and bow and Yan C and it was just a brilliant experience Sandra and I

Weren’t married then but with within three weeks we got married before we went and it was a a pleasure it really was Vancouver is one of the best cities in the world and then I got to go all over America Chicago New York Dallas Tampa you know it was amazing you know

Because everything in those days brilliant we flew everywhere no Agro it was so organized it was a special place to go Peter you got to tell me what it was like playing against P yeah to be fair guys it was amazing and you remember because we played in the Amant

T Credit in 8 7 when he was a guest of honor yes and uh and I it sounds really big at I’m sure he remembered me I’ve got a brilliant picture of him like rubbing me face and everything he he was amazing to beir he just obviously he was

A superstar you know but haven’t seen him in the 70 World Cup and then obviously after that but actually be on the same pitch as him and Becken B because they both played for the cosmos together was frightening really really frightening amazing people you know and and in them days it was almost

Unbelievable the amount of people that you saw had gone to America and now obviously mess’s gone and other people but it’s a different world now but in those days you know for the older players because most of our Vancouver players were older it was just a

Privilege to be on the pitches with c and best and and that’s why I ended up with Manu with George best so we played them uh on July the 1st 1981 in San Jose and he was was he playing for them we won 5-1 and I scored

A hatrick and he he came over to me and he said uh what part of Canada are you from I said I’m from Newcastle in England he said I’m going to get you to man united he said I’m going to get you a tri so he genuinely did get me a trial

And uh I will remember he used to come and visit me in Grace Street in Newcastle he used to come and visit me he used to ring me when he left home from Manchester and then he used to come up and meet me a uh a brilliant person

Obviously a brilli footballer but uh he was the reason I went to man united originally and uh unfortunately didn’t work out but I wouldn’t have swapped it out I had a brilliant six months there and obviously guys you’ll know obviously Razer was playing Ray Wilkins and Brian

Robson you know Arnold Muran was part of that team Frank saon Jimmy greenoff you know Martin booken it was an unbelievable team so I wasn’t offended that I didn’t get kept on at the time Norman Whiteside was a child super star he just been the 82 World Cup so I was

Just probably wrong place at the wrong time but not negative about it it was what it was but then I knew I had the fallback of going back to Vancouver anyway so I still had another season so I I had three years playing nonstop all year round summer winter which was an

Amazing thing to be a part of really I I I think um it’s it’s quite obvious that that’s one hell of a mistake that Manchester United made that’s to be fair to them guys and you know H Sparky was in the reserves Mark Hughes yeah he was in the reserves

With me so I was in the reserves and Paul McGrath was in the reserves so they had some brilliant players and you know to be fair as I said Norman they had Frank steton they had Jimmy Green off they had brilliant players so I’m not

Sure it was a mistake you know at the time you know I can understand why they didn’t keep me but it worked out well for me in the end because I go back to Vancouver for another six months and then after that I get the chance to

Come home as I call it did you did you feel Peter though the fact that you were going to play in Canada I mean it’s obviously not one of the most famous countries in the world in terms of playing football uh the fact that you

Were going um back over to there did you think perhaps your chances of making it to the very top of the game had decreased somewhat oh absolutely you know 100% never never ever thought as bigheaded as it sounds I never ever thought I’d get to the level I got to

And never thought to get the chance to play with England like for both of you or with both of you sorry I just never thought that was possible but when you get the chance to run on a football field and just love what you do because

You can’t put a price on that yes you get well paed but the actual pleasure of being in a football stadium when you know a lot of the people or from your part of the world and especially Newcastle just an amazing experience and when I came back I got the chance to

Play alongside Kevin keeg and Terry MCD and Chris W and obviously others but them three in particular when I was a ball boy we just frightening really really frightening people as in great people but also frightening players you played with some decent footballers over the time haven’t you really I mean and

Against some as well I mean yeah I’ve been very lucky I really have I wouldn’t SWOT with David I have to say it guys so yes there’s there’s been people that have probably had better careers than me but I genuinely wouldn’t SWAT with David

I I really loved every minute of it I I think I’m being bigheaded but I think I was one of the best trainers every day so not not the best in terms of performance but in terms of effort and attitude I wouldn’t have thought many would have give more than me and and

That’s fine because a lot of them basically hadn’t recovered from the night before when there’ been out it was a bit easier but to be fair so it was no I loved it you know well you obviously the three of you nothing better than kicking the ball

I know you all love what you are doing now but I would think I don’t know this but if you had the chance to go back and do it again I certainly would I don’t know what you three think but I would have thought you would Pedro was it was it

Arthur Cox that signed you back at Newcastle wasn’t it yeah it was it was amazing all because obviously I’d gone back to Vancouver yeah me contract was was coming to an end but they were prepared to offer me a new contract to stay cuz at the time I was only 22 so it

Wasn’t that I was getting old so anyway so it was sort of the start alive you’ll remember maybe just G you definitely remember it was a start of mobile phones in America yeah that were like the bricks that you had to carry into your car and the brick was heavier than the

Car it’s unbelievable so anyway it was them days but I I got a phone call out the blue and in them days not many people had phones of any sort but Arthur Cox had rang me from Newcastle but it didn’t come on the phone that there was a where it was from

Or whatever he didn’t have a clue in those this but we had a lot of piss takers in our group in Vancouver and I thought it was one of them so I have to be honest I told him to F off and he said who who and I put

The phone down and then he rang back about 5 minutes and he said no it really is Arthur [ __ ] but I’ve never heard him speak before now you can hear anybody in the world you know but in those days I’d never heard him speak before so when he ran

Back and he said uh there’s a chance for you to come and play for Newcastle you know we know your contracts up we’ve done a deal would you like to come and play alongside Kevin Keegan and I said yeah I definitely would he said uh how

Much do you get a week I said well I get 400 uh obviously it’s ion dollar but I got £400 a week he said all right we’ll give you £300 a week I I said to him I said uh I said 400 he said oh I heard you I heard you

No problem he said but the chance to come and play alongside Kevin Keegan that’s got to be worth a100 pound I said wow but to be fair to him he was amazing he so when I when I come back and sand and I fly back to to obviously London he

Throw and then we get the shuttle up Al yeah which you know very well yeah we got the shuttle as in the British Airways shuttle up to Newcastle on the same flight AS Kevin Keegan all right but in them days Kevin Keegan used to basically play on a Saturday and go home

And only train on a Wednesday Thursday Friday so he would get get a a flight up on a Tuesday from Southampton obviously heo and uh he was on the same flight AS Sandra and I and we were like two little kids there’s Kevin Keegan and she said what

Are you worried about you’ll see him tomorrow I said never met before and all that so anyway when we uh when we’re getting off the plane somehow he knows who we are so he said it’s Peter and Sandra isn’t it and I thought this is a wind up in me

And he went we were we thought we were getting Kenny dlish he said but uh 100% 100% he said but uh we’ll see how you are tomorrow and uh and we’ll take it from there but he was lovely and so I remember I know I

Keep referring to him but he was a Jordy like me so we stayed at the station Hotel obviously by the Central Station and uh I had to walk from there to benwell and again in those days wasn’t a hardship because not many people had cars so wasn’t the negative so I walked

To benwell but as I go in the gates the first person I I see you again it’s Kevin Gigan so he’s talking to me and obviously he’s going in the train he takes me in and whatever so everybody now saying like well how do you know him

I said I don’t I only met him last night and he and to be fair he traed me like a king he TR me like a king as a player you know after about 10 minutes of the first training session him and Terry M came over and they said uh you’ll do for

Us we don’t need to worry about Kenny D you’ll help us get promotion and then everything will be good what was what was he like Kevin Keegan obviously as good as you and all guys in terms of football he’s the best football person I’ve ever met and and obviously I’ve met

A lot of brilliant so Bobby Robson and yeah we’ve both and all three of us and M as well you meet some unbelievable people in this business and I really mean in this business yeah there are well we’ve all got so many that you can just like call a friend really and

That’s the the great thing about but he was he and Al remember being a ball boy he was like for the size of him probably the best header of a baller of anybody that size and he used to say because we had a goalkeeper called Kevin Carr who

Used to boot it probably about 100 yards in the air which is not an exaggeration and then he used to come down and go somewhere near him and he said you better be running cuz I will be flicking them on and for the size of them you

Thought no that can’t be possible yeah but any time you didn’t go he was going off so I I kept running and running and running and to be fair we got promotion That season which was amazing yeah you know to to come back to the hometown

Club you know we the first goal at St James is being big at it now but we beat Man City 51 and uh Alex Williams was in goal and obviously Michael know him very well and uh we won 5-1 and managed to score hattick so just amazing to to do

That obviously all did it so many times but to that at St James was having been born less than a mile from the ground really was amazing didn’t you score hatrick against Sun Sunderland as well yeah I did I uh and I also missed a penalty on the same game but yeah 1985

Uh New Year’s Day you got something in column common Alan just I would say I’m not at least I’m not the only one that’s missed a penalty against sundland to be fair the good thing is Al please don’t take the wrong way I was lucky enough it didn’t matter fa

You you’ve done it so many times Al like so absolutely obviously we’ll talk later on Al about when like obviously when you eventually came to us as it were so no to be fair Kevin was amazing looked after me and I ended up Gaz and you’ll

Know because it was very rare for me I scored 20 goals in that season in the league yeah only time I ever did it cuz obviously I used to pass to everybody else but it uh so Chris W was there and obviously Kevin was there and we scored

65 goals between the three of us and that’s why we got promotion it was it was around that time you started to attract attention for England which is when we met Peter of course um playing for England Bobby Robson brought you in didn’t he yeah

Absolutely and um I I think it’s safe to say it’s we both me and Alan we’ve said this that favorite Partners to play with um you you were certainly mine with England and my goal scoring ratio when we played together with England was almost a goal

A game and and that’s was mainly down to you but it was it was magical from the start and the first time really was actually there was a friendly before but it was that Poland game wasn’t it in Mexico 86 yeah amazing so my first one

Was the January we went to Cairo if you remember and I actually came on as a sub for you you you got took off and Gordon Cowen scored that day and Danny Wallace scored as you saw obviously they both scored and never played again it was quite strange really but then obviously

We went to to play against Israel the next month and then in Russia to bissy uh which was a nightmare in terms of a place but terms of the goal if you remember the goali we used to call them save the penalty that day we won one0

And if you remember I did a slight tackle in the corner crossed it you jumped over it D it and water I scored from the edge of the box and so on the morning of that game guys Bobby Robson had said to me this is your last chance

To me to me myself he said it’s your last chance to have a to have a chance to go out the World Cup so I’d only had two caps bit harsh but uh that’s the way it was and so at the end of the game obviously we were all

Celebrating because it was a big win after the game so nobody would have seen or known he took me into another part of the dressing room and he said to me you’re going to the World Cup like 12 hours ago I was going home it was just

Like quite weird and we just went from being so negative to so positive and then to go to the World Cup in ‘ 86 where you obviously were the top scorer it was just an incredible thing Peter you have played with some excuse the language [ __ ] unbelievable players I’m me Keegan alridge

Rush Andy Cole I’m not even going to mention Gary but who who was who was the best player you you you’d say that you played alongside or played in the team with as weird as it sounds Al it wouldn’t be a striker as such it would

Be bonie right bonsy when I went to Liverpool was unbelievable so obviously Michel know him really well he’s a really top person and you obviously know that Al but like what a player what an absolute unbelievable player he he would carry our team Liverpool when we won the

League when we first went the two of us he was frightened really really frightening but uh you know when you look at people making goals like Aldo we had and we had rushia as you said yeah just kept scoring goals for fun because of his delivery you know I was without

Being negative being the worker chasing people but by the time I chased people and we got the balls the boundy I could have a rest today cross the ball and then I try and get it back again but that’s how it worked and I ruined a bonsy for six years with England and

Obviously Liverpool absolute Diamond of a person Diamond of a footballer and just a pleasure to be around you know and mik will know that and he had a couple of nights out with him he’s a he’s a brilliant person to be with and definitely the best player I

Ever played with correct um since Al’s fishing for compliments Pizza you could you could create a forward line and you’re in there yourself who are you putting next to you are you going Alan Shir or Gary liner let’s address the elephant in the room because that’s what that’s what the people want to

Know am I allowed to say neither okay that’s the best answer it’s a really hard one and I’m going to cop out the reason I’m going to cup out is because when Al came to Newcastle unfortunately I wasn’t his partner so CES as we call him he was his partner and

So I well I would probably tell you I probably didn’t make more than two or three goals for him you know and and G as complimentary as he is and I really appreciate it I probably only made two or three for him like but seriously he obviously scored lots of goals while I

Was in the team but not because of me and I really mean that I’m not negative about it really really when I look at it and I have to be honest as you may think I’m a bit sad but I do look on you YouTube about all your goals and all

That I hardly made I remember making one at H Wembley against Brazil yeah when you tapped in from a couple of yards and I I remember Kevin Keegan was doing the commentary that day and he was talking about how I enjoyed making goals wasn’t bothered about scoring them which

Obviously not not completely right but you understand what I mean and and so when you talk about your goals against Poland you know scoring a hatrick in the World Cup you you know I’m not even sure I was involved in any of them apart from

He passed down the hang on a minute hang on a minute here Mr Beasley hang on a bit you were involved in you were involved in the build at the ball you just said but one of the reasons I’ll say this because you used to do the hard

Yards used to like Chase everybody used to win the ball you used to create things get the play flowing and the other thing that you did and the reason I always say that I scored so many goals when with you is that you didn’t really

Get into the box that often which for me was important cuz people always say oh you need a load of Bodies In The Box to score like to have a chance to score the more bodies you have in the Box the more Defenders that brings in the Box

Therefore there’s less space in the box so the fact that you used to kind of pull out and allow me to make my runs wherever I wanted to go was actually massively advantageous in terms of me selfishly and you will remember one thing in if we go back to the World Cup

If I may when we played against in the game that you scored the only goal that was scored by anyone else in the England squad but me in that World Cup cuz I got um um obviously I I I kind of got six and you got one and if you remember I

Was I got an elbow in the throat from the Paraguay Defender and I was off on the side of the pitch and there was a corner and you went into my spot and scored that goal now I was delighted for you Peter but at the same time part part

Of me was thinking I should have been mine well you were thinking I should have had two hat tricks exactly that’s what you were basically thinking and rightly so cuz you should have well I I don’t know why I went and stood there yeah cuz Alvin Marton had the shot in

The end and then obviously I just tapped it in and I thought this is easy it’s an easy job Peter thank God you didn’t do it all the time there’s also anate but no to be fair it was it was it was amazing so obviously great for you to get the

Golden Boot can’t put a price on that but to score a goal in the World Cup as Al’s obviously done it really is a different part of the world it’s incredible Peter your partnership though with the with with Andy Cole oh my God how that I mean that was that was

Incredible wasn’t it yeah to be fair and I’m being serious now it’s weird I just talked about how many goals I made I just kept out of everybody’s way honestly can’t say I didn’t make many goals you’re doing yourself a disservice man well to be fair I never gotten your way

And I don’t mean to be horrible I never got your way when I was playing I knew where to be you know my job was to try and make go you know yeah the thing that was special about you and Les o Les was the fact that you

Were both unbelievable together you know I know you’d had that type of experience with Chris Sutton yeah but that experience of watching you two from being just behind you me and Rob Lee and David baty and sometimes not not me but because you had Tino you had David you

Had Keith Gillespie it was just a frightening Squad that we had and it was just a pleasure to watch you obviously score all the goals and and you and Les will be the best two probably six foot players that have ever played together in the in the history of the Premier

League and I know he did really well with Chris suon but so Les and you were like frightening in the 5 n game just things that you you remember every day of your life and you know what it’s like walking around this city H everybody wants to talk to you and everybody’s got

A memory whatever that is they’ve got a special memory it’s not a negative it’s always a positive and it’s a brilliant thing I’m I’m not sure about six foot though Peter Allan’s at 510 at at best he used to be I’m shrinking M it’s running up that hill

James my bnet was 2 in high but I just to ask you Peter um obviously you’ve been around Gary and and Allan and I know a lot of people going to say that they’re nice people the’re good guys I I I we know that but what were they like back then as

Teammates in all my time with England obviously guys rued with shieldz at the time so obviously when Allan probably said with Terry venol you then have a single room which I’d never known before i’ never but obviously Gary room with shs and our room with bansy so

Never really saw each other you know it so but to be fair in terms of people being around the place you know I think the great thing was certainly with England it wasn’t it wasn’t a situation where you were in the in the pockets all the time because like soaz and schelz obviously

Hadn’t played together in terms of in the buildup to the games it always played for opposite clubs so they would go to to their room and everybody was like that you know I was looking that I was with b and obviously we we knew each

Other from the same team if you like but when you look at Al in the era he was in when they when they went to single rooms that was just a a difference in the Outlook of people and how people thought but being around proper football people

As them two were they you just can’t put a price on it honestly and you’ll know M you’ve done it for a long long time but going in on every morning you might be feeling miserable you might be feeling like a bit down but the ban from the

Minute you walk through the gate is unbi you can’t put a price on it and and it’s hard to explain to people what it was like it may be different now and I understand that but in that era that we were lucky enough to play in anything

Went you could say anything you could do anything nobody cared you know nobody got offended it was banter in our day and nice to be around so basically M what he’s saying here is that shear and myself were wankers but he doesn’t want to say I was thinking more helmets helmets

Is can I just say that is one thing I would never say and and to be fair if I me life over game does and to both of you two brilliant people football people love every minutes so yes they have a bit of a moon if I don’t pass them the

Ball that’s that’s what it is you know so I I heard H last week about the the crossing the ball and you and you and him getting compl about the crossing the ball the good thing is that wasn’t my job job was to pass it through the

Middle exactly I didn’t have I never got shouted at for not crossing the ball it but it was a different type of thing you know so janola that you were talking about like unbelievable probably one of the best two footed players you’ve ever seen but just loved having the ball

Wasn’t too bothered about Crossing me just wanted to look good on it and he was good to be fair and he looked good he always looked good um tell us about Bobby Robson what he meant to you for me you know obviously you were involved a

Lot long time before me a couple years before me but he was unbelievable just a special person obviously what he’s done for the City of Newcastle and you know having gone to I and then obviously the England job and then get the to come and manage out when he scored his five goals

In his in Bobby’s debut at home just unbelievable person you know we all sounds weird to say we were proud to be his funeral but the you know you obviously spoke of it guys it was unbelievable and nothing less than he deserved because he was a proper football person was obsessed with

Football in the nicest possible way but we we had the pleasure of going to Two World Cups with him yeah and he really was a special special man yeah he was tell us you tell us your favorite Bobby Robson story we’ve all got one mine was when he was at

Newcastle so we I was in the academy at the time so we had 18s well sorry 17s and 19s it was and then M was probably in there that era if you understand what I mean so it was 17s and 19s so Kenny Warton ran one team and I ran the other

So we we ran them but uh so there was an event in Dallas Dallas tournament so Kenny took my best players and and I don’t blame him because I was I was in charge of the 17 he was in the 19s but wanted to go and

Win the Dallas cup it was a Prestige tournament for young kids and so he took the best 17s out of my team so I basically have to go to the baseball ground to play against their in 17s and you’ll remember the three of you remember him Tom hudston yeah again was

A child Superstar for Derby at the time and we played at the baseball ground and so we lost 51 and to be fair I was happy with five we got absolutely bed on the way down on the bush guys we’ve got a kid called Chris Basham who’s 12 year old

Never been involved with the academy before in terms of that age you remember Chris obviously Premier League player sadly got a bad injury not that long ago but yeah but a great kid really good kid so I said to him I’m I’m think they’re playing you today he said I said you

Fancy it really he he was ecstatic but genuinely ecstatic so anyway he plays in the game and we get battered we got absolutely battered and as I say I’m happy with 51 so I’ll remember there’s a paper in Newcastle called the journal so on the Monday morning I go back in

Obviously it’s training ground and there certain people talking about it but not in a nasty way and what happened or whatever but anyway Bobby Robson called me into his office and he said to me he said uh can I just show you this son so

He shows me the score on the paper so I’ve obviously seen it I know the score he said what happened I said uh I was there boss he said what do you mean you were there I said well it’s my team he said well what happened I said well to

Be fair Kenny took the other Lads to Dallas most of the my team if you like and I said we just had a bad day and I said to be fair having took all of our best players I was quite happy with five he said Well Done son he said what a great

Result how he came from being so negative to so positive it’s just unbelievable but just it was like hly but I never thought that he’s going to call me in or anything like that but once he realized said what a brilliant result do you think we share the same

Biggest disappointment the the 1990s semi-final penalty shootout against Germany if you remember guys if you remember you and I were chatting about what we were going to do you know and obviously like and Al’s obviously experienced this a lot more than even me or you probably but like when you

Obviously eventually get to go on the long walk as it were from the halfway linee the Parry shootout yeah my thoughts were that goalkeeper looks big that gold doesn’t look very big and like you just think oh what’s going on here but to be fair if you remember guys you

And I were talking and he came over there with so Bobby and he said uh this 50 my 5 million back who I’m watching don’t let me down you [ __ ] kid Ser can’t believe you just said there 55 million I was thinking there’s like whatever there is 60 70 80,000 in the CR

I’m thinking that’s it but he said like don’t let me down and to be fair to him you know it was one of them things and you you would have heard it and I would have heard it Gaza said that I took his penalty you know Gaz that the three at

The start were always going to be me you and platty in whatever order but obviously then when PC and and wam is you know you’ll remember in the dress room was one of the nicest things I’ve ever seen in my life France beckenbauer came in and he was just incredible to

Saby you know the the the sort of pleasantries between them were Sensational and went on to win the World Cup so amazing for him but so Bobby and him when they had an Embrace in the dressing room one of the nicest things I’ve ever seen in the football since brilliant Peter

You’ve had some uh you’ve had some unbelievable football clubs I mean huge football clubs where where were you happiest or where were you at your best do you think H I would say I like so Liverpool initially for the first year I was horrendous I’m not embarrassed to

Say it you know fair that they paid almost 2 million for me but we won the league and that was B barnesy mainly but I certainly the Christmas I’d only scored three goals in the end I ended up with 19 or something like that but before that I was really struggling you

Know but Kenny was so loyal to me you know when I first went there he told me I was going to wear the number seven shirt which as you know all in terms of football you know that because of the number nine shirt in Newcastle yeah but

Without being cocky or clever about it the number seven shirt was the big shirt at Liverpool in there is cuz obviously the man you know Kevin Keegan and then obviously saken you know they were unbelievable in the best two number sevens has ever been in football in my

Been but anyway so Kenny told me I was going to take his place and wear his shirt and when I went to see the owners you know that’s what he said you’ve got to tell them that you’re going to be the new number seven but in those days as

You know it was one to 11 but the seven will always be a special shirt at Liverpool and for me to wear that and the Loyalty that Kenny showed me because really certainly till Christmas and probably till March I was really poor but then on the uh Easter Monday I think it

Was we played Tottenham and I scored the winning goal to win us the league having been [ __ ] for like six seven months but that’s how football works you just never know why and so get a chance to score the winning goal to win the league just amazing but a brilliant place to be

I Liv two doors from Kenny yeah he he really couldn’t have been nicer to me or better to me and and to watch him and follow him so he he taught me something Al that I never known before how to use a Shadows know where the defender was so

You remember him doing turns with the outside of his foot the inside of his foot he showed me how to use the Shadows cuz he said the shadows will always be there in the sense of it’ll be a sunny day or it be flood light and it was

Incredible and it was lifechanging for me you know to be able to work out where the the pressure was and then to turn the opposite way so it uh really couldn’t help me anymore yeah right amazing stuff really that isn’t it I mean looking at the Shadows on the pitch

We’d have been decent players if we’d known that when I when I went to when I went to Blackburn um and obviously work with with Kenny as manager I remember him saying exactly the same same to me when the ball’s coming into you have a look you’ll be able to instead of having

A feel of the defender where he was you’ll be able to see the with it in the shadows and I in my response to him says well what happens when it’s not Sunny I’m [ __ ] this what it’s like but it’s I thought he was taking the piss to

Begin with but genuinely and it’s amazing hearing Peter saying Kenny Kenny told him the same thing yeah it’s mad though isn’t it in a way because youve kind of got to work out where the sun is as well surely if the sun’s pointing at you then Shadows are going to be behind

You it doesn’t that kind of doesn’t work I’m just talking about the science here I’m trying to get my head around it a little bit but did you have a little a compass in your sock or what I think yeah I think you may be overthinking yeah I think so yeah Peter

I’ve got to ask you because you had this that that little that little skill thing that you did you know when you flick one leg and then took it and I never what quite worked out how you did it and it was unique to you I’ve never seen anyone

Do it since I’ve never seen anyone do it before that but where did that come from people that watch the game regular in those days will know what I mean you had a little like it should have been called the Beardsley from when I was a kid so

My dad always told me I needed to be two-footed he said you need to be two-footed because you need to be able to go both ways and when obviously his hero in his day was Bobby charlon who was probably one of the best two fo players players anybody will ever see

And so he said to me you need to be able to use both feet and you know it was just one one of those things that I worked on and when I was talking about walking to the factory used to take a ball use me opposite foot and it was

Just something that like it was just at the time you think Now’s the Time to do it and it worked most times you know not every time but it worked a lot of the time and you know I’m a real sad people tell me about this goal and that

Goal and I’m really lucky that I scored some brilliant goals but just the fact of scoring goals something that never really bothered me you know obviously the Delight for me was the team scoring and obviously when I had the pleasure of playing with Al and you you know you

Look at the smile when you two scored a goal it would light up a room and that’s the thing that football gives you it really does and that’s the thing you know cuz that is the hardest thing to do and you two know that better than anybody even though you make it look

Easy that is the hardest thing but it’s also the thing that gives you the most pleasure you know unless you’re a goalkeeper obviously but uh it’s a great thing to be a part of ABS absolutely I can’t let you go Peter and you’ve been very generous with your time thank you

Very much um I’ve got to ask you about Gaza I mean you know it’s amazing you mention the name Gaza and everyone starts laugh are we allow are we allowed to swear on you [ __ ] right you are yeah so obviously I would have been

There and I really mean this so EUR 96 I didn’t make the final Squad and I’m not offended t venerables as we’ve said before guys amazing man and obviously I would know that he was his captain amazing amazing man and I really mean that so so he basically when I was at

Newcastle because I got left out of the squad by Graham Taylor he had done a deal with Kevin Keegan and Terry mck they knew that he was going to put me in the next England squad well I had no clue really had no clue and not a

Negative just had no clue never dreamt of playing again for England after gr Taylor bed me and that’s fine because that was his opinion so anyway they call me in and they say uh how much would you give us if uh we have a bet with you how

Much would you give us if we have a bet about getting back in the England squad MH I said well I’d love to get back in the England squad how much would you pay and obviously they I didn’t know what the time does but they spoke to T

Venables and he had already decided I was in this squad and so they they were basically taking the piss on me and so they they basically got me to give them a figure and then basically they took me money they give me a back to be fair but

Time they took the money off me and they just took the piss off me but I I didn’t know I was going to be in the squad so when when I left as an engan CR tayer I was on 49 caps and to be fair it’s ter

Vbl he give me me 50th obviously yeah and then I was part of the buildup Squad with Al there and and obviously Teddy and and Nikki bomi you know and obviously they had a brilliant Squad but to be fair to Teddy and I really mean

This he was honest with me all the way along he said I’m not sure you’ll be in the final group but I want to be around it and and so all remember when we were over there there was a a situation where he was telling the ones that weren’t

Going to make it so I was one of them you know and but he was brilliant really couldn’t have been better but the way he was with people was just incredible and when I I look at having the pleasure of playing for people like that but Gaza

Was just a fruit cake so Gaza and my son guys have got the same birthday but thankfully that’s where the similarities end to be fair Gaza he Rings them all the time on his birthday and to be fair the kids are diamond so anyway so we

Ring my son guys on on my son’s birthday when we’re in Hong Kong and so he says to do how you [ __ ] doing and uh like so he starts swearing and like Drew seveny old and so he said to him he said me and your old man are in Hong Kong now we’re

Both pissed and so as you know guys I’ve never had a drink in my life so my seven-year-old is thinking oh my God so so I took the phone off him and I said don’t tell your mom but he’s just like that and he’s absolutely nuts he really he really is

But he’s nice and to be fair you can’t fault him he’s he is stupid I don’t think I’ve met a stupid a footballer he’s not a NY person he’s just he’s just got a heart of gold really but what tell absolutely well I’ll just tell you quickly guys and you

Remember sorry quickly before I go the uh 1990 World Cup guys he give Drew my Drew he give him his first World Cup shirt so he signed it to him and everything and his first ever World Cup Shir he give it to my cuz do you remember the cake you remember the cake

On the birthday so oh yeah so Bobby organized a cake in the shape of a brush remember it was a DS a brush in the shape of a brush yeah so he’s got the cake and so he sent it back and we thought wow what’s he doing

He loves cake so he sends it back and this cake comes back happy birthday Gaza and Drew so my son’s name’s on the cake now just he’s just that type of kid I don’t know he had the brains to think of it but he’s just a lovely lovely kid

Love and Ador him uh Peter it’s been a delight it’s been it’s been quite a while since we’ve um spoken properly and um senior you’re looking as you’re looking as young as you did when we played together more or less and um it’s you need to change your

Glasses i’ a bit steamed up a bit steamed up thanks very much for chatting to us Peter and hopefully see you soon no I really appreciate it thanks a lot brilliant thanks Pedro thanks very much thank you very much Peter thank you okay um so that is it from this special

Episode with Mr Peter Beardsley um so goodbye for me goodbye from me and goodbye for me and goodbye for [Laughter] me


  1. Stoke fan here..We had Newcastle United in the coca cola cup in Oct 1995 at our old Victoria Ground, and Peter Beardsley was awesome that night, arguably for me one of the greatest individual performances i've seen from an away player. He won i believe a mountain bike for his MOTM performance and gifted it to a disabled young Stoke supporter after the game. Pure class

  2. You all talk aboot Messi, wor Pedro man……just go back and watch his videos of his skills, the bloke was the greatest

  3. Jesus… I want him to write a book. Has he? I thought he started at the toon.. Then went to Liverpool and came back. LOL.

  4. Met Peter in the lift at Hilton in New York in 2017. We spent about 10 minutes just talking about football when we got off at the same floor. My wife thought I'd been abducted 🙂. An absolute gentleman and wow what a player he was.

  5. What a lovely bloke, I could listen to him all day. An encyclopedia on football and so humble. The best player I’ve seen at Newcastle over a period of time

  6. Great to hear from him, what a player he was. Thought many times, why do we never seem to see him and then seen 2 interviews in last few weeks, (saw him on Aldo's podcast) Souness messed up letting him go so soon, and to Everton of all places.

  7. Such a great player, and so forgotton / underrated when people discuss that era.

    I remember him dancing through the Arsenal defence and dinking the ball over John Lukic, the hat trick against Manchester United, a thunderbolt off the underside of the bar into the net at the Kop end against Everton, and of course scoring the opening goal in the FA Cup final against Wimbledon (refs wrongly disallowing perfectly good goals didn't start when VAR arrived).

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