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2024 PWBA Myrtle Beach Regional Finals

2024 PWBA Myrtle Beach Regional Finals
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#PWBA #PWBATour #Bowling #BowlTV

[Applause] to Aliva needs eight for a title bang there’s the emotion there it is boom Jordan Richard the champion again all right we’re getting ready for our first Regional step ladder of the 2024 season here in mytle Beach Myrtle Beach Bowl mytle Beach South Carolina a lot of myrtles

I think that’s the L at the snack bars name as well I have no idea Craig ell and kayy CHR here on the call we got Patric Martinez producing and we are just about ready to start this thing off Opening match way we will have our number four seed Karina Gro taking on

Our three seed Carson lukosus winner of that match gets our reigning Regional Showdown Champion Carri Smith and the winner of that match gets six time Junior Team USA member Analise O’Bryant so I believe three of these players are looking for their first Regional Title Carrie Smith has one of course with the regional

Showdown so we could have a firsttime winner here to start the season Kaye yes are you ready yeah are you sure yeah all right then that’s a good thing cuz it’s just about time to get this thing underway I think they have a few more shots here and we’ll get things

Going scoring uh was at a premium today except for an O’Brien her last six games she went 190 over to go to plus 140 for the block just it’s unbelievable bowling 98 pins ahead of well no I’m sorry more than that ahead of ahead of Carson yeah

98 ahead of Carson 108 ahead of Karina Gro car Smith a plus 78 she beat her by what a 62 pins so that’s a that’s a dominating performance today for anal she started slow though right so we’ve talked about that a little bit her first

Two games on the fresh not so good if I look at these scores for our players these are in no particular order of name but 193 161 177 152 194 those are games one or two on the fresh that’s Kina Carson and anle Carrie Smith on the fresh 247

227 there has been a little bit of practice on these pairs but for the most part they’re going to be fairly fresh they were reoiled um not the amount of play that we saw with five a pair so I think from experience-wise and just looking at scores on the fresh you got

To give a bit of an edge to Carri Smith here this afternoon uh to win a couple matches and probably win another Regional Title unless one of these players can figure out something a little bit different watching a few of Carson shots looks like she’s getting a little bit

Grabby right now on a spare she said a little bit ago and even that one there maybe a little pumped up and overthrowing it he’s got to be careful not to do too much of that cuz this pattern we saw Kaye has not been easy no

Uh by any means 39 ft 27 Ms um you know 3 to1 ratio I mean on paper right not a whole lot to it no but the surface hooks the pattern Hooks and you miss left that we seen the ball go left we saw a lot of

Players take the 47 off four racks especially early on the fresh yeah I I definitely think it’s going to be a little different to start off on the fresh here um because obviously there’s not as many Bowlers bowling on the pairs now um and they break them down

Different right we’ve got the the players that have bowling better so we just see scores fairly decent but again you know it’s hard to say for sure how this is all going to hash out and Carson will start things off being the three seed she had Choice Lane

Choice as she decides to start over on Lane number nine that’s a good solid [Applause] shot got to make a little correction we had the arrows up on the wrong spot so that was Carson that got that first strike not Karina but I’m sure Karina will take it I

Mean hey do you want it sure all right that’s fine let her let her have it so Karina is one I don’t know a lot about I know she’s from Fort Collins college colado yeah what else have we learned about Karina Gro today well

Let’s see she um when I got to talk to her um asked her a few questions and I found this to be really cool um when she was 17 she had bow backtack 300s with her set of a 795 very nice I I don’t

Even how how old is she now did you even ask that I mean I I did not have no idea I did not um I mean we’re used to seeing a lot of young young players out here on the pwe to especially these regionals yeah so I don’t know much B Kina except

She’s from Fort Collins she’s from Fort Collins um her um her role model in bowling and her favorite bowler growing up she was little Tish Johnson no no because Tish is from Fort cins so um it was actually Kim tril Kerney oh you know a little bit about her oh just a little

Bit all right opening spare get the nerves out of the way see you’re taking a big deep breath there Karina did Bowl in college she did bowl for sanho State on the men’s team because at that point in time they did not have a women’s team on all right opening [Applause]

Spares and what we’ve seen today is is make those spares do not give your opponents especially in a one game match those free nine splits um that’s a dozen pins that you’re not going to give back young Carson here from Jackson New Jersey we talked a little bit earlier

How she gets to practice a lot with the bone family got a nice red rate definitely above average red rate out here on any of the women’s tours and starts with an early doubl looks like she’s really staying in control right now really working hard to keep that ball speed

Down cuz she can pipe it there’s no doubt about that I I I got to enjoy talking to Carson in between right before we started and uh she was I asked her I said do you do you want to go and ball out on the national tour and she said I

Think my time for it’s coming a lot sooner than I think that’s that’s a definite yes right she’s definitely got the game that can compete out there she can do some things that some of the other players can’t and when you got a shot like that

You take advantage of it was going to get up and carry how about that look at the power that ball cre so that’s not something we see a lot on on especially the regional level here for the pwa players yeah that is definitely above average power Carson told me that she

She thinks that she’s she hasn’t even reached her her her best yet in Bowling she bowled for um Fair Dickinson and graduated in 2018 and um uh I asked her I said what me made you decide not to go straight out on tour and she said I just

Needed to refind myself in the love for the game yeah I think she’s f in it we’ve seen her bowl a lot of events the last couple years and bowling very successful little stick at the approach here for Karina and leaves kind of that old week seven which we’ve heard is a pretty

Common leave here in this building new pins in the last week here he add that to a pretty demanding Lane condition sometimes the pins get pretty hard to knock over but just keep making it sparce it’s early got a lot of game left remember these these Bowlers just

Completed a 6 and 1/2 hour qualifying block had about a 45 minute break so that’s just enough time to let everything stiffen back up again you know it’s sometimes tough to get loose yeah so I think we we’re seeing Karina stick a couple of times and maybe it’s just just got to loosen

Up a little bit get rid of the nerve shake things off and get back to what she did all day long Karina had games of 193 161 202 216 208 221 214 and 217 so like I least she really turned it on the back six Carson 177 game one 211 242 211

139 that comes back with the front seven for 247 232 and then uh 183 on the end kind of stumbled in to this t top four she had enough of a lead it didn’t it didn’t knock her out but she made it interesting for us there that last game down on three and

[Applause] four I thought I had heard that Carson went right into in working right she got her degree and then started um um she ended up going in to get her master’s right after she graduated with her undergrad and uh she graduated in 2019 with her master’s degree you remember

What it’s in did you ask her mm seems like it was I remember asking it before it seems like it was something very impressive like something way smarter than I could ever do that’s got to hook a lot she did that earlier too after that 247 game went down and started gutter

Spare double the next game so makeable spare see bable spare hading the stats it’s all it is but that uh that’s 30 pins though was that three for three on gutter spares today is that what they just said and you know sometimes that’s good that’ll keep her calm so I see her

Up there kind of kind of laughing it off so that’s a good thing but that keeps this uh match all a sudden Within 17 pins that’s a that’s a big deal yeah think she may have freaked herself out just a little bit after that gutter so she ere extended herself little bit

That’s pretty common oh yeah you don’t want to do it again and this 3610 is not something you want to shoot on this pattern if you miss a little bit left the ball is going to hook on even the plastic nicely done very nicely [Applause] done you can see even how important that

That five spare that losing count there that keeps her more than a mark out of it because of that if she goes eight spare in there she’s within a mark with a strike here in the fifth frame all right good break get the 10 out Karina still just looks a little

Tentative like she’s almost like not settling in with herself [Applause] we for she’s got that one out on the lane little loft there you go not sure if that was intentional or not I don’t think it was by her reaction she all right I got away with one but first strike on the

Board 92 and fifth Carson got her master’s degree in um Sports Administration so she’ll be managing a major sports team someday maybe the bills maybe she’ll get you tickets see it’s it helps to know people [Laughter] here come off that shot for there you go big double when your

Opponent gets her first tra go up there and throw two right back at her important for Karina now to keep pace stay within 15 couple of strikes here are very very important as we’re getting late here in this Opening match of our stepl final little light same shot we saw

Earlier just on different Lane oh there you go there you go that should settle you down a little bit right get a little little bonus action there thought she missed it yeah nice trip of that two two two nice little breaks there so 222 the max score for Karina

Gro Carson pacing into two te so this one’s far from over that’s got to go and she gets the break as well that’s what power does right [Applause] there like see Karina I can do that too it’s like we’re playing horse right let me do a shot I’ll do the same thing

Another look at this one peels Off a quarter for every pin on the deck that’s a better shot posted that one good off for hand that’s going to do it I asked Carson I said what’s a fun fact about you anything and she’s like I don’t know if I have anything and I said

Just something um and she told me that she bowls as a righty and plays softball and soccer as a lefty how do you play soccer as a lefty like you kick with your left and not your right okay yeah I golf left-handed I swing a bat left-handed for some reason I ball

Right-handed that’s not a good choice obviously little backwards all right Karina still finished strong 222 left on the board that’s another good shot got it out on the lane little left to Target but stayed aggressive with it made it nice [Applause] spare and we have a very tough opponent

Warming up off to our right waiting for the win of this match who was going to be Carson lus and that is Carrie Smith Carrie it looked like she was going to run away with this event after four games and kind of stubbed her toe in the middle gave some pins back

Here’s your favorite spare yeah she got it oh that ball didn’t hook it looked like it for a second that she was it was just going to fling to that 10 pin but fourth place finished first region of the Year Karina Gro out of Fort Collins Colorado

So there’s a chance now for Carson to maybe try a different ball I mean that one’s striking pretty good but she will not get any practice before the next match maybe just grab something else just to see right course she struck basically all but one shot I mean the gutter spare

That’s that’s that’s that’s basically a strike on a second shot yeah I wouldn’t change [Applause] balls Carson is bowling with her IQ tour yeah probably just move right and get firmer but I don’t see her going away from the another ball a she went left a little more

Direct nope stick with I think a Zen Soul Maybe round our 257 very nice ball game for Carson next up we will bring over our one and two seeds who will get a few practice shots on our Championship pair and then we have Carson versus Carrie a battle of

The C who’s going to advance to that championship match here for PBA Regal get out no so a very nice 257 for Carson in the win in game number one she will get Carrie Smith out of lit Pennsylvania Carrie had games of 247 227 189 245 that’s what I thought she was

Going to run away with this thing and a little hiccup there 167 7 177 180 and then 246 on the end to lock up that number two seed here this afternoon I mentioned she won the pwba regional Showdown last December so she will be bowling fulltime on the pwa tour with

All of her entry fees paid um by virtue of winning that event so that’s a pretty nice little prize and the winner today will be seated into this year’s Regional Showdown with a chance to win the same thing so Analise O’Bryant has a chance to come in here get a few practice

Shots and and Leash just crushed him the back six today absolutely annihilated him I had a chance to talk with her too and um she is she’s 19 currently so she’s the youngest one out of the top four and um she did bowl for college her first

Semester at Louisiana Tech oh she did yes but now has entered into the transfer portal okay and still has not made a decision on where she wants to go she not going to tell us she doesn’t know she I think I I have a pretty good guess I don’t think she’s told [Laughter]

Herself I know if I was in NCAA Women’s bowling which I never would be I know what I would pick six time Junior Team USA young Analise made team again this year out of Team trials I think this year is number six she told me five oh okay well she

Also didn’t tell you what school she’s going to so she’s not telling you everything she told me transfer portal cuz she doesn’t she said she doesn’t know yet but she uh being five time Junior Team USA member and and winning Junior Gold back to back in 2018 and 2019 have

Been her she told me have been her favorite most accomplished moments of her bowling career so far yeah that’ll change because she’s going to have a lot of pretty good moments in her career I yes it’s only beginning for her one on the right LAN other ball

Carri going through a variety of bowling balls here just to see what’s doing what what reads where didn’t like to look at that one at all now she knows she will get practice before the championship match as well but they always let the incoming players get a few shots before the next match

Starts all right bowling fans here we go our s final match Harry versus Carson advance for our Championship round against Miss o’ri looks like Carson is going to get us started once again let’s give these ladies a huge round of applause who win the first T of the Year here at mle

Beach Regional Carri Smith the two seed Carson looses the three seed here today and Carrie will finish first that means Carson will start just like she did the last match so can she throw up another 250 game we’re about to find out that one’s in a little bit is it

Going to hold oh yeah another little trip four that looked a lot faster than she was thrown last game too maybe a little little pumped up after that 250 game you know I think even though Carson had just bowled that last match against um Karina um you know she’s she settled down

During that game and you know executed her shots and you know this is a new opponent and I think she’s getting all those nerves back again and she’s definitely just going to have to settle down again and just make sure she’s executing the way she wants to pretty quality shot right there for

And not a good shot there just lost it right off her hand and ball sat right there he got to that out of bound Zone that I that we were noticing on the fresh earlier today and you hit that one spawn and it’s just not going to come

Back got to watch that eight pin back there she got the count 28 in the second out an open frame for car Smith Carston starts with a strike in Fr yeah oh another trip four she’s been flirting with that a couple times maybe she’s going to have

To change right or she’s going to have to make a little move but I don’t know how steep you want to get through the front though think the steeper you get the more you bring that OB into play if you just lose it right off your hand but she’s that’s

What basically her last three or four yeah shots that she was trying to strike on you know not the fill ball you know not not counting that fi ball it been almost four pins so it’s time to make a move or maybe just a little bit firmer a little more

Aggressive I think she made a little bump in and didn’t get it there didn’t get it out to the spot that 3610 again she left this I think went in frame four last game yeah it was it was frame four we’ll have scores back up for you here shortly just working on the

Scoreboard the bug I got to talk to Carrie before obviously her match and you know I asked her the same question as the other three girls that I talked to and I said who has been your biggest role model or your favorite bowler and guess who she she told me Jeff

Smith her husband he said that actually no I figured that um it’s actually Kim Terrell Kerney what yeah you’re making Kim famous listen I mean she made herself famous she she did that you’re pumping up her street cred though um Carrie told me that she uh when she was younger um

And she when she was younger coach Kim used to bowl the the prams and uh Carrie would be the one to bowl the prams with her and got to know her through the prams and um when Carrie made Junior Team USA Coach Kim was the coach for

That team at that time and so they really got to know each other and was a good spare um she told me that she’s she she just had nothing but amazing words to say about coach Kim and of course if you’ve met Kim trell Kerney you know that when you you’re in the

Same room as her the room just lights up that’s just the kind of person she is but that was the second person that I asked that I was like hey me too it’s Unanimous how many do you think she has 32 To great shot by [Applause] Carson I asked Carson too I said who who is your role model or favorite bowler and she told me her role model or or her parents that’s a great answer oh that’s the same thing on that left lane know that’s that’s the third

One she’s done over there on that left lane yeah but she’s got the nine pin back there with it and this is not a spare you want to be shooting on any difficult even on a house shot so many ways to miss this thing take the 6910 off the three we

Actually saw remember team Charles a couple times the 3 910 being taken off that which was just odd you got to get that back pin uhoh oh and missed them all all right that changes things a little bit Carrie can get up and double and take the lead in the match now for

That’s a better shot little half 10 let’s make this spare me and Carrie Smith and get it to uh you know just a handful of pins difference yeah halfway through this game be interesting to see what Carson does as she gets up for her next two

Frames I don’t know if she can make a ball change yet she only threw that IQ to her once and she didn’t throw it on the left lane at all um if she does make any kind of move it’s going to be kind of a blind move especially on Lane

Nine and it’s not easy to do right in the middle of a mask when you you know you haven’t really thrown anything else except for that one test shot and it CP highe onor yeah I think what Carson does all depends on what Carrie does I mean if

Carri strikes I mean because she went what nine pin kind of a a half T and if she strikes here it’s going to force Carson to do something because you know Carry’s in the pocket she just she she’s not quite getting there but it feels like she’s almost there

Like ball just not reading soon enough that’s twice on that L remember but she nine pin the last time yeah so I mean light nine pin light so that’s not not a good box reaction it didn’t look like she missed Target a whole lot compared to the other couple shots it’s just the

Ball just not it’s just not reading the right part of Lane so do she have to make you know remember we saw this pair get pretty difficult earlier and Carrie shot what 167 on that pair earlier yeah so she does have good memories from it that’s for sure

Yeah Carson’s sticking with the same bowling ball which I I think I think she has to right now just going to make a quality shot yeah that’s just that she just needs to make the the execute like settle down and make that good execution that’s

In but it’s still held for just a four pin I mean that that yeah that should have split honestly the way as much as she missed in on that that should have split but a good break leaves just to four she takes four steps from all the way hit the back of the

Approach I take four steps from in the front of the first set of dots I’m a little bit taller than Carson I used to take four steps from the back dots that’s some big steps now I take five cuz I have little legs and she doesn’t slide either so

She’s taking that last step as a really big one that’s kind of her power step too though and she gets a ton of power so we got a six pin match here getting into frame number seven semi-final match here in Myrtle Beach the pwb Myrtle Beach

Regional Craig ell and kayy CH here on the call make the ball change yeah she go to the IQ that’s that’s that’s pretty solid right there that’s just having confidence in in a move and you just have to commit to it so big time move there for Carson

But what your throw it on the right lane as well I say 50/50 I think she’s going to go to the IQ tour I I think that other ball that she was throwing was it was just coming in just a tad too high she just missed

In off her hand that last shot but I don’t know we’ll find out here very shortly G Smith try to keep it within six oh that was a good shot she kind of just jammed that one right in the one three that was a definition of a ring 10 right

There all right make the spare within 17 2011 to Max score for Carrie Smith Carson with just one D almost as she pacing you know in the 190s she can’t buy a strike now and what did that pin do it [Laughter] jiggled I wonder know if that seven

Count in the six frame for carry was just you just TR to make a little move right look not I’m getting nine so let me make a move please silence all cell phones before walking in the building too [Applause] late 191 now the max score for Cary Smith how about that

Shot and I told her she was going to she’s going to completely go to the IQ tour she made a good decision I just it goes through the pins a lot more even and it gets her it’s cleaner through the front TR she can stay aggressive with it yeah she she she can

Miss left with that ball I think where she couldn’t miss left with with with the with a Zen strike here we pretty much lock it up and can’t get the four so she’s struggling with a four pin Carrie struggling with the 10 pin and as long as Carson stays clean with

Good count she’s going to win the game she’s in the 190s but it depends on what she does on her first ball in 10th and if Carrie Smith doesn’t strike out it doesn’t matter no worries no no worries at all she got the left half of it her left

Quarter of it yeah she’s walking off like a I thought I missed it we have the young Phenom an O’Bryant warming up our tournament leader plus 140 for her qualifying she got all of that and more the last six games of this eight game block so even nine out Carson’s in the

180s car’s got she’s got to have at least at least three strikes here at least she stuck just a little bit but had the ball off her hand had good timing so ball went dead flush no harm there for watch you threw a heck of a game M heck

Of a game nine pin what’s that three 10 pins now a seven pin it’s going to be a third place fin for Carri Smith here this afternoon just two strikes in this game yeah pretty sure if we had an over under um it had been well over two the way she bow this

Afternoon so we’re going to have two first timers bowling for a title here this afternoon and Lisa o’briant Carson Lous [Applause] Carson needs two pins even they crawled like that one didn’t matter a hug Round of Applause to our third place finisher Carri Smith I don’t think it’ll be the last

Time we see Carri Smith and a step ladder this year no doubt about that maybe on the national tour cuz she’s bowling all of them yep we will find out who’s going to take home the first title of the 2024 pwba Regional season here has been bowling on the national door

Since it came back in 2015 she is one of those Grinders the heart of they are the more tough she is to be no question about that so Analise will get her practice shots here on the championship pair so we talked about analise’s games slow start 152 194 well you know

What she’s not going to make this cut right yeah wrong 247 222 205 246 248 and 226 in her eighth and final game to take the number one seed at plus 140 just dominated the field imagine if she would have started out even with with 180 the first game

Right you’re right I mean she was flirting with 200 over for we will have a few days off here on B TV probably the only days off for the rest of the year I think as far as no coverage for four or five days but was it the prayer viw Invitational this

Weekend down in Dallas Kayla you’ll be down there right I sure will yeah we start coverage on Friday morning very nice so four days off for all you b tv fans too you get a little you little break but you can go watch all the archive footage you know catch

Up on some stuff that you might have missed through through the years it’s all out there to see and then we’ll be kiing off coverage for the US Open from Woodland Bowl next weekend as well I know we had uh talked about anelise O’Brien earlier and how her

Dad’s on tour and the people 50 tour so she’s in the bowling alley all the time all the time so I asked her I said who is your role model who’s your favorite bowler and she’s like if she says Kim Terell Kerney then I’m just calling BS

You just put that down for bu who does she pick she actually said she’s like well I think my dad would be really upset if I didn’t choose him good answer but uhoh here it comes she said she doesn’t have a favorite she can’t choose

So she told me all of the guys who Bowl on the PBA 50 toour are heror favorite all right that’s being very politically correct she’s got a favorite again she just didn’t want to tell you think it doesn’t matter what ball she’s thrown she’s tring a couple different ones they all

Strike she’s going to be a tough out as they call it here this afternoon this championship match so kayy you’ll be going to Dallas area Arlington for the Collegiate event mhm I’ll be heading to the US Open along with Mike Flanigan we’ll have Tom hes

There he Tom will be doing the ptq we’ll have Chase caufman there Brian Kane there Patricia will be there got excuse me Patrick my bad we all know his real name Leia will be there with us again Leo is it the players oh what does that

Leave three pins in the back row Still Standing don’t throw that ball again whatever that was all right there we go this is it it’s time championship match and oant Carson L’s first region of the Year here in beach but both areed who going to take home the first title of the

Year Beal I feel like she’s just digging deep here I I I don’t think she’s going to let off the gas [Applause] pedal James Campbell in the chat how you doing J James jie Franklin Mike we see everybody out there team ricardi Roo for Carson yeah reset that 28710 get that

Out there we don’t want to see that anymore so Analise is going to start maybe just mix things up for Carson right Carson started the last two matches she won them both say I’ll start now put the pressure on you all right winning score can be over over under

237 oh I I don’t know we were a little low scoring last game 186 to 169 game one was 257 177 and that just looked a little lamped up and blew it right past everything leaves another 2 wa makes that spare no problem always got to hook at that [Applause]

28 so one of these players about to win their first pwba Regional this is the first of nine regionals this season on the pwa tour Nice Shot for Carson still sticking with that IQ next up February 4th be Victory Lanes in moresville in Pennsylvania for the Steel City bowan

Brews Regional Rhode Island Oklahoma Green Bay Cleveland Northern Colorado Highland Park Lanes Rochester back at Gates bow and then the regional showdown at alom Bowl in Winter Park Florida so a lot of regionals sprinkled in around the full pwba tour season which is out there at pwba as

Well you might you might see me at that Rochester one Rochester New York that’s close for you isn’t it oh it’s about an hour and 10 minutes nice opening double whether I’ll be bowling or working it who knows but we’ll see we’ll see what happens national tour kicks off March

2nd through 4th the Twin Cities open up in Egan Minnesota then Rockford open after that the Queens Southern Indiana the US Open The Lucy and then the Tour Championship in August you can find all that information at P excuse me has all the other USBC

Events TV schedule that was a late hit on the 10 for Annelise seems like she’s kind of kind of in just a little bit more than I thought she was going to be yeah actually she got a lot of surface on that bowling ball actually average over 230 the last

Six games so I’d say whatever she was doing working keep doing that I mean you’re not wrong [Applause] e Carson starts with an opening double looking to keep the pressure on Analise got a hook got a hook oh Big Break there thank you again I think that’s good that she

Has people back here giving a hard time about making no spares all right keeps her loose her sister Madison is here this weekend to support her in from Florida she got a like a whole family here doesn’t she mhm just raw power right there throwing pins [Applause] everywhere for oh that’s in a

Ton yep yeah that was like a two Arrow tug got over top of it Miss left just a five pin when I was talking to anaise earlier um you know I had asked all all the ladies that I talked to I said what is something that fun fact about you is

Something that not a lot of people know and uh she told me she she calls her self an old soul cuz her favorite music is from the’ 60s and’ 70s and her favorite movies are also from that time period as well thats why she was hanging out with

Spencer robar of Team trials cuz he’s got the same going on I thought some of her jerseys were retro too then I just thought that was interesting cuz you don’t you don’t hear a lot of 19-year-olds say that they love to watch unless in the old music like that not

Saying that it’s old but like careful sorry Craig I’m not from the 60s that’s okay all right need to make a good shot here forget about that last one yeah taking a little bit extra time on the approach there though it it does look like she threw it it

Looks like she threw it way out like where she wanted to be be throwing it the first like compared to the last few shots yeah she threw that really really good and she knew it to right off her hand strike to keep the lead here for

Carson get us a little battle here in this championship match that going to hold get the four out yes it does this this match is definitely going to go frame to frame yeah it’s going to be right down to the 10th Frame it looks like and why not you

That one just got a little bit lazy maybe missed it just a touch 28 she likes to hook it you got to hook it this bear anyway should be no problem here got to [Applause] go 157 a Max score for Carson that’s what she shot in game number one 269 for Analise

O’Brien Max score a little soft going to hold yeah that looks slow off her hand it was in a lot more than that last shot shot that she had over on Lane n kind of looked like when she knew she let it go off of her hand she knew that

It wasn’t going to do what she she was hoping help that was that was an SOS sign went up there she Missle and got slow makeable spare though just kick the three over in the 47 right turn plastic ball Cross Lane and too heavy on the three that puts her max out at

235 and we’ll give Carson the lead sitting on the bench that was an interesting take on that split if I really thought she was going to go for the two side inste for the one side no you got to try and make that one that’s makeable kick the three over I

Think I mean yeah I mean to see what you’re saying get count but yeah that’s like in a situation like this I would I would that’s probably a 40 40% make especially for some of you know for Analise she likes that left lane but she’s got to finish on the right

Lane but she’s only struck on once and she had choice big opportunity for Carson to put a ton of pressure on you can see she has that big last step with no slide and got just got a little behind it that foot was the F line way

Before the ball and could couldn’t make up the distance there in 2810 now you go for two you don’t mess around with this one get the two well she wasn’t trying to make that no remember she just shot the 28 and he come up really light so she made sure

She she didn’t come up light on that one 143 so it’s 233 Max score 235 Max score so again we have a close ball game so i’ take the under in that 237 to win the match would have been a winner she yell at that one open that hooks it

Looked like she had made made the same the same thing happened on Lane 10 that it did on Lane 9 where it’s just not getting there and that’s you know a weaker ball and she was throwing earlier with with h maybe a little lane shine right so

That’s that’s a ball that she can’t get quick with right her misses and wish she gets fast so a 28 a 2810 and 248 her last three shots just going to have to make another move late in the game then Le just needs to make a better

Shot here on Lane 10 that last one just wasn’t wasn’t even close than she knows it yeah that’s in again like she just not getting off her hand just getting over top of it that’s been the same Miss we’ve seen out of her when she misses it’s the same thing

Every time just comes around it I’m not sure who’s going to win this one now it’s everybody’s I you think they’re getting nervous I mean the chance for the first title for both of these players I mean especially for annaise at you know 19 like I like you know she’s one Junior

Gold she knows what this feeling is like but I feel like this is more like I wouldn’t say more important but I it’s almost as if like it’s going to mean more to her because it’s this is just the beginning for her oh 100% she’ll be in these

Matches on the pwa tour multiple times throughout her career yeah getting the first one at a young age right a big deal she told me when she when she’s done with school um she will definitely we will definitely be seeing her on the tour which I already do but but I just needed

To confirm it with her so she did give you some information she didn’t hold on you for everything she likes this Lane she’s been throwing great shots on Lane nine but she’ll have to finish on Lane 10 that didn’t get there either that’s in but all 10 fell yeah looks like that

Ball just reading way too early I don’t know if she really missed a lot on that but the ball soon hit the lane it just checked right up on her maybe too much surface all she wants is a chance in the tth and that’s up to Carson the koses to

Not give her a chance Carson can shoot 223 Anna least the max score is 215 well and at least we’ll have a chance no matter what Carson does now herx scor just goes to 212 with a spare and three in the tent so how many strikes will handle these after

Throw on a lane that’s giv her a lot of issues here in this championship match yeah I think between you know just not having a read on the lane and and being tentative that’s why we’re seeing her just make some some shots that we don’t expect her to

Make Carson’s going to make this 10 pin first [Applause] o she knew she makes it interesting doesn’t it keeps it interesting that’s for sure well you know takeway for Carson she knows look she knows what she needs to work on after this event win or lose

Yeah she needs to go and work on spars right I don’t think it’s a secret for any of her fans here in attendance um you know she she’s made a few but she’s made them pretty darn interesting and it’s just you know shooting them in competition right and

And under the pressure for a it’s tough to recreate that when you’re practicing at home but just you know muscle memory just go out and shoot a bunch of spares CU out on these tours here for the ladies Spar is are a premium as much as she strikes she starts making Spar she’s

Going to be tough to [Applause] beat right so that makes an get the first one he stes here at least we’ll have to get the second one as well on the 10th for she likes it she knew right off her hand that that ball was going to do exactly what she

Wanted it to do she was really confident in that shot all right count count not massively important here I mean she shoot 212 an Le going shoot 215 so you wouldn’t expect an Le to go double six um but just you know just get another strike put 10

Back and wait and see what your opponent does here that’s a really good shot as well she Ace that one too split right through him that might have been the best shot of the match right there so put a little exclamation point on the 10th Frame three strikes for

Carson 212 and Le double and eight and she could be our first winner of the year and for her first pwba Regional Title as well be the first win for either of the two players that in as well oh wow H huge [Applause] break yeah she she’s just stuck now I

Mean she’s missing left on that ball does not give her any Miss left at all with the on of surface on it that’s that’s a huge break she’s been throwing the same ball the match which is um the brunic twist with a ton of surface well forget about that shot

Regroup just make a quality shot here he striking eight that’s a better shot that was a that was her best shot of the match as well she finally got one out there got it off her hand that’s what she’s been trying to do for the last several frames and did in a very

Crucial point in this match eight on this shot and Lisa Bryant will be the winner here at the pwb motal beach Regional seven we have a tie anything less Carson lus is our winner oh that’s got to hook that’s got to hook a lot we have a tie we have a [Applause]

Tie well what ACH folks all right so let me ask you this so anise will have Choice what Lane she wants to go on there’s no chance she picks Lane zero chance she picks Lane will choose the starting Lane and Order and should the match still be tied after one

Ball players will switch lanes continuing the same order until the process of the tie is broken in this case Anise is our top seat so she she sure made it interesting that could have got less than seven what a way to start off the season yeah you know what let’s just

Let’s just just keep going let’s you know let’s make this an end on the 10th Frame let’s go for another hour just let them keep tying so the rule is right I believe what roben just said is that they each get one shot no yeah but Analise has

Choice of Lane and if she wants to go first or second she’s she’s got to pick Lane nine and go first they’re down there talking with our tournament director Robin Graves who’s done a fantastic G here this weekend thank you to Robin running this event solo I’m

Shocked that she’s letting Carson go and onlan 10 I don’t like it I mean I don’t like it at all um I mean letting her go first maybe but not on not on that lane no way I think I think maybe because she just threw that shot on Lane 10 she psyched your

Out yeah I don’t know you know what I I works out for her but man that’s tough and this is Carson’s better Lane this is cuz Carson she 28 comboed twice on the left lane you know two 48 the last time come up light her last two

Shots over there yes she finished off the 10th well she wants to continue she knows she has a strike right here if not Carson lucus will would be a firsttime champion here on the pwa tour here in Myrtle Beach what’s an Scout for all right got it off for hand good

There He Go Touch high but that’s all right High [Applause] flush and I believe now we go to Lane number nine right yeah we switch lanes y Carson goes through pre-shot routine visualizing little arm swing watching the M on the lane in her head and trying

To get there and do what she just saw instant replay what she just ran through her through her mine there oh that’s that’s in it’s going to hold her feet got really quick on that one you see see that that that trail leg was right up on the Fall Lane instantly

Like I said Kay this is what a way to start off the pwba season here first Regional two great competitors here great match high at 212 we go to this is the second frame of sudden death rolloff Carson strikes on both and leas has to strike right here to keep it going

Wow sure B that one off her hand let’s just keep going well we’re going to yeah we’re going to maybe just call Buffalo having hold off on the game maybe tell him to take an extra timeout or something Buffalo’s up three nothing let me let me call up Josh Allen

Real quick to hold on a minute hey we’re we’re busy here with the re on Myrtle Beach can you just hang on just give us 10 minutes you know just 10 minutes all we need just Carson take a little more time here that was a big deep breath

She got her game face on now yeah that’s some seriousness going on with Carson yeah by the way it’s 33 an just made two of her best shots of this match here in sudden death he’s going to have to make a third one it’s a little slower [Applause]

Oh we have a Champion here in Mortal Beach Carson theosis her first title here on the pwba tour and it’s the first one of the Season congratulations Carson what a match what an Absolut great match that was you know we were talking earlier it’s only matter time Carson wins out

Here and well you know what took care of that early in the season and it’s sinking in Now You Can Tell She’s realizing what just happened I just won finally did it she’s running back to hug her mom right now oh yeah oh there’s our proprietor Larry with our

Trophy Todd and Larry out there with Carson she gets a check too but that trophy is important she’s been wanting this for a while looks like hopefully we’ll be seeing Carson again in Orlando well yeah she’ll be in Orlando all right she’s qualified now for the pwba regional Showdown to lomma bowl in

December very cool good for her good for time for some photo ops hey that means it’s over now Kay we uh we’re done we made it it’s been a long day we started at 10:00 this morning eight games of qualifying some great step letter matches and there’s our champion Carson lukosz

Congratulations to her and all the ladies for making it through the first event of the Season here in 2024 so with that I think we can uh we can call it a day are you ready yeah I guess we’re going to pack things up load up a

Yugo you put gas in it that’s that was your job to gas up the Yugo you forget who Gess up the what the Yugo you don’t even know what that is no I don’t more homework for you so thank you everybody for watching we appreciate y’all out in the chat keeping us uh

Entertained as well as we try to keep you entertained of course thank you to Myrtle Beach Bowl the staff here has been great to us all weekend long oh amazing amazing yeah we had a first for us streaming we set up yesterday during a a celebration of life we never did

That before there’s a first forever that was the first so I you know yeah it was that was that was different but we made it through it through the first event more covers coming up this weekend College event down in Dallas area we’ve got the US Open up in up in Indianapolis

So make sure you take a little break from B TV for a couple of days and come back and join us this weekend for more coverage here on B TV so thanks to the USBC and the USBC board of directors BPA in their board for allowing us to bring you bow TV the

Platform here to watch professional bowling on every level all season long here in 2024 and in a 2025 two-year deal with BBA the staff oh Carson’s getting she’s getting a little chance on the mic to thank a few people to all fin great I’m just so excited good stuff there’s Robin Graves

Our tournament director you are our first champion of the year which means you get a bid into the regional showdown at the end of the year so Orlando in great weather it was cold when we were there imag live in Florida so now I don’t have

A place to stay and vacation so that’s awesome exciting it’s far away Carson’s going to Orlando partip full but what was theet you coming into the regional and kind of your outlook overall for bowling in 2024 um just with it make good shots hopefully cash a few times and title is always a

Bonus once again ladies and gentlemen our champion Isen Beach Regional please make sure that you follow P she’s got a lot more friends and family to go uh hug and celebrate with here this afternoon in mrtle beach and uh we’re going to call it a wrap so for Kaye CH Patrick Martinez all

Of our crew scattered all over the country we’re getting ready for the US Open here in a few weeks we’re going to call it a day sounds great remember on Bowl TV bowling lives here


  1. Wow what an ending! 2 brooklyn strikes to put her in position to win! Then only needs an 8 count to win, throws 7 to roll it off! They both had a chance to put it away. Bowling at its best!

  2. Professional Women's Bowling Association, Thank you for uploading the Stepladder Finals of the 1st event of the 2024 Pwba Regional Tour that is called the Pwba Myrtle Beach Regional. Also, You are awesome in uploading the content from the Pwba Tour. Also, Are you going to name your playlist the 2024 Pwba Regional Stepladder Finals?

  3. we have seen ms. o bryan on the prodigy bowlers tour great bowler bet her father who is her coach will tell her if you need nine pins to win throw strait right down the middle

  4. 중약지를 뜯어서 털어치기.팔라인이 바닥과 직각상태전에 엘보우를 해주면서 복숭아뼈 있는데서 손이도착한후 엄지라인을 바닥쪽으로 숙여서 11시방향으로 해주면서 중약지를 뜯어주면서 엘보우를 펴주면서 샷.

  5. It doesnt matter who that lady is in the background – sister mother whatever – her yelling and screaming for Karsen especially on the very lucky shots she kept getting was very poor behavior and took away from her accomplishment..That lady was embarrassing

  6. Sound was bad guys gotta give these woman more respect have the sound fixed before the matchs other then that great to see these players out there doing what they love ❤❤

  7. I don’t like this far view & it’s not professional camera angles like they don’t have a CBS Sports Network type of view. Sorry to say. Need to hire more camera operators into this lane.

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