I’ve USED 100’s of DRIVER SWING TIPS But this Makes You Hit Your Driver From The INSIDE Every Time!!

I GUARANTEE This Move Will Fix Your Driver and you will start to hit from the inside EVERY SINGLE TIME! These are my PROVEN club path drills that I have used on ALL my students and I’ve USED 100’s of DRIVER SWING TIPS But this Makes You Hit Your Driver From The INSIDE Every Time (QUICK RESULTS). In this simple golf tip we focus on 3 of the best golf swing driver tips in the world on how to hit from the inside EVERY single time. This leads to LONGER straighter golf drives out on the gol course!

The 3 focus drills that are tested and proven by Alex Elliott golf top 50 world golf coach are:
1. THE towel trace drill
2. Headcover blocker drill
4. (THE BEST) 45 degree rule!

I’ve USED 100’s of DRIVER SWING TIPS But this Makes You Hit Your Driver From The INSIDE Every Time!!

I’ve discovered a new EASY way to create an inside out swing path and it works instantly! This method will put an end to that frustrating slice for good and add distance to your game. Discover the easiest way to get onto the right path on your downswing. Use THIS particular method and part of your body to stop slicing the golf ball, use this to add distance, control with your golf swing.

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When I say I’m going to fix something for good I absolutely mean it so today I’m going to show you my top three club path drills that I use week in week out and I know for a fact work so save this video and that means you have exactly

What you need to fix your club path for good so the first one we’re going to start with is what I call the towel Trace drill now every single one of these drills I’m going to show you how to set them up so the first thing to do

Is grab your towel hopefully you’ve got a really long towel or semi long towel like I have here and what we’re looking to do is place this on the ground now in a very specific manner we’re looking to place it on a slight angle like this now

The reason why I call it the towel Trace drill is simp L we’re going to imagine in that down swing we want our club to be tracing over this towel now I talked about a very specific placement and what we’re looking for here if that is our

Ball to Target line that would Trace all the way down towards Target we’ve sort of got it angled in slightly so hopefully you can see the outer edge of the towel if I I move this out the way is slightly angled in like this and that’s absolutely key so if I knock that

Golf ball off and just have a few practice swings to begin with I’m looking to sort of move my driver over that towel as opposed to massively over the top so for the Trac drill have a few Waggles just start that down swing really trying to feel the club head is

Moving over that towel in the last little bit of the down swing before impact now come have a look at this number that shot I just hit was absolutely insane look I swung 6.1 de to the right and essentially that means 6.1 de into out now that is a little bit too much

But I had the towel in a very exaggerated position and to sort of calm this down slightly we could sort of angle this towel a little straigh I guess sort of moving it more that way so it’s not as in to out so there’s my

First drill I want you to try and as I say right this is about you learning what drill is best for you drill number two drill number two is the head cover drill now the head cover drill I don’t like it when you place the head cover

Behind I really feel like it doesn’t give you a focus point and what I mean by that is we’re so bothered about avoiding it what I like to is affect club path by having an objective on the follow through so if we’re really slicing the gold ball I want you to

Place the head cover in this position a club head inside work the club head and then a club head further forward place the head cover down just as you can see here you can see now you got to make a real into toout swing effectively avoiding something after impact now if

You avoid it after impact you know you’ve made a much better club path in to the golf ball and through so simply place it on the inside closer towards your left foot and roughly a club head inside and a club head in front dead

Easy to set up you can set that up down at the range you can also probably like imagine that one on the course too so if you then hook the golf ball you could just simply place it on the opposite side on the toe side of your golf club

Again a club head out and a club head in front just as you can see here let’s get on to the final drill now if you’re wondering Alex right where did you get all these ideas of this content from where did you get all the ideas of how

You’re going to help people well I’m simply powered by you the viewers and today we’re answering this question from Darren I have a tendency to come over the top I can see if I practice a drill enough I can develop muscle memory and this leads me to the point I’m saying I

Want you to choose which one works best for you but also I want you to try all three cuz you might use at different points of the season I often think golfers sometimes become num to one drill now if you want to get involved with everything here at Alex L8 golf

Simply just comment down below what you need help with and as long as you’ve subscribed and you’ve turned on the Bell then I’ll pick your comment and I’ll help you personally play your best goal the season right for the last drill we are going to need a basket I absolutely

Blum and love this one we are also going going to need a alignment stick and I’m sure you or one of your golf mates have one of these so hopefully you can sort of see what I’m saying there like you can definitely find drills that work for

You and they don’t always work all the time so having some in your back pocket is definitely what I’m trying to show you right here so the next drill is we’re going to need a basket and we’re going to place our alignment stick in like this so you can see there it’s sort

Of I don’t know 30ish degre under now the placement of this is key I’m going to place this down here and let me illustrate this a little further if this was again our ball to Target line that extended all the way up towards our Target you can see that I placed this

Sort of on an angle just inside that okay pointing inward Ward now for a very specific point it’s sort of overhanging where I want the golf club to move if I move out and hit over the top just as the question today was I’m going to clut that alignment stick

If however I learn to drop the arms rotate then look how I clear and miss that stick by an absolute mile the success I have with this drill by the way is a joke it’s so good just so you can see a little bit clearer here you

Can see ball the target line straight up there and this basket is sort of just placed inside and then that stick is angled in on this direction I really feel it forces you to move this way and through and not that eagerness to hit from that top now

I don’t like golfers to hit golf balls straight away I want you to learn I want you to grow into the drill so start off by making a few practice swings where five in a row we comfortably work under and we hit a teg away again if we hit the teg just Place

Another one down in there in the same position just feeling as though we get the drop and then we get the arms through it will really feel your Club head is lower earlier and then under which logically low lower earlier means more on plane to under plane as opposed to high and

Across when you’re feeling comfortable and you made those practice swings step up to the plate and I promise you this data is going to be crazy good the comfort you get from doing this drill Time After Time with irons or driver that was absolutely 34 five y

Draw you would take that every single day of the week now look at this data 34° again to the right and right that means my club path is into out if I was still swinging over the top one I would have hit the alignment stick but that

Would have a big L and left next to it they are hands down my favorite Club pth drills that I rely on constantly I can’t wait for you to try drill one drill two and drill three and have them in your Armory so you play your best golf this summer thanks for watching


  1. I've never felt more intellectually stimulated than I do right now. This thread is a veritable playground for the mind.😛

  2. I’ve used the towel and head cover drills with very good success. Intrigued to try the basket one now.
    Love all of your tips!
    Easy to understand, easy to apply and best is that they WORK!!!

  3. Coach, do you have a drill for the transition from top of the back to start the downswing? Things like hesitation or someone else?
    Thanks greetings from Italy

  4. Hi Alex, so, I am 100-120 yds from the green, but 50 yds in front of me I have a row of high trees, how do I get the shot high enough to clear them?
    Thanks Alex, love your videos, all the best,
    Gordon Coles
    BTW, I will be 70 in a few months.

  5. John Daly and I have 3 things in common: we are too short compared to weight, we play golf, and overswing…. He can control it, I cant…. Combine that with a nice over the top swing, and you have the shortest shots ever…. My drives are 180 meters, my 7i 120 max! I cant feel where to stop 😮…. Any drill ?

  6. the drills are great, my issue is that I end up leaving the club face open, so the ball stays out to the right. How do I close the club face so my in to out swing produces the mini draw?

  7. Alex, Mother nature, finally allowed me to get out and play. I worked on the buttery smooth swing with an extra club. The only issue I had was that all my clubs were flying further. Wow, what difference! Your tips have been such a help to me. It is very much appreciated.

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