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Padres vs Cardinals [TODAY] Highlights | Kim Ha seong Unbelievable | Padre Vibes

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Padres vs Cardinals [TODAY] Highlights | Kim Ha seong Unbelievable | Padre Vibes

By our friends at PNC Bank We join you from Petco Park where the Cardinals go as the Cardinals and Padres get set for game one of our three- game series here at the interesting thing is he doesn’t throw in all the time he throws in about

26% have to be very selective against it and you see what makes him tough I think you try to hit the fast B you lay off that knuckle ball as much as possible you get against the Padres in this new season lot of stars on the field at

Petco Park will show you little chilly here in Southern California this evening hopefully than we’re used to here in Southern California but always a times the Red Birds offense had Trumble making contact against the Dodgers that for the Cardinals Who start play one and three

On the year and on the M that’s the most interesting thing you take a look at his numbers last year six 7% of the time it’s more than any other pitch but he sinks IT staff for Mike Schultz Club offensively the Padres collectively Brad you check out our dobs tire and auto

Center San Diego defense Details Matter more now than ever before ball Club so there’s your battery Luis kept the giants made great strides too but what’s so interesting Brad about this Soo hater all out the door it’s a different the other one was the Mets with the highest

Payroll in all of baseball lead off against Waldren and we are underway a strike called on the last three games against the Dodgers and there’s some contact but foul that one Knuckles outside box and go ahead and try to hit it before it makes that last tumble Nebraska corn

Husker as Donovan smokes one into center for the Red Birds and Donovan well went with a couple of knuckle balls left in on the hands and got one two three for three straight games against La that of a sudden you’re in a hole two Lewis at first and driven out of

Play foul I would imagine some of those knuckle ball counts and you do have to watch out balls at a strike knuckle ball pass Goldie and more of a tumbler there well how do you control it he say I don’t know I don’t know where it’s going and fouled straight Nolan Gorman

Nolan ronado to follow for the Cardinal justo what that is like probably hard for the UMP let’s see if Donovan’s running with a Full Count pitch Runner goes pitches wack tatis and he’ll have for Goldie a long sequence but three people in his 18 years with

The Cardinals and they a little bit in his interview that one got away from campusano his throw to Second short hop and notan too he sees this thing down in the dirt that’s more of your traditional they really fortunate that didn’t kick back further hand and there’s breaking ball in for a

Strike wonder if it gets in your head as a pitch and Gorman is still alive he’s got an RBI chance as Donovan reaches second on that and a swing of a Miss tied him up inside Gorman with that one you see a couple of dancing that one

Gets only one for 16 at the plate to start Pete the slow start that he had last year single he’s had good luck in this ballpark of this season Padres play him as a Deadpool yeah that’s the thing you just play of movement Hudson gives

One swing and a shot hit to left that’s will score standing up AR the outer half and pull it with a Nolan covers it gets himself a double and San Diego let’s see if he can continue a fun good cut at that a run in the first inning already having an

Early Fly ball it’s [Applause] gone had no chance and now a bun try for Matt Carpenter that’s going to be who’s greeted with a standing boo when you you look at the Cardinal young man has got plenty of it one of the teams against which Jordan

Had great off that PFF saw early on he would flail he’s ahead in the count and he didn’t lay off to the umpiring crew tonight and a swing in a Miss great start with two outs and hand Kyle Gibson an early first inning but more like it partner three

Nothing his debut yeah that is way more fun I know Kyle Gibson’s ready to have and he’s facing a San Diego lineup and his start was Ander Bogarts who whacks that one toward third time and Gibson a ground ball machine BR out there Fernando T Jor Manny Machado by

The 922 has have been doing a lot they move Short Stops all over the place year for Fernando tatis Jr and the big fouled straight back in out going another chance for arado stepped to his left two ground ball outs to third Goldie and Contreras The Man Behind the

Plate five for his last 16 at the plate that stay a little Missouri dreamed of pitching for St Louis the dream come true being able to understandable the pitch is hit on comes Donovan he’ll di two three first for the Cardinals right-handed that first hit too right for the Speedster you called

It we were not working I could say I’m always that good just felt like it it felt like with them also added a double his first extra base hit this The First Big Weekend as a big strikes the Cardinal charlson unfortunately got hurt in the final days

Of spring training in the lineup in LA and what’s really been impressive and it’s paying off for it he does not look overmatch do you see it on his face and you saw one of the I mean this guy will take way the G popped is there and makes it nothing

Suit up this year at check out the largest selection a good start three for nine at the plate boy was he impress for sure he turned a double play that I don’t out there I think something that’ll really help Mason win is that h of guys that

You faced it does help out roll the decks you had a roll the deck for sure no but I two down and we go back to the top of the next game with a single took second on a guys have rubber arms generally speak I would say from a traditional knuckle

Ball and that’s smoked Petco porch Donovan’s two and a double and the Cardinals Brad already another extra base hit something that they didn’t SMI the batter he flyed out his first time up 342 for his career and there’s a base hit to around round profar won’t have a

Play Pitch track on this one to Paul goldshmid he’d love that thing to be dancing a it’s a 4 nothing game the pitch pop back toward us and sadly my mind went to the same place 0 and two well the pitch as we know Brad this time for the

Astros they were for Gorman is squipped back to the side the Cardinals have scored An For Hey But Die Fore Byebye

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