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Mercedes Saudi Arabian GP Debrief is ridiculous

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You know guys I must confess that I’ve not often been the nicest one about Mercedes I’ve I’ve I’ve killed them haven’t I I do I am quite harsh on them but that’s a function of my being a sir Le Hamilton fan isn’t it and so I do

Need to temper that down they are the eight time Constructors I understand all of this in kind Toto wolf is an absolute Legend a business mind potentially greater than he’s a racing mind but I think I think on this on this stream we’re going to have to Lev some

Criticism at them what’s going on MAR what’s going on CBD what’s going on while Joe oh my God bless up um we’re going to have to level some criticism at Mercedes today because I’ve had enough guys I will be honest with you as a LS Hamilton fan moreover as a fan of racing

A fan of competitive racing which by the way we’re not going to get a a lot of over the next 24 months I think we need to l some criticism at Mercedes I I I’ll be honest with you guys I will be honest and here’s why I watched um Andrew

Shovelin talking to the Mercedes YouTube channel yesterday doing the Mercedes debrief as to their credit they do after each and every single race I was watching that I wanted to see a couple of things I wanted them to explain why the car was so slow and I wanted to

Understand their reasoning behind why they failed to double stack why they Institute to the strategy at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix that they went with cuz I’m watching from a distance I understand there is a tendency for all of us to be Monday morning quarterbacks right it’s easy to say after the fact

Well they should have double stats why didn’t they put both messes Russell and Hamilton on the soft camp on ties like everybody else to start with why didn’t they know there was going to be a safety car as an example but is it very easy

For me to do that I wasn’t there I can’t say I don’t understand about their process maybe I’m being more outcomes focused because it didn’t work out and I should be more process focused because as always if they did the right thing for the right reasons but it turned out wrong things

Happen in F1 and you got to forgive that but listen I think there’s I think they’re worthy of some criticism still I want to place their processes under the microscope you guys can go back and watch this Mercedes debrief courtesy of one shoveling and I think he’s said some

Things right that need to be critiqued and examined first first part of course that car is an absolute dog you’ve heard me say on a gazillion occasions that Mercedes are to be forgiven potentially for designing a dog of a car cuz everybody makes mistakes a knew the

Legend the goest aob buffing who was ever F1 absolutely made mistakes he designed a car in the McLaren mp44 that could wouldn’t even be raced so edgy was it so dangerous was it and I say that to say all of these guys at some point make mistakes no designer

Bats a thousand each and every single time it’s impossible in the world of F1 it absolutely does not no cannot happen and so for Mercedes to go hard and go big with that zero pod concept I think that’s worthy of forgiveness everybody makes bloody mistakes from time to time

I was the the one absolutely killing them in fact the joke is f rewind slightly more I was the one who saw the zero pod concept and said yes Mercedes have done it so Innovative so brilliant and genius so Contra flow is that design concept that there’s no way that the

Eight-time constructors Champions have put that on their car if it’s not nailed lo and behold nobody buts a including camera because I was wrong although the peaky performance curve indicated that that design philosophy wasn’t a wrong one that there was performance in there indeed on once

Every 365 days when there is a full moon you could extract some decent performance from that car it would indeed be the fastest but the problem with problem with all that is that that was far too rare of a circumstance right the curve was far too peaky meaning

Although the highs of that car’s performance were very very high that high was too inaccessible too infrequently did it occur over the course of a 24 calendar season and it’s techy what Mercedes decided to do though and here’s where I I have to level some very harsh very serious criticism at

Them what they decided to do apart from instead of failing fast they decided that they were going to roll that design forward didn’t they from 22 to 23 and du there is where it gets techy why would you do that if the if the upper portion of that performance curve is so

Inaccessible The Bouncing because you got to run it so low why would you roll it forward and that’s where I jump on my high criticism horse and say you know what Mercedes absolutely dropped to the ball they bottle for one of a better word to leverage Gary Neville’s terminology

Thank you so much Jo do me a favor and smash the like if you could please because it helps the channel massively Mercedes dropped the ball because they didn’t fail fast any management book worth its meta will always tell you you will make mistakes but make them quickly identify them and

Rectify for them as soon as possible don’t continue to make mistakes through two seasons flipping nor Mercedes what are we doing here 12 months in you won a Grand Prix in Brazil with George Russell and you took that as Vindication the zero pod concept works well it works but

As afor mentioned one of 365 days a year when there’s a full moon the circumstances under which that car functions at its best were far too infrequently occuring what Mercedes do was take do the antithesis the exact diametrically opposed stance to what Red Bull have been doing Red

Bull have taken a platform and they made sure it’s malleable and predictable and that it can adapt to as many circuits as possible a car that’s quick through medium and highspeed turns which is what we see most frequently occurring on the calendar this year that’s all that it is

Right Mercedes meanwhile have built themselves a car even in 2024 for that can’t handle medium and highpe speed turns as Andrew shovelin in his met Mercedes debrief is saying that we don’t have the balance that the car is still too bloody Twitchy managing over steer and then sudden snap over steer poor

Messes Russell and Hamilton how are they going to they can’t the one thing you need from a race car particularly around a track a track even like jeder cor Niche is for it to be dependable and predictable but you can get on the throttle early around these bloody

Highspeed death defying turns and messes Russell and Hamilton haven’t had that for as near as makes no different two years now shoveling a lose to this on the Mercedes Deb saying that the critical issues with the car are one of unbalance dependability predictability so they tacked on less down Force right

Hence why it’s bloody even more twit them before what are we doing Mercedes no how are we even hear the A and you hear the exasperation in my voice right this is the eight time gun structur the seven time goat in sir Lewis Hamilton and his career is wasting away in that

Bloody that car that dog of a car that can’t be leaned upon in high speed it just super slow and it wasn’t straight Lin spe because they were up there as far as the last race right 330 km per and near as makes no difference they were quicker than Red Bull through the

Speed trap but for whatever reason through the twist is that red bull just doesn’t cut it and again we can die a tribe for that and deep dive it again they’ve made a mistake but I in some senses you would almost expect this from Mercedes in some senses here’s why

They’re not 24 months behind they’re 48 months behind the rest because the rest have been learning more about design learning they’ve got 12 ments of learning sorry around design philosophies that work they’re pursuing they’re barking at the same tree that they have been doing for the past 24

Months this is all brand new this is the design that Mercedes should have had 24 months ago in 2022 there it is there it is I’ve said it that’s my piece but it’s annoying you guys will forgive me for ranting is you scorched Earth Cameron cuz I’m so desperate to

See good racing those who I think are the most competent on the grid being leis Max Alonzo we not seen it because the likes of bloody Aston Martin and Mercedes keep dropping the ball but I digress let’s get back to this Mercedes briefing so shuin explains the

Deficiency with the car saying that it’s unbalanced we’re going to need to work on it Allison mind you coming out and saying that the FIA have done really really good things as far as encouraging more racing and encouraging the Wake outboard so that these cars can follow

And race better but Allison saying that listen the car the bouncing at the back the response of the under floor as far as instability at the rear is still something that they being the FI need to work on no James Allison it’s you that needs to work on it Red Bull have nailed

It it’s only you and your car what can’t handle the reare the instability at the bloody rare it’s you J Allison shoveling continues though check this out and this is where we’re going to get techy here this this is where I’m going to lose my mind completely talking about this

Because I’ve had enough as a Mercedes and Louis Hamilton fan of incompetency and ineptitude as far as Mercedes strategy is concerned I will be honest here it is here it is incoming the Mercedes employee interviewing Andrew shovelin asks what was the reason behind your starting George Russell and Lewis Hamilton on

Mediums Andrew Shin’s response here is going to blow your mind Andrew says had we known that the safety card was going to come out so soon of course we would have started both of our drivers on softcom pan what do you mean Andrew shovelin what are we talking about here

Do you not understand the mechanics of the jeda cor Niche circuit do you not understand the statistics around safety cars what are you talking about Andrew listen do you guys know I’m going to bring this I to I to Deep dive again I want to sense check everything that I’m bringing to

You guys and I needed to Deep dive this and sense check I as he said that I was like hold on one second Andrew I’m sure that each of the races around this track there’s been a safety car and each of those safety cars have come out early I thought between lap one

1 and 20 say but you know sometimes again nobody bats a th000 right sometimes you can get things wrong and misremember so I had to go and check this out and plus it’s shoveling right like serious if you’re talking brains in F1 nobody can criticize this guy he’s a

Serious F1 buffing so for him to come out and say something like that then it must be nailed surely well I went away and did the maths 2021 was the first race that we had in Saudi Arabia then we had a safety car safety car came out on lap 10 for a

Michael sh a Michael a mick shoeer incident at turn 22 lap 10 that was in 2021 2022 lap 16 Nicholas latifi sacked it that’s when the safety car came out 2023 that was stroll lap lap 18 the safety car came out 20124 this year lap s launch do is there

Not a trend here guys is is there something that I’m missing with this Mercedes lot and their decision making because how can Andrew Chris you’re a legend good afternoon thank you so much FY Jers how how can Andrew shovelin talk this way about facts and stats that we

Can see that I can get hold of NY Cameron F1 I can see this stuff myself and if I can see why can’t they see it so look I’m going to go through that again reiterate for the avoidance of doubt safety car we didn’t Andrew shovelin calm down Cameron Andrew

Shovelin says we didn’t know that there was going to be a safety car come out so soon all right look if past this prologue if we can look back we know that history doesn’t repeat but sometimes it does Rhyme there are lessons that we can learn from history

And if you don’t learn those lessons you’re doomed to repeat the mistakes that you’ve made going forward I’m going to say this again for the avoidance of that cuz this is techie Christy I want to I want to bring to lights something that I don’t think Mercedes are doing

And I think it’s worth us Levering some criticism at them for this 2021 talking about when when the say safety car precedence right in 2021 at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix that was the first time that they run an F1 race around that track in Saudi Arabia by the way

2021 on lap 10 Mick Shumaker stacked it into turn 2022 in turn 22 and that brought out a safety car yeah lap 10 that was the first year TW 2022 lap 16 Nicholas latifi brought the safety car out the wheels are falling off the bus for what say this Christie this this is

What I’m saying Tech it but again the reason why I’m going through this because I want to differentiate between process and outcomes cuz sometimes you can do the right thing and it come out wrong but what I’m querying here is the processes of Mercedes I’m not sure that

They’re follow I don’t think they’re doing it right right for the avoidance of doubt 2021 the first time that we raced there lap 10 Mick shaca stacked it into turn 22 2022 second time we’re racing round there lap 16 Nicholas latifi Stacks it brings out safety car

2023 lap 18 lunch stroll Stacks it brings out a safety card so there is a precedence here of an early safety C and of course there is this is a def track those turns are so fast the the width of the track so narrow barriers this is

Like Monaco on steroids right there is always going to be a safety guard and the probability of the safety guard coming out early in the race between anywhere say lap one and lap 20 is super high right because these guys have all started very close proximity between

Each other so they’re going to crash they’re going to crash the danger the risk the probability of a safety car is higher because the risk is front loaded between laps 1 and 20 each and every single time lap 10 lap 16 lap 18 and lap 7 this year what are we doing Mercedes

How dare you Andrew shovelin come on there at the Mercedes debrief on YouTube and talk about we didn’t know if we’d had the benefit of hindsight then we would have started them on soft what what do you mean the benefit of you just need to look back on the most recent presedent

Surely just a bit of common sense and analytics but again sadly for all of us Mercedes fans all around the world it seems like Common Sense the ability to peek your head up above the parit and see what’s going on in real time and make decisions have a look back on the

Races that are most recently recurring and see what trends we can extrapolate from them being that at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix there is always a safety car and historically that safety car has happened transpired within the first 20 laps how dare you Andrew shoveling talk about the benefit of

Hindsight Matt Brown thank you Matthew Brown thank you so much hey can Max could be convinced to go to Mercedes and to could grab adri and neie and we would have Max in the Mercedes ver his new oh my gosh Matthew the chaos and Gage I

Will try and talk about that in a minute Matthew thank you so much you’re far too kind that would be chaos eh there are loads of permutations and driver cices and things we’ll talk about that shortly Matthew it’s a good shot tantalizing some would

Say but still I need to I need to hit Andrew sheving because of not I’ve I’ve not I’ve not had my feel of Mercedes criticism so that’s the exhibit a first he talks about the strategy and the and not going on the soft tires exhibit a and again that’s is that punishable with

Some serious criticism I think so I because if I can see it if I can see it and you can see we can see it then why can’t Mercedes see all the other bloody teams can see hence why they all started both of their drivers on softs but no not Mercedes

Mercedes are trundling along doing their own thing like do you know what I mean I I just don’t I don’t understand it and I’m trying to I desperately want to understand it because for me to say that I’m a better F1 thinker than the likes of Sher and Toto and James Allison is

Absolute nonsense you couldn’t I can’t you can’t engage me for talking such silliness it’s not true so I’m trying to understand why they looked on the most recent Saudi Arabian Grand Prix races and built up a strategy that didn’t somehow incorporate for an early safety card

Between laps one and 20 I just don’t understand because that’s always going to be the way at jeder secondly that’s your exhibit a exhibit B check this out now just scorched off camera today cuz I’ve had check this out now then Andrew shove continues what why didn’t you double stack your

Drivers that that was the apex predator of a strategy asked the interviewer that’s what everybody else did why didn’t you Andrew sh deploys the same excuse right well with the benefit of Hino which of course is always 2020 that was the right thing to do but we put all

Our eggs in the second safety card basket what do you mean Andrew shovelin I don’t understand gosh help me buy go on let me just run this back and you can tell me whether I’ve misread what this dude is thinking I’ll put a link in the

Chat so you guys can go and watch this Andrew shoveling meanss to tell me there’s a safety card and you can get a free slash discounted say discounted I can’t even talk I’m losing about you mean to tell me Andrew that there is a safety car circumstance

During which you can get a discounted pit stop for both your drivers and you mean to tell me that the thing that you did the thing that you thought was the apex predator of strategies was to only pit Messa Russell to pick George Russell and leave Lewis Hamilton out hoping for another

Safety car well you guys will say that Andrew continues oh Matthew brand you’re a legend thank you so much he he continues does Andrew show here’s what Andrew says we feared the we we didn’t want to absorb the risk of the double stack what what is he talking

About 2019 Chinese Grand Prix Mercedes you guys pulled off the best double stack that I’ve ever seen in my life and you mean to tell me in 2024 you’re too scared of the double stack what and you couldn’t mitigate you didn’t want to hold up Lewis in the pit what are we I

Just can’t I can’t at this point I I genuinely can’t the levels of operational ineptitude from this Mercedes team the guys and girls at Brackley of bricks how far have we Fallen to where we’re having these conversations I just don’t understand there is a safety car

Now a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush or something like that like take take your opportunities as and when they present it so this is F1 though these things it’s a moving Target the Apex predat strategy would be different from one lap to the next what do we do

Mercedes Matthew I can’t see it I can’t see Adrian going to Ferrari 65 going on 66 and he’s not going to want to uproot it’s a good shout Matthew you know what if I speak about Adrian for a sec he’s just the goat isn’t it this is why we’re

Having all these conversations about Adrian L because again you look across at Mercedes and they’re doing that Adrian Nei and Red Bull are not which is as it turns out the wrong thing I’m not sure Matthew on Adrian apparently the latest is that Adrian’s potentially going to that he’s happy with the

Circumstance and that um fears of him moving to ferar are kind of a bit premature um but they could always do a John Barnard couldn’t they Matthew and and allow him to work from home he wouldn’t necessarily need to chip into marinell cuz he’s done his first share

If you read the book um how to make how to build an F1 car Adrian newis um he he talks he traveled a lot in his early days and he blames like a I think to a certain extent the end of his first marriage he blames on the the crazy

Amount of traveling that he was doing but I digress Mercedes are talking all this nonsense they couldn’t double stack what are we doing here they couldn’t double stack why why not 2019 Gina gr Bri did the best double stack that I’ve ever seen in my life why can’t we do it

Now are they that risk ofers are they that are they that cognizant of their operational and executional deficiencies is that where we are with Mercedes where they they’re a bit trigger shy is I don’t know I’m I’m talking out loud here I don’t understand it I I’m trying to do the Gap

Analysis being here’s where they were in 2019 Fearless attacking would play a Joker and here’s where they are in 2024 so fearful and timid that they don’t even want to double stack that they would risk the material downside in the near term of leaving Lewis Hamilton out

In the hope and a prayer that another safety car comes out because of the fear of the operational DDE of not being able to pull off the double stack what are we doing here this is sad to honestly genuinely from for Lewis Hamilton fans around the world the

Mercedes fans and fans of competitive racing this is really sad times you know to hear Andrew shelin talking those times I was like what are we doing can you imagine leis Hamilton in that car see watching that back what we’re talking about the Mercedes debrief Le

Would be like what what you left me out because you couldn’t because you couldn’t not wouldn’t because you thought that you couldn’t pull off the double stack mate this is Bonkers honestly I I’m I don’t know I was watching I was like you know what I

Feared for the longest time that it was like this but hearing Andrew’s reasoning sh’s reasoning and why around they’re taking those decisions I I I have no idea this is Bonkers it’s worse than I ever thought it was it is worse and it’s only going to continue to get worse and

Listen people will say that in F1 these and sports more broadly that these domination waves happen in Cycles right you had Red Bull 2010 to 2014 and then of course split Turbo Hybrid era Mercedes took over 2015 to Circa 2020 before then you would have had Michael schumaker’s Ferrari 2000 to

2004 Super dominant and then before then even it was Williams 1995 96 super dominant McLaren were there after before Williams you had McLaren again 91 92 super or 1991 and then you had again McLaren before then 88 88 so you these things happen in waves right nothing

Lasts forever and I I understand that I I understand that I feel more acutely than most but yeah and still I think we need to speak to the the the extent of the Mercedes drop off and the speed of it no one expected Mercedes to fall off

That quick but maybe this is how these things happen right in 2021 at the end of who would have said in 2022 that the rules and regs were going to hit Mercedes as far as their drop off more than most not me but that’s ultimately guys where we

Are that’s that’s where we are Uncle Elias says if they had stopped ham he would have been caught in the Magnuson tra Uncle Elias you know what catch this now I do not think that that’s true if they’ have pulled off the pit stop properly Uncle Li I don’t think that’s

True I don’t I don’t I’m not sure that I’m going to have to go and check it on col you raise a good boy Mathew respond k i do follow the regs and his salaries are regulated under the C that’s of course true cu the cost cap doesn’t

Encapsulate your your top three highest paid people at the team it discounts those so lisis on his 100 million or whatever next year um will be excluded from the cost cap schedule of Ferrari but it is interesting guys isn’t this this Mercedes stuff and again like I said already everything moves in cycle

So maybe I shouldn’t be so extremist and sensationalized in all this but again I’m just I’m factchecking I think the failure to understand that the the probability listen there were unknown know in F1 there are unknowns in sport and you kind of got account for these

Variables as best you can but what you need to do is stack the deck in your favor each and every single time right and if Mercedes had done that they would have known that in all probability between lap 1 and 25 say 20 definitely or 25 definitely but between one between

Laps one and 20 in all probability there was going to be a safety car so build your strategy in that sense right surely an uncle lies to your point had they put Lewis on the soft you don’t think he would have been down the road quicker

We’re not doing like for like in terms of our hypothesizing I’m saying had they put him on soft tires for that first in he would have been down the road right and so less likely to fall into the Trap that was the hor DRS train I I just

Don’t understand why they’re doing this but and I know for a fact if Lewis Hamilton is who I think he is that will be feeding his disenchantment currently he’ll be looking at that be like what so what well you mean you didn’t double stack because like what what are you

Doing I’m surprised at this point that Louis isn’t over typing their strategy do you know what I mean telling them what he wants them to do as far as their strategy goes but I digress Pedas that’s that’s me that’s my diet tribe for the day on all things

Mercedes news video will be out at some point today but it’s um depressing times to be an F1 fan there were there were plot lines there are narratives whether the others can catch up Red Bull but you know I don’t know when when Mercedes ineptitude is laid bare like

That as a leis Hamilton fan I can’t help but feeling destitute Rock says why isn’t King George speaking it well I think you’re here it soon I think it was an affected last race was Rock had had George Russell been the one to have fallen foul of the double stack or lack

There of you would have heard him on the radio why didn’t we why didn’t we in fact there’s no way George would have been in the pit anyway irrespective of whether they wanted him to come in of course he would have George Russell’s not having that he’s not having it but I

Digress Pedas it’s been another rant thank you so much for joining do me a favor remember to like com comment subscribe all that good stuff if you’re listening on the podcasting platform follow five star P forvo all matters um between now and next time as always remember to look but never stare peace


  1. Cameron I can’t believe you’re that naive, Sir Lewis Hamilton it’s on the B strategy in Mercedes from now to the end of the season. PS i’m not a Hamilton fan. Cheers Jim

  2. We should remember Red Bull threatened to leave formula 1 in 2015 if regulations didn't change. FiA change the rules made Mercedes slower and the Red bowl were competitive. They also designed the new regulations to favor. Adrian Newey. He has the most experience with the sets of regulations. So I understand why. Mercedes or any other team would find these regulations difficult.

  3. As a lewis fan, we will not stop suffering during the 2024 season! I pity him with all my heart, what a waste of his skills… what an impact on his morale! 22 more races

  4. Hi Cameron. Nice channel! Your criticism of the strategy is not fair. A safety car at lap 7 and at lap 20 is not the same. Andrew mentioned it and you didn’t. Something that have bothered me more is the pit stop performance. Red Bull used to gain places in pit stops. Ive always had the impression that Merc doesn’t put enough importance on this.

  5. >> *SO, IF A Safety car came out at The Saudie race in 2023 & 2024 in the first 25 laps because of Lance Stroll,,,, THEN Should The Mercedes Team and All of Us Place A Cash Wager that in 2025 when Stroll is in the race again?? > In 2025, Then There Should OF Course Be Another Safety CAR in the Saudie race in the first 25 laps again.?? (( DOES THIS SEEM CORRECT >> *CAMERON ))… THANK YOU SIR, . >>>> *Plus,, REALLY HAVE BEEN ENJOYING YOUR POD CASTS AND YOUR COMEDIC COMMENTS AND YOUR OPINIONS.. > I AGREE WITH YOU ON ALL YOU HAVE SAID, Since I have Discovered You.. Thanks Again…..

  6. Yo Cameron how is Toto a legend? All he did was take over the team Ross Brawn built after buying his team a few years earlier . Not too mention the 7 year head start they had on the turbo V6 hybrid starting development back in 2007 !

  7. So they put no eggs in "the early safety car" basket, but they put all their eggs and the bloody chicken in the "2nd safety car" basket. Makes perfect sense that……. Did he completely forget what he had just said?🤯

  8. Ppl are too harsh with LH for his current skill level. Tru that he is being beaten by an average teammate, but in Jeddah he beat Stroll AND he is ahead of the Ferrari of Ollie Bearman in the championship (8 to 6 pts) great job GOAT.

  9. Lewis knew the writing was on the wall for this regulation period. You can see how relaxed he is under interview. Its a case of you didn't listen ! No one has tge experience Lewis has. Ferrari will listen and he will get number 9 with them. 9 because no one believes Max won in 2021.

  10. Binoto got sacked when he couldn’t get his team in order … same destiny is awaiting for Toto … excuses are no longer good enough

  11. This could be controversial, but could it be that the Mercedes is the most legal car on the grid? Could it be that it's more to do with some sort of active type suspension that is masquerading as not being active suspension? If Mercedes refuse to go that kind of route because they don't deem it legal, then their performance won't get any better than it already is. Remember, when these regs came out, Newey concentrated on suspension not aero. Remember also that Brawn was largely responsible for these regs, and Brawn and Newey worked together at Williams in their active ride era. All I'm really trying to say, is if a team, any team, refuses to do certain things because they themselves interpret them as not being in the spirit of the rules, then they will never win against teams that interpret the same rules differently…

  12. This is Merc being Merc. They have no idea on strategy before and after the race. Cannot have a pit stop less than 3 seconds. Three years and no progress. Lewis made the right choice in Ferrari.

  13. I am confused by such heavy criticism for Mercedes' strategy when every team started at least one driver on mediums, and the vast majority put mediums on both cars; the only two drivers to start on softs were Bearman and Bottas. You say you don't understand how Mercedes got it so wrong compared to both your own thoughts and those of the other teams, yet every single strategy team in that paddock, including Mercedes, employed exactly the same strategy. There are other things to criticise Mercedes for, but not this. And out of interest, do you also consider McLaren inept for not double stacking Norris behind Piastri?

  14. That what happens when you go from the fastest car one season to the 4th the next. Mercedes will be given another chance in 26 anything before is just wishful thinking.

  15. Morning Cam…Noddy Cameron F1…is this the new name…🤣🤣🤣….love it… it looks like we're all wearing Red next year eh..?

  16. They did opt for the best strategy, considering there could’ve been another safety car. They double stacked, Lewis would’ve lost a lot of track position.

  17. As a Hamilton fan, what do you think of his Bahrain performance? It looked to me like he was just going through the motions. I know he's not happy with the car but he's paid to give his best.

  18. Now imagine Sir Lewis sitting in the Engineers meeting and all you hear is 'we can't do this, we won't do that'. Must be sappin'

  19. Funny how Hamilton and his fans complain about the car being so bad meanwhile Russell is delivering solid performances. As Mercedes won’t try to please Lewis at any cost this season you guys better get your tissues ready 😢

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