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Best of Vegas Comedian Butch Bradly RETURNS! | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 117

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guests: Butch Bradly and Alex White.

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Ryan McCormick:

#PunchLines #PunchFrankNicotero #SouthPointStudio

Boom balloons can you see that balloon back forward check that out it’s can we see it kind of I don’t know if we don’t see the top of it I don’t know if we want the balloons to Boom no we don’t want the balloons to Boom but oh yeah

Pan oh slows down look at that so this is all balloons oh this is all balloons those are white but they appear a little bluish because of the lights right yes all right anyway look at that so there you go we stole it no we oh welcome to

The show everybody hi welcome to punch lines I’m Frank Niko longtime comedian lifelong sports fan and um this show is going to give you a lot of uh big laughs today some good Insight because of our regular co-host but we’ll start off with a moment of irony ah yes this was

Yesterday at Dodger Stadium for the Angels Dodgers they they do this traditional series go ahead show it we do this um this they do a three game series or two game series before the and look at this picture someone got Otani bets we should have known I mean come on see an that’s

An Ann laugh that’s a natural real that’s not what of Ann’s BS laughs that’s a real one uh and someone tweeted Vinnie uh Vinnie RB R IB Vinnie RBI he sure does legally too illegally yeah all right this is a good rehearsal all right from the top let’s go yeah good job

Anyway welcome to the show uh We’ve it’s we got a great show I mean it’s Monday ladies and gentlemen it’s Monday so guess who’s here Alex white is here yay sports betting Aly two-time national champion and um Alex you got something for us later today yes and I’m very

Excited to be here for the full show it’s been a couple weeks that’s what I wanted to point out last Monday we had our whole our whole on air Talent here we did the whole big draft which we’ll get to in a second about the bracket then you weren’t here Wednesday so it’s

Been a minute so it’s glad to have you here and what’s what’s coming up later today so I had to dig deep Frank so I’ve got some player props there’s also an nit game tomorrow that I really like so since I won’t be here on set tomorrow

I’ll give it out today I love it all right that’s coming up a little bit later on uh Mr Otani show will be addressing the media a little later on today be interesting to hear what he says and um he’s also going to show his sweet 16 bracket I assume I’m pretty sure

He’s just reading from his script oh I’m sure statement today yeah well what about his translator he won’t be there translator’s gone yeah a new one because of course there’s a lot of memes going around of Pete Rose going oh I could have blamed it on the

Translator uh oh man it’s going to be interesting and right before baseball season anyway Alex is here and making his third appearance on the show a man who just won uh best of what is it called best in Vegas comedian of the Year our friend Butch Bradley will be

Here who about two weeks ago around St Patrick’s Day got to crank the thing what is it like the siren what it’s a siren yeah the they got to crank the siren to open up a nights game which is pretty cool it is very cool I was just

At the night’s game Saturday you were there Saturday you were not upstairs with all of us me Jeff the Courtney we were all up there drinking no I had to go to at least one more because now aviators is starting and their home games cross over a lot so I see never

Crossed the stream I I watched that person do that and I was thinking about him excited to hear the story he got a good story had a really Jersey and they made him and it was green because I’m pretty sure he did it on St Patrick’s

Day so there you go and behind the glass our producer Ryan McCormick Ryan opening weekend of the tournament we were upstairs for a couple days we had a blast I just want to say huge shout out to the South Point the catering the sports book whoever set all that up it’s

Those two departments Steve stalworth up there who manages the arena we saw him running around and uh un there was like 2500 to 3,000 people all watching on like 25 big screens there were bedding kiosks there were ticket Windows the food and prices for drinks insane I’m a I’m I’m told the beer

Buckets I was someone mentioned I don’t know it was pretty good deal yeah I I heard that from other tables too yeah 20 bucks it was Pendleton Whiskey apparently they ran out on Thursday yeah someone drank too much of it that was a good time it was a good time it was a

Good time all right so let’s take a a look at the brackets right now let’s take a look at our pool we’re going to look at our pool first this is the draft we did a week ago as Alex mentioned where all the on air staff and our crew

Drew dog and uh Ryan myself Matt never Jeff parl Sean who’s not here today so let’s take a look at how we all did so uh Alex still has Arizona kraton Alabama and Duke Alex you got to feel good about those four teams most of them are underdogs going into this week and

That’s the only thing that even Ariz oh Arizona is too that’s right so you have 69 points uh out with the Katon what’s that you lucked out with the Katon win I did out with oh Katon game which by the way I had the first half over was

Probably my no my biggest bet of the weekend was yesterday on Yukon I I I st I went four and0 I had UK I Grand Canyon I lost Grand Canyon that looked good for a minute yeah just with the points if you took any of the favorites in the

Round of 32 you went 15 and one yeah well that’s what Frankie overs does favorites and overs so uh yeah I had Connecticut big yesterday and then I had Goki over and um you know that Nebraska Sharpshooter that you know that guy Toma tomaga yeah that one was fun that guy

Too that was fun we’re two and0 in our player prop we were we were here just you got you just you just want guys to bomb threes and especially especially when umk come to and Oak what’s I said this is what basketball comes to exactly but that’s exciting for the fans but

Like when Goki was down and Oak were down you knew he was just going to throw him up and he did he needed four and a half and he got what he end up with six I think he had six didn’t matter it covered yeah it be over for sure all

Right I’m sorry I apologize an could you throw that back up real quick Matt gotot uh oh see an an an unfortunately an you’re out and I’m sorry I’m sorry to inform you you’re out she’s not the only one though not the only one right Drew

Dog oh wait wait wait can we go back Drew dog Drew dog Drew dog has one team left but he has Houston not a bad team not a bad team to have this was a very controversial pick it went for big money I think the highest price 36 bucks he

Wisely saved his money taught well by his mother save your money and he got Houston so that’s a good one then we move over last night Houston escaped last night as well they escaped I’m telling you that was a hell of a game I did have A&M on the M

Uh and then my I listen I was hoping that Yukon Tennessee and Iowa state would be my obviously but Clemson kind of a Darkhorse ACC pick so I got four but Alex technically ahead of me by two points all right the bottom half of the bracket Jeff what’s Jeff have left is he

Out no body and the guy who sat to my left critiquing all of our picks yep son of a gun all right Matt uh Matt looks good right he’s got Purdue Matt’s in the lead he’s in the lead with 72 points because NC State yep

And let’s be H okay real quick and then Ryan he’s got his Tar Heels and I like the Marquette and Gonzaga again it’s one of those years everyone’s ignoring Gonzaga I also had Oregon and Texas who should have won their games yeah but didn’t and then who was last up there I missed

That Sean 36 point oh Sean’s got the Eli oh one team he has left nice yeah is the team you can’t pronounce which a lot of people um like them over Iowa our Iowa State Cyclones this I don’t know what’s the kid’s name of Sherman what’s the

Starts of the kid for Illinois who can just shoot something Junior the third fourth Shannon Shannon that guy yeah Shannon he’s unbelievable so look at that Sean who mispronounces the name Illinois he’s still got he’s hanging all you need is one all you need is one all

You need is love all you need is I was saying it like that I was can we s can we sing Beetles songs those aren’t copyright Jerry are they let’s just sing Beetles songs we don’t have the back that won’t get flagged on YouTube um let’s be honest though the tournament

Itself has been fun to watch it’s not one of the greatest tournaments because the highest SE or the you know NC State at 11 it’s not one of those shocking schools because it’s a school everyone’s heard of yeah they’re on 11 it’s like oh yeah North Carolina State I’ve heard of

Them yeah the top eight seeds are all remaining yeah and you know we we talked about how the was so many different number ones this year and it was going to be wide open but really the cream has risen in the final 16 here it’s it’s kind of a boring tournament there hasn’t

Been any game buzzer beaters right I mean that when does that happen this I mean sending them to overtime sending to overtime not not game winners right but when has there not been at least one or two or three in the opening couple days so I just I’m just saying CBS right now

If I hear gymn or one announcer go this has been one of the best tournaments ever I’m gonna say you’re lying sir you are lying you are lying to the people but it’s shaping up to be the best basketball remaining that’s true yeah because still there’s like sixs yeah a

Lot of teams could still win it but you’re still rooting for Iowa State I am still rooting for Iowa State yes I too am rooting for Iowa State but you also have Yukon Yukon yukon’s playing Angry Yukon looks amazing Dan Hurley Dan Hurley this whole his wife travels with

A traveling washing machine did you see that on the broadcast no okay so he wears the same outfit he wears the same suit which okay it doesn’t get a dry clean every night I don’t think but he wears the same socks same shirt same underwear and they cut to a shot his

Wife travels with it’s one of those I’ve seen him on Amazon it’s like you know an agitator you fill it with water and the bathroom G and it goes they travel with that I guess he’s too afraid to send it out when hour cleaning there there’s no

PA around or something I I don’t understand but anyway he wears the same thing and then have you heard about the M&M’s no have you heard the &em thing no he has to have eight M&M’s before every game eight specifically eight specifically I don’t know why certain

Color or what that’s what here’s the here’s the kicker if the team he’s playing if the team he’s playing if the color is one of them throws that one out so Northwestern yesterday there’s no purple M&M’s so he could just take eight just eight M&M’s so it’s kind of it’s

Kind of wait so he lays out eight M&M’s and I don’t know if he lays them out I don’t know if he lays them out one if one of them’s the color he only has seven no he’ll like substitute another one maybe maybe like another blue one

Cuz Yukon I don’t know there’s no white ones but I’m telling you right now that is something this is like something you’d hear like on a DAT line when they interview people who knew a serial killer he would have eight M&M’s before each killing never the victims come they’ve been brutalizing

Every team they and he even says that when he comes in the locker him he’s even like we’ve been killing him oh yeah he’s a little he’s a little crazy I just didn’t know if the word that I said was a word but we can move on if what what happened

What now they have SDSU we get a rematch what color is that that’s red and blue right red and black red and black so he can’t have any red M&M’s get them out I know you’re not supposed to eat the red ones when we were kids an you weren’t

Supposed to eat red M&M’s no red was the one that had the die that caused uh made you sick green ones are the best red 40 oh yeah that’s right made you horny baby yeah okay if you say it is Aus in power it doesn’t sound as dirty right

Green make you horny you didn’t need to repeat it it didn’t sound as offensive anyway Danny Hurley’s crazy but yeah we love him okay uh what do we got here uh Today’s Show it’s March 25th let’s point it out March 25th 325 uh went to go see a Bark in the Park thing

On Saturday about 20 minutes away okay was not there free paper free little dog magazine you get circled it we went no it was actually uh it was there was there is no March Saturday March 22nd Saturday March 23rd so I Googled it it was March 2nd they put an extra two in

There and guess what they did screwed up the entire day for you so there was nothing going on and they you had no other to let people know okay nothing no way no Bark in the Park well there is Bark in the Park on Wednesdays at the Las Vegas

Ballpark yes there is aviators games can bring dogs to the ballpark yep I’m gonna think about that y it’s a good time a lot of pups how messy does it get uh well there’s like the the grass area in the Outfield that’s where they normally all all dogs

Aren’t perfectly trained to do well no yeah but that’s normally where they all uh well anyway it’s March 25th 2024 it’s a day to take a breath from the weekend for sure as we bring you show number 117 um and I even wrote I think Alex

Hasn’t been here for a normal episode so yeah so you know what to celebrate that Alex since you haven’t been here I send two different scripts to The Crew because it’s time for triple day triple hey do we have a Graphic for that part of part of the game all never

Mind Alex oh gosh yeah see I sent everybody’s script if this little tip next time if you see it’s just a script sent to you they’re up to something all right so anyway Triple Play triple day Triple Play did we copyright that yet Jerry have we copy wrote that get a TM

On that we got we own this game on it this is owned by South Point Studio Alex we have three famous sports related birthdays celebrating birthdays today one of them was yesterday but anyway uh I don’t know how Ann has set this up I think Ann did you do your special version of

It it’s the Mosaic oh this is good all right so here’s your birthday person clue uh oh something just fell what was that was that one of my pages with the script nope we can’t take the two shot okay was it our sign yes I could get up

And oh jar jar is it okay I’m on a triple all right we’re triple boxing it oh that mean all right anyway here’s your first clue she was a cheerleader oh she this a very super very famous Superstar athlete she was a cheerleader and a babysitter in high

School this is a terrible hint well I can’t give it away I assume you did both of those okay so here we go here’s her Mosaic how long will it take you to figure out who this is and go oh we got the triple day okay triple day there’s a

Song triple day all right who is that oh that’s Danica Patrick Dan Patrick she got it before the Mosaic came full so Alex is a winner but today is her birthday Danica Patrick who I was a big fan of love her uh is she 39 40 or 42 40 correct answer

Is 42 oh 42 still looks great we almost named Aubrey Danica it’s a good name that’s a solid name really what other names are in the running for Aubrey uh Harper was what made the the top Harper was there baby Frankie maybe ever was that thought yeah yeah when’s the

Baptizing when when do I have to be there for the baptizing just let me know okay I got you just we got we got to figure that out you got to do it like the office you have to invite everybody and then you have to supply food you saw

The show okay so all right number two here’s your clue okay hopefully it’s better than that Dan Patrick was a cheerlead she was a cheerleader but you knew who it was all right borne Reginal Dwight but you know him as a Vegas Legend and a great tennis player that’s

The whole Sports thing he really is known for other kinds of hits and this famous sequin LA Dodger uniform that he wore several times all right here we go get ready Vegas Legend Elton John Elton John yes it is Elton John Elton John glasses yeah it’s the

Glasses you got it right away you’re two for two is Elon 77 78 or 80 today you’re going all the way up wait up down what do you think I’m I’m gonna stick with the the middle 78 how old is El John today oh he’s 77 you’ve identified both

Of them but you’ve been off by one year Jerry yeah Jerry’s roing it Jerry’s roing it Butch Bradley has arrived he’s doing everything but what’s happening we’re gonna have you on any second now at that Jersey though a jersey’s awesome all right and here we go this is the

Last one you’re two for two Alex okay she’s very she’s focused so much on the game she’s looking at her phone there’s no hints on your phone all right this gentleman is celebrating a birthday yesterday but you know he’s yourday birthday K I don’t know what’s going on

Jerry Jerry Jerry we’re not you know we the low brow you could just walk in and put it up next time the gentleman just crawled on the ground this is why Jerry was Employee of the Year yes what was he doing did we knock over the Sal Point

Sign is this how you do it this is how Jerry does it man we’ve it’s Vegas anyway okay here’s your birthday person clue number three actually was yesterday born in New Orleans he’s won he’s won two Super Bowls okay all right here we go slowly unravel the Mosaic of this birthday boy

From yesterday University of Tennessee quarterback [ __ ] gave it away and there is PT that is a that what is he 12 in that picture what picture did you find there he’s very young there thank you Ryan for throwing that out there all right we had to get Tennessee

Still in the tournament I still have them he 4850 or 51 this is your last one to get the number right looking looking for Clues let’s stick with B 50 no 51 no 48 all right her job is to analyze Sports not ages ages yeah he’s 48 so

Anyway happy birthday to El and John happy birthday to pton Manning yesterday and happy birthday to lovely Dan Patrick might as well just bring Butch in right now sure right Butch slide in ladies and gentlemen coming to the stage this G now I follow him on social media we follow

Each other uh this gentleman just you met Alex was Alex has been here before of course hi Alex uh BR you just were named uh best of Vegas comedian of the year in Las Vegas Andy’s wearing a jersey which we’ll get it’s B Bradley third time baby the hatrick performance

Keep it going for Frank kill thank you Alex he took over Vegas in 3 weeks that’s right I’m all the comedians are terrified Gabe Lopez is on top of the building right now we have a story about that later but anyway uh not only is this jersey green you brought a green

Drink did you coordinate this this is matcha yeah I this is by the way if you haven’t discovered this mhm I haven’t Alex oh yeah so good Mach is great what is it it’s just full of love enjoy all right it’s like caffeine but without you know like coffee kind of a

Little acidic this is uh straight from China some field in China called MAA okay and uh making that up is that true I am I was buying it I was going all right I’ll try it I got to try it uh you look like a million bucks before we even get

To your outfit I want to say congratulations on the on the best of Vegas comedian of the year so it’s weird but so I won best of Vegas like three times but this time I didn’t win I won another award I won another award they come from

All directions what did you win uh uh when you’re the now you’re in town you watch it’s just the two of us we’ll have awards every year yeah what did you win you won something I won um the the award was basically uh a comedian who’s doing

Really well who helps others right and and Johnny bus awarded me the owner of the Lakers and and and Mary the magician which was really cool he been on this show it’s just so strange like being in Vegas I’m like if Mary or carat katop doesn’t give me something I’m just not

Welcomed yet like you’re official now that those are the cool kids at the party I’ve been working Vegas for 20 years I’m like neither of them know who I am katop uh I went and saw katop my buddy said you got to go see katop my

Buddy Bill and Josh O’s been on the program he’s a writer for the athletic they’re like you got to go so my friend Bill’s every trip he comes out in January to see the Penguins he gets front row seats for car he buys them the

Minute they go on sale so I think his 10,000th show is coming up and he might actually make a trip in for it so he took me and I went I I laugh he was really funny man of course the guy guy’s a killer I mean you know he he’s got

That you you know when I was starting he was just killing it he had that big chess and all the props and but he’s like the only guy in the prop World who’s ever gotten respect at from comedians yeah yeah yeah yeah you know like I used to watch him work sets in

Boston at Fel Hall named Scott you know Scott he was really cool but I remember seeing him and thinking this is an unusually interesting character and he smartly comes out and opens with some props be like okay this is what you’re here for and then mostly it’s video and

Just jokes and stories murdered it like he’s been killing it yeah I highly recommend it all right back to Butch being a very funny comedian and c talk about this honor you got I mean this is a big thing being able to R what do they

Call it the siren siren the siren man yeah which you know we have a picture of it too when you throw up by your D I feel like I’ve done a lot of things where you know like you were you get that attention and you think you

Understand what that Vibe feels like man I I discovered a new type of oo when they put me in front of the siren I was like this would be cool I’m excited but then when they announced me and it all turned on me I was

Like oh my God yeah I wanted it I’m surpris didn’t have to like pull me away here it is here’s you all right so I lost it I was screaming at the to myoll I turned cherry cherry red I have no control over this Outburst that’s great it’s unreal cuz

They’re all just look it’s just the energy in that unbel you know the nights game’s energy yes I’ve always felt it but it felt like they kind of it’s still going I’m sorry hold on oh yeah there we go okay but yeah I mean you could tell on your

Face this it’s such an exciting fun thing and being you know Vegas is just a cool little fun place you know and that was really great but what was really more fun being a guy Brett Ernst had done it like two weeks ago and didn’t

Get a te shirt so when they asked me for this and they were like listen we’re going to hook you up you know we got this with your and I chose 17 because it was my birthday but it happened to be St Patty’s Day oh my God I put my name on

It and then they awarded to me and I’m like oh my so I wore it right to Kimmel’s after and um Ernst is like yo uh what would you have that made I go no I did not he goes yo what wait did you

Ring the S I go mhm I go you put in the pieces together he goes yo that’s that’s some BS right there I didn’t even get a shirt you just got to ask yeah oh my God got it yeah well it was just great it’s like funny when you love sports or all

This this whole world but the swag that’s unbelievable you know what I mean like I did a show for the cops here in Vegas and they gave me like this handcarved axe with like thank you for the show I have this weird collection of gifts comedians give so if I ever die

The police will be like he’s a strange man underneath his golden knights Jersey was an axe an old watch a lighthouse magnet like weird [ __ ] they give us a lighthouse magnet from Guantanamo Bay okay all right well listen yeah you’re always it was a coin you know how they

Coin you no yeah well when you do military gigs they’ll put like a coin in your hand each unit has their own coin design it’s like a big honor but I have a collection of these strange coins whoever goes in there they won’t be able to understand be aine Bradley a little

Note from Frank I think you’re sexy thank you that’s between us yeah uh now are you watching basketball have you’ve been watching college basketball you know what’s funny I did this year I’m and you know I thought about this cuz you guys are like sports knowledge I’m a

Different category I was raised by a single mom I didn’t watch sports but I played I started in Lacrosse I rode you know uh you rode what I rode crew like oh oh Ro I went to like a three-time world champion Henley Champion school I started I played lacrosse which I’m I

Have a gift I’m going to be bringing to you the next show with the little a lacr with all little ball so you could throw it at the producers and um oh by the way our director Anders went wait what can’t come back ever yeah yeah but I I played

All these Sports and I cuz I just love full contact so my mom knew two boys need needed to go hit things right so I watch sports for a different reason but I wanted to see what the whole hype was on March Madness I uh I watch it’s

Exciting you know I I think it’s kind of crazy when you’re like number two and you got to play like number 15 right because both teams 15’s like I got this this is a Super Bowl you know the upsets are just amazing so that’s how I watch

It and I don’t bet on it but like the casino was screaming last night yeah and only in March Madness do you hear that kind of volume from the sports betting area Alex I mean you can attest that even uh before the game’s over because there’s so many little bets you can have

Throughout the game where whether it’s a player prop or first to 15 so you just constantly yeah you hear this group of people yelling and first to 15 is you want to bet The Underdogs cuz the the payouts lot right it seemed like a lot of the favorites over the last couple

Days got all those yes yeah that was so that was it was like but uh here with was like like 3,000 people upstairs here it was amazing wow yeah it was crazy and UNLV girls won right uh no they won the Mountain West tournament for the third

Year in a row but then they got a 10 seed and they lost their first game I didn’t but UNLV men’s won yesterday they won as well thank you for cleaning up my comment yeah they won the second this is why Alex is in charge of sports exactly

Alex on Sports um so what else are you up to what’s going on lately you’ll be over I know you have the regular thing at Kimmel with Brett erns yeah yeah yeah bounc between uh Kimmel’s the seller and all those everything’s good man I’m just

Waiting for that uh movie to come out I did I booked a big voiceover I can’t talk about but hopefully I will soon but I did bring a story from Hollywood since okay so you could have it you know we love these yeah I always have to cuz

Like you guys know everything about sports all I know is how to play hit people you can hit me no no no maybe maybe we’ll gear up next time oh we’ll put a little goalie look at Ryan’s smile he’s like yes make that happen yeah uh

All right uh okay so you know we love Hollywood Story Time with Butch look I titled it what a little comedy [ __ ] I am uh am I allowed to say that you can say comedy yeah okay yeah so um well I lived in Hollywood when I first got

There to do comedy my one of my best friends in comedy is Tony Rock oh yeah yeah Tony’s a big Steeler fan by the way put that up Chris Rock’s brother and um we were we we lived in a little studio apartment on Sycamore disgusting embarrassing like truly embarrassing in

Like it’s the only spot in the world where I would only let comedians come up and the hallway was like uh Power Rangers like and this is a weird comment but like C minus porn stars and like all this weird people there was a dude that worked on Star

Trek who was a klling on but you don’t know who he is but he swore he was on every episode and the little hallway and the doors you could push through it was terrifying building and um but we would golf like the whole hallway would miniature golf party it was great

Ken Jung would hang out you know Bobby Lee would hang out you know before they forgot who I was but uh it was great but um Chris called and he said he was getting Chris Rock called and he said you know to his brother I’m getting my

Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame right oh wow which was dope and he’s like all right I’m GNA um come grab you guys and he’s like and when he pulled up out front and we came out he laughed at us by how disgusting the building

Was so it was embarrassing we had like sort of look nice but um and then he told us how he would stay up by where I can’t remember what that famous hotel is it’s right whereon it’s no no it’s where Janice Joplin the mot oh yeah where she

Di by the magic castle by the Magic Castle so he said him and all the comedians would go there and they’d have to get up like 8:30 and run to McDonald’s for 99 cents breakfast so he told us some cool stories but uh we went

And watched him get his star but I was like embarrassed I was in like a three SUV security team and I’m like you know it’s the family it’s his mom wife his kids and they’re racing us around and then when he was getting his start I

Wanted a picture and it was all of Oprah’s people and Chris Rock security like moved them out of the way and like me and my like white shirt come up and I’m like taking photos and uh watch him get a star but it was just an incredible early comedy experience and how long

Were you in that place man I we were in there we were in there for like a year and a half rent was $450 a month oh God a piece or come no just that was it it was it was horrible like you woke up like why am I itching today I remember

One time some guy put his mouth against the door and he’s like open up and I was like that’s not how you get in here that is not how you I was terrified I was like holy Lord I need a day job Tony I haven’t seen Tony I used to BU he’s

Great Tony’s such a nice guy yeah uh we always would talk to Steelers we’d always talk about the Steelers gu he’s a sports nut all those guys from Brooklyn are all sports nuts I just sit and stare like they discust bad basketball like Alex Alex you got to interview Tony yeah

Yeah all basketball stuff any questions about the night stuff well I do have one question because a lot of people may make that look tough but I don’t know if it was your adrenaline I’m PR I’m pretty piped up it’s the Jersey’s covering it up but anyway so it wasn’t hard no it’s

So it’s it’s got some uh tension but it’s so once it gets moving it goes faster you know that sounded really weird uh yeah um it was in incredible experience though you go up the cheerleaders are there the golden Knight and you kind of the cool thing about

Golden Knights and all of us are experiences here it’s really like a little town and when you go to the nights games it reminds me of being a kid because everyone’s so friendly and nice the cheerleaders are there they were all circled up said hello there’s a

Lot of gracious cool energy up there the uh it’s amazing I you need to get up there and do it somebody from Frank you you guys should go up and spin that we have to do it as a crew well we got to work on that we markk shanuk we we’ll

Send Mark shanuk was on the show that the gentleman that was with you wasn’t Mark shanuk no he was like next to me signing autographs I was like Mark take it easy buddy you got yeah he’s a great dude yeah yeah we had him on the show at to

Promote his uh Monday’s dark yep and then we went to the big uh thing at the Palms where he had all the a come seems like a great guy he’s really super cool he was actually there the day I won this uh award thing yeah but he’s um he’s

Really cool but he’s like sort of a different type of Fame like people are all over him and I didn’t really totally know who he was and but then I I figured it out he’s the announcer guy right yeah and I think the story goes I mean he was

Born in Canada and when he saw when they announced the day the team was going to be in Vegas he called them up and said hey I used to play like college hockey and from Canada I want to be involved with this team from day one and they

Hired him wow and he started making calls to for season tickets and they kept him along so when they won the Stanley Cup he got a ring I have a friend who’s in Border Patrol I wonder if I get him pulled out of the country

One of us could take that job all right there you go because he chip him back to Canada right it’d be a good gig yeah yeah it would be a great gig you just announce the game Alex you should be announcing that game I’m going to start

A campaign for Alex to announce the games well she already has tape because what do you tell them what you do yes I do the same thing I did last Vegas aviators the baseball games I feel like you should also do the golden knights Mark I’m coming for you we’re coming for

You it’s a new campaign to get Alex to do all the announcements for the golden knights all of it and by the way level one of my Vegas takeover is Alex I I’m also doing the aviator games this SE I’m and this weekend keep an eye on him Alex

This guy I’m if I miss a 10 he’s there but but here’s the deal we have a we have a sports knowledge face off between Mark and Alex and we allow the city to beted on it Chris get a line on that we’re going to call Chris by you’ll

Crush him Alex you’ll crush him by the way what do you think of our balloon thing here I think it’s is that amazing it’s really incredible did someone make that I it took it took me the entire week you made that I was here and I and I and I I

Built it out there first and then it didn’t fit through the door I’m like had to deconstruct it this is the advantages of autism right there this is the advantages what I may have it you don’t know don’t laugh I’m not mocking anyone machiato listen what is MAA oh no that’s

Ma I’m sorry all right next show for you is at the Strat I’m at uh yeah I have to remember yeah tonight I’m at the Strat and yeah tonight my traditional show yeah traditional show yeah Thursday to Monday 10 it’s great and by the way you got to follow Butch Bradley your your

Social media on Tik Tok and Twitter and all that Alex for the golden kns announcer it is officially announced Mark the challenge has been set Sports knowledge vers Sports knowledge by the way he looks like he’s doing a wait can you take that shot again it looks like

You’re doing a postgame conference at a game like you just won a game and the blue behind you and the drinks Jersey you know these questions are wonderful but we have to get ready for next season humbly we uh we feel good about today we made some mistakes you know uh we lost

The puck a couple times but I’m proud of these boys I am proud of these boys and thank you so much Vegas we appreciate you so much this is our home Stanley Cup here we come ladies and gentlemen Bruce Cass is in trouble for his job who Bruce

Cassidy the coach of the yeah Bruce Cassidy kind of matches me cuz people would call me Butch Cassidy right that’s like a a sign from God next coach we’re all going to be working at us we’re taking over well what’s great is Alex be like you need to tell them to get out

There now thank you everybody out there she’ll kill you uh making his third appearance and uh you guys are great thanks for having me it’s a pleasure when you come in and I just want to point out Butch hit me up he’s like hey

Man I got I did the thing you want me to come in and talk about it I’m like absolutely show The Jersey properly yeah turn I was turn around let’s see the Bradley oh yeah that is nice a nice Jersey Clover all right all right we’re gonna take a two-minute break we’ll come

Back talk some post some punch lines but ladies and gentlemen the best but proudly thank you guys be right back with Mar I’m take a once you’ve satisfied your hunger get ready for more of the hottest casino games in Vegas our 24-hour 30 table non-smoking Poker Room proudly hosts all

The most popular poker games with a variety of betting limits visit the poker room for a schedule of daily tournaments whether you’re going to hold them or fold them the best place for poker is at South Point Casino you’ll notice that our crafts tables are usually the loudest in the

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Seat W Butch Bradley uh that was fun he’s great yeah again he’s become a friend of the show I mean he he hit me up he’s like hey I goes hey man want me to come in I got a story yeah that’s exactly what we want to do keep people

Coming in and bringing the energy it that it’s that tea it’s this this matcha have you had matcha Ryan I don’t like tea Jerry just have matcha you you used to I used to work at Starbucks oh you used to work at Starbucks oh now question for you Jerry on an episode of

Modern Family uh Alex works there and she purposely messes up an order so that way she goes oh I’m sorry it’s thr wrong Dr and that way she can drink it is that a an Insider thing than employees do make a drink wrong because it’s your

Drink and then you have to make them a new one well then you have Ann or Drew dog have you had the matcha I have not had the matcha but Drew dog also was a barista oh you were yes we didn’t have I used I used to work

At Dutch Bros we didn’t have matcha okay but I do I would go to Starbucks to pay for a drink just so I could get M wait you worked at a coffee shop and you’d go to start and pay for it yeah okay this is by Houston if Houston wins

And he wins the money we’re have you been to Dutch Bros I no I don’t drink no I haven’t is it good drink Caff caffeine um I mean coffee it is good but it’s funny because they’re like the nicest people of the employees are amazing so it makes sense Andrew worked there yeah

Because it really when you pull up to the line they’re like how’s your day what’s going on and they’re very nice yeah they’re I guess that’s their thing but wait J why is Jerry standing up what happened I was saying that I hate dut Bros for that reason oh Jerry hates

Dutch Brothers for that reason because most people that Drew drink coffee I’m guessing are usually miserable until they get their Cofe so you don’t want somebody like hey what’s going on yeah just give me the drink and yeah they have energy drinks too yeah so you say

Everyone being so friendly and so like over the top was one of the reasons why I left like it was just too much so I’m the I’m the crazy one over here all right I got to go to a Dutch brother I got to go in and record myself at a

Dutch Bros or whatever I think I’ve seen him around town uh well I feel like Wednesday I’m I’ll get one of these these matcha drinks good luck something to tune in for on M on Wednesday Baby Come Back Wednesdays Frank drinks matcha put that on the thumbnail let’s see what kind of

Hits we get on that all right uh Butch Bradley’s awesome no I didn’t make this collage this or this balloon thing behind me it’s the the stand and then the the hoop and the backboard and the ball that was uh part of upstairs yep yeah and do you know what those go for

Like cuzz I know I have a few friends that actually make these for parties and stuff now these uh balloon display things displays that yes how much would that go for give us a price on this like probably $400 you could soone open up eBay right now bachette parties and the

Baby showers and the engagement parties yeah people are making very good money putting those together so maybe if you well I went to the diet could be my future I went to the uh the dog thing yesterday there was free K9 cop training

Uh it was free I went and on my way out I saw all these outside of where all the March Madness was that we went to all weekend all of us and I went hm I need that so I went over and I did kind of do one of these like

Gauge oh no I’m not getting that up nope so um I we wrote to talk to Steve starworth Chris Andrews helped us out and they brought it down today but they left it outside of the studio and who brought it in Ryan yeah how hard was it

To get in here it was awkward trying to figure out how to pick it up yeah because it’s balloons yeah it’s balloons and it’s not like a post it’s on a PVC yeah what’s underneath is it just plastic PVC yeah and so there’s like a

Weight on the bottom that I had to pick it up from and then like reach through the balloons well I think all of us should do a a date by which we feel like that will deflate and fall maybe that balloon overend date yeah over under dat

That’s good we’ll do we’ll do you save that too cuz I’m sure it would have been thrown away now we have it for the rest of March exactly and there’s some more upstairs if they want to bring us more they can bring us more just fill the

Whole stage I actually have a good K9 uh Metro K9 story tell us the Metro K9 story so uh Drew dog’s dad actually when it was at the other venue okay he was on camera around and you know they put the hockey arena around it they put the

Plexiglass up now so the dog’s coming around and you know these are dogs that are trained to attack and so we’re we’re making fun of of Scott we’re like oh he’s eyeing you he’s we’re just we’re in the video room and we’re all just like

Oh be be careful he’s eyeing you the dog leapt the the the Dasher board the boards yeah over grabbed a hold of his camera like pulled him down oh my God it was like because once and then you see it from like his point of the

Perspective with the D of and we like oh sh but I mean he he ended up but the there’s there are um did he have an encounter with that dog previously maybe that you don’t you don’t know about exactly maybe something went down they have the they have the uh the decoys

That are there with the bite sleeve on scared the crap out of that guy too cuz he’s just like you you know he’s just there for protection and all of a sudden he’s just like Leeps up to like get that dog off of of a oh man yeah there’s

Always fun it’s always great things here at the South Point they do great job booking everything saww worth over at the arena that was great and there’s more horses coming up soon and all sorts of stuff I don’t know by the way J Mo I see J Moore and Daryl Hammond are gonna

Be here we need to get J Moore in here I’m gonna work on that and by the way Sashi in Easton about 30 years ago in pits in a town anyway she all right it is time for Alex white Alex white to give us some piics uh do we we need a

Graphic for Alex we’ll have to come up with a graphic or something Ann loves that when I say that all right anyway Alex at the top of the show you had something for today and maybe even tomorrow some props what do you got all right so Vegas golden knights playing in

St Louis against the blues this is a very important game for these two with the Western Conference standings the blues are chasing the knights right now for the second wild card spot so I like a couple of player preps in this Jack eel over three and a half shots on goal

So it is a little juicy it’s minus 158 so I’m going to play that and then I found a player from the blues Team Jordan kyou um I’m going to tie them together for a same game parlay plus 181 now Jack EO over three and a half his

Median on the year is four in the last 10 games it’s five he has been killing it there and then Jordan from the blues his meting on the year is three so his is actually over two and a half that we’re going to tie up yes so I figured

This out which we were talking about off air but the shots on goal is a nice little market that we’re going to try and take advantage of now and and I learned from Ryan’s team with Connor Bard because I took him on Saturday over three and a half they were giving us

Plus money on that one and he had about six that game against the shark so right and that’s great I love that so it’s the Jack and Jordan uh shot on gople yes it is or our parlay excuse me and and I by the way I had I asked Ryan our our

Hockey uh fan over here as well shots on goal is defined by what so a shot on goal is any shot that would be a goal if the goalie wasn’t there yeah so that’s how they fig I’ve always wondered shots on goal I F I thought maybe it was cl

That’s I didn’t know that so there you go so I mean if it’s not going towards the net but the goalie pads it off sure it’s not a shot on goal right exactly because it wouldn’t have scored but he did make contact with it that’s not a

See I would have thought that is a shot on goal right okay shot on goal Le shot on goal that’s a whole different thing over unders on that is very complicated to do all right so uh it’s time sound the horns and with the dramatic but it’s time for post with

Punchlines post with punch lines coming around the corner here we up uh no graph we don’t need the graphic all right by the way let’s check the wait a second I got to mention the live comments real quick uh because before the show oh Daniel Pacho is back from Las

Vegas what did I miss Daniel you missed out you were in Vegas and he didn’t stop down I think he’s saying he’s back in oh he’s back in Vegas no I’m back from Vegas yeah you were right okay so uh H Alex’s alerts when on first day on set

Gez all right anyway uh Frank is now booking bets for show no I’m not Keith Keith we have more of your jokes coming now Keith sent me some sh jokes by the way which we we’ll weave in after this press conference Keith L by the way

Thank you Keith for coming in told that great story Keith’s now in the so you said before the show we had more people in the chat room before than like ever on Keith show yeah yeah today there was more in the chats right oh oh oh starting the show yeah yeah starting the

Show we had people yeah more live viewers than we had uh let’s see mini Dar supposed to save green wait what are per oh yeah there are purple M&M’s oh for the Easter packs so Danny Hurley get an Easter pack bro oh no he doesn’t eat the purple ones

All right jeez yeah speaking of Easter it’s almost here Frankie only have five more days of this and I owe like $70 is it 75 yeah plus 105 here’s the thing I just realized all my checks are in storage so I don’t know how I’m gonna stroke a check

Z no all right fine zel zel zel zel is from the movie Boys from Brazil or Marathon Man that’s for movie fans uh Dean Hill uh Jim N no longer does say attorney all right all right he was in the stand for the Houston game but he

Will do he still does the Masters that’s right he retired last year here good point he was actually the first shot that they cut through or cut two when Houston when the score went final oh right it was the team celebrating and then gym Nance and by the way Jim N

Wasn’t his I think his roommate in college was like Fred Couples or something or it’s someone famous I’m not sure we we’ll Google that Jim someone in the chat will know uh Jim Dan had a famous um famous college roommate who’s an athlete I Fred couple seems too old

It yeah was it Fred Couples yeah I mean sometimes what Google says sometimes I couldn’t tell you what I ate for breakfast but I can go back in time to that weird nugget uh Keith Drew must have had Contraband made for the dog react no it wasn’t true it was his

Dad what does South Point have for him uh is that the noise siren or Butch yelling I don’t know I mean Butch was into it uh Daniel Pacho I I gotta go to Vegas in May to see Niar perform live and catch an aviators game there you go

Tickets will be comped for one of those at least I’ll get you tickets to my show I don’t know how The Aviator comps work we’ll see who Daniel Pacho one of our super fans so um by the way Reno Paul I didn’t mention Reno Paul is tied for first in

Our open ESPN tournament bracket that we have with my dad he’s tied with your dad so who are you rooting for I’m rooting for Reno Paul we’ll go on opposites there we’re going on opposites let’s do it two way action get B so he didn’t take Nevada going pretty far I guess

Paul must I forget yeah he had him I forget who Paul has to win but you can check our Pam bracket can people yeah okay there you go I need to hop uh Alex did I interrupt your pick for tomorrow you said you had a pick tomorrow that

You like oh I like Ohio State in the NIT okay so they are playing um Georgia I can’t remember what the line is it’s kind of high I think it’s like eight and a half their big favorite but they they are a very motivated team to win this tournament

And it’s in Columbus probably right it’s okay yes they are hosting all right so keep an eye on that she gave you two hockey player props and an nit game uh let’s do some posts and they’re they’re very College heavy so we’re starting with number one which is this guy we’ve

Been following this guy who put ,000 yeah now over the past couple years you put $100 on every money do every money line for The Underdogs he did a thousand uh Brian update us so what it says yeah so going into Saturday so after the first two days yeah he was up

He was up $7,100 because of Oakland defeating kentu Oakland and Yale and Yale help yeah um and then what oh sorry and then Saturday and Sunday went on the Run of favorites not losing favorites went 15- one in the round of 32 thank you excuse me that might be my

First SS ever 117 shows on the and so yeah if you want to put out the graphic yeah oh there we go yeah um so yes going into Saturday he was up $7,100 and then favorites went 15 one like I said and now he’s down 7300 are you

Serious oh he was up seven and now he’s down seven so after Saturday he was down $900 and then yesterday yesterday down to 73 wow down 73 so had he only done a hundred it would be only $700 boy you step it up to $1,000 and boy wow that

Got ugly in a hurry for him and what did I say on our group chat I was like he should only do this for the first weekend and that was even too many days he should have just done the first maybe Thursday Friday I think that’s I think

He’s going to learn yes all right his name is like Maddie Betts or something yeah the S is for dollar signs put seven s’s on mattye Betts for the Thousand per s that he owes wow that is nuts all right well good luck I guess he’s gonna

Still do it he has to at this point you got to stick to your guns yes can’t be scared money oh yeah I mean he’s also generating content which gives him money anyway exactly all yeah maybe it makes up for it all right uh the second one is titled Amanda

Uh so there’s this online girl Amanda Casey van she’s a huge Florida Atlantic uh University fan so roll the clip here’s her at the game nobody thinks I stick to my bet punishment and the Russell Wilson tattoo is too far away so if fa doesn’t win today I will jump in

The Hudson River and I will do it go out go out all right so they did not win guys I was going to stick to my bed and blew it so ever I’m going in the Hun so she jumps in the there we go she goes up

On the thing and do we actually see her in the water no you see something floating we see something floating and some sad Sarah mclaughin music which by the way this song right now depresses everyone because all you’re thinking is sad dogs all right let’s move on uh so anyway I don’t I

Didn’t know who she was but I found that very amusing good for her that was funny uh Caitlyn it’s Caitlyn Clark time we’re gonna get to Iowa Caitlyn Clark hits shots not notes and you’ll understand what that clip’s all about here so here we go Caitlin Clark Superstar Singing listen you’re born with one super Talent you can’t you can be great at basketball you can also be a great singer uh I had no idea what that song was could you tell what that song was no I could not apparently uh Ryan told me Ryan said oh it’s my favorite Justin

Bieber song uhhuh I couldn’t understand understand what it was either it was in the comments uh apparently it was a Justin Bieber song so listen we love Caitlyn Clark and speaking of Caitlyn Clark they play tonight so Iowa Hawkeyes I believe is at 14 and a half Point favorites tonight yes against West

Virginia uh I’m good old Mountain ears how about them ears but it’s been like a layoff for Iowa it’s they they haven’t played in a while yeah well they’ll be rust I don’t know I don’t know who knows but Caitlyn Clark um do you want to hear

Her player props yes I do uh points 30 32 and A2 oh my God assist 9 and 1/2 and rebound 7 and A2 so almost a triple double wow I kind of like that um assists though the assists I got to dig in though I got to let me I’ll find you

Know what I like what do you like I like the points over because and a half she’s going to just throw it up the whole game all right so I might have to take that but anyway uh Kayla Clark getting a little uh she got a little Flack this

Past weend she was she was whining a lot she’s been whining her dad’s been yelling at her did you see that yeah I saw that her dad is like yelling at him St shut up and then he like y take her out to the coach to teach he did he’s

Like take her out because she was whining she did catch a few elbows I mean you know other teams get psyched to play against her right all right okay so this one this is a nice story you got a USC this so there’s this girl who’s a a

Trojan Reserve which sounds like a prophylactic but anyway um there’s a word you don’t hear a lot but our fans over here and that that’s a word the youth don’t know but anyway uh so this girl to check in and look there’s uh GG excuse me there’s Vanessa Bryant uh

Obviously this girl played basketball with the late great GG Bryan and new Kobe and stuff so she it was a blowout for USC and everybody wanted to see her score and she did so the crowd goes crazy it was a really nice moment there

Were by like 30 so she got in and she’s smiling and I think there’s a three-pointer coming up right yeah so I think it’s on this play right here they steal the ball or they get a rebound USC probably one of their favorites to Wi watch this they feed her bam bench goes

Nuts like I got chills it’s just a great anytime these players get in these these players now I I’m going to bring up Duke there was a kid for Duke who’s about my size who has uh the greatest hair I’ve ever seen this kid get in he got in he

Missed an easy layup bench is going nuts he got fou he got pushed few seconds left he goes in line misses his first one second one goes in so he got a point kind of anti-rat it’s kind of anticlimactic when it’s a free throats like the bench doesn’t jump up and down

Like they did for her but it’s like oh you got a point but could have like swished it it still really is cool because the amount of time that they put in just like the star players right they’re at every practice they’re just as committed so it’s nice to see them uh

It’s like a Rudy story yeah and if it’s like a special needs kid forget it I’m crying them instantly those those those clips are the best so Props to India Auto and USC for putting her in all right security aity is the title of this funny one that I came up with security

Guards you go to a you go to a lot of games you know security has to face the crowd the whole time they’re not supposed to watch the action all right so there’s this guy at a Messi game so he’s probably a huge soccer fan so look

He’s not Seca he’s curious though so I don’t know how he timed this I don’t know if he has someone telling him when to turn but right when Messi takes this kick he turns a little bit which he’s not supposed to do probably lost his job

But here you go here comes the kick and he turns and sees it oh also I think Security’s probably not supposed to get that animated right there’s probably probably supposed to be stoic but this guy’s like I can’t believe I just saw that so uh and he now works at Dutch

Brothers he works now at Dutch Brothers Coffee where he’s like oh did you see Messi’s schol it’s called a call back in the comedy World USC by the way is favored by 10 and a half in their uh women’s game tonight we didn’t mention uh I believe Jeff parl believes USC will win

The women’s tournament well he did didn’t do very well in our oh ouch whoa ouch Jeff look out although he did make fun of every pick that everyone took have it take it yeah je he was going for a different strategy though he was really going for look at that there’s

Jack 22 seeds two scratch scratch scratch scratch Chris did give us new odds he went a lot of he went a lot of speaking of odds and numbers ladies and gentlemen we get the updated odds well no we have not or wait did you get them

I was just just got him Chris Andrew sports book director Chris jump in not wearing a team shirt today there’s no games there’s no Iowa Iowa or you as female uh basketball the golden kns nights game I’m a penguin he’s a penguin fan see he’s sticking to his that’s why we like

Him by the way we have two guests in the studio an who are these folks that have joined us this is uh this is my stepmom and and her husband Lynn and then uh my brother is supposed to show up and then my sister is gambling somewhere so you

All right well welcome to the show don’t interrupt sister yeah right uh which one is Lynn the guy with the hat that says Lynn all right we can’t get a shot of it the guy’s wearing a hat that’s that North Aly education we’re gonna end the show with

Him coming in to let everyone see this hat all right Chris what’s happening upd updated the odds for oh for our pool yeah oh you bet them they’re on the board oh all right what are the odds because right now Matt never is leading Frank close second all right what are

The updated odds I’m going strictly by who’s going to have the winner you’re second oh I’m third I apologize I’m going by strictly who has the winner I can’t that’s what we got okay first of all an and Jeff out oh play Taps yeah okay uh Alex plus 550 oh plus 550 for

Alex drew dog uh oh six to one six to one with Houston Matt 5 to one o Ryan plus 550 cuz of you North Carolina and then Sean 30 to1 Sean’s 30 forget Sean he’s out Illinois is not bad all right and who’s this other guy I Frank what’s he got minus

1110 oh my Godus money take that McCormick you got best team the counter is right over there if you want to go B on yourself I already have money on me but I’ll do it again it’s not like I owe any money to those Bo that was painful

Making those numbers I got to tell you was it painful it was that hurt at hurt to go oh my God God Frank’s still favorite Frank’s odds on oh my God been the favorite the whole time yeah but now he’s odds on sometimes I can’t hear you

Ryan what did you just say you didn’t hear me when I was cluing into this yeah move on ah the dumb kid who takes overs oh my gosh I think that’s a lot of Yukon I think that’s really you think so yeah you think we KN we knew this kid

Was sharp then when we hired him yeah and by the way Chris we have to thank you for helping make the I did get those that not look cool does look cool yeah that looks very cool um Ryan and Ryan carried it in Ryan carried in my back

Couldn’t hold yeah I plus I it’s my it’s my contract I can’t iow can’t ride Bulls can’t can’t ride bull you got a very fine print uh L was there one more post or what did we have the yeah we had 17s for today’s episode what’s that again we had 17s for today’s

Episode 17 oh yeah oh by the way speaking of 17 hembo this is the book hembo and Mike Greenberg Ro his 17 uh John I was gonna guess hav although I’ve read it already but I hav I can’t remember them all 100 names Donny Mo Johnny Mo Johnny Mo no you know who

Donny MO is right and Donny Mo anyone was on the Happy Days there you go Ralph Happy Days Ralph mou all right and which one’s Lyn again oh he took his hat off I don’t know all right and tomorrow tomorrow is not it’s uh tomorrow’s special one for 18 we’ll bring that up

What do you have for 17 Ryan it’s 117th episode thanks to everyone by the way we had more live viewers in the chat room before the top of a show than ever and it’s been active as always what do we have here Paul uh let’s see uh Paul be sure oh they’re already

Writing their acceptance speeches Paul’s already writing his acceptance speech thinking he won oh Joey B lives in Fort Collins that’s right and he loves Chris Andrews he says and by the way the table next to that’s Mutual there you go and the table we had next to us uh when

Chris came up Chris would come up stop by grab a bite to eat say hey when you walked away the one guy who I’d befriended little B he goes oh my God was that Chris Andrews so there go again I mean making a pig of himself eating

Know it was as you were walking away eating the shrimp PoBoy Chris is in the Hall of Fame for God’s sakes and uh all right Paul yeah Paul’s still Paul’s talking trash to your dad so I don’t know what’s gonna happen with that all

Right so what do you have for 17 to end the show our 117th episode I know you want trying to find find any more nuts squirrel squirrel anymore squirreling I’m squirreling over there all right what else we got okay so we had a guest last week Dave damashek saying that he

Has the best mom in the world for taking him out of school to watch NCA Tournament game that’s right my mom took me out of school on a Friday we drove down to Arizona for the final four I got to watch Carolina play against Oregon I got to watch Carolina play in the

National championship game against Gonzaga and then I also missed school on that Monday for the national championship and we got to watch our favorite team the North Carolina Tar Heels win the national championship that’s pretty good that’s pretty good we’ got some some video of that oh my

Goodness 2017 who took this you or your mother that’s the final shot that’s me and then this is my mom’s young Ryan young Ryan he looks the same now so not long ago I’m gonna nominate Michael Jack okay he took he took us to the NIT took

Us out of school Thursday and Friday and the the principal called him and says that this is an unexcused unexcused my Uncle Jack said I’m going to not give you the full uh conversation you are not going to tell me what I could do with my kids

There you go click that’s right there’s a very I listen uh opening day of baseball which is Wednesday I’m not counting those Korean games from the Dodger Potter games it’s Wednesday is it Thursday Thursday Thursday uh I think there game Wednesday isn’t there is it Thursday I think is it Thursday I think

You’re right it it’s Thursday anyway Pirates Marlins um I used to get taken out it started at Dodger Stadium my dad would pick me up from school or and I’d leave early go see the openers and then I did this in Pittsburgh for yeah son if I didn’t pause

It’s 102 you the time oh yeah it’s only between 12 it’s only between 12 and one thank you Alex Stop bailing him out they would take me out of school to go see the home opener which I did for about nine years in a row and my mom would

Write a note because you had to have a parental note and she would write Frank was EXC Frank had a fever because back then the Bucko baseball fever catch it that was a big slogan so it technically my mom felt good about that cuz she wasn’t lying and let me tell you

Something did you learn more going to the Ball Game or would some you know some stupid thing in school there you go exactly and my Uncle Jack said the same thing to the principle and that’s an experience you don’t forget I would have forgot I didn’t learn anything that day

Here I am all these years later did you ever any unexcused absences for you Alex you seem like maybe no yeah I don’t know I can’t nothing that’s coming to mind right now I’ll think on it okay I have one and go for it I stayed home to watch

Uh Luke and Laura’s wedding I knew you if I could have guessed something I was gonna say you’re gonna say General Hospital Luc and Laura’s wedding because it was at the time it was like as big as the final match I don’t know the fact

That I knew that I don’t know why an I kind of knew that do you know who Luc and Laura or General Hospital is or what a soap opera is I have heard of General Hospital Len what’s your favorite soap opera correct answer Guiding Light all

Right anyway or As the World Turns my mom like thought the World Turns All right uh another tremendous Monday show Monday is always my favorite show of the week because we get to spend a lot of time with me Alex and Ryan Butch Bradley came and killed it again Chris does a

Popp in all you in the live chat room thank you so much we’re driving up our numbers so please keep sharing the show and urge people to subscribe because it really helps us out tomorrow we’re back for another show Sports by the book today at three o’clock at three o’clock

With myself and Jeff parl Jeff parl I I I never know if it’s matter je I’m coming in the first 15 minutes too just to recap the weekend and Chris will be back to talk more tournament stuff so uh again thank you for watching the shows

Lynn and what was your name Gloria Lynn and Gloria Aly and Gloria all right we’ll play a little Laura BR Laura Branan on the way out we’ll get flagged for the music rights all right well before we go just everyone go in our description and go to our social medias

We’ve got all our different links for Facebook Instagram Twitter Tik Tok make sure you check those out yeah find us and subscribe we’re new on Facebook I know I’m a yep yep in the video description it’s in the video description where you can find those links please please please share them on

Your friends Keith Lyle I know you’re doing it so thank you very much everybody we will see you tomorrow on punch lines lines live Nevada every Show

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