Golf Babe

Sue Belle White Sapote

The white sapote is a species of tropical fruiting tree in the family Rutaceae, native to eastern Mexico and Central America. The fruit is an ovoid drupe, 5–10 cm in diameter, with a thin, inedible skin turning from green to yellow when ripe, and an edible pulp, which can range in flavor from bland to banana-like to peach to pear to vanilla flan. The pulp is creamy-white in this green-skin variety and has a smooth texture similar to ripe avocado. It contains from one to five seeds.

The white sapote, scientific name Casimiroa edulis, also called casimiroa and Mexican apple, and known as cochitzapotl in the Nahuatl language is a species of tropical fruiting tree in the family Rutaceae, native to eastern Mexico and Central America south to Costa Rica.

This is my subel white sapote tree subel is the variety and it is loaded loaded this is the first Year’s loaded like this I had some of my f first fruits off this last year and white saot tastes like vanilla absolutely amazing and I have several different

Varieties this is one of the most popular varieties in California and in Florida it’s called subel and this tree is growing very nicely and there’s fruit growing all over this tree this is one of the bigger white apostate fruits you’ll find a lot of varieties are golf ball

Size this one will get bigger than that


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