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Cam Smith, Vossy & Brandy dissect Round 4 – SEN BREAKFAST

Cam Smith, Vossy & Brandy discuss the biggest talking points to come out of Round 4 of the NRL

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Cameron Smith who’s been out and about in his uh duties over the weekend covering plenty of rugby league Cameron in our Gold Coast Studios good morning to you yes good morning boys happy Easter Monday uh what a funny weekend of football it’s been some of the result by

Way this is a this is our last week not in we’ll be in the same time zone next week so we won’t be getting you in at sparrows um you’ll be in that’s good hour later yeah normal time next week you talk about matches and crazy matches

The crowd figure that we have been trotting out since the start of the show today the crowds have been fantastic if there’s 27,40 today or more it will be the highest attended round of rugby league ever Cameron and there’s a good chance that is there’s a chance there’s a

Chance combank will be sold out yeah for Paramount Tigers weather perfect yep teams winning what’s your theory do you think Vegas has contributed to this um Cameron that uh that you know we had such a big Grand bold start of the year that that that that has flowed on in to

Um the season proper well yeah possibly I think that created a fair bit of excitement back here um in Australia when you know the two matches were played the week prior to the the season proper kicking off but um I don’t know maybe maybe a little bit to do with the

Competition at the moment too um we I think we’ve seen some sort of new faces into the top eight over the last couple of weeks some teams that struggled over the last couple of years have have got some victories and and are playing quite well maybe that’s got something to do

With it as well well I think um you know I just think overall like the footy has been so entertaining over the first three rounds and that’s why people are out watching yeah foot’s been fantastic um starting Thursday night this round Panthers roosters uh the side that isn’t

Going well though uh one of the Queensland sides the Titans heard a little bit of Desi after the game and I I don’t know yeah I guess he’s been a coach for a long time so he’s he’s gone through tough periods but um at his new club could the start couldn’t have been

Tougher no it couldn’t have then you know they they’ve had a Buy in there as well Brandy so you know one of their buys are gone already for the season an early buy but um yeah it just well the other night it looked like well finally they’re going to get their first Victory

But it was a second half sort of Domination by the dolphins that that got them a really strong Victory but yeah they just um they just can’t seem to to put 80 minutes together at the moment and and you know a bit like last year where you know they seemed like a team

That was sort of had the ability to play finals 40 but they just couldn’t string together 80 minutes of football last year and it’s carried on into this season as well now it’s surprising because I think a lot of people including myself thinking well Desi Hasler is going up there he’s going to

Change you know a fair few things about the way they approach their football and their mindset and their mental toughness and all this type of stuff but it just it hasn’t changed and I I don’t know whether it’s you know these players still adjusting or you know I’ve heard

Some comments around you know they just they they don’t quite understand how to play Dez hasla football at the moment well how long do you need really like they’ve had an entire preseason to get ready um you know you look at some of their players they they they look they

They they look fit they look rare in a go but they just they just can’t put together a performance at the moment that they can get a victory but it’s defense what you know when when you say it’s it’s almost like you know they haven’t learned how to play Dez hasla

Footy boy that’s that’s that’s stretch isn’t it that’s like just one of those rugby league cliches that well that’s right Brandy because like all the talk sort of up here and I I don’t know whether it’s gone sort of Right Round the rugby league circles but the the

Preseason that they were talking about what the Titans have had was that all they did was practice their defense and I heard Vos just talk about that before so what have they conceded now 90 points go through it and the teams they’re playing we’re talking about three three

Teams that didn’t play make the top eight last year dragons put 28 on them Bulldogs beat them 32 n yep and now the Dolphins put 30 on them yeah and I think they’ve scored what is it is it three tries or two tries in in uh three tries

Three tries of their own that’s a long way to come back a long way to come back they’ve conceded 90 and and scored 20 so there’s a fair bit of concern there because if if you can’t look let’s you know you face facts with rugby league if

You if you can’t defend your troll line if you can’t stop opposition um teams scoring points against you you’re not going to win too many games like forget how good you are going with a footy and some issues that you’re having in attack and whatnot fix your defense first

Boys um the the other team down the bottom of the table going into the round was the rabitos um they’ve now won a game what did did you see signs that they are on the road back or that is it was just a win how did you rate that

Performance against the Bulldogs yeah I’d say just a win yeah just a win if if I was in Camp look it with the rabbit o look it’s a nice feeling having a victory um particularly after the start they’ve had and and sort of you the fair bit of news and and discussions around

Their footy club and particular individuals a win is a is a great thing um it could just change you know the sort of the atmosphere and the environment around training in particular for this coming week but I wouldn’t be getting too car away with with that that result you know you got

To take it for what it is the Bulldogs they are a team on the up um they’re on a team they’re a team that are building you know for future years but you know you’ve you’ve come away with a four-point victory um I wouldn’t be getting too excited look there are some

Signs there that you know they they looked you know slightly better than what they have been in the previous uh three weeks but I wouldn’t be getting too carried away with that one yeah now I I think uh Jason Demetrio sort of said it well when he got to the press

Conference he said well we look you know we had a win but we looked like we’re a nervous team looked nervous and they kept it simple they did complete like they they’re 34 of 36 so they held on to the ball they got through their sets

They didn’t do you know it wasn’t flashy but it was it was workmanlike so it’s something to build off the back of that’s for sure and they the type of performances that you need when you’re in a you know a form sort of I don’t know if you call it a slump

Because if you call it a slump it goes from all the way from halfway last year last season so long it’s a long slump yeah so like just the form that they were into open this season I think that’s the style of footy that you got to play Brandy right like you just

That’s where simp yeah that’s where they had issues is they they they actually couldn’t hold on to the football so they what they were doing was they putting so much pressure on themsel um against all the against these other sides that they played in the opening round so look it

Yeah it’s a win um and you and you take the wins whichever way you get them but um yeah they got a they got a lot more Improvement in them if they want to sort of be in that top eight this year well it’s another big game for them this

Weekend they 3:00 Saturday they’ll play The Warriors and the Warriors are in uh pretty good form um looking good Roger toas a Sheek fullback actually some of the the the battle between the two number ones yesterday was it was worth the you know admission price on its own

Because ponga was Sensational in that first half y b ing tackles running 50 60 M and Roger was just IR impressible Roger was fantastic well what’ he run he ran for nearly 300 meters um in that game you know so he um look he was so

Strong and he’s had a he’s had a strong start to the season he been playing in the centers of course but back to his usual number one position that we we’ve seen him play a lot of games uh in that Jersey before he went over to rugby and I I’m just like I

Think we’re all really excited about having Roger back in rby league but the way he’s performed in the opening month has just been unbelievable like it’s like he’d never been away from the game so incredible I felt for a couple of those players that he stood up he he

Broke a couple of ankles for step on I’ve been in that position before boys I I know exactly how he feels oh but um yeah look it was a great win by the Warriors um Nee you know they fought hard and you know they only went down by

Points which is you know it’s it’s a solid sort of performance but they’re another team I think they just they have to fix up their middle defense I I believe that’s that’s really given them some issues this year where they’ve given some soft sort of line breaks and

Some tries away through their middle um if they want to compete with with those top sides you really can’t afford to be given those you know those soft options through the middle just buy into the two of vek um fullback debate and Andrew webs is sticking to his guns um RTS was

In the centers all offseason TR clar fullback but do you think they have to like I made a point that if toas sh stays fullback he might win the Del M if he goes to C he doesn’t he just doesn’t get the involvement what’s the balance

What’s the point here for the team best for the team that’s right here what do you think’s best for the team well well depending on how CH returns right and I think you got to give him a crack at full back and and you know talking about

Delm like Roger could well and truly win the delm if he plays at number one all season but does that mean that they’re in contention to win a Premiership I think that’s that’s all that matters and I think if you ask Roger he’s you know he’s won a Delan medal before if you

Give him the option right now to say listen if you play fullback right and I’ve got a crystal ball you’ll win the deli and medal but also if you play in the centers that gives your your team the best opportunity to play in a grand final and

Possibly win a Premiership I’ll tell you which one he’ll take yeah he he’ll put his hand up to play in The Centers so really at the end of the day it’s it’s whatever Andrew Webster feel is will be his best makeup um of their 17 um and I

Guess you know with chance coming back that was the plan he he trained there all preseason if he plays really well at one and comes back and you know they’re winning games I think rogie goes to centers see I I would think that if he’s the best chance to win Del M playing

Fullback that that gives the Warriors the better chance to win the competition as well oh yeah Roger in the number one well I just think chance chance has played center CH he he’s not lost on playing Center so and I just think they be they they are a far more dangerous

Team but and it’s not as if Roger liability in defense I’m just saying rogers’s the best number one so therefore um i’ I’d be playing him fullback anyway uh we’ll see Andrew webst is going to stick to his guns so Chan hopefully back soon we’ll be we’ll go back to that

Position um what else out of the weekend Cameron um well dragons dragons Manley did you did you get a did you get a look at that one um and I were in wenong to call the game yeah I’ve seen I’ve seen the highlights of that game um manly

Were a little bit below par weren’t they or their own Manley yeah absolutely man Manley will started on fire Tom produced Tom trovich produced one of the best passes of the Season uh for for a try early uh and then they they Manley’s performance just fell apart um in ball

Control was horrible and the dragons did offer Manley plenty of chances too like the dragons weren’t they they started the second half I remember peering down at the stats about 18 minutes into the second half the dragons had completed three of nine sets m um so they gave Manley

Plenty of chances but Manley just fumbled their way to a loss and the dragons you know were good enough in the end Ben Hunt uh was great Terrell Sloan was good they had some very good performances individually and and got it done you just wonder with those type of

Games right so mly you you would say was one of the form teams of the comp going into that game and you just wonder you know in the back of the mind of some of those manly players did they think well look you know we’ve

Seen a lot you know a lot of the things that people are saying about us and you know we feel confident we’re playing well it’s the dragons you know the Dolphins put 38 on this mob um all we got to do is turn up today you just

Wonder you know whether some of the players had that mindset going into that game which and and maybe because it came quick the try the first try was in the I think it was the fourth minute bossy wasn’t it Tom the first five that’s it and sometimes and you know sometimes

That’s a that can that can really hurt you can’t it Brandy where you know like you you you’re playing a game dou down on that field that’s right you double down on that complacency you go oh this this is going to be easy yeah you’re playing a game you’re expected to win

You you feel confident about and you score one you think W well here we go like it’s we’re going to put 40 on this on this team today but you know like it that’s just a a great example of it it doesn’t matter who you play in this

Competition it doesn’t matter where they are on the ladder where what type of form they bringing into the match if you have the wrong attitude and you take a soft attitude and think it’s just going to happen for you it won’t and I think manly yeah he’s that they’ve they’ve

Learned a lesson there on the weekend we got questions for you uh Cameron on the text 0 4577 36736 the Edward Homes text line uh well not so much a question here this this is a stat Dez has lost his last 10 games boys this is the toughest

Period of his career so he finished up on a seven game losing streak at manle now on to three straight here um Can cam do your crystal balls I’m just reading the text as it comes in Cameron cam do your crystal ball see Zack LX staying on

The wing at the dragons where he’s killing it or move back to Center somewhere else and just be the so so Zack LX thoughts well um well Sloan’s going well at fullback right so he he’s had a pretty good start to the year um

And and so is Zack LX I I don’t know you guys might have a bit more sort of um understanding or information on on the Zack lomac situation but is is he is the is the talk true that he he wants out because he’s playing on the wing or

Is that just that’s just he Ben Hunt said he did Ben Hunt said like for whatever reason Ben went to a press conference was it start of last week or the week before couple weeks ago unhappy and you know I thought that was you you wouldn’t know that he said he he did

Back It Up by saying well you wouldn’t know it because he’s been one of our best players which is true but apparently there was there was Shane Flanigan said they were going to revisit again after four rounds so I I don’t know what that means but the word is

That he won’t be allowed to leave this year yep um but they’ll look at it for next year cuz he’s on a lot of money and you can’t be paying a Winger if he stays on the wing can’t be paying a Winger 800 yeah well just from from his point of

View like yeah it’s it’s it’s a funny one given if he unhappy it’s it’s hard how it correlates into his performances because he’s been playing so good like his stats are unbelievable I think was it was it the game against the Titans was like he ran for the most meters he’d

Ever run for care 27 runs 200 nearly 300 you know like so he’s he’s playing really well like he’s breaking tackles um he’s scoring plenty of points he’s got plenty of involvement so yeah it doesn’t really correlate with the way they’re saying he’s feeling about playing in that position but um crystal

Ball for uh the dragons I’d say leave him on the wing he’s looked into the crystal ball mind you we almost broke his leg the other day I’ll break his ankle with one shot a goal so that that could have been disastrous for him there we’re going to

Take a break at 20 minutes after 8 Eastern Monday we’re on air on sen we will be on air all day so much sport to talk about give Cameron Smith a call right now on the Great Southern Bank open Line 13001 1170 we’re here for brien’s lawyers unable to work due to

Injury or illness contact brien’s lawyers


  1. Brandy hates the warriors. The disdain when he talks bout them is clear and only outdone by blocker who struggles not to call them racist names when he slips into Ct induced ptsd. Honestly hate it when we get either of these 2 in the commentary of the Wahs games.

  2. RTS never wanted to come back and take the FB role, he knows it belongs to CNK who was outstanding there in 2023. Hes committed to Center, so talk about it all you want its not happening lol

  3. WTF we have a coach that firstly wants to be at the warriors , not like brown , Payton whom compared to these two, has integrity and loyalty. So in saying that, he as said that charnze is the fullback and Roger was aware of that fact. When I first heard that Roger had signed with the warriors, I thought how f..king lucky are we to have a player of Roger’s calibre on the bench. Because Pompey and Rocco deserve their spots

  4. RTS can cause the same havoc from centre that he does from FB. The best teams have strike centres, charnze is a specialist fullback who was one of the best in the comp last year. His timing and combination with SJ and dwz was a massive part of the wahs success last year

  5. If you play RTS at centre. You give him the license to roam when in attack, that would be the best way to get the most out of him

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