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Tom Garratt:

N One two three let’s Go 1 2 3 Let’s Go One two three let’s go 1 2 three let’s Go n 1 2 3 Let’s Go 1 2 3 Let’s Go He Yeah 1 2 3 let’s Go hello welcome back got my lunch box all uh unfortunately it’s not all Hands-On dick uh deck to today because Tom’s not here what did he say oh where as you can tell I’m fresh off the slopes mate what have you been doing skiing skiing yeah jokes Never End two

PS in my hand jokes Never End guys anyway um never end yeah Arsenal are playing today but as you can tell the and myself are not bothered because neither of us are wear in Arsenal club actually only just got back from uh My Life um yeah me too actually no Tom did

Not get fired he almost died he actually did almost like if if he was on that train he could be dead H so basically what what there was a landslide the Earth fell apart there was a landslide I’m not we’re not joking we’re not joking there was a

Landslide and uh it covered the tracks which canceled all the trains from Bingham to London and if Tom was on that train he could have been under the mud yeah but instead he’s going home and how do that how do they fix the track they have to get the the mud off the

Track oh fair enough that’s good there yeah man well it’s a shame because I had Tom a present or a present for the studio today I actually have presents for you guys as well but oh they’re from got holiday present well no from the guy that was giv us gifts but

There’s just t-shirts and stuff cool but um you know last time we had the the whole arbre thing we had to establish new rules in the set are you going to say there’s a no wanking on the set well not quite that but this is one we can stick onto something

So yeah so it says keep your hands to yourself at all times I was thinking maybe like on the locker behind Tom’s head that even in shot though this one no no so like stay on there just behind him that won’t be in shot yeah that’s

Not yeah well well stick it wherever you yeah stick it wherever you think it’s going to be nice I guess we can yeah be careful cuz once it’s stuck yeah it’s stuck I ain’t to mess up careful D this is intense it out as well yeah someone’s been in the studio and

Creeped it all J there well done yeah so keep your hands to yourself boys at all times how much how much of the pitch on budgeted that set back 9 Pound BR barain quid yeah it it’s a good deal though that’s a good one Specky thanks man yeah appreciate that

Uh Tom’s not here because of uh the national rail service in England unfortunately to be fair would you would you say that British net like British Network rail at the British rail system is one of the best in the world no way I would say it’s one of the best in the

World always on time no delays yeah true never cancelled yeah made up what is I Reon Japan’s probably the best right that leaves dead on the minute also Germany honestly Germans are unreal double deckers yeah they get that in France as well mate you yeah yeah that’s

What I went to SK on is it double decker train yeah not a plane no well I landed and then took the train to oh you didn’t drive okay a car got double decker yeah that’s actually my favorite chocolate bar as well that’s weird that’s crap chocolate bar um but anyways

Guys welcome back to pitch side it’s uh Arsenal against West Ham at the London Stadium I just suckle past it what’s in here electrolytes it’s rise no you can’t have it why not I got disease I got food poisoning do you want to catch my disease you can catch you can catch

Diarrhea not from food poisoning it’s quite nice actually yeah hell yeah baby I’ve got a question for you I got oh go ahead I was just going to ask how you did on super six oh well Brennan Johnson came through clutch for me because he he scored in the 96th

Minute and I said Spurs 21 did you yeah so nine points oh I said Spurs 31 oh you’re on nine as well I’m on nine I thought I was coming in as like the boys this is rough days I said 31 Spurs it was 2-1 I said 3 no Liverpool

It’s 3-1 so I’m on six points I said 21 wolves I said 21 Newcastle obious it was 32 um so I’m on six points currently that’s not bad that’s decent to be fair uh 1 nil brenford 4-0 Liverpool obviously that’s 3-1 and then two on Spurs and I said Newcastle would draw

With Forest shame that was close do you know what we are just like [ __ ] at like letting goals in the last you got the worst defense in the Premier League we went from best to worst in the season you legit are the third worst defense in

The league no they’re the worst no we are the worst essentially the worst are you yeah pretty like in terms of XG though which is probably better standard of working out whether or not you you deserve to be there you do trying to you caught

Me down switch it just me like this is your last clean sheet Chef would you know it Ain nil honestly it probably is it really probably is we can’t like we miss Nick PA we realizing that we need him by the way de [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] M why

Was he coming out so far for that everyone blame D burn there I’m sorry like the D bur yes whatever but like saing go there I don’t think you can seeed that yeah he just gives him he just runs literally out the box he was

Never making it to it I don’t know what the [ __ ] he’s doing got super chat from Joe advice for training plan slit getting back into the gym well I’ll go first and then Ru will give you the with the actual the actual good training plan uh I would I would do back by’s

Legs all on the same day and then I do uh chest tries legs all on the same day and then I do legs and then I do rehab followed by this is this is the’s actual split by the way so similar well you’re doing a lot of legs because obviously

You’re rehabing legs every day yeah every day every day bro uh i’ say as a beginner or getting back into you probably want to just do like two to three sessions a week so whole body a low body and an upper body it’s a double can they

Conce or just take steroids like you that’s that’s just a great joke that’s true how you feeling about today though must-win gar for the title race West Ham away away is it mustn scary yeah it’s everything’s must win for you really see iswin this is basically where our title

Crum title charge crumbled last season wasn’t it this is missed the penalty yeah if you like lose points here it’s like what’s the point of winning the previous game these are the games need to win and if we lose this we might be out but at the

End of the day you’re out of it you’re out West Ham at London Stadium is a difficult game West is so unpredictable though sometimes there [ __ ] and then rice in there you never know it just screams a West Ham like win Weston har fortunately for us though it seems like

Trods at striker do you want to do lineups oh yeah um so in goal for Arsenal is Rya Kia stays at left back with Gabriel why have you done the away team first yeah cuz up the gooners man okay right fine you got H rice and erard the best

Midfield in the Premier League and then Martinelli TR hard and sacka I like that I need a sacka master class today Lads yeah and a cber go that’ be nice we benched Pascal gross didn’t we yes so sack needs to perform in goal for West

Ham is arola one R the Giza soual Kurt Zuma a Emerson Alvarez such Johnson on the right oh wow he’s playing forward Ward prow kudus and Jack B kud is back that’s scary yeah inen on the bench or what I think he’s injured is he’s injured our bench is looking you think

He’s out my God man our bench is looking [ __ ] terrible yeah yeah everyone everyone’s injured a summit Essen Nelson and georgino the only Walters El Bandera what’s his name r hisain um Zeno’s out VI’s out Jus is out Timber’s out party’s out part’s never coming back by the way I can’t think

It’s guy’s name Blondie senchenko no Smith row yeah [ __ ] hell yeah smithar for you to Smith yeah he roll his anle and tring or L calls him uh Blondie Wonder Boy Blondie Wonder Boy what I don’t get with he’s not even on the list yeah yeah he’s not on the

Injured or suspended list and he’s not on the bench yeah it’s it’s new news AR just mention it it’s not pretty much uh and then we got a couple super chats uh from Taylor with A5 thank you hi Jens did you watch the Chelsea Villa game on

Wednesday and opinions on Petrovic no I didn’t I I was asleep in the Alps uh I was [ __ ] myself and throwing up at the same time on Wednesday I don’t know how did you do that like I actually have a story if you want to know yeah

Absolutely okay I’ll touch it in a second uh and Griff 499 does Lewis watch United mcom can’t pass hides from the ball gives pens away and can’t defend now does a couple tap make him underrated some some man united fans all like slay momy and that even though he’s

The one who scores all the decisive goals in most gam so you did it you we did an underrated section on the show underrated player for each team and I said momy’s under he is man every single time man united snatch three points I know a lot of United fans that think he

Is dog [ __ ] right that’s fair enough but take him out the team they would have snatched a lot of less points cuz he’s the one who’s coming up and actually has the balls to get into the positions to score the win okay so by that logic by

That LE Bowden logic is havs underrated havs isn’t doing it as often as momy like how often has havs got went I’m asking cuz you obviously snatching late goals and you know appearing in the box and Mak stuff happen hav done but I’m I’m not trying

To say hav is underrated I don’t think he’s underrated at all hav is [ __ ] but if you think mctom is underrated there’s there’s a difference well number on the clear difference is like 60 mil and one came through the youth setup so it’s like zero came through the youth setup

Somewhere you did that that is f that’s B knowledge um I’m getting cooked by Palace fans as well even was fing at me by yeah I saw I saw that but who else who else can you say I said it Jefferson Lama no I said to him go

Name me the most underrated player he was like Sam Johnson but is he underrated yeah well was I getting cuz you sent a link in the chat was I getting heat over Will Hughes which is a bit nasty the thing is with the thing is with Palace none of their players are just

Rated apart from at least say as and gay and and you can’t say Anderson anymore because people are open like wa him and just hate all their Club at the moment so I get it and Vincent to the 199 Louis hcky man oh thank you uh and name the 299 ree

Who’s getting promoted from the championship uh definitely Leicester they’re 11 points clear on there at the moment I think Leeds and Southampton I think the prom I think the reneg teams go straight back up and bayy bson 2 pound met you both at bar versus sit in

2017 that was a funny day that was a funny day that was uh when that we went straight down to Spurs afterwards didn’t we yeah a long day that was a long day yeah and we saw pep sitting there just bed ohing it’s not ideal um yeah do you want

To know my story of my food poisoning it’s pretty Grim though yeah go on come on so obviously it hit me around if you are eating by the way guys don’t just put put the thing on mute probably it hit me around 3:00 a.m. so about four

Four or five hours after explain to the people what gave you I had a carbonara which is like my favorite food but it had a raw egg on it that’s meing that so I just mixed it in you meant to mix it in it like Cooks as it heat so just

Didn’t cook it’s about it’s about a week on since the was diagnosed with food poisoning no only like four or five days okay and he’s still struggling from one raw egg yeah actually what no food poisoning is rough you know it wiped you out for like a week I feel like [ __ ] um

But that night was bad from about 3:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. I was in it was I threw up about eight times and you know that feeling when you’re just over the toilet and can’t be sick oh my God you’re wretching in that point I I was

Like my brain was going to explode from wretching do you have the point where you have to have like the Tactical poo though oh mate you know what I mean cuz like he’s being sick so much the Poo starting to come out like right I need

To be tactical here cuz if I keep holding this poo in it’s not going to be an option after usually you’re so tired that you’re just like leaning over the toilet I knew every crevice of that toilet man mate so I was sitting there I was like [ __ ] this is on this diarrhea

So I sit on the toilet as I’m as I’m diarrheaing and then luckily there’s a bag next to me in case of this emergency yeah and uh so I pick up the bag so so I’m now throwing up at the same time as diarrhea so it’s what B carrier bag

Carrier bag bag carrier bag so I’m throwing up and coming out both ends at the same time then and then I needed a Wii synchronized and we so it’s coming out of all three places at the same time sneez but what I didn’t realize was as I

Was weing what was that J go everything all right in that and you go it was coming out all it was coming out three places at the same time but what I didn’t realize was you know when you sit on the toilet obviously your dingdong is like hanging down the toilet right yeah

Yeah yeah cuz obviously I was being sick you pissed on yourself because of being sick and I didn’t have time I didn’t have time to like sort myself out and I looked down and I just wheel over the floor oh you’re all right now at that point at

That point I was like I thought to myself this this is the most degrading moment of my life hotel or Chalet Hotel okay and I honestly thought like when will this end Jack should just get in the it went on for another 6 hours yeah

Just get in the bath and let I thought to myself I can’t do this any longer I might have to what a full bath or empty bath just get into a I got into a shower partially partially full bath so there’s room for extra stuff and just accept

That it’s going to be [ __ ] for a bit may it was [ __ ] for 7 hours are you talking about pooing in the bath wait what well I’m just saying like if you are not controlling it that that is the most hard thing I’ve ever heard saying cont the contamination so what you’re saying

Is instead of like using the toilet and leaving yourself in every way possible you want to sit in a bath [ __ ] yourself throw up in the bath and wait at the same time no I’m saying plan a is to do what they did but plan a was failing

Because he lost the control of his penis so what you do there if you can’t we know some controlling if you can’t contain it to the get the exactly no but it was a low put on my life I can’t lie I felt very awful and I just wanted it

End to end when will it end Robbie um speaking of when we let end Robbie uh West Ham last six results in all competitions no wins four draws to loses and then Omar with 199 says I swallow something I don’t know what he swallows um smudge says all me up Theo

Oh what time is it over there 1:00 a.m. the biggest howler from that video is Theo say minu is underrated how is that a howler he’s unreal I feel like that it’s not bad it’s just like people are probably thinking that everyone sort of agrees on that but it was at the same

Time it’s tough to pick one at United that’s I just thought the player who’s getting more stick at the moment is momy and I’m thinking you know he’s just N I feel like everyone knows he’s good he’s just like been struggling huh it’s not like with nunz toand I feel

Like he’s a bit underrated is he I think he’s better than the general consensus think he is yeah he’s starting to cook now he is starting to cook I’ve seen Sean did you see sha Millis do the Lampard yeah yeah he knows what he’s doing man

I don’t know if he did shie there’s no way sh two pound from Westy oh this is an interesting question actually because I’ve seen a lot of discourse about this on online what does Lewis think about burn playing over Tino do you know what it is right I it’s easy to say Tino

Should be starting but also it’s a case of like Eddie how is managing the team if he’s insisted Dan burn should stay there he is God if he’s insistent that he should stay there there’s clearly other factors why he’s in that team he’s a big pres from know the system well

He’s does really well he obviously contributes cooked every week now two weeks in a only two weeks in a row if hav starts every game do you not think arteta there’s a reason why he’s starting every game so why do you call him [ __ ] every week I no cuz hav is just

[ __ ] but no I feel like the good thing about our team is each player knows that they’re not just going to be subbed off as soon as they have a bad game there’s trust there where if they have a bad run of form they’ll be trusted to keep going

And that’s why you see the Murphy’s doing well and the long stuff’s doing well because they know they’re not going to get instantly replaced by new people any form of pay can’t compete no it wasn’t always like it’s only been like that last couple of games he has been really good and other

Times it it is getting to the point now where it’s like right maybe we do cuz it’s obvious and we’re conceding so many goals it’s time to probably try something new but it’s not like [ __ ] Dan bur [ __ ] that’s just like come on man no we’re not saying it I know but

Some of the fans are going a bit overboard at the moment where they’re like yeah what about Calvin Phillips man washed why isn’t he St he is isn’t he is he not no he’s not oh you read the lineup up yeah such and Alvarez was it because of the Hower that he

Conceded yeah good point um Frank hwood with the two laws underrated player Anthony Robinson at forland we did actually say that one Tom said Anthony Robinson uh and Josh amamos with the 299 thank you for the first Super Chat of your life he didn’t say anything yeah

Josh what are you saying Paul what are you saying nobody is underrated at United maybe hland at a push but they’re all underperforming well they’ve got a chance to redeem themselves today because they got Villa that’s a massive game yeah I think they get smashed by Villa really no I gen no

And I’m not just saying this because I don’t like man united no they do I think it’s like a 4-nil or it’s either 4N it’s either 4-n Villa or like a little scrappy hatrick maybe yeah yeah yeah well I I think I think United will do

Well today I think they get found out by teams that are like TCT tactically drilled and good like they get found out they can’t just for man no there’s certain teams like the uni Emory class they’ll just s you’ll just [ __ ] on them essentially they got beat by Chelsea

Full strength Chelsea team yeah that’s embarrassing that they which one is it well they’re just ch they’re just they’re just [ __ ] man I actually think it’s 4-0 I genely think they get smashed really but then it’s classic man united just a random win V it’s so annoying everyone thinks that

Villa just going to wipe them over based on the track record but it could just be like a one-nil United yeah they do me ideally I need a draw for them two oh yeah oh actually what have you put for that on super six um what have you put

For this game actually good question I put two nil Arsenal did you I put two1 actually backed you for on what did I put I put I put two Arsenal uh and for the Villa United game I actually put two on Villa I went 31

Villa WAFF you same thing 3-1 31 I did that earlier in the week though yeah me too I did I actually no that’s a lie I did it when I came back from skiing why are you lying [ __ ] I did it early on Saturday who’s that that’s C

Freezy have you seen that photo before no I’ve never seen that no that’s [ __ ] brilliant man Harley Lewis uh oh question for theel Baker two pounds have you g given up on Harry and Theo goling no the there a video we’re doing the thumbnail tomorrow with a video coming

Out on Monday right yeah on Monday or Tuesday yeah har was speaking about it in my gym video oh really yeah it was a sick time um but there’s just been some delays on the editing process AKA Ro to Shaw’s been too busy I’d say Ro tow has been

Skiing uh two pound from Lewis who you boys reckon gets relegated at this point oh it’s an interesting one now isn’t it well if Everton get another points deduction they there’s every chance they points deduction I don’t know Forest have a also that possibility [ __ ] sheffeld unit have win against L it’s

Come from I have no idea it’s the Premier League mate L I think chefit forest with their game in hand but they have got was it Chelsea and city or something was it who they got Man United and Liverpool so not Chelsea and City I feel Chef United Burnley

Shely down and then it’s just like who gets that last spot cuz they both just look [ __ ] in the long run and then that’s what I mean for for 17 uh 18th sorry it’s it’s a tossup isn’t it you think Palace can go down could do if they if they don’t get

Anyone new anytime soon Jose Mourinho i’ like that actually suit Palace yeah bring him back man give him go to Chelsea man no we just go to Palace we just said go Jose should go to Palace and you’ve just said go to Chelsea it we

Just be good man and poino you know are you willing to apologize didn’t he have a bad stint when he was there last time when he came back it’s fun though isn’t it yeah it’s fun getting in getting in the Prem getting back brace yesterday I

Haven’t seen the M his what his goal was ven Jun assisted was insane is that where he ran around the keeper yeah yeah Vinnie Jor outside of the boot man uh two P from Henry big up guys Arsenal to win 3-1 Villa 22 United Could Happen someone said marinos

Is joining Palace no way no way man way Mario who mariso what the old Center mid Mar what the juvent ex Juventus player is he still playing he manager oh I he I he and then two from Brandon what teams would you add SL remove to make a dream Premier League we’ve done

That actually haven’t we we we did that as a segment yeah I can’t it was called it’s the on Super Six Channel I think yeah it’s it’s hard to say who would you get out of this current Premier League who do we boot out I probably boot out brenford I get rid of

Wolves um no i’ I’d keep woles because I’d probably add West Brom and you want that that would be a good Derby nah no get rid of wolves okay just Bor you get wolves I don’t want to get rid of Brighton but also what they’re class for

The Prem man yeah find a new player who going to be amazing in a year I just think about I think about that um what season was it when we had like Chef United in there uh 23 24 L barley yeah yeah those can go no no

Pizza I kind of dare you man go straight through me still really yeah after the egg egg egg not yeah there there’s plenty of teams that you should that bring back no not M BR I used like I I used to like by the way such a classic Prem side

Man 2003 it was him wolves that’s weird man kya’s class net injured now Netto yeah Netto is good but he’s going to move wolves are Classic 2003 FIFA career team man yeah leads leester bring those back West Brom THS and Kane still not going to win a trophy yes ja Alonzo’s didn’t L

Man Blackburn yeah mate yeah black burs a very good shot actually Stoke 3-1 smic scored again does he ever stop bring P back that would be good is a good one Bolton yeah B like that what was it it was year was like P with Bon Chef United I can’t remember what season

It was Chef United yeah I just remember it was Chef United came up for like one season I’m sure at the same time Portsmouth and Bol maybe Bolton with stellio janas bring in back man Darby I might have been Chef United and ren I’m thinking about you bring West

Back but get rid of wolves yes I would have Yano against with a two pound Lewis to make a food poisoning warning poster cook your eggs I’ll do that if you’re sick on the C I don’t get it though because don’t The Rock just eat like eight raw eggs for breakfast yeah you

Just I think to it though yours hasn’t maybe it wasn’t the maybe it’s something yeah maybea yeah sad though it’s my favorite meal and I’ve don’t again it does do I had it with I got food poison once when I have to like if they say oh carbonara next

Time you go yeah but can you cook the egg on top pleas do you remember them Rolo yogurts yeah with like the chocolate on top of yeah that gave me food poisoning once and I’ve never had it since I think your definition of food poison is wrong then you just catch

Illnesses at the time it was that no no it had gone off it had gone off and I was on the toilet for about half a day really yeah you can get it from Lo M you can get it from anything I struggled to believe that a a chocolate Rolo yogurt

Has giving you 24-hour food poisoning it was rough man I got it from like uh hunt his chicken so I haven’t had barbecue sauce for like 10 years why would I what is wrong with it is it that sad wait put the camera on is it that sad you missed

The just happened to it wait so you got it from hun but surely that would be from uncooked chicken yeah but it’s the it’s really struggling on what have you done you just gone down the wrong hole yeah um yeah it was like barbecue Soro is it Jones barbecue fo massage I love

Barbecue sauce you don’t know never seen that Tik Tok do you like chicken s crazy man nah that’s nuts I don’t like nuts and all that [ __ ] un unless it’s unless it’s like those beef nuts which are nice like like the pub the Bob Pub like pet the pupp

Miss puppy oh L Miss bbby what are you talking about he’s been all weekend so he accidentally said BB I I don’t go to Pub with me mate go pub with Bob n you get them up behind the little peanuts the brown ones the brown ones they’re peanuts nuts peanuts

Peanuts yeah they’re nuts what did you mean beef nuts yeah the beef tasting ones was it de brilliant the beef ones people know what I’m on about no [ __ ] you the’re beef [ __ ] nuts oh dry roasted okay dry you’re talking about dry roasted they beef though calling

Them beef nuts beef nuts F you’re calling dry roasted peanuts beef flake I thought put the flavor was it’s brown Brown’s normally beef it is universally Brown is beef according to actually so special with that yeah they’re the ones that decide flavor on this m that’s FL that’s just marking for them

Isn’t it yeah man brownest beef you must have heard dry peanuts before well yeah cuz I eat them but like when you’re EA good point when you eat them you’re thinking ah man this tastes like beef do you ever get the bacon the bacon thingies from behind the Pub those are

The go Pub snack crisps yeah the bacon crisps or they have scampy ones oh do you like scampy in crisp form yeah do you don’t like actual scampy nah fish as [ __ ] well we’ve established what the [ __ ] do you eat you don’t like nuts you don’t like peanuts you don’t like

Chicken sa don’t like H chicken you don’t don’t what what we just said you don’t like Scamp you don’t like fish I eat a lot of like I make a lot of fajitas what a guy that’s $5 from Eric thoughts on Super Bowl winner I think

It’ll be uh I think it’ll be the Chiefs yeah I think I think it will be the Chiefs again I think Mom’s going yeah I think the Chiefs man uh as an American I couldn’t care less about I’m tired of all the ads love from Chicago though

Love rev now the chief’s going to win man at uh the la la Vegas stadi is that who Tom Brady plays for no Tom Brady plays for the no the New Haven Hawks wasn’t it chief on it you lot idot is it the killers no no no no um Kentucky

Killers yeah Miami Dolphins yeah is it Miami Dolphins it’s yeah that’s my team youa utopian Miami mooners I I own the Miami Dolphins yeah is it the LA Dodgers what tonight LA Rams [ __ ] me that’s is it Las Vegas Vikings no Texas Tigers oh I did see though is it is it

Asher and Justin Bieber at half time I thought you see the one yeah they’re they’re the quarterbacks J JB’s quarterback yeah QB JB was he play number 10 yep remember when we which who play center back for the Tom Brady’s team oh James which game was

It who uh in footy where we tried to go all americ and have a halftime show was J Lea and she just got like sung over what it was like in it they wouldn’t do that to do a leap man no it was it was

Submit like that H where like they had a halftime show and like she just got [ __ ] chanted over was it the Super Bowl was it the World Cup and they have a oh it actually was it was Champions League it might have been champ leag Champions League wasn’t it it might have

Been yeah the Pepsi Max Champions League cuz she’s like she was F by Pepsi Max is she I remember she was fuming or something well I would [ __ ] all that Cabo it wouldn’t do a leaper you would do that to do a leaper you wouldn’t what’s up this defense of Julie she

Better she’s better than that have you seen a new boyfriend what Callum Turner have you seen masters of the air anyone who [ __ ] is that what’s that no I I want to watch it though is it good it’s so good wait wa in what do you mean protagonist in that isend is her

Boyfriend so have you guys Fantastic Beasts who the [ __ ] is this guy man I need to I need to do my research he’s an English actor he’s [ __ ] cool Callum Turner that’s a boyfriend uh sofian with 35 Zar Hi how are you guys been a fan of

Both of you for ages keep up the awesome work boys yeah is he cool yes is he cool oh man well that’s sad no whoop no I’ve I’ve binned it I’ve ditched it poor for man so finally has a chance to finish top of strain in in the group chat now I

Actually want to beat you in okay right doing 5k Every Day my strain in January average my January average was 16 okay well that’s pretty good yeah I was training fire Ro so it’s probably yeah I got rid of it because I didn’t like how it was deciding my mood

I actually love it and if you want to uh join it you can go Theo the thing is it’s incredible for data but and I love yeah I can’t live but also if if you’re the type of person that wakes up and lets a number decide how you should feel

For the day then probably don’t get one it’s great for analyzing your sleep yeah it is good for your sleep and my sleep sucks I need to know what helps me what doesn’t help me you just end up just looking at all the time and just start

Chatting about it all the time just like [ __ ] about this baby it’s like shut up man stop what’s wrong with you fantastic it’s like I love whoop whoop is life because that you because the mistake is whoop users then start talking to non- whoop users about it I’m

Like I look down upon you both now I’m was like [ __ ] I look down on you I’ve actually done more activity since getting rid of the Boop than when I had it on do you sleep with your watch on yeah oh so you get sleep score from that

I do actually get sleep score from that yeah find it too bulk but I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t look at it and go oh God now I can’t do anything for that you might have done a mint workout you think you’re class and that and then you

Look at your whoop and your wop’s telling you You’ done [ __ ] and it’s like [ __ ] off what no if you’ve done a hard workout would tell you done a hard work no no cuz it Doesn’t no cuz this is annoying thing as well in the gym half

The time you’re typing in your reps and oh I’m going up wait I have to change on and spend time on your phone that’s actually very true I actually like the strength F because means you can track your progress n you track your progress because you’re look in the mirror it’s

Like oh [ __ ] hell you look in the mirror that’s how you track your program yeah it’s like oh I’m lifting more than I was last week how you going to do that if you don’t write it down you going remember everything you can just write

It on your game KCK off by the wayar r is getting booed is he actually that’s pathetic even though he got the cop yeah a thr you abandon them man what is this appar commentary saying he shouldn’t be getting boo well I’m sure they’ll stop now San with another 14 Z

Who you guys got winning the Prem and Manchester City uh Arsenal Liverpool could happen all three e Theo why aren’t you at the eastborn game because I’m here yeah a lot of people ask yeah I’m here at the watching the Arsenal game on Pitch side BFC what

Does it stand for it stands for Bo Bly football club I think brenford football club is it yeah that true or should I twist it around so it’s SFS whoa crazy what does that mean don’t know sick football club yeah man you’re very bright today said this

Trying to bring the uh yeah man brightness bring the bring the brightness the energy actually my hat matches the kit if if the Arsenal players were wearing this hat it would be drippy I got caught again thanks thanks Jay for the nice comments oh my God that’s amazing yeah what the hell

I’ve never been a Tre protein flapjack that’s amazing how much protein does it have 10 gram yeah so it’s not really nice would you oh B he’s well off why are they carrying on you should get a red card for kicking the ball away a blue

Card are we going to talk about the blue card and the podcast I mean they’ve already bucked out of it they all never do it they just why you know what’s annoying they’re just leaving more score for them to [ __ ] up decisions someone came up with a really good point and it

Made total sense if you implement a blue card system what happens to goalkeepers they just have to if if they argue they’re just off the pitch for 10 minutes is it yeah you just without a keeper shoot from halfway line that’s a great idea it’s just stupid now they’re

Going to get blue cards Yellow cards and red cards wrong it’s just like yeah they well red cards didn’t exist before World Cup in the 70s right it was always yellow cards I didn’t know that I thought red cards have been always a part of the game wait was that red cards

Were introduced in like one of the World Cups in like a a long while ago I’ll fin but you still had double yellows for a red otherwise what’s the point of a yellow you get 10 yellows in a game red cards you just keep getting

Yellows of red uh $2 from Ry Le ball knowledge is genuinely awful with a kissy though so he actually does love there you go see although physical red cards were introduced from 1970 they were not put into practice into 1974 World Cup what happened then I don’t

Know they were invented in the 1970s someone just killed someone on the P what happen did you get a yellow card py PO said that about the keepers did he was it poch there you go yeah smart guy did raise a good point with saying it just slows the game down

I don’t think he did did he I thought he went mate a good night mate slows the game down mate every other sport trying to increase the speed of the sport yeah whereas FIFA or whoever’s doing it is trying to decrease the speed of the sport I get it for like rugby I

Understand it for rugby because you have 15 men and obviously it creates game no I didn’t so [ __ ] annoying man trying to go go around like three pubs not one had the match on all them [ __ ] rug new talking you’re talking about a drinking culture rugby on Rugby [ __ ] do

You that’s a bad take that’s a bad l n none of you no way either I’ve never seen any of you talk about the rugby or watch the watch six nations in the World Cup 2003 is the best moment of my life manate I understand people I’ve tried to

Like it i’ I us I used to kick a football like a rugby ball Wilkinson you never did the whole yeah you never done that I’ve seen Martin Johnson’s dick what who said that a man it’s just just boring that’s an L to say you don’t like it’s I

Actually like I actually prefer American football over it cuz that’s that oh my theas you watching the super owl tonight yeah man no the reason is American football is like tactical a bit rugby is a lot of it is a lot of just [ __ ] continuously charge at each other mix

With a with a little bit of this is how I know that you don’t know anything about it is it’s just like let’s [ __ ] plow him down Lads what that’s all it is just [ __ ] barge through which is all right but it’s a b and watch beer from

Each other’s ass cracks after the game yeah get a ball with that side rugby is so clear of in NFL it’s outrageous no also rugby game lasts a third of the time of a no match no it’s [ __ ] man you’ve clearly never watched the the Army are proper into the

Rugby as well soone was working there who was like you just just had to sit through and like pretend like oh yeah we’re a rugby [ __ ] Nation yeah true that man we’re Cricket Nation as well but Cricket sh Cricket they’re all good mate that’s why we’re so good at them

All no man what Cricket’s boring are you it seems to me like you’re just not a sports person no no and the natural sports that’s someone who never watched the 2019 World Cup no no I can watch I can watch T20 cricket where it’s a lot

More quick and it’s like not we’re doing six days of cricket here each game is 5 hours long not I don’t like test cricket but like no T20 when is like quick and like more intense then that’s good but T Tes is going to f how can you

If you’re if you’re saying that how can you say that the Super Bowl is better than okay rugby you just said T20 is better because it’s fast top three Sports other than football tennis to watch play watch or play um just they’re very different probably to watch to

Watch to watch um tennis is great tennis golf golf to watch yeah basketball I love watching rugby basketball basketball’s class man it’s really good and the good thing with basketball is you can you can miss like the first two quarters and it never matters you can

Come in on the final quarter and it’s still matters F1 darts f1’s just F1 when it was at its peak yeah Eric with the 199 L take from Lewis NFL a [ __ ] facts I agree NFL is also [ __ ] I’m saying the they’re both [ __ ] is what my point is why you just

Don’t like people using their hand to sorry Moni way closer than it actually was it’s just a goal kick oh it’s nice Corner nice bang on here basketball darts yeah darts is definitely better that’s I’m really enjoying watching darts at the moment I actually am I’m much someone

Last night he was talking about you oh yeah man I was tuning into his darts live stream on Tik Tok where’s the where got 180 where’s the person from yeah I got 180 you did get 18 I said I said I’m pretty sure I said I’m pretty

Sure you the camera was on you then allegedly allegedly you didn’t get 180 well no one’s disproved the video yet so therefore I’ve got well the video as far as I can see is conclusive evidence of a 180 and no wrongdoing well I mean you you were like two Ines away from your

Board right allegedly no one I volunteer anyone to try and prove that video was fake no the video is real you just stood way too close to the board oh Al’s yellow card now they’re two separate recordings seen the video though what is the video L does two darts then takes an

Hour to take the third that is actually very true yeah cuz you have to get the video over a minute to get the revenue that’s why so you get two into the triple 20 you have if you throw them at normal Pace M it’s a 15c video yeah

That’s you have to you have to let it sit oh that could be a red that could be a red that actually could be a red you know second oh no it’s a blue card uh by the way did you see something good that happened in this game de on Corners TR

Isn’t tr’s fully been taken off Corners finally I told you arteta watches the show yeah Mikel how you doing mate he’s probably busy at this point he’s got his phone he’s got his phone to his ear while he’s uh on the touch line uh they I’m a new eastor fan

As my girl is from there what do you recommend to do there you said that like 10 times yeah I think he’s just asking for recommendations of your local area to be honest mate there’s not much to do at easto maybe go to the pier there’s lots

To do there not eastn though how would you know just have a feeling good feeling what we can upload videos oh oh any chance we can upload a video on pit side yeah how’s the editing going you know we’re get there slowly but Sur fair play here the

Only one not to drunk drop a stinker today Le thinking there was no tactics in rugby Reed wanting to remove the team that founded the Champions League from the Prem I can’t take people seriously they put an extra e in my name so say that’s how you spell it number one

Tactics in rugby okay the tactic and rugby there’s two options you pass left you pass you pass right you’re talking [ __ ] pass left or right that’s like in football that’s like in football oh what’s the tactic in football score a goal yeah it’s easy

Game is it just kick it in the net I’m going to pass the ball left I’m going to it why more teams just kick in the back of the net why don’t they just also teams that can’t score should just score more goals question in football are you

Allowed to like like Johnny rugby how you get people then you throw them in the air could you do that like so like mean and you thr all them right how would that benefit anyone in in so on the corner on a corner if you get two

Like two players and you grab and you grab like [ __ ] de and rice and you l in Thea just throws truss that’s a he just hand that’s a hand ball that gu a penalty to Arsenal oh B ree what’s the difference between whoop and your watch funny you say that uh comy

Coms you’re better to explain one is a watch and one is a whoop the problem is when you have wear a Roop and the watches you look like a knob to the general person who’s like why is he wearing two watches you don’t not watch

Though is it I know a lot of people do that now actually so Nim five Cal frezy Randolph Josh zerker KSI and Bing I don’t think they have watches as well do they have Apple watch no he’s lying there JJ Ethan Bazinga uh the difference is one’s for

Like sleep dater and this is for I like actual workouts who’s not as good for your your workouts cuz you can’t see what your data is like it’s only retrospective and fair this guy raises a great point in tennis why don’t they just hit it harder and score more points

That’s a good point tennis is a class spot to watch it’s like unreal for like the ADHD in you you know what I mean it’s just constantly moving Sur table is even better then that’s quicker now cuz you can barely see the ball you can what are you want about

Barely [ __ ] see him man what about like Ninja Warrior good I want to do that um Eric with 199 Louis Carry’s fell Studio done man don’t give him any more confidence guys I feel like me and character yeah you actually are you know also what vogs what’s up

With fellow Studios just nicking all our Tom gar footage and clips and doing everything and also why did you go on that episode that’s embarrassing you’re supposed to gatekeep the show this is our property you’re just free willing passing around anytime pit do something good they tried to NAB

It for themselves yeah come on yeah man we’re a separate entity CLE side uh and Harley with 199 do you Bo remember RVP no who’s that guy that rice is the same for West Ham is is he that is not are you talking not a comparison that is

[ __ ] one the biggest L’s I’ve ever seen on this show and that is saying something that that is [ __ ] so stupid Oh God and Theo name someone that wears a whoop that isn’t a millionaire well I can name you a thousand I can name you thousand one who was just the standard

Do you me to read out a group that I’m in on whoop yeah but these aren’t people you know oh you don’t you don’t mix with common fork okay I can name I can name people do you want me to name people Harry G film he’s not the common Fork

He’s one of YouTu more successful videography I say it’s or liquid liquid [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s what I do I actually really rated Louis’s Christmas quiz mad props was really entertaining damn and then Bobby with 2 p F1 on its day top three and snooker is nice to watch snooker can be a little

Like a good frame in snooker is great I’ll give you that but like an overall competition can be quite slow I used to watch snooker all the time on the BBC when I got home from school I’m such a NE they need to turn snooker into like

Darts T20 like rowy let’s get Rowdy Crow how they going to concentrate on their shots they don’t need to oh [ __ ] him like should we be quiet for penalties as well like why these Sports all like oh we have to be so silent [ __ ] off you got

A crowd there 100 m that’s a good sport to watch that’s a good sport to watch but only it last 6 seconds and High Rock that’s a great sport to watch 100 me last 6 seconds what’s the record 9.5 all right it lasts 10 seconds and then it’s

Like right that was class let’s wait like you what’s the difference between Lewis and 100 meter race what 0.5 seconds I don’t get it okay it’s G over my head what’s that can 100 met race lasts 9.5 seconds and Lou lasts 10 ethan5 PS hi Lads I’m on a break at

Work and would love to know your go-to meal deal I will get the best one if I hear one of you say Sushi I unsubscribe I’m assuming you mean tesos you got a bubble [Laughter] there uh what I would have um chicken and bacon sandwi whatever the you know the sandwich yeah

Chicken and bacon sandwich whatever that one is uh Thai Sweet Chili Sensations and yeah Pepsi Max I’m going to have to go different on everything yeah you can’t pick yeah we can’t pick a neutral one tun and sweet corn sandwich are so good the best they sell

It’s so clear of everything they do uh prong cocktail Walkers or the inad of crisp you can go for refrigerators oh that’s an interesting and protein shake protein shake one or LC said um I sometimes don’t know if they do it it depends what Tesco you’re

Going depends how big it is but when they have the selection of wraps the chicken sat rap is wowers wower [ __ ] cuz they all a soggy ass what we have one more contribution before he decides just say you get what you get the raps are [ __ ] because they

Always have a soggy ass they do they always have soggy ass the bottom soggy that’s been fear for the last four days yeah you should know about that I get I don’t mind those little pasta things like a little bit of pasta going on oh so we actually really

Do have the selection here it said chicken and bacon tuna sweet corn or a pasta pot a little salt and venger squares some BR squares back to the crisps and then so I go s a lot cuz that’s what’s like near so uh they have like the little um Starbucks like iced

Lighters which are really the Tesco and a saints’s mail deal yeah no but like I don’t who Tesco mail deals by way [ __ ] all them is [ __ ] now think about it sorry did you just say the Tesco meal deal [ __ ] one is Co-op are you Co-op me

De I don’t think I’ve been in a coop I can’t believe how many l you’ve had they got Lords going on Tesco me de is the greatest out of every shop nah yeah is Tesco me deal is the meal deal that’s the they invented the meal deal they

Didn’t they invented the meal deal yeah like like Curtis Jones invented celebrating they actually did invent the meal deal nah they actually did did I to have a meal deal yeah yeah they do have you ever shopped at us oh my God please don’t give away a penalty is that a

Penalty no it’s not penre uh and Eric with 19 199 college sports clear professional sports in the US yeah that’s true actually some of the college facilities are just ridiculous they they get like 100k college football haven’t they just signed like a college TV deal and stuff yeah not it’s huge

People bet on it it’s like [ __ ] it’s massive I love the Netflix series where like follow like the basketball one that’s so good that is really good the American Football one good but the basketball I like the NFL yeah the American Football one is the best yeah

Ier that one I just like the sport basketball few Elliot HCK said Tesco is the goat facts Elliot how’s your head son yeah you’re right mate are you just Ken or you just Elliot no that’s the question we all need to know though I enjoyed the rendition mate it sounded quite good

Yeah albeit with the screaming girls in the background ah OT hack me oh oh he’s going to cook his ear he’s going to cook his go on go on oh are you mental blood what a game uh staz is that right I think so with 10 polish

Nun 10 plun plun can we talk about the amount of injuries Arsenal have yes let’s do that a lot of them you don’t see us moaning like Newcastle fans in the corner of this room yeah we’ve had sub you know what’s also can I just point out that your manager is a liar

Your manager your manager is actually a straight up lion how he yeah he is why that guy he actively hates FPL he lies about your injury crisis all the time oh he said Gordon out for like 3 to four weeks he played the next game yeah he

Said Gordon’s out for Just sh a month he said he was lucky to make it through the game the Reon only reason he was in is because Murphy picked up a little thing oh so so he’s lying another so he had we had to put him in oh that maybe that’s

Another lie another lie you know what interesting we’re only despite how like weird and bad this season feels like it’s been we’re only five points be behind what we were at this stage last year it’s embarrassing where you were on the table though isn’t it let’s be honest I think we’re going

To I actually think we might reach top five at this rate I’m beating to the end of the season I saw you that and that’s just mental he’s going unbeaten but only losing one or two Maxs think no think how many goals we score all we need to

Do is tighten up our defense and we’re going to be smashing everyone to be fair doing good to be fair you are eighth I mean that’s really good for new only a few points off but Chelsea yeah someone just said Chelsea going to buy 30 players so oh yeah this is something we

Haven’t SP about you see that Louis Spence video yeah now what’s the video he was as he was basically asked Tom out yeah I love it man he love he followed him my messaged him yeah but Louis Spen is on Grace’s show tonight that’s do

When I was up when I was they were on about Tom actually when I went to see GCE that’s sure really yeah they got sh from the crowd I’m not surprised me Tom Tom is universally known now yeah man the the breaker of arms and the almost

Breaker of willies yeah and the reason of our only two rules on P that hand that hand has been through a lot yeah it has it really has a [ __ ] snap snap crackland par B for on the Garett video just good ban to be is Tom going up to Glasgow tonight to meet

Louis fence he’s not is he is that why he said the Train’s cancelled Elliot can you confirm or deny that Tom lied about the train he’s not he’s not in the chat right now so where is he to go see Lou Spence Lou Hello I think it’s quality to you honest how many times you watch a video me what well the Tom video Fair human had to be done just if it was AI yeah where were you at the time were you on hold it at the time yeah yeah well I

Haven’t really had a chance to speak about it no this is your first we just said that discussion you didn’t like it so you quit the show is that why everyone’s asking me why why I hate Tom or Tom’s not here I came back and I banned him banged him ban whoa

Apparently Tomy is going to Louis Spence to be fair to be fair though uh just just for the people that are watching the show I’ve seen Tom’s [ __ ] more in real life than I’ve ever rewatched that video we have haven’t we really we have he does whip it out on the money many

Occasions where is Tom though is he in the chat no l Spence mate okay not happening in this game what you say not much happening in this game we should have yeah two potential pen imagine that would have been perfectly time if only Crouch was up

Front my uh issue not well not Issue video no no my my you have an issue with the video do you no my uh issue quarrel W with the people in the video is what is that guy in the background doing he’s just laughing away what no the guy that’s in the back

Apparently he was telling the off like what’s going on in here really just comes in he goes they must have been ABS yeah they were ped up allegedly it was 8 years ago any you can’t prove anything go on good ohal Salen what a save two in two minutes M

That saves outrageous oh my god oh I already I hope this isn’t another he really does want to roll the Giza doesn’t he that is an outrage save wow good that like who’s winning the Bundesliga apparently not Bayern Munich hav to that say is insane I can’t lie fair play to

Arola re even Fe what’s the worst part of London uh traffic also the lack of you said the worst part yeah traffic also the lack of um like green yeah the lack of the country I think he meant like the actual area though you know what I went to battery power station for

The first time it’s been re uh renovated isn’t it [ __ ] me I’ve never been more infuriated in my life that place is full of just like [ __ ] people man there everyone just like walking in front of you stopping abruptly tell me tell me more this oh every everything’s just got

A massive queue everyone just out for themselves my oh we get it Lou so you’re and you don’t like tourists is that what you’re saying no no no you’re saying you don’t like tourist just there’s no you this you’re a tourist there’s no order order everyone should should

In front of you just like oh Pricks make a path for Louis Bowden everyone yes you’re getting big two big to big big to Big for your boots no um there too many people is it shopping center now yeah yeah I thought so it is

M I used to watch it getting built did you of course you did the shopping center from from the I used to live in B I was there before it was cool that’s cool now is it yeah yeah used to go to the ship oh the

Ship man great spot yeah yeah yeah yeah right on the TS yeah yeah they used to ask people for their backy ra where’s my oh my God yeah come on then a let’s get on Arsenal M please please no seriously please a just too you started him yeah yeah bench

Gross didn’t I a gross mistake Alonzo LFC versus Arsenal title race artetta title race next season does everyone think that shabby Alonzo is actually going to go to Liverpool then that the thing yeah General consensus there ah yeah yeah yeah yeah do you remember when everyone thought Gerard was going to

Take over wouldn’t be surprised if Lewis is the one walking into into people but complaining they’re in the way that is something that I could envisage yeah I think that’s true thoughts on King ghosting wherever he’s needed most well whenever he’s most needed yeah I still don’t I still can’t

Forget the second pen of the World Cup Theo by the way 1 million is expensive for a studio flat thanks what I don’t know oh oh oh what R it’s bit boring this is it what you like this is why you should watch the rugby man it was a class game yesterday

Yeah do you see Scotland get [ __ ] over at the end no what is the current Table in the no Scotland they SC they I think it touched guys what do you think of the Scotland try when they said there was no conclusive evidence I think it was down

I think they got the try oh I have seen the picture it’s definitely on the floor right I think so it did it also also they could have just easily have won that game by just passing out to the wing instead of trying to get it over there yeah they had like men

Over wait so Ireland Italy playing tonight it 100% down yeah see definitely grounded see I know my I’m a Ruger yeah rug ra yeah is Italy is in 32 minutes damn should we just watch that yeah come on man rugby side well we’re on eight points [ __ ] dude it’s pretty good rugby

Side well it still be pitch side wouldn’t it because it’s rugby pitch ruggers man yeah do you prefer West London or South London West London 100% nicer Parks when you when you grow up oh when last when you grow up and become a elderly gentlemen like reev is he’s 35

Yeah I’m actually 30 this year that’s I’m Daniel that is actually crazy you’re 30 this year yeah you’re old as he’s 33 yeah 3 yeah I thought it was something like that 27 years old Oh no you’re 32 no coming from you how old you I’m I’m only 30 no

Seriously how old are you 25 25 do you know how old I am of course you are 25 yeah yeah I told everyone I was uh 30 on Tik Tok one and then all the kids were like wait your 30-year-old acting like this probably think they were burning us

You’ got them yeah I got them you sure those boys that’s called a Twist and switch what that’s what they call it that’s what Tom did I’m like bloke switched arms and twisted yeah SW swapping hands is kind of cold that’s an interesting come Mar hi oh oh come

On how’s I look no older than 24 let’s go Whole Foods and exercise my friends name a whole food for me what is a whole food broccoli what’s that I love broccoli what’s whole food mean Whole Foods what’s that mean foods that are whole they got no holes in them not processed yeah

Okay so like they have to have holes in them so like soup would be yeah technically you’re blending of no hind has got lots of sugar in what’s wrong with sugar sorry to ruin that feate it causes hypoglycemia which is every food you could have picked well he’s only got his his

Default answers are soup jelly and garlic bread you know what I don’t get though like man C men got on absolutely fine and they weren’t B worried about the hydro because they eating Whole Foods from what nature dictated for them [ __ ] idiot you just B they can only

Eat berries and meat and plants and stuff you’re [ __ ] factories in cave time McDonald’s [ __ ] idiot in the drivethru no with all this like skin off D they [Laughter] made ree looks maybe 37 side effects of steroids I suppose you didn’t even spell steroids correctly mate yeah you know I

Don’t know how to spell the word steroids yes you’re right I like Bagels someone said Bagels I love Bagels well those technically bagels are process yeah about s Bagel yeah bread Salo Bagel Salo is a right form of bread but like this is thing the best form of bread

Actually yeah is good you got Health it’s a really going to make a difference like all it’s like the same things with like these no it’s not going to make difference same way people drink alcohol and smoke and stuff want to live your life do that then it’s life is all about

Balance absolutely yeah but smoking does obviously fu you up a bit oh yeah but there are people that smoke like 40 a day and they make it to 105 it’s just completely random mate are you sure yeah he man I’m going to start it like you

Know did you not see the uh I’m sure there’s only woman that was like 102 and they said what’s the reason that you live this long as you I smoke 20 a day I smoke 20 a day for the last 102 years if you want a good series to watch

On Netflix called Blue zones great series you’d love that if you not watched it I have seen it with the purple sweet potatoes yeah man the blue zones in the world yeah watch Jurassic Park they’re all octogenarians aren’t they yeah have any of you ever been to cellos Park have actually scored two

Goals there and we cycled to it and we cycled to it yeah we should do that again yeah we should do that again it was a lot of fun we should beat the time hit it hit it gold Binger from Spencer should we do that for a video

Second Channel video another one yeah yeah why not be all time I don’t know what the time was it was a long we took a long time it’d be worse now though we got brenford as well I did Champ I included that in championship teams yeah but it’s Premier

League what the London team so we got fham chelse Arsenal Spurs Palace Palace West Ham West Ham yeah you said Spurs um it’s about it really can’t include Luton yeah you can’t include L town man outside of the M25 is lon London no can’t be it’s great

At London it’s beyond the M25 I’m London C yes yes yes come on Arsenal that’s what it looks like when it’s the person in his FPL team what no I’m celebrating Arsenal go oh fair enough yeah yeah yeah wait was that a de and rice Corner again Deckers mate this is why trossard

Is NOS on Corners that’s two two and two oh [ __ ] yes on CA good from him yes there we go that’s J Ben White gets all credit for that goal watch Amia oh he’s you don’t see oh yes he does a little screen on the keeper uh 179 rupees from OJ what’s

Louis’s opinion about janola very good football player can’t really remember him because I was a child but okay I’ve met him yeah RH 13 why is Ree wearing full High Vis get up do you know what I just thought I’d spice put the shoes on the Table some rock watch as well oh my God I just say I’m pretty sure vincible are class high they got grip on the bottom you probably get away with it yeah okay cool these These are uh actual grippy grippy yeah grippy grippy uh hardest Station High

Rox is probably the sled push yeah um what about the pull P’s easy can I ask you a question does bxr do a day pass yeah you’ll probably get away going for free I messaged him saying hi guys do you do a day pass I didn’t

Reply I need a g I need a gym to use on Sunday I look like I’m on what should I take my hat off is people bothered about whether or not I’ve got hair who is our Dream pitchside guest Alan sh please no um oh my God

Give me she he looked like him he looked like him no he didn’t he did you sent the picture I was [ __ ] is that oh he didn’t he did I let you have it but he did that was a good shout from me he did

I met this guy on holiday and he looked like Shear he turns out turns out he actually was a footballer and he played for Bristol Rovers that’s crazy that is crazy is it I wish I remembered his name though the disrespect yeah um who is a dream guest someone that’s probably ENT

Beckham yeah Beckham it’s a good one Shir Gary Neville Gary Neville and Tom Garrett no I don’t G it why am I looking like Mike wasowski why you why why do he put that as one word Mike Mike wasowski have you had who’s your dream guest

Leis has be sheir but just any Newcastle player we’ feel like I feel like i’ melt down like a kid again show though we’ve had Michel Owen yeah he does not count why did Ethan take cber out did he what an idiot and salanki stupid stupid stupid boy uh oh

SAA [ __ ] we’re all over them me yeah we are the flood gates have opened Balotelli he be does he speak good English yeah does he be good wouldn’t it yeah he speaks good English I love to get Neymar on and just really ask him hey mate how’s the injury you doing all

Right yeah you fancy I was wondering whether you’re going to say that J bingh would be good I reckon him and Tom Garrett would just wank each other off yeah wait what what cuz they’re both Brown aren’t they CU you could true um someone from the Euros

Team when we win the Euros it’ be funny if we got on a player who like see if Jacob Murphy did come on and watch Tom all sudden be like his best mate after he’s called him [ __ ] for like the past year Tom would be like oh yeah mate

Always R you yeah mate honestly I think you’re the best player yeah do you know what we actually have a chance with Beckham though that’s actually a possibility you reckon yeah he he he approved me to go to his you th now best th and th knows Messi now yeah

So wlson palasio that’d be a good guest Grant Hall Peter Crouch yeah done a podcast should get um Ben Foster back yeah yeah but that’s not a dream guest though is it we’ve had Whoa We have had it oh one Aral Aral sa oh he’s done it again

That what is he doing missing all these chances oh this is frustrating Paul meron that be a good guess he’s on side oh it was very tight but Deckers M khif for return get Tom K on top 10 middle of Prem is class he’s actually a pit as

Well now right he just sucker Saturday when he’s not playing really or the Pano show what what’s the thing the go show BT go show it’s not BT anymore is it TNT sounds like [ __ ] Ali mcco would be very good I would have to understand him though ask him about his time on

Question of sport oh go God scker go on is he on go on pen pen pen that’s a penalty what’s happening that’s a penalty no way there’s no way there is no way wait that is a penalty it is a penalty’s just giveing yellow no has he been booked is that sacka yellow

Has he been booked for D who’s been yellowed wait is that a penalty is it not what’s going on has he been booked for diving or is is he is it a pen what’s going on that’s tight or that’s a penalty you can see

His leg no man you can see his legs get hit here wait so who is the is it for yellow for the pen or is it yellow for sacka oh he might have he might have so so he’s actually I think he’s died we can’t hear it so we don’t know what’s going

On B his KNE wait so why is that is it can’t be a red then can it or can it wait how’s that not a pen it is a pen is it a pen yeah yeah arela booked oh it’s a pen boom you can’t wait can you not

Get a red for that then no Double Jeopardy yeah yeah okay double jeopardy he’s on side he’s so on side what you thought KU was like two met behind it tell me Sak’s taken this that’s not how that’s imposs possible for that to be offside yeah it’s and why

Are they taking so oh [ __ ] off man it’s just boring he’s like a met behind it oh JJ doesn’t have Kaka freezy benched him as well oh NE is lost why they why are they checking this see this is just a waste of time you can see from my eyesight

Alone without any lines I can see that kual is further back than sacker on the come on sck why why are they checking I can see he’s on are you blind what are you oh Jesus this is why is this taking so long the shitest this is D this is so far

On imagine imagine they draw the line from like mavanur this far on so shock is on side absolutely [ __ ] Saka please I’m I’m going to put the thing down cuz yeah same here come on sacka it’s a pen rate yeah he won the penalty as well so come on

Sacka remember this is what happened when our capitulation occurred last season he had a penalty at West Ham he missed and then we went on to lose the game no he he ain’t do that again this man can overcome the Euros he can overcome life in general Come on B this

Is Bayo sacka he was a boy and now he’s a man star man he’s a star boy [ __ ] miss this come on Baka you got this you’re the man who’s the man sacka who who’s the man Saka he’s going to miss is he no he’s not going to miss he’s actually not he’s

Going to score this he this is Bayo saaka I think gotd feeling about this one man Vu last seon no he scores this 100% come on bako easy light work for Bayo Saka 2 nil come on yes there we go yes I [ __ ] myself there man oh my God

GG’s oh that was nerve wracking lovely stuff two pound from trigger trigger AR in front NEP will be happy come on see Jimmy Bullard at the dartts yeah I did no there’s a there’s this this uh elderly lady that looks exactly like Jimmy B she’s doing that in the darts

Crowd and it’s just yeah it’s good tweet good Banner Good B good SI good SI B and deck yeah B and deck oh was she in between his 1 and two in the same evening after being ill oh one yeah banur X mate well done oh sacka man

What a this is a great great game week this is is it for me is it yeah what do you want well I needed that oh because you had CRA as well actually I really did need that how many points you want 54 that’s decent that’s

Good close a it 59 are you yeah more actually oh s go not conf [ __ ] gross man hopefully Palmer just doesn’t play yeah I could do that right more goals in this then come on oh we are cooking now oh my throat hurts oh we are cooking this could be

Eight oh go on oh we’re proberbly cooking here boys cooking uh leis what did you say the score was going to be here 2-0 I can’t remember I said two n Super Six actually I do not remember 21 this could be more yeah I think there’s a

Couple more goals in yeah Super Six I said two Arsenal two so at the moment Le Five Points I think he’s might guess three or four yeah quite potentially hear Lis Bowden thanks man long as we keep a clean sheet though damn right that’s a 15 points to leave it it’s a

Score we won from you today if you get a clean she as well surely toop a bonus be scker at the moment surely that’s toop a bonus oh my God Fe you’re back mate no don’t say this would we ever can you tilt your mic

Down a bit if you guys could get Pier Luigi Kina as a guest it would be great content I completely agree with that I feel like I feel out of all the shows that he’d come on the pitch side isn’t really the I’ve met him yeah but I know

Him would he come on here he’s my mate’s Uncle I feel like I feel like he’s like a man with a lot of Integrity he come up side why not I met him when you meet these oh shout out to feaker coming in work today saw him in All by one last night

Whacking out Saucy moves to Written in the Stars Gabrielle gab wait wait oh it’s Gabriel is Gabrielle oh [ __ ] yes no yes yes no no yes BR two PB looking at Swedish youngster Isaac long young boys yeah good one mate oh so really [ __ ] de r two assists here who knew from

Set pieces e oh Gabriel’s going to goore rrick is he is it off oh he’s well on who’s keep is that cus Zuma de R is balling out oh wait why did why did Havoc celebrate as if he I don’t know was it secretly havoc’s goal oh it’s havoc’s

Goal oh my God yeah it actually might be hav it’s no it’s just not I think it’s hav I think fbl going to put down as hav yeah look he looks at it hav is looking at it he’s looking at it oh when’s the next pitchside Vlog

Question mark hey guys before you answer I want you all to know that Ethan just celebrated a Gabrielle goal going 3-0 against his West I want you all to know that and there you go carry on uh where is it we have many many things coming yeah so where’s

The next one is the question it should be imminently soon next week I’m hoping this next week okay next week but uh it’s down to May it is what you think it is okay yeah it’s a really good video guys we’ve got lots of them already shot

And in the pipeline though so it should be from then on yeah for sure what what the [ __ ] is he doing there just when I get my civa goal Gabrielle is just so outrageous score how many goals is Gabrielle on is he on 10 goals this season is he top goal scorer I

Think he’s got four right four or five he’s got more goals than games which him and sha are on seven goals combined actually yeah sha most uh the best attacking history the most gold from the attacking sure that’s correct Gabrielle for one is better than him no not even

By definition of more goals not even goals like carrying the ball Fabian sha is like phenomenal like he it’s ridiculous you can’t carry it m it’s a yellow card do that that’s the wrong sport mate you’re watching rugby yeah an the 499 hello again de would you rather

Have a full set of hair until you’re 90 or be injury free for four years injury free for four years yeah injury free uh Frank with the $2 bring clim Demsey you got acid reflux I got I more your drinking I had heartburn this morning I had heartburn so I had a green

Tea a mint green tea was all right actually I’ve never had one before was it green yeah it’s very um it’s very the sneeze dab I haven’t seen that one in a couple years yeah I just miss a abandoned deck every now and again oh wait I think there’s been another

One no we don’t know that Martin Martin hunting TR God it’s a demolition oh my word and he’s got the old binoculars out hello there oh my God this could be 10 nil this actually could be 10 this is going to be massive I don’t like watching you win

What well none of us have got super six right yeah no if we put 10 n we could get it right God Arsenal are just really good at football aren’t they up with West Ham like by the way the pre assist for H yeah that’s great finish ARA’s on

Minus points here no one started him there did they they might have done surely not did they don’t think so they could have done they could have done they could to be gold five not Alex song uh and or with 109 predictions for Villa United I’m saying 32 Villa well

That’s a I actually think I did put 32 Villa on my super six 5 ritky what do you mean 32 yeah but that’s not the score line 2 what no I mean it hasn’t happened yet you should yeah my super six I 32 I think the [ __ ] was that where you

Going I think we’re being invaded oh my God what what’s the on about what are you doing [ __ ] himself again it’s a food poison they can’t see that it’s a wasted joke it was something on the floor possessed by aliens the room’s breaking in 5 nil injury free yeah 5 nil injury

Lawyers for you that was Arsenal’s 8,000th League goal scored by try Saka has scored his 50th goal for Arsenal at age 22 and in his 210th appearance cheers Jeff for the club in all competition pretty impressive that is pretty impressive you know what I yeah you know what I’m mind 5 Arsenal’s

Photographer one Sol pen that is crazy that’s so crazy if we win like 8 nil David Moy sacked no well it’s just like West Ham’s just a weird Club aren’t they it’s been mean just ah they still boing Dean rice H are they still booing Dean rice

Probably aren’t they no proba not they probably not making much noise at all at the moment around they really everyone’s left they’re all blowing bubbles oh my God they actually all have left it’s an oh my God they actually have why is it plus 7 Minutes uh because they decided to waste

10 minutes on an easy offside oh yeah true that that’s [ __ ] uh rh13 Theo down are you Harry won’t put oh my God sorry oh they actually are leaving oh my God the stadium is actually empty that’s insane that is a lot of people that is insane that’s everyone like that’s everyone

Leaving 40 half time sorry Karen the de and rice uh return has not been a pleasant one for them uh Theo deep down are you rattled that Harry won’t put up the golf videos because he’s a perfectionist no okay $5 from Eric it’s Alvarez watching him in

Mexico he does does this in big games what she’s going to get sent off is he on a yellow he is on a yellow actually yeah for the sacker tackle right yeah uh Vincent tan 5S can you give a birthday shout out to my bro huge ass watching this stream happy birthday huge

Ass got him there’s a Bart Simpson one there isn’t it you know when he Rings up most Tavern no that’s hmer yeah okay last time Arsenal got another one last time arsenal were 40 up at half time and didn’t win was Newcastle ah yeah boom boom check check the

Room what that’s what was the iconic commentary check the room yeah man Justin Lockwood are you triple capping harand next week no Darwin you’re mental man then Darwin everyone’s going to do Har Darwin I got to get out of the bottom too yeah just so let you know guys Theo is still

Claing out of the Bott it’s just every time I do something good they just get lucky like a Gabrielle goal yeah because you did something good by put celra in and he scored first so that’s all the matters yeah um no I’m actually going to Triple Captain de

Bruyne because he gets more points for goals yeah that’s true that’s true didn’t start last game did he doesn’t matter I still got an assist yeah but he’s not a penalty taker is he not yeah Holland is is he yes that’s what you think I actually texted Kevin he said

Are you now he said yes wow yeah and uh sahed with the 199 boys are you watching the Super Bowl final tonight the superb owl final uh no well I’ll watch a bit of it I won’t be I won’t be able to stay awake for the entire thing yeah no it’s in Las

Vegas which is even worse I do it on Sundays all the time Las Vegas is West Side isn’t it yeah time yeah so it’s even worse for us halime Arsenal four West Ham nil and we’re going to the break with no one in the stadium yeah

That’s actually true uh can I quickly go for a tinkle before we do the qu yes yeah you can yeah can I as well no on the uh do you think this game ends 40 or it goes on to be 10 you probably get to a comfortable 56 and then just sit on

The game really but I want nine or 10 triple Camp 10 sank he’s got United LED yeah that is true but also it’s Harland isn’t it do you know what I mean it’s Harland and uh didn’t Bournemouth lose they lost yesterday didn’t they um yeah yeah lost 31 to FM yeah they lost

Three one to F yeah it was some good games yesterday I’ve not really seen tons of them though what I I only seen like Newcastle one i’ miss a lot footy oh two busy ideas for low calorie high protein Savory snacks please uh Brad painter uh the chicken from M&S or wait whatever

It’s called you know the little packet chickens lovely the barbecue one refrigerators no packet chicken that’s refrigerator packet of chicken no it’s there’s more than FR Louis there’s more than just refrigerators a packet of chicken refrigerators is like top tea chicken no it’s a bit processed actual chicken yeah but tastes juicy um

Anything from my protein use Co Theo to get 30 and ju s with the 2 I think inspired Paulo Maldini K’s been good you know you rate I rate him yeah I do rate him I do rate him uh and when you come to Australia Theo uh later this year

Really yeah what are you doing going to see my brother you’re out there yeah oh jezy peeps yeah I’m going away for like two three weeks play a bit of golf should like maybe yeah that’s actually it’s cuz it’s over there it’s like danger golf cuz like you know that

Yeah yeah so if if you go if you’re near the water you have the risk factor of your leg three weeks of pitch side uh well whoa I’m when I go to Australia where’d you get that glass from I used my brain cells whoa up water

Um where did you get the glass though from the kitchen use free hit and trip up on Liverpool man city with a couple of brenford and L players what were you talking about you said he’s quitting pitchside for three weeks when in October oh fair enough where you going Australia

Oh yeah oh to C family yeah yeah nice damn son I arue that one of my New Year’s resolutions was spend more time with family and I’ve only been back home once so I’m not doing that very well identical with you there actually yeah um so Mom and Dad if you are watching

This I’m sorry a that’s cute probably are watching this actually are us free hit next week someone said no I’ve got Ethan pinnick Trent Darwin Harland gardial foden I don’t need it but what about the week after no I’ve got 11 plays for that you sure yeah I don’t believe you

Well could you fre him no I don’t need to the I plan ahead I don’t uh you this yeah I’m just thinking what Champions League fixure are we doing midweek what yeah there’s no yeah you put it you put it in the thing but I

Didn’t know if there was one is there I don’t think we are am I am I losing my we’re doing Tuesday the 13th yeah but who which is cophen Man City or Li Tuesday or Wednesday why are we doing that they’re all crap fixtures now we love Champions League man why are

We doing talk about it we’ll talk off stream no playing Tom no on a real though surely we don’t have to do one of them these are they’re rubbish I’ve got my 11 doublers this week in team of the week and boosting that’s huge but what you going do about

The week but did you wild card prior what you going to do about the week after when you got no players uh get us with the quiz then Sunny I’m going to cover up the chat yeah man what it to be fair ree the content on the channel has been topnotch

So far this year make them wait what H Mak them wait pal you’ve uploaded like 10 videos this year what you’ve uploaded a lot yeah I’ve yeah I’ve edited a lot as well ladies and gentlemen welcome to the halim quiz Is this a new Bob Marley film isn’t it what was it about Bob Marley right can I get buzzer noises please Bob Marley very good two syllables Brave okay question Tom what’s your oh he’s not question number Uno the toughies last beat Man City in January 2017 which of their current Squad played

And assisted in the win uh Bob is it Dominic Calvin Leen probably Dominic Calvin noen yeah I didn’t wrong I’m glad it takes you a while to think of those CU they’re obviously very yeah it’s hard to come up with them yeah 2017 H which of their current sword current Oh going to have to push you play and assisted I don’t know how long half these players have been there um was he at Burnley at the time can’t tell you oh you thinking of Mr MCN yeah surely too long ago it like six years that’s like six years ago seven

Now that’s a long time ago who hell was it Jordan pford or could have been like who the hell was at the could Ked well are they still P are they still playing now well yeah for current Squad it says current Squad oh [ __ ] can I have to push you uh uh

Three two I don’t know one B Sheamus Comm Sheamus Yes Man yes one correct for you Mr Ry I was waiting for him to pass we um okay he’s been there forever hasn’t he yeah true um Liverpool obviously played Burnley but in January 2021 Burnley ended Liverpool’s Ashley bares yes

Wrong is it wrong no you’re wrong yeah oh [ __ ] you’re wrong no hey um okay in January 2021 Burnley ended Liverpool 68 match unbeaten home League run what was the score oh [ __ ] sake down to you Theodore he scored in that game can I have the question on the screen you can indeed

And there it is wasn’t it like a beating can’t tell you anything don’t look at me I can’t believe I uh 21 Burnley that is incorrect Bob one nil Ashley BN one nil it’s 2 N to Mr a random fact I remember you have such good memory though memory

Is [ __ ] yeah if it’s a Memory quiz I’m pretty good at it it’s actual ball knowledge I don’t have any I don’t have anything played brenford who wolves which brenford player signed from wolves in the summer of 2023 B Bob of 69 Nathan Collins Nathan yesen well done it’s 3 n

To re I [ __ ] out [ __ ] brain cellsa number four as the West Ham manager what has David Moyes never done against Arsenal Marley beat him from what beat him from a losing position incorrect I don’t mind that though that’s a good answer it started off a bit ropey though beaten them

Uh oh man uh damn Daniel can can we can I can I read it yes you can as the W manager what has David Moes never done against Arsenal ah ah ah going have to push you for an answer Mr Reevy five 4 three two got to beaten wrong technically that’s true but um the clue is H it’s I’m fairly certain they’re not going to do it today either drawn no incorrect what they’re not going to do it today either most likely surely it’s not just beat him

They won in this yeah they did beat us they beat us last time um oh mly [ __ ] go going to push you for an answer mly Molly five Mary three two one Mary don’t know he’s out yo scored no oh incorrect um the you were so confident the clue yeah on the

Right lines was beat him but it’s going to be more specific beat him at home youve already guessed Bob beat them at home right so it is 40 to by the um question number five in which year did Man United last suffer a premier league defeat in February in which year

Yeah we’re going to do one each closest win this year so one each closest win not last year 2023 yeah it could be couldn’t it actually just could be uh Marley hello well you just say closest right I’ll say I’ll say 22 2021 2021 2022 the answer is

2018 yay wow well done they go they’ve been unbeaten quite surprising February for the last six years it’s mad that isn’t it cuz they [ __ ] that’s crazy yeah that crazy man well five years CU obviously this one hasn’t happened yet right how about the extra bonus question

Which we all know is extra hard and bonusy and wi it takes all true that Crystal Palace of course play Chelsea H what was significant about again what was significant about palace’s last win against Chelsea back in October 2017 ah uh Marley it was there significant last

Against Chelsea in7 it was their first win against Chelsea at Stanford Bridge that your Baker no he’s getting better at though isn’t he what was significant um okay Bob hello Palace didn’t score a goal incorrect um it has well own goal it has something to do with the manager ah Marley uh

Royal hudon was a manager well it’s not correct answer I’m looking for okay so it could be could be right something to do with the manager who is manager oh they had no manager the manager was 5 4 three uh Bob hello the manager was the game by scoring that

Is incorrect oh damn it um Roy hon was the manager it was something to do with him wait he’s I one what the hell that’s not the answer uh Bob is it the bit where Roy hodon goes not tell pissy I think you are no is it is it when boy was caught

Doing this like no that’s England that’s when he play That’s when he’s manager of England he goes um it was his what give us a clue it’s hard to give you a f the clues oh was it 70th birthday was it his 70th birthday B no it was

His 70th 500th Premier League game no his thousandth Premier League game no Roy hoden is 108 years old it was his 50th Premier League win did Roy score the winner no oh my God everyone’s leaving that’s my house no it’s not I I don’t know it’s not Roy Hodson

Had uh taken over royon taken over the job and he beat Chelsea and he yeah and he beat Chelsea it was his first game in charge wrong it was his last game in charge wrong it was his 100th Premier League win as a manager for Crystal

Palace no well Google could be he played Chelsea away and one you are getting very over specific here what what his first time he’d ever played Chelsea it was his first win over Chelsea it was the first time he never it was his first win over Chelsea as a

Palace manager it was it was his first win over Chelsea period no his re was on the right Lines Just tick Chelsea away it was his first that’s me yeah you go yeah yeah we join win that was difficult and no one got it in the chat [ __ ] hell man no one got

It in the chat someone got it we up Adam is that is that his first stint at Crystal Palace 2017 must been yeah I thought it was there before that Calvin Phillips on Game Changer my god oh you leaving now as well yeah they had an assistant

What uh so it’s now just me on the stream guys is leaving all second half predictions Lou I think he’s win 70 and just costed it from there seven yeah sh does does a manager get scrutinized for losing seven n at home you just s write it off and be

Like fair enough which is a freak result is it yeah you’ve got s someone says six in the chat I’ve done a backhand deal with Lewis no I promise you that Liverpool one is just a random fact that I remember the one Lashley BS yeah well I did message her the

Answers no cuz people will believe that what why you just you’re annoying why can’t you just why can’t you just give me some credit for because you you make people believe I’m a sun fun now yeah and you’ve convinced everyone that my name’s got an extra e so it does have an

Extra re it’s how it’s pronounced reevy it’s not reey you are ree do a 400 a.m. Club workout on personal Channel what does that mean was in like a work out in a club at 4 44 you heard it here no I just don’t see it happening especially when it goes

5 nil like now oh Jesus Trad revv yeah that’s the one re has the abandoned the Golf Channel no I think uh they’re waiting for Harry to finish the video because obviously Harry is probably one of the best editors on YouTube so there you go re looking like a collection of

Highlighters in my school pencil case it’s a good one even more so with the shoes did you know that I can put my leg behind my head go on then should I actually do it on camera yeah could anony falls off the chair can you do the other one now I

Can’t do both yeah you can try it youut your off no I can’t are you sure what is he doing he’s just eating crisps off camera get back on the stream uh timer there’s no way you could get your you got the flexibility of a [ __ ] broomstick snaps what you know what’s

Really uh how far down can you just touch your toes cuz I can’t I I make it like what do you mean can we touch your toes I make it like halfway down ma Shin it’s so easy to learn to touch your toes you can do it in no genuinely right

You can do it in 10 minutes you’re going to stretch touch your to put the camera on you don’t know if you’ll be a to see how’s this become a stretching stream proddy said stop yapping and do your job that is insane man wait ready you can’t get that there’s no way

You can get that my God that’s [ __ ] good that man I went he snapped his leg my God oh my God here we go 5 n someone seems to think it’s going to be 44 by the way it’s not going to be 44 does Arsenal need a striker with the current forward

Line are you confident with the top three right now um I think we’re better with trossard in the nine but I would love to see Ivan Tony the club was a weird crisp Choice I’m trying to go like more healthy more organic you are a proper consumer they’ve just they’ve roped you

Into they’re chickpea crisps yeah this [ __ ] man they tast Lely rice cakes or I’ve had one before fish in a rice Kake will you do a pitchside FPL League next season we have one anyway don’t we yeah who’s winning don’t know I don’t do I can tell you yeah but you do draft

Though how’s the draft going harland’s back for me now and I’ve just done a class trade for trip so I’m Side Are People Are People able to know what the four is is it a public thing our four I don’t can’t remember what our four is I

Know is I think it’s what is it you got sleep in the office for seven days oh yeah yeah Conor Allen is currently winning the um pitchside league and his team name is grob Mis misconduct nice that’s basically what I feel like having benched him gross misconduct a gross mistake yeah I

Benched him last week as well how many points is this gu I’m I’m 400th in the league that’s really bad I’m 1,500 how many people do you have in this league man what the a lot man a lot lot man what is the FPL pits side code I can tell you it is

Um I don’t know is leis BAS on FPL as well yeah he is how many players do you have I have a lot actually on on draft you can have you can have more than three how do you how do you know what the code is I I don’t know it’s go to

Invite should be there um so I have de Brava trippier botman long staff Gordon it’s quite a lot no Bruno G no got brace yeah that’s a shame he’s a free agent him in the league as well who is BR you really uh Theo you played against my friend once for Seaford and

Scored two God damn right man how long ago was that must a while ago Seaford what were you playing when you were like 18 mhm there a decade six 16 actually it’s over a decade how how quickly time flies man crazy no 16 was literally just 11 years

Ago for me that’s over a decade yeah but 18 was under a decade I said that no everyone’s as old as you how many points is who on oh on on draft though on FPL draft you oh no that’s a hand oh golly gosh no I like draft though you got to

Do like transfers because every every player oh he’s trying to kick out every player that does something for you means something cuz nobody else has them yeah whereas when when things happen for us it’s like ah yeah doesn’t matter on Sky yeah what’s the I don’t know the FPL oh

4M Club is the Mark warberg workout yes I’m definitely doing that in what is that uh Mark wg’s routine where he’s like in the gym at 230 oh it’s just ridiculous though he goes to bed at like 5:00 p.m. yeah and then he go plays golf

At like 6:00 a.m and stuff I don’t believe he’s sticking to that all the time youve seen his routine it’s just rid it’s just bollocks make mathematical sense ma follow up if you don’t get Tony in the next window how do we not know the code I

Don’t know we can’t well I can’t invite people so we don’t know it Le can do it on desktop oh can you yeah oh you get an invite code on desktop we’ll get it now guys you seen Frankie D young might have to leave Arsenal or go no leave Arsenal

Go Barcelona they might just free up some funds and uh ten ha is having a wet dream over it is he actually going to go Liverpool he’s not going to go Arsenal is he said tenh oh United sorry I don’t know why I thought you said Klo there was weird

Maybe 10 Hogs go Liverpool would you want to do the you know you know the m w but that but piss take one that is obviously just not true you should do that one oh what where’s like 2 a.m. start one yeah oh oh do a video on his routine potentially

Happening mate potentially happening our video is out on what’s our video Thursday Friday what’s our video the one that oh was it good I hope so I really watch it yet how was Arthur in it I tried to stop him from talking yeah there’s a lot of it’s a

Very Chris MDES video in the sense that it’s just I anyone giv everyone everyone cracking jokes and then somebody trying to do the thing that this I was I was the only one trying to give you Kudos yeah you’re nice boy almost killed him going to be killed yeah yeah she could

Have been killed oh what are we doing oh what we doing Jared Bowen do you reckon he’s going to the AOS yeah I don’t even know what he’s going do a lot of competition going forward for the England get rashford out the how many players did we get 23

25 yeah well B and Gordon have to be there really answer 23 or 25 and you one of them okay thanks you get that from the fa did you uh where are you going in Australia Australia Theo uh probably Sydney going way yeah man I’m actually

Going Sydney 26 and then probably up the Gold Coast get 26 increased from 2 myself in the Gold Coast yeah and Bondi Beach in that yeah yeah meet people out there and go ra where’s my backet maybe I’ll get some dreads and get a tattoo on my

Arm you know the guy in the M’s movie wait which one the the Posh guy with dreads with a yeah yeah yeah no man no little baby on the fire gu Sizzle Sizzle [Laughter] Sizzle that favors us then surely we should win with 26-man Squad yes England

Are the greatest nation in the world football but we’ll just play our worst 11 won’t we that’ll give us like 15 more players on the [ __ ] the other team well one of them is Jude Bingham we’re going to win he counts as five players yeah I’m just wa when Jude Bellingham

Goes like this and he goes [Laughter] attack are you seeing um Adidas are trying to do the Bellingham thing like Jupe not Jupe Jump Man J like Nike yeah L you found the FPL code yet I don’t know how to do it [ __ ] know I’m on it now you are

Strange person you’re a strange person go go to your I’m on leagues and cups yeah oh the options League and then it’s an invite link options no a swear down no what do you mean a swear down s down don’t doesn’t that his do it [ __ ] man

I’m going have to start new one if you go on the league Conor Allen’s winning if you go on the league it should on on your url it should have the code in the your bar 27599 maybe that’s what it is yeah 27559 put in the chat surely the Sue

Would be a better design than the Bellingham well Adidas are Bellingham and Sue is Nike yeah Ronaldo Ronaldo is a Nike athlete yeah what do you think going to Adidas are they controversial wow are you sure that’s not your team code I’ve not I’ve not touched normal

Fantasy all season I’ve got the most random team now the most random how random yeah I think actually that might be your team might we know L his team it don’t work that’s Le’s team he’s going to get hacked and you’re going to lose all his Fantasy Draft can we have

The and leis swap rolls for a watch I’d happily do that it would be it would be the most unwatchable stream from Fear just randomly clicking buttons all the time what’s this guys that’s not yeah not the code come on you can do this you

Can do this man there’s okay so go on to Google and type in how do I find out my Fant the Le actually good point the league it must be too many people that’s not how it works I think you I think you’re just trying to

Swindle not having to work it out I can’t lie you’re not doing a great job at being producer right now you can’t be it’s not [ __ ] there think you think Jamie off Joe Rogan would be struggling to do this no I feel like there just Jamie pull it up man jie pull

It up S Saka Saga Saga Saga save [ __ ] wait how was that was like a noer save yeah that was almost sacka 5 n oh here’s a question just go to the league click settings invite friends then post a link here’s a question which I’ve uh seen invite settings

Boys [ __ ] mental this invite settings um who in Universe cinematic history is the most important character of all time Iron Man correct answer oh really yeah I’d probably say so yeah wouldn’t you I his opinionated question you going to give us in terms of casting who’s the most

Influential in films yeah wait is in Robert Dany Jr yeah uh wait what you talking about car the cast um why is he why well he’s the perfect Iron Man and he he’s the core of all the Avengers sucess he is the perfect Iron Man to be

Fair you only say that because we’ve not seen another Iron Man but he is great at being Iron Man oh my God oh my God oh football oh football oh p p brosan or that’s not that’s that’s the character Le not the Daniel Craig P brosman um think about how much money V

Mortenson veg Mortenson the early in the that’s not me Orlando Bloom that’s like last just an interesting question isn’t it really Johnny D Voldemort Johnny Depp has Pirates has Pirates oh chrisan Bell is Batman yeah true I mean these are all good shots yeah people say Marlon Brando for

Uh Godfather and stuff as well don’t they not seen that not that uh Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool uh Owen Wilson when you think about it Iron Man was the basis of all the Avengers phase one and two Daniel Radcliff as Harry Potter that’s a good one actually yeah I know

You know I’ll actually disagree I think Daniel Radcliff was a terrible choice I do agree with that a little bit I feel like there could have been a better Harry Potter he was very like you watch his acting it’s like he is [ __ ] [ __ ] kid man leave why you buing kid for no

Like he he’s done well for himself but he admitted himself didn’t he that he was a [ __ ] actor kananu Reeves in The Matrix yeah but again when you think yeah Tom Garrett as wank man wank Mano in the chat oh okay yeah man does Lewis wipe his bum upwards or

Downwards list an in question I got told that you get um if you ring from wipe from back towards your genitals ring I heard wipe uh I heard you get like um an infection what if you wipe towards your balls yeah or away from towards what infection I don’t know I’ve never got

That far Willy poo infection what do you do bit of both I i’ say like yeah I’d say towards mod no you do it away you don’t go from the front you oh no I away then yeah I do away but I do like a safety one at

The end to make sure it’s all gone in the other direction just fingers I back that mate yeah man and then you sniff your fingers plain no I tell you what the great one the the bum squirters the bum squirters yeah those are the ones like they what you do on your Saturday

Is nothing to [ __ ] unreal man I swear to God you’ve never been cleaner oh you’re talking about the bum squares yeah bum squares they are good it’s just well they called B days yeah it’s just annoying when you’re in public toilets cuz then it’s like just

Does your hotel room have a bum squatter uh in between his cast was perfect yeah that’s also true Simon to Thomas is so perfectly a in it it is the best thing ever who said Simon Thomas no I just said that myself that’s not a person um

Yeah oh he’s doing a stanky leg uh rh13 250 Le jealous of someone being cast the Specky nerd not the most creative one we’ve had a I’d say Lewis from pitchside is the most influential wow you have the most influence out of everyone in this show Le yeah man congratulations who’s the

Most punchable face in movie history I know I know the exact answer oh I know the answer don’t know I hated this guy with a passion J know the kid I thought he was just a prick the kid in Jurassic Park no it’s Walkin Felix Phoenix Walkin

Phoenix in Gladiator man yeah yeah but he’s he’s he’s great at being a [ __ ] in that isn’t he oh he was just sorry two’s out this year it was no it won’t be filming got put on Old I thought it was 2024 release it was meant to be but

Then filming got put on Old oh they were filming in molter I thought it was finished oh really maybe Paul mco’s in it isn’t he go on oh my God please yes saaka Oh that’s goated oh 5 nil 5 nil sacka it can’t be 44 whoever said that yes Saka Saka Saka

S who’s the assist on that I think is it ca was it Ben White or Ard Ard ER God he just gave up on that one didn’t he is on minus points he just gave him an open go Jesus man 60 still on it is indeed I

Couldn’t have been further away with 2-1 really could I what is arola doing here he’s wanting to roll the gears up for a while he’s uh it’s like he’s been controlled on Fe that is just legit call the game now yeah that is [ __ ] oh great finish buo

Yeah that is just beautiful get yourself a hattick son yeah sack trick sack trick yeah ball sack trick oh poor KSI man RP [ __ ] him man [ __ ] him we think nunz performance so far he’s got 23 goals assists and 22 starts that’s pretty pretty good yeah bring on

Ethan nari and let him score a goal but don’t take Zak off Sid from Toy Story he’s got a bit of that Lewis Bowden Vibe isn’t he take your glasses off take glasses off there he is can’t believe you actually just do what we say all that’s just

Say Christ how many you to serve man ping the goggles man why man oh do you know I realized the other day I don’t think I’ve ever seen Incredibles 2 yeah I’ve not SE oh it’s good film they took ear just release though I took the p

You shouldn’t watch it just a while was mman in it m man no oh so they lied yeah so they did that ending for like 10 years said no py oh my God sacka please please mate no maybe he was darling sacka he’s definitely in the sacka Martinelli

Martinelli oh this is so easy oh god oh oh my God that’s a goal and two assist for the l oh my God you’re amazing he’s pulled out the no celebration as well he’s been getting boodle game mate that right there and when I tell you he’s one of

The second might be the best that is an unreal goal by the way mate best player in the world he’s unbelievable that is a joke that is an absolute joke what a goal this is embarrassing for them God that is filthy that is that is absolutely filthy I tell you what

This is a beating and a heart sa FP RP did yeah RP did it’s just like a what the old like why everyone saw [ __ ] mate that’s outrageous that’s a Ben White assist isn’t it oh this angle’s going be that’s a Ben White assist look no one touches it here do

They that is such a good goal Jesus Christ R 13 with six EUR pitch side of Simpsons characters ree duffman dff man leis Milhouse Theo Mo and Tom gr keeper Willie siac hey I don’t know what he what does he usually say get out of my bar grounds keeper

Willie oh this is freaking fantastic this color combo I’m wearing is almost as they taking Dean rice off job done pal still 30 minutes to go by the way this could be 10 molester yeah that’s the JJ only has Palmer to play yeah I have Palmer Watkins and Douglas Louis I’m coming for

You JJ I can taste his blood oh sounds a bit El n oh my God El n’s got on the pitch what a man oh my God we’ve taken the whole the team off we made five Subs huh I called 7 n yeah oh sorry yeah I you meant before the game doesn’t

Count oh no sack’s come off for Nelson that’s fine clean sheet secured wait how many Subs did we make then five did we make five Subs then and is that antia yeah Ana’s on Ena Nelson so rice has come off on trad’s come off for an antia and sack’s come off ree

Nelson three then yeah man that bring gacho into your team and I actually am bringing in ATO next week that Dean rice goal is insanely good I’m doing um wait did Chris captain sacka no he’s just got ryer as well he’s got Ry uh I’m doing I can tell you what

I’m doing I’m doing Palmer out for garnacho and then I’m doing salanki up to Darwin I’m not doing that why would you get rid of sank got double game we against CH Adon yeah getting rid of Watkins with a Watkins I’m actually just rolling into next week

To be honest mate rolling yeah look at that team man that’s [ __ ] lit I definitely play sank ahead of trippier who Tripp got [Laughter] sanky [ __ ] Chris just sced the seventh what was that cheers Bing’s crying he’s actually not crying he’s actually celebrating every goal because Gabrielle scored AR got clean sheet J

And Arsenal con seed here by the way uh no no West Ham conceding nine goals in the last two games and and Counting as well this could be more yeah this could be more but not on the pitch anymore what point celebrating put CRA up front that’s ex

Yeah still going to lose the city well we’ve already beaten City this year so double figures would be insane wouldn’t it and there’s definitely time okay Martinelli’s not even being involved oh get up that’s a yellow car for Gabrielle there send him off ref is it a yellow how’s that not a

Yellow where are you going teach me oh can you can you fill can you fill that up for me at the sink right you ready so these are your camera numbers so you’ll probably just want to use that’s I If he if he stops the stream that’s your fault

By the way yeah don’t do anything mental could I could I request a glass of water please thank you very much with the the the cold one yeah one no no but the from the cold dispenser not from the toilet no no from the kitchen please sir just messaged on his

WhatsApp what if that stopped the stream it’s not okay good uh how you doing guys I got no chat here now yeah you’ve closed the the chat for him on the other monitor it’s on the other monitor that camera angle is not flattering for his head I think it look

Great man Theo find the code oh I could just find the code it’s unlocked such an idiot man oh that’s funny is it a penalty have Arsenal got a pen is it a pen is it a sack of pen is that a pen CA taking a pen Gabrielle taking a penalty I freak

K Yeah Boy pardon me how overrated uh two hours tweeted off his account what I just tweeted off Louis’s account saying de rice is so overrated man that’s actually a very Lewis thing to say as well yeah know yeah come on re say something camera’s on you

Uh how’s your we been the you yeah it’s been great mate it’s been great oh my God if you looked you right guys we got John Cena on the Show Lou looks different he does look different doesn’t he he does look pretty different to be fair uh if you could do a transfer for one show with another footballing YouTube channel who’ you pick what’s a transfer what do you mean transfer oh thanks mate you see we got John Cena on the

Show we got John Cena on the show look uh boom who yeah man R 13 with 250 you can see Theo’s thoughts at this angle oh God yeah good what do you mean by if you could transfer for one show with another footballing YouTube channel as in like a person from

Another show yeah I’m who could we bring on specs we be good [Laughter] yeah right guys any more goals than this do we reckon you’re right okay so you did how did you get on to me account what do you mean what do you mean what account wait don’t what are you doing

Are you going to delete it you on WhatsApp yeah don’t delete it I’m not not I’m not deleting it it’s there I just put in his WhatsApp group I’m a fat loser I’m checking everything else now where else have you been I thought it would have locked if I closed this no it

Locks after like 10 seconds I think okay Lou can you do your job can you do your job and check the chat please r is s overrated man yeah yeah cheers man that’s such a Louis B think get it all right that’s class man yeah get it that is a very

Louis Bowden thing to tweet though isn’t it is it you’re not going to delete it though are you no I’m not scared man you should be I’ll come for you sheer Brilliance from right the Midfield Marvel curls home from long distance to extend our lead the Arsenal

Tweet that’s the Arsenal tweet is he actually oh oh goly gosh fair appar to the people that still watching yeah what’s going on Lis bowden’s Twitter at the moment go on oh stop stat padding and giving arola saves man how many points is arola one actually what would he is that uh minus

One a how many saves he had though five’s had he’s had five saves five saves five saves six goes conceded minus one for yellow card and then five saves re looking like the fittest traffic cone I’ve ever seen traffic cone or traffic light both actually what you don’t know is my shoes

Are red no they’re not no they’re not oh it’d be green anyway wouldn’t it damn it do you know what I saw yesterday a lot for the first time yes and also a man who had glasses on but one was so circular and the other was Square that’s

Pretty cool that is weird was he in Hackney or in shortage uh he was just on the tube oh he a bit weird though is it did you ask him why he had those I kept looking at it cuz I was curious but then he saw me looking at CU he was directly

Opposite so then we just like sort of staring at each other I like your glasses no I like your GL what if he was thinking there’s this really weird guy in the tube yesterday yeah but Pew likes that two circular glasses creswell’s coming on Lads here

We go Game Changer do you reckon Calvin haris Galvin Phillips Galvin Phillips is like why the [ __ ] did I come to West Ham in the’80s the80s yeah oh Martinelli you’re oh my God that is disgusting apparently they’re offwhite glasses man they’re super trendy and cool oh really no

They’re just [ __ ] man Sala pen just scored uh oh that’s Martin Martin are we doing vill United no because we’re doing Arsenal West Ham 60 60 Salen does Lewis balding’s Twitter attract more attention than an 85y old retired pensioner what’s that mean I don’t know yeah I started reading it and

Then I thought is that should I finish this could really work it I think it’s trying to inate that it attracts not much attention because would if burn his trp yeah checking if um do you reckon if um yeah do you reckon if rice has celebrated that goal it would just would

Have erupted the stadium would just like blow up he should have they would give a [ __ ] he really should have done if he’s been booed all game why not man if you’re not going to class unlike the West Ham supporters booing him that would have been brilliant he

Should have done it he should have just done the L dance fortnite griezman football needs that man someone like a people noed just like celebrating like a prick you need noi is coming up boys hey is that Cedric Y diory [Laughter] byebye how old is Ethan now 16 17 16 at a

Push should have a knee slide bro 16 years old bab you know how insane that is do you know what you were doing 16 what I was ask a question um don’t know I was playing [ __ ] there’s no way of Duty there’s no way he’s 16 16 years old how could he be

This I don’t even remember being 16 how’s he this good at darts I actually don’t I actually don’t remember being 16 what as in like he’s you can’t so you have no recollection of anything you did he’s like an adult School playing man football yeah born

In7 you can’t remember when you were at school you don’t have a single memory of your time school I like I can’t really remember how I acted I remember being like the cool one like talking to girls and going to parties and like yeah that’s convenient now do you remember

Like how mature you you don’t really remember how mature you were do you really yeah same maturity I am now yeah oh he’s gas look at him he’s like yeah they got [ __ ] [ __ ] drinking out the prime bottles man oh M did you see the way I C it yeah

M it was so good hey these men are [ __ ] you know that’s what sck is leaning in to say may he’s done his homework did just Ethan got do homework he’s got to do his GCC still as a levels gcc’s at 16 [ __ ] hell he’s got his gcc’s this

Summer he’s playing for Arsenal that’s a foul the dir get off well Luke ller who’s the more impressive 16y old Luke ller or Ethan noar Luke l l you want a correct answer World Champ What did he win uh he won World um Ser the Bahrain title is

That a World Series event I think he is right he also came second in oh L is 17 now he is 17 but he was 16 during the worlds which is when he came on Louis goes to the glasses Club on the tube what’s the glasses Club no

Idea I’m guessing that’s a what’s the glass I think he start to Bernie there I don’t know it’s another he go to the glasses Club on G I fair play and ker that was claw uh can you compare with Ds I think here we go

Here we go hang on here we go here we is what you going to do is he left footed He left footed obviously that brilliant What car um I think it’s actually more impressive to be very good at darts at 16 than it is football because darts is

A pub sport which you technically are only allowed to go to at 18 yeah how does he practice Yeah weird it probably home dart board yeah well he’s obviously growing up for Arts where’s my beanie from mate it’s from rowing Blazers which is the company that sent us gifts

Actually do you want to see what you’ve got yeah please well technically you can pick it well what if I don’t like it well give it I like it all man I’m I’m a grateful guy I’m humble King humble King go on try on you got to take your

Pick and then also shout out to shouts yeah like football style there you go or this one and this one’s a pizza from New York thing I love that one that’s brilliant is that a large it’s a medium what’s it see on the back any says New York City’s

Favorite slice of football any of them large I’m a large now whoa but yeah the guys the guy uh that earns own blaz is a massive fan of the show so stop I’m a large oh this is a large it’s like a cord way it’s a hat it’s nice

You’re looking quite stylish right now man yeah you’re looking drippy dude normally you’re in only like sports where you know what I’m saying whoa you’re going to go hit the skate park later why is that so far over why does that look so wide can you get the F code please

L uh I’m sorry to announce there is no F code there is you just can’t find it I’ve Googled how to find it and the way it tells you how to find it it’s not there so [ __ ] it you’re not allowed in go Ethan assist to hav hav it oh just

Finish it are we going to shoot then hit it oh he should have struck that first he should have hit that first time on his right leg [ __ ] me you still have El nelli when was that last you know he’s he’s the most followed person

In has he been gone ages I like he’s M he’s just plotting last time he played football he’s Egyptian king uh well he’s probably been at um afon hasn’t he oh yeah okay he’s an Egyptian king man they called pharaohs actually thank you thank you Cleopatra was not a

Pharaoh what was she she was a yeah but that’s why Egyptian kings are called Pharaoh or was she just a queen was she just a queen yeah I was never into all that like Egypt stuff all that Egypt stuff was more interesting civiliz history [ __ ] yeah true [ __ ] n do you

Know what annoys me right and do do do you think pyramids were aliens or humans this is the thing right they’re always like all these blocks perfectly aligned not perfectly aligned you watch too much American Tik Tok there if that’s they’re like everyone Precision sliced it’s not

[ __ ] that all right it’s like it’s a pyramid but it’s not like perfectly to the millimeter let’s calm it down made by aliens I think a lot of heard erosion made dinosaurs are way more mental the fact that we had yeah but dinos dinosa AR dinos were those

Are have you seen a crocodile that’s mental no deep how crazy a big massive that do you know branula surus things brosaurus that is mental that actually existed for millions and millions and millions the size of dinosaurs do you think building the pyramids is crazier than dinosaurs exist they just fled it

Down the river you dinos made the pyramid they fled it down the river yeah what if T-Rexes put in that’s a foul how are they going to float a 50 million ton rock down the river you float it down the river but which river it wouldn’t

Float it would which river you can build barg just to FL it I can’t remember think 50 million tons then how how do you get isn’t it Sandstone anyway how do you get it out the river to the top of the pyramid oh well it’s clearly

Possible it’s not push it man if it’s aliens why would they make it wouldn’t look like it’d be out of stone it’ be Weir it’ be like metal and [ __ ] it wouldn’t be like it’s not aliens obviously it’s not aliens obviously you’re so narrow-minded bro go find yourself in Thailand it’s

Impressive re Nelson come on is that Cedric dinosaurs made the pyramids they’re really strong there you go yeah I wish we it would be class if yet to this day no one knows how the pyramids were made see people say that but like they have good idea we can’t imagine

Because we’re used to Sky scrape has been built in 5 years these civilizations accepted that their structures would take centuries to build y a slavery law that’s weird after thought yeah you know it’s quite sad that uh that big library that burned down with all the they had like the library back then

Where had all the the same I saw the library of go go on yeah yeah that one yeah what is that library’s name Harley Louis is so jarring man oh no what is the library called uh do you believe in brexit um well do I believe it exists

Yeah Library of Alexandria is that what you like Alexandra’s W yeah man it just burned down lord of History’s War Hadrian Adrian’s war look how EMP the stadium that’s interesting people chopped the tree down there didn’t they that got vandalized like the broken Monument like they used

To have that Colossus which was like a big Gladiator guy but that doesn’t like we never got merus what what what did you just say Have You Ever Seen The Coliseum yeah not in person but I’ve seen pictures I’ve been there I said have you ever seen him person no you

Didn’t well not person Pon Pantheon panon no basically Italy it’s not just the Coliseum it’s the ruins outside of the Coliseum as well man that makes you think [ __ ] man we were lit back in the day have you seen what the Colossus was it was like a big

Guy with like holding a sword coloss the roads you’re talking about there d there oh the great Lighthouse of Alexandria I think I know all these from civilization been to Pompei what pompe no yeah you ever seen the film Troy yeah what a film yeah great film you ever seen that was

The first new scen saw as a kid think here’s a question here’s a question if you’re going to pick one of the ancient civilizations to be a part of which one would it be the Romans were pretty good weren’t they these yeah but they got roads everywhere

Gots they created sewers like we were just there throwing [ __ ] out wind Athenians I think the Romans yeah man I’ll be a glador did you know in Troy Spartans that’s probably where I’d be do you know in Troy there’s an airplane in the film really yeah in one of the scenes

It’s like when he’s like about to throw the the spear long ways uh there’s just an airplane in the sky is there actually yeah type in type in type in Troy airplane scene and there’s just an airplane that forgot to edit out the film who’s that up there oh was ba 254 going

SP Achilles ah yeah it’s [ __ ] like sand and Jim on the way to benador oh man good times man good times good times there were airplanes in those times and you question how the pyramids were built yeah why did they give them a giant horse they could have just dropped

Off a [ __ ] bow in 747 that’s mental the um the whole horse thing wasn’t it yeah the whole horse thing people horsing around that is hilarious I’ve never noticed that before circled it for you just so in case you can’t see it there you go okay it’s a giant Trojan bird Achilles

Bagas such a good film man I used to think I was Troy what the place now Brad Pit it’s not I used to think I was the horse I used to think I was all of Troy I just think I was Helen Helena I’ve try it was

Helena what Helena the same thing isn’t it no it’s an A on the end of it oh [ __ ] what an idiot man what a ner got name wrong you even listening mate you can’t you can’t get involved quite funny do this LS hang the stream this this is broken

So I can’t turn the lights on you’re joking wait look it’s like this ready and stab him in the neck in the air oh yeah what he I can’t get the lights to stop I’m not even joking oh come on man I’m getting ADHD Vibes my head’s going m [ __ ] rip the people

With epilepsy man you just ruin the stream for them oh this really hurt my eyes Al are they just playing like H it is just Helen Helen of Troy it’s not as Helena no it’s not I [ __ ] knew it you had me questioning there man I thought

It was like Mandela effect I was like I’m pretty sure it’s Helen no it’s the butterfly effect what no there noow ball effect Helen of Troy Helen Helena known as beautiful Helen Helen of Aros known as who beautiful Helen Helen of Sparta was a figure in Greek mythology yeah

Helena see yeah so so short it’s a nickname technically both right no Helen of Argos what she discount for the [ __ ] discount for Troy okay number [Laughter] 67 number 67 Helen it’s Helena in Greek Helena okay this game’s really fizzled out that’ll happen after the six goals m

No one’s in the stadium should I just leave these here for people if they want them I want them we kind have both one’s for Tom Mr Garrett you should probably say the large what call me fat no you’re just bigger than Tom is yeah okay yeah Helen Bowen that’s b i of

B Ean you think you would have been back in like the old days I thought about this once well you would have been an archery guy I would have been a Fletcher yeah I would have been dead actually you would You’ have been a street no you actually would have been

Dead because the glasses didn’t exist back then so you’ll be blind that’s true I Liv with old glasses for 20 years so I didn’t know I needed them did I cevin Phillips booked I just got bumping into tables for what they there I reckon I’d

Be like I reckon you’d be a Jester a Jester I’ll be a g re you’d be a C Jester the king but the king treats you nice and that yeah yeah I be him come here little B now but the kill the Jess is quite easy if you stop being funny

Then it’s like right that’s actually very true you’re going to be dead yeah yeah so what we were saying either dead or a Jester yeah 5050 Soldier I think you’d make red I’ll be an athlete I’ll be a Roman soldier yeah why why’d you say

That do you know I think of it big yeah yeah subliminally maybe so basically what L is doing is he’s tributing our career is to our surnames so well done Paul what would Tom be I think he’d be a a Garett maker yeah he’d be in the H house yeah

Yeah it would be actually that’s a foul I don’t know what be you’d be a gladiator oh my we’re talking about that time what we talking about well that’s really the Roman Empire isn’t it yeah how often you think about it what would you want to do what if I was living in

Medieval England yeah stay alive yeah not get not get a disease not get a disease and die at 21 yeah 21 not [ __ ] myself and then die yeah oh imagine imagine if you if you ate a raw egg in those days mate you’d be [ __ ] dead they how do

They how do they cook it if they didn’t have frying pans and oils just hard boil the B how do they cook anything just hard boil at all fire mate what yeah put it on a stick and fire made frying pans back in the day they love metal stuff depends how far

Back you go in bro how do they make scramble EG on toast of avocado do you reckon the ear avocados or did avocados yeah yeah definitely yeah it’s like a seeded fruit isn’t it do you know what do you know these Dragon FL fruits and that like I wonder who’s the mental

Person who first saw that and was like yeah that’s edible what a dragon yeah Dragon his PS across your face did you know Yoshi’s a dragon from Maria what the [ __ ] Yoshi yeah you say Yoshi wait Sushi I said Yoshi Yoshi yeah he’s a dragon he’s more of a turtle is

He he’s a dragon I didn’t know that it’s it’s the year of the dragon in Chinese New Year isn’t are you trying to get me are you trying to get me with a being serious he’s a dinosaur oh there you go then that makes more sense actually

Yeah well I’m going to watch Troy when I get in I’m going to watch the third Jurassic par he’s a fictional dinosaur the Third Jurassic Park watch the last the first two last night oh so cute man you’re going have a little date on that

Velot of raptors on that a man vot of raptors on that uh game over Arsenal 6 West Ham nil there it is ladies and gentlemen a demolition at the London Stadium tears from West Ham Tears of Joy from the Arsenal it’s a shame uh most of

The fans weren’t able to watch the game cuz they left that puts Arsenal third in the Premier League someone just said Yoshi built the pyramids yeah there you go true that uh City level on points of Arsenal but obviously City have a game in hand and two points behind

Liverpool it’s getting spicy it is getting spicy boring last 20 yeah but it was 60 do you know what I mean like they they all wanted to go home didn’t they uh confident about your bet now still um yeah your bottle it’s Arsenal shout out M you have anyone still in

Super six five points now no not surely not with 6 nil yeah I think 6 n has almost certainly wiped everyone out you man is that Mez but there is a a midweek round is it yeah yeah that’s what we’re streaming for isn’t it are we midweek round League champions league fixes Man

City predictions for Man United Villa quickly 32 31 Astin Villa I said on Super Six 32 Villa I said on super six I think 4 one1 fair enough pal look guys make sure you uh sign up super 6 use on code P 23 to join our league Declan rice

Is King question is though did Declan rice build the pyramids we’ll have to find out in the next stream goodbye everyone de


  1. @Jack. @1:07:17 ''Can’t wait for a Declan Rice own goal'' ………….No own goal from Rice, but glad you hung around to witness his screamer, making it 6-0 😉

  2. Timestamps. No need to thank me, just watch their reactions and go back to watching corn.

    West Ham 0–1 Arsenal – Saliba Goal: 1:07:25
    West Ham 0–2 Arsenal – Penalty Shout: 1:13:10, Saka Penalty: 1:16:06
    West Ham 0–3 Arsenal – Gabriel Goal: 1:19:05
    West Ham 0–4 Arsenal – Trossard Goal: 1:22:20
    West Ham 0–5 Arsenal – Saka Second Goal: 2:00:15
    West Ham 0–6 Arsenal – Rice Goal: 2:02:40

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