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Young receivers, cornerbacks battling as Buckeyes spring camp heats up | Ohio State football

Young receivers, cornerbacks battling as Buckeyes spring camp heats up | Ohio State football #OhioStateFootball #OhioState #CFBNews

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Ohio State Buckeyes videos from Columbus, Ohio from the staff of Lettermen Row.

Welcome back into the Woody ha Athletics Center ladies and gentlemen for another video breakdown of the Buckey after spring practice the 41-year vet Tim May Andy back from Spencer H you know the drill we’re here to talk about it Tim uh a lot of Buckey talk today as well as

Well former Buckeyes I guess who are currently Buckeyes coaches Tim Walton and Brian Hartline what’d you learn main thing I learned was I finally got to speak with Carell Tate for an extended period and just the way he bounced back from last year’s tragedy in his life losing his mom was murdered on

The streets of Chicago uh and then the backing he got from his fellow players including Brandon Denis I’m already a little just a little piece about that because nothing you know few things help you more than teammates but teammates who are basically your brothers was Brandon inam feel like they feel almost

Like brothers just how they helped him come out of it but then obviously dealing with the expectations of last year you know the next uh the next Marvin Harrison Jr and then all of a sudden the cotton bow gets his big breakout chance and they can’t block these Free Runners at the quarterback

And that that offensive display fell flat so uh uh now cardinell Tate goes from a guy who I would say was the cherry on top of a wide receiver room last year to now he’s part of the ice cream of it I mean you know he’s he’s

Being he’s going to be leaned on this year to be a regular and that’s a that’s a PR pretty big transformation you know some people I don’t even think he realizes how much it is until you get into games and now you’re expecting to deliver you’re not just going in there

As a little bit of a flourish and um so there’s you know there’s a lot of things we learned today but that was one that was one of them Andy what’d you learn well kind of to Tim’s Point carel Tate and Brandon inis are just such great

Friends but sometimes it kind of shows in a little bit of hatred because they’re so competitive in the weight room match rills everything so from the outside eye people be like these two don’t really like each other but they love each other and that’s pretty clear

The way they talk about one another but they could play a big role in this wide receiving cour so could you know maybe Bryson Rogers at some point he was in the transfer portal for a minute this offseason but decided to come back Brian Hartline talked about that said you know

We connected on it it ended up being the wrong decision for Bryson Rogers to enter the portal he ends up coming back and that is the right decision he feels like and he said you know it’s was just a Moment of clarity for him talking to Ryan Day talking to Brian Harline trying

To figure out what was clear for him of what needed to be next in his path and a lot of it was being valued feeling like he had a role at Ohio State and he said that he needed to be more outspoken about that he kept a lot of things in

Last year even with his close friends now he’s being a little bit more outspoken with coaches friends just having a better Outlet to kind of Express himself and he feels like he’s just fitting in better at Ohio State this year I’ll go to the opposite side

Of the ball I think on the defensive side I asked Tim Walton I guess the guys who cover the wide receivers so uh a little symmetry here uh I asked him Walton if this is a player-led team now as far as a player Le unit rather with the quarterbacks and he said absolutely

And I asked him you know how much does that help you help the younger guys instead of coaching the older guys to where you can keep the standard once the older guys leave and he said that’s the key so I think that it’s an important spring for the quarterbacks because we

Know how good those guys are whether that’s Davis sck bosen whether that’s denel Burke Jordan Hancock uh and and Germaine Matthews but the Aaron Scotts and the the uh Bryce West who’s going through a little bit of light stuff but not really doing a lot this spring the

Calvin Simpson hunts like those guys are the ones who need developed this spring and that’s huge for Tim Walton to be able to to kind of go hands off with Denzel and and Jordan and be able to go coach those guys so you know a lot of

Wide receiver and and Corner talk but man like both of those units just absolutely go at it every day and it was fun to hear both Brian Harline and Tim Walton talk about the competition every single day between those two units yeah the other thing is Bryson Rogers you

Talk about jumping into Portland and jumping back out of it you know D Matthews is a guy who could have jumped in you know uh because in essence he’s and he knows is he’s having to wait another year you know to really maybe become that guy barring injury or

Something and it patience we talked about that for a long time right Andy I mean patience is the uh is the big key for a lot of these guys to learn when you come to a place like Ohio State or you go to an Alabama or a Georgia there’s other really good players

Already there yeah and uh if you could figure out a way as you’re building as you’re building your case for more playing time if you can figure out a way to still contribute which main Matthews did last year big time in my opinion in certain key moments uh it helps it helps

Smooth that patience and cuz a lot of these guys have been their Superstar and this is no you know no bullet they’ve been the Superstar on their team teams they’ve been on forever they come here and now all of a sudden they’re in a line and uh and when somebody in that

Line opts not to leave like you think he will you know you’ve got to make a in your mind your your clock is ticking and so they’re going to benefit the buckout are benefiting not just from dzel Burke uh coming back and uh Davis Nick benos being being back and Jordan Hancock

Being there but by these guys who have decided hey patience is the key I’m going to get my shot here one of the big time programs in the country if I just keep doing the right things and uh it was very interesting conversation with Jermaine Matthews on that part well

Speaking of patience CJ Hicks Gabe Powers those are patient guys who have sat around awaited their turn now’s their time to to get some things done they also met with the media thought it was interesting CJ Hicks said that he hasn’t really felt like he’s competing

Against any of these guys he feels like he’s working with them I think Sunny Styles said a lot of the same things Gabe power seems pretty optimistic that that he’s going to you know make a spring push like that unit appears to be pretty pretty good compared to maybe

What we thought it would be a couple months ago as they were gearing up for the spring like it looks like it’s starting to develop some depth there and you know uh CJ hix can said you coach ltis has said he wants to roll four or five linebackers like that’s a big

Development Andy yeah gay power said along the same things you know it’s working with each other I don’t feel like I’m competing with CJ Hicks and they’ve been roommates for quite a long time I think a year and a half and that is definitely clear between the two of

Them and you know for gay Powers you said it just clicked at some point last year for him the mental side of the game he did not expect that transition to be quite as hard understanding everything that’s going on of course with the Jim NES defense that can take a minute he

Said the last year has been really helpful for him in terms of trying to be a little bit more of that quarterback of the defense he said he’s learned from Tommy egenberg he’s learned now from Cody Simon processing things faster which makes practice less stressful you just focus on playing playing fast

Rather than trying to figure out where everything is and he was asked about the helmet technology I think it was you know one of us that asked about it and he said that it’s interesting because you got the voice of Jim noes in your head for a long time right until up

Until the snap he can be talking to you so just another thing that he’s able to navigate better this year than he would have you know the last couple of years where he was just trying to figure out the defense in general now he’s able to balance all these things at once and

Really compete for a starting spot yeah it’s really it’s really going to be funny cuz I think that uh obviously they’ve figured out how to call play offensively right up to the last moment sometimes making adjustments and stuff but having your defensive coordinator from on high yeah the voice of Jim NOS

Uh in your head right up until the snap where you can be making adjustments that’s kind of it’s kind of changed the game a little bit definitely for these guys cuz you know with the couple of quick hand signals you can go a different direction I’m really curious

To see how that goes because uh uh it’s almost unfair sometimes based on who it is in the box and who’s who’s noticing things from high but uh uh but but yeah back with the point y’all just made there U I’ll keep it short uh yeah that when you lose both starters

At your linebackers now I truly believe they’re going to play three linebackers more than two a lot of the time if not most of the time this year I mean uh that’s just my gut feeling I’ve been saying that for a while but when you lose two starting linebackers who’ve

Been your stars basically for two years and then I think they feel pretty good about the linebacker situation even now there are guys who are still on to learn like Gabe Powers Sunny Styles uh fitting in you know he looks like a linebacker his dad was a linebacker he’s been here in a

Linebacker talking in his ear for ever what what is he now 16 years old no I’m just joking but 20 years old 19 years old uh there’s a chance they can be better at linebacker I mean just overall I mean that’s just my H honest opinion I

Think this is the busiest week in the history of Ohio State athletics the women’s team is getting ready to play in N tournament the men’s team has got the n the softball team’s practic practicing behind us I think we need to get out of here because the football team also uses

This building a lot of programs do and and we’re getting ready to get out of here because the softball team would love to get to practice that’s the 41 I they’ love to hit us in the head with a ball yeah they can do that if they want

I mean we probably deserve it for standing in their practice for so long we’ll have to apologize to the coaching staff here that’s the 41y year event to May that’s Andy B from I’m Spencer holber we’re going to have full coverage of Ohio State spring practice as it

Rolls along here at letter in the Woody Haze Athletics Center whenever they let us in again Tim May Andy B Spencer hbert all of our coverage is lman $1 for your first month that’s right $1 through the end of spring practice into the summer recruiting period Matt Parker and Alex

Gman do a great job over there we’re going to get out of here we’re going to get back to work Andy’s going to go do some hoops stuff I’ve got Hoops football maybe a couple other sports to handle Hoops to jump through and Tim’s got Hoops to jump through of his own he’s

Probably going to swing a golf club or two today we’ll see you guys back in the Woody whenever they let us in we’ll see you then

1 Comment

  1. Can we please stop asking a 19 year old about the murder of his mother everytime a microphone is in his face

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