The Fastest Way to Improve Your Ball Striking – Simple Golf Swing Lesson

Elevate your game at an unprecedented pace with “The Fastest Way to Improve Your Ball Striking – Real Golf Lessons.” This video is packed with professional golf swing tips and lessons that simplify the complexities of the game, making it easier for you to understand and apply the concepts.

Discover the secrets to an easy golf swing that enhances your ability to always strike the golf ball with precision and power. Our expertly crafted lessons break down the essentials of ball striking, providing actionable advice that yields real results.

Whether you’re a novice seeking improvement or a seasoned player aiming to refine your skills, these insights will transform your approach and boost your performance on the course. Dive into this treasure trove of knowledge and start hitting your shots more consistently. Your journey to golfing excellence begins here!

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Right golfers let’s show you how this real golfer with the help of the guys at JD Golf Academy using their measured gears system went from this kind of impact where they’ve got their hands back here compared to one where they’re in a much more functional position with

The hands opposite Trail fire as they come in to hit the ball which allowed them to hit better strikes better height shots which in turn went further it happened with all clubs when they tested what it allowed them to do this player started to control point where before

They were rubbish at controlling low Point duffing fatting Finning those kind of things this is a real lesson let’s check out these changes what they did and how they could help you so the first thing we see this is so so common with so many golfers now if you’re seeing

Resulting kind of impacts of here often what people try to do is they try to fix this part but this golfer was never going to fix that part as we can see from the video here because of the sequence of the back swing to the down

Swing so what they were doing is were making quite a tucked in close to and back swing to then have this huge bounce back this kind of big shape on the way back down where they created more width on the way down which then creates the

Arms to kind of go far too far back here which encourages kind of these impacts that we saw you know they’re kind of out here as they get into last parallel that’s not going to help a golf’s low point it’s not going to help them get the right trajectory distance certainly

Not going to help with strike so such a common problem where golfers create no width and then create whip so how could you go about trying to create more Whi on the way back to allow you then to be able to be pulling those hands almost closer to you to get into this

Functional down swing now the easiest way for lots of golfers is to start thinking about Trail arm so if you just take hold of your club with your Trail hand only and what I want you to do go top of your back swing and stop and you’re going to try and get the

Remainder part of the shaft here to spear out behind you what you’re going to notice as you do that is the trail arm wants to stay much more semi bent rather than crazy bent in here because you start feeling that it’s coming more maybe from Trail

Wrist going this way a bit more and the more Trail wrist starts to go basically this way the less this elbow has to do the work of getting that club up to the top of what feels like a back swing the less we get into this crunch position

The less chance we got those huge bounce backs that we see next thing you can do is add a little bit of speed to this back so with one hand on trying to get this button to this club to spear behind you if you add a little bit of speed to

This what happens is you start opening up Trail shoulder you start actually opening up your arm to go more this way which is good for width to create some space for you to actually get the club down into rather than when golfers go very slow and deliberate which is often

The case they feel like they need to slow down they can kind of just put the club into position and then they try to create that space and that width and that speed on the way down so by getting that swing so really try and get some space

Between where your hands start to where they end now I don’t want you to get Space by trying to go this way I want you to get Space up into here up into this part as far as possible so lead shoulder goes down arm goes up and

Stretch it out trying to keep your hands this side of your head again this is what’s going to give you that stretch that width to be able to achieve the down swings that so many of you want rather than this one stalling woohoo this way what was so interesting with

This lesson as well which I love it’s like a domino effect when they got the relationship between back swing stretch and down swing kind of pull in if you want in a better relationship then we also started to see and the guys at JD Golf Academy started to see better

Rotations on the way through this player didn’t even have to think about rotating differently on the downswing all the way through so by changing to reach and then letting that club just naturally go from there which is often going to be closer this player actually got their body more

Engaged on the down swing and started to open up more on the way down because of the trouble with bounce backs when people keep it close and then they bounce back what happens is the shoulders go early almost too early and then they have to stop and stall to hit

The ball which is why we start seeing these kind of actions on the way through the stretch on the way back helped this player with path so for straighter shots it helped this player present better lofts for longer shots while at the same time it helped them trying to get their

Body to actually engaged in a way to encourage these kind of impacts rather than these and The Dominoes just fell over and it happened that’s the beauty of measured good coaching remember what you see it impact is often a result of what happened before don’t get too bogged down with

Trying to fix this if there’s problems happening before you’re never ever going to fix that now if you want to find out how to apply better movements with your driver for extra distance this video is going to help you a lot


  1. I'm genuinely grateful for the opportunity to engage in such stimulating discourse. It's a privilege not to be taken lightly.😘

  2. As always, it has to do with flexibility, in this case, the deltoid muscles. People who sit at a desk and stare into a screen 50 hrs a week, will have a hard time getting this kind of width in the backswing, if they don:t work on the body as much as on their swing.

  3. Great video. Exactly the issue I have when I struggle with some mobility. Get tight then bounce back. If I am loose and wide then it just falls into the slot. 👍🏼

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