Golf Players

Behind-the-Scenes ⛳ Volunteer Experience at a Top PGA Event | Bonus: Encounters with Golf Pros!

🏌️‍♂️ 2024 Arnold Palmer Invitational: A Volunteer’s View 🏌️‍♂️

Step into the world of professional golf like never before with this exclusive insider’s look at the 2024 Arnold Palmer Invitational! As a proud volunteer at this prestigious event, I had the privilege of getting up close and personal with some of the biggest names in the sport.

In this video, join me as I take you behind the scenes of one of golf’s most revered tournaments. From the adrenaline-pumping action on the course to intimate moments with your favorite players, you’ll experience multiple up close swings and victory like you’re right there alongside me.

But this isn’t just about the pros—it’s about the heart and soul of the Arnold Palmer Invitational. Discover the dedication of the volunteers, the excitement of the fans, and the unmistakable aura that makes this event a highlight of the golfing calendar year after year.

🔥 Highlights Include: 🔥

Exclusive player up close video from the Pro-Am
Spectacular shots of the tournament grounds
What it’s like being a Standard Bearer
Behind-the-scenes glimpses into the inner workings of the event
Unforgettable moments that capture the essence of the Arnold Palmer Invitational

Get ready to be inspired, entertained, and thoroughly immersed in the world of professional golf. Whether you’re a seasoned fan or new to the sport, this video is sure to leave you feeling exhilarated and eager for more.

Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to Adventures of Jenna and Dale for more thrilling content and exclusive behind-the-scenes access to your favorite events. Hit that notification bell so you never miss an update!

⛳️ Fore! Let’s dive into the excitement of the Arnold Palmer Invitational together! ⛳️

Welcome to our Channel and uh today I am back at the Arnold Palmer Invitational standing here in front of hole six it’s absolutely gorgeous this morning it is Wednesday it’s the proam day and uh I will be doing a little bit the whole week what is going on at the

Arnold pal rotational this week I’m going to be a standard bear uh to be able to adjust the scores for the players as they’re going through each and I’ll be walking with the players and uh it’ll be a lot of fun cuz every other year I’ve been a marshall on hole number

Two which has been a lot of fun but this year I decided to switch it up I’m going to be a standard bear so I’m looking forward to it so I will show you a little bit around the grounds of uh the Arnold Palmer Bay

Hill here in Orlando it’s going to be a lot of fun and yes I’ve been getting over some congestion so my voice is a little off hopefully by uh Sunday it’ll be better and hopefully I don’t forget to uh catch some great moments as well and today being Wednesday the program day

It’s where anybody can pay a certain amount to play with the players and I I believe I saw that it’s $112,000 a person correct me if I’m wrong if anybody knows but I think I saw that a couple days ago it’s $122,000 a person to play with a Pros so anybody can play

With a Pros on Wednesday and it’s uh it’s fun and I’m going to capture some of those Pros here in a little bit here we have a couple players coming up and Rory is with this group the proam group look got him pushed way back on the box just

Shorts right here we have Scotty Sheffer coming up on hole six he’s got a little facial hair going on this week so here we have JT Justin Thomas taking a couple practice shots out of the bunker over we on hole six again here is a a trailer full of beverages

Headed to the next tent that’ll last probably part of today so in this group here we got Trevor Lawrence quarterback for the Jaguars who just puted right there over there we have Vince Carter who used to be a former NBA player and they are playing with Colin morawa this is a star studded

Group Trevor Colin and Vince currently we are at hole two Jason day is about to get a tea off but this is the previous six years this is where I would work I was one of the marshals and as a marshall you hold your hands up

And quiet the crowd as the players are getting ready to hit right left of the hole I said right left exactly left of the hole that was a great shot you really want to they normally have standard Bears on proam day but the weather looks so bad for today

That yesterday they cancelled all the standard bears for today so unfortunately I can’t show you today what the standard bear is but probably in a couple minutes since on the video I’ll be able to show you since it’ll be tomorrow uh so we’re just walking around

Got me a water and uh see any else is up there we caught most of the big players but if you’re able to come on a pram day do so because it’s not near as many people and it’s much easier to get pictures and autographs here is the practice putting

Green area with the players right here we have Shane Lowry right down there underneath the clock we have Cam Davis not sure who this individual is right here scanning around don’t really recognize anybody oh right over here is Chris Kirk yeah good place to come hang out

And be able to watch the Players as well so right across from the practice putting green area they have this Master Card Lounge so as long as you have a Master Card you can go in there so we’re going to go in there and check that out and uh we’ll show you

Around so we are inside the Master Card lounge and we’re going to check out everything that they have available not too sure what this is but we’ll check that out in a little bit Yeah super cool the lounge is also right by the driving range so you

Can come here and uh watch them hit some range balls and down here they have an area where there’s the bar at come grab you a drink not too sure if it’s complimentary or not I’ll find out here in a little bit your this is a putting simulator you get

Three putts and there’s two cameras there’s one here and one here and then it’ll tell you or give you some feedback on your putts and then this guy over here will talk you through the putts what you did and possibly how to improve on your putts as you can see Cory from

Cory Meets World is with me here today and uh putting right Now over as well see if there’s any sort of access shoulder doesn’t look B take a look at your ey line position first GL I like that directly over line which is nice where you are as you take a look back top of VI back so the drinks are not complimentary but

I got me an anald Palmer got to get you an on Palmer while you’re here at Bay Hill well he said they’re complimentary tomorrow then he chuckled I was like oh it’s always tomorrow so they’re never complimentary it was good it was a good

Joke so uh but yes very cool up here and that putting green was super cool as well I’ll get the email with a video then they’ll send it to us so not too sure how this happened but Corey is inside the putting practice area we’ll get the story when he gets

Out it’s one of the players I can’t think of the player name right now but uh looks like he’s getting some assistance okay so Cory is uh back out we’ll get the story of what happened so who was a player you were with it was

Justin low and and I we were doing the the whole like simulator thing or where they they do a swing anal in the Master Card yeah in the master card and this guy comes up and he goes you want uh a a lesson with a tour pro and I was like

What and he said yeah just come with me and so he takes me to the the putting green and it was because of MasterCard like they like to make like magic moments and this was one of the moments and they brought me on there I just had

Like a 20 minute lesson with with a funny with a a PJ professional it was amazing like fantastic yeah I was very nerve-wracking it’s very but it was fun I learned a lot oh good deal down here along whole 18 is where it’ll get super crowded and they have some food treats

Beverages and shopping so here they have a arnes putting experience and yeah unfortunately it’s not open today it’s not open today that’s too bad I’ll see if I can come back uh and get some more footage of it when it’s open here we have the famous Arnold Palmer

Statue right here in front of hole number one which currently Taylor m is going to tea off here are the trophies that’s this one super cool so that is it for the proam day we’re going to head out and uh my buddy Daryl from northern Indiana came down

Because I do get as a volunteer and Cory is here also so as a volunteer if you volunteer I get two free guest tickets every day so uh Daryl out of the seven years I’ve done it Daryl has now come down uh I’ve think like four years so uh

He’s back down there he loves the sunshine this time of year for sure from Indiana and uh yeah so we’ll be back tomorrow which here it’ll be in a couple seconds well it’s Thursday it’s the first day of competition and we’re all here we got Corey Steve buddy Daryl

We’re here we’re ready to get to work and uh looks like the rain’s going to hold off all week which is fantastic fantastic and uh it’s about what time 7:30 in the morning dew all over the place nice and wet go get us some coffee Donuts Bagels all the good stuff apple

Fritter and an Apple Fritter hopefully they have them Apple the early mornings here are incredible everything’s so pristine this is hole number eight and we’re heading up to our volunteer tent to grab some coffee they getting the board set up it’s gorgeous so Arnold Palmer Invitational last year won the best volunteer program

Of every PGA event last year 2023 that’s amazing and they were talking about it Saturday and they have the awards sitting here for the volunteers be able to see it today so cool so this is inside the volunteer tent we have coffees Donuts Bagels the apple fritter we have Bagel

King this year the apple fruit are not quite as good as Dunkin’ donuts and I just ate the ends off of The Long John where it had the filling so I’m good to go and coffee of course we are out here walking around this is hole number

Eight got here early this morning and uh there’s a gator out here all the years I’ve been here I haven’t seen a gator on the course there he is that’ll be a nice a nice piece of uh entertainment for the crowd all around number eight today couple of players out here on the

Driving range right here in front of us we have uh Tom Kim down there the next one I believe is JT Poston uh not sure the other two down there all the way down in the orange left-handed that’s Brian Harmon sitting here working and the squirrel must be smelling some food he

Keeps coming over he keeps coming over where you going buddy he’s like I think I smell Burger burgers burgers and fries Burgers and Fries give me some burgers and fries all right so it’s lunch time we got our uh sandwiches they’re actually from Publix’s today got a nice little

Club here we got some chips we got some drinks peach tea water all the selection over there in the cooler and uh oh chocolate chip cookie a little dessert there and we’re done done for the day and uh walk around a little bit and head out crowds right here are pretty crazy

Because Rory and K Mor Kawa just went out so everybody’s watching Rory and right over here Justin Thomas is about to tea off with Jake nap so uh that’s why it’s busy right here so here is the PGA Channel they do their uh broadcast here and actually got Min Le up there right

Now and it is right across from the putting practice putting green so uh we finished our uh stuff for today got all the tasks in and now we’re all headed to uh Disney’s Oak Trail for nine holes with the four of us so uh it’ll be fun

It’s getting nice and warm but uh a nice Thursday at the pal itational we’ll be back tomorrow which here is in a couple seconds well it is now Friday morning we are out here on the 18th green the infamous 18th it is beautiful out here and actually this morning the

Tea times got pushed back 15 minutes a little bit of a delay because of the uh there’s fog this morning uh but we came over here this morning I will actually be walking with uh CT pan and stepen Jagger today but what we’re going to start the day off

With is that putting experience that I wanted to check out so we came here early enough that it’s hopefully not as busy so uh Friday so here is the Arnold Palmer put experience look at this his old tractor wow that is cool it’s an old Toro

Tractor and we’re going to find out to see what’s going on here love this bill umill looks like there’s something going on back here some putting stuff we going to check it out so what they have they have a couple old putters that Arie would use not the

Exact putter but the model of the putters and this first hole is uh based on the 18th green here at Bay Hill and the balls represent a 60 era ball and the next hole is based off of uh the Masters Augusta one obviously was not from his Workshop Ina okay correction

This was his Club from lro PA the workshop this one super cool wow that’s cool look at look at that there b baby oh got it that’s it oh got it we are up on the stands at hole number one come up here to check out couple players hit Adam spinon and Harris English we have a couple players out here putting there’s Tommy Fleetwood right there col Mor cowz right there Rory in the white hat and I believe it is Rory yep there’s Rory right there came over the driving range Rory’s there in the middle colore CWA in the

Green and my boy Xander Schley in the black and the white pants so I got my uh job for today first time ever doing this standard bear I have my sand my sign and uh CT pan and Steven jger then as each hole goes by you

Change the scores at the end of the each hole have this little holder here to help so you don’t just have to carry the stanson for 18 holes and a little over seven mile walk is what it’s gonna be Friday was fun it is now Saturday I

Didn’t do closing for Friday the day got away from me but it was a lot of fun first time walking with we got a little generator going here underneath the uh stand but uh first time walking it was fun like uh good thing I put a lot of

Lotion on I got a little burnt my hand got a little uh but uh yeah enjoyable for sure walking around next to the players with the players so that was cool and uh now it’s Saturday we’re headed over to the volunteer tent get some breakfast and my

Tea time is at 10:20 today with web Simpson and Adam hadwin so uh looking forward to that and it’s supposed to be 90 today so it’s going to be a hot one uh and and going to have to uh get that good old sunscreen out and put it on

Pretty heavy that’s going to be fantastic day now one over here we have uh pretty sure it’s Anica sinston so there’s a little uh practice chipping green over here off to the side for the players and looks like I think it’s anic a sstone over there give him a little interview or

Something it’s going to be a so foggy and everything now overcast but I think’s going to burn off fairly quickly so I got my assignment got my uh Rose in the back steveen Cory back there following along and uh my sign so I got hadwin and Simpson and they’re both at

Even today so uh yeah looking forward to it another fun day exercise another 7 miles my hammies were hurting a little bit uh this morning well I’m out on hole number 16 and the players go way in the back so I stand over here and just wait so I don’t

Have to walk all the way in the back give me a seat give me a little bit of rest some shade and uh it’s getting windy it’s getting very windy the boards are hard harder to hold on to that’s for sure they they’re blowing all over the

Place I’ll show you uh where they’re at on 66th so this is their tea box way over there and there the hole is all the way out there and there’s a couple players still on The Fairway on 16 so they’ll have to wait before they tea

Off but yeah it’s it’s a lot of fun out here there’s a couple uh lounge or tents right there that you can pay extra to get tickets in there and right over there on the other side is the 18th green with the 18 I mean the 18th

Fairway with the 18th green all the way in back yeah that wind is breaking up all right so it’s the end of the day we’re in here waiting Jenna’s going to pick us up me Cory and Steve literally the rest of the volunteer tent is empty so uh we’re watching

Golf I’m just in here hanging out till Jenna messages us that uh she’s picking us up she’s our Uber well it is Championship Sunday made a home G last night up again this morning and uh players are out this morning I go off my tea time is at 10:55

I had ludig Oar and Keegan Bradley I’ll show you here we got a couple players up here chipping so right here in front we have JT Poston behind him is CT pan and in the back there is uh my favorite player right there Xander schafle coming around one of the busier areas is

Usually over here by the sixth green and the Seven T box because you can see a lot of holes around here and it’s a great great view out over the water there’s always plenty of concession stains around all over the course as well for them to take your

Money this is hole two it’s a par three currently down there we have Denny McCarthy going for the Putt and with him is Matthew Pavone made it B back at the same spot as it was yesterday which is actually not too long ago here couple minutes ago and uh

Little rest Keegan Bradley and ludig oer sitting here don’t have to wait on anybody today most other days you had to wait on some people and look at that view it’s an amazing shot and then right behind them I might have mentioned it earlier is the 18th Green Well Scotty sheffler is the

Champion once again what a final round see if I can zoom into the Scoreboard great crowds again this year what a final finish and the Trophy presentation will be shortly [Applause] before we get underway here let me just say thank you from bottom of our hearts the good people of Orlando thank you all the lady right down there next to Scotty Sheffer in the tan sweater is Amy Saunders Arnold Palmer’s [Applause] daughter this is the second time Scotty sheers won this

Tournament but he also l the great performance I’m imagining he somewhere up there shaking His all the media down here taking their [Applause] photos Scot over here well that was a great week what a conclusion to the championship Sunday it was incredible so much fun Scotty Sheffer such a crazy final round to come back with like a huge win a huge win and

Uh lots of fun hope you enjoyed it and be sure if you want to you can also volunteer at this tournament go to the Arnold hmer Invitational website and there’s a volunteer tab be sure to fill out everything and you can volunteer and also be sure to check out the Arnold and

Winnie Palmer Foundation as well they do such amazing and great things there also so uh thanks for watching and uh until next time I forget the closing thing some let’s go find it oh the adventur is out there let’s go find It Yeah


  1. Wow, what a great experience for you guys. Most exciting tournament I've watched in a while. Nicely done Dale.

  2. I find it very rewarding that you volunteer an entire week to something you are passionate about Dale! You are to be commended! Plus looks like you had a lot of fun and truly enjoyed the entire experience! Thank you for sharing!

  3. You got a picture with NFL quarterback Traver Lawrence of the Jacksonville Jaguars. Unfortunately that was the only person beside you I recognized. So glad you enjoyed yourself. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Thank you Dale for sharing this. You got some really beautiful shots. Some of you guys were so gracious to share a pass with my husband Tony, so I got to see a glimpse of what he saw thru your vlog. Tony enjoyed attending so much, he’s strongly considering volunteering for next year. Thank you so much for sharing. What a unique experience on such a beautiful course.

  5. Thanks Dale. Awesome commentary!!! Love all your streams/vlogs. Thanks for explaining the meaning of “Marshal”. THAT really made me laugh since we chatted about that previously.

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