Golf Players

S1, E27: Andy Schneider (the hockey one).

Local dad, coach, hockey player, cool guy, and business owner Andy Schneider joins the show to talk about Termite and Mite hockey, his experiences playing in the USHL and AHL, tell a Zach Parise story, and discuss the state of hockey in Grand Forks.

Okay welcome to North Dakota after dark it is nine o’clock so after dark and we’re in North Dakota everyone’s in North Dakota today so one of those good days where you can check all the boxes in light of that fact we are going to actually do a little bit almost like

A script today where we’re going to do our live reads on time without having to do it afterwards so Corey take it away North coat after dark is proudly brought to you by Andre’s Construction Services with over 20 years of experience in all areas of construction projects worked on

Including Banks oral surgery offices dental offices schools real real retail space auto body shops you name it they can build it they offer assistance with All Phases of construction from the initial design phase all the way through completion you dream it they make it a reality andry’s Construction Services

Nailed it Cory once again well most of it yeah um couple extra shout outs today our friend uh Remy wrote a book called The Chain of pearls I suggested she call it pearl necklace but she said it’s not that kind of book no you beat me to the

J joke and I’m ashamed of myself um it’s a Feelgood story in which a journalist is found dead so I mean that always uh makes me happy um mystery story set in Martha’s Vineyard very good I read one of the early drafts I suggest uh check

It out book two comes out in August uh what other things I can say oh uh if you are from Min not or Winnipeg get someone to read it for you there are no pictures in it so this might not be for you but if you’re from Grand Forks you can

Handle it no problem if you order it directly from Ry um she will sign it and underline the [ __ ] scene so give it a chat hell yeah yeah oh also uh Ashley fiala made this nice shirt oh that’s awesome yeah soon to be for sale along with Mom Island shirts she is creative

Beyond like a good job jet still when when um jet played with Mason she made these really cool hockey like Starbucks cop cups still to this stage y’s favorite cup like if we lost it it would be devastating so yeah she craul lady yes umle if people buy Mom Island shirts do

We share any of the proceeds or does it all go to Kelly’s podcast it all goes to Kelly’s podcast it goes to Kelly’s Gam fun okay which everybody wants to support that um you know I Matt would appreciate it you know that’s it’s it works out for

Everyone right yeah yeah so Mom Island shirts will be available in white and black for men and then H teal and white for women and men from Winnipeg so nice do the Min not ones come without sleeves like right away naturally naturally denim trim yeah I me hey

Yeah you got to show off that barb rer uh tat there so um so in addition to uh the fun banter and announcements we have a guest Andy Schneider welcome to the show hey really excited to be here I’m not gonna lie first podcast I’ve ever been a

Part of heck yeah us too yeah yes just making it up as we go along so um uh I’ve known Andy here for a little while uh Andy is a uh hockey player hockey coach cool guy father of and with apologies to Charlie mace probably my favorite M hockey player I

So just a eight plus kid who also likes the Oilers so it’s um a lot of it rests on that but he also is a good kid so uh manab Town what other hats do you wear Andy business owner with my brother uh yep we got Dakota TV Town um like I said

Father son brother friend amateur golfer yep it’s uh yeah Champion golfer though last the amateur side so can’t complain can’t sneeze at that right no right and a four-time beasting Survivor so oh uh had I known I would have dressed up survive Survivor yeah so what what ribbon do you get for

To be a beasting Survivor do you do you get a month do you get a flag do you get a ribbon what how does one denote being a beasting Survivor I got the kids maybe an ice pack and that was about uh that was my badge of honor yeah

So wonderful we moved on with Y uh no this is not 60 minutes I’m not Leslie Schaefer do you want to start with beasting surviving or hockey we can start with hockey the Beast thing isn’t really is balc so well we we can we can make we can stretch stuff about

With pretty sophomoric jokes for a long time so don’t don’t undersell us on that point don’t underestimate us yeah uh so hockey so uh turn my coach Mike coach um one of the things I wanted you to do is uh we had a couple young gentlemen on

The show a couple weeks back who um found the monster tiring quote tiring would you wish to offer a rebuttal um or would you want to leave it for Spicer you know what I I will say this about the monster it is the greatest

Drill to get 40 to 50 kids moving on the ice for 10 minutes um skeptical at first like everybody else uh struggled with the setup but you know by about week two we had it dialed in the kids really really you know they started to learn it obviously they’re going to complain it’s

A it’s a lot of parts but uh you know what I don’t know it’s probably the greatest youth hockey drill at that level I’ve ever seen yeah yeah well um and Charlie offered a little advice he said if you want to make the monster easier skate as a goalie you don’t have

To take a puck so we do the wise for you upcoming three and four year olds there yeah Charlie’s playing chess these guys are just play checkers so right 100% so um and and so and you uh coached a lot of termite this year as well how

Did that go you know what the termite two Roundup went uh it was pretty good we know what the kids you know and my fourth year of youth hockey now yeah I kind of got two guys but even on the termite level they were better than termite one you know and you got

And that’s and try to make it fun and we uh I don’t think we really had maybe one kid maybe one or two kids quit but then that I remembered from termite ones yeah but I think we G six or seven right so number from what I know everyone had a

Good time um the ice break every was fun good weekend and uh just it’s a good experience I we had a great experience you know and but you go back down a level from even from the mites it’s it’s a test in patience yeah

And I I think I was just so new to it when the when Charlie and will and mace were all going through it that it it didn’t bother me but then you see like those guys brains work now and then you go back and have to I bless daycare providers and

Kindergarten and first grade teachers heck yeah they they are for sh sho and so well said um and I I guess maybe just to get the elephant in the room out of the way would you like to congratulate your former high school team so Kelly can roll her eyes know had a good

Year you know what I I I listen to yeah I had I listened to Matt’s podcast uh from what was that episode 25 you know and that was uh fresh fresh wound you know like I was right after the state tournament so emotions are are are there

But um as a guy who’s kind of watched that senior class with a nephew on the team um on Red River after watching all those guys for the last 10 years or so playing and growing up together the the best two teams were in the state championship and sure they

Could play 10 times and it’ go five and five yeah and it and rivalry game you throw the records out it’s pure emotion pucks are going to bounce who’s going to who’s going to take a penalty that they shouldn’t take you know what I mean just trying to get their team going

I mean it’s just there’s so many things that could happen but um it does speak volumes that we had 40 kids from Grand Forks that grew up in the program yeah get and they’re the you know 40 of the best players in the state as far as I’m

Um when we had Matt on we we talked about that a little bit just speaks well to the program and at the time I I felt that I didn’t mention that the Night Riders also finished third um at State a team that wasn’t expected to so you know

If Crossing genders there between boys and girls we had a a lot of kids do very well for themselves uh at the state level so again nice uh nice Testament to what’s going on in town here yep fantastic first year for Kelly coaching the the girls team over there and you

Know he uh got he’s got a vested interest he’s got a couple daughters I believe on the team you know and and I watched uh they kind of was kind of fun this year their their games were kind of overlap some of our practices over at

The Blue Line Club when we were there and so we’d sneak over there and watch a period or two and as the Year got went on they got better and you know I ran into Kelly a few times and we’d talk and he’d be like what do you see and and I

Think that he’s got them on the right route you know they just they’re moving the puck better by the end of the year and to go in there and uh as a you know a team that was a threat but still not probably a favorite you know to go and

And and really put it together at that time of year and and know what’s on the line I’m I’m really proud you know to say uh it’s good to see the girls get in numbers and um seeing that program succeed because we’re too good of a

Hockey town to not have a a good girls program in it yeah that’s uh very good point and I think with uh you know Margo there now uh also a uh former guest on the show episode eight or so uh yeah I think just uh onward and upward for for

That program so nice to see absolutely um so Andy can you uh for those of you who don’t know and again our our listening radius is a very tight circle around Riverside and South Grand Fork so I I think we check all the boxes

However if we do happen to get an out of town or listening can you tell us a little bit about yourself where you grew up where you played I know Red River and UND but there’s some other other stops in there I people like to hear about uh

Okay born in Grand Forks came up through the youth hockey program and uh in my soft year uh well banam we won a couple state tournaments went to a couple national banam championships he used to go to the tournament I don’t know if they still do anymore but um

Grand Forks won it the the year before I got to banam and then my two years there we um we lost to the National Championship my eighth grade year ninth grade year we I think we took third and then uh so had a pretty good youth hockey career and

Then my sophomore year I made Red River and we ended up winning the state championship that year and uh part of a pretty good pretty good run of Red River teams in the late 90s there and same thing though I mean Central was always a competitive game there was just both

Both schools were good and and uh so it was really you know um back then too it was that the Open Enrollment thing whatever it is you know wasn’t so prevalent so it was more south and north end so it was uh it was pretty intense because we always played against those

Kids you know growing up on but then um played a junior at Red River and then I was tendered by Lincoln Stars so the day after the state tournament I I took off and uh what started out is you know hey I’m going to give it a go

See who I fit in in the league uh my junior year kind of bounc back and forth and after about the third weekend I uh the writing was on the wall and Steve Johnson UMC kooken coach now was our coach down there and he said you’re

Ready to make the move so I I headed down to Lincoln enrolled in high school and then my senior year I had about a minute of do I come back and play my senior year and it just kind of saw where I was and talking to schools and

NHL teams and I just made the decision that this is where I stay so ended up in Lincoln my senior year high school one more year out and and during that time I signed at scholarship with University of North Dakota and it was uh pretty exciting had uh had a couple schools

That were pretty pretty in the mix but um you know that was right when they announced the new Ralph was going to happen and exciting at your hometown and so my freshman year was the first year of the the new Ralph no kiding okay yep

And I missed the first game uh I was suspended for fighting in the last game the yeah blaz ground and calls me an idiot and says what the hell are you doing you’re gonna miss the best game ever but is to get Zack pzy to sign at North

Dakota because you’re sitting with him at the game so I was Zach’s uh student host that weekend and I sat with him in the game and he was like why why aren’t you playing tonight and I said oh I got kicked out for fighting last week and I

Said if you go to Minnesota I’m gonna kick your [Laughter] ass he so no he committed that weekend but I don’t think I had much to do with it but uh no I had a had four years here and then I was drafted by Pittsburgh and I went out and played with their

American League team in wilbury Pennsylvania for a year and that year I actually was playing pretty well and I got hit from behind broke my arm and my wrist in about uh seven eight spots got plates and stuff put in and the doctor told me I’d never use a pencil again let

Alone play hockey so I came back uh to gr Forks UND was kind enough to honor my scholarship and I got to come back and finish school and then I kind of got the bug again and I was like you know what I’m calling BS on this diagnosis and I I

Really want to play I’m not done yet so I started kind of working out again talked to had to sit out you know that whole year I sat out but I strengthened my arm and then my agent got me a try out with Anaheim and I ended up making

Anaheim’s roster and signing with their American League team out and Portland Main so I played a year there then signed with Toronto and then I ended up over in Germany for a couple years so had uh five years pro hockey in six years and uh the body started you know I

I I wish I would have played a more finesse style but just wasn’t that wasn’t the game finally kicked in and uh had the opportunity to start coaching in the USHL and uh so I went down there for a year and coaching Lincoln and my now at the time uh my wife

Heather still my wife but at the time she said are you really enjoying this game anymore are you know do you want to kind of maybe start a family and start that part of life and and it was time and I got you know my brother kind of

Said hey I sure use you back here and and we’ve been back since 201 11 12ish now so setup shop hopped into the family business and couple kids later and we’re uh we’re really enjoying being in Ground Forks nice that’s a long story yeah well you

Had to come back and sell me the a washing machine a TV and uh dishwasher right so gotcha and and by dishwasher I mean an appliance not not aanda just to to clear that different conversation you soy Andy I’m gonna tell you right now I think you’re underselling that fight

Because uh I was at that game in that fight I’ve seen the post videos of that fight and if you ask me right now to come be one of your delivery guys I’d be like man I’m in just just don’t hurt me just can I can I please give my my

Lawyer job two weeks notice he said I had to I’m going to guys like I can’t give you two weeks notice Andy said I can’t yeah it’s been fun though yeah that’s great uh it’s when no it just occurred to me when you uh were in

Anaheim or in Germany did you ever run into Jason Marshall was he in Anaheim at the time Jason Marshall yeah I actually Jason Marshall is it the same one that played in Dallas uh no uh the with the Y and Anaheim and then over to Germany yeah I I know the name

Remember um don’t think I ever really cross I fought Grant Marshall yeah oh in the May couple times okay yeah I was just just curious he’s gonna be on the show here in a couple weeks I think as well so I thought oh that’d be a funny

Funny yeah no the remember the name and you know and uh it’s it’s amazing to see you know I watch a just on I don’t really watch a ton of podcasts yeah but some of the you know spit and chicklets I played with Paul Bisset Ryan Whitney

But that was my first bbery with all those guys yeah they were all there all like rookies together yeah so some of their guests Colby Armstrong I mean I me and Colby were roommates our next door neighbors hung out every day you know so

I see a lot you know so a lot of these former guys you you cross PA with and the people they interview too you’re like oh my God I remember having a beer with that guy in Binghamton or right yeah right Jason Marshall is a name I do

Remember though yeah okay it’s small yeah I just ran into him in Fargo a couple years ago we kind of kept in touch after that and he became an architect went to Germany loved the had didn’t take his family had all the off time like the buildings now he’s the

Architect for Frank Garry’s firm so just yeah unreal yeah just small world type of thing so yeah passion after hockey that’s that’s the main thing you know what I mean you see too many that have a void to fill you know and can’t find it so yeah yeah nice really a nice

Dude so well be fun to fun to have him on because he’s uh lots of stories as well oh yeah he’d been around yeah yeah I uh I told him once I saw him play in Edmonton when he was with the Ducks and he was minus five he’s like [ __ ] you I

Remember that game doesn’t remember the game he scored two goals but he remembers the minus five he remembers the the dash five up in Edmonton there yeah so was uh I’m sure that sure that was a fun coaches meeting the next morning so yeah it was uh yeah

Well Edmonton didn’t win a lot in those days so yeah I’m sure it was doubly uh doubly embarrassing so and so um you uh left high school early um went to the USHL what uh so right after law school I worked for the league for a number of years so what uh

Uh Johnson was the coach I imagine PK was still around and um rid’s first Year’s in waterl okay I think Cobra might have been there oh no okay yeah but um Mike castings was in Omaha um Bliss ller remember Bliss Tri City yeah um uh who Dave well who who the heck

Scott and Dave Christian might have been the coach one year in Fargo FMI sharks okay so there was a you know it was it was a it was a different League back then though I’ve went to a game I mean the league was very Minnesota North Dakota yeah

Michigan there were some some Chicago guys Alaska but I mean you watch that League now like watching you hockey there’s guys from Phoenix Florida I mean the game like it or not B’s plan worked in the late 90s it’s it’s proof there right I mean you got Austin Matthews almost at

60 goals this year from Phoenix right I mean you just the game grew in these areas that that put hockey on the radar for some of these kids that probably couldn’t be a NFL running back or a linebacker right or a basketball player but all of a sudden there’s a spot for

Them shooting pucks and they they’ve made they’ve made a pretty dang good career out of it just yeah Taps into a different demographic I uh I think I might have told the story once before but I was in uh Scottsdale a few years ago kind of bored on like a Sunday

Morning went to a 16u game there three colleges and about nine WHL teams watching the game too so in wow just in hanging out in Scottsdale on a Sunday ni nice place to be but I mean just scouting trip you know what I mean yeah

Well I think a lot of the old boys old WHL guys I think had relocated but yeah right guys yeah bubs was there and it was it was uh yeah fun fun to see absolutely no right on nice to yeah nice nice uh I’m not sure if a lot of people

Realize it but certainly ni nice for hockey in in America I would say to have have those uh what do you call it non-traditional markets served served like that on a out of the way to right yep well and and it just uh in the way that some of those

Leagues do it it makes it so convenient where you have these showcase weekends and I meant when I was in linol they they sent I was kind of the assistant coach and but I kind of said hey let me get a you I wanted to learn about the

League and where these players were coming from so I kind of volunteered and they’d send me to Detroit for the weekend Chicago Phoenix Dallas and you go watch eight teams come in and you get to watch hockey from Thursday to Sunday and you get a lot of hockey a lot of

Games and I always that was one down in the south in January where you know I had to someone had to do it could have went could have went on the on the road trip up to Green Bay in January Phoenix there’s a kid yeah I’m gonna take Phenix yeah

Tough one to miss um you see anything nice about baseball for Corey do I want to say anything nice about baseball yeah Cory’s in full baseball mode now baseball yesterday actually so we are we are getting into it it’s that time of year I I literally just came from

Baseball practice that’s why I was two or three minutes late so you know teaching those 12 year olds how to hit off a team back to T did you did you play baseball growing up and a DTD breakout tonight at practice that was uh I almost threw my

Stick into the stands and left but bless their hearts but the hamster was on the treadmill they were just couldn’t they couldn’t stay figure it up it was H it was close Andy Andy I feel like you’re you with your background and the names you’ve dropped already you you’ve got to

Have probably the most unique take on my favorite question which is what is the best chirp you’ve e either said or heard in your time involved in hockey I I actually I could tell you uh I uh two variations of this but it was my first year Pro and we’re playing

Down in Hershey and wilbury and Hershey was a pretty it’s a big game you know they got the Hershey Park rink and Hershey’s been around for a hundred years and I think they rink let’s just say it holds 13,000 half and we’re playing them

And I’m a I’m a week or two into this league and I line up by the bench and their Captain he he heyer hey who the hell think you are you know and I kind of looked over and I was like six check it out you know who are

You go holy [ __ ] guil look at his teeth so and I and I I said tou sh good one good one could afford braces at the time man [Laughter] geez oh so he and then I heard another one kind of about a month or two later wherever we were playing in Norfolk I

Think and and that guy uh what did he say uh it was pretty much like when that with that guy’s teeth it looks like uh when he spits it’s like a garden hose coming out I said are my teeth that bad I told I called my wife I said are they that

Bad am I that ugly and oh yes you are insecurity activated yeah that’s how you know your wife’s a keeper when when you say they my teeth that bad and she’s like yeah yeah there yeah I’m gonna how do I say this yes yeah you’re ugly but I still love you my

Wife says that to me all the time not looks I gave that up how were they in Germany Andy and does anything in German sounds scary regardless you know you know what I actually really enjoyed uh my time over there um um I I uh you know Germany’s a

Good mix because you get a lot of imports yeah but it you know you had your 10 Imports so you kind of fell like home but I really enjoyed the German guys yeah um thought that I thought the culture was cool I I like the towns um

Loved 40 for 50 games instead of 82 yeah um you know but the it is it is intense when you’re sitting there and people are just yelling at you in in a language and you’re just like what you’re dude everything in German is yelling everything it’s it’s even when they’re

Being sweet it’s yelling no so it was uh it was just a different experience and and you know but if you and Kyle I don’t know if you’ve ever been over there but if you guys if anybody hasn’t and has a chance to go to a game it’s a completely

Different atmosphere they’re they’re hanging you know holding their scarves over their head and banging drums and yeah uh pants and it it’s it’s it’s a experience that you don’t get in North America I have not been I took three semesters of German in college because I

Wanted to sleep with a lab instructor uh I got a D and she did not so unsuccessful I jokes for sorry I I promise my wife I wouldn’t embarrass her anymore on broadcast I’m gonna do better J I swear this is GNA be the day that I don’t embarrass you just this particular

Day of year yeah you know fellow friend of the podcast I know fellow friend of the podcast Jason normer said almost the exact same thing about playing over there he said it was great it was different it’s those Red Bull jerseys are amazing when J I played against Ms

In when he was in Wolfsburg and he was over there I mean that guy the puck and the whole crowd started chanting mermer and I actually played with his brother-in-law his sister Jen’s husband Quinn Hancock inone my second year there and he was as nice as Jason super good

Dude and then my that year also Jeff Almer was in Frankfurt and I I liked I knew Jeff but man was he a dick on the ice like he was just he was not like Jason and he was sitting there and I thought we were friends and he comes up and just hacks

Me and and then youate and then he scored I think that year he had about 75 points and maybe like one of the MVPs of the league or all League H he just so R all guys up and get on the play and there’s so much space and he’d just do his

Thing H bless his heart got well don’t don’t let Jay tell you any differently but I’m officially a half an inch taller than him so if he ever asks you Cory is a half an inch KY oh man the um something I I’ve always found interesting with Andy so Andy’s

Son and my son mace do spring hockey together and so my um my husband Matt really wanted will to be on the team and he was like you know Andy he’s like hockey guy and you know you hear Andy’s background and everything like that but the surprising thing was when Matt first

Reached out to Andy Andy was like no I don’t know if we’re going to do this and Matt was like totally blown away because he’s like no there he has to do this I want Andy and he was like and I’m not taking no for an answer and I want him

On the bench he’s like because he’s really going to be great for these kids so I always kind of wanted to ask Amy um because just so you know Andy that probably made Matt love you more because the first year of Junior super jet when

Matt was reached out he was like no we don’t do spring hockey we’re not doing it we’re not into it so I always kind of wanted to ask you with you know all the hockey that you have in your life and your background what was kind of what

Motivated that like what what what was your hangup my thought on it last year you know when Matt did reach out was um hockey and I and I’m trying to think of the right way to say this but in our town it’s a it’s a saturated thing right

I mean it’s it it in a good way it consumes a lot of time effort and I know people and have played with people that when they were kids my dad played you know C he played at Central football basketball track right never been on Ice in his life played college football at

UND Captain North dakot football team and he you know he just made my brother and I when there was a time for hockey and a time to not play hockey right and he just always told me when we were little if you’re if you really want to do it

Okay but I don’t want you to hate it when you’re 18 years old because that’s all you’ve done since you were eight years old you know seven years old or picking age right so it’s just and you see guys that were awesome when we were you know all the

Way to high school or Juniors even and you could see at Junior even College they were just like I’m over it I’m you know at some point it’s a kids game and we all try to play it as long as we can but at some point you’re either your body

Opportunities or just your yourself don’t want to do it anymore and and at the Youth Level whoever’s Wayne Gretzky at squirts is probably not way by the time they in bantams you know what I mean and and most of the kids that are really good now are the best athletes well as

Puberty and bodies grow for these kids right I mean there it’s going to go like this right and I just don’t want I just wanted will to maybe have an opportunity to play golf play tennis play baseball soccer and but he really wanted to do it

And and it’s been good but I mean after spring season we we put the bag away until September pretty much end of August and he did everything else Under the Sun and and it is fun I mean just h i I just was Uber cautious right and

Then I love working like that’s my my favorite thing is to work with the kids I mean because it’s a fun group um at this age at 8 n 10 11 they listen to every word you say too right I mean and they they think you know they’re they’re

A sponge and and they might not understand it but they’re they’re at least listening and and to see where they’ll be now to three years down the line if you started at a at a certain age of just some simple drills but you know the the kind of the backbone of what hockey

Smart plays and then you know just it’s fun to see the development so right no and I love to ask because I just I think that’s a really healthy attitude and it’s you don’t see it a lot um but also because you know it this is coming from

Someone who gave a lot of their life to hockey um so I don’t I just I I like to to bring in that as well just because I I’m with you it’s it’s hard sometimes because we’re the same way where like I said Matt initially wanted no spring

Hockey and then he gave to that and but we also when spring hockey done hockey bags go away and we don’t you know it’s it’s late time it’s golf time it’s it’s all things that but we just need a break from hockey so that when you go back in

The fall you’re excited to get back out on the ice but so I just I think it’s a good thing because there’s especially in this community there’s that feeling of like you got to run to beat the devil on this you know like if my kid’s not in every developmental Camp you know

They’re falling behind and then I’ll even start questioning myself where everybody will be like oh is jet doing this camp and I’m like no but maybe he should be or you know so it’s everybody starts out with like the healthiest of intentions but it’s hard so I just I I

Think it’s a good perspective especially from somebody who knows a lot about hockey um so I I think it’s a good thing but I we’re also very glad to have you and I I think that Matt says that you are very very good with the kids so we’re um we’re not

Going to allow you to be healthy you’re going to join the cult okay no and and I would say the same thing though you know if Corey asked me if my kid was into the baseball or track or pick a for or or you know trumpet it’s like you

Gotta take every now and again right just regroup do something different you know just and and and that and that’s one guy’s opinion right not everyone’s Journey right and uh but I think it’s okay to talk about that opinion because I think that there are people who

Maybe feel that way but then feel like oh well I guess I’m the only one who feels like that because of what you know you see like I said I mean hockey goes 12 months a year in Grand Forks you know I mean they’re if you want your kids

Skating that that often you have the opportunity for them to do so so I think it’s okay to actually even talk about that so that if there are parents who do feel like man yeah maybe I should let them take the summoning and and not feel like they’re they’re falling behind you

Know I mean it’s okay to hear that side too yep and I think if you talk to any trainer strength coach whoever your body can morph into a hockey player body at a young age and not and it will have multiple problems at at at a certain age whether they’re eight 17

18 we have notoriously tight hamstrings bad hips you know what I mean it just hernia problems like it’s just these are all things that if you’re not athletic you know and you just concentrate on one thing if you do biceps every day you’re G have the biggest biceps in the league right I

Mean you gota other things there are orthopedic surgeons in the Twin Cities getting rich just on from these goofed up right like he’s just 14 Matt’s brother has already had hip replacement surgery from being a goalie from that many years he’s not that old

You know I mean I think he had it before he was 40 his first hip replacement yeah not very typical but when you’re a goalie you just destroy your hips yeah correct so I mean and that that’s like a that’s a you know that’s a long answer

To my question it was just more I didn’t know if we were ready and at a certain age some of these kids emotionally aren’t ready right you know and that was my a big fear like uh losing is tough sometimes and they don’t know how to lose you know

What I mean where it’s the world ended and it’s Pierce and it’s crying and and that’s that’s tough you know what I mean like to try to explain that to a seven eight NY old you know that’s hey dude the Oilers aren’t here watching you’re good I know I still have

To tell jet jet I’ll say to him after game when he’s distraught and I’ll say you know though like did the world end or did it just keep going even though we lost that hockey game you know like I just have to bring that perspective because in his

Little 12-year-old mind you know the Stanley Cup was lost so I’m like it wasn’t so good news is sunrises again I mean two things that are impact one what you said Andy is uh I’ve done biceps every day of my life and I still have not developed biceps but two and

More importantly circling back to what you said earlier on you know you mentioned that you’ve met some players who didn’t fill that after hockey void and it’s maybe been impactful in their own lives so maybe not the approach you have to your own child of there’s more

Out there if this is what you love enjoy it but let’s let’s do some other things let’s enjoy some other stuff that’s out there that’s that’s a good aspect to hear from players with your background as far as you got and you quite frankly I’ve heard that repeatedly from guys um

I’m not a hockey player but guys who reach that level in sports have said one there’s other things out there and two you have to you have to know what’s next you have to have and so that’s trying to just be a well-rounded individual you got to have a passion or

Hobbies and and what else do you like and and then you know when these guys get to a certain level pro hockey Jason Marshall has free time right I mean you start to find you know hey how do I fill the void from I leave the rink at noon on a practice

Day till 9:00 am. the next day you some guys find bad Hobbies bad habits or you know some guys were you know like they doing online school and trying to figure out I I guess it was just it was best uh the best way it was always said and it was

Um you know remember the movie Moneyball see a few times it’s a kids game when he’s when they’re scouting him you know it’s a kids game and we’re all gonna be told no sometimes so you got to start you know being started realizing what can I

Do after my career is done right and we’re all going to be told no though sometime you can’t play and for some guys it’s 18 and some it’s 40 so you had yet Money Ball Andy you just pulled me right in did we just become best

Friends you want to do karate in the garage well and the answer to that question is what a guys do after practice if you’re Matt Morin of the fville fire an circuit 2006 is rock band is what you do from the hours of noon till the we hours of the morning man was

A lot of rock band played by those fville fire ANS um he had uh he had Nichol Nick hair he could pull that off right he plays a mean drums um to uh Bon job’s Wanted Dead or Alive not real drums but synthetic rock band drums you’ll you will not meet anyone more

Talented so you should know that about Matt if you don’t know that about yeah did they yeah okay all right you opportunity check out Matt Morin’s Elite Prospect page you probably should do that dreamy dreamy uh maybe we is it time for a house band and should that house band be

Matt on rock band we just need to get on eBay get a hold of a full rock band set because I do believe it’s not sold in stores anymore and yes you the you can get the band back together you got Dr because that was his

Role actually has a full set still so I all I have to do is make a phone call make that phone call all right I yeah I can only play on beginner but I bring I mean that’s all I can bring to the table but Matt can actually he’s

Actually good at little rusty because like I said this is uh this is pre kid days when you could do things like play rock band from the time you wake up till the time you go to bed but I think he could I think he could still you know

There’s got to be some sort of muscle memory for that so I would agree yeah and and tying this all back again like watching the state championship again not a hockey guy but you know the watching both teams play I don’t think one I don’t want I don’t

Really want to say one team outplayed the other but it safe to say that Matt Morin got out coached well it would appear so you know I mean that’s that’s yeah I’m gonna P I’m gonna pay for that joke I’m gonna really pay for that joke he didn’t text that dear Corey

I heard what you freaking said that Red River team this year was fun to watch and frustrating to watch their emo every game was to be down two and they either or or not you know what I mean and put themselves just and uh I remember we were watching it uh because

I was our Icebreaker weekend and um so we didn’t go down to Fargo we were we just stayed in town because of the early games and kids were tired and but I remember watching that that Saturday night going man they better you know red might have to make some adjustments and

I didn’t think I I kind of thought Central was going to close the door on him I mean just the way wasburn had played this year and you know it was just I thought he might you know and he played really well and and the way the

Went at the EDC championship I was kind of like it’s you know red they they you know if they can’t get ahead Central’s just going to Zone up and keep them to the outside and their goalie was good and then just you know but that’s that’s

High school sports right I mean it all takes his one all of a sudden a droopy head you know and and ready over gets another one and all Mr momentum just changed and and it just was you know but like I said they could have played 10 times

And I think it would go five and five I agree what and you’re so right with the momentum because even like high school games you can feel that like when that momentum shifts um it’s hard to turn that tide back around it really is like and I think it in particular in those

Tournament games because they’re they’re intense and um you’re getting more crowd reaction and you know like it it really does you feel the momentum and when one team sweeps away with it it’s it can be hard to turn it back so hard get back yeah two even

Teams and and get out of there and but uh you know and and that rank is the perfect Junior Hockey High School hockey rink too it is I mean intimate crowds on top you you know a lot of people were there and it’s it’s

Um you know and the kids knew all on the line right so it’s uh it’s just a lot of things a lot of emotions going through 16 to 18 year old boys you know and you just it’s fun hockey to watch because there could be a change any

Shift you know something something can always happen in a high school hockey game where what are the things um oh I’m sorry oh no go ahead um speaking of high school hockey tournament says that the um the Minnesota state tournament and one of the Hot Topics other than you

Know some of the upsets and whatnot were the uh the full ice sellies into the student section seems uh I understand it’s fun fun to be there just want to get your uh everyone’s thoughts on that um I can start I mean hey you make you make to the Minnesota State High School

Hockey tournament have at right I mean it’s a really hard tournament to just even get to I mean especially in that da division when you’re coming out of the metro area I mean there’s four teams in each division down there each section that probably could make that tournament right

So have at her it’s fun it’s it’s fun for the game you know the the hockey hair thing is kind of cute and you know they make it’s it’s a tradition now but uh man if I was coaching against the team that and the kid did the which is

Now I’ve seen it about three highlights the selfie stick s yeah they did the other night I saw that you know what I mean so that kind of went you know but like man the next shift against that kid would have been and I don’t care how in the not from behind

But it a chop across the wrists or you know just something to set the send the message of that’s Bush Le but I get it it’s and I think to a certain extent the North Dakota High School game too like every Big hit’s got to be a penalty too

So there’s no no real path to retribution sometimes too right yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s um you can’t you can’t take a run out a guy anymore and you just got to find other ways to get under their skin and uh and hate to say payback because

That’s not what it’s about you know I it’s more just a a rub rub them out or put it on the scoreboard right and put it right back you got to do something to kind of light a fire right as uh as a quick followup what would be your favorite

Clandestine way to get back at a guy you know what I I was a kind of a jerk back in juniors it was Pros I kind of stopped doing it a little bit just because um there was some muscle on the other teams that I didn’t

Want but there was guys that that paid job but uh my favorite one was uh just like if it was in a face off in our Zone and I’d be like over by the wall you know going under that that hashmark and the Winger and just skating up to him

And whack right on top of the toes right on the LA yeah and they look you know and I’d be like what what are you gonna do you know you know and I I didn’t wasn’t worried in juniors College obviously fighting thing wasn’t probably gonna happen but then uh yeah I remember uh

Some of my first shifts um my first month you might remember the name David coochi oh yeah that was my D partner my first so so you know what lines we were out there against yeah and I remember staring at some of these guys going Jesus Christ you’re

65 train to do like and I just prayed that he didn’t do something dumb after every uh I having to take on a couple kids out of my you know I was a bigger guy but I had they were out of my weight class and you

Know oh my God punching up at six seven guys is yeah as they’re just feeding me inside inside the arm so they just trying to bury my face in their chest and just go down but yeah it’s character builder right right yeah it’s uh it’s you know it’s

Funny the uh you get a lot of um you know if you read the hockey news or look on Twitter everybody’s trying to get hockey or fighting out of the game and then was at a UND game two or three weeks scho these are like you know our

Our younger boys age seven eight nine year olds and the second there’s even a whiff of a fight these kids are jumping out of their seats fight fight fight you know like we’re sitting beside um another guest of the show um Jess gowen’s boy too and he’s going bananas

Thinking there’s going to be a fight you know just a sweet little kid but he’s he’s ready for for the Tilt so it’s uh tough tough human nature yeah fighting fighting is uh it’s will always bring fans out of their seats right I mean like it or hate it you know

It’s I could go down a another topic you know my old roommate actually my first year roommate Dan Carcillo you probably remember his name yeah I lived with him and he’s going through you know he’s pretty advocate of treatment now of but I mean uh you know that kid you know all

Those guys they didn’t want to do it right but but they but they also wanted to do it right you know like there was a rush to it that they loved but then they just were you know they’d stay awake at night the night before holy crap I got

You know Dennis bony coming to town or this guy coming to town this guy you know that’s a deep track there right deep track yeah so you know so these guys you know but then they’d do it and they’d be like that was the biggest rush

In my life you know but now we you know 20 15 years later you kind of see some of the you know the demons that those guys had to on um when I was like kid speak speaking of fights very very briefly uh I grew up

In Canada and so the uh the newspaper would print the roster transactions like who’s called up who sent down I remember just I seeing the day when Dennis bonve got called up to the Oilers and I was like oh yeah it’s yeah there’s a lot of YouTube videos of him and the Oilers

Yeah not not doing much other than fighting but yeah he actually played in and he was an actual actually one of the best guys that probably could have been on our team and just like a welcome to the Pro Hockey lifestyle I mean had wife and kids and he kind of was

A father figure you know he’ be you’re coming over wife’s making dinner tonight you know kids are EXC it was just you know a way to keep a 24 you know 23 four five year old guys from doing you know going to the dinner at

The local bar you know like that we did about you know what I mean it was just uh go eat a homecook meal instead of eating out and and then he just uh he was kind of he he was a he was a kind of a mentor our first

Year still bounc some stuff off from time to time we text every now and again oh good deal oh no kidding okay well humble break right yeah well tell him he kept young Kyle entertained reading the newspaper so well Kyle part of the problem with these seven eight nine year old kids is

That they have never been five n and a half and line squared up against a guy 6’4 fighting Isn’t So Exciting then yeah I say often about my kids that one of their biggest problems is no one kicks their ass often enough honest to God I

Think that it would be just kind of beneficial for them just a little perspective because man do they think they’re tough and I just I’m I’m I’m the adult there’s a little bit of you know an outmatching strength but damn it you know if someone could just kick their

Ass for me that’s their own age it would just it might make them easier to live with you know nice voice Kelly yeah well I mean not in the morning they’re [Laughter] not what what you need is is a uh a kid your child who hits puberty early then

He gets to Phantoms and he stays 5’8 and everyone else gets to be six foot and I’m like maybe you don’t want to hit people as much anymore you’re not very big anymore big guy perhaps maybe you have different strengths yeah you may need to learn to carry the puck more

Often become more well-rounded yeah yeah not talking about anyone in particular I swear justy I love it one of the other things I I learned recently is uh anybody watched was was it last weekend when the wild played Nashville and they pulled uh yep did anyone know that rule before that game came

Up didn’t know the rule just never thought i’ you know what I mean like yeah uh and this is this is dating myself a little bit I saw Roger neelon do it with the Canucks a couple times like in the in the mid 80s just when he would just pull out

Hey I’m gonna I’m G to pull the goalie at the end of the second weird stuff like that but yeah used to be was it five on five back then though in overtime yes yeah three on three is an aggressive aggressive pull right yeah there’s just so much ice I could

See a five on five over time but yeah you know no no idea that that was on the book so it’s one of the had to be one of the more obscure rules obscure yep no saw it on the when I was watching that yeah yes M and if if if

Uh if you didn’t see if if you if you pull that maneuver and get scored you you lose the you lose the NHL loser Point uh which is I guess you have to put Minnesota’s Kryptonite in life is not ever being bad enough just be bad

Just a little bit bad right we’re gonna draft spot in every single Minnesota sports team mediocrity is their name just be bad that’s one of my favorites I I I literally was in Florida watching the twins in spring training and the twins in their home field were

Playing against the Blue Jays the Blue Jays were split squatted meaning they had their B teamers there and the twin starters lost to the to the uh AAA doublea Blue Jays five to2 and it was horrible and what made it worse is Almer was there a huge blue jays fan and every

Time they’d score he’d just look up at me and be like are you enjoying the game no no I’m not enjoying the game no I uh I wore my expose hat all around Florida and every fraking kuc wa wanted to come over and talk to me I’m

Like non and two I don’t want to talk to you anyways yeah I’m from imagin E Ontario and East yep got him off no thank you no none no yeah uh I think that might have been one of the first jokes I told to Kelly which was boner dude and then she

Laughed I’m like let’s be friends again did we just become best friends no so I do have something to thank French for but not not much not a lot yeah hey Kyle uh who’s the since we’ve had two ref riders in a row who’s the next ref Rider we’re gonna have on just

Curious suggestions Andy yeah the Rough Rider torch scarp scarp right behind me y yep um you know there’s a couple out there that uh that probably could bring some substance to the podcast you know um they’ve had a long run Central guest on here and I don’t care for it at all

No gotta get some Rockets just to mix it up um if you were trying to maybe as the summer approaches uh he might be able to add some fishing knowledge Mark Bry Mr Hockey talk talk hockey got a youth yeah and uh get you the fishing report from Devil’s Lake

That would that would be good uh Deuce another uh Mr Hockey UND Red River covers a lot of ground you know what I mean yep dece would be good you know uh maybe even coach Todd Schaefer un golf Y Man former Rough Rider as well yeah uh manans and you

Know what Andy’s a real Conflict for me because this is a red river guy and he’s so godamn likable and I just don’t want I’m I’m having none of that because it’s uh like I said you know it this this is a rivalry okay it’s it’s not it’s not

For the faint of heart and you have to be committed to the Rivalry so it um we we we’ve hit our limit of Red River guests you’ll notice she never calls me likable right yeah likeable because Jess is lovely obviously you know there’s a reason they call her my better house

Hon uh I had a request to do a live show and I thought maybe John Hol would host it at the Frog so be a Red River establishment John and I played Red River football together yeah he uh he’s been on the show as well and likes to

Send photos of him in his Red River gear so yep he bleeds red yeah he gets get manasa on he’s a Red River guest plus football I’m just tying it all together that’s fine right we’ll see you guys there and I’m bringing all the beas every single one of them

Okay that’s fine I I only like three of the four beas I will I’ll find every single one of them and I will bring them okay and then you guys will and you know what and I’m bringing the maros too I’m gonna bring them as well

So and some perers yeah it’s gonna get weird all right was my and he so he bleeds red now that’s true I know to see that always pissed my dad off for years he was like freaking Gary can you believe that jump yeah I think I have a whole

Rle of Red River people behind me because Todd Benson said he’d come on as well and then because I’d like to ask him um you know um BJ hangs B and Andy I do yeah so he coached with our might TW this year 100% yeah so he said

Todd was his like bantom coach in east side and was bringing them home from a game like in Roso and was like they got mad at the kids halfway there just stopped the bus and made him run run out in the field as far as they could go and

Then run back in so I want to ask that’s true or not you know or what yeah yeah right it burn some energy off boys I guess yeah said uh in those days they would just give him a school bus and the coach would drive the school

Bus I’m like this sounds there’s got to be a couple stories there so sure yeah so yeah well that seems like a lot of Red River guests to me we were we raised tough on that s end that’s what I hear yeah pry thing down here oh yeah the Mean Street to the

South End I bet it was pretty rough over there all five9 and a half of us Kelly on that note I’m bringing the lamb too now you guys really did it okay now you’re in trouble okay tell you tell beina and Marto what end of the city they live on now we

Don’t talk about that Corey okay all right that’s that’s their that’s their secret shame Bill this almost sounds like a rumble should we invite some Manville people just to referee or this just going to be yeah because they’re they’re central people all right so you you say

The word I’ll have the whole stste family here okay it’s uh get them in here get the mville kids in here need the walking bruises out of this man we love the mandando kids they’re always they they always bring a little little something to Central and I love it I

Always get excited when there’s a mandville kid on the tea because uh they they they’re awesome people Manville is a good town so rebuttal and if you could choose for examp if you could choose red rivers Manville what town any town you want in North Dakota what would it

Be red rivers Manville yeah if you wanted a counterpart yeah we’ll just take Thompson oh does Red River get many Thompson kids because I mean there’s no there’s no hockey team in Thompson there’s but uh shockingly I never played hockey with any kid from Thompson and

Now it’s good to see you know just at the might level I’m sure there’s more yeah but oh we got uh Max and tweeton yeah you know great I was gonna say violet boys great hockey players yeah good little player sag I love it yeah we had three kids from Thompson and they’re

Finally you know fantastic a athletes from that town whether it’s in baseball football basketball right I mean it’s a but for some reason I always thought that was so weird none of those kids ever played hockey when we were growing up I’m glad to see it gets more uh like

That it’s getting more popular there because you’re right like what I was trying to think back to even like when I was in high school and I just don’t think there were many kids from Thompson so it’s it’s a good change it’s wonderful to see but like you said I

Remember that baseball was always really good there that was that was always big but I’m loving to see the the Thompson kids coming with oh for hockey it’s wonderful yep yep just grow on the game BR Forks intended right get Thompson kids playing hockey the 10 north and south of us

Right right well the mandle kids are so lucky because they have the Jason’s dad said Arena you know so they they have that as well which is really really awesome and like I said I mean Mandel their hockey program um they every every year that there’s a central a a mano kid

On Central they’re always someone that you notice because they skate a lot so it’s you you love it absolutely we’ll accept Thompson kids on our hockey keam but if we’re talking about football or baseball Thomson get suck it yeah because again that’s rivalries Corey all right have to yeah everything

In your reasonable mind doesn’t want to agree with it but damn it that’s why they’re fun when they’re nine Thompson’s recruting baseball players come to Thompson job Kyle’s a former Thompson resident yeah yeah so I can go D it’s like two sh two calories short of East Grand Forks not quite enough yeah

Not quite I love it um what other questions you guys have for Andy why do we stay up so late tonight that’s P it’s about an hour and a half past my bedtime but somebody had baseball practice that’s the answer to that question H who’s going to teach 12y olds

To lean into an O2 pitch so they get hit so they can get a an easy base instead of striking out if I’m not coaching just the guy that is a toon Thompson I coach 9u baseball and listen to the coach yell at the kids but just

Lean over the plate and get hit just let it hit you I looked at Joe meet him I’m like is this is this happening right now he’s like I love that oh need to move Cory ouch ouch Kyle it’s like a knife just just keep TST just T

It I think you look good in green that’s why I said it you know I thought my wife didn’t like me and now you’re just as bad oh no I’m just uh equal opportunity just trying to make everybody feel included um well Andy really can’t thank

You enough for coming on the show really appreciate all the stories uh obviously come back on anytime you can you can be the official Red River guest concierge if you like love it yeah to Toasted Frog I should just announce it now so now now John’s

More or less locked in when we when we finally do a live show you’ll have to set up a phone as well we can take calls absolutely which will turn into a [ __ ] show but that’s sort of what what we want it’s what we’re going for as Corey

Likes to say we’re the 154th most popular show on Apple podcast 169 nowhere to go but up yeah uh Corey for for a final shot can you ask I think you know the question I need Andy to answer Kelly knows the right answer I know the right answer you do

Not let’s hear what Andy has to say you may have to help me with this one because it’s like 10 o’ question okay pronouncing a certain Province if it’s a province in Canada that starts with an S how do you pronounce it gapper I’ll allow

It I think that’s how they say it don’t they one more time Andy the scon a lot of syllables which Corey likes but yeah we’re it’s that’s how you know he lives in the Ruff Rider dis that’s right actually maybe I uh I with uh I know a couple

Former saskat riff Riders so we could we could mix it up a little bit you know good guys yeah eight plus couple fullbacks so we’ll try those dudes out I want you to know that when we go to Winnipeg this year I’m going to literally sit out a table that just says pronounce

Aewan and I’m just going to sit there with my little coffee cup says prounce thean jokes on you they’re from Manitoba they can’t read anyways so you could read this card for me does it rhyme with fun does uh all right let’s send Andy to bed Andy thanks again uh really appreciate

It we’ll uh I got to work my way through all the might too funny guys now so we right a lot of uh deep pool there so we’ll get some more appreciate the time and uh we enjoy that a lot thank you so much thank you guys thanks thanks Andy good night guys


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