Golf Players

Adam Scott Driver 2024 Slow Motion Swing Analysis Driver

Adam Scott Driver 2024 Slow Motion Swing Analysis

Adam Scott Slow Motion Swing Analysis Driver

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About Ross Eves Golf

Ross Eves Golf is all about improving your golf. From golf fitness, to golf biomechanics to beginner’s golf tips!

So, what’s my background?

Well, as most professional golfers my dream was to play professionally. However, that dream was a little lofty for someone with my talent. So, I decided to take a different route. This route was to investigate the science behind getting better, specially how to hit the ball further! After all, who doesn’t want to hit the ball further.

This desire to learn how to increase swing speed lead me to investigate the body in terms of golf fitness and golf biomechanics. This interest in golf fitness lead me to complete TPI Level 1 and 2; become a qualified massage therapist and then extend that knowledge by completing a Masters degree.

During my Masters, I focused my research solely on increasing club head speed through golf fitness interventions. This line of scientific enquiry provided me with first evidence and golf fitness routines which would increase swing speed and hence increase club head speed. Personally, I found this research to be extremely helpful, and I increased club head speed by 15mph (from 100mph to 115mph) within 1 year.

After this I have turned my attention to the biomechanics of the golf swing. This combination of golf biomechanics and golf fitness knowledge allows me to provide coaching to all levels to help increase club head speed.

Adam Scott he’s got one of the best swings in the game of golf if not ever it’s such a stylish action he’s got beautiful Tempo beautiful Rhythm and I could watch this swing all day so let’s have a look at Adam swing from 20124 see what he’s doing see what makes

It such a great action so the F fundamental of Adam is how much he works on this setup you’ll see from down the line and face on is just look how beautiful that settled position is Adam really works on this and we’ll look at some of the keys that Adam works on so

We’ll look from face on first you’ll see Adam has I’d say probably a slightly strong grip in that left hand nothing overly strong though it’s a lot weaker than when he first started on tour when he was more wrapped over with that left hand but I just love that setup position

He’s got a nice bit of tilt in his spine and he’s got a subtle amount of foot flare which enable him to work really nicely around those hips just a lovely position from face on you’ll notice this is very subtle but I actually think that

That’s a little bit too far back in his stance for Adam it might be the camera angle but I would like to see that ball position a little more up which will help him hit up on the ball and be a little bit more efficient with the

Driver again he might just be trying to hit a certain shot here but it could be it has sneaked a a little far back so let’s have a look from down the line Adam works a lot on this position of getting a nice neutral spine Adam can be

A little bit too upright and Bol upright at a dress and also he can be a little bit too flat in his pelvis tilt so he’s done a great job there of his posture he’s got that nice tilt in his pelvis nice knee Bend nice neutral spine he

Works on this and his alignment religiously more than anything else in his swing from what I’ve heard that and Tempo the other thing we’ll notice with Adam is if we zoom in and look at where the ball is situated on that driver head you’ll notice it is towards the heel

That’s primarily because of how he works in takeaway which we’ll talk a little bit about now is we’ll watch this head movement if you look watch how that head starts to move back off this line can you see that there it’s a subtle amount but that movement with his body back

Away from the ball just mean that he addresses it in the heel because it’s almost like a little bit of a matchup because he’s moving away then effectively that sweet spot is now further away from him so that’s why he does address it a little bit in the heel

Just to match that body move up if he didn’t he’d probably just miss miss the uh center of the club face a lot more so he does that as a little matchup so we’ll talk a little bit more about those positions now so you’ll see from Adam

He’s very tiger in 2000 I will draw a little Alleyway with the hands and watch how those hands work more out and in front of him you can see how they’re working more towards this line here you see that rather than in a straight line

Back now that creates a lot of width and just enable him to keep his hands more in front of him both in the back swing and in the down swing so if we look from face on we’ll see a subtle move in those hips towards his right leg can you see

See that s of bump a little bump you’ll see how the head moves subtly to the right foot that’s just really loading him in the back swing and you’ll see if I get rid of those lines don’t want to make it too messy is look at that

Position there I just love that nice wide action subtle amount of right armband that club head is in front of his hands we’ve got that shaft pointing almost towards his chest and that club head is nicely matching the spine angle and I love that little bump to the right

Hand side we can see here again that just loads him into that trail leg you’ll notice as well if I take him a little bit further back you’ll start to see those wrists start to set you can really see it from face on how we started to set those wrists and that

Elbow is starting to bend a little bit more he’s got one of the best right arm movements in the game Adam so we’ll be take him a couple more frames back you’ll see how that right elbow starts to bend I’ll get rid of that line you

See how he starts to set those wrists that if we to put a teg in the butt of the club there you can see how it points down a lot of guys don’t have a lot of wrist set in the clubs more at this angle just a lovely position with a

Little bit of right arm Bend you’ll also see he’s had that little bump initially and then what happens after he bumps he doesn’t start going further what happens is he bumps and then that right pocket starts to work back can you see that so he bumps and then the right pocket

Starts to R rotate back very very powerful move you’ll see this on the down the line watch how he’s had that bump now and then that right pocket starts to move back just a lovely lovely position there those hands nicely in the middle of his chest that but of the club

Pretty much pointing at the ball just text book that right arm position is absolutely phenomenal and then if we take him a few more frames back you’ll see he’s almost just keeping that wrist set and just rotating the body look at that in the top of the back swing not a

Huge amount of hip turn load of rib cage rotation or thorax rotation and look how high those hands are love that position we’ll takeing back here and look at that just a beautiful right arm position here you can see how it’s almost at a right angle that left arm it’s just slightly

Higher than in his shoulder playe and then that LE wrist or the left wrist is nicely flat matching everything you can just about if I zoom in see that club face a little bit stronger than his arm line so it’s a little bit strong but

Adam hits a draw so it’s a great way of helping him hit that draw he was when he first came out on his career a little bit more shock with that club face but just a beautiful beautiful position from Adam there so let’s zoom out and let’s

Look at this transition move so Adam doesn’t rotate really early like a lot of guys like Rory what Adam does he’s got more of a bump down and towards the left so watch how these hips will start to move down down and towards the left you see

That down and towards the left there so he’s not overly rotating it’s more of a bump and it’s a great way to shallow the club out so we’ll look from down the line you can see that just SLE bump there there we go just a bump and you’ll

See he’s not his chest is still pointing away from the target his belt buckle still closed it’s just a great way like I said of shallowing that club head where a lot of guys are more concentrated on really rotating those hips initially Adam just has that s of

Little slide to the left and then drops his hands which will talk a little bit about now so as he drops those hips down and towards the left you’ll see how those hands just nicely drop into that position he’s maintaining the lag

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