Golf Players

Golf Fails | 2024 Hero Indian Open

Proof that DLF Golf & Country Club, the host of the Hero Indian Open, is a hard course.


The DP World Tour makes its way from Singapore to India this week for the Hero Indian Open at DLF Golf and Country Club. Rasmus Højgaard will be in the field for his debut in the event. He’s started the season strong with four top-12’s in five events including a 2T at the Ras Al Khaimah Championship. He’ll be looking to continue this good form and claim his fifth DP World Tour title. Yannik Paul will also be teeing it up in India. He finished runner-up in India on his tournament debut last year and came within a whisker of earning a second DP World Tour title. He has also enjoyed a strong start to the season, with a T8 result at the Dubai Invitational and T4 finish at the Ras Al Khaimah Championship. Also in the field this week is three-time DP World Tour winner and Ryder Cup Vice Captain Nicolas Colsaerts. Others to look out for are Simon Forsström, Jordan Smith and Ewen Ferguson.


Going for dear life and oh my goodness was that just the first attempt we just seen a little whiff straight under the ball there from Top Clemens I think it is it’s a little r smile but this is so fast down this green he’s tried to be super cute with it gone

Straight underneath it second attempt here we go oh no now hold on there’s a little Ridge there stay stay look how thick that stuff is he’s having a few pring the clubs just sticking in there yeah that next one wasn’t going to be short was it no definitely not here

We go on the dang slop your head looks up thinks did I make contact I hope I did couldn’t do it if you try could you oh horrible feeling though Mak you feel sick now for Bogi off the left then this is quite something from Sebastian Soderberg he has just made six

Straight birdies to lie six under through seven holes I don’t think he likes this one at eight oh dear you’re not supposed to do that Sebastian we giving you the big build up well yeah of all the Hol you’d expect to bur this one wouldn’t you the eighth

Half five so he’s had to drop it back here Soderberg could have gone back to the T if he wanted to but little bit nearer still two shots from here gets a bounce might be able to reach them there got a choice anyway to make so trouble can hit

You at any stage on this golf course it’s an amazing Golf Course big one isn’t it gu is five wood look like a good line though oh it was a good line he’s in the water again so chance get up down for his seven double bogey he’s done the same as met

Southgate must be very grabby the grass there oh what a game Soderberg back at the oh yes back at the eighth this is now his seventh shot o so that’s going to be for an eight to drop three shots after that really Splendid run of six bird is on the

Spin rather takes the wind out your sail that one yeah however he has to remind himself that he had probably taken three under for nine holes or at least after eight holes at the start of the round I know that’s scame constellation to his mind at this point

But so the Run of six strike birdies is followed by a triple bogey at the par five8 and Soderberg tumbles all the way back to three under what an muli wood chippings here through the Fairway he’s found it he’s aiming well left he’s going to have to

Bend this about 40 yards in the air my goodness that started so far left I mean that’s it’s never to be seen again that’s sure no that was that was a 100 jars left of where he needed to go I can’t believe he even took that on no I can’t either I

Have to agree with you there John and you’re there down on the ground yeah that was a silly move there from darus I just wonder how the being hotten to the collar is just may make a bit of a rash decision there I think he went for a feathery four and

He’s leaked it as he there is no future there aim in a good 50 ft just left of this pin well they got it surrounded if you done if he wants that gives himself a nice simple P he wants to keep it a little bit shy this flag give himself a straight up

Pillar yeah well played that’s what he’s done nice up pillar for his just to drop one shot got to get pretty steep on this one pitch it show you the green aiming well left of the flag this is going to campage massively from left to right that was a horrid

Li do well to make a th now to the left he’s going to slingshot it off now he’s got a club face well open as well it’s a pretty good shot but he’s got that for his bogy long gas it’s all good news for neima isn’t it all these shots being played around

Him someone’s Misfortune always looks good for somebody else this for boby good up and down that wasn’t it from the penalty area drop zone and gask to just drop one here he’s pushed it two gone back to 13 under It’s A Tail of Two NS he was added 32 four

Under going to be three over for this night look here at the eighth hole Matthew Southgate starting that one well left trying to cut it in I think yeah all sit sit sit it’s okay you’re all right there matth on the eighth this is his third shot he’s that’s the weakness of his

Game South Gate the chipping even out the ra there that just at the eighth fourth shot oh dear well he’s getting closer Rich he is yeah it’s a horrid feeling when you just have a couple there just coming off a a drop shot at the last as

Well just has his tendency to take the hands back before the club he’s done it all his life and it just well Southgate for bogy was only 10 yards away in two well done Oh really getting through that one need in the height going in with a 4arm second shot here and that is miles out in the water for a man who hits it pretty straight T green pretty Flawless normally 14th 466 yards this the t is 69 yds up that’s miles

Left that is can I have another Ball please KY point terms of time travel is this his first ball must be didn’t come out did it rich no it’s got into one of these whispy little bushes three pars he’s had today eight birdies and eight on the fifth drop on

The 10 you’re not going to be making bar here Richard you w’t not from here you’re very much staring a double bogey in the face now hearing that they found his first ball couldn’t do anything besides get it right here round about 200 yd to the hole

Oh no left left left out of bounds down there well it it bounced out of the trees it took a long time to come down but it did come down in well he’s a lucky man in that case y SL he sometimes go left hand low but he’s not pulling the Matthew Fitzpatrick

Here going to land it on a down slope needs to land this just over the front edge it’ll release out asking it to sit down by the way apologies if microphone picked up a a bit of bad language from Yos clearly frustrated with his approach shot that’s

Getting a little bit better so he’ll have that for a bogey five big old part for Yos l in the hip to limit the damage to just one drop shot at the 14th no two gone need to be delighted if he’d made a five there never saw any of the Fairway really just

The left hand side of the course all the way down that hole Yeah three shots gone in the last two holes I’m afraid L all the way back to 10 underpar wind has died down a little bit for long gas oh no oh no dread turn the club face over

Always good flies a little bit further when you turn it over and that unfortunately is in the water 167 to the pin here at this island green the fifth oh doesn’t doesn’t like that oh dear me that’s horrendous 39 yd closer 168 ball sitting down he doesn’t have

The lie that long gas had well slightly above his feet not a lot but look for this one to be 20 ft to the right it’s a very deep green but it’s not very wide and you don’t want to miss it left that bunker is wicked over there

No water but finding uh the bunker for Gavin Green deep bunker green is pretty tall it’s right at head level for him not much green to work with past the hole it goes away from him this has 15 ft pest hole written all over it

Yeah tried to be just a little too cute with that one now he’s going to do well to drop just one shot another a straightforward shot I did not get a look at the lie but based on his body language he doesn’t really like it yeah it’s very awkward over there he’s

Got the club face wide open he’s going to try and pop it up in the air before the hole it’s facing him going into the grain it’s once you get more than 3 ft past the hole it wants to run away well there in a h beat really goes

Your chance of winning you’d have to say it’s just no Miss left simple is that I’m not sure I like the way that he’s thinking on the te unless he has no short-term memory at all he’s setting up left trying to play a cut shot I think he’s cut

It oh dear that’s going well in that’s interesting be taking relief from the tower I’m thinking and then he has to take relief from the path or maybe not so now he has to take relief from the path well he’s choosing to take relief from the path but

Yes I was surprised that the official didn’t allow him you can’t take two reliefs in one drop okay and uh Rasmus was a little perplexed kind of as I was I thought that uh relief from the TV tower would have gotten where he is right now to begin

With he’s got pretty level lie where he’s going to drop this it’s in some long stuff not much green to work with and where he’s standing he’s walking around but where he’s standing he’s going to see there’s a bunker down there but he’s going to have a

Look right to8 and uh HOA remember this is his fifth shot out of some deep rough light downhill line face wide open he’s got some overhanging tree there that’s the bunker I was talking about now he’s got a fried egg oh that’s just gets from bad to worse in it oh there

Don’t be wanting to have a chat with Rasmus up towards the ninth T I can assure you not sure how many that is now well I think that’s I think that’s six isn’t it that’s what I’m asking you yes I think it is six this is is

Seven this is horrid isn’t it really is oh dear dear dear and it’s getting worse talking of eights at the eighth this is the eighth shot for Rasmus hyar made a double at six hasn’t made a birdie yet today he’s having a rotten day and it’s just got worse

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  1. The mutual respect and appreciation among participants are commendable. It's a rare and precious quality in online discourse.💖

  2. This discourse is both enlightening and empowering, fueling my desire for knowledge and growth.🍭

  3. Engaging in meaningful discourse like this is a privilege. It's an opportunity for personal growth and intellectual stimulation.✨

  4. Yes, the DLF GCC may be a hard course, but it's more proof that golf is played by humans, all of whom are fallible (especially this golfer!).

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