Can you work out how I’ve played this? Replying to best answers! #shortgame #golf


  1. That looks like release 2 with slightly open face and intentional toe contact to deaden the shot. Extra butter!

  2. Looks like there is plenty of green to work with, for my understanding why not just do a slightly less risky release 1?

  3. "Low spinner" – Looks like a release 1 setup (ball further back) , with r2 release, to create a lower flight and more spin (compared standad r2 shot).

  4. Do you ever worry about skulling the ball across the green headed right for your playing partners face? I never was until, I was in a bunker and if it didn’t have a waist high lip I would have drilled this old lady I was paired with. I never felt so relieved to hit 2 shots out of the same bunker on the same hole in my life! 😅😅😅

  5. Open face with a 52 for spin and hight. Almost a decelerating clubhead with release 1 to the left for a cut spin that made it look like release 2.

  6. Pure luck , you just swang at it and the ball happened to just go in the air and stop within 3 foot. Lucky bastard!

  7. Setup is nuetral with feet close together and open to target. It's a return to neutral swing. Slight cut with little open face and using all the bounce. It's a wide take away with lots of wrist but it's only a weighted drop onto the ball with a slow controlled hold off after impact.

  8. The stunning Release 2 low spinner. Ball central, weight on the left with neutral shaft and super light grip. Probably played with your trusty 56°

  9. Release 2 with a slight closing of the toe to keep the ball releasing straighter as it lands on that slope is going to try and kick it right

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