Golf Players



As legends of UK Sports media we recognise one when we see one and when DARREN BENT suggested that TALKSPORT’s ANDY GOLDSTEIN would add something to an episode who were we to argue? Welcoming an icon of British broadcasting to the show, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to run-down the TOP 10 MOST DISAPPOINTING MANCHESTER UNITED PLAYERS SINCE FERGIE with the Manchester born and bred radio and TV star. ANDY GOLDSTEIN is joined by MARGS, LIPPY, MILES, JORDY, POET, SAVAGE DAN and TEGO for a classic FILTHY @ FIVE.

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I’m not the person there but I do know whatever they’ve done right now one second what theyve done right now one second I know but I’m saying one second one but I had more to say that’s great what do you get what do you get out

Public you want me to answer it one second can you can answer can you give me time to land and then answer thank you all right I’ll answer this happens every week I feel like I’ve Gone [Applause] boys we’ve got special guest very special guest is an icon of uh football media in this country and snooka obviously a big in snooker yeah is it Euros sport huge that’s mad I was watching the Ronny rocket um documentary yesterday Ronnie Rocket Ron rocket you like it if you

Don’t know don’t comment on it I’m asking I’m asking you said it like he was Pro like he was coming for me no you’re defensive you’re just defensive like yeah Ronny rocket while going oh okay cool if you don’t know you don’t know no teach teach

You don’t know who Ronn rocket is no that’s what I’m asking you you’re crazy the greatest snooker player of all time okay Ron Sullivan the rocket what a player yeah but anyway carry on introduction you got it’s GNA be big now yeah yeah yeah yeah boys we’re joined by

Talk sports Andy Goldstein and before we get into anything Andy is jine was Jermaine defo better than Darren Ben no of course not that’s real Loy you know I think I think yes as what though a striker or just well not a left back just as a person as a human listen

You know I work with bney four or seven week guys talks about um plug there so yeah 1089 1053 medium life um he’s in Finland right now I believe he is yeah yeah yeah freebie I saw the tags you saw that sense I was thinking what black man is going to go to

Finland how do my brother my brother went Finland a couple weeks ago yeah but he’s out there though he’s in the mountains with like d and stuff snow that yeah minus 15 he’s out there yeah it’s czy minus 15 he text me saying it’s cold and I went yeah I know it is

There’s a lot of snow around here but he’s better than J yes of course he is yeah could you could you work out who the best one in here is oh that’s a great question a great question if if you got a call tomorrow and they said look we haven’t got any

Money for podcast it’s just going to be you and one of them oh that’s a question that’s a good question I like I tell you what it’s tough because Dan is like an icon of podcasting but like the best guest the best guest you can get ad yeah

Poet is a great number two iconic one of the first podcast in our scene second Striker Mars is the number one on his show okay and lippy’s now just started to show where he’s the number one I’m a boxing champion as well and he’s a boxing champion yeah I’m not looking for

Any trouble right it was just a question it’s just the question you’d have to pick Lippy because you never know what he’s going to say are you picking him because you’re scared of picking someone else I beat up Lippy but he’ll be quick but I’m not scratch him or

Something does that mean if everyone here had a fight like a Royal Rumble would he be Last Man Standing no Dan Dan Dan’s a proper boxer as well yous I’ll be honest right now I’m going out kind of quick still the weight the weight of the light yeah yeah the white yeah I’d

Have to end the fight in size six you were saying that very quietly so he can’t hear you no I said I’ve been calling him out for the past couple years why W you fight him I’m just waiting for the contracts I that’s the one person I wouldn’t fight YouTube

Already don’t like it when I’m when I’m not nice to him a that’s mad but that’s the whole point that’s why I want to fight he’s such a they think that his glamour muscles mean he can fight not necessary muscles don’t mean nothing wow Who would know a fight are you and

Benny um I’d do well to come second in that I think the referee would just be stamping on my hands when I’m on the floor he’s not an aggressive man though B no he’s not I said to benty the other day would you take a hundred would you

Give Tyson Fury 100 punches to his face if after the H hundredth he was still still standing he’d have one at you so you you got to back yourself to put him down there no glove so you’ve got you got 100 bang bang bang and he’s

Just standing up that and if after the 100th punch he’s still standing he’s got one at you so basically are you backing yourself to put him down 10 punches one through as hard as you did you you get tired you can have a little little break

Like maybe like 10 years in between a punch okay there we go yeah you would need a break yeah and maybe be able to slip a elbow at like 50 I think you’d want to try and get him out of there quickly if you give him time to let his

Chin Rec up your prayer off just lumping him 100 times imagine getting to 80 and he’s still standing though yeah just Hing man you’re just making him angry he does he he’s not’s he’s not got the best chin though he does go down he does go

Over that’s the thing so get up he gets up yeah he’s got heart but if he goes down that’s the that’s the conditions though he can’t hit you yeah yeah yeah he’s got a drop do you and bety ever fight not physically but like have no no not tar

Get on with him really well he’s great what being working together every day there’s never been any point where you have been like at each other’s no no cuz he knows I’m always right so he’s never ever going to disagree with me does that he’s brilant you know I did like 10

Years with candy in the evening oh that must have been beautiful thanks man it’s really difficult to to get that connection with someone else but instantly when I at when I met beny I thought it’s good whenever you’re on the radio like you’ll be off on a tangent or

Something and then you go what you reckon Betty you go yeah I’m having that you know why you know why he does that right cuz there’s loads of screens in front of him and he’s reading texts and tweets come in and he’ll be like that

And I go what you B you would to go ah what yeah like that that’s why he says it it’s like a who’s better than candy or bent who’s what sorry who’s better candy or B who’s better than partnership do you want to go down that who’s your

Favorite out of this lot oh jny would tell you no problem well I got a list I love them both right it doesn’t need to be a winner okay okay I couldn’t it’s like asking which is my favorite child out actually you could answer that yeah you can answer that everyone’s got a

Favorite is it the oldest my oldest is too much like me that that must you must like them then it’s the daughter it’s always the daughter it’s got to be the daughter yeah that’s it have you all got kids everyone got kids here some of us some of us are fir in

Blanks you got no K why you what do you mean why what why have you not got any children I haven’t tried yes you have yes you have oh he’s Tred trust me he’s Tred he’s Trad yeah I haven’t Triad I haven’t signed that deal yet all right

Now why have you not got kids same same answer same no he’s tried he’s he’s he sign that deal yet when I sign that deal want to try get it wck are you are you married no none of us here married though are you not that’s too far none

Of you here are married get too far now it’s the wrong show how old is you you you got married at like 22 a it no no I was 33 when I got married oh was it see that’s that’s the age I want to get married by the way

That’s a good age you I look I’m a lot older than you think I am I look about 27 no I found out I found out old you are by the way I can’t believe it I look amazing right you look good oh come on I look you look better than

No what’s T Ain even you look good age yet no but like do look good when you find outus Andy I appreciate that when you find out Odus you’ll see he looks better than let me let me let me Google miles out of control miles is out of control what’s your name

Again Andy ask miles how old he is how old are you do your Googles if only you had a wikkipedia p I’m joking you threw the first one all right hey that tennis match was good you threw the first one okay Andy Goldstein oh okay you’re a Gemini yeah

No you know you’re the only man that’s ever I’m sure you you man I am I am I am a gem am man well done oh kingom Spirits man as a Manchester United fan now yes um could just quickly how how does it feel because you’re with a May night fan yeah

And this is a May night fan yeah but I know how they feel you’ve you’re this age how do you feel fantastic thank you how are you listen you can’t you can’t dominate like United dominated you that can’t keep going it’s got to end right no Real

Madrid didn’t have to end for them yeah but they’re in a league where there’s only two teams three at best so you know when you’ve got over 25 years of success and and also a lot of that success was built on the class of 92 coming through

Which is will never happen again you’ll never get an abundance of talent through the youth system that all start and all play for 10 years together so you you just you’ve given up no I haven’t given up I’ll never give up who was it here that was saying they’re going to who’s

The Chelsea fan who’s that you were saying you’re going to support Fulham again I didn’t say that again it’s the M again he got he panicked no no no but you you you were questioning you know where your team go right cuz I think Chelsea are in a much

Worse place than United are oh it’s close but Manchester and West London definitely not worst place not the actual place I’m talking about where the teams are right no but Manchester is the greatest city in the world don’t let no it is you’re right you’re right it is

Good for that for that Raven but when the sun comes up you can see what the buildings really look like and the people yeah no no but there’s no hope in Chelsea right now I mean there is but where’s your hope money point to your beacon of light money money more

Change I just want more change so your your hope is no hope but do you not think it’s mad the amount of money you’ve spent and you’re still players short look it’s it’s not my money and I’m not in charge of of the ship anymore

If I was it would look different and we all know that when I was at the helm yeah it was different but it’s funny cuz man man united are spending money on things to happen now and Chelsea are spending money on things to happen like years time so Chelsea still might happen

But for you man right now it stinks tomorrow isn’t promised I thought we were getting on early on and now you just uh yeah we are spending money for for Success right now and it’s not working you know I really like Casmir last season but 70 million and 350 Grand

A week is a bit nuts for someone of his age stick or twist though ten hog stick because where’s your hope my hope is um the start of next season why no my hope is it it was difficult like last season you know we got top four we

Got League because Liverpool and Chelsea punted on the season don’t we still got it still got it I mean you’re getting knocked out the Champions League in the group stages but you did get it all right T man I’m just saying like where’s the Hope’s he’s a guest be nice had

Enough he was going for it who’s your team I sport team he used well hold on a minute it’s AR asking his former team Aral what do you mean you don’t right now do you know who I do you know who I support right now do

You know do you know who I support right now Bournemouth what a what a before a good place to play how can you not support team because it was so bad under stop supporting Arsenal he did did he he said he left when wer left yeah which is fair

Enough though no you can’t you can’t he left way before that he left way you probably wish you left when Fergie left no no cuz you support him through thick and thin right you can’t just supporting through ficking fin is one way to look

At it I think the other way to look at it is uh you what do you support when when you you support man united right and it was owned by a family and it had a manager for 25 years hold on what the hell are you he’s waffling right now no he’s no

He’s not he just started another combo to the same person just asked me a question so I’m just going to answer it you support an owner is this me or no this is May F any any fan base once your ownership changes your manager changes everyone at

The club changes the teady every single player the tea everyone’s gone and then it starts again who what do you support you support some shirts you support laundry that’s what you support can I ask though right when you’re talking to me about supporting the team and you

Don’t it’s it feels like a virgin’s talking to me about having sex with a woman right so like do you no because I get to be objective no but we can all be objective but you got to have a team you got to say cuz my

Team you got to be able to do that I can change my team every year though you can’t change your team you yeah that’s horrible you can’t stinks it you don’t choose your team it chooses you right facts one chooses the wizard okay uh that’s a nice Manchester accent there

How did Manchester United choose you because I was born in sale there you go okay fair hold on I wasn’t but I wanted to win that argument right I since you was scannning I was scanning the stories of the I know I support man united cuz my dad used to be the official

Photographer for United so would come down for Cup finals that’s wored so I would then meet all my heroes I like Brian Robson and Ray Wilkins and Gary Bailey and showing your age I know yeah yeah this is just after the second world war and so I I was meeting all these

Players so when I was at school everyone was supporting Liverpool and Arsenal Spurs and West Ham and I was like I’m going sport United that’s class Mark what did your dad do with man united so listen yeah regarding United yeah if you have to rank them in order like see what

The problem is so they go with ownership yeah players gaffa okay owners without a doubt that’s one yeah uh I’m going players one players and management equal no no no got a pick no you got the players have been terrible I’m definitely more onto the players I tell

You why because I think if if a team wins A Premier League or wins an FA Cup whatever you always pack the manager on the back right yeah and it’s his job to manage the players and get the best out of them so who is it player or man I

Think it’s a bit of both no Andy pick one it is both is both it’s well luckily this episode today we are going to find out the answer to that question because we’re going to be running down the top 10 most disappointed Manchester United players since Sir Alex Ferguson left

Okay now we did votes uh we’ve all done a top 10 we’ve all figured it out so it’s it’s it’s official it’s an official list okay sourced Manchester United fan votes counted for more because we’re trying to trying to even the playing field a little bit amongst you guys

Right a lot fans vote and maybe they have skewed perspectiv so we’ve we’ve made sure that main night fan votes are worth more in this list Dan is there something you wanted to say yeah I didn’t get my list and I didn’t realize

It was he told you to send it man I know I thought he it for for the for the next episode have you got on you I’ve got I’ve got half a list yeah I’m going to introduce the panel from my right to my left his name’s Savage Dan he never ever

Ever sends me a list I do I do often comes it comes late by that time I can’t even put them in next on the panel don’t look at his Twitter no major announcement coming in the middle of the night for no reason that all the blogs are covering his name’s

Poet absolutely nothing I sent my list in to te gold that’s what I did thank you appreciate that no problem my guy my name is po I sent my list in what you said bye to gasworks is it no next on the P next on the panel he’s

Got his own podcast now let me land he owns that phrase by the way even if you even if someone else has trademarked it yep I saw that someone trademarked it yeah them no you serious It w’t stand up in court it’s fine you’re all right just spell it different let me Landy or something let me Landy let me land let me land can you do let me land and see the me put an i n man I’m work that won’t work anyway his name’s

Lippy let him land I’ve landed next on the panel he’s been doing rap challenges for Red Bull is it this is a new string to his bow his name’s Jordi yeah but that’s brand work you don’t need to say that what have you been doing rap yeah he’s a rapper he’s a

Rapper let me ask you this do you think the streets are rappers no they’re like spoken word I had this conversation with someone at Virgin Radio they’re not are they no good okay word um Jordan not Jordan I watch Godfather one and two should I watch three of course you

Should just to finish the trilogy it’s not part of the trilogy but you might as well though because they spent millions of pounds making it so you’re going listen to him or the person who made the film heard hav heard from you gone too far what do you think

The best Trilogy is Star Wars what oh he’s one of the have you got a lightsaber the the original one Star Wars Empire and return J although does it count as a Trilogy now if there’s like 10 of them that’s the problem Lord of Lord of the Rings man Lord of the

Rings wi Lord of the Rings is up there is there only three of him yeah Harry Potter man let’s be serious you don’t watch Harry Potter do you he loves Harry Potter I’m the master of death Harry Potter’s better than Lord of the Rings I don’t know what that

Means I don’t think you want him I’m the master of death you can’t say that to our guests Harry Potter yeah but you as in you watched it as a kid but you don’t watch it now I watched it like watch yeah it’s Christmas time anyway now so

We’re going to watch them all we got to watch them all again can I sorry can I just ask one question is Die Hard a Christmas movie of course it is fine okay we anything with Bruce Willis okay yeah what no no not anything no 6 Bruce Bruce Willis is Santa apparently

Anything with Bruce I like the idea that anything Bruce will it’s Christmas there’s certain films that that there certain people in it it’s a Christmas film next on the panel he’s got his live show in Birmingham last week this week happened it happened happened already congratulations amazing was amazing

Success that came out huh what’s the best part anything that I was involed all of the parts just yeah just all of it it was great thank a lot for coming out and supporting me man you know what it is favorite St for Ender be me in a stford

In next on the panel we got talk sports Andy Goldstein uh who is like I say man talk sport um snooker soccer am pioneer by the way I didn’t know you was on sucer am and on my notes I’ve got how come you didn’t go on TV face for radio

Okay is there a question there just no I mean stat you’ve ruined my notes basically sorry okay it was on Mastermind the other day yeah what are you smart celebrity Mastermind oh you’re not smart did you win no I lost my point I was devastated unlucky did you get a

Trophy and I love trophies was got about you’re not used to them lately are you one my last thought we were getting on right Gemini thing is it yeah okay yeah I’m a Gemini too you want to do you want to be buried in the stretford end

What now no no I thought this was going to right today no when the time comes no I don’t want to be bued in stord now see the love’s not the same do you huh do you want to be bued in I mean it’s a thing surely there aren’t people buried

In stford huh stford end not yet but I’m going to be the first last but not least uh I’m trying to think of something that he’s doing right now his name’s miles he’s uh me what are you up to right now miles is that merch that’s what

That he’s got your own tracksuits you’re not going to tell the man them you just can’t just pull up in your own on man miles AKA Wild aka the best looking guy on YouTube um we got a should we got a podcast what is it oh

Yeah we do yeah yeah he’s going to be my co-host on uh boxer’s mouthpiece how long do you think this work I don’t know I don’t I don’t know I don’t know all that would be so cold you know that would be CL we’re there miles stays up

To watch Deon Haney and I didn’t watch it but great fight I’ll tell you about it he got outclass one every round yeah man it was good good fight um yeah it’s me miles best can guy on YouTube um here next to gold is that by your own

Admission or you’re told that that’s what the consensus say I just there not the consensus I’m not going to disagree cuz you you’re a good- looking L thank you thank you but we move we do all right boys the top 10 I’m going to read you out some players who got

Votes who did not make our top 10 of play who have been the most disappointing since Alex Ferguson left when did he leave that’s 10 years 10 and a bit years now abject failure here are some players who got votes who didn’t make the list Marcus rashford what didn’t make didn’t

Make it he should never been that glad are you not mad are you not are you not disappointed by Marcus rashford and you said your list is good and you had rashford in the list you’re not disappointed by Marcus rashford the way he started what of of top 10 poor United

Players you’re crazy you’re not disappointed by Marcus rashford he hasn’t disappointed you in the time since Ferguson left every single one of them’s been disappoint disappoint in top 10 is different what we doing well another player who got votes didn’t make the list Henrik mkhitaryan boys this see disappointment comes from an expectation

Right exactly I don’t expect mkhitaryan to M good you didn’t expect mkhitaryan to be good he miles I’m with you Miles when he signed he signed with some higher profile players that good the expect mkhitarian he’d be was he a prime mkhitarian yes no he was basically a

Player who got votes who didn’t make the top 10 is Donny vanderbeek what he should be in the list that needs to be there I he would be he’s top 10 that was the truth he needs to be top 10 I said he would be dead I know disappointment

Has interesting context right because you might think flops signing because that’s an easy way to look at it but margs is number one was adanan no doubt a disappointment he was a disappointment I think the the weight of the 11 shirt from when gigsy I think

It was the first player to Wi 11 right after gigsy went and he looked he looked great great you know his debut was it two goals he scored in his debut amazing I remember the two goals against Sunderland and then dando Scandal apart from that he looked great but I thought

He would have been better another player who got multiple votes but did not crack the top 10 he finished 12 was romelo Lukaku what he should never been on the list yes he should have of course he should have he should never what Lukaku

Is a tough one for me yeah Lukaku is a tough one cuz he unfollowed me not that long ago did he why I don’t know he definitely on the list but I don’t even remember why he was follow like why did you follow me he followed me before I

Followed him which you met and then he unfollowed like he unfollowed me so I just unfollowed him who’s the most famous person follows you I don’t know you do know you do know I don’t ially don’t all right who do you know that follows you then I don’t know is there

Like a Chelsea fio tomori or something like any of those boys follow yeah I think so bra don’t do that who’s the most famous person I follow I don’t know but I then like it would have been it would have been Lukaku in it probably probably was newu let’s go

Around go this way go on B Jude Bellingham follows me oh that’s man that’s really cool I like that he’s a what a monster player he is by the way unbelievable unbelievable uh and number 11 on our list we’re just about to get into the top 10 now got multiple votes did not

Crack it I think in six months we do this list again he cracks it Rafael Varan he’s top 10 he’s top 10 that’s very funny that’s very funny that’s proper stuff I can I tell him or not of course he can Darren bent follows him that’s top of my list as well come

On good work Rafael verando he’s going to be he’s going to be one of the alltime stinkers he top when he leaves I think if we do the list again this morning he’ll go into top 10 he’s not getting P he falling out supposedly with a manager right because Johnny Evans is

Better than him oh I mean that’s I love Johnny Evans I think he’s fantastic player and he’s better than varant yeah I feel like you had a a b coming no no I haven’t got a but it’s bizarre that he’s being picked ahead of him or they’re both on the bench at the

Moment but when one of them comes on it’s usually Johnny Evans and Luke Shaw ahead of him Luke Shaw at Center back does that say more about the Gaff than the player no it says more about Manchester United bying washed that Real Madrid players wow that close line was crazy

Scathing he he like that all the time he’s he scathing yeah he’s sassy he’s sassy sassy that’s not that’s not sassy that’s sassy A Bit Sassy too quick premeditated and should let it breath we should let it breathe but we’re going to get to the top 10 now

Number 10 and he’s heavily heavily heavily bolstered by a second place on jordy’s list a Manchester United fan and a third place on Felix’s list an Arsenal fan Cristiano Ronaldo what whoa whoa you what is this man can we swap him out what you look what you look what’s the

What with Ronaldo Ronaldo you know when man united started to collapse this year right and then Eric tenan hog went back to all his guys that weren’t very good but they showed up on time they didn’t disrespect the coach they were all keeping in line so Harry

Maguire’s back in the lineup and he brings Johnny Evans in it’s all the disciplined guys tenh hard got rid of Ronaldo e despite that being his think I’m on time I’m a I’m a I’m into discipline I’m a leader I’m a uh talk to the young players whatever I think if if

Ronaldo stayed obviously he had issues with a coach he be back in the team he did the Pierce Morgan interview he had to go right he was gone by he was already gone by then no but when when you L reacted what or what is it that

He’s turned for that no’s he’s been so good yeah he shouldn’t be there you mean Ronaldo the second time right okay even if even if he never played for United so he played he done that other Prem star for another team and he came in and done

That at 38 out of you can’t say he’s one hat tricks boys he’s one of the best he’s one of the best players ever and he’s left in Jan after doing a PE Morgan interview and I shouldn’t be disappointed no I’m disappointed why cuz he’s one of the best players ever he had

Him second he had him second that’s the only thing that’s confusing are you disappointed that he left or disappointed with his form both the way he left and and and how he hindered the team when he was there have you ever met Cristiano Ronaldo yeah how was he yeah I

Met him when I was doing like press stuff so he’s going to be nice in the first run or he in the first he was rude to me as well okay so this is part of it he was rude to me as well rude to me as

Well Percy that’s why you’ve got him in I forgot about that I’ll be honest Vendetta I forgot about that but I think it was back there say he just walked past me right but he he had like a a back four and a front four and he was like the the DM

Did you try to speak to him no I mean when I saw him I said oh cuz I come out the toilet and I was think I was I I was still doing my flies up he just walked past you and that’s what he looked me

Like he looked at me like I was messy or something just came out the toilet do you know do you know him so do I know you’ve walked past him coming out the toilet said oh yeah but he should say hello he should say hello Jordy he’s

Coming out the toilet bro so what’s wrong with coming out the toilet why you what’s wrong with coming out the toilet what’s the problem here you know n come on man if hry done that to you you’d be angry brother I would understand it your beef with Ronaldo is cuz a global

Superstar didn’t say hello no the first beef is that he sat with Pier cuz I don’t like Pier right okay the second did he blank you coming out the toilet as well no I don’t think I’ve met Pierce I don’t remember meeting Pierce I’d blank him though but the second beef is

Then the toilet stuff where were you when this happened I traed I was interviewing Bruno lingard devil left matter and because of that he felt Ronaldo should say hello to him was he going into the toilet he was walking past the toilet and he definitely saw

You 100% he saw me this interaction had they had nothing to do with each other that’s amazing that’s so amazing if you could go back in time so when Cristiano Ronaldo rejoins and say right we’re going to damage your legacy at Manchester United as one of the greatest

Man united players of all time with this this mess up this whole situation or just go somewhere else what are you guys doing if the some else is Man City I’ll take him all over again okay but let’s say it’s not Chelsea with hindsight if

If if it’s not Man City then yeah you could have went I wouldn’t mind but if you could go back in time right now and rewrite that piece of History are you sending him away no I’d loved it I was there for his first game back I

Think and even in the warmup when he was hitting the back of in the warmup you know the roof was coming up was fantastic honestly I think that’s was one of my the happiest times of my life such no but that can make it the disappointment though it’s like

That’s that’s what you don’t don’t understand the term no I do understand where he’s coming from but S I just don’t get second most cuz he’s cuz he’s the best player ever he do you look have a striker that scored more than him since then since since Fergie honestly

What do you mean how much you have a guy that’s he he scored 17 no one scored for man unit what did rashford what did rashford do last year yeah rashford did yeah rashford 17 17 as well Christmas onwards I think rashford got 15 same as Martin Elli or something well it’s

Cristiano Ronaldo at number 10 number nine we’re going to go a bit f further back in time and this guy got high votes from Jordi and Greg poet had him in there PK had him in there Felix had him in there miles had him in there Angel Di

Maria no I wasn’t disappointed with Di Maria it wasn’t his fault they tried to Rob his house his wife wasn’t his wife wasn’t happy everything everything off the pitch yeah so because of that on the pitch and obviously with the gaffy that he had as well that the positions he was

Being played I’m not disappointed in Di Maria I think Di Maria is good he was good before he came he had flashes while he was there he was good when he left he’s a good player and it just didn’t work out was it disappoint was it disappointing I’m not disappointed in it

Of course he was of course he’s disappointed when you see what he done off the back of that n man this is crazy I thought he would stay longer and he would had the opportunity to to do morees bro cuz he was younger Mars he was younger you know the disappointment

Is not that high with de Mar I like Mar Dan Angel de Maria was probably around the last time you watched football do you remember what happened there yeah they robbed his ass yeah they robbed his house they shook him up man him they tried to get to him some remember he’s

South American I’m just forgetting what team he signed from he signed from Real Madrid oh oh was it real Madrid I think that was a loaded question he wasn’t he wasn’t washed up he went and perform he perform no he wasn’t un ready he go after United yeah and he

Turned he turned up there he wasn’t watched up he wasn’t unwanted it was they had to sign Gareth Bell so they had to sell other people to accommodate I don’t think it was B I think it was Rodriguez he came to United after one of his best seasons he’s playing in in the

Midfield from Madrid he wasn’t washed up when we got him he wasn’t I thought I thought he had moments he he scored in the he scored the two against Leicester but they lost 52 a chip right yeah amazing amazing played in the game against Milton King’s Dons that they

Lost benob was it MK Don they’re tough side they’re a tough Sid yeah at that time you had a bad team yeah he he was coming in to play like Center mid or something now man if they cut replay against Cambridge I’m sure it’s always rough when a player doesn’t when a

Player doesn’t want to leave when a player doesn’t want to leave their club and then they join a team like Manchester United a fallen Dynasty um it’s never it just never seem seems to work out argentinians as well not many of them in the Premier League that work

Out I heard he cried at the airport when he landed who did you hear that from where did you hear that I got my sources you got you hear that coming out of a toilet me that Mark don’t you think though with and with de Maria the only

Thing that’s a bit I think he’s disappointing is the fact that you look at Ronaldo after Manchester United it’s over with Di Maria after Manchester United it still continu one second I’m talking he’s still doing his thing so isn’t that a little bit disappointing the fact that he can continue knew his

Career still be a success but not at the club Manchester United the situation is disappointing if you want to use the word correctly yeah but the list of players that we had there was loads of them he doesn’t make my top 10 fair enough what do you want to do fair

Enough but I think I think he’s in there though because the expectations was in top yeah yeah when he came man united you L fans were gas everyone was gas I was very excited about I think he was around yeah I think he was today he’s

Won the World Cup bro he was he was a big it was a big signning it’s Angel de Maria he was a big player we’re acting as if he was a yeah we’re acting as if he was a small player a big player titles what does that mean add them up

Together that’s that’s like a League Cup disappointing come on like remember what he did in the Champions League final for Real Madrid you signed that guy that’s like Brighton signing like Belling him now or and yeah but that’s not that’s not Mar what it’s like Brighton signing Rodrigo

Or something right now like a Rodrigo Madrid yeah it’s that that makes I think I think that’s was F he like broke his leg or something didn’t play for time Rodrigo them sound them sound like a Rodrigo I don’t know why we’re trying to do that that it’s a

About comparison anyway I don’t fat is not D Maria do you not think there are certain players irrelevant of the club that just can’t hack it over in the Premier League yeah yeah he couldn’t hack I think he was one of them yeah 100% I don’t think it’s the Premier

League I think it’s the circumstances at man united because there’s just too many players if there was like one or two and everyone else was pretty good i’ say fair enough but bro there is so many players with top quality that don’t work at man united I think it’s more of Man

United issue then de Mar he works everywhere well we’re going to move on to number eight on our list and he was voted High by Greg Felix but poet had him highest Harry McGuire yes disappointment yes yes waste the money only only for the money yeah yeah for

The money yeah I didn’t vote him either I like the idea of him at man united though because remember he was like carrying the ball out really well for England and Leicester Lippy how can you sign Maguire for 80 mil and still be signing center backs now yeah but I knew

That I knew that was but then that’s a disappointment you sign an 80 m center back and you’re signing Martinez after that varant after that and we’re having discussions about another Center back going to get another Center back though cuz who is there who but he should be

Partnering Maguire then it can’t be another Center back to replace McGuire McGuire was going to go with a start of this season for like 10 20 mil to West hambro you got Maguire and lindel love no matter who you are you need three more center backs bro no matter who you

Are yeah but if you sign it for 80 mil then this is bad you got remember as well they beat Man City in the transfer War for him City wanted him man united up up the money and went and took him but that was the pet plan was Harry

MaGuire we’re not talking about Di Maria who leaves and goes on to achieve more things no disrespect to Harry McGuire once he leaves man united for me this is it depends where he goes yeah because if he go to Italy he might re might might like Chris Ming exactly you might do a

Thing I wonder I wonder if the burden of being a captain as well too much too much I don’t think he’s a bad just expensive yeah he just expensive obious cent center halves are expensive right yeah not bad you not forgetting a little trip to Greece where

He started telling man in the club I’m the Man United Captain this is bad bro that’s just a fight that’s just a scrap I respect I respect that that’s a SC he’s not he’s not he’s not top 10 I don’t want to forget the season where he

Was vital for us vital to Our Success the day when we lost when we lost the Europa League we the Europa League final the whole talk and the whole narrative after straight after the game after we would have won if mcgu was there you get what I’m trying saying he was suspended

He weren’t there so he’s played his part so I don’t want to take away the good that he’s done and just throw it all in one bag and just say that oh yeah he’s a disappointment he didn’t even make my list how much how much of uh his failure

At man united is his face is his face how how stressed does his face look at all times his face but I’ve never seen a center back a number one Center back in a team who doesn’t look confident he can be 56 nil up he just looks like he’s

Under the most pressure in the world I don’t know I mean when you start talking about their faces then it’s fine margins at the top put a game I don’t I I mean are you suggesting if we had plastic surgery it’d be a better casiro no

Work I don’t I mean maybe we should ask a captain of man united captain of England ever present for them yeah maybe we’re missing something I don’t know you are missing something because David deir was killing him as well for a year David de hair’s mistakes were making him look

Ridiculous our new captain looks stressed too though everyone is stressed everyone is I just think for Maguire 80 mil for what Maguire’s given back is not enough it’s not enough at all you can speak about that performance that if he was they they might have won that’s true

But barring that there’s been some Monumental errors the 6-1 against Spurs how many years back was one of the most embarrassing Center back perform I think as well at the say not the same time but round about the same time Liverpool paid that sort of money for van djk and he

Was just above and beyond so then all of a sudden you start making that comparison and ver bang lik a much better Center half right and and when you take a look at all the other top sides in the Premier League center backs wise I look at man united they’ve signed

A lot they haven’t got one but they’ve signed so many center backs they hav’t timeline though where pep gets Harry McGuire what does that look like I think he turns him into a Ki I think he turns him into a Ki well look at Stones right look what he’s

Done with stones yeah but Stones is a better player than him though it yeah he’s a ball player yeah he’s hiding him in Midfield whatever he’s doing he’s a better player than McGuire so it don’t matter but I mean but look pet plays Four center backs at a time what what

Would McGuire be a left back like just I think McGuire’s best position is in a three yeah yeah cuz protection is it got more protection GS more time that’s why he’s good for England well number seven on our list what got a lot of votes PK Jordy Felix Greg miles Mars Lipan poet

All had him Savage Dan Amy I’m guessing Savage Dan had Memphis depepe yes definitely that’s a that’s a proper disappointment now cuz you thought he was going to be good I didn’t all no not not we knew but they you thought he was the guy long all these long shots in the

Dutch league and oh he’s got karuchi Lori Lori Harvey Lori Harvey Rihanna know I why he did a mixtape when he was with them as well like did did a freestyle do you think a lot of that pressure comes he was given the seven shirt right I hate that I hate that myth

I don’t think he feels pressure I think that’s a thing I think that’s definitely a thing seven shirt man united like the biggest shirt you yeah that’s a mar signing so for a mar signing I did feel sa for him because he was like an inside

Forward in in Holland so it was a different role he was asked to play at man united I think man united was just thinking about the famous number sevens and expecting him to do the same thing but again if watched that World Cup he played him before he joined man united I

Don’t think you saw a like Elite Prem quality saw that he was dead but they but they no but they they said no but that’s why but that’s why he should be on this list because you ignored that you said oh he’s going to come to the to

United with the same man yeah with the same gaffa and all these things is going to happen and because because van gal swapped his goalkeepers for a penalty shootout main like this guy’s going to be a genius he’s a genius for this no let’s have it young young like it’s

Aesthetics he had the boots he had the cut off socks person said he was good though trim and long shots does he rap as well I he rap and he was pulling up to he was pulling up to Old Trafford in like a bent not a bent rolls

Roy you know what it is yeah obviously like when people come from different leagues and he’s young and all that you think can he adapt what not what not you see what his skill set was like he’s saying all them long shots and all that I’m saying if you can shoot like that

And that’s the that’s that’s your style you can take that anywhere the goal Poes don’t move in it so I thought he was going to I thought he was going to do his thing so you he’s going to have long shots every game and smack yeah just top

Corner every game top bins English defending is like to lock off the threet like it’s not about standing up and sticking to the tactics if if my man’s going to shoot all the time I’m on him all the time and he couldn’t he couldn’t hack that it’s as simple as that if you

Know all he wants to do is touch it out his feet and bang well that wasn’t even his that was I don’t I don’t even remember him being like that I was hiso I don’t remember him trying to take long shots all the time like he definitely

Did he def cuz I remember he the best game he ever played for you lot for no reason out of nowhere was when we came Old Trafford and he turned into this amazing ball carrier of course theame work great and all this switching the

Ball and if if he done that all the time cuz he he’s quite sturdy like he was strong like he would have been decent like it would have been kind of like how we have Saka like he has the ball it sticks to him press resistant but every

Time he got it he just wanted to just go I think I think Wingers once things start going bad for Wingers it goes bad quickly but did he did he come with a massive level of expectation like de Maria did I don’t think he did not level

But he was one of the best don’t the same because they were different levels of players but he was on the C he was one of he a hot Talent he’s young everybody F C I think there was definitely level of expectation that he’s going to come and do something and

Then you you put the seven shirt on him obviously that you believe in him you guess everybody up you think yeah he’s he’s going to do it’s going to happen I think um one thing I rate about man united on that deal though is they got him out the paint quite quickly they

Didn’t let it linger obviously he was young enough they can make money on him and Leon he did well but again Leon if you add up all the Leon titles I don’t think that counts as a league as a League Cup but then Le cup but then he

Gets Barcelona like when Barcelona is scrambling they just will take anyone and right at bar not too whatever he’s Atletico Madrid now he was number nine yeah like but he’s never smashed it right no since then he’s just a moment I think he’s done well to go where he’s

Gone 100% what career Barca Atletico he got he’s got he’s got a goodr for sure he’s a third one to though FD one the kid well number six on our list PK had him number one too had him Felix had him miles had him high he did have the

Surgery it’s casemiro 100% I didn’t put him you know I didn’t put him on the list can’t make the list either too early to put him on that list surely right ulot was so on me yeah when I said he’ll be the next year and that’s why

He’s cuz you I sure he got like third signing of the season in our list or something so I was like how can he be if he’s only going to be decent for Casmir was bought into United had a chance of getting the champions league right and we got it you spent seven

Email and gave him a multi-year contract because you thought that’s the DM you needed I don’t I don’t look we we’re what 14 15 games into this season where’s he been and he’s he’s been injured yeah so no but I’m saying if you look bought old man you bought old man okay

Maybe but if you look at what he did last season yeah I would give him a eight out of 10 for last season oh wow wow wow yeah it’s not that’s not a fast that’s not a bad shot all all things being equal kobby Mayu starts no not if

They all fit he wouldn’t do he scored twice in Germany this season didn’t he I’m sure yeah yeah in the champ against Bayern Munich I’m sure he did yeah he scored twice definitely look it was a big price to pay you can have whatever narrative you want we bought casemiro in

To get Champions League football yeah tick succeeded we also won a trophy well that’s now we’re talking about it then you know what trying to say so he done what he returned you got a return on on what we paid for shouldn’t be in this list I think he’s disappointing but not

Top 10 like like you said with whoever it was before if if when we sign him for 70 million if someone said what are your expectations and you said top four win a trophy get to a final yeah you’d go that’s worth every penny and then next

Season collapse off the face of a planet and and by the way and by the way and I saying this but can ask hold on would you would you agree with that yeah but there’s every with with everything context Liverpool Chelsea Manchester United get their call and what the the

Collapse this year after you’ve got to really frame that in that with what you’re offering but was it success last season yeah yes relative success yeah Rel you got to get come on he was a great success I don’t think it was I think I think it was what was required

Of Manchester United I don’t think it was success we didn’t have that player we couldn’t get dein rice so we got him you you remember how it was when you L got him I said yeah he’ll be your rat but it’s that it doesn’t really mean anything don’t you remember towards the

End of last season I can’t remember I think it was Palace he picked up a yellow card and meant he couldn’t play in the Arsenal game and lost the Arsenal game and everyone was saying that’s the reason we lost we would have lost anyway

No I know but what I’m saying is he was that important to United it was like a that was the reason we wer you got you got into Champions League this season gred with casemiro now you’re trying to build on top of that and the next thing

From that is push on for the league you’re leaving the champions league like you went there for no reason hold on we’re not out the Champions League yet can still win the Champion League time of recording don’t know you it after that you me to back me up on this right

You you what about the nose drob let’s just let’s just talk about let’s just let’s just talk about the nose drop now you talk about his personal life no one knows about that see right no what’s that got to do with anything hey hey hey

Hey you know when I went on his I didn’t look at the surgery notes no his cheek fillers as well bro on you saw the surgery not froms bro yeah I saw it they there so who are you talking about casemiro no it’s it’s a Brazil thing how

Do you know he’s had cheek for cuz he’s recommending procedures you see in in Brazil when you get when you get your veneers done they’ve got the picture there with the surgeon but how do you where gone to get that information brail cuz I just saw his I’ll tell you

Straight no no it’s not even that I’m watching him in the united press conferences and I said nah he’s breathing different his nose is his nose is different you think he’s had a nose job he has had a nose job that’s a fact fact he’s had a no look at the picture

He’s got the same no as Michael Jackson what are you dealing with when did he have it when that might just be a fishey lens that’s a that’s a good deflection yeah Brazilians do that man the the all the the MMA fighters and that where was he on that list

Seventh that’s too high man I’m with you Ms I think he’s a bit it’s a bit harsh man I think the business around casemiro is bad the business is bad 70 mil or say last season he played so well the price ain’t his business I can name 10 worse

Right now hold on hold on hold on he did well last year the price ain’t his business should we go back to Harry MaGuire yeah you know I mean I’ve got agendas you know my thing but casemiro he’s he’s cool man I don’t think he’s that bad he’s just I think man united

Are in in the mud this year for a few play for the for because of a few players he is one of those players one of them and we need to replace him yeah 100 70 million to replace the next season we was never going to get more

Than two seasons out of him anyway not to say that we’ve got the two season we we didn’t we got one and a half you didn’t get one and a half got one and a half got one where’s the half from bro he was a mercenary what we what we what

We paid he was a mercenary and what we paid the money for he done it can I ask if we got in for 30 million would we all be sitting here now saying what a success he is not what a success but I think it would it would be it wouldn’t

Be bad if Saudi happens a year earlier there’s no chance he’s playing in the Premier no maybe but always saying he’s are you saying he’s a failure because of the price tag attached to him disappointing disappointing because because again you’ve been fleeced by Man by Real Madrid you’re stuck in the mud

Now and he had a nose job the nose drob is the worst part when you say it like that yeah when did he have the nose job 2015 oh right before he got to United yeah the nose jobs are nose job it’s for life

You got to carry it I just wonder if you had the number cuz mine’s a bit no fine and also you shouldn’t have gone Champions League now in context you you should have gone EUR yeah well we’ll be in the Europa very soon don’t worry about that just about number five on our

List and this is a big win for Jordy but he was higher on Mar’s list and he was higher on poet’s list Anthony martial yes he had to be higher on my list as I was making a list I was thinking as he not number one but my thing is him and

Rashford is hand in hand bro hand in they were both meant to be grade it’s as simple as that I hear what Lippy saying but we paid for one so there’s a difference one was going to get addons so being bendor one was compared to being the new honry yeah but when he

When he came right he was a teenager I think we paid 53 19 52 yeah and he he he looked great was that 2015 no it wer his rising to 50 we P I think we dropped about 36 on him Mar why you get into Logistics you P we Dro 30 something 50

Mil bro of the top I think in all comps he scored 60 something goals 66 64 in8 years I mean that’s terrible return ter eight years a lot of demo in like the first like two three seasons as well cuz his first season he scored a decent

Amount of goals he was a problem I I feel like Manchester United must have a kid in the academy who’s worth playing up front just because he can’t be can’t get worse it can’t get worse well we’ve paid 72 million for a kid right yeah

Exactly with had no goals in 12 no leag he scores he scored five goals in the Champions League get that he looks he looks a good player though does look a good player I like him you know why I’ve got him high is for all those reasons but the main reason I got

Him in there I know go he had no job aome man no he’s a good looking man but he did he he was um in the newspapers for running around town doing Mad stuff but we’re not going to talk about infidelity now let’s not we’re not doing

That he’s not disg we’re not doing that we’re not doing that no I put him in there because when when solha left he picked up the shovel he dug as much mud as he could and he threw it on his grave him and Marcus rashford seemed to go

Right here’s our opportunity to blame all of our problems on oi ganosa and I thought okay okay you do that because then that would explain it then everything that’s happened since you go actually you know what that is a real piece of move you blamed a man who

Now you can look it in context and say he did a good job he he definitely did and the players were probably most of the reason that o is no longer man but I look at that and I say this is a disappointment from a character perspective obviously you remember he

Was like oh the fans they will say I don’t work hard because my face is serious and he did that interview and he said you the manager keeps moving me around he dropping me and blah blah blah blah blah and that’s affecting my confidence every time he gets a run of

Games he does nothing he looks like he doesn’t care okay that’s your face again we’re talking about faces Harry McGuire’s face Marsh’s faces you got to get better faces make sense hold on one of our players he gets plastic surgery him off terrible face he doesn’t move his face doesn’t move one

Tried to improve his face and you’re knocking him for it if martial didn’t have that lockdown season he would have been gone time ago time ago and you see that Monaco team that he came from didn’t they have like fabinho Bernardo Silva well mbappe replaced him mbapp oh

That’s who replaced him yeah he was he was with um he was a bit earlier before the money he was with um it wasn’t bakoko time dog be um Berard was there Mendy meny meny meny Lamar Lamar yeah Lamar was there I don’t know cu the

Reason I know is they knocked us out the Champions League It’s when um but they had bbov he came up he he came up under bbov yeah you’re telling he was with bbov what that what that explains it man you know why he annoys me the most and

I’ve always said this yeah and there’s no way of proven I’m right but it’s just actually what I believe in my heart yeah I don’t believe you he came to the wrong team I feel like if like ARS w got hold of Martial yeah he would have been one

Of the greatest players I hear you hey m m say it again with no sound that’s not true bro no that’s what I believe though I just believe if wer got hold of if wer got hold of Martial he’d be a different be a totally different Prospect because

You know how you CU you know how you ask how’s he getting picked yeah cuz as bad as he is like he’s one of the better footballers in in your front line options in at the club in general but but why are we spending 72 million pound

On a young kid if we’re not going to play him yeah no I hear that but he’s he’s yeah but we’re going to move on to number four on our list good face High votes from Jordi too Felix Greg miles margs Lippy and poet and Dan Sanchez

Alexis Sanchez had to be good face the reason why I say it was a bad sign in is because terrible signings because he dropped off he was bad he was already bad he was already bad still B and you L made up that because he was he doesn’t

Want to be a Arsenal that’s why he’s not there stuff to do with his dog there was stuff to do with his dog he should have been number one didn’t he play a piano yes Alicia ke I think the problem I think when he came to United I think

Rashford was flying on that left and the only place we could accommodate Sanchez was on the left so we had to move rashford onto the right and then that’s when the problems rashford always gets a victed is it he’s he’s evicted now Jose Mourinho did that out of spite I don’t

Think he really wanted him he signed him because he could he was available he’s no good in the dressing room Jose Mourinho did that that signing out of spy wnga didn’t Sanchez say as soon as he signed he phoned or contacted the Arsenal player saying I want to come

Back so that that’s just if you bought Sanchez when he just finished that if he was in um firston first season when he just after sum even if that cuz you you got him in January if you got him that summer August yeah crazy don’t get

Twisted I would I wanted him gone that summer that from the August to December I I hated the fact that we still had Sanchez so cuz I when you came in I was just like take him take him they were trying to great it was a great player

For you no he was but you could just that season for me me personally I always had an issue with him in it he always used to put points on the board but he’d shy away in the bigger games he’d he was greedy sometimes he’s obviously over R he was great but just

Towards the end it’s like all he was doing was scoring that’s that’s all he was providing and the players hated him that’s not bad do it you’re taking it all he was doing was he that we’ll play a game we’ll get that I remember we went West so angry no remember we went

West Ham away West Ham in terrible form he could have scored about 10 goals it’s one of the best Arsenal performances I seen that Emirates era but then we had someone the next week a serious team and he just did nothing he did nothing and and that’s and that’s what used to

Happen so I was like yeah take him it was the Rob Robin van persy wasn’t it because Robin van persy made that Arsenal to man united move and it was like straight top goal scorer tough man for for attacking players against the better teams We complain about it a lot

But the better teams are the better teams for a reason they know how to stop you but back back in that era of the prim the better teams weren’t the better teams because they knew how to stop you Liverpool Brendan rogers’s Liverpool weren’t the best team cuz they knew how

To stop you that’s but that’s probably the worst error of Defenders it was the occasion that got to him you could see he he can played he played a different way against these teams he used to be free against the the the midt once again did he have a good game for United

Remember one against Arsenal yeah against us scored against us can I ask is it is it all just United top 10 worst players is there any positives here no yeah no not this week not this week is there like man united players with decent hair or favorite cars in the car

Park no they set us up I tell you what’s funny is um uh he swapped with mkhitaryan’s Arsenal they’re both currently top of the Sera with same team mil yeah but when when we got him when we got him we were all excited about him right I was very excited about it we

Nicked him off city as well it no you kned him off Arsenal no but city city wanted him city city duped you once again and we not really want him but you could take him I think they D think need to stop if they if they see an email

Saying oh man city have bid they should pull out straight dropping the should on you I know but the Ronaldo think would k if he would have gone there they’ve done it three times to you but number three on our list he got votes from everybody except

For Felix he was number two on my list number two on Ma’s list he was number one on lippy’s list Oh my days Harlem Spartans own kennet and wonder kid go Jaden Sano has to be the most disappointing has to be has to be in terms of my expectations me and

Specs argued about CU they was at man united are going to spend how much and I was like bro this guy is the guy me and steo used to watch him and be like this kid is the next like Neymar he’s the he’s what he’s he’s going to redefine

What Young English players can do technically I always remember I always had my doubts over him I always had my doubts that was they that was the you see with they they oh you don’t know ball you see with all my other takes they they kind of don’t care you see

With the Sancho one they were like 100% you you they they thought you’ve never watched him there’s no way he’s going to there’s no way he’s not going to score 10 League goals in his first season I said I he will never do that for you

Done he played a lot of Co ball as well man knew he wasn’t going to you bought him he’ come from Germany to play wide right but he he prefers to play on the left and you didn’t have nothing for him to fit nothing knew it I knew it I

Called this good I called this from early man like he he was he he was C but the Bundesliga tax is too big there’s no chance you could come here and do that against Sheamus Coleman I do I do think there’s something in when players get

Let go by another club like he was at Man City and it didn’t work you know Fergie let Pogba go and then we brought him back I do there’s obviously a reason why these great players go or both of them mati says neither of them can shs

Training on time they didn’t do their D diligence here and that’s what’s annoying yeah because the stuff that’s um following S I mean the stuff that we on about about Sancho has been following him around his whole career we he never just popped up and turned up like this

Do you get what I’m trying to say like pep pep couldn’t get him under control got rid of him and never had no respect for one of the greatest managers in the world the England coaching setup s him said no no no chance South said no get

Out of there Dortmund tell you stories about where they’ve had to put special coaches to go and get him up from out of bed and say get his head so this has been going on the the whole time and you thought he’s going to come to United I

Have a good attitude can I do do you all think his time at United’s over now yeah he needs to go I need I need him gone I need him I need him out of it the only reason I the only reason I don’t think

Ulot should let him go I I’ll be honest I think he should be playing at the moment playing on doing what can I ask you Arsenal are you Aral would you would you have him over Martin Elli no no but I’d have him at Arsenal you’d rather

Bring Sancho Off the Bench then Trad he’s bro Sancho is a ball carrier he’s you could play you heard what Mark said though for all the reasons Mar said he cannot come to Arsenal and that’s his problem everything outside of the we we have to believe in the power of

Redemption though somewhere down the line jayen Sancho is going to meet the coach that’s going to teach him how to be a grown man and not make these mistakes in the Premier League in the world somewhere someone is going to make J Sano Shar to training on time every

Day not eat the McDonald’s not drink the whiskey whatever it is and is all alleged he didn’t he didn’t learn how to he can’t speak German can he I wouldn’t know so again he was probably just out there star boy easy games he’s come if if if he was

To be Arsenal environment yeah Saka Martin man I love everyone mared bro back Nation bro you got married you think can make Sancho get married no way Pastor Toby is the only person that can help Sancho you think arteta would have Sancho’s nonsense no way sick no way not in a

Million years bro everyone’s married and and and parked off with kids and family now he’ll be married he’ll cheat he’ll cheat San spnation you’re right he need spnation there’s players like greish who need a bit of that to play good but they they come around every once every 20

Years sanra might have to try the other thing what gool church on Sunday no he he was going to stand up yeah there’s only two ways for that kind of player you go hard and you turn up to training yet like and and maybe you get

A better version of yourself no but the greish thing if you talk to any like City player they’ll tell you that look he drinks harder than anyone they’ve ever seen but not the day before training the day of training the day of like he just knows when to take Dennis

Rodman no Dennis Rodman didn’t know when to do it Michael Jordan had to go and get him from Las Vegas I got a question for the panel then in 12 months where’s Central turkey yeah Z him and Z do right does he just does he need to be in a in a city that is less like flammable that GFE he need to go that’s a GFE is in and that in Madrid that’s in Madrid yeah either way

He’s stay right there he didn’t know he didn’t know he didn’t know he didn’t know no this that’s the car part of Madrid there’s London and there’s London there’s Central London and then there’s like out there so what’s the comma part of London what what team what team what team

Yeah yeah but it’s like uh football players don’t live in London anyway yeah yeah exactly that’s true but yeah like a kfe would be nice for him like kfe wake up get a coffee tea what team would he go to to the Prem and improve what you

Mean do you mean that the team would improve or he would improve the team would improve the team would improve Arsenal If he if if this he would improve as Aral stop stop please he does nothing for us when we get him don’t say nothing when we get him don’t say

Nothing to me don’t say nothing you know what’s funny about you you wanted you wanted martial rashford and Central they all flocked I’ll still take rashford that’s the main one he in Pat lunch on his own at man united right now um I’m guessing he hasn’t been late for training since

He got in trouble I’m guessing done any back chat since he’s been look for training I’m guessing he ain’t had any conversations too back chat for real who whatever he’s doing I’m guessing he’s behaving himself and I’m guessing somewhere down the line Eric ten hog is looking at this guy okay I definitely

Don’t want him definitely gone too far but if I had that guy then I’d find space for him I I think he needs to apologize why for whatever reason because I just think if you got a manager cuz rules is rules yeah no I would never apologize I could never

Apologize mattic has come out and said rules is rules we we the senior players at M were so sick of the players showing up late and being disrespectful we set up our own internal fining system Pogba and Sancho put in £75,000 worth of fines apiz because that’s a players so if that

If that’s what he was doing when the players were trying to discipline him then Eric tenard coming out and going no he’s not doing it in training I’m not putting him in the squad at the time I was like that’s shameful you shouldn’t be doing that to your players every

Piece of information has context the context is he was he’s not trusted by his teammates he’s obviously underperformed on the pitch and the manager had to be public and just say we’re not having it anymore he didn’t to be public he didn’t have to be public he

Didn’t have to be public he didn’t have to be public he didn’t he sent him to Holland and made he sent him to Holland last year looking after him you talking Mar I’m trying to figure out why you need to be public I understand everything that’s happening I know we

Need to change it but why do you need to be honest we we got kids yeah we got kids yeah at a point we need to call our mom when they’re moving too mad we have to go public bro that’s my mom that’s no

No but no but it’s we have to let the outsiders know cuz then no cuz what we’re doing is not enough watch this this all I want to know uhhuh what solution do you gain from going public cuz I feel like you’ve made You’ made more problems what’s the alternative

What’s that what’s the alternative so when is I do you know whatever they’ve done right now one second what theyve done right now one second I know but I’m saying one second one but I had more to say that’s great what do you get what

You get out public Jo me to answer it one second can you can answer can you give me time to land and then answer it thank you I’ll answer this happens every week I feel like I’ve gone it’s also been St that he’s split the dressing room from that situation with Sancho

Added more problems from the central situation you had to have done it on purpose you would never go public yeah the guy that previous managers have gone this guy’s a problem and England set up Dortmund Manchester city everywhere he’s had problems everywhere else and you go hold on rashford’s having parties well

After we’re losing Derbies hold on this play is showing up late as well this player is not respecting cool time this player’s acting up you know what no I’m not having it I there’s a time in a place and then you call him out and then he responds and then your pun punishment

To him is that he he responded this is stupidness no it sets it sets a precedent it’s culture culture we did itart did it culture you with aubameyang did yeah the first person he done it with was my man gondi remember he come in gondi gondi was meant to be he but

He’s doing it with players here that we didn’t know much things about you see Sancho the amount of heat that was on his name I just thought you can just isolate this guy and we can make up our own minds on why you’re doing it why

Would you at the end think about in the timing he’s done it after Manchester United have lost and then he’s just thrown in Sancho’s name and no one asked him about Sancho you don’t like taking accountability for your actions I could tell he wasn’t in the squad he wasn’t in

One sec Our Guest wants to Our Guest wants to speak guys so I I was just going to ask right so the alternative is him going to a press conference and not talking about Sancho and then every single week the Press go where’s Sancho where Sancho where and they’d still be

Asking that question now that went that blew up for about three or four weeks you know he’s banned the Press by the way I don’t I don’t think you can go and chat to him about it so like anything that happens in the Press he has a

Problem with it’s not just this one what would be you couldn’t go and chat to him now no but what would be the alternative so does there is no sent man to the mountains to the Shing healing you nothing nothing nothing worked I’m just saying sell him move it on and keep it

Moving man don’t need to CH yeah I’m saying why can’t you do all of this why you just sell him no if I protected someone and sent him away to get his head right and he still treat me like that you have to try the other thing and

You’ve got young players around him you’ve got players who he thinks okay this guy is dragging everyone down bro you don’t understand you see on Dean gate deansgate is not a joke like that place there is nothing that’s happened in these last couple of months all these terrible results and all these horrible

Like disgusting football I’m watching I’m looking and thinking we need Sancho that’s never happened that’s never come to my said that that’s we’re saying two different things I’m saying does we’re to it doesn’t matter whe we’re top or whe we’re seven forever you got to deal

With the issue at hand and he he’s I’m saying you can deal with it but just don’t make it but when M when M stripped aubameyang of the captaincy publicly uh after showing up late for the Tottenham game did he not set a culture and does

He not have players in that team now who just would not step out of line on that culture you know aubameyang was abroad and everyone was like huh aubameyang’s not here so like he to know Jaden Sano story is up what were we doing aubameyang was meant to be somewhere and

He wasn’t and all of us knew with Sancho we all know Sancho’s a bad you my thing is just deal with it but just don’t public but no two seconds T you see what you no but you what you just said is why these bad D stay bad you can’t be like

You there’s rules for you there’s rules for you but cuz you’re bad you get a little bit of leeway do they do it I’m not saying that basically I’m saying deal with your stuff internally and get so why was it why did Arta set a culture that is successful for Arsenal by doing

It public I just said aubameyang went public with something so he’s responding publicly Sancho’s just but but but he but Sancho Sancho went public a minute after because because because he knew this guy is flammable this guy is toxic now you know like teams now they they look at player profiles like the

Personality the family of a player just as much as how good they are Sano they took a risk on him because he is that he that that good but they forgot that they are Manchester United and right next to Manchester United stadium is Dean’s gate the strip is crazy the strip’s

Crazy the strip’s crazy it’s undefendable you see what I’m saying like there’s certain players there are certain players you can’t if you’re one of the boys China what you can’t be on de gate it’s it’s like having certain players in London there just no point well number two on our list that was

Easy wasn’t it really easy that one number two on our list got votes from everyone except for margs I reckon he shows up on time every week I reckon he puts his fingers on his lips when the manager says shush I reckon he does everything you could ask of him except

Score goals and get assists his name is Anthony terrible terrible player what number is he two two okay that’s that’s recency byas there’s only bias there’s only recency available now but you know it is Mars it’s the Press isn’t it you bought him for a lot of money you bought

Him after Sancho so it’s like you told us he’s the problem so it’s like now you’ve got this Brazilian left footed does that skinning that the manager knows yeah that the manager knows the manager knows the spinning thing has killed him right he spin stinks I know

But it looks good though right if we could all do that we’d all do that I’ll do that I like it I like it I’ll do that every morning I’ll get out of bed and do that it’s not hard to do you know in standing in the middle of nowhere just

Is yeah you see for me anon’s anon’s Prem career and which has not been long I think it’s more of an indictment on the gapp I don’t even hold I think against anony because anony is who he is no but he he knows him that’s his player

I of everybody that’s come there that’s we’re not saying whose fault it is it’s still as disappointing regardless of whose fault it is can ask does any does anyone think cuz he scored some great goals he scored a absolute batt against city does does anyone think he’s got it

Though no yeah there’s a player in there there’s a player in there not in this league not in this league do you know when I knew something was wrong with him and this is going to be too recent to probably call it but what game was it

When he when he hit a man’s hands away no man what game was it oh what game was it we got the penalty against Chelsea when the ball came and he could have first timed it but he needed it on his other foot and because of that s Enzo

Steps on his foot but he’s that one footed for me he’s a good player but he’s one footed like professional footballers aren’t like left these left he’s more one foot than Valencia he’s the most one footed player in the world it reminds me of Valencia but also

Reminds me of Ashley Young right when Ashley Young was at his Peak assists and goals free kicks like he was an attacking he had p as well young yeah it was all there no absolutely but when young lost his pace and that attacking threat he became a fullback Anthony

Looks like he’s at that transition point in young and Valencia’s career where they become fullbacks no but the thing is it’s attitudes like it’s South Americans that they they don’t they don’t they don’t want that they just want to they they grew up in a cage playing football they just want to do

These little spins he say that every press conference by the way but do you not think that when when we got Ronaldo from sporting right he needed a lot of coaching he was doing all these tricks and everyone was getting a bit peeved off with him yeah and then that was

Coached out of him and then he became the player he was do you not think with Anthony if he’s coached correctly he could turn into the player we this is his coach cuz you know every trick he done was to progress him forward Anthony does tricks and goes backwards I don’t

Understand this I no you’re right but what I’m saying is there’s an element of coaching it would hopefully turn yeah but what are you coaching but ronal for me Ronaldo was a kid that Anthony is set and he’s about 22 or something but football’s got young like what’s the

Average age of a first team now it’s young can we can we talk about something important about Anthony this his hair face face bad face bad face bad face wasn’t Ronaldo quite ugly when we got he had a bad I call Anthony ugly by the way

I just saying if that guy was on my saying right he had a bad but there’s no such thing as a handsome a handsome bad face Do’s face got better so Anthony’s face could get better could please use that clip to Trail this episode right if I see um an

Anthony on my team I look up and his face is doing that if we’re one nil down or it’s nil nil I’m like I don’t want to play with this guy anymore what about his hair it’s good I’m not a big fan of his hair it’s fine like it’s good I have

A problem with with players that dye the hair quite often Pogba used to do it a lot specs has got that problem I think Wingers for Wingers like flare areas you’re all right if you’re a DM or a center back yeah for real don’t or right

Back now the reason I don’t like this um sign is cuz he’s not cleared Central no he hasn’t he hasn’t cleared any of your Wingers it’s supposed to clear Central clear any you came to overdue Central it’s a bad signing bad name is bad name

Bad Name bad name if his name is Anthony the Silva anon’s a terrible be a little bit better but his name is Anthony but no8 can he play anywhere else can he play up top no yeah right get bullied right back right right right wing back right wing back if you’re playing

Fullback and Anthony runs at you doing tricks five yards away from you not even to create half a yard of space I’d be looking at this guy what are you doing I would say I would say though there’s something I’m missing cuz the manager keeps picking him so I know there’s

Something there that I’m not seeing now with him yeah I feel like with these Wingers yeah that have like been playing football since it’s been free up front yeah them them Wingers are kind of weird to me is it cuz it’s like they don’t

Have a plan B like he can only do one thing he wants to get there cut in shoot whatever but it’s if he can’t do it’s like the pie basically on the other side come from Holland as well you can’t you can’t do that here there there’s not a

Player week in week out that cuts in bang scores every week Sal MZ it was MZ he’s in Saudi but it was it as in like that kind of what they all are aspiring to be is amares all of them was the same all of them the fullbacks the fullbacks

Are too defensively sound now do you know what I think mares misses his game lacks he’s been able to spin on the ball round around if you add that to his game oh my God you could you imagine how good he’d be at that if you asked him to do

That did it twice yeah we’ve made it to number number one on our list yes and that means that a few players who got votes that didn’t make it who aren’t here at number one included Andrea Nana Wilfred zaha Juan Mata marowan Fellaini Bastian Schweinsteiger Fred how did

Fellaini not get in was effective for you man oh my God he was a big match winner for you guys honestly Fellaini should have been top 10 Fellaini was he made my top 10 he’s so not a man united player Fellaini he was horrible but he was effective all right well well well

Look Fellaini was not number one because number one was voted for by everybody he was number one on mine number one on Jord number one on Mar’s number one on poets number two on Marg is sorry it has to be Pogba it’s Paul Pogba his brother his brother’s vote counted for

Six he’s allegedly facing four years uh ban for ban substances what substance was that performance enhancing surely you have to look at his performance and say he must be innocent then yeah my I I I looked at that and thought when he left Man United and mati was done

Finding him uh he thought he needed he killed the dab do something to he killed the dab he killed the dab yeah that’s amazing he made the dab you made it corny the dab was finished when he he came that’s amazing no he killed a d man

I’ve never came out of Old Trafford and said wow what performance what really yeah whenever you ask man united fans about him they all say he had great half against Man City and I’m like and that’s it yeah he had the blue I hated him for

That you know I mean again is that it too 45 minutes against man for 90 million who meant to be buying the best Midfield on the planet he was supposed to be the dawn of a new era at Manchester United I knew it wrong player profile wrong player profile called this

From ear well but I was a bit worried with who you got as well that that season like I thought okay cool United might be back now mkhitaryan Zlatan but it looked it looked to The Naked Eyes you’re looking at you’re thinking Pogba what a ball you’re

Forgetting he was next to to Arturo Vidal and Perlo that’s right that’s all he could do was shine in Italy playing against Farmers yeah no no no but at the same time you can’t say there was talent in there he’s a talented player at the

Same time all Talent it was all was all Aesthetics that’s what it was it was all everything he everything you la Pogba for is cuz it looks good ain’t that bad on the manager though because you could build you should have built let’s have it right he was a serious talent in the

World it wasn’t stupid I feel that’s the one manager that’s the one Sig Mary signing ulot got where every all football fans were like all right calling it let’s see what he’s going to do we’re not going to go like with Sancho split with fala all these guys

Some people thought would work but with Pogba everyone was like all right cool I’m going to keep up my mouth shot cuz he he could come and Bish my team then within a season you saw it it might flop you know it might but for me after it

Was just that yep 100% what that first season didn’t he get in the player didn’t get in the Premier League 11 whatever that means no he was he was he said you said you could see after the first season what could you see for me

It it looked it looked like he’s a dream to play against yeah you what I’m saying like he’s not going to track any runners he’s only interested if the ball’s at his feet or on his way to him and he’s not going to work hard he’s the last

He’s he’s proof that you cannot have any more luxury Midfield also I I think with him you mentioned you know that U side was in which was fantastic Italian football’s slower than the Premier League internationally football is slower he’s playing with kante midi yeah but but in the Premier League whenever

He got the ball he always held on to it for too long he always to many touches too many touches I think he should look at kdb and just look himself in the mirror after that totally cuz I argued for too long youv play Man City I think

It’s the season or two seasons before he signed for United he was playing left wing so when I saw him come to Manchester United and he’s playing in that Central role I was thinking to myself I think that’s a bit too much responsibility for one person that can

Actually also play left wing for some strange reason he seems to be an offensive player I kind of feel man united man and just matched Aesthetics and he be able to here rather maybe watching some of thees see where he actually playing he was just an attacking player I didn’t but the thing

Is I think Manu tried everything they tried to accommodate him with every possible play gave him every chance I see him on the left side of the Midfield left of the left of a diamond I ain’t seen him do wing it wasn’t working and we like oh

Let’s get matid that we’ll free him up and it wasn’t working oh let’s get Sanchez that’ll give him some SP we just never worked every window every window was spent trying to help him did he come to Man United at the wrong time then no we came to the Premier League at time

When was when was the right time there’s never been a right time he the the Premier League was changing when he came and keev Kevin De Bry is the best example someone who needed to be deep to control the game be creative but figured

Out how to be more of a defensive uh use than Paul Pogba ever did and also Paul Pogba just he just he never took it seriously enough and and people can say oh that’s all narrative whatever we everything you’ve heard since he left was PA probably didn’t take it seriously

Enough everything you’ve heard since he since way where he’s gone in Juventus and what he’s done in his post playing career because he has been retired now for two years let’s be real he’s not taking the game seriously enough and the Premier League that he came to I don’t know if

He thought it was going to be as intense as it was I think after he won the work up I think he’s probably mentally probably done with football to some degree yeah yeah I’ve got this man and he scored in the World Cup final you

Can’t do no you can’t do no bad in he had a good World Cup he had a great World Cup that’s it after great side yeah but I’m saying mentally some players yeah and it goes back to what we’re saying before like why f him go like another great Ral Morrison

Unbelievable but just didn’t work did it apparent that’s why you let him go apparently you let Pogba go because you had R Morrison this is going to sound Blasphemous but I think going forward we need to stop talking about Fergie yeah oh this episode’s about Fergie but

Yeah I think what we need to do is stop comparing to Fergie I don’t think Arsenal fans compare our tea to venger they we stopped we renger died though like Wenger died renger renger you wanted you had we never had Fergy out but I don’t think Etta’s been a success

Yet no he ain’t if anything I think he’s failed at the moment no I I tell you why right I tell you tell you sorry don’t be here too long since man united but gone no no no I’m deadly serious he spent half a billion pounds right he’s first season

Eth second season eighth it wasn’t a season by the way it was half a season okay next season bottle top four got fifth bottled Premier League got second and the only trophy won was with un emry side prob uncle your fists [Applause] man what side did he inherit cuz what is

He talking about what side did he inherit I know but he said how many years you been cuz you’re trying to go crazy now December is he said nothing but facts you I’m saying right we all we a lot of people were quick to dismiss Eric tenh

Har But Eric tenh har achieved in one season what artetta has done because he spent more money no artetta spent more no you spent more money why is everyone violing what are you talking about you’re here talking talking your nonsense boys you’re shouting out our

Guest Arta spent half a billy we had to spend more what are you doing no what I’m saying art and tag you’ve both won one domestic cup yeah you’ve both got to four that’s a bad that’s a I think that’s a bad metric H Andy don’t shoot the mess I’m just I’m

These are facts right done I hear him I hear him loud and clearly would you come back for top 10 disappointing players post arson Wenger oh my God P that ticket [Laughter] well that’s the top 10 I’m going to count them down now number 10 Cristiano Ronaldo number nine Angel Di Maria

Number eight Harry MaGuire number seven Memphis D number six casemiro number five Anthony martial number four Alexis Sanchez number three Jayden Sancho number two Anthony and number one Paul leil oh there some quality in that list don’t it I know world class man filthy subscribe to the channel Spotify

Listeners thank you Andy Goldstein thank you so much coming man thank you drive Dar B


  1. The argument to Poet’s Sancho argument is that ETH had to go public to force Sancho to take a stand. He tried to coddle him and it didn’t work. He set rules and it didn’t work. He went to the public and said Sancho is out of line with the hopes that Sancho would try and prove him wrong. Sancho just did the wrong thing and said it’s not my problem and accepted defeat!

  2. The end of this podcast is actually emotional, had me feeling sad for united yk my poor club

  3. Of course Lippy would put Sancho first – this guy had an agenda against since day one but if he went Liverpool he would be coldd

  4. i like poet listening to him talking about united any time any episode is insufferable – happily listen to him about anyone else tho, but united its not coz its truth its cuz its just insufferable

  5. poet usually doesnt rattle me but holy shit his comments about sancho and not needing to go public was so annoying. like bro has 0 respect. margs is right he doesnt want to take responsibility for his actions

  6. You’ve gotta give it to Miles. Even though his opinion doesn’t make sense, he commits and backs himself.

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