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“FAKE MF”— Adrien Broner Keeps it 100 on Floyd Mayweather LEAKING Gervonta Davis vs Devin Haney SPAR

BREAKING NEWS🥊: “Dev Went OUT, I ain’t No FAKE M***F****” — Adrien Broner tells the TRUTH on Floyd Mayweather LEAKING Gervonta Davis vs Devin Haney DogHouse Sparring to Ryan Garcia

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He hit him boom then he hit him again and he like went out I jumped in the ring because at the time Devon is 17 and um they got back to working and they got back to working tank tank got got a little bit more uh uh fatigue and they

Got off but get off a little bit but it would wouldn’t it wouldn’t like really like getting off it was just like some good ass work but Dev was getting he was in more shape he was in better shape you got to understand what I’m saying once

They kept going Devon got you know Devon got the best of them so they spoed though I was there for that sparing so the sporing I seen uh at the Mayweather gym I would say Dev got the best of them yeah I was There breaking news of the one and only Adrian the problem Broner gave his reaction to the leak javante versus Devon Haney dogghouse bar where he said quote AB was in line now Adrien Broner is referring to the story he told in the past on what exactly happened on that

Day Adrian Broner revealed that javante had Devin Haney out on his fee so he jumped in the ring in order to save Devin Haney now I want you guys to pay attention to where Adrian bonus head on million dollar worth a game AB definitely wasn’t lying about jumping in the

Nobody was denying that even Bill Haney in the past confirmed that before the tape came out however Adrian brona said that the reason why he jumped in the ring is because javante hit Devon Haney so hard he had Devon Haney out basically out on his feet to the point where he’s

Knocked out but when we looked at the tape when the tape got leaked Devon Haney at no point was out on his feet he was never really that badly hurt hurt as bad as he got hurt in the lenarz fight he never got knocked down or knocked out

Yeah he took some nasty body shots from tank but he never got wobbled not even once and he definitely wasn’t out on his feet the way Adrian Broner was describing which prompted him to jump in the ring in order to stop the dogghouse sparring between javante and Devon Haney

I mean watching the tape javante was hitting Devon Haney then leaning on him by pushing him down however Devon Haney had enough strength to still keep himself up so how can ab possibly say Devon Haney was out on his feet if Devon Haney was out on his feet he would have

Had failed to the ground at the very least immediately when javante was leaning on him but never once Devon Haney fell to the ground when javante was pushing him down therefore we know for a fact Devon Haney wasn’t out on his feet it almost came off like Adrian

Broner jumped in the ring to stop the sparring because because he claimed javante was out of shape and he realized that javante burned himself out with that explosion with that flurry that he put on Devon Haney and since he wasn’t able to take Devon Haney out in the

Process logically so Devin Haney was only going to come back from that moment and put it on javante and if javante is out of shape guess what Devin Haney was going to end up stopping javante therefore what AB really was attempting to do by jumping in the ring to stop The

Spar is to stop the inevitable from taking place which is Devon Haney stopping and out of shape javante since Devin Haney never got wobbled he never got dropped and he was still Alert in there when Adrian Broner jumped in the ring to make matters worse Adrien Broner

Revealed that there was money on the line and Bill Haney won money that day from his pops so Adrian Broner had to break bread which you best believe AB is no sucker you can say whatever you want to say about AB but he’s not going to

Get finessed by Bill Haney in front of everyone nor will it be the other way around so when AB interfere how can he stop the sparring if he’s part of javante corner but he’s stopping the fight for Devin Haney that doesn’t even make sense you can’t throw in the towel

For the other Corner Bill Haney has to be the one that’s going to throw in the towel not Adrian Broner the only way Adrien Broner can stop the fight is if he’s saving tank not if he’s saving Devon he don’t have the right to do that that’s why it doesn’t make sense for

Adrien Broner to jump in the ring in order to supposedly attempt to save Devon first of all you’re not in Deon Haney corner you on the opposition Corner tank Corner second of all there’s money on the line Adrian Broner had to break bread they lost money to Bill

Haney you think they some suckers javante knocked out Devin and ab is gonna give Bill Haney money that’s not how the game works nobody’s getting finessed like that especially not if you are from the streets like Bill Haney and ab so if there’s money on the line and

Ab had a challenge with Floyd that his fighter javante was going to stop Devin Haney then why will AB jump in the ring even though he’s a part of javante Corner in order to stop the fight for Devon Haney even though Devon Haney never got wobbled he blocked and ate all

Of the punches javante threw at him he never got dropped he was still alert and defensively responsible so AB had no reason to jump in the ring in order to save Devon Haney especially if he’s representing javante Corner that will be Bill Haney job to do something like that

Anyways and that’s my point clearly Adrian Broner had a different motive and that would stop the inevitable from taking place which is Devon Haney coming back to stop javante under the dogh house sparring rules of you fight to somebody quit or get knocked out we didn’t see Devon Haney get stopped we

Didn’t see Devon Haney quit or get knocked out by javante on the leaked footage before during and even after Adrien Broner jumped in the ring however what we do know is that AB got kicked out of the ring quick after he pulled that stunt move and Devin Haney

Weathered the storm from javante and came back to Dish his own to the point where javante had to wave the White Flag even Adrian Broner admitted after he jumped in the ring to stop the sparring Devin Haney started getting off on javante and that’s when he stopped javante because his Corner waved the

White Flag therefore the million-dollar question here here when AB jumped in the ring who was he really trying to save here tank or Devon because clearly he had a different motive than what he’s saying to the public if AB himself admitted after Devin Haney weathered the storm against

Javante he came back to stop javante clearly AB was trying to stop The Spar to save javante since he keeps claiming javante was out of shape you have to read between the lines here remember ab and tank are not friends they Brothers AB said tank is like his little brother

So you best believe he will never say anything to make tank look bad it don’t matter what it is AB is a very loyal guy nevertheless here is exactly what Adrien Broner had to say check it out you was there hell yeah I was there and uh he sparred in about about billion

Shirt jabon yeah he got right off the plane was [ __ ] around and went to the gym and SP Devon and uh I was supposed to fight I was about to fight Shawn Porter we was at Floyd gym packed I’m I just had weighed in right and uh we went to the gym it’s

Packed as hot they get in there tank hit that [ __ ] he hit him boom then he hit him again and he like went out I jumped in the ring because at the time Devon is 17 I’m like hell no this a kid hell no it’s going it’s going to fall it’s going to

Fall on us if you know what I mean if if he really get up like that so so what happened was uh uh Bill jump in the ring his dad Haney jump in the ring and then it was about to it was about to go down about billions versus them was

About to go down but it calmed down but I it calmed down and um they got back to working and they got back to working tank tank got got a little bit more uh uh fatigue and they got off but get off a little bit but it was wasn’t it wasn’t

Like really like getting off it was just like some good ass work but de was getting he was in more shape he was in better shape tank probably had a couple shots before we got to you know what I mean was hanging out Vegas yeah but um

Ain’t no excuse I mean it was good work but but have been over with though have been over with and and and um I love everything that Devon’s doing you know me and me and Bill we got a nice relationship so they know I ain’t no

Fake BH said that he beat your I think your uncle or your dad for some money yeah because you got to understand what I’m saying once they kept going Devon got you know Devon got the best of them okay but in a real fight time with 8 O gloves on bye

Bye that’s with 16 o on headgear with a o on no headgear bro bye-bye bro bye over with and your and your Prime and Floyd in his prime what’s it going to look like first AB said tank had Devon Haney out then later on he said without 16 o gloves and

Without headgears javante would have had Devon Haney out which one is it I thought tank already had Devin Haney out with the 16 oz gloves and with the headgear on you can’t have a both ways AB pretty much admitted that tank couldn’t get Devin Haney out of there but

Without the 16 o gloves and without the headgear maybe he can this is what he’s basically saying now when it comes to javante being out of shape look I done seen javante with a tummy whipping on guys let alone here where he doesn’t have a tummy when he was sparring Devon

Javante looked much bigger than Devin Haney because at the time he was much older than Devon hany Devon was only 17 even then that didn’t help him now when you guys say he was out of shape you guys have to realize one thing for sure and two things for certain everyone knows what

Dog house rules represent they know what that stands for so if tank was out of shape why will ab and tank agree to spar Devon Haney under doghouse rules clearly he had to be in some type of shape in order to agree to them type of

Rules if not he would have had said look man I’m out of shape we can Spar three rounds that’s it but that wasn’t the case tank agreed to spar Devon Haney under doghouse rules so he had to be in some type of a shape not saying he was

In a fighting shape all I’m saying is javante had to be in a good enough shape in order to agree to the doghouse rules he had to be but the reason why they emphasizing on javante being out of shape is because javante ended up waving the white flag at least his Corner did

Somebody did clearly intent corner and tank agreed to do so so basically Devin Haney ended up stopping javante and that’s how Bill Haney and everyone that day that better on Devon Haney ended up winning money that day now that’s the truth to say tank was out of shape is to

Justify why Devin Haney stopped him which means we all know who won The Spar that day under dogghouse rules Devon Haney clearly did this is the reason why they didn’t put out the entire dogghouse sparring footage of 40 minutes long they only put out like a minute and a half

Highlights of only tank Landing punches not Devon Henny that being said javante needs to go ahead and get his redemption in the rain you guys said he was out of shape well guess what javante can get in shape now don’t make EXC excuses about the sparring we want

To see the real fight when javante is 100% in shape and so is Devon Haney we all know Devin Haney wants the fight now and he’s ready to make it happen the only question is why doesn’t javante want the fight now and why is he not

Ready to make it happen because if he did then the fight would had been taken place Devin Haney has been calling aavante for years already and this fight has been long overdue the comics is now the best time to make the fight is right now because it’s not just the biggest

Fight in boxing but arguably he going to end up becoming one of the biggest fights of all time talking about top five in the game that’s a statement on its own and javante should capitalize on it with that being said go ahead and drop your thoughts in the comment

Section below subscribe below and to be continue on the next episode of AI TV peace out now I’m ask you this if you not Ry the liar then you said that you seen devil get wobbled if you’re not lying Ryan you seen devil get wobbled by Tank

On there did you see tank get stopped and did you see me get paid when when stop tank question if you seen the tank I told you he’s a liar did you see theoy Floyd show you tap yes he show me a tape did you see

Deon get did you see Deon stop T and see us get paid the money no no so you only saw partnering the tape no maybe I don’t know it was obviously clipp but at the end of the [ __ ] day Devon was getting his ass knocked up I’m not we watch we

Watch ttin knock you out the world see T knock you out you quit you quit you quit the world see you take a KNE and quit like a [ __ ] stop stop the GU and stop you couple questions for


  1. Broner stopped it cuz Devin was under aged; and they didnt want to hurt him too badly!! Could have been a lawsuit; oh delusional one! Nice try; though!

  2. Ain't no rest of no clip because with 8ounce gloves on and no head gear tank would of put him down right there before broner even jumped in the ring

  3. So, in your honest opinion. Aside from an out of shape fighter losing a sparring bet. You sound like you constructing a Devin Haney narrative here, that said, how you see a proper fight, full Queensberry Rules, 12×3 title fight at 140lbs going between Tank and Devin?

  4. Just fight!! Fighters throw more leather now on social media than in the professional ring. Once you turn pro the amateurs, Olympics and definitely juvenile age sparring are irrelevant. Prove your skills in the PAID ring. Period.

  5. It makes sense wen you put the money in there. I givv u that💯🤝 ad i never knew AB put money on the line also

  6. Bra your reporting is horrible, you don’t listen well. AB said he stepped in because he didn’t want to see Devin get really hurt in which a lot people would do. You ride them boys and it shows , garbage

  7. Akhi when a fighter is retreating like Devin was 9 out of 10 he hurt now its really big up to haney for weathering the storm

  8. Boy if TANK hit Haney with 8 pound gloves😂 Haney felt tank power with headgear and sparring gloves on 😩and imagine A IN SHAPE TANK🦍you just a HANEY GROUPIE YOU AND BILL HANEY 😂🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍

  9. Dawg you just being petty on the AB said tank wobbled haney&AB was saying that as figure of speech,TANK GOING TO F this boy up Haney has same chin like you 😂🦍

  10. Akhi be so biased when it comes to Muslims! That’s why I don’t watch his videos cause he’s always biased when it comes to Devin or a Muslim 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

  11. As a fan of boxing, I don't really give a damn about what happened about a decade ago sparring. As a fan I would like to see them fight now. What have they done lately?

  12. Y’all need to realize it’s a sparring match if I’m whooping sb ass that bad I’ll step off the gas too

  13. Dude wtf is talm bout you make no sense!!! 🤦🏽‍♂️ you clearly don’t know boxing my guy!! You don’t think that head gear and 16oz gloves helped him??? Obviously it did 😂 😂!! You missing the point AB made with 8ox gloves night night 🌙

  14. My lil homie who was a National champ who I shall not name sparred Tank a few years ago and beat his ass in front of Floyd and everyone. He was 16. Floyd has taken this kid under his wing and you all will know his name soon trust me

  15. idk why y’all wanna use this old shit as a reference so bad 🤦🏽‍♂️. it’s irrelevant today

  16. I just noticed your platform jumped to 250K and I remember being subscribed when you were at 60K (Whoa) Congratulations Akhi 👏🏽 Keep up the great work 👑

  17. As salaamu laikum, at this point they hating on Devin. Devin talking that talk and he is walking the walk. I want the best for Devin. Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem bless him and his family inshallah.@AKHi TV

  18. Why in the hell would ab jump in the ring to try to save tank because of what he thought may happen if they'd continued to fight that doesn't make sense I think he jumped in the ring to stop what he was witnessing at that moment stop the CAP please

  19. How Sr Haney get his money 💰💰💰💰💰 on the bet????????. 17 year old was in better shape HUH? Davis gassed ⛽ OUT? Bottom line. Haney won.

  20. Gervonta don’t want that fight because that pup he sparred back then, that gave him hell at the age of 16; is a full grown Dawg now! 😒😏

  21. There's a reason they don't wanna release the whole tape. Boxing casuals will focus only on this part.

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