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The MMA Road Show with John Morgan – Episode 470 – Vegas

John Morgan and Cold Coffee are together in Las Vegas to help preview “UFC on ESPN 54: Blanchfield vs. Fiorot,” discuss a fun night at Tuff-N-Uff, talk the continued fallout from the settlement of the UFC antitrust lawsuit, the virtues of Busch Light, and more.

Welcome to the MMA Road Show episode number 470 my name is John Morgan and Cole Coffee is with me here on the rarest of rare weeks in Las Vegas it seems I mean there’s no UFC event in town we’re chilling at home no traveling nothing to

Do I I was going to say it felt different but then I came over to your house the palacial cay cold coffee for today’s episode and uh you were working on processing media day vide so I was just going to say isn’t this crazy cold

Coffee it’s so weird it’s so we don’t do what we do every Wednesday and then I come to find out you’re doing what we do every Wednesday yeah but there there is something better about being uh being here in the house waiting it’s you know it’s funny like even though when you’re

Waiting for somebody to send you footage you know if you’re there at the Apex it’s just non-stop non-stop nonstop but I did find time when I was waiting for a video Because the Internet supposedly has been really sort of iffy there at the hotel which imagine that it happens

Y um I was able to like hard boil some eggs I had a little breakfast I made some coffee I was like you know granted I was Tethered to a seat for a good solid six hours yeah but it’s not it’s not as bad as be I’d rather be 6 hours

Sitting in my office as opposed to 6 hours sitting in the Apex that’s right so at least it’s a little bit get to do some and it really is different because thanks to Josh Hernandez we get to do things that we don’t normally do on a Wednesday now this has been a couple

Months in the making so let me offer my sincerest apologies to Josh Hernandez that it this long to get it done but um and I will say there were a couple of attempts made on the way where we were like hey today we got to make good but

Josh Hernandez was kind enough to Vin moo over a couple of bucks to pay for some Frosty beverages his favorite con Bush light and he said look feel free to get any kind you like man just a little thanks for me I enjoy the show and I

Want you guys to have some Frosty beverages on me but you know how we are we’re did he say it was his favorite he no he didn’t actually remember we were I can’t remember if we were talking about him and that’s what made him want to

Send him to us I thought it was his I thought that was his be well I don’t want to put that on him at he’s like he’s like no y’all were talking [ __ ] he’s like I’m an import guy I’m an import guy don’t you Bush light

Me don’t take me to the bush leag like he’s like I’m big time don’t take me Bush now that you mentioned it he didn’t mention that it was just I thought it was like like it was kind of his go-to or whatever and so there were a couple

Times where I stopped by a store in the way and I was like they didn’t have any Bush light so finally imagine that it’s hard to find it’s kind of hard to find and so I actually had to like Google like I went to their website and like

You know and put in my birth date to ensure that I was of age and then and then I Googled you know or they have like a little search where you can either order it directly or find a place you know that has it and so I drove to

It and I picked up the bush light and so you’re right I want to thank Josh Hernandez but I also do not want to stick that on him if this is not his go-to I can’t remember the last time I had a bush light I couldn’t to be honest

With you I couldn’t even remember what to expect but um a a a nice attractive cool blue can I mean that’s feels very like for me you knowing you that you’re like a Kors guy this made me think it was like a Coors this is lighter than

The logo on the can says cold and smooth it is cold and smooth this is I mean this this is the equivalent of of like beer water yeah I mean you know what I mean like it’s they probably think that about our PBR as well I literally as

Soon as I drank it it was like that it was like that what did we say it was the flavor of nostalgia Nostalgia like it literally every like I just remembered like you know uh beer funnel the taste of beer funnel where a little bit of

This taste and a little bit of plastic yep uh you know it definitely took back memories man it wasn’t like it wasn’t like I was dreading the first drink because it been so long because actually as soon as we trade it it was just like this is actually pretty good I’m going

To say at risk of embarrassing myself here this for like a hot summer day yes this is really I mean it it look it has no flavor at all and so when I say it’s like beer water I mean it’s you know the alcohol percentage is like what 4.1

Which is pretty standard for like light beer so I’m not trying to say that like it’s oh this is even more water down than my PBR I’m not saying that it just doesn’t have FL it’s literally like drinking water I mean this is it’s it’s it’s cold and smooth for those that like

To drink a 12pack and then drive you could probably do it with it I don’t suest supposed to do that I don’t think you could say that I don’t think you could say that at all dude but it’s it’s it’s not bad at all it is really not bad

At all it literally uh it takes me back man it’s not so bad I mean will it go into a normal rotation no but if somebody uh shows up to a gathering with it am I going to shun them out the front door no I’ll be honest had somebody

Showed up to a gathering before today with uh Bush light in their hand I would probably have laughed at them and made fun of them Jud Jud I would have judged them tremendously I’d have been like dude like I can give you a couple bucks

If you need some help right now you know like if you but honestly it’s it’s it’s it’s pretty good it’s not bad it’s not B it doesn’t have a lot of flavor so if you’re looking you know if you’re like oh what’s the uh what’s the Hops level

Like if you got if you got a beer app you’re not going to you you you’re you’re probably not going to file this underneath your beer tasting that but dude it’s it’s not bad at all it’s not bad at all um I could probably go out in the car and

Grab like one of the funnels you know just wash out the oil we want to do old school I could find some piping we can just uh we can do some some if if we don’t if we don’t finish all these you could probably put them in the gym so

That like if you know when you’re out there pumping iron and you a little hydration bro you just like let me let me throw this down oh but anyway shout out to Josh Hernandez thank you very much always appreciated the frosty beverages on you and that was long

Overdue long overdue hopefully we see in person someday and we can uh return the favor to you there so uh that is something that we get to do on a non Vegas Fight week so something else that uh we got to do recently we’ll talk about all that’s going on in Atlantic

City of course everything that we’ve got to but uh how about you getting to be a fan on Friday night you just got to sit in the crowd and watch some fights it tough enough I was on the call there with Justin James our good friend there

A mutual friend um it was on UFC Fight Pass so if you didn’t get a chance to see it check it out but uh man you got the rare opportunity to just kind of hang out in the crowd I mean most of the time you don’t even get to see like the

UFC fights cuz you’re you’re back in the back working you’re stuck in you know processing video and and doing interviews with the evenings winners and that sort of thing but on this particular night uh you got to just hang out in the crowd uh and they were good

Fights I they were very good fights I will go ahead and say uh I didn’t talk to you about it but I believe when I did speak to you you may have consumed a frosty beverage or two at that at that point in time we we my so my high school

Buddy came into town and uh you know I had forgot that i’ already agreed to go like watch Tough Enough and then I was like [ __ ] well I guess I’m going go hang with my buddy sorry Tough Enough I’m not going to go and then I was like wait

This guy likes fights I was like dude would you like to go see some fights for a little bit I was like you know there amateur fights and then there’s some pros he’s like dude that sounds great and I was like all right cool I was like

I got I got a plus one let’s go I I was like I just have to do some social posts and then they’ll be happy that I was there right you know so we end up taking him first and he had never been there I

Took him to Dos oh and it was it was awesome uh Mariah oh on a Friday night it was popping and it didn’t get there quite yet but it was so it still pretty early but um one my longtime bartenders Mariah there she’s super cute she’s

Super friendly we get in there so the first thing she does she’s like give a big hug you know and so then he’s like oh this place is cool and then it was just straight PBR at first I know he was gonna he’s he’s he’s kind of up he’s up

He’s got some money he’s he’s got some money so like he could drink whatever so I straight went to the PBR game where if you guess the suit you get your free I was like this is why I come this is it and then he he first started looking at

The Taps then he looked at my PBR then he looked at The Whisky bottles and stuff and they like the PBR I was like bro just do it you know you want to so he went straight PBR so we just drank PBR and we probably had a good about

Maybe four five or so before I think we showed up so for me I haven’t really been drinking a lot lately so like I had a nice little happy Buzz so we roll over there and since we had missed sort of the beginning a lot of the seats had

Sort of filled in so I didn’t know what was going to what the deal was so I was like hey you know um sitting in some area and they pointed us to they’re like okay we’ll find you some seats over here they take us to the area we are

Literally right behind the ring card girls like they actually scooted their chairs forward to make room for us and so I’m thinking like my boy thinks I’m wor thinking I’m balling I’m like bro I got some tickets to go watch these fights you know and then uh you know and

I it’d be cool if I could say oh and they’re by the way they’re going to sit us behind the ringard girls so we’re going to chat with the ringard girls while we’re there um so no it was great you know and they were fun so we were

Chatting with them but looking around the crowd like there were so many like Shelby was over to the left you know I saw uh at the end of the night I saw um uh patchy mix and he was there with Tatiana right Den uh Thomas uh was there

Um there was like just looking around there was all kinds of people and then the on top of that so it was cool pointing out to an MMA fan like the people that they don’t normally see in person but in close like proximity then had great fights you know so it was just

Like dude this is fun like the fight showed up y somebody tried at first tour to tell me they like they were so so I was like bro I had fun I was like maybe maybe cuz I had drank and they hadn’t drank but I was like dude I thought the

Fights were good a whole lot of finishes the decisions were competitive and exciting what you’re trying to tell me they said that the the amateur fights were better than the pro fights there were some good amateur fights I’ll admit but no I like the last two fights were

Solid like it was good you know um but it was interesting too since we were on the side where um so once the pros started going like um Greg Cooper’s brother you know he lost a tough fight but I’m looking off to the site and side

And there’s uh Ray seepo there and then Ray Cooper so I’m just I’m telling him I was like dude I was like that’s Ray SEO you know president like the C uh the pfl and you know is at extreme he’s a former kickbox champ blah blah blah blah blah

Blah blah and I was like oh [ __ ] dude next to him because I didn’t I didn’t really put two and two together the name thing I was like that’s Ray Cooper right there I was like you know he’s a former champ da da and then I was like wait a

Second he kind of looked I was I saw that the guy fighting was Hawaiian or whatever and he looked kind of like I looked back at I picked the fight car back up saw the last name Cooper I was like holy [ __ ] that’s brother and so then it really put it into perspective

And by the way makco Cooper is two- two now as a pro that dude is way better than two and two would indicate you know what I mean I mean that was a hell of a fight hell of a fight Ray Waters Ray Waters is undefeated talent that was I

Mean I give I give his opponent all the credit in that fight but I give Cooper like Cooper’s good so much hard he’s better than two and two would indicate man he’s got like his head movement his striking really good just even after that performance even seeing that

Performance in a loss knowing like Shelby’s there like I don’t see why that cat wouldn’t get a a call to be like on contenders or to like do something at some point yeah down the road he was solid but no it was it was great it was

Fun and then I I know after I I was chatting with you and Justin and then as we Lo saw there was like even a fight out in the the crowd I think that was was that amongst Fighters and I think it might have been was I think it might

Have been like the main event or I don’t know what happened I I didn’t get to see all of it either it could be that main event cuz like the fans were getting pretty heated on that particular one but dude it was great man um it was it was

Funny cuz I know when we initially talked about it you thought it was going to be in a bigger venue and well I thought it was going to be in the theater cuz that’s where it had been was the theater instead it was in the ballroom which we hadn’t been in the

Ball in a while which is what like I remember like seeing some of the tough up which is it’s kind of cool in its own you know unique little way I mean there’s something that just so you you want to feel like a grassroot sort of

Like down and dirty fight like it was it was perfect but I loved it man I I I loved it I had such a good time that night it’s fun man I will sh I mean obviously I’ve been working with Tough Enough since I moved to Las Vegas so I

Mean that’s you know going on 16 years now so I got a lot of love for those guys I do a lot more work for cfffc just because cfffc does so many more shows but I got love for tough up but I will say man if you’re ever in Las Vegas

During a tough enough show and you can go you absolutely should because exactly what you said you know what I mean like you there’s so much talent in the cage and it’s fun and they put on a good show they’ve been doing this for you know over two decades uh they did kickboxing

And stuff before MMA um and so they put on a great show but the number of people that you see like if you’re an MMA fan like the the number of people you’re going to get to rub shoulders with you know what I mean and just take a quick

Picture with or say hi or whatever and it’s just so much less not stressful but I guess hectic than like a UFC event you know what I mean where so and obviously the cost is you know not even uh remote close so um I’m spoiled in in the in

That I work for those two organizations cuz they both do things top-notch but um you know as much as I’m recommend then just supporting local MMA man if you get a if you get a chance wherever you are whether it be Las Vegas or not you know

To go support an organization in your area man it’s it’s it first of all your your dollar is going to stretch a whole lot further you know what I mean plus it’s just it’s just a different experience man it’s fun if you’ve never done it it’s F I mean you’re going to be

Able to sit way closer than you ever would at a USC event without without paying you know inordinate amounts of money um you know and and you know people need it that’s the Grassroots that’s that’s where the talent comes from you know what I mean so uh I’m glad

You had fun and got to have a good time doing it it’s funny and you’re you’re going to laugh when I say this if you ever want to feel like you’re at an apex show go to a regional wow there was probably more people in the ballroom than in the Apex on well

Cuz they were they’re actually trying to sell tickets like the Apex is like $1,500 I don’t I just don’t get I don’t understand and the overall thing at some point they got to just o open it up to more people right I mean at that point I

Mean even when you go we’ve said this before like when it’s like the actual venues and stuff they’re actually using that money for the cost of the actually putting on the event right there is no cost at this point for like the Apex the the Security’s all staff you know maybe

They bring on a few extra security on you know for at some point but for the most part that’s all staff you know it maybe the people running some of the the concessions are extra little people but for the most part there’s no overhead so like other than just the food they have

To bring in for the VIPs that’s it I would think that if they really needed the money they probably could but on the flip side you look at some of the ticket pricing for floor access at UFC fights it’s probably about, 1500 the same so it’s probably like they’re pricing it

The exact same that they see a floor at T-Mobile like the same as like the floor in the Apex right you know because you’re just as close you know if not maybe even closer at the Apex but yeah probably closer um but no I say that

Just in tongue and cheek because I saw like uh some other well people are always [ __ ] on the Apex which we’ve we don’t I mean a lot of it is just a convenience for us but like I don’t I don’t hate the Apex you know what I mean

It’s right down the street from my house it’s super convenient I don’t you know you get people and I think Ariel you know blessed his heart the other day and and this could be an old video somebody was putting he was putting something out and he was like why don’t some of these

Media just people ask Dana why are we still doing these Apex shows you know like we already know why they’re still doing it you know you know I know that they everybody wants them to go on the road but it’s like once they established it you know like it just it’s they’re so

Much easier for their operations it saves a ton of money in travel it saves a ton of stress in trying to sell out Arenas cuz you know you don’t want to go man the last thing you want to do is go to a 17,000 seat Arena and have like

4,000 tickets sold you know what I mean it looks awful for the company so and it’s difficult for them man look trust me as as an organization you know I see the guys at cffc I see the guys at Tough Enough like the grind to sell tickets right I mean

It’s Harding it a month is tough to doing it every sing We and to trying to Mark in different markets around the world I mean it’s it’s very difficult so it’s a beautiful setup for and there’s there’s a reason that other organizations are doing that like you

Know Oscar De La Hoya has been saying like hey man we want to set up something like the Apex and do what they’re doing there’s a reason people are going to that model because it makes a hell of a lot of financial sense yeah it really

Really does I mean like and that being said would it be cool if the UFC was traveling all the time sure that’s great and do they have the money to travel all the time sure yes they do especially as the valuation keeps going up and going

Up and it’s like it makes it harder I think for them to justify never ever breaking not I don’t again I wouldn’t say breaking away because I don’t think it’s ever fully going to go away but could they travel three weeks out of the month sure could they be traveling two

Months out of the out of the month for sure 100% you know like you said there’s going to be some differences of of getting the venues it’s just a lot more juggling a lot more you know planning the schedule out in advance and I think that’s where it gets hard for them

Sometime because I don’t think they know what the schedule is in full advance so once you start booking places and actually getting them locked down and then you have to start advertising but if you don’t really know what the card is I think it’s hard for them to really

Go full in because they just don’t have that fully fleshed out or whatever but yeah I mean they make enough money to be out there traveling as much um at the end of the day I do like that they’re still here because you know um that’s

Super easy and honestly for my view when I’m stuck in the back room it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter anyways it’s a spacious media room yeah I mean if the fighters don’t mind I get it but Fighters are going to say they don’t mind just because they’re happy they’re

They’re fighting they’re making money their check still in either way yeah I mean would every fighter like to be fighting in front of fans and and a lot of people sure you know there is something to it but you know also we’ve seen times you know just even fight we

Logistics coming in making sure you have the facilities to be able to to make weight you know a lot of times when they’re on the road that the hotels that they’re staying at don’t have the proper saas they don’t have the proper [ __ ] UFC is trying to bring these little portable

Saunas they could stick in the room so they could do [ __ ] it’s great to to say hey yes they’re traveling everywhere but you know say we just for the ease or the the the the point of saying yes okay well we’re traveling this weekend but then you pick a location then go and

Then [ __ ] just goes wrong and then what now the fighters you know the fighters start falling out just because we said we want to go on the road just to go on the road yeah you know I mean there’s definitely pros and cons both play both

Ways um I’ll always s to be a homer for the five minute down the street trip where I don’t have to pack up where I don’t have to go traveling’s fun and that’s that’s great and all um if that would mean more media go gets to go out

And cover them and actually go to events then I think that’s a benefit as well if if people can’t travel to Vegas and it’s and that’s making it to where people can’t do the coverage that they want to do because it never gets on the road then I understand that I can understand

Their frustration but they don’t say that yeah they say that they’re upset because they don’t see the fans in the crowd they don’t do the other Atlantic City this weekend it sure didn’t sound like there were a whole lot of people in that media room think there was like

Five five five or six people in the media room you know so I’m thinking like East Coast guys if they’re saying like hey they’re not getting to travel I’m like here’s your East Coast show the thing you have to understand and trust me I get it like as as being somebody

That does get to sit cagide in a packed Arena and feel the Roar of the crowd and feel those special events like I get it there there is absolutely something to be said for those iconic moments in front of this amazing crowd and everybody’s going nuts and like oh just

You know gives you chills 100% yeah but you do have to remember too that it’s like if somebody went to your job and be like hey you know what man I know that you found the most profitable way to do things but I don’t like it yeah so what

I would like for you to do is I would like for you to change something it’s going to cost you more money you’re going to lose money you’re not going to be as profitable but but it would make me feel better about what you’re doing yeah come on man you got to understand

Look at the end of the day they’re not a charity it’s it’s a for-profit company you know what I mean and this is the most profitable and by holding shows at the Apex then they get things like this week in Atlantic City where they work with the Tourism Committee who says hey

You know what we’d love for you to come here because we’re trying to Showcase you know our venue and showcase our town and can we give you a little bit of money to help make that work and you know that’s that’s how it works yeah and

And and and I guess with that I mean like that helps put on the event is that lining the pocket to the fighters no and is the fact that they’re doing more shows at the Apex changing the pay structure not really either and I can see where people are like well if you’re

Going to save money like give us give us some positives that we could say like if the Apex said if if the UFC said hey if we’re able to put on 20 Apex shows we can guarantee a 2% increase on the fight purses or whatever that’s never ever

Going to get done or whatever you know I think people would B [ __ ] about it less if they could say okay well Fighters are benefiting from it or whatever well you just wait till this lawsuit is all said and done I bet oh wait oh well you know yeah that’s a whole can

Of worms but you know and we talked about it again you know like uh you know it it’s the best of what is and that’s kind of thing like you wonder if that’s the kind of but that I don’t think that would ever if even if they tried to say

Hey can you put in the contract that we have to fight on the road it has to be an event it has to be an arena it would never fly that would never happen no you’re never going to be able to say we get to dictate where you are hosting

Events you know or at least say like it can’t be at your headquarters you know like we want if we’re going to fight we want to fight for people you know we’re going to gladiate like gladiate in front of crowds yeah we’ll see about that you know uh hey look collective bargaining

If they ever want to come together but I at this point in my career I’ve lost all hope when do you think we’re going to find out more details of what what was actually in the agreement uh they said within 30 to 45 days I believe everything had to be filed obviously

This will be from the plan of side I feel like the UFC is going to stay as mum as they Poss like they had that generic little statement and Dana still never went out and said anything about it you know like I haven’t heard Hunter I haven’t heard anybody that’s like a

Main position verbally say this is our thoughts on the outcome of this lawsuit which is just strange to me and I and and the truth is so Dana didn’t come to the post fight press conference as you know you were there with me uh this past

Week after Rose Nam unus has went over Mah heus uh basically at that point by the end of the night all we had was Rose right because they brought back Carl Williams to you guys during the main event so we just spoke to her we didn’t

Speak to Dana uh I have seen a lot of podcasts this week with Dana doing things but I haven’t watched most of them but most of them are like taped and stuff I saw a weird one like I don’t know my our slack Channel sort of chatting about something like she was on

A podcast with this woman I don’t know and I think maybe she called him Joe Joe Rogan yeah I saw the clip yeah at the end she’s like what’s Joe Rogan’s dream and he started messing with him he’s like I just did did a 2-hour podcast and

You thought I was Joe Rogan the whole time I think she just misspoke briefly in that moment but yeah he he like he held her to it he’s like I just did a two I flew out here did a two-hour podcast and you thought I was I was Joe

Roger the whole time so like if I knew it was just you I was wondering when you’re going to start telling jokes I thought you’d be funnier [ __ ] U so I haven’t watched a lot of those yet so what’s it like eating bugs Dana damn that’s a throwback right there

Bro like eating bugs Joe oh man he’s like I didn’t do that um so yeah so but uh so I mean the next time we’ll see him I get they’re in Atlantic City I I don’t know if he made the trip out there or not I guess if the media is there

They’ll get the chance to ask him and I’m sure he’ll be asked but you know I mean we we’ve we’ve seen Dana you know I we’ve asked Dana about this lawsuit over the course of the 10 years right and what do he say like I don’t I don’t

Worry about I don’t think about that one bit lawyers I got lawyers to handle that and that is true right like he just like at this point he’s like just let me handle the fight stuff like you guys can do all that you know what what about uh

The drug thing don’t know that’s why I hire Jeff nisy he does I don’t mess with it you but now that the lawsuit’s done I feel like as the as the CEO he should be able to make a statement not through a proxy just make a statement like you are

The chief executive officer that’s like what the CEOs do like if there’s ever a class action or there’s ever any major movement or anything about your organization somebody if it’s not going to be Dana then it’s got to be somebody somebody should physically actually say

Something I mean if he can get on dude comes on and does [ __ ] it Fridays you can’t come on and say hey um you know we’re glad that the parties involved came to an agreement you know all parties maybe that aren’t as happy as they want but hey you know an agreement

Was reached we’re glad that we can move on forward and constructively and you know with the fighters and everybody’s happy and well maybe not everybody’s happy but at least act like you’re an actual CEO say something about it you know like and actually pretty decent statement there Bro you’ve actually

Gotten pretty good at corporate right there he [ __ ] it it’s Friday at the very end I mean it’s just strange I mean like I’m not asking him to give me the fine details because I know he’ll never have that stuff yeah but it would just be good to actually hear something from a

Representative of the company because like so when I when he didn’t come the other day I wanted to ask uh lenee like so has the UFC given us an official statement can we just have something that we can put on the thing and then when the team said that you know

Somebody said somebody came out with that official sort of like generic statement right after it initially happened and I’m was like so if you know that there was the potential that your company could have been on the hook for a billion dollars or close to it or even

More you think that the company would have like a you know like an actual statement or thought on that you know issue and still at this point your companies having to give pay out 335 was it 335 million dollar and you don’t think you should go on record to say

Something about it like that’s not maybe they’re like it’s only it’s barely 2% of our net worth but it’s like it just figures that you know if you want to seem like you’re company on the up your CEO should say something about that sort of stuff

Whether it’s pretty or not I’m I don’t think anybody would say well Dana what does this mean per fighter what is this because then he could say guys read the read the the thing coming out and just give a blank statement you know or something or even if just lenee or

Somebody came out and said here guys this is what’s happened then I feel like until that point happens somebody’s going to keep trying to ask y like just get ahead of it and just come out once say something I mean it’s just crazy I feel like uh we’ve gotten statements for

Stuff that were a lot less important to the the operations of how that company runs so you think that when finally a class action suit that’s been going on for 10 plus years it’s finally done you would say something about it I mean it it makes you it begs you to different to

Ask like do you know it’s done like do you really know it’s done yet because you haven’t said anything about it that’ be amazing he like oh is that thing hold on let let me Hunter is that thing done it is have we has anybody we said

Anything about it hang on one sec where where’s where’s Eric Eric come here is this done is this done it is oh that would be would that not be great if there’s a way to play it off that would be the way to play it off would that not

Be great that’ be the way to play it off it this done well there you go guys it’s done that’s that’ be a statement there you go and just with that little smirky smile there you go have we spent some time around Dana White or what man you

Can just lay it out there you can see it happening you’re right I actually what you said I think is spot on I I would love to hear a statement and just you know amending of the fences or something you know what I mean of like I think

That’s the best that’s the best part there we’re glad to put this behind us we want our fighters to know that you know we’re you know look we’ve look we’ve all said I increased wage share would be nice you know what I mean it’ be nice as as Revenue continues to grow

And look wages have risen but have they risen in an equal level with you know the the company revenue and don’t forget I think people do forget sometimes the massive amounts of over head that the USC does have there are a ton of expenditures when you talk about all the

Staff that they employ when you talk about all the travel expenses when you talk about so I I do think unfortunately sometimes people go only 18% goes to the fighters and 82% goes to Dana’s Pockets you know it’s like whoa whoa whoa no no no there’s a lot of expenditures in

There but you know we I think we all agree that that that you know wages should continue to rise as the revenue continues to rise and the pro but it would be nice to come out and just make a statement and I guess that’s the thing

Is you have to be careful what you say in the statement or whatever but it would be nice to just be like hey we’re glad to have this behind us you know we’re working with the fighters you know we’re we’re we’re continuing to build this brand we’re continuing to build

This Sport and the fighters are a you know a massive part of what we do and you know wouldn’t happen without him and and where we you know something along the Lin like Hunter or Lawrence if Dana can’t stay stick to the line and can’t give the like the bullet points give it

To somebody that can yeah like Hunter or Lawrence somebody that Lawrence would be really Lawrence Lawrence would probably best I think Lawrence would be anybody doesn’t know he’s done a lot he’s done a lot he he uh he did some speaking I remember Brazil like he represented the

Brand a couple times down in Brazil I think when they didn’t have a regional officer down there um Hunter strikes me as the kind of guy that likes to stick it to people you know yeah but but but I think when it comes to numbers and the

Understanding like he would he like he has a huge grasp like I feel like if Lawrence when the people are gathering it like Hunter is going to be one of the resources that’s going to be doing it and Hunter who we all believe will take over Dana when does finally step aside

100% 100% but I mean it just it would just feel better if something um just official but I do like the idea of The Mending fences I mean like will it actually change you know or are people actually happier you know or you know did they actually mend any fences I mean

Like it’s not like both sides it wasn’t like anybody really sort of just tout of the thing like nobody’s nobody’s patting each other on the back in fact like one of the statements or somebody came out and said I think it was Nate or somebody Nate quy was like you know like we’re

Not patting ourselves on the back they they stated the reasons why and I’m sure the things could have been better but it would be nice to to to think that they at least were able to did they shake at the end of it did did anybody like sort of

Say Hey you know something or and even if not maybe that’s just wishful thinking that you know we we hope that at the end of all this that they could at least look each other in the face and understand why both sides did what they

Did um it certainly like and I know we talked about last time it definitely feels like it came out in the UFC’s favor what it could have been again we did say wait till we here the final we still got to see the final settlement and it does still have to be approved

And all those things um we know about the financial part of it we don’t know if there were any contractual changes or any other and I think that’s the part where more you know like we know we we we have the ballpark about the numbers like the numbers are out there it’s the

Everything else you know like and I think you mentioned it last week and others have sort of said like if anything now we think that the UFC shored up their side of the the the legalities of of loopholes that maybe have been like that’s probably shorted

Up and is that for the better of the company sure but is it for the better of the fighters probably not you know so but it’d be interesting to see those things but going back to just the fact that this huge thing is done and it

Would just be nice to hear from the company just sort of put it not I don’t want to say put it to bed but at least be able to walk back and say okay well we did have a statement cuz then they can at least say well guys we’ve

Released a statement already we already talked about this you know like uh let me let me point you to this you know or something shoot if they had like a they could probably even just put a statement on there and maybe have a pre-tape thing if they had people in

Their company that could actually film like Dana in a studio and then they could just probably release it that’s would they have the abilities to do that though I I don’t know you’re right they could I mean they literally could they used to do that stuff all the time like

You know they’d have Dana sit down and do little stuff like that I mean they have the means to do it they just for some reason are choosing not to you know I know there there’s they have a there a lot of things in in the fire you know

And the fire going you got power slap you got nitr cross you got this this this you got this this this you would just think that the people that are actually running the organization said hey all right this is done have we have we done our due diligence to sort of put

It to bed and say anything and I just feel like they haven’t I guess there’s just the you know I mean what what does a lawyer tell you immediately like don’t talk about anything don’t say anything right cuz all you can do is like make it worse you know what I mean that’s

Usually like when it’s pending them I know but I’m just saying like maybe they’re like hey man just let it go like we already everything’s already been in court I don’t maybe once maybe once the final settlement’s in maybe once the you know the final paperwork’s all been

Filed and approved maybe that’s what they’re waiting on we we we again there’s The Optimist in me I’m always the eternal optimist so maybe maybe that’s what I tell you what’s going to be interesting too is and and we touched on a little bit last week as well but um

Man I’ve been having more conversations with people about it in the week s is how they figure out how to divvy up all this money because there’s a real possibility and I’ve heard a number of people say that they think it’ll because I’ve said from the beginning I think the

Fairway is to take the total number of bouts that you had in that class agreement yeah divide it up and everybody gets equal shares per right but I’ve heard a lot of people saying no they think what they’re probably going to do is it’s going to be you know uh

Decided by how much revenue you were paid like what what your income was during that and then you get like a wage share um according to that and if that’s the case you’re going to have people like Ronda Rousey Brock Lesnar Conor McGregor like get substantial shares of

That money which is like they’re in zero need of it whatsoever you know what I mean so that’s going to be kind of a if that’s the way it goes down like that’s going to feel like even more of like what like either rich rich talking about

Cha sonen like I thought it was you or somebody that said you like depending on how it pans out cha even though he was willing to testify sort of on the UFC side might get one of the largest like portions of the payout and it’s like huh

It’s crazy I thought that was you that said that and somebody else maybe somebody else that told me that that but again like until we understand how the pay thing but if they did do something along the line when this time period was happening and people that were popping

Making the money like cha certainly was up he was up there during that stretch yeah crazy good Lord uh all right listen um we’ve had a little bit work even though we didn’t work uh in Atlantic City you and I did hit up a pfl media day yesterday at extreme Couture um

Satoi mad Bernell Alex py Marcel Nunes Bubba Jenkins and Kai kamaka were all there we’re supposed to speak to Ray SEO but I think he had something come up and he had to depart and there was a scheduled conflict with Brandy Couture that we were supposed to get him as well

I was actually interested in asking Randy Couture his thoughts on you getting him no he was by the time we left he still wasn’t there yet because I was going to try to stick around I know you had to bounce early cuz you had your blood drive appointment they had to go

To but glad we didn’t end up getting him I did want to ask him his thoughts on I always feel like sometimes you know like there’s like kind of baiting people to ask about stuff like I mean you know this thing’s been going on a decade do

You need to ask Randy about it all the time but I thought Randy because of his conflicts that he’s had with the UFC and you know he had some wage arguments I thought his opinion on you know would have been valuable um so I did want to

Ask him about that but we didn’t get a chance to but we talked to the fighters um I guess to me probably the I wouldn’t say the most significant but I mean yeah I guess kind of I mean saabi moving from 170 to 205 uh you know they don’t have a middleweight division

Right so he can’t go to middleweight which is like really so he was a natural middleweight who forced himself down to 170 because there was no middleweight then decided like I can’t make this anymore and we saw it man his Cuts were getting really really bad yeah um and

He’s like so I’m going to move up but I can’t move up to 185 so he’s moving up to 205 right right away which is a huge but gosh I mean you could just he just looks healthier you know what I mean it’s not it’s not quite fight we yet but

He used to look rough on on fight week yeah and to say like you know at some of those points he was cutting like 40 PBS insane that is ridiculous and to do that rep repeated times in a year like that’s Bonkers crazy man that’s Bonkers so he

Is going to debut on April 12th which is the show that’s here in Las Vegas his first fight at light heavyweight will be against Josh svera now of course everybody knows the pfl season it’s a regular season so uh you know that result doesn’t necessarily dictate his

Whole season I I did to be honest with you I was a little surprised with that matchmaking it seems like two of their their guys yeah two of their Stars you know their guy so I was a little bit surprised they matched them up together

Um but I will say sbu had a great um uh answer in terms of the match up he’s like you know what I like this match up and let me tell you why because when I win this fight it’s going to prove you know that I am a legitimate light

Heavyweight that I do deserve to be in this division you know this is going to show you my level he’s like if I would have gotten maybe one of the Lesser Nam one of the newcomers one of the more unproven Commodities and I win he’s like

Then maybe at that point you guys still question okay well we got that win but where does he really stand he’s like I’m going to be able to prove it right away so I thought that was great um good point but yeah that’s that’s that’s I

Like sadon I I think I mean how do you not like S as well I mean his dad’s like super super like tight every time I see his dad he like gives me a hug and I’m just like I don’t want to see his son get in fight or like lose or whatever

But I mean yeah I mean there’s two guys that the sport they at least that pfl can build around you always hate when they sort of like you know pair up but it happens you know we see it happen in the sport way too often it’s you know

It’s unfortunate but man that’s going to be a fun one that’s going to be a fun one so I mean he’s he’s uh I felt like we knew that he was going to be getting better and better I feel like we’re watching him sort of become like come

Into his own more so sbu’s been I feel like has been crushing it from the get-go you know like that dude’s just legit man so I mean that’ be it’ be tough that’s gonna be a tough that’s a tough match for for for both sides man

Uh I don’t know where I lean on that one but yeah that’s going to be a hard one to watch it’s going to be an interesting week man so that that so that fight card uh Phil Davis versus ra Wilkinson empa kagai versus Alex py who py was another

One that was like good Lord they giving me the he had a lot of energy at the p is a funny dude man he’s a character if you haven’t been around Alex FY before he is a funny dude um yeah I enjoyed that he was he was a he was a character

Man he’s got some energy he was having some fun talking about his his uh his time working with Shan Strickland and yeah uh it was fun so what it was it Alex panan asked him like we have the best life like life advice he was like

No he like he’s like I’m going to keep it to figh we’re going to keep it to fight advice we’re not talking about life advice that he is giving me I’m like you know what that’s probably smart uh that probably Smart in there so uh

But yeah that’s a good card uh on uh what is it I almost said December 12th April 12th good Lord December 12th April stretch April 12th yeah so that’d be the same week as UFC 300 yep JJ Wilson’s on there against Adam piccolotti I like that fight that’s a a Bellator match up

There Marcela Nunes is in there uh he was there we spoke to him as well Solomon refen is on the card he’s got another tough matchup so fun a fun card I will not be at that event because I will be at cfffc 131 which is in

Atlantic City actually where the UFC is this week so I I will be flying back and forth during UFC 300 weeks I won’t be at that it is going to going to be interesting because I’m sure and we don’t know we didn’t talk to anybody with uh

Operations at pfl but you just know it wasn’t an accident that they ended up in Las Vegas the night before uh USC 300 but um man it’s it it makes it a little more challenging I think than maybe they might have originally anticipated right because there’s just so much other stuff

Going on that the media I mean there’s so many things to do already that it’s going to be really interesting to see how much coverage they do get because I’m sure they thought hey we can get some extra coverage we’ll be in the same town where all this media is traveling

To and you know maybe they’ll roll in but um you know I think their media day is going to be on the same day as USC media day their weigh-ins are going to be the same day as a USC press conference um their fights while they’re

On Friday night as you know you and I well know man if you get up and do official weigh-ins and then you go to ceremonial weigh-ins and maybe there’s a Q&A or something like that in between and then to try to go work a full night

Of fight coverage there as well is tough and it is going to be interesting too because there is a power slap event that night and it’s going to be interesting to see who goes to power slap who goes to pfl and uh I can tell you who’s not

Going to be at Power slap that’d be you this guy I doubt I’ll be at the power I doubt you were saying you probably won’t be at pfl either pfl either if I did if I had to go if I did go to it’s just it’s just

Such a long day I mean like you know starting I’ll leave my house at 7:30 you know and then by the time we get done with the ceremonial weigh-ins which will be roughly 536 yeah usually 5 5 well yeah by the time you get done processing

The video cuz done by about 435 you know and then and then if I wanted to actually drive you know you know if I was going to go to pfl I would probably stay over in that general area but then I’m G to have all my gear and I hate

Leaving my gear in my car um so I’d want to well I guess I’d have to take me if I was going to pfl um it’s just a long day I don’t know I don’t know it’ll be a judgment call that day but I’m not leaning uh that I’m going if

What what if they were like hey man we know you’re not working just come grab a ticket and come watch some fights I you know me once I got home and take it depend whether or not you got home first you know cuz I I would take

My gear out of my car and I’m like driving back down to the strip area I’m like well I would recommend everybody go with the 2 TV setup that night I mean definitely you want to watch the watch it on TV though watch it on watch it on

Uh watch it on TV watch on there but also of course make sure that you have UFC fight pass pulled up as well so you’re watching cffc 131 we’ve got a fantastic card that we’ll talk about as we get closer but we got a uh a loaded

Lineup in Atlantic City uh my man CM Punk uh will be there uh so looking forward to working with him again as always uh I would have been you know actually is it this weekend or next weekend I think it’s NE oh next weekend um cuz he’s it’s like uh WrestleMania

Weekend or whatever it’s in Philadelphia I would have been there but he’s hurt so he’s not wrestling but I would have gone to that it would have been it would have been my first WrestleMania ever but you know what there’s a rumor that it may be

In Las Vegas next year yeah so I might attend my first uh lo my first WrestleMania ever if it’s in Las Vegas it’ll be fun yeah we’ve actually got a grappling event next week and I think because it’s uh WrestleMania weekend punon kind bow out of that um and isn’t

Able to work the grappling event that we’re doing but I will actually be working with uh Colton Smith if you remember Colton Smith man I hadn’t seen him in Forever he was uh The Ultimate Fighter 16 winner um had a his run in the UFC is ridiculous he went 0 and

Three in the in in the UFC after after winning The Ultimate Fighter but listen to who he fought Robert Whitaker Michael Kessa and Diego fetta that was the three people he fought he went 0 and three against and that was his UFC career done I mean like come on man and then and

Then he wins four uh so he goes out of the UFC wins four fights uh outside of the organization and then gets a fight on the Regional scene in Florida was Shawn Brady he lost to Shawn Brady on Regional scene as well and so it’s like my man cannot catch a break whatsoever

So uh I haven’t seen him in a while obviously we covered I mean it was a long time ago but it covered his Ultimate Fighter run uh so I’m looking forward to working with him uh that’ll be next week in Georgia so you’re all over the place trying to stay busy

Trying to stay busy all right UFC is in Atlantic City this week I menion I’ll be in Atlantic City uh next two weeks what whatever it is I’ll figure it out uh but it reminded me of I was thinking about Atlantic C my memories

Had kind of come to like kind of all uh rolled together I think I I’ve been so I was at the last Atlantic City event which was in 2018 it was at the same venue Boardwalk Hall that night was Kevin Lee defeating Edson Barbosa in the main event Frankie Edgar beat Cub

Swanson in the co-main event uh gosh there was some great names in that card alamain Sterling was on there got win over Brett John’s Dan hooker beat Jim Miller uh that was a very very very controversial submission win for Ricky Simone over at Mor Rob deves villy Cory

Anderson was on the card as well Anthony Roco Martin for a little uh trip down memory lane but I remember that event because I remember there were like eight fights in the crowd that night like the uh the the drunk uh Jersey crew was throwing down and I remember like it was

Funny CU imagine imagine that on a Saturday night hammered at Boardwalk Hall there were bunch of fights in the crowd and I remember there were like eight fights and and the most technical fight of the night was two girls that were just throwing hands but they were

Like I mean they were throwing like combinations and and uh you know it take that that few haters out there that don’t like women’s oh it was nice boy they were scrapping in the stands bro they were throwing hands so I remember that but in my head I thought that I

Went straight from that event to Dublin Ireland but that was actually um a 2014 event where I went from there to uh straight to Dublin for the Conor McGregor versus uh Diego brandal fight in Dublin remember uh Matt Ericson was actually covering that one because at

The time his mom lived in London England so he was using that as a chance to go like you know get halfway there or more than halfway there get all the way there on the company dime and then go make a quick diversion over to London and see

His mom so I actually paid my own way to go over there uh for that obviously epic historical night Conor M you trouble for doing that did I get no yes see what you did there this was well before those people started coming around talking

[ __ ] I at that point I could do whatever I wanted to do uh yeah so anyway those for whatever reason those memories those were actually two different events so they are in Atlantic City this week um always a fun place to be uh I’m I’m you

Know discard as far as what’s on it man I mean I’m I’m most dialed into the main event of course I know I was watching uh Nolan King I was watching the the media that you guys were were uh were turning out today the king himself the king

Himself is in there getting a chance to to talk to I think you had eight Fighters today um I’m you know definitely I think the most meaningful fight on the card is is the main event and I’m intrigued by it man I really am I’m I’m obviously I’m going to be biased

I’ve got some cffc bias for Aaron blanchfield I I called grappling with her uh you know a couple months ago and it was the first time I’d really gotten to be around her outside of just like fight we and like she is so just like dialed in like like cold blooded like

That is who she is man she is all business you know what I mean and um but I like this match a lot this is this is tough because Mano like we’ve been I mean at least me personally I think you’ve kind of been with me on that on

That bandwagon of being kind of high on her abilities and her skills and her Talent level as a future um title Contender and it feels like honestly it could still be that both these women will fight for a title at some point in their career um but it seems like

Whoever wins is is next cuz I don’t think you know I kind of touched on it last week with rose n Unice and I I probably wasn’t clear enough in the way I worded the question but like you know she has name value like she didn’t necessarily have the

Greatest performance the other night it was a good performance it wasn’t a great performance and she named out hey maybe a rematch with Manon she mentioned maybe Macy Barber but you know Ros nunas is a star she could always be like or a title shot you know because I’m the star and

I’m the former champ etc etc she seemed to not be willing to really push that so it seems to me that maybe there could have been some confusion over which person would move forward but it seems to me like the winner of this is potentially getting the winner of the of

The trilogy fight which we think is going to happen in September at the sphere um between Alexa grao and valtina Shinko although if they do win that and they’re waiting for that I mean then that means the winner here is going to have to wait for like a year yeah you

Know so I I don’t know I I feel like this is a number one Contender fight but maybe not a number one Contender fight because do you really want to wait 9 to 12 months before you fight for the title after you win well they would still be

The first ones to fight for it I know well see that and that’s the thing right is still kind of it’s like like if you’re guaranteed the shot and Dana White has said this before like I don’t like people to wait that haven’t been given a shot right you know I mean cuz

People like oh I’ll hold out cuz they’ll give it to me but if they’re like hey you’re next um you know kind of you know what in much the same way now this is different because you’re talking about um an interim Champion already but like he said with Tom Aspen right like Dana

Has said look Tom Aspen has necks for Jon Jones and stee but if he wants to fight we’ll fight him we’ll find him an opponent we’ll get us but if he wants to he can have that winner I feel like this might be that kind of situation be like

Hey that’s the number one Contender if they want to wait if they don’t we’ll find him another fight yeah but you always have to remember it’s not good to wait but when there’s a title fight on the line that’s a guaranteed contract change you know that’s a that’s a

Guaranteed opportunity that doesn’t ever ever necessarily come along I mean um I don’t want to pick on her because we love her but like Joan would right I mean she made the decision that we everybody applauds hey man you didn’t sit around and wait you fought yep but

She lost and then she never got that title shot Maybe missed out on a big paycheck because of it so I don’t know are you looking I mean how are you looking at this this fight is the winner going to fight for a title is is the

Winner going to fight Rose or somebody else like what what what are you thinking about this I mean I wouldn’t mind the rose one just because of the fact that it’s it’s Rose and I think that Rose put on a really good performance I think it would be

Interesting I know Rose would like to get in that fight but just looking at the the these two particular here I mean you’re headlining a card I think if you’re going to go out and call out the Champ What better spot I mean to be in

The headline of of a card I think you carry some extra weight at that point so if you go out and either one of these girls starches or gets at like it just has an incredible performance I could Clearly say see them coming out and saying uh and having them getting the

Call I mean they’re much closer um statistically in the numbers I mean according I don’t know what it’s number two vers it’s number two versus number three yeah I mean like to me to me that should be who it is this should be it this should be this what people have

Been arguing about like that’s what the whole lawsuit was about and everything like it they shouldn’t you know as good as Rose was she shouldn’t be able to jump the line according to that so um I think so I mean I think this is this is

A good one this a tough one so did you uh so I’m thinking since listening to you well I don’t know because you went both ways I leaned manown on this one did you really did I’m picking blanchfield but I’m so because ground her ground work because we ground game

Yeah because we’re ground but have you look man I was I’m kind of hesitant because I I’m kind of almost now I’m becoming a little wishy-washy because of that she is so good on the ground it’s ridiculous she really is and and mean it’s and she’s got great takedowns so

Mano has first of all it’s pretty it’s pretty incredible that they’re both they’re both on sixf fight win streak so they they’re both tied um for the longest current win streak in division which is pretty cool to see um but I saw a stat I was looking at this was like

The UFC preview uh stats they send out sometimes mano’s takedown defense is really good her takedown defense is 91.7% in the UFC that’s that’s really good but she hasn’t necessarily fought anybody I think that has the type of takedown skills that Aaron blanchfield has I mean she’s she’s fought some good

Opponents I mean the the run that she’s on right now I mean you look at the wins their quality names I mean Rose obviously herself Caitlyn chukan uh Jennifer MAA Myra bua Silva I mean those are all very good names but none of them have I think the kind of takedowns that

Aaron blanchfield does so for that reason I leaned Aaron blanchfield but like Manon is like a physical presence man she’s like a she’s strong you know what I mean she’s got a lot of power so yeah um yeah I’m T I’m I’m taking Aaron blenfield and I think part of it is my

Bias my CC bias I think part of it is I do generally tend to find myself favoring the fighter that has the greater ground skills but with good reason yeah with good reason but um I don’t I don’t look at this as like this

Is a this is a lock you know what I mean I just meno’s dangerous she really really is but man ask her like your your your question before should they wait or I mean it’s tough it’s tough to I mean because if you wait then what now you’re

Going to be fighting back just to stay active yeah um a year is a long time to wait but I think you raised a good point where you know we’ve seen people that have been in that that spot and they’ve lost the shot you don’t want to lose the shot I’m sure

You can find ways to stay active for a year if you know it’s guaranteed and you know it’s coming um I think if Dana says hey they’re next you wait if he comes out and says you’re next you I think you have to wait I think so too it’s just

Too risky it’s too risky I agree I mean the only thing I can see is maybe you put yourself in the co-main event of that sphere card in case somebody falls out well that would be interesting you know I mean the winner versus the winner versus Rose or the winner versus Macy in

The co-main event but that neither one of those women’s going to miss weight like you I know yeah they’re not going to miss weight you’re talk I think you’re you’re thinking about an injury or something but yeah it’s not it’s probably not going to happen so at that point do you

Just it’s it’s a weird it’s going to be a weird situation because there is no more clear I mean they both have the longest win streaks in the division it’s number two versus number three really impressive really impressive there’s no more clear-cut number one Contender fight than this but but do you sit

Around and wait yeah tough one yeah cuz then yeah I mean you could sit around and wait and say you injure yourself and then you miss something ridiculous it doesn’t even have to be training it could be anything anything could pop up so yeah I mean like I mean we’ve heard

From Fighters and people say you know if I would have stayed active I probably would have made more money than sitting out and waiting for the shots that eventually never came you know so I there’s there is something to that but man with some of these divisions if you

Lose and you you step back and then you have to fight two three more times just to get back in that same position um I don’t know that’s a tough one that’s a tough one um I think yeah I mean who knows what we’d do if I was

Putting that same few in that same spot you know um tough spot it really really is tough spot I think it’s gon to be a good one man so torn now on my pick I not doing well this year I not I’ve taking look at I taking look doing well

Not up at the top bonds Le ‘s got like a nice pad pad Le up he’s up at like six or something oh wow he got a quick start out the gates huh yeah he jumped out real well I don’t know where it happened and where it came from I think he must

Have paid Ericson to pad his numbers a little bit or something um but you know this could be one of those ones where here I was like I might be picking again some of the norm but these are like the ones you pick up but then you pick up

One of those numbers back but like I could just be digging myself a further hole but man I’m I am confident that manone has the skills to actually she can absolutely win this fight man if blanch just gets it down the ground and doesn’t let her up then the

Whole fight I’m going to be sitting there yelling at the screen like you are so stupid why did you pick way you did cuz you know that it’s going to get to the ground and her ground game is so good it’s so good you don’t hear I mean

Like we talk about it you hear media talk about I you don’t hear enough Fighters give her the credit for how impressive she is I don’t know you know why it is maybe maybe we’re not asking them to to like raid her she and it’s just’s not like she’s thrown it people’s

Faces like I’m the greatest Grappler I’m the greatest on the ground if I get you on the ground I will pound your soul out you know like we’re not really thinking about it but dude she does it and and it’s uh it’s really really impressive so man I’m like literally talking myself

Back I did make my last pennet switch on Rose oh no I was uh cuz I put my earlier then I swapped to Rose after um cuz we we have to we put our picks in before Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. uh like noon Eastern on Wednesday so

Before media day starts our picks are already in after listening to Rose up on the day when she was talking to us and she seemed so confident I immediately put it in the chat I was like yo swap my vote I was like I want Rose and at the

End of the night a fight night I was like you’re stud you’re right you’re right so I don’t know maybe it’s maybe uh I don’t know and and usually if I wait till usually you want to see him face off you want to see how they look

You know when it comes to Wayne day at that point they usually don’t like to switch the picks right cuz I like to hold it to that point and say all right let me let me see my on and then you know airon face off let’s see how they look

But man I mean you get me you get me you getting me thinking M’s got to be a good three or four and she taller than her so she’s going to Tower over her there’s no question about it and she’s she’s big and it’s not like she tires out she just

You know like if she’s had some problems in the past you know like when it’s gotten to the ground um she it just man am I talking myself out of it I think she I think she’s good enough to do it um I think she’s good enough to do it

Man I I we’ve been talking about blanville being like a future champ forever um I love to sitting there let you sweat kind I’m watching it I’m literally like should I just message the chat but I’ve you’ve swayed me before to the wrong side before so don’t let me out so I’m

Not yeah I’m I’m going to try to just hold my guns I might as well just go down with the ship go down with the ship you already picked it did you I have so I haven’t made a pick on this fight yet uh vente luk W Buckley I went luk you

Went luk I initially went Buckley and I was like why am I why am I discounting luk more well-rounded more exp more well rounded more experience I mean I I think it was the recency bias watching Buckley had like that great fight the last fight

And I just think that uh I was like man he’s coming in he’s I mean he is on man he is so exciting to watch when you hear him talk you’re just like how can anybody lose how can this dude lose to anybody like he’s going to walk through

Everybody but then it’s luk he’s great on the mic tough as Nails man yeah Buckley’s great on the mic man um so I I lean towards uh vente but that’s another one like that’s what I kind in my head I’m kind of thinking I’m leaning towards

Vente but I just I I was watching Walkins uh I was watching him today and it is he’s just so Dynamic and you think about so charismatic that’s the word man he really great man and it kind of made me think like you know he’s just talking

About man I’ve been you know I love it he’s like oh you thought I took this on short notice like nope I was already preparing for another fight you know what I mean like I was getting ready for this and etc etc so um man when he’s

Firing on all cylinders man that dude is so badass man his hands and his moves I mean like who who is it that who was the the spinning knockout on spinning impanga yeah like how could anybody forget that one that was like vicious it was like holy cow you know like uh that

Was amazing do I think going to get that on this one no but will he attempt it he sure will he’ll try it man he sure will buter I think if luk I just I Envision luk a just gets him to the ground you know once he gets him to the ground I

Don’t think he’s going to get back up unless the round stops probably took Bruno Silva over Chris Wyman oh yeah yeah and that’s no side of w Wyman’s just not the same his his I mean one he dealt with a serious serious injury and just coming back he just he just hasn’t

Been the same um and this but I mean that’s time that’s he’s just getting older I mean the sport move keeps moving and I think just Silva’s just fighting better right now yeah it was a weird this one here’s the thing is that I think it’s a situation where like Chris

Weyman’s been around for a long time he makes a lot of money so you can’t put him up against nobody right if he’s going to fight you can’t put him up against nobody you got to put him up against somebody because you’re paying him a lot of money to be in there but

This just didn’t feel like a very nice one from the UFC matchmakers like he’s come on man he’s fighting in Atlantic City down the road from his hometown um I think a lot of us thought it was going to be his retirement fight I think he’s he’s saying uh Maybe not maybe he’s

Going to continue on um but yeah I did I took Bruno Silva as well so um a lot of other fun names on here uh bill alio I think could be a very fun fight with Kyle Nelson who I thought Kyle Nelson looked really really good last time out

CH and jquan is there against Reese mcke Nate land wear is on the card you know anytime Nate land wear is on the card it’s going to be fun they brought him to Media day they brought Nate land wear they brought Nate and his and Jamal emmer to meet today they skipped over

They skipped over two card two fights on the main C C to bring the featured prelim I didn’t even see Nate’s uh media day today I miss I guess I missed that one that’s funny they they didn’t they didn’t bring the cheaty mck fight and they didn’t bring Alo Nelson fight I

Wonder if that’s a situation where they card shuffled when after they made the cuz you know you know how it works they make the schedule week out they I think the goal I think the the UFC’s goal is to get it to the fighters the Friday

Before they travel out so like maybe the card shuffle so I wonder if that was a mistake or I wonder if somebody was just like I mean he’s done some great media days in the that’s why I wonder if they just like let’s let’s let’s put train

Out there I assume that’s what it was I assume that’s what it was I mean like the two like when he’s on it’s just fire and it’s like it’s hilarious sometime he gets going on tangent you can barely understand what he’s saying but you know it’s fire you know like he’s he’s quite

The uh quite the uh Entertainer he really is man he’s fun obviously with it being Atlantic City uh a new jersey card obviously CFSC with deep deep ties uh to the area some guys that I’ll certainly be cheering for that came through uh then bazuki is on there Andre patoski is

On there as well like I said bill alio on there um so I think some fun matches again another car that it it feels similar to last week in that it really is mainly in terms of rankings and in terms of what matters uh it’s the main

Event and ironically it happens to be in the exact same division uh women’s flyweight um and the rest of it I again I thought last week was a pretty pretty fun card but to be honest with you I enjoyed it um you know always good to

See ly on a card mhm that Victoria dudova gate fight yeah that should be a that’s the technique is just going to be impressive I know that’s what you’re most impress with you hey lupy against VNA Joba that’s that’s that’s a legit good fight that’s a really good

Stylistically like I picked Loy but man jender Roba is a beast dude she really is so she is amazing like she could easily beat up on loopy and will I be sad watching that yes but it could Vernon definitely can win that fight I was actually surprised to see lupy as

Big of a favorite as she is just people I think just people love lopy you have to you I mean like she’s she’s been doing the media rounds and doing other stuff I mean like I mean she’s just fun I mean she’s cute as all get out and she

And she fights her ass off man she grinds she grinds well cool man well it’s uh a a Saturday evening card so uh another one of those late poor poor uh poor Nolan King I mean I guess he’s used to it he’s an East Coast guy anyway

Right like they’re going to be wrapping up around this BR brutalized his name Anton like this guy I mean I I think we all thought was just gonna like yeah we thought this dude was just going to run over some dudes and he’s had a bad run of events

If he doesn’t pull this one out uh he’s gone he’s gone he’s on a three-fight losing streak I I man like he comes in there he talks all the talk during the fight week and does everything and then like he’s just had some bad showing these last these last events because I

Think the dude’s super super talented man I just I just these last these last bouts we haven’t seen it man but um it’ be a shame that he can’t srum cuz I mean ladies love the pleasure man according to him you know like he’s good for the

Numbers and stuff but uh yeah man if he doesn’t pull out a win man I think this going the last time we’re going to see the pleasure man in the old UFC that’s rough man you’re right happens I hate to say that but it’s the truth it happens

That’s the truth all right well listen uh late night card late evening card I guess which I prefer those just for the pay-per-views but it is sitting on the couch watching it and I’ll be liking that be okay with that I’m I’m okay I’m okay I dig it I dig it well I’ll

Certainly be watching as well of course we will have you in episode uh for everybody that supports us over at thear Road show we so certainly appreciate everybody that does that um yeah and appreciate everybody that supports us rates us and reviews us if they can all all that stuff helps us

Out you and I’ll be back together next week uh before I fly out to Savannah Georgia for a fury grappling event so if you want to put that on your radar for next Thursday night we certainly appreciate you joining us all there myself and Colton Smith will be on the

Card there and then the following week we get into the chaos of uh you UFC 300 cffc 131 uh pfl Power slap if you will I mean power slap number that one power it’s all it’s all going on so uh the schedule’s about to get crazy the April

Run’s about to get nuts so buckle up we’ll cover it all for you talk about it all of course but uh more than anything just know that we appreciate you thanks for Listening [Laughter]

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