Golf Babe

Shee Sisters & Professional Golfer (Jack) Golf Vlog || Shee Golfs

Welcome back to Shee Golfs! In today’s video, we’re playing at Foxhills Country Club in London and we didn’t bring our clubs this time. So, we are only hitting our drivers today and Jack will finish off the hole.

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Right we’re currently in night’s bridge and we are to Fox Hills heading to Fox Hills by train we don’t have our car I know honestly it’s better not to have a car in London we got find so much and there was a congestion fee so we are going to do public transportation going

Forward St for a sausage roll I got hand and cheese toasty cheers oh all right so we are on hole number seven at long cross at Fox Hills 495 y par five where’d it go hi everyone welcome back to the channel I’m cat I’m Izzy and we’re the Sho sisters Today we are in not so Sunny England at Fox Hills Country Club with our good friend Jack yay so we’re currently on the seventh hole and we’re going to do a challenge which involves drivers us two hitting with Jack’s driver which is actually very stiff we’re going to play best ball it’s

Tipped that means it means it’s really stiff and we’re both going to hit our best drives and Jack is going to finish out the hole and we’re going to see how low we can go I actually quite like this dver down the middle is what we’re aiming

For a little fade again but it’s kind of natural with this driver still okay like in the rough right trouble okay so I’m going to have to tea off on the right side because it’s going to fade cat went in the rough so going to try to get it into the

Fairway I can definitely feel the stiffness oo that was really good what a shot wow so good I feel like it it really tries to go right so I feel like I have to like y get left a bit but you can swing it so fast so hard it’s

The best feeling cuz it’s kind of light as well I prefer like a heavy or like a stiffer M whack it especially with your swing speed whack them all every when we were growing up people would always tell Cat that she’s like a really angry player because she like

Hits really hard at the W yeah I think that you can see it in eyes looking at that ball like you said something to um that’s a good question that’s what we all ask I know think maybe April May yeah back end if we’re lucky like mid April mid April

But realistically May May and it will still probably rain yeah oh well oh well an excuse for holidays I know exactly constant year round holidays exactly all right so I believe we’re taking eyeball Center of sway yeah I know too bad not too shabby okay do you want to go grab yours

What do you have I have 291 playing 309 wow so that’s a long way and it’s starting to rain oh yeah can see it on the camera okay so if you were to hit actually where’s your ball so if you were to play your own ball you would be 75 yards ahead

Right it’s still a good drive to hear thank you very good drive 291 what are you going to take I don’t know let me just see if I can get a good lie oh yeah so going forward Jack is going to complete this hole and we will be the

Cheerleaders right I’m going for a bold play here little DOD DOD o see if I can get it up there that I’ll reach the green but probably get it Best Shot further down there than yell which direction or not yeah just tell me yes I can zoom okay it’s part

Five that was not ideal but it’s okay we’re moving it along all right we have 74 yards that driver for de did not work out properly but still good layup though okay going straight at the FL wait do that that’s our partner I don’t know thought it was close to going

In but it it was really close to going it was really close okay bird going be a fast I like it birdie e go yeah probably sprinkling [Applause] sprinkling oh didn’t spin play The Greens the greens the green all the fact I just put it in Rock

Oh wow look those straight for the pin though I know right are youing that’s exactly guys what do you want me to play pick any club I mean I would putt it however I’m not a very good chipper but if you think you can haul

It I would chip it would you you usually the 60 no not from there 50 50 I probably would yeah you’re 50 50 it gets a good Balance [Applause] that all okay right part is good job team doesn’t always help the score no no honestly we would have got like a double there have you seen the way we’ve been tripping today AKA how cat has been tripping yeah our feel goes away after

Not prac for a long time it’s like the first thing that goes I sometimes get anxiety chipping just put everything I know like 40 yards out it’s so do it green like do it my best mate did it the other day and he hit from about here

On this line probably if you can see the Gap the big gap between those trees on the left side of that but it’s the thing of getting it up high enough and then getting it to float down onto the green is that where the green is yeah okay

Okay let’s do it go for the gram go for the gram woo think you did it that how far do you have to hit to it’s probably like 295 Carri carry carry uh no I will pass on that if it was like 2:30 I can maybe do it

Okay is this part five this is part four a long hole 339 y using a tipped driver damn izy you hit this good is it in the okay it’ll be okay 36 36 I’m 39 okay f a little W what club do you have I’ve put a wedge wedge

Nice see if I can get it close this is not a kind of green you want to miss ooh that looks don’t really good woo all right partner that’ll Do the first birdie of the day no yeah it is yeah it is the bottom of my pants oh my God 245 saying 259 they’re really muddy 259 playing yeah driver then yeah I like it I want to see this angry face heading the bow now we’ll try to release more okay it’s

There kind of all right 259 yards I’m going to make the green this felt like 10 bones crack oh no it’s not as planned taking cat’s ball okay yeah right shouldn’t sound so surprised yeah this one is a bit of a temperary green so going try and slam dunk

It about the only shirt you can play otherwise it would just bounce or plug ooh nope sit o and there’s the the bounce solid 540 you want to say 35 go okay that was pretty good nice all right sounds good finished three holes three holes one under pretty

Good all all right we finished three hes thank you Jack for being an amazing chipper partner partner and I had two drives have one okay you just had to put that in we finish one under yeah thank you so much to Fox Hills for hosting us

And jack for playing and we’ll see you soon thanks for putting me in the fway sometimes sometimes sometimes we’re in the rough and the bunker we did hit the rain speaking of range what was our thing again um if you enjoyed this video make sure to like subscribe and hit that

Notification Bell so you don’t miss the video bye and follow me and we’ll link his uh Instagram in the link below so go do [Applause] That

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