The Perfect Putting Setup for a More Consistent Stroke

Improve your putting stroke with the perfect putting setup from Todd Kolb of VLS Golf! Learn lag putting tips and distance control to make more consistent putts on the green.

Purchase the G-Track Putter here:

Golfers they make putting way too complicated so I said enough and I created the simplest putting method for the amateur golfer let’s talk about how simple it is let me go ahead and show it to you now the question becomes a lot of golfers Wonder should I swing the putter

Straight back or straight through should my putter swing on an arc should I rotate the face open should I close the face all types of different things and that’s where the confusion Starts Now the beauty of the system that I created right here where we aim it we lock it we

Load it and we go is that we take the Best of Both Worlds we’re going to create a putting motion and I’m going to show you putting motion where the putter actually slightly arcs on the back stroke with a face slightly closed and then it’s going to go down the line so

It’s a combination of an arc and a down the line now the reason it’s so good and the reason it’s so simple is is because once we’re set up it requires no face rotation no hand eye coordination no hours and hours of practice it’s literally the simplest system ever so

Let’s get into it so the first thing we’re going to do the first process is what we call Aim we’re going to aim the putter face now I’ve got the gtrack one of the things I actually love about the gtrack is it’s literally like Auto aims

When I just set it on the ground I’m not even touching it hardly right now and it literally aims itself so all Putters almost all Putters have some form of a line on them the G trcks got a white line and then two red lines so I’m going

To go ahead and the first thing I’m going to do is just literally aim the putter face at the Target lineer where I want the golf ball to start and this put’s got some pretty big swing from right to left so I’ve got the putter

Aimed 2 3T to the right of the cup step number one aim in the system step number two is what we call lock meaning I’m going to get set in here and I’m going to lock the putter shaft in line with my forearm okay when I lock these two

Angles that takes a ton of the face rotation out of it and it helps me swing the putter on a good Arc okay so that’s step number two in the system so I’ve got the aim I’ve got the lock now let’s talk about the load this is the most

Important part the load is to move it forward and literally load it into my lead arm now when the putter shaft is into my lead arm and it’s loaded that completely eliminates any face rotation at all you can see when I just swing it back the face does not rotate at all let

Me go ahead and hit one putt here and then we’re going to complete the cycle in the simplest and easy easiest Putting System ever created for the amateur golfer so here we go so I’m going to go ahead and aim it all right I’m going to

Lock it in line I’m going to load it let me go ahead and putt it okay pretty good it got a little didn’t have quite the speed I wanted to but it started online now the fourth step is what we call the go all right and this is the beauty this ties

Everything together now when we use the word go what we’re going to have it happen is the shoulders are literally just going to go ahead and rotate the lead shoulders is going to go meaning it’s just going to turn back and it’s going to turn through all right so let’s

Go ahead and tie it together I’ve got the aim all right I’ve got the lock lock it in line I’ve got the load now the lead shoulder is going to go meaning the lead shoulder is going to just rock back and through oh look at that how simple and

Easy that is you know because putting doesn’t need to be complicated we don’t need to Arc we don’t need to rotate the face what we need is a system that’s simple and easy to do this right here aim it lock it load it and go can make putting simple for you


  1. Like this system. Does loading the putter deloft the face? If so, what is the loft of the VLS putter? How should we know what the ideal loft is? Thank you.

  2. I myself like delofting and standing behind my putter.
    Shaft is 34 inches but I like very low on shaft
    Allowed me to stand behind and look down the line

    I have a question I will be driving on the live stream Wednesday morning

    What is a good club for hitting around trees 🌲
    I usually use a 7 iron

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