Golf Babe

I Challenged 3 RANDOM Golfers To A Match

Welcome to Gabbygolfgirl’s channel! In this exciting new video, I Challenge Three Random Golfers to Match! Get ready to witness an epic battle on the green. Gabbygolfgirl takes on three random golfers in a thrilling nine-hole match. Gabbygolfgirl takes on this challenge as she faces off against three random golfers she encounters at a public golf course. All three golfers are from Keiser University and are majoring in golf management!
Watch as Gabby takes the lead early on, showcasing her skills and determination on the course. However, the game takes an unexpected turn as the Kaiser University golfers bring their A-game, turning the match into an intense 3 vs 1 scramble showdown! Who will emerge victorious in this epic battle of skill and strategy? You’ll have to watch to find out!

Do you guys want to do a little match for YouTube I’ve seen you before yeah play Scramble versus me nine holes match play great pot get in the hole great pot that’s in the hole all right guys we’re back here at another public course doing another random golfer challenge something I

Haven’t done in a while where I pick random golfers from the course and see if they want to play a match against me I am not walking up to people that I know these are people I absolutely do not know let’s go see if we can find some good candidates here we

Go hey excuse me hey guys are you looking out to go out and play today yeah yeah you are do you guys want to do a little match for YouTube three of us yeah you want to do a match three of us yeah three of you guys let’s do it

All right ready when are you guys going out do you have a tea time or no no all right then we’ll we’ll set up a tea time see if we can get out there I’m Gabby nice to meet you guys Jonathan nice to meet you nice to meet you Sophia Sophia

Nice to meet you are you guys in college yeah yeah we go to Ka University oh cool awesome do you guys like all play golf yeah you don’t play go you’re just watching yeah that’s all good my girlfriend nice so yeah you guys could do 3v one where are

You guys from you guys are from Florida or no no oh cool yeah where are you from I’m from New Hampshire New Hampshire and you’re from New Hampshire as well I’m from North Carolina North Carolina Massachusetts wow so you guys just all came down here how you like in Florida

The weather it’s perfect right it’s awesome playing golf all the time pretty much are you guys on the golf team or no golf management Majors oh yeah that’s awesome so to figure out the format here I just want to know what your handicaps are so we can make it pretty fair so I’m

Uh like eight okay okay and nine nine so we could do a scramble or we could do alternate shot whatever you guys feel more comfortable with whatever scramble is that good yeah alternate shock could be cool too it’s all up to you and then we’ll do

It 1ev one match play nine holes it’ll be really good all right guys I’m here with another random golfers challenge here with kayin Sophia and Jonathan and I kind of scouted them out on the chipping green I saw you guys chipping just hanging out chilling and then I

Approached them asking if they wanted to do a nine-hole match so they all go to Kaiser University which is here in West Palm right and they’re all in golf management am I right so this is going to be pretty cool they’re going to play a scramble you guys are going to play

From the second back teas and then you’re going to play with me and they’re going to play Scramble versus me nine holes match play when I scouted them out I definitely looked it definitely looked like you guys could play I was like I want to make sure I get someone who can

Really play well so what are your handy caps I’m a nine nine I’m a 15 I’m an eight okay so pretty good golfers and we’re going to play thre man scramble versus me I don’t know if I’ve won against the three man scramble before you guys get three shots at every single

Shot which is definitely going to be difficult but we’re here for another one and hopefully I can win today here we go so Kaylin’s off first we’re here at the park in West Palm they’ve actually never played this before but you guys come here and hang out right so this is first

Time seeing the course all their first time seeing the course any nerves on this shot n at all no really you never been on YouTube before or have you been never stone cold I love the confidence here we Go oh that was really good good ball great shot he was right there was absolutely no nerves on that shot that was that was really good yeah this wind is actually insane I feel like I’m going to get knocked over right now that may work go

Go I didn’t see it did you get over I don’t think so think all you got one out there that’s pretty good and then we’re going to tea off from up there not the front te’s one te back this is actually my second YouTube video in days oh you

Didn’t tell me you’ve been on a YouTube video for golf or no and on Saturday uh I was here in Grant Horvat gave me a lesson so oh really yeah that’s crazy what are these chances you got start you’re going to start your own YouTube channel I should though you should well

You got two big collaborations already all right here we go okay so I’ve already thought about this my kind of strategy here on this hole is I’ve never really gone for the green I’m going to be super aggressive so I’m just going to slam it as far as I possibly

Can where we right here yep great shot good ball really good shot got to get loose this my first swing of the day good ball I think we should be good there thanks so I didn’t see it at all 3-wood 260 With the Wind coming with me

It may not all get all the way up to the green but at least I’ll be up there definitely hit it up there all right so now you guys get three shots from up here three tries are you guys are going for it right yeah probably yeah got three

Shots so how far are you 250 how far was that drive that you hit it was like crushed I didn’t think it was going to go this far but yeah I mean that was like 260 you get two more shots this is why scramble is amazing because rely on your

Partner it’s all good my three-wood is my worst Club off the deck oh really yeah what do you get your lesson on um driver mostly driver yeah yeah driver and irons oh great shot wow that’s two great shots really good shot good shot it’s all good again this is why it’s a

Scramble it’s all good that’s it so you hit it perfect but it went a little bit long and it’s just yeah H well the good thing about a scramble is you guys technically get a club length so you can be like here technically so they kind of get a little

Bit of relief there I’m back over there with a 50 yard the thing is I actually only hit it like I hit it pretty pin high but I’m 50 yards on the left my my Ball’s there going hit like a 50 TR to hit it low sit sit down

Sit sit oh just ran off it’s all up to you Sophia you got to carry the team on this one you want to take mine we have yeah his is good too too um I have super to we have more green to work we have yes get itose you want that one

Yeah and we got more green to work with short sided chip okay I’m going to land it just into that Hill it’s 43 yards which means it’s got to be like a pitching wedge two what I like to call two and a half to two and a half kind of like this

Shot and I got to land it into that hill but only one bounce that should be good get in the hole oh my gosh good chip oh thank you holy cow that was close it hit the pin I was like what that was a great chip thanks that’s not bad good chip

Really good chip there good chip too really good chip get in the hole good chip great chip put it in Sophia might work that’s it it’s all right if we miss that three attempts too oh so I’m going to give that to them cuz that’s like about a one footer

Yeah and I’ve got to make this to win the hole so they got a par this is a crazy break here I thought I would be a little bit closer than this after hitting the pin but great pot there we go all right one up on the

First hole but you guys put up a really good fight considering the position you guys were in from back there that’s not bad all right on to Hole two finally made a PT that was a great P so you all are in golf management what’s the goal what do you guys want to

Do I’d like I want to be a teacher teacher okay teacher I’d like to do Club fitting oh yeah I like that that’s cool that’s different so you want to be like a golf pro then you that’s awesome I like that that’s cool you guys want to

Stay in Florida or uh probably move to like South Carolina South Carolina why South Carolina just like it there you just like it there you’re not from there or anything you just like I’ve been there it’s it’s just nice uh probably Charleston Charleston nice what about

You guys you want to stay in Florida or possibly yeah it’s nice yeah yeah they got a lot of Great Courses huh definitely sell oh yeah they got a lot of Great Courses all right all right I got to fix my drives my last Drive was not that good I’m not going to

Lie every everything else about the hole that I played was really good drive was terrible good drive great ball got to go can you carry that bunker here from the SE not sure never played oh that’s right oh my gosh I forgot that’s going to be

Good yeah I think you’re good there good shot all right let’s go to oury it’s actually not that much of a difference here it’s only like one it’s like 35 40 yards not that much difference the way this hole goes is you see there’s like right where the

American flag is there’s a bunker you can go I would say you see where those trees are y That’s where you should go don’t be afraid of going right because I think it’s pretty wide open over there I’ll be fine there little right but should be

Good you’re good all right you got one out there we see your videos on Tik Tok oh really yeah Tik Tok that’s the first most people watch it on Instagram oh really yeah wow that’s the first time because most people like I don’t really post on

Tik Tok I post on Instagram and like Facebook and all them so I I’m shocked 117 117 that could be pretty good sit down that could be really good yeah I think you’re good there thank you oh really good shot that’ be great perfect sit down no it was a great swing

Though good shot all right 108 yards I think oh you’re right next to the hole great shot thank you 116 to the back see this is a shot again like it rolls out the screen so get right get right it’s a good swing I just pulled it

A tiny bit and also the wind was going right to left so all right it’s okay it’s okay it’s it’s pin High definitely the right Club all right I got to be aggressive and like go for this cup because you have to assume in when you’re playing a

Scramble with match play to assume that they’re going to make that putt since they’re closer anyways so I mean that’s like what that’s like 10 feet 9 ft your bowl so you got to got to assume that they’re going to make that but my irons

Are my best best part of my game that’s that’s my best part of the game too and I just feel like it’s so much I rather that than like chipping or t- shots or even putting because you get on the green every single time yeah like my

Driver like I just hit High Cuts almost every time it works sometimes not too great yeah sometimes it’s it’s hard to manage but I rather that than a pull on your drive yeah that’s like this is like 25 ft no 20 feet watch I count one want

Me move this left right uh yeah just a little bit over to the yeah right yeah two please three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 fet probably like nine I think I was pretty close all right this has a lot of break

Like my last putt especially off this um actually yes please thank you a lot of break here I’m going to say that this is my aim right here these greens have so much break it’s crazy get in the hole get in the hole great pot that’s two putts made let me just

Say something the past couple rounds that I played I’ve literally like not made one of those putts so I’m so happy right now yeah I think this putt Breaks A Lot Like Mine broke I aimed like a foot and a half out so probably not as much being

A little bit shorter and closer to the hole but definitely a lot of break oh good putt thank you you see how it still runs away though this putt is like yeah oh my gosh he did it oh great pot all right good try guys are we in for

Par yeah you’re in for par don’t worry about that um all right two up on the first two holes still seven holes to play though so there’s a lot left and I still got bring it because they’ve been hitting some crazy shots like really good shots and again it’s a scramble so

Anything Could Happen how far is it 1266 wind took it yeah it got high up there so it just like just took them all not usual all right thank you oh not enough Club I thought that was perfect must have gotten held up by the wind that was a good shot

Thanks it’s all good you’re good what’s the play here are you going to land this on the green or you going to bump this up think I’m going try and land it on land it on yeah this green just runs off of here long or short oh that’s good sit down sit sit

Down sit sit good shot sit down I think you’re really good yeah yeah stop good shot that was clutch go go all right you’re up there yeah yours actually really close I’m glad it stopped yeah otherwise I was going all the way down that Hill here you go go

Harder all right one this one good po oh my gosh I thought that was in the whole way oh good putt that was that was also a clutch you guys are really working as a team like one person hits one one person hits the other that all right still some work left on

This good thanks all right so two still two up you guys had a par so still two up through three we’ll come back huh we’ll come back yeah I feel it that was a good drive hopefully it stays short of that but even if if you’re in it you’re

You’re fine on this hose it’s pretty much waste all right you you hit it right as left as you want yeah you play these trees than stay left stay left I think that’s in that was a good shot but you may be short of it you may be

Fine oh you got it oh there it kayin there’s a ball up here it might be Sophia’s John’s grabbing it you got a nice little lie there 118 and out of all this yeah yeah in the sand still got you can still compress this yeah couldn’t really see

It that actually could be really good if that sits down the only thing with this hole is that everything runs off the green even though the green is somehow uphill it’s like so hard you’re safe there you’re safe yeah this is pretty this is pretty solid sand like it’s not

Super super fluffy so I’ve got 86 yards go that’s a great shot I don’t know why is it on the green or no uh just short just short yeah all right we’re good there it’s hard out of that like I just caught it like a slight bit before the ball and that’s what

Happens yeah I think that’s my ball which ball you going with what do you want to do uh you want to take hers or mine we got more huh John’s we got more green to work with mine John okay I’ll grab it yeah you’re good pretty good

Definitely a little iffy hoping it do a little better but we’ll bring it up that’s actually really good come back way oh that is good that’s really good go go go go oh it kind of goes uphill at that last second it’s a good chip though the goal

Here is just to hit it in the hole I’m going to be super confident this is 12 yards my favorite chip go harder than that that’s the right speed it’s just I thought it was straight yeah that’s what I was going to say I thought it was straight

There that Mark there I was thinking about I was thinking about this one right here that one yeah okay all right I think you guys can make this part this one you guys want it out yeah yeah you can take it out yep okay pretty confident oh good speed get in the

Hole that was perfect speed that’s in the hole oh I think he had the line I’m going to trust him almost dead at it 194 probably playing like 225 yards this is crazy into the wind uphill pins in the front so you could be long what

Are you hitting I’m going to hit five wood five wood yeah it’s a lot of wind up there I think the wind just took that one way left oh come back come back come back good shot thank you that worked that that work a two iron just had to

Keep it on the Wind two iron wow used to be I’ve got 163 playing 185 maybe not as much now the wind kind of died down all right five iron 164 playing like 180 I hit it so perfect it’s just got to come back and be short I didn’t see

It oh went up the hill went up the hill yeah wow on the back side of Green this always happens on this Hole oh that could be really good sit down you hit that perfect hit it too well yeah you hit that really good that was good though yeah it was a good drive tick tock come on be good be good sit down sit down come back

Sit that was the right uh that was the right aim Hamed it cutting is not looking good today I know that’s good speed sit sit he like literally comes back yeah is that good for par yeah you’re good yeah that’s just crazy that’s good oh no it’s

It’s more than we thought that’s insane I didn’t realize that that was about here that’s just a hard putt hard green all right two down oh no you guys are two down I’m two up on five holes let me hit this again I got to make this pot now this is

Crazy oh my goodness you’re good there good that’ll be perfect yeah you’re totally fine there might be bunker but little bit of slippage may be fine there though good ball thanks did you see it perfect I didn’t see it at all it’s getting dark and I don’t have my glasses on

So all right you’re fine yeah you’re in the green side bunker so we can take your can take yours oh that was a good shot oh come on go go oh wait now sit down sit sit down Sit I barely hit that landed on the literally landed on the first cut like six feet before that I’ve never seen that shot roll out that much sit down chip get in the hole great chip go wow good chip good for par yeah you’re good there

No it’s just more it’s right speed but all right we tied that hole I’m still two up after six holes I think right that’s yeah thanks after six holes still two up par three next so basically if I win the next hole it’s over if we tie the next

Hole we go to the eighth hole that’s how it works and if I lose obviously the next so we’re not going to talk like that because that’s negative but even if I do we go to the next hole so I got to win the next hole and then I win the

Match so we have 157 to the pin probably going to play around like 132 just because of the wind oh that’s good that’s a good shot thank you that’s a good shot too yeah good shot here with this wind I think it’s playing super short like 90 yards this is about 54 degrees

So go that’s too much with the right hand grip no oh it slips just a little bit and it’s short are we could even see my ball not what you want from 115 yards but we’re here and we have to deal with it so I got to land

This like here here you are Sophia I really gotta be soft with this all right I know where I’m aiming got to hit a good shot here be good be good oh my gosh too long I swear I hit that good too that’s not good come

On that’s a good pot great look thought I had that really did all right go good pop go all right you guys are good there then yep all right so I am one up with two holes to play so if I win the next hole I win if we tie we go

To the next hole all I got to win the next hole I got I I just hit a bad shot on this te but we got to move on from it and that t- shot is just basically what screwed up the hole everything else is pretty good like this chip I hit it

Well back I don’t know I never never saw it down I’m going right I don’t know I’m really not able to see anything anymore am I good all right good I’m starting like to turn blind right now I I already can’t see to begin with after have my glasses and now it’s

Getting dark once it gets dark might open can’t see anything it’s all right all Right me was orange mine you want to see if you can find another the other balls or no oh my gosh the train is literally right here literally look at the tracks it’s like right there so you can move at a club Lane no close closer to the hole so like that

Way okay yeah yep all right out it’s all right 150 150 six sit go go that was such a good shot go oh good shot good shot 107 wind into me easily playing pitching wedge I have lost lost all Vision so I’m hoping to end it on this hole because I can’t see

Anything all right one more shot right next to the hole I didn’t see it good shot didn’t even know hit it all right so two putts to make to win but I’m trying to make this pot really blurry like everything’s blurry I I think it’s 2 feet out but I can’t even

I’m using like feeling to to try and figure it out Tick Tick Tock all right let’s hit a good putt here let’s make this putt let’s make it it’s good speed all right I really just can’t see anything right now like I’m literally blind all right oh I really can’t see

Anything s right back of the cup good I’m I’m happy I made that in the dark I just I really am blind all right guys it was great playing with you it was great playing with you too nice meeting you guys I’ll give you guys a

Hug thank you so much thanks for the this is awesome these guys were really great sports for taking up my challenge coming out here and actually playing really really well put up a good fight comment down below if you guys want to see more like this going up to random

People at the public courses make sure you subscribe thanks for watching see you guys next time


  1. Love your content Gabby….absolutely love how you test yourself against others. Good stuff 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

  2. you havent posted in quite a while…i thought you took a break from golf and was solving the national debt crisis.

  3. Glad to see you, it’s been a minute. That was fun. They seemed like really nice people. How are we going to get you to remember your glasses😂. Thanks so much, Gabby!🙏❤️

  4. The future of the game is in good hands,these 3 were great sports and will most certainly have a positive impact on the game wherever they end up along their life journeys 😊
    Fun post Gabby ❤

  5. Love the Miami Dolphin colors. With your personality, there is no limit to where you might go. Your on-course dialog would give Lee Trevino a run for the money. Hehe

  6. What a great concept to go and create a pick up round of golf. Loved watching your golf Gabby. Thank you for a great video.

  7. Gabby, what do you use to get the ball flight path to show on your videos? I recently started golf, and as a visual learner, I think it would be helpful to be able to see what the ball is doing in flight. I tried to video it on my phone, but I couldn’t track the ball in flight on the video. 🤔

    Do you use a specific app or is it like a Trackman thing? Thank you for all the upbeat positive content.

  8. I enjoyed this format. Hard weather conditions, some really difficult greens and bad lighting didn't help.

  9. Just watched the first hole. Your confidence has grown so much in just the last 6 months. Your doing awesome! Looking forward to watching the rest of the match later

  10. Just saw that you were in a commercial on the Golf Channel, for Charles Schwaub I believe. Either way congrats on being in a commercial!! Very cool!!

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