Golf Players

Niklas Anttila, Open at Austin Recap, Ohn Scoggins Proves Brodie Wrong | EP 62

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This week on Tour Life, Uli & Brodie talk to WACO champion Gannon Buhr and runner up Luke Humphries

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0:01 Brodie/Uli Recap
30:45 Niklas Anttila Interview
1:28:50 Tee Pads Causing Problems For Pros
1:44:00 FPO Recap
1:53:02 OB in the woods?
1:55:45 Does Disc Golf Have a Weather Problem?
2:06:38 Wild Story of the Week
2:08:56 Listener Questions

#tourlife #discgolf #discraft #brodiesmith #paululibarri

Some of the images used in this video are from the Disc Golf Pro Tour’s photo gallery and have been approved for use by Foundation Podcasts. You can view all photos and license them at View upcoming events and learn more about the Tour at, and watch LIVE disc golf coverage on the Disc Golf Network at Follow the Tour on all social media platforms @discgolfprotour.

All What is happening everybody welcome back to tour life today is Tuesday March 19 we are going to jump in to the recap of the open at the a open at Austin talk all about what went down in no what went down in fpo we actually have the open at

Austin first time on tour life joining us Nicholas Anella joins the show anela Nicholas anela I’ve heard so many different pronun pronunciations we will get the official pronunciation pron I can’t pronunciate pronunciate we’ll get the official one tonight when he joins the show we did reach out to own I want to

Let everyone know we did reach out to own she did not see my Instagram uh DM Julie you tried to reach out to her as well um I’ve tried before she’s she’s busy she’s a busy gal so I was she’s a tough she’s a tough G we’ll eventually

Get her though we’ll get her we didn’t get her this week but um she told me before she needs a little planning and I’m like well we can’t plan when you win like we can’t we can’t do that maybe we should uh we’ll get we’ll get into that

Very soon here uh we also have the wild story of the week uh we’re gonna be bumping up Edwin’s stats too because I feel like uh Edwin made a good point he said hey a lot of the stats I have are stuff that you’ve already kind of discussed so we’re gonna actually talk

About uh Edwin stats almost at the top of the show to give us a little bit more context on some things that we can talk about in the recap and then also talk about when Nichol comes on so I think that’ll be I think that’ll be a good

Move and then we got some listener questions to end out the show Big Show but before we get into it we do have a ad so syus let’s roll into that right now today’s video is sponsored by mudwater all right as some of you may know I recently had a newborn baby and

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Sponsors all right ulie how’s it going brother it’s good I’m back home man I’m so happy to be home that’s so nice it’s it’s crazy how you you can kind of compartmentalize everything while you’re on tour and it just seems like another day another whatever and then literally

Every time I come home I’m dead like I walk in the door I literally you know have like a later flight cuz we’re all the way across the country so I get in at like 8 I come home go upstairs and I sleep for like 14 hours

It’s crazy almost every time like it’s as soon as I get home I’m able to just like crash out and finally get some sleep and like nothing changes the schedule’s still the same it’s just I don’t know my brain’s finally like okay we’re home like let’s digress a little bit yeah

It’s super nice and you know obviously being a married man yourself uh you sleep easier when you’re back at home with the wife and everything so uh it is it is very nice it’s nice little off week here leading into Texas States next week which will be out in Houston uh but

Yeah this week this past week we were down in Austin Texas which I have to say timing wise I don’t know if I love the idea of having the tournament during South by Southwest I think you probably have a lot of maybe your Fringe disc golf fans deciding to probably go to

South by Southwest over a disc golf tournament but that being said I think Austin is an absolutely awesome spot for a disc golf pro Tour event and I’m very happy with even though I love the tournament in belon and I thought it was a cool course and they were doing a lot

Of awesome things to kind of make that course more Pro Tour standards if you will I think what they’ve done down here in Austin and the fans it’s been awesome it’s been really really nice no I agree I think the fans were great the course was pretty good I I’m looking forward to

The next couple years hopefully staying in one spot and getting that kind of dialed down um because that was their plan all along by the way yeah which I don’t know if some people I think some people I saw on the internet were saying like oh it’s it’s nice that the course

Designers saw some player feedback and may change no no no I talked to the course designer he said this was the plan all along was to get in the woods to make these holes it’s just they didn’t have enough time to do it last year so I think we’re going to start

Seeing more and more improvements which I mean these guys guys know what they’re doing they make good holes and uh I’m very excited like you said hopefully this tournament stays in one spot yeah and we can kind of see it grow year after year but how how did your week go

Down at the open at Austin it was good it was a little disappointing I went into the week playing really well I felt like that I don’t think there’s a different there’s a course that’s better for me than that one honestly out there and I had another like little slip on a

Teapad and practice and tweaked my my glute my left glute so I couldn’t throw very many sidearms like no power sidearms at all which is like if you play that front nine it’s all sidearms pretty much it’s once you get in the woods for for me you can get away with

Throwing back ends as we saw a lot of great players do but for me like practicing it I was throwing stock little Raptor flexes on like all those position holes to get into position and my up shots and everything and so that really hurt me I came out of the front nine

I think for the tournament six over par which is like not that’s not getting the job done and I played the back nine extremely well which I didn’t think was my strong nine um and that was pretty much it I mean I really feel like if I was I’ve

Been throwing my sidearms better than I have for in years so that was kind of a big blow to me I it was it was doing really well at Waco and at the memorial um but yeah so that was basically it I ended up tying like 75

People for last cash which I thought that I was tied for one out of the cash so it’s funny how after the tournament you can be all bummed and then you find out you made 95 bucks and you’re like oh sweet yeah I kind of did it this weekend

So it was a there was a small bright spot there um it was great because I know what I need to work on I think as we move forward in the year courses are going to get longer and with that I don’t have to rely on my sidearm as much

And I know what I have to work on with like my backand and and the control that I need to um get with certain shots because there are a couple holes out there that required some nice distance and some controlled like Flex shots and

Stuff MH um but yeah that was it I was happy with my play I put it great again I just need to um yeah kind of have it all come together I think I’m really close to having a great tournament oh that was fantastic before the show start we kind

Of talked a little bit how you know Friday was a pretty big wakeup call for me because it was very calm I got into town on Wednesday so I got a practice round in on Wednesday and one in on Thursday and both those days were fairly calm and the wind picked up drastically

On Friday it also switched uh directions uh where we were usually practicing and I got a I got a very rude awakening of like holy crap I don’t really know or least maybe not know is the right word maybe I didn’t have the confidence in a

Lot of my discs on what they were going to do in the wind because I think when the wind gets that high you really want to be throwing this that you like I know for a fact this is not going to flip yeah because it gets really scary when

You’re like I’m 50/50 so there was a lot of shots where I was like I don’t actually know what this to throw and so that was a little bit frustrating at times um but again like the frustration I can always just put it back to myself

So it’s it’s not it’s not a crazy thing it’s something that I can work out with time the other thing about this tournament that uh I I was at least kind of working on a little bit is I was working on shots that I’m not very good at

So the straight standstill putter shot from 200 ft where you have to throw it through a gap that is not my bread and butter I would much rather be throwing a crazy scramble shot where I’m leaning out throwing a sidearm through a gap I feel like I’m going to hit that Gap way

More consistent it that way than the backhand so I was working on some of those backand putter shots and then whole 17 that might be the worst shape Shot for Me ever because you can’t really get to the basket with a forehand flip up the way that the trees are aligned it is

And it’s not really a throw a flippy disc it is 100% throw an over sa disc on a flex line backand and that is by far my worst shot and so the first two days I was like I’m doing this I’m doing this and I early released one straight OB

Left took a double the other one I hit the tree that you’re trying to miss you you’re trying to uh turn off that tree hit that tree went OB I think I took a bogey uh I think I got up and down for a bogey so the first two days I was like

I’m not playing well uh on this hole third day I was like I’m doing it and I literally grabbed my disc and didn’t take any time at all I was just like locked in on this is what I’m doing I didn’t do any routine grabbed my disc

From that bag walked up ran up through it through it to like 27 ft and I was like heck yeah that is how you throw that shot now can I replicate it that is the question but I thought this course was great I thought it required a lot of different shots the

Scrambling was really fun on a lot of these wooded holes and then some of these open holes you know you look like a you look at a hole like hole number 10 this was the the hole that Nicholas a uh Austin Turner a and Trevon Trev Crow Ace as well so

Three Aces on the hole and you think to yourself oh my gosh this is the easiest hole ever no no no no no that hole played very difficult for a lot of people yes and it required a very specific shot depending on what the wind

Was now did we like the Drop Zone there Julie no like a 35 foot putt for I didn’t like it but a hole that you would look at normally on paper and be like oh this is like a musket birdie it was it that was a challenging hole so I I I

Like the way the course was set up this year um I think it’s heading the right direction I will say that I don’t know if we want to get into this right now I did play the wrong drop zone and ended up taking a penalty stroke or two

Penalty Strokes on one of the holes should we should we have literally a a painted area and a sign that says drop Zone that actually isn’t our Drop Zone what was it a drop zone for fpo oh well I get it I get it it’s on me

It should say no or Foo on there it should be like noo Drop Zone Foo drop zone for sure should just be a drop zone no I it’s on me was I kind of making a point maybe in the time I was kind of

Making a point of like why do we have to play every hole and look at the caddy book to read the paragraph on how that hole plays to me there should be like a standardized rule of like how holes play and we shouldn’t like have to always be

Like do we go to the fpo tpad for the drop zone or do we go to this drop zone for the drop zone do we advance if we cross OB or do we have I don’t know that and maybe I’m on my pace of play Rant again but I do

Think that uh affects pace to play is when every whole plays a little bit different from one another no I think uh I mean it’s tough because the facts are we play we play the same course that’s different play on the same property that’s different so

We’re playing with two courses set up at all times the basket’s just not in so there’s all kinds of different teads there’s all kinds of different Drop Zones there’s all kinds of different Mando there’s all kinds of different Drop Zones for that Mando like it can be definitely confusing and I think

Standardizing it would be amazing are we there yet probably not but at least have like no on the drop zone no drop zone fpo drop zone that’s pretty I love the different color teads too at Lake wo that was nice different color teads whatever all those things are are super

Important and it can it can definitely get confusing I mean there’s people in my group who didn’t know where where to go or what to do and and for me there’s a lot of provisionals being played yes yes and and this isn’t like a gripe on

Like guys I was I was so far out of cash I could I I didn’t care if I was going to take a penalty stroke a lot of this is it’s like Spectators yeah right of like it’s confusing of like what’s going why wait what’s happening and you know

If this happened on coverage who knows what were you gonna say though I was going to say the provisional is is a rule you can use to your advantage which goes into this which I saw a lot of comments in our last podcast about me not knowing the rules about uh benefit

Goes to the player I got hold on on that cuz we’re going to you want to talk about it now I was going to add we had a listener question that I think sums that up really well that I want you to respond to if you if you’re okay with

Waiting it’s up to you though oh I want to I want to I’m gonna I’m gonna gripe but okay yeah I’ll wait should I ask the question now and then you can respond how about that yes please okay um this is from William he says it sounds like

Julie does not have the correct understanding of the benefit goes to the player rule based on the last episode the rule uh States when a group cannot reach a majority decision regarding a ruling the ruling is based on the interpretation that is most beneficial to the thrower it does not establish a

Certain level of confidence required before voting yes or no if player a throws out of bounds and players b c d are 50% sure you never crossed in bounds they can still vote that way and that is the ruling player a has to go with do you two think that rule should be

Updated to support Julie’s opinion of the rule it is it is support supporting my opinion this is what’s hilarious people listen to what I say and they’re like oh my gosh 1% goes to the benefit goes to the player it’s 100% true because here’s the thing if we

Don’t see the disc Crossing bounds nobody has an opinion nobody can be like no I for sure sh saw it like that’s that’s the thing it’s a spotter says there’s a spotter there because it’s hard for us to tell if I’m in a group which I am and you guys

Aren’t this is the way that it works I go wow I’m pretty sure I crossed if I think I crossed damn near a 100% of the time my group is going to be on board with me dang near how many times Brody have you thrown a shot and been like I think I

Cross and your whole group’s like not even close dude scram it doesn’t happen like that like that’s not a real scenario that happens in our game real in real life scenarios when you’re having an disagreement with it’s typically a spotter it’s usually not your group because we’re all on the same Board of

Being like no benefit goes to the player like it was pretty close like you probably get it and once in a while there’s one person I have never been in a group where three people told me no chance and I argued I go like this all

Right deal done I’m taking it back here I I don’t have argument right but when there’s a discrepancy the benefit goes to the player even if it is 1% 1% yeah it might not be technically I guess with what William’s saying is it might not be technically what the rules says but

The way that it works on the pro tour and like how you know we all play with you one one another you know week after week if if we’re not 100% sure if we can’t say no man I saw that disc hit the water it never crossed if we can’t say

That the majority of players on tour are going to say well we’ll we’ll say you crossed that’s just how it works now the one thing that I always push back on is if we are standing hole 18 is a perfect example at at Waco everyone knows that

Hole the spotter is standing on the shoreline they’re looking down the shoreline we are at an Ang to the Shoreline our vantage point also were you know 400t away the spotter is 50 to 100 ft away they’re much closer they have a much better view of what the disc

Is doing than us so the way I always do it is like I’m just going to have faith and trust in what the spotter saw because if I don’t if I can’t say one way or the other because of the way of where I’m standing and the spotter is

Telling me you 100% did not cross I I have to have faith and trust that that spotter is calling it the same way for every player and if we all take the spotter’s ruling in that situation now it’s different though Julie if that spotter is 250 fet away and has a bad

Vantage point then I think it’s up for grabs but if he’s standing on the line and he’s literally looking to see like if your disc cor cor that’s where I have an issue when a player walks up it’s like no chance look where my disc is there’s no chance it didn’t cross it’s

Like bro this guy’s saying it didn’t cross I don’t know what you want me to say and it comes it comes out to the group too like the spotter has no nothing to do with it literally nothing if you don’t want him to it’s the group

And when that stuff happens and you look at your group and you go I think I crossed typically first of all not a lot of people pay attention anyway and there’s going to be one guy who says didn’t see it and there’s going to be another guy who says I don’t think you

Cross and then another guy goes I don’t know and then it’s a spotter against me against that guy mhm right and that’s the way that it works in that situation benefit goes to the player so when I hear all these comments about Paul doesn’t know the rules no

I’ve played more tournaments than any person has ever played on the pro tour that’s fact I have experience with this stuff that’s not how it works the rule can read the way it it reads but in certain situations it’s a lot harder than you think and in those cases I

Would rather have benefit go to the player than the opposite period because then you can completely flip the script and be like okay so if you know that it crosses 100% and 100 people see it and you have people in your group telling you you didn’t cross and you actually did now you’re

Getting screwed and it’s fine so it’s a rule it’s a rule that is like it’s not as easy as people think it’s not black and white at all and we also take you know we take Spectators and fans sometimes right we’ll walk up and if someone’s like oh yeah you

Definitely cross in bounds that do even though that shouldn’t have any impact on our um on our vote of whether or not did cross in bounds it does if you walk up in a spot in a spot and you hear a spotter say oh yeah he definitely cross

In bounds it’s really hard at that point to be like no man I don’t think you cross in bounds exactly yeah I mean there was a uh last year at the memorial I threw a shot on whole one didn’t look like it cross at all we get up there I

Play provisional from the Drop Zone get up there the spotter goes Paul you 100% cross and Bounds and my group’s like dude that wasn’t even close and he goes I’ve been sitting here all day I saw it Crest right here it was a good three feet in bounds and my group’s like uh

Okay so he takes it here then I’m like yeah it’s tough not to it’s really it’s really tough you normally don’t ever see that get reversed the ones that you see get reversed is when the spotter saying you did not cross and the player fighting for you did cross that’s

Because you’re never going to disagree with the Spotter and be like no no no no I definitely didn’t cross right you’re always going to be like well if the spot is saying I crossed I guess I crossed and it’s it’s the opposite which is I think that’s the one that I have the

Biggest disagreement and what I was explaining last week and I’ll restate it again if you think you’re disc cross and the spotter says no that’s when I say are you 100% sure it didn’t cross and if he says spotter yeah and if he says no Then he’s void he’s void

Now that’s the 1% you go are you are you 100% sure that it didn’t cross and if he goes it was pretty close all of a sudden now benefit goes to the player in your group right because he has the best vantage point you look at your group you

Can’t really see it and now you have an argument yeah that’s the way that works yeah all right we have nichas coming uh in about five minutes or so before we get him on here I want to let you guys know that’s something something that we’re doing over at Foundation disc golf

We’re trying we’re testing this out we’re seeing how it goes and so far the people that have joined have really enjoyed it so I wanted to share that with you guys we are thrilled to introduce our exclusive weekly text deals that offer incredible discounts on your favorite discs merch and and

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And uh you know if you love great deals on disc that’s where uh you’ll just have them literally texted to your phone I don’t did I throw that in the description syus or do I need to do that right now I don’t remember if I threw that in

There all right I will add that in to all of our uh YouTube people right now so you guys have that in the description um I can uh put this actually right here for you guys in chat too there you go boom get some uh get some cool deals texted your

Way um all right anything else Julie to rack up wrap up your uh your Waco experience or sorry gosh Waco you’re um open at Austin no no that was it man I had a blast it was a good week uh were you affected by the delay on Sunday at

All I mean I had to wait for my tea time but not you got you hadn’t teed off yet you got pushed back no I just got pushed back so I I didn’t have to go out there and come off or anything but I mean it

Was weird not being able to play all the holes I will give a shout out to whoever said get rid of the three holes because that was perfect for the ending almost it could have been two holes but uh them getting rid of the three holes it seemed

Like it timed timed pretty well for the whole tournament to be able to finish it was like I don’t know how much more time they would have had it it was getting pretty dark because at first I’m like dude they’re gonna be able to finish the

Whole thing why can’t we just play all the holes what I was thinking and then leard was pretty far behind every other card yeah so they were they were oh man yeah they were uh they were a good two cars behind the the funny the funny thing about that well we we’ll

Talk about this a little bit later on after nichas gets off but there was a funny inter uh I don’t know if you saw that um interaction between Austin Hanam and uh Jeff spring where I I think I was on the second or third card out that

Final day and we were like if we skip these holes because Foo wasn’t skipping fpo played all 18 we’re like we like we’re going to jump Foo we’ll we’ll skip because uh that is that is an issue that is an issue that they need to figure out is fpo almost

Every day blocks up the entire course so no catches up with leag card fpo almost every round and I I would know because I’m playing I’m playing a lot of times on these cards that are that are catching up to FBO so that is something that they they’re going to

Have to try to figure out of how do we how do we get these rounds done quicker because you know we can’t be having some cards playing around in 3 and 1 half hours and some cards playing around in 3 hours it’s just it’s just not going to

Work um all right Edwin stats I don’t know if I really want to jump too much into this before we get Nicholas on because he’s about to jump so I think we maybe do uh or maybe we can kind of discuss some of this stuff while Nicholas jumps

On because a lot of this stuff honestly is is from him so we can maybe use some of this stuff um we can maybe use some I’ll maybe pull some of this stuff up when uh we’re talking about it CU some of the stuff actually here is very very

Exciting but we’re not going to make him wait any longer the first ever finished player to win on the disc golf pro tour Nicholas Antilla now joins tour Life For the First Time welcome brother sounds good thank you boys I was gonna say how’s that intro sound

Very nice that’s has been my dream for like five four years now and it’s finally true so I still can’t believe it but I think I I start to like understand what happened and move forward yeah that’s one of those cool ones that will stick with you for

The rest of time and even like in the future you know 40 years 50 years from now if another finished player starts making moves on the tour everyone will look back to you as the first so you’re kind of submitted into history there winning that one so uh very very cool um

I want to jump in first to just kind of get your mindset because this isn’t this isn’t new to you having a chance to win you’ve been in positions multiple times and multiple times you’ve Fallen just short what what was the feeling going into the lead round did you have any feelings

Like hey this is different yeah obviously I was second last week in wo as well so I kind of fell short again and I felt like all right we had one more second place again and I was just telling myself that I just can’t keep like being second all

The time if I get like any more chances I want to dig deep and like take all my chances and use them as my advantage and and um uh of course I missed the p on 14 again um and I was feeling like is it happening again but I was able to make

Those two parts in the in the last two holes and win it like if I think like how I want to win I want to win like by making a 354 or so that was super nice yeah it was very impressive what you did uh we’ll get to

That in a second I don’t want to jump too far ahead because some crazy stuff happened in a very very short period of time you I I I’m trying to get the timeline just right and Julie or either one of you I guess jump in you got a uh warning for excessive

Time which has now happened twice back-to-back tournaments lead card Ganon Burr at Waco and now you at the open at Austin and then did you end up missing a kind of a short putt shortly after that yeah I got the time warning on round one I think it was whole eight uh

On my second shot mhm um and then uh of course I was playing a bit faster after that and I was kind of rushing my shots I felt like uh and I missed like a maybe like 14 15 foot part on whole nine so yeah it was in my mind

That I need to play fast and I didn’t want to even come close to 30 seconds and any of my shots but yeah and then on whole on whole 10 I played one hole in 10 seconds so that was fast yeah and yeah so for those that didn’t see it

We’ll actually pull up the clip here in a second not yet right now SI because I do want to get your thoughts on uh on that but this brings up my like pace of play situation I I’m curious to see what your your thoughts on it I think the 30

Second rule is one of the dumbest rules we play and I’ll tell you why you could have all four people on your card take 29 seconds for every single shot they have a 5 foot putt they take 29 seconds you could do that and there would be no

Rules that you could call against this card they’re playing by the rules and they would BL they would back up the entire course it would be an absolute nightmare to play behind a card like that so like what you just said you start playing a lot quicker and you took

10 seconds to play one hole do you think do you like the way the rule is currently set or would you like to make it to where hey there’s certain shots that I’m going to need a little bit more time but when I get to a 20 foot putt

I’m not going to take 30 seconds I’m G to take 10 and that’s going to kind of catch us back up to how fast we should be playing yeah I think um especially in this go if you go to like deep R uh you will easily take like 45 seconds on a

Shot but then again if you have like a 250 foot higher shot like nothing on your way I think it should take like only 10 15 seconds to maybe look at the wind and stuff um I don’t know what I think about like the 3 second rule I think it’s all right

But there is definitely like situations where it’s it’s really bad as well and uh for me it’s just like because I got the time Waring from like um djp staff member not a player yeah and then I was not the only one using like over 30 seconds on one shot

And the same guy was there for the whole round and I was the only guy who got the warning so I think that’s that’s like I feel a bit dumb about that because especially with the same guy being like following us on the on the whole round

Yeah I think the clip that uh or the the shot that you ended up getting it I think you ended up taking roughly around 50 seconds and it’s like the rule is if if we’re calling the rules out here like you said any any time over 30 seconds

Should be called whether it’s 31 32 or a minute and a half and Ganon was on last week and he was talking how he was asking the guy like when does my 30 second start like I would like to know with my 307 and the guy couldn’t give

Him a clear answer and I think that’s a big issue too A lot of people are looking specifically on how long you know how long are you taking to throw your shot right are you doing a bunch of pump FES and my thing is like I actually

Don’t think that’s the big issue here I think the big issue is how long are you staying on the teapad and talking before the the next person is throwing how long is it taking you to walk 450 ft to your t- shot like are you just walking the

Park doing this because I can get to my t-shot in 20 seconds and there might be some people taking a minute and that’s those are massive gaps um Julie what are your thoughts on how you know do you like the 32nd rule or do you want do you

Think we needs to be changed because we’re seeing it now affecting multiple tournaments yeah I can’t stand it um one of the things is I think we should all get like a minute I think there should be a minute because then it wouldn’t even matter and I think you should get

An extension of your minute as well and I’ve had a lot of push back of that people being like a minute that’s crazy and I’m like yeah but people are taking a minute anyway that’s my whole thing like I don’t have I don’t have a problem

With taking 30 seconds to throw I’m a fairly quick player but there’s times when the wind picks up and I’m putting where I I’ll use a little extra time and I don’t get called for it because I’m typically a quick player and I’m not sitting there counting like I have an

Internal clock that’s like okay this is taking a little bit this has taking a little while um I should probably pull the trigger and then I do you know once that internal clock is like okay I’m taking the excess of time I have that I think

Every player has that and if it was a minute we we wouldn’t have to worry about it and then it comes down to what I think if you had a minute what it should be is here’s how long it should take you to play around if your

Card is not keeping up with that pace of play your card gets the warning your whole card like hey you guys you guys need to pick it up as a card and then if it’s just one player you can be like well it’s him and then it’s like well it

Doesn’t matter you guys you guys need to keep going you guys need to get keep up the pace or whatever and a lot of people don’t like that too because it could be just one player but at the same time it’s all about Pace a play so what is

The correct pace of play for your card to keep moving so you’re not backing up the whole entire place if you get in the woods and you have a tough lie it would if you don’t take the proper amount of time to find the right route to know where the basket is to

Know where your layup is it could take triple the time you hit a branch right in front of you rushing your shot and now all of a sudden you’re back in the woods again and now you take another 30 seconds you don’t have time to go look

Out you throw it out of bounds you rethrow you throw out of bounds again all of a sudden you just took four minutes because you didn’t take your time you know what I mean and that’s something that people aren’t thinking about but that’s that’s for real when

You kick really wildly in the woods especially on a course like Waco like you’re in a spot that you have no like no clue what’s going on and you’ve never been there it’s not like people are just marching into the woods being like Oh if

I hit this tree I’m going to go 50 feet in here and now I got to figure out how to get out so I think there’s a lot of different um different things but I think what it comes down to is pace of play for for the whole tournament not

Just individual players yeah individual players should be um allowed to have an A lotted amount of time so that they can best perform best perform and give the people who are watching at this point because that’s what it is it’s a product that people need to be able to pay

Attention to and see and perform and get the best for whatever they’re paying for and the two things I was GNA add to that Nicholas is like for that that specific instance where you took you know 50 seconds or whatever if you would have sprinted off the teapad and gotten to

Your disc right I think the 50 seconds would have not slowed down like by the time you were throwing the card is probably just showing up so I think that’s another thing is like if you know like you’re going to be the first one to

Throw on your card you you had the first t- shot you’re going to be the first one to throw and you’re the last one off the tea pad and you’re like slowly getting that’s that’s a major issue now I did want to ask you about the caddy

Situation did you have a caddy during that round uh round one I didn’t have a caddy I only had C for the last round okay and was that Tomas yes okay I think that also plays a role because I think when we’re watching it live when you’re I can

See your your brain and I’m I’m trying to speculate what you’re going through oh is he trying to throw like an overstable like uh Flex Shot to like flat or is he thinking about maybe throwing a forehand like I’m kind of trying to understand what you’re going

Through but because you don’t have a caddy there and you’re not verbally talking it out I think it feels like a long 50 seconds if you would have had Tomas there and you guys are talking and you’re like pulling one disc out and he’s like I don’t like I think for a

Viewer that 50 seconds goes by super fast and then honestly too like I I think that’s super interesting like I want to hear that and so I think that’s something too with the coverage of maybe when we do get caddies maybe when we do get miks to where we can hear you guys

Like that to me is I would love to hear 40 seconds of you breaking that shot down like I think that would be fascinating to to everyone so um we’ll see we’ll see how it goes it’s it’s it is going to be an issue we’ve had we’ve had a lot of these

Tournaments now where we’re almost playing glow golf uh did you have a glow disc in your bag just in case yeah I had multiple I had like three at least okay so you were prepared yeah I want to say one thing to the 30 second rule I think

That the problem is not if somebody’s using like 35 seconds on one shot that there is some people that are slowing like moving like so slowly on a course like there has been so many times that that people throw their t-shots and then we Lo to the disc and then I have been

By his disc for like one minute and the same guy is still on the teab drinking something or eating something or talking to somebody I think that’s the problem not not like the 35 seconds on one shot yeah and I’ll put it out there I’ve played with you a couple times now you

Are by far not a slow disc golfer so I just want to stop that narrative I don’t think that narrative is starting but if if there are people out there being like oh he got a Time violation and he’s slow no no no he’s not he he plays very quick

And uh what I like to call like ready disc golf of where you know hey it’s my turn I’m going to throw and we’re not sitting around waiting um all right did you happen to see the sports center clip yeah yeah I saw it I heard it all

Right we’re gonna play it here because I want to get your reaction oh that link uh how much time do you need for it to just pull up oh we don’t have a way of just pulling it up real quick okay oh um okay it doesn’t have to be like super

Nice you can just pull it up literally on like if uh like if you want it’s just on Twitter I I I just texted into the group um all right we’ll we’ll talk we’ll move on to something else and then uh we’ll come back to that cuz I do I do

Want to get I want want everyone to hear it first and then get your reaction on it um all right let’s let’s let’s fast forward a little bit to the final round let’s go back to the final round real quick hole number six that was one of those holes

Where the way I thought about it I thought it was a very well-designed hole because of the shaping of it and if you weren’t able to get clean off the Fairway it was very very tough to get your second shot to the basket were you trying like were you thinking about

Getting to the basket on that second shot there cuz it did look like you threw a fast disc yeah um think about it now I made a dumb decision on time one uh I was going with like pd2 which is like 12 speed driver I was saying like not go for the basket

But like skip it like behind the corner and then have like a 120 ft to the basket for easy par I should just like went with slow disc and just played for like 220 ft um but yeah that was a double ball gun that one not ideal and

That made me like work harder for the for the left H do you like that kind of course design though of where it’s not all like gas I feel like a lot of courses we play on tour and I mean you saw it on this course too a

Little bit right when the wind was down Ganon shot the the course record at 14 under you had some really good rounds uh as well you’re pretty consistent from round to round but like do you feel like all of a sudden the first I mean that those first five holes right it’s like

Gas like you got a birdie you got to try to Eagle hole five and then you get to this hole here and you throw one bad shot and you’re like well I got to still try to bur like is that was that a hard transition in the moment for you to be

Like wait a second like if I just chip chip get a par and move on all things are fine yeah that was that was weird because I felt like as you said first five hes are like pretty simple nothing too special on those and then hole six

And hole eight I think you need to like almost like survive those holes and you are happy with the power on those holes and as you can see like the double bogy happen so fast yeah did and then again after whole eight I feel like the end of

The course is like pretty simple and then maybe 17 180 are like more stuff so it’s like mentally mentally pretty hard to go like first play easy easy for five H and then go to ws and then come back and you need to be strong yeah I didn’t really think about it at

The time when we were playing but now looking back and talking about it like it’s actually a really interesting design of where you got to score really good and then they throw like a speed bump at you and then you got to score really good again and then at the end

It’s like cuz you can you can rattle off I mean 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 you can Eagle like you can rattle off a whole bunch right there and then you get to 17 18 and if you like slip up a little bit

All of a sudden you can take some big numbers so uh it end up playing kind of well I guess yeah and I think that for example I think I had a six on whole six and uh Joey on my card had a three so

That was three shs on one hole and then hole eight he took a dou boogy and I bir it so it happed super fast yeah yeah hey that just shows all the commentators out there this is everyone’s big pet peeve when they’re listening to commentators uh not you Julie the Live commentators

It’s okay to not have to like be the first one to say the tournament’s over like they it’s like a weird like contest like they want like they want to have be the first one to be like oh that’s it Nicholas is done like as soon as hit

That tree and you go OB it’s like well he’s done he’s got no chance to win he’s completely out of the tournament it’s like hold on man like we’re not playing these tournaments where you know everyone’s shooting 16 under there’s there are some you know score separation

Here so hold your horses I thought I thought you bounced back from that uh that double early I mean your round could have could been you know could have gone the exact opposite direction um so that was very impressive okay I think we do have the clip now so for

Those that didn’t see it this is uh uh your Ace on whole 10 and it made Sports Center top 10 plays let’s give it a watch number six disc golf Linder okay this the pro tour uh Nicholas and till what the heck is this on hold 10 315 ft

Out it’s like the pickle ball of golf exactly just don’t take up any real golf courses yeah exactly got 150 points he in third place good for him okay so first reaction I want from you is like let’s let’s act like you saw that in a bar and you couldn’t hear the commentary

What was your reaction when you found out that you were you made Sports Center top 10 I’m assuming this is the first time uh that was awesome that’s actually my second time I think I made it I was also number six in 2022 T finals when I made the long Eagle

Uh on oh yes okay 15 maybe yes yes that was a six shot very cool okay I didn’t know that Sports Center very nice so yeah of course that’s really awesome uh I F like I was pretty lucky though it was like too much right and I was going

OB by a mile but I’m lucky that I went in and I won by one so that was important I think that’s literally how all three Aces like if they didn’t hit the basket they were just going to be 50 feet right okay let’s talk about the

Commentary now so uh I’m blanking on who the commentators I think it’s um gosh I have to remember who what her name is she’s been on ESPN for a very very long time both of them have been what are what are your thoughts and you know it wasn’t the most

Positive commentary on that shot what are your thoughts on that yeah uh I don’t really care but when I think about it more I think it makes me feel a little bit sad because if this go is somebody’s like passion and they really like to do it

And then they hear like somebody talking about it in that way I don’t I don’t feel very good about that uh maybe that’s the only thing that I have to say about that pretty sad it’s Linda Cohen by the way that thank you thank you to Brian for letting me know yeah I’ll

Touch on that real quick and then Julie I want you to hop in because I’m curious to what your thoughts are I think sometimes like it this kind of just puts in perspective a little bit because we get in that disc golf bubble sometimes it kind of puts in perspective

A little bit of just like there are you know these massive top four Sports and and really if you’re not even in one of the top four Sports you could still be a huge sport yeah you still like there is still this kind of weird commentary

Towards a lot of sports that are much much bigger than disc golf the way I view it though cuz I know like you know you you seemed like you’re a little sad about it and there’s a bunch of people on Twitter and Instagram that are upset

The way I view it is you’re still getting disc golf in front of new eyeballs and would it be better if they were like holy cow this sport looks incredible this the game yes that obviously would be better but someone still allowed it to get Sports Center

Top 10 so at a certain point like we still have to be grateful that we got that spot now what we do to be able to try to get because Ultimate Frisbee had the same kind of stigma of like oh that’s like a stoner sport that’s what a

Bunch of like people that smoke weed and go play Frisbee do and it took I think it took a long time and even still some people think that I think disc golf is still very young but Julie what are your thoughts on it I think it’s like uh hit

And miss really with who’s who’s announcing it what they had for breakfast that day it really is because seeing this and they and they have to come up with something on the Fly and that’s sometimes tough especially with something you probably haven’t seen before um there’s been times where I’ve

Made the top 10 and it was awesome and there’s been times when they made complete fun of me so it it one of the clips they said that I threw it 427 yards which is like the world record which is pretty cool a and so that was that was hilarious but

They like really hyped it up and another one they’re like uh what is this uh frisbee golf and they like kind of made fun of me in in the thing and I’m with you Brody the more eyes that are on it the better but I also think we got to

Give the commentators a little break because they have a tough job of all of a sudden they don’t probably know what’s going to pop up and they just have to whatever comes to their mind and so if I’m doing that and let’s say it’s like the throwing marbles world championship

And I have to commentate on something I’ve never seen before I probably whatever comes to mind comes to mind I don’t think we should take it too serious probably I don’t know I mean I haven’t watched Sports in a really long time but I don’t know if they do it like

They used to they basically would film one and then I think they would re-record a couple of times so like you would get a different iteration of and the top 10 throughout the day would sometimes change too like some would drop off and new clips from that day

Would pop in and so you would sometimes hear uh the same person they’re now seeing it for the third time and so I don’t know if we have any other clips of that Nicholas but you might have another clip from that that is a little bit more

Positive that maybe you can put in your your memory bake hopefully for you um but uh but no very cool I mean it’s always very cool to see disc golf on TV like that um yeah and uh whe whether it’s in a positive light or not there

Are some kids I’m sure out there watching that to be like oh that looks sick I want to go try that so very very cool to see all right let’s jump ahead now to Ho 14 now you you know you’re not going to end up playing the next two holes which

Are pretty pretty much most of us are are thinking those are birdie holes you’re going from hole 14 straight to 17 to 18 you have you play whole 14 absolutely perfect you throw a great t-shot put yourself in a good position you throw a great up shot to give

Yourself what are we calling it 15 18 ft maybe 15 14 it was close I was trying to give you the benit I was trying to the benit out there Nicholas you could have be like ah 1820 um CL now did you did you do one or two extra pumps there

Like was that a little bit of a longer routine than your normal cting routin extra pumps let’s not give them any more breaks did you stand over that putt a little longer than you would normally stand over a 15-footer uh yeah a little bit there was uh some people moving behind and that’s

Not like an excuse for that one it’s like 15 foot but we should make it every time uh I knew the scores before that but and I knew that if I was going to bird out uh I was going to win by one I think at that point uh if KY was going

To bird 18 so I knew the situation and um yeah it kind of remind reminded me of what happened in win in 2022 it was actually the same hole as well whole 14 I think yep yeah um and that to me like the way you through what was going through your

Mind was it the pressure and so you had all those thoughts you had the people behind there and you’re sitting there over it trying to obviously block the negative thoughts out for a second at what point cuz I feel like people who are listening don’t understand like the

Thought process the goes into situations like that like at what point were you like okay this is I got to pull the trigger and where was your mind at once you did that was it in the right place or was it just like you rushed it at

That point because you didn’t take long enough because it’s okay to sit there and do 50 pumps as long as you make it yeah um I think I I took like a great amount of time uh I wasn’t rushing anything or or stuff like that I felt like my head was empty

At that time I felt like I was I didn’t have any nerves but I wasn’t like excited or anything about about anything really at that point I felt like I was just like in that moment but at the same time I was somewhere else uh it was it was weird now walking

Off that green what’s going through your head as you make the walk the whole 17 first off already kind of a weird situation ation right cuz we’re normally walking uh much shorter distance and then off to the right so now we’re doing something that we haven’t done where

We’re Walk we’re skipping two holes and walking to another hole what what are the thoughts running through your head with two holes to play and after looking at scores and knowing hey if I birdie uh the last three holes I win taking a par there and I want to add to that knowing

That there’s three holes gone now being the leader to start the tournament that could be like oh sweet no more holes like I have I have the lead and we’re getting rid of holes that’s a good thing for me but at this point you’re Pro was

There any thought of like dang it I wish I had those holes back just to add that question yeah they really took away like the two of the maybe the easiest hold on the course uh 15 and 16 those were pretty simple holes um for me 17 is like surprisingly easy

Because I like to throw those Flex lines and I I felt pretty comfortable on that on that one um we got to hang out there Nicholas I was talking before you came on I was like that is my least favorite shot to throw on this golf yeah I just

Feel like I’m just like smacking something over stable and I feel like I almost never missed our shots uh honestly but yeah I threw it to like 50 fet it wasn’t the greatest sh ever but I gave myself a look and that’s the that’s the number one thing in those situations

Did you feel like you pulled that t-shot cuz as I was doing commentary it looked like you threw it and you your eyes were like on it like right away like oh no I pulled it a little bit or did you pure it um it was a little bit too much right

And little bit too low I think it was was like a bit higher it would have some time to like come back and maybe skip a little bit more on the left um it was a good line but just a bit too low I think

Okay now the putt you made on 17 that’s that’s got to go down as one of the nastiest putts we’ve seen in a while uh you know it brings me back to like Paul MCB putt that he made at Worlds on whole 17 um where he’s just cashing I mean his

His putt on at uscgc on whole set we’ve seen some big putts before after missing that short one on the previous hole was it looking back at it was it actually nice to have like a 50-footer instead of having like another 20f footer right again right

Away yeah um I think I would have taken that 24 again much rather he was he was so far and uh also it was pretty dark at that time so I didn’t see the basket as good as good as I maybe wanted to but U I knew that if I

Want to have a chance to win the tournament uh I need to make that part and because we didn’t have any time for playoff or stuff because it was getting so dark so fast had they mentioned any of that to you guys during the round uh like were you guys getting updates on

What they were going to do cuz so many of you guys were so close together uh no I didn’t know anything all I knew that uh we going to play 15 hes and that’s it I wonder if they would have just like brought out some like

Cars to whole one and just thrown the headlights on the basket that could electric yeah but even if we like tied with Kyle it would have been like two winners Maybe oh you think they would have done Co co- Champion yeah they did with Ricky and Calvin that one

Year I think yeah I don’t want to have like my first wi to be like champion no I’ll take it um all right let’s uh let’s go to Hole 18 so you bury that hole you’re standing you know you’re walking to the tead are you looking at scores are you seeing where you

Stand yes I know the situation and also I was playing with genon uh he told me that hey man he’s like we always doing that thing hey man he hey man you need to bird 18 to win let’s do it and he was like cheer me on and stuff um and I’m

Really thankful for him we have been fighting for like couple tournaments in the past and it was enough to see that he’s like cheating for me in that moment yeah and you just absolutely throw the absolute perfect shot on on whole 18 that was beautiful did you did you was

That your play all all three rounds to be that aggressive off the te or were you a little bit more aggressive knowing that you have to birdie that hole I was even more aggressive on round one I think I threw like PD and I know now I threw FD so that’s like seven

Speed okay uh I went OB OB right on round two so I was going just like a bit more stable so I can go like bit more flatter and yeah I threw it very good yeah it was it was incredible and then like you said I think the way you ended

It with that big uh you know 35-footer I think that is to me that’s like the icing on the cake versus you know you throwing your upshot to 5 feet I’m sure you would take both but looking back at it knowing that if you were going to

Make both of them the 35-footer let’s be real like that was epic the emotion that you showed after making it like what what is all that like going through I mean you’re not like a you’re not like an old guy it’s not like you’ve been on

Tour trying to win forever so like where did that emotion come from um I think there’s many things that like affect that moment I think also the fact that I was second last week and it was so close and I threw OB on 17 and kind of lost the tournament on that hole

And also that there have been so many times that I’m in the backyard pting uh and I imagine like all right Nicholas this is for the win in a big tournament and I was just thinking like if I miss this part I would be so happy after all those second places and

All those close calls and mistakes in the in the like right moment so I felt like so relieved I will say did your phone blow up after you won because I don’t I mean what time was it over in in Finland it had have been super early right were people watching

You it was like 3:00 a.m. but all my family all my friends they were up watching and yeah it it was AB crazy yeah wow that’s nuts that is that is very very very cool um all right we got a couple uh a couple go ahead yeah go

For it what about like so finland’s obviously this country that just loves disc golf it’s so popular over there and and obviously being the best player right now over there you and Vino MH who are your like Heroes you know what I mean to where now you can look at

Yourself and and you can be like oh my gosh all these guys before me came and tried to win on the tour and they couldn’t do that and you know I’m the lucky one that got to go out there and and get this done for for anybody like

Who who are the guys that you looked up to and you were like man I’m never going to be that good or I hope I can be that guy someday like who are the guys that really inspired you from Finland there’s many guys um I I think I will say SEO is the

Biggest one for me uh he was very good when I was starting this golf in like 2015 or 2016 also yma and U even v v was very good as well when I started and he still is and it was it was funny because SEO kind of

Took V to us for the first time and kind of made V feel feel good in us and stuff and then V took me to here in 2022 and now I want the tournament for Finland so it feels like I made Finland proud Maybe not maybe yes you did how how has

That b you know transitioning from playing you know even in Europe playing around Europe to now you know you’re not I don’t know how long you’re planning on being over here before you go back like how how is the travel how is how is being away from home for that

Long yeah I usually do like anything between like 8 to 12 weeks uh it’s a long time to be away from home and family and stuff um I’m doing like more flying back and forth this year so I will do three trips and uh I actually have more more

Tournaments in us than last year but I will fly more and uh I feel like like playing Europe has been like different for me always and now I finally feel like the Disco is feeling same for me in us right now so it makes me like play a lot better

Obviously uh I need to think as much and I feel more like at home in us right now what what were some of the differences like what were some of the things that made that stood out to you of like hey this is different than what it feels like playing in

Europe uh I think everything uh I’m so far away from home it’s like 15 hours uh of traveling to get back home um language is different you don’t you guys don’t even understand me all the time because of my English and stuff um you’re doing a great job by the way

There was a couple comments on here too saying it’s very impressive that you know you’re second language jumping on a podcast and talking with us so you’re doing a fantastic job thank you yeah it’s almost everything for is different um almost everything but I finally feel like uh I’m almost like playing in

Finland if that makes sense and it makes me like just focus on discov and don’t think about anything else than playing the tournament we do have cinnabun here though Nicholas we do have cinnabun yeah favorite ones um I like American for it’s good what about what about this I really

Wanted to ask you this question so coming into like this tournament you you obviously lost the weekend before and you’ve had some second places usdgc comes to mind um but you’re also playing against the best players in the world that’s one thing that the US does have is the pro tour

Right and so everybody anybody can win any any single weekend and you have these monsters like Ricky and Ganon and MC Beth and Kyle Klein and all these guys um did you in your mind are you thinking like no I’m a monster I’m like these

Guys like this is where I belong this is who I am and like what is that like playing against them and being like for example like you’re kind of short in stature and you’re a little bit unassuming and the um Finland culture is very quiet and you

Guys are so humble in your approach to the game which is nice because then when you win you know that electric uh um celebration was awesome for all of us because we see the calm cool Nicholas and then you win and then the emotion comes out so I I feel like in America

Like we’re all kind of like a little bit cocky you know what I mean all the time all the time like we wear our confidence on our sleeves and it’s hard to tell with you guys like inside is Nicholas like no I’m a beast like these guys

Can’t hang with me or or do you have a lot more respect for their games and stuff and you just kind of go through a process a different way um I feel like when I started playing in like 2015 uh I was watching like all the

YouTube and stuff and I was watching you uh Paul Ricky all those guys and they were like so good so good and I was like trying to copy Paul’s path or Paul’s backand or anything and they are like my my idols and my heroes and now that I’m here

Uh I feel like in 2022 I knew that I can do good here but maybe not win yet um and then last year I felt like I’m coming closer uh and I know that I can win if I do a good tournament and a good weekend but now I feel more

Like um if I play just okay I will be in top 10 or top 15 I don’t need to like do anything anything crazy to like be in contention for the win and that’s important for me because if you get those chances often you’re also going to

Win win some of those and uh that’s how I look at the game at the moment yeah I thought it was cool one of the coolest posts I saw was actually from Ricky Yaki who had a picture of you kind of looking at him and then the caption was was

Awesome it was uh Welcome to The Winner Circle we’ve been waiting on you how did that how did that feel I thought that was absolutely awesome yeah that was awesome actually I played my first tournament uh in US that was Texas States in 2022 and I was

Playing with riy then and he said to me that just continue doing what you’re doing you are very good and you will win here in us he said said that to me in 2022 and I’m very thankful to him he’s like one of the best in the sport to ever

Play and he’s pushing me forward with that that’s awesome that’s so cool yeah I love I love that uh you know the pro tour is still so young but we get to we’re going to experience more and more these like cool memories cool stories of players passing the

Torch like one day you’re going to probably do the same thing right you’re going to see a new upand comer coming on tour and say something the same so it’s so cool that we are we’re in this spot right now where I mean we’ve been talking about it on this show where you

Know heck 30 40 people can win any given tournament now and then also like you you you know bogey one whole you’re not dropping from third to Fourth you could drop from third to outside the top 10 sometimes like it’s there’s so many good players now it’s it’s very very exciting

Times uh for disc golf yes all right a couple uh couple listener questions here they wanted to know first one is uh how did you acquire your unique your unique throwing form all right so as I said I was trying to do like Paul my B was throwing um when I

Started playing and in my mind I felt like I look just like Paul and then then I was recording my my throw it was like so different um so Paul has been like a big part of my throwing style even though they don’t look the same but I feel like

We can control the disc the same way we throw like we are not throwing like 95% on every shot we like Tempo down on some of the shots and control those Fair driver is pretty good so Paul has been a big role model for me and also Simon

Simon was also like from Europe that time and he was throwing super far and those two guys are like my main guys when like trying to learn techniques well that leads me into my next question this is coming from Kevin he wants to know what is your max distance really

Curious how much you can get with that smooth form I think I can do like 500 like on a golf line that’s like almost my Max and there’s been so many people telling me that you need to throw farther if you go to us and stuff and I

Always told told them that if I place them on The Fairway and make my pts you don’t need to throw like 56 to win those tournaments MH if you just stay in bounds and do you I think that’s all you need to do JM had a great call about

Your form he says uh that you’re rocking the disc to sleep cuz it’s so smooth I love I love that look like he’s rocking it rocking the baby he says he’s rocking the dis to sleep oh my God that was I thought that was amazing very good line

All right one of uh fans favorite segments here we get to dig in a little bit and and really kind of see what gets under your skin so all right what are your biggest pet peeves I need to charge my phone I 3% I’m back there you go all good that’s a

Huge pet is when the phone goes dead so the question is uh like what are things either when you’re playing in tournaments or casual rounds or anything what are some of your biggest pet peeves things that like you just can’t stand you don’t know why they

Yeah I think number one might be the like moving slowly like walking slowly we spoke about that in the beginning okay uh that’s annoying um then if you don’t let uh like a faster group play play through you or like if there’s like four people playing and there’s one guy coming from behind

Um it’s annoying if you not to like play behind behind those 10 what was third one I know I have something that’s super annoying uh I just know if I ever get a chance where we’re playing I’m just gonna moonwalk to all my disc to really annoy you yes slowly just walking

Backwards to my disc I I saw your latest episode and somebody said pump fakes and that’s also annoying but I do it myself so I don’t know if I can say that or no yeah that’s also an I say pump FES I’m sorry guys no

I think I think pump faks are fine it’s it’s just when like we were talking about and again your putt on whole 14 that that is a different situation than the second hole of a tournament from 15 fet right like those two things are very very different and they should

They should be uh they should also be I think um handled differently you know I I don’t think we should be trying to rush the very end of a tournament like that’s when the drama builds that’s when you can build that story um but if we’re on the second hole

Brother and you got a 10-footer and you’re like I’m like I’m like I’m like this round’s gonna be a nightmare we we’re in for one here yeah um all right Julie he kind of answered his question a little bit with the throwing but there might be

Another answer here so yeah go ahead out of everybody on tour right now who do you look at and it could be any part of the game and you’re like oh man that’s not nice like I’m a little jealous of that guy like who do you look at on tour and you’re

Like any it can be anything it has to be a uh like yeah it’s always a I know it’s a boring answer but he’s just when he’s throwing far it’s just like I don’t know what’s happening it’s like I can I can do like half of that what he’s doing so

Yeah if I had that I would be so good he also does it in such a way where it doesn’t look like the way he looks when he throws in distance contests is vastly different than the way he throws in tournaments but he still throws so much farther than everyone in

Tournaments so it’s like yes he’s got that extra gear that you know and you’re still watching him just like probably throw 90% and you’re just like geez Louise just comes out of that pocket so quick well and it’s crazy cuz his down Tempo is so good now like throwing those

Novas and he’s just going like walking up three step poof and it’s going 350 and you’re like how can somebody who has that much touch then on the next hole throw it 512 feet on a Heiser with a nuk OS yes it’s not fair yeah because

I know so many guys that throw like as far as AB does at least like almost but they like they have no touch they can throw like slow and uh I also feel like AB is like using the distance he has to his advantage on the course and that’s like that’s very good

One all right I want to leave you before you go here I want to leave you with a couple stats this coming from Edwin stats here our statistician um you may or may not know these but you are actually the fourth European to win an no Elite event you

Are the third player since 2019 to Ace and win in the same event other two being Conrad James Conrad worlds 2021 and Paul McBeth uh MVP open 2020 so that’s a nice little group that you’re a part of and then you uh your 66% birdie rate that is the highest birdie rate of

2024 only two players had a higher birdie rate at an elite event in all of 2023 uh that’s Ricky Waki who birdied 68% of the the holes at preserve and calan who B birdied 67% of the holes at Waco so you uh you buried a lot of holes this past week and

Apparently that’s what you need to do to win out here so keep doing that yeah and then you’re gonna also double b whole six when you do that I’m gonna hold that I’m going to hold that to you I’m never going to let you forget hold number six

When you pulled out that driver I was like what is he doing right now um but hey sometimes you got to be aggressive to win it and you clearly did so uh really appreciate you you taking the time out of of your day out of your

Night to join us on tour life I know all of our listeners really appreciate it and uh we wish you the best going forward enjoy your week off if you aren’t playing anything this week and uh we’ll see you at Texas States brother all right thank you guys here you in

Houston safe travels there you have it the 2024 open at Austin Champion Nicholas inella congratulations Peach man he was fun to have on a he cool I’ve had a couple conversations with him but nothing like super super in depth uh he’s he’s great to talk to great we’ll

Have to have him back on it was awesome all right let’s jump into it so we’re going to pull up Edwin’s stats now go through our 2024 no open at Austin event recap so this was at Harvey pennick this this tournament used to be at the Belton

And then it got switched down here um which is now in Austin Texas we are playing for total purse of $76,900 this was the 10th lowest um lowest scoring average uh scored to par uh with ne7 seven under is where was at was it the average score to par um let’s see

What else we got so this is an interesting one I didn’t realize this Julie so looking at the course from 2023 which was was mostly out in the open okay to 2024 where they put us more into the woods people hit the fairways almost 10 over 10% more Fairways were hit on

Average and also 7% more Circle one and green greens and regulation were hit OB rate was roughly about the same 18% to 19% and then the birdie went rate went up from 30% to 35% so some people may think like hey get us out of stop having

Us play in these golf courses get us into the woods the course actually played easier uh on average um it looks like it was an average score four strokes better um since play easier but the it that’s because the par fours are 550 ft I mean they were you know

56 bounds right yeah they’re tiny they’re tiny holes that was the big thing is if you could stay in bounds you were going to score pretty well out there uh okay what else we got in here let’s see number of players the birdie Hol 17 and 18 in the same round only 14

To do it and nichas ended up doing it to beat Calvin uh Calvin heimberg by two I believe and Kyle Klein by one let’s see Kyle Klein AB Ganon continue their top 10 dominance Calvin heberg finally shows up we’ve got Kyle Klein finished second almost becoming

The first n player to ever win from the the third card that was that was interesting cuz they were so much farther ahead than lead that it was a very interesting Dynamic of how it all worked out of where he was just smoking like he was just

Crushing um it was cool to see third consecutive top uh top 10 for Kyle Klein so he’s he’s been sneaky having a really freaking solid year and we’ve talked about it he might be the most like underrated player player on tour yeah he’s got to be I mean when you

Think about when you think about the best players in the world right now he’s not somebody that you you know you put your top 10 together and you might leave him out and then remember and and you have to knock somebody else out of there you know what I mean he’s

Like very unassuming a lot of that stuff has to do with personality as well like um kid yeah he’s quiet kid his interviews are he does well um interviews but it’s like a little unassuming um I don’t think he’s big on social media like I don’t see posts

Popping up on my feet or anything of him doing stuff so he kind of maybe stays to himself but his game speaks for it his himself oh yeah he doesn’t have to say anything I mean when you think about the complete package that’s what’s crazy about his game like his sidearm is so

Good it’s far it’s accurate his shot shaping is is some of the best in the world his higher flip gamees insane his tight lines are nuts he throws at 550 and he he makes a lot of putts like his putting style also isn’t one that you look at and you’re like oh that’s

Beautiful but when you make it every single time and he’s making a lot of long ones too if you watch the coverage like he’s dropping at least one in from 80 feet it seems like every single round which is crazy his putting is unconscious right now

Uh we also have ab ab finishing with another great great tournament he finished tied for fourth third consecutive top five third best OB rate of the event too 7.8% this just shows you it’s not AB is not good because he throws far AB is good because he throws

Far and is accurate like he is landing in a lot of Fairways he’s keeping the disc in play that is why he’s so good Ganon Burr another great finish after coming off of a great performance at Waco finished tied for fourth third consecutive top five uh and we mentioned

It earlier he shot the course record of 14 under which I think Kyle might have been able to break that if they were able to play all 18 holes he shot I believe 12 under and the three holes that we pulled out were all birdie B

Like were the holes that you want to birdie so yes he definitely could have tied it uh maybe maybe broken if he would have gotten all three of those and Calvin heinberg you mentioned too earlier in the show of how you kind of tweaked your glute and you weren’t able to throw that

Sidearm and how important that sidearm was well well Calvin didn’t throw a single sidearm all tournament and he finished third and had a putt to tie for second and at the time tie for the lead which of you guys haven’t seen his last shot on 18 to get in position to make the

Mindblowing like shot of the tournament I don’t think they did it on live at least I don’t know about jomez but on live they did not do a good job they got to get these cameras behind the player just for a split second so we can see

The line they’re trying to take whenever it’s like offset we can’t really see that Gap and so for this the viewers at home we played that whole Julie there is nothing nothing on that right side nothing there there are a bunch of like little three-foot gaps and I mean that

Was the shot of the tournament granted it you know maybe you can look at Nicholas’s Ace that may that probably is we probably should give that the shot you can you can put the whole tournament where Calvin was and nobody’s getting in the circle or close to it or I guess he

Just outside the circle but nobody is he also puted really well 27 of 27 only player to uh be perfect inside the circle all tournament so all those people that are you know we had a bunch of comments bunch of questions when should we be worrying about Calvin what’s wrong with

Calvin clearly he’s gonna be fine guys yep he’s gonna be fine he doesn’t have a sidearm he’s only throwing back hands and he’s still able to play a course that really benefit having a good sidearm he did just fine um other thing I want to mention the wins in round one

I think I think scores would have been even better had we not gotten that crazy wind whole whole 10 and 11 were just absolute nightmares to try to land in bounds on whole one or day one like the wind was the wind was ripping so hard

Left to right I threw jie it was weird I threw like an overstable Zone at the basket being like this thing’s going to fly dead straight like I’m just trying to like laser this thing and it somehow worked itself back it was like mindboggling you would see one person

Throw and their disc would just get shot down you’d see another person throw and it would get lifted up 100 feet the fact that some of these guys shot as well as they did in the first round is is uh I don’t I don’t quite understand how it

Happened um how did you think the course held up as far as like the water and stuff goes it rained a whole lot it held up pretty good actually the only thing that was awful is listen they got to figure out these teads those teads were awful all

They started drooping in the middle of the teads let’s jump to that photo silus if you can throw that photo up real quick I don’t know if you saw all these posts Julie we’ve got a photo from uh I believe it was James Conrad we’ve got

One of Simon lazah and then we have one from Adam who are all basically just saying how bad the teads were I was on that card with Conrad like he what happened there he just slipped and just absolutely launched bunch of mud did he was covered in mud oh

Yeah yeah I felt so bad he was so mad too and walking down the Fairway I did the worst thing you could ever do cuz he obviously biffs it and he’s going he’s going he’s trying to get Eagle on that hole right that’s whole 11 okay and

We’re walking up the Fairway and I’m like yeah I think you went out right by that sign right there and he looked at me because he was in this horrible place and he looked at me he’s like like all surprised and I’m like I’m just kidding Fair because there’s no way he would

Have watched his shot you know what I mean he hit me with his umbrella he’s like you son of a he like hit me with his umbrella it was a pretty funny thing it was crazy those teads all throughout practice I thought they were fine I was

A little nervous on a couple of them being a little grippy where my leg my like foot kind of caught and for anyone that has knee injuries that that’s like the last thing you want to have happen is your your your knee go this way but

Your foot staying behind or or your body going this way but your knee staying behind but yeah once that water once those storms came in Julie those things are not good when the stor they they got a lumpy um towards I like the frame idea right the

Wooden frame idea but really really bad when the front of the teapad goes down and then up like they were basically like a dip so some scary stuff we’re going to always talk about teads because that’s players the only time we ever want to feel comfortable is on the tea

That’s it any any other time sure whatever but on the tea I feel like that should be like the safe area we shouldn’t be worrying about hurting ourselves and then the other thing is that I that I do get frustrated with especially on the tour right now is when

We go into a place and they’re cutting out new new holes a week before the tournament two weeks before the tournament and they’re cleaning up these places because the roots that are left on the ground like and like you’ll stub your toe you’ll you know the mulch was great

Because I was thinking about this and I was complaining about it I’m like this mulch is horrible because there’s big old sticks like this big and you’ve you’ve toss it out of the way with your foot and then three more sticks come up somehow you’re like what the heck and

You toss more and then you’re just like okay this is impossible but then I was thinking like if we didn’t have the mulch and those sticks everywhere it would have been it would have been ID wild it wouldn’t have been playable so so it was

Good that we had it but at the same time what do you want me to give you some good news yes they’re laying down sod that’s the goal that’s what I heard that’s what I heard they’re going to try to make all those Fairways grass which is going to be incredible when that

Happens it’ll be the best course on tour it will be absolutely aesthetically it’ll be the best it be the best course on tour visually I I think cuz it’s already good you have the open holes which are whatever even the par five I felt like filmed really well on on

Camera as far as being able to see what was actually happening in the distance and and and everything especially with the towel grass on the sides and the white staks I thought it looked really nice and it didn’t really look like a like a what you call it just a

Traditional Golf Course nine I think they could do a better job of nine of clear hearing right away a spot to where then you could see the Fairway kind of go so it’s not just High Grass and we’re not really seeing yeah you know what I

Mean like the part five though the the tough thing there is like we’re throwing our second shots like over the green like this is where if disc golf had millions of dollars that green would be a lake yes and now that hole all of a sudden is like this is one of the

Coolest holes on tour yeah 100% yeah but but if I’m being honest I I think that once they put the saw down and if if it works it’ll be one of the best places we play I still think it’s soft I think the course was really soft and I think once

You put it’ll it’ll be even softer so I I hope they don’t like like 18 they took the OB away on the left hand I don’t know why you would do that like leave the OB like just leave leave all the OB I don’t know why they’re taking OB and put

Put they push the OB farther back on 18 and now if you kick farther in on 18 you get double penalized it’s not even single single penalized well let’s talk about that a little bit let’s talk about Obie in the woods what are your thoughts on because I you know there’s push back

Some people think there shouldn’t be any OB in the woods and we should we should be able to scramble and that’s what they want it’s tough I think I think as a course designer like for example whole pole seven pole seven has a tree right

In the middle of the Fairway I love that tree because it’s far enough and close enough at the same time for you to be able to shape something the way a can actually fly so it gives you an obstacle right there I don’t think it’s very cool

Looking to me I don’t think it looks good but the way they’re trying to make you shape a shot makes that hole actually pretty difficult to where if you got rid of it it would just be a gimme but they placed it at a spot to where it’s almost a perfect distance for

You to be able to shape from left to right to right to left and vice versa different ways whether you’re left-handed you’re throwing side arm backand or or whatever when you get to holes like six there are trees that don’t make a lot of sense on where they place them to

Where at the end of your flight you could kick those and go out of bounds where somebody could kick the same tree and stay inbounds I don’t like that yes so if you’re going to have OB up there that’s random that’s random luck where you get double penalized for a good shot

Right hole 14 is another really good example the OB down the left hand side 17 great hole you kick the trees on the left and you go out of bounds left you deserve it that’s a bad shot right and it gives you enough shot shape uh distance to be able to control something

To go into a green now when you place out of bounds like I said on hole six pretty tight some good shots go OB be some bad shots don’t I don’t like that so if they’re going to keep making I don’t mind OB in woods if there’s no bad

Trees to kick and there’s no roots to hit to to shoot you out of bounds um but what happens is it makes the course Play Short when you take those trees out cuz now people can blast as far as you can go out of bounds or be

Safe and then have a short little up shot so then you have to make longer holes with no TR with none of those I call them bogey trees in the middle of the Fairway so it’s a tough thing it’s up to the course designer to really figure out what the correct distance is

Because you can do it if you place a tree like on hole seven on hole six it’s still a fair shot shape just take the other ones out and have OB everywhere that’s fine to because if you hit one of those trees you deserve it and this is

What I’ll say with in regards to Obie in the woods I think it is needed a lot of the time because I don’t think there is any skill in chucking a forehand roller as far as you can in the woods I just don’t think that’s skillful like maybe

Sure there is skill in throwing it through a gap and for then it to hit and turn into a roller but you have no idea where that disc is going to go you don’t know what tree it’s going to hit you don’t know what’s happening all you’re

Trying to do is Advance it as far as possible you know what I didn’t really see that often in the woods this week rollers I didn’t see rollers why because there’s OB and that’s scary like whole 18 I bet if there wasn’t OB I think a lot of people throw maybe

Even Calvin if he he could couldn’t throw a sidearm but maybe a roller becomes a play there because it’s way easier to hit a this a gap this big when your disc is vertical than when your disc is horizontal and to me it’s just like I don’t think that’s really

Skillful I don’t like that style of disc golf of just chucking and praying and um the only way to take that away is to add that risk of like wait a second like my disc could go OB I think Nicholas did a perfect example of explaining the

Difficulty of whole six I’m with you I don’t know if you need that OB right away on that hole to where you can get screwed but having that OB for his second shot like he he made a risky play by going for it and he could

Have played it a much different way I like that I like seeing having to play what should I do here versus like this is the only play I I also think that 17 and 18 were perfect finishing holes because it made you do the exact opposite shot back toback t- shots like

You have to have the skill of pulling the disc from left to right off of a tree and getting it to flex out and then the next one you have to throw a subtle heer flip complete opposite shots I really like the um the idea behind that yes um all right let’s see

Here uh what is this this is I don’t know what is that oh I think he just added on all right I think I think that’s the uh I think that’s the end of the Edwin stats all right later I know we I know we jumped around a little bit but shout out

To Edwin stats I think that is going to do it for that segment and oh I do want to mention one thing I made a tweet that said best part of my tournament was not showing up late to my tea times uh I think people you know everyone’s going

To view if you like me you’re going to view that as that’s a funny joke Brody played terrible he’s making a joke of he played so bad that the best thing he did was show up on time right and then if you don’t like me you’re going to look

Through it as a lens of me basically like poking fun at people showing up late however you want to do it Holly Finley ended up showing up late she made a comment saying that in 12 years in 278 events this was the first time she’s ever showed up late to a tea

Time that’s that’s that’s a crazy stat but my question to you Julie is we’ve seen it now at every single tournament do you like that there is a two-stroke penalty or do you think we should do a fine or like maybe a percentage a percentage out

Of if it is a fine is a fine in a way I guess for sure um I I don’t think it I listen you show up late to your tea time at this point like something had to have happened you lose track of time you should get a two-stroke penalty like at

This this point there’s been enough people who’ve gotten stroked everyone’s talking about it everybody’s talking about it every time I show up to the starter tent I go hey I’m here like and I’m 10 minutes early just to make a joke like it’s getting old right they might need to start stroking

People for showing up too early maybe because it’s starting to get it’s starting to get kind of crowded up there Julie you’re like you people that are teeing off two two groups behind you already showing up I’m fine I’m I’m in the same boat don’t think we should have

A fck freaking five minute tea time I don’t I really don’t I think it’s silly oh man I don’t think that we should have I gotta be careful because I almost slipped a naughty in there but it just makes me yeah it makes me so frustrated

That they think we need to again it was the the announcer awesome no the announ three people now every tournament that haven’t showed up on time we don’t need it that’s 5 minutes they don’t need to be there but anyways they don’t need to be there 5 minutes the guy again told me

About the oh I knew you were gonna love that he told fart I knew you’re that blah blah blah I’m like dude I’m about to te off for my freaking tournament I don’t care about what’s happening for free Julie you can yeah I also probably

Got an email saying that I could do that and I don’t need I don’t need these announcements and I don’t I don’t you know what they need to start doing I’m going to be honest if you’re showing up that early make it productive get a couple interviews from the people or

Something you know what I mean like have a guy sitting there and be like are you ready for your vote throw some extra in for the live or or whatever but don’t just make me I’m sitting there for four minutes doing nothing watching the card in front of me tea off

Electric stuff we not doing anything four minutes four minutes is time you need that five seconds to put the code in for your pdj Live Score my my code’s all always in there like and you’re pre-coded you’re right you’re showing up pre-coded it just so frustr

But anyways do I think people should get stroked yes it’s a rule stroke everybody who doesn’t show up on time do I need to be there 10 I’m there 10 minutes before so I don’t get if I show up exactly 5 minutes that’s pretty risky business I’m not going to

Do that so now I’m sh seven yeah I’m that seven to eight range I’m not gonna do that I’m gonna be there five minutes before my five minutes because that The Strokes are important yes and it’s silly why am I there 10 minutes before my tea

Time this is It’s a silly thing but anyways Frank one of our tour life crew members shout out to all our tour life crew members we really appreciate the support he just in the chat said Julie jump up and talk into the live cam they had going uh so I guess you could

Technically have your own interview cuz did we did Silas and I jumped up there and we uh silus was telling him to go get some merch and stuff and so yeah you can just have your own interview I guess on there maybe you got be careful what

You’re saying there too yeah it’s a hot M you’re having a personal conversation on the te you’re you’re live right there bro be like yeah I’m staying at blah blah blah my room is 130 they don’t want you talking about the code too because then people are going

To get in the code for the live they’re like no you got to look at this I can’t say it out loud I’m like this is a mess guys what are we doing oh man um all right let’s see here where do I want to

Jump to let’s go to fpo I think we’re ready to talk to about some Foo here all right so Inn David roasted me a little bit with this tweet he said when Brody didn’t include own as a top threat to threw up the Michael Jordan I took that

Personally uh I’m going to I’m going to first say it own own me own own me all right uh Julie to give you credit I was listing off the players that could potentially beat Kristen I left own out of that conversation and you quickly jumped in

You’re like don’t forget about own and I was like oh my gosh I stand corrected own showed this week just why her name should be at the tip of all of our tongues when we’re talking about the best women disc golfers in the world she didn’t just go

Out and beat Kristen’s guitar she went out and laid a SmackDown on everyone an absolute Smackdown this is the proof that putting is the great equalizer it is in in our sport if you go out in any division and you just make everything and you just keep it in

Bounds like you’re going to have a chance to win and I don’t think this is going to be the last time on wins this year like I really don’t like I do yeah go ahead I I we watch Kristen you know what she does she throws consistent

Shots right down the Fairway both ways and she makes a lot of putts she’s not doing anything special it’s what own did but she has did it a lot better this week yeah now I do stand by what I said of where I do think some of these

Courses I I don’t know she has the dis because yes putting for sure is the great equalizer but if you’re only able to throw to the back like throw inside a circle two on 12 holes and you’re playing against people that can throw inside a circle two on 18 holes you’re

At a massive disadvantage we talked about this course had a lot of short par fours this this was not a long course by any means this was a short course sidearm Flex shots too a lot of sidearm Flex shots in the woods that she was throwing beautifully so I’m curious to

See and I don’t know the FPL layouts that well like off the top of my head I I do a de I like I do a decent job going into the tournament knowing but right now I don’t know what are the long courses on tour for Foo if she can get

It done at one of those courses then I think that narrative drops and she can win at every event but right now I’m still under the thing of where I I put her at 1B right below Kristen at a lot of these short courses yeah I don’t know

I she won by a lot bro I know man that that second round was wild that second round was insane the thing is is she at least Kristen got second if Kristen would have got third we’ be talking about oh she didn’t have this and I heard some stories about her having

Injuries or something injury like calm down if she was playing 100% own wins the tournament yeah it it’s tough to look at that and say that uh a billion he won by 11 I believe yeah she’s she is that what the final I think it was 11 let me see

Here uh she ends up winning by 11 she shot 10 under the final round round Kristen played well the final round shooting eight under um round two she shot the insane round 13 under with a bogey Kristen ended up struggling a lot in round two Kristen actually tripled whole eight uh

18 to end up shooting two under and then round one own uh actually didn’t get off that well own only shot three under round one so um it just looked like you know own had two incredible rounds Kristen had one good round in like two yeah

Rounds what I’m going to say though is if we’ve seen this in sports if own just figured it out how to keep her disc and bound like she just did it this weekend right she has the winning formula and she doesn’t play that good she might be able to keep up with

Kristen you know what I mean if she just found that that little a Vue of being like okay I’m going to throw these consistent shots I’m going to make some putts blah blah blah blah I don’t know man I don’t think the distance is really that big a

Deal we’re gonna find out next week because Edwin’s pulling the stats he’s saying it right now he’s gonna go back and pull the stats I can’t wait me too me too I’m excited to see at least there’s somebody challenging her and not only challenging her at least we Christ

Didn’t win every tournament I think I said last week for sure she wasn’t going to win every tournament and now we can stop with that because at a point I was thinking CH might win every tournament so too I thought so too uh and Edwin also let us

Know too that uh Harvey pinnick is the fifth shortest course on tour for the men um so yeah I think sometimes people just look at the distance and they think like oh my God 11 11,000 feet holy cow so you got to look at the par

Because if it’s 11,000 feet par 54 yeah that’s a freaking long course but it’s 11,000 feet par 70 that’s not a long course at all that just means we’re playing a bunch of par fours that are 600 feet so you got you got to look at

The par guys don’t forget about the par uh okay let’s see what else do we got Foo Dez reading I believe this was her first time doing commentary fantastic we get her in the booth more please she made uh she made a comment about something along the lines

Of like if you’re taking you’re taking a shot every time every time own makes a putt uh you might want to start thinking about switching the juice I thought that was hilarious I thought I thought she did a fantastic job did awesome I did knowledgeable knew when to talk when to

Be silent build the moment really really like Dez reading so hopefully she is back in the booth um Katrina Allen had a slight we’ve been talking about her I mean she’s pregnant but she had a little bit of a oh maybe she’s back so we we’ll

Kind of keep an eye out on that Paige Pierce what are we thinking here did did she come back too soon or do you think if she’s not doing anything right now that could potentially put her in more harm she’s just getting the Reps back getting the rust off like what what’s

Your mindset on her I think she’s just getting the Reps back it doesn’t seem like she’s in lot of pain looked like she was playing and I didn’t see her like you know struggling to get around the course listen she snapped her leg in half no I know like it’s not like she’s

Just like you you do that do a little rehab and then you’re back you know what I mean question you’ve gone through how many knee surgeries it takes a while to get your confidence back in an athletic in an athletic Sport and now if it if this lasts let’s say 10

Tournaments we got problems but I don’t think it will I think the first three tournaments five six tournaments you should be able to gain confidence learn how to score do the thing she’s a world champion I I don’t think we worry about that yet yeah she ends up shooting

7666 so she had a decent round two and then 76 as well to finish the tournament at 20 overp par um finishing in 40th Place so yeah my only concern here is as long as she didn’t come back too soon and she’s putting herself at risk

Of not getting back to 100% but if this is just something like hey I’m I’m able to play right now with no risk of injury I’m able to play without uh messing myself up more then I think I’m fine with these bad results because she’ll slowly work herself back into it and you

Know hopefully by the end of the season or in a couple months like you said we can see when she’s playing well we can see her back at the top of the leaderboard um pushing Kristen and own and everything uh anything else stick out to you from Foo

No uh okay other thing I want to say too I think in disc golf there are two elements there are the element of being in the woods and having to hit lines and then I think the other element is being in the open and having to control the skip uh control your angle

And then also it is a skill when you’re in the woods and you’ve got a gap in front of you 200 feet you’ve got to Target I got to throw it through there when you’re out in the open and there’s no trees that you have to manage there

Is a skill involved of like where am I aiming this like how far do I want to swing it like I struggled on whole one the first two days because my target line was not good it was to inside and so I kept skipping and going like 30 40

50 ft left if there was a tree like two trees that we had to throw through to get to that basket that’s a much easier shot if I’m struggling with my T like my aim point because it’s like I have to throw through this and then

The disc will work its way over to the basket does that make sense yeah so I think sometimes people are like we need to get in the woods we I think there is an element of disc golf that is takes a skill of being able to throw out in the

Open with ob oh without a doubt I mean you have to you have to visualize what you’re doing at what distance and when there’s no trees it it’s definitely a little bit harder and that’s where the field work comes in when you’re in the field you better be visualizing like

Trees in your way and shot shapes and and everything release Point all those key ingredients in throwing good shots um um one thing that I I try to do and I’m obviously not the farthest thrower but when I’m doing field work I’m throwing as far as I can but I’m

Visualizing like trees on both sides and peeling them off of certain spots so that I have just a tight flight that way wherever I’m aiming I’m throwing the same flight pretty much like I always want to do like a power left to right drifting barely maybe like a 15 foot

Drift from right to to left on all shots if you can do that if you can throw a 450t straight shot you just change your disc and then it just comes back and skips in bounds exactly yeah yep all right does disc golf have a weather problem so we’ve

Talked about a little bit we didn’t end up playing three holes the final round we skipped ho 12 15 and 16 we ended up only playing 15 holes I actually made a tweet about this I think I found out about it way before it was announced to

The public because I think people people were thinking it was oh here comes Brody again trying to change disc golf um I was literally saying like why do we play 18 holes right because when they were like hey you’re only playing 15 holes it made me think like for all those people

That are telling me Brody stop trying to make disc golf more like golf this is where you should be jumping in on my side why are we playing 18 holes 18 holes is a golf thing that is what golf decided they were going to do

A front nine a back nine why does this golf have to play 18 holes and this is a legitimate question like can we play 10 holes can we play 12 holes can we play 15 holes and if your argument is well there’s not enough score separation I have two things to

Counter that one we just played a three hole a three round tournament we played 54 holes last week we we played 72 holes so we played way less holes here and there was still plenty no one was saying oh we need another day there’s not enough score separation so if we play a

Four round tournament and we play 12 or you know 13 holes a day that’s 52 holes that’s almost the same amount of holes of a three round 18 hole tournament and then if your argument’s like well we need we need more holes that you play in one day with score separation Nicholas

Was just on here telling you that whole 12 the holes they removed 12 15 and 16 the top guys are all biring that hole so those holes almost don’t even exist to begin with like those aren’t real holes there aren’t really score separation holes you’re not you’re not bogey that

So what are your thoughts on that do you ever see that we could change from 18 holes to 12 holes and now rounds are taking an hour and a half I mean you could but I mean it’s just the way that the game’s played it’s like saying okay

I love tennis but let’s play tennis on a pickle ball court like yes no no no it’d be more like hey instead of like instead of doing these F uh best of five sets let’s do best of three which they do end up doing so I guess it’s equivalent to

What we’re doing where some tournaments are four rounds versus three rounds yeah we still do that question can I have another Counterpoint one thing that I think limits a lot of times course design is space they they have have to put 18 holes in this amount of space and we

Don’t have a lot of space what if we could put 10 really freaking good holes and again I’m not I actually don’t even know if I like this idea I’m just throwing out you know why are we locked in on 18 I think it’s just so connected to

Golf like when you when you say golf it’s just 18 is the thing I don’t think there’s any other reason besides that everyone everyone that’s coming after me for trying to make disc golf more like golf needs to come after Julie and say we’re not golf Julie we’re disc golf we

We’re going to play Four holes now yeah no I don’t interesting thought it’s an interesting thought for sure I mean I would much rather play 14 holes that are great than 18 with four holes that suck yeah I would rather play I would rather use the land for that

Um but I mean I guess on the pro tour really shouldn’t matter I think in smaller tournaments and stuff when you’re doing like shotgun starts you can have more people in the tournament that’s one reason um but other than that no we played 20 holes at Day LA a couple

Years ago yep I would much rather have like better holes for sure the other thought is too like the I mean I think the disc golf pro tour does have a weather problem I think they literally do I don’t think they have a good solution I think uh just taking holes out

It worked for this tournament and luckily the tournament was really exciting I don’t think you’re necessarily going to get that every single time so I don’t know what they can do differently you know Jeff did mention that maybe starting on finishing on Monday but the big issue here is

You’re having two tournaments a lot of times on one course right we’re having the FP tournament and the N tournament so I’ve been thinking about this a lot and everybody says go to Monday what I’ve been thinking is when you see the weather being so bad Saturday Sunday

Friday why not start on Thursday o like we’re already all there like why not start on that day and then play and then we’re just done on on Saturday or we have a buffer day to where maybe we can get the rest of them in or start on Wednesday you

Know cuz we’re already there that’s all I’m saying I I see what you’re saying I I would I would argue some people are going to come back to you or I would say some people are going to come back to you and say not everyone is going to be

There which is valid it’s it’s getting smaller and smaller it’s more of a they’re probably going to be there compared to Monday and if we all knew it like hey this is the rule if there’s weather coming up they send an email and they’re like okay possible start on

Wednesday then we kind of know you know what I mean instead of just having two round tournament or whatever I just I I feel like that would that would be easier than us right now as we sit pushing it to Monday let me throw out two other ideas as well first one let’s

Just start cutting the field let’s let’s get Cuts like there’s no reason I I I need to play that final round we should just start asking people are you GNA dnf this weekend you’re done if dnf you’re done I say let’s play with cuts and also they have now shown

Precedent that you will be able to play in thre Subs they send out threesoms when someone dnfs and their their their the fourm is no longer they have sent out threesoms the the second day I want to say there was two threesoms in front of us so my other thing is let’s make

More threesums make a cut and make almost every card in front threes SS so you can literally fly through these rounds so those are the other two things I don’t know we’ll see we’ll we’ll see what ends up happening but this is an issue it is a problem um imagine Julie

If we’re at uscgc and they’re like all right we’re not going to play Let’s imagine something crazy happened where you had people already play already like play some holes right to where they’re like all right we can only cut these last four holes and they’re at uscgc they’re

Like all right for time we’re not going to play 16 and 17 final round do you know how crazy that would be if you’re not playing 17 I mean they cut a whole round at uscgc once all right final round that’s not let’s not throw rocks at Big germ over here um but

Yeah you know what I’m saying like it’s uh I don’t know it’s something that needs to be solved I don’t know what the solution is I I threw out a couple ideas you threw out some ideas it’ll be interesting to see where the pro tour goes the key ingredient is Monday we

Play on Mondays if we don’t get the tournament in you just play it on Monday which I think is fine for a lot of places this place would be tough when you have a kid’s golf camp taking precedent over the practice round that’s all hogwash because if this is a rule

It’s not going to be in stated this year it’ll be next year right it’ll be stated beforehand sure I’m just saying like how much extra money is it cost to tell the golf course hey we might need to use Monday as well like do they have to put

More money down to secure that for that to potentially happen yeah I don’t know it’d be interesting to see legit hey maybe Jeff spring will come on the show we’ve asked him maybe maybe he’ll come on the show and answer some of these tough questions um all right let’s move on Lori let

Lettin in one of the better European players makes a post on Instagram this week announcing that he he will not be touring for some time he said I experienced the worst mental game challenges I’ve ever had in Waco because of this I decided to leave the us for a

While to rebuild the pieces together as much as it hurts to leave the tour this was really the only option I had thank you everybody for the support um kind of a big news like he he’s a big European player he he’s been he’s had some really

Good finishes on tour so sending him all the best um and hopefully hopefully he can figure it out and come back on tour better and stronger yeah get your mind right shout out Toby schweers sweby takes down his 400th PDGA Pro event 400 uh sweby sometimes is in the chat I

Know he listens to this podcast so I do want to guest on the podcast before guest as well on the podcast big shout out Toby uh for taking that down incredible 400 wins wow do you think you ever get to that number Julie no absolutely not nor will I try I was

Gonna say you’d have to put some major effort just playing like a c tier event every week I think I think I could get to 200 by the by the end of my career which is which could be a goal which would be pretty cool 200 nice especially

If you could retire with retire with a win on number 200 oh that’d be sweet that would be very nice uh Kona star Montgomery announces on Instagram this week as well that she will make her return this week at the US Women’s Championship this is six months after

Finding out that she had thyroid cancer so she’s kind of been on the fence I’ve been paying attention she’s kind of been on the fence on these last couple events of whether or not she wanted to come back and she seems like she’s taking the required time to feel like she’s 100%

Coming back and so we will see her at the first major of the year next week and uh wishing her all the best let’s jump into the wild story of the week this week is from Tanner Tanner says there’s a little pitch and Puck course at a local elementary school where I

Live I thought it would be a great place to take my seven-year-old to throw around and play it I was going to play I was going well but the first sign of trouble was when I threw a Zone and a gust of wind picked up and dropped it on

Top of the school bye-bye Zone on the next hole I’m trying to explain to my sweet child that he doesn’t need to full send a p my kid just starts spinning in circles as a result I standing about 3et directly behind him and I decide I’ll

Let him do his spins and then we will revisit the putting conversation as he makes his third spin the disc launches out of his hand and hits me directly in the eye oh my gosh I fall down trying not to yell obsid and further scare my

Child who is concerned he has killed his father the disc hit my eye hard enough to knock out my contact oh my gosh been there I’m very BL blind I had to drive us back home with only one functioning eye yikes thankfully the damage is pretty minimal and I just had a gnarly

Black eye but it’s a good reminder that nowhere is safe when a defiant seven-year-old is holding a putter oh that’s good stuff we got to get some uh we got to get some coverage of of like youth disc gol that would be electric like under 10 like you know how

They do the Masters is coming up and they do that putt uh yeah putt putt chip Drive Drive Chip putt is it Drive Chip putt might be sounds right that doesn’t sound right either chip chip chip chip chip putt Drive oh my gosh I don’t know

What okay whatever that is they do that it’s always fun to watch before the Masters that would be kind of cool to do like a little event like that before usdc or something uh another idea for free for you guys out there take it how

You will all right I mean they do have a lot of kids going out there to uh The Edge at usgc so they have that little um Drive Chip putt area yeah a lot of kids out there a lot of kids for the European open uh really

Cool to see a lot of kids at these events all right we’ve got one here from Dark and Stormy a couple listener questions before we wrap up the show dark and stormy wants to know is one month too long for the Pro Tour to spend in just one state too

Long yeah he’s asking is it too long I don’t care where we go as long as they’re good courses I really don’t I mean as long as I’m not going from Massachusetts to Washington I’m good yeah I I’ve even I think I had an argument on debate night

Pitch Putt and drive that doesn’t sound right either chip Putt and D it’s definitely not Pitch chip is definitely in there someone’s got to look this up and tell me please um I had an argument on debate night I think it was last week where I was saying like listen if

Charlotte is like the biggest Hub of Disc Golf in Charlotte is going to show out because we’ve seen it in other uh sporting events right like if if you’re a huge Carolina Panthers fan just because there’s back-to-back home games that doesn’t mean like oh I’m not going

To go to this home game I just went to the last one there’s season ticket holders there’s tons of people so I’ve always had the argument the tour should go to where the best course are with the biggest fan base that’s just where we should go Y where are the good courses where

People are going to show up and if that’s like Charlotte we should have four events in Charlotte I don’t care like if there’s four really good tournaments and we’re going to have thousands of people show up to each week I’m down with that like let’s not

Go to some random place in the middle of nowhere and have 50 people show up I don’t I don’t see how that’s a good thing agreed all right uh last question here comes from demon on Twitter he said you tease tour life disc on the last pod any update or info

On that well demon we’ve got good news for you brother we ul’s got him right here in hand look at that we’ve got a tour life I believe that’s a jawbreaker Zone then I believe we have a tour life is that the ESP Buzz I believe this is

The Raptor and then the Raptor I believe is the other one this is the zoner or no this is the buzzer yeah the buzz and I think that’s the jawbreaker Zone yeah um and as of right now the stock is going quick we only have 22 buzzes left 25

Raptors left and 22 zones left so if you want to support the show and uh get out in the course throwing some tour life discs go over to Foundation pick them up I think I’m going to do a video soon where I only play with those

Three discs so that could be F okay Bobby says Drive Chip and Putt yeah that’s it Drive Chip and Putt Drive Chip and Putt that’s what we’re going with okay this is like one of this is like one of those things where like you just completely forget something and

Nothing is clicking it nothing has clicked yet all right tour life crew shout out to all our tour life crew members you’re the chat it’s been amazing thank you guys so much uh you uh silus where are we at on the tour life merch update

How are you all right yeah so tour life or no let’s go grip lock grip lock is at 220 okay they went up a lot last week and tour life is at 259 oh bab okay getting close to 300 if you’re looking for some uh some sweet

Tour life merch if you want some hats if you want some shirts if you want some hoodies head over to Foundation check out all the tour life merch always cool to see it on tour too uh I always notice it it’s like it’s uh what am I I

Was going to say something I was going to say another really bad analogy and I complet I don’t know what’s going on with my brain it’s over two hours that’s why these podcasts normally go right about two hours because my brain starts shutting off after this done uh so maybe

It was a good thing that own didn’t come on because it would have been the last part of this podcast could have been a absolute disaster so uh we’ll definitely have to have on on at some point but uh shout out to Nicholas uh congratulations again congratulations to

Own as well shout out Toby um shout out to Julie shout out to Silas shout out to Edwin stats uh grant our social Clips guy David our intern everyone that makes this podcast work and shout out to all you guys listening our viewers right here whether you’re on our YouTube live

Or listening to us on Spotify or apple thank you H that like And subscribe button right now to it baby let’s go like And subscribe like And subscribe thank you guys so much we’ll see you next week


  1. I think we're getting to a point where the MPO should be playing separately from FPO. If MPO didn't have to wait for the morning FPO rounds then there wouldn't be a pace of play issue because everyone would be finishing with enough sunlight in the sky. The only issue is that I don't know if FPO would be as popular if they were on a different tournament schedule than MPO. Also resource sharing between MPO and FPO would be strained, but it might have to be something like FPO plays one weekend and then MPO plays the next. Don't crucify me for my opinion that isn't fully thought out either.

  2. 30 second rule should be strict within C2 and that’s it. Speedy play should be a standard around the course with understanding given to tough lies or significant shots. If the group is lagging behind, the group gets a warning from a course marshal/official

  3. As far as spotters go: You should absolutely be sceptical of the spotter. We've seen the crazy stuff some spotters do on lead coverage as far as mismarking where discs go OB and such. I've spotted before on the Pro Tour, there is NO training or advice given. You handed flags and get sent to a hole.

  4. Uli is just being stubborn on this ridiculous 1% take. And at times he acts like the only way to know anything about disc golf is to be a touring player. No bro, plenty of people play a whole bunch of tournaments locally under the same rules. Climb down from that horse.

  5. I think you guys being way too generous where Paige is concerned. She's not just playing mediocre, she's playing terribly, and I don't think it is because of her leg. I really can't see a world in which she's back in a position to be giving players like KT and Ohn a run for their money.

    On another topic – I fully agree on more cuts, esp. for final day. It's ridiculous that we still have a bunch of people playing on the final day who aren't even in the top 25.

  6. the captain of discraft uli said ab throwing the nova hey Paul ab is on discraft for 2 years now he doesn't throw the nova 😂😂😂

  7. As the name implies it is golf however the rules of engagement are different than ball golf because it's not ball golf it's disc golf

  8. Yeah but the sports center commenters know what disc golf is and act like they don’t. And they don’t even comment on the shot. My problem is they aren’t doing their job when they act like that.

  9. Absolutely love the format and the guests. Brody I’ll admit I was a sceptic a little bit at first because I was into disc golf before you were on the scene. It’s easy to be a mindless hater,but I will say you have certainly changed my mind and I totally understood your take on being “burnt out”. For me it always comes down to what you are passionate about. Sometimes that passion faded a bit. Even as a “hacker” I felt the same and a lot of it had to do with things outside of my favorite hobby which is absolutely disc golf. Always have loved Uli and I’ll continue to watch and listen with my full support. Thanks for putting out content I thoroughly enjoy it as do many others. Keep on keepin on fellas!

  10. I think Brodie needs to defend his take against Paul a little more on the benefit goes to the player rule. Brodie is right- if there is a spotter who has been sitting on a hole all day with a better vantage point than the players, their word is fair and should be trusted. Paul saying that he questions the spotters by saying “Are you 100% sure?” comes across as bullying to me. Of course a volunteer spotter is gonna fold under pressure and default to the pro disc golf and say “It was close” or something like that. Let the spotters do their job and trust their calls.

  11. Brodie, Uli,

    I hope I explain this in words the way I mean it.

    The "I'm not 100%" issue when making a call, ISNOT really "benefit to the player" — that IS the rule. The rule about calls is 801.02 B, that players are expected to call a violation (including out of bounds, my edit) when the violation has CLEARLY occurred. So we (rules folks) want you all to quit calling that "benefit to the player" because tht just makes for confusion throughtout the sport. I fail to see how someone can say "I'm not 100% sure you never crossed inbounds" and also say, "therefore it is CLEAR you are out of bounds off thr tee." Both cannot be true. Either you are SURE that the violation clearly occured, or you are NOT 100% sure. Therefore it's not "benefit to the player" or "benefit of the doubt to the player." The rule is the player is to call the violation when it has CLEARLY OCCURRED.

    That's all we are saying…

    A. Ray

  12. One of the most miserable things in disc golf is playing in the rain. Tournaments should be delayed for heavy rain. Slipping on tee pads, wet discs, muddy messy fairways.. miserable!

  13. As for ESPN, I’m hoping more American players will start to follow Kristin Tattar’s lead. She’s attracted sponsons like Porsche and Nike which really add to the professional framework of the sport. The McBeth/Cease Co-lab is a great start, hope to see a lot more in the future!

  14. The way Brody described the course reminds me a lot of The Admiral in Mobile, AL. Score early, speed bump, scoring opportunities, speed bump, scoring opportunities and a tough final two that can take it all away again. Love that course.

  15. That throw time would be better if you can have like extra time used few time during whole round when you call it. But anyway excessive use of time should be always called by other players not by officials.

  16. I've gotten a few random dubs pair ups with Ohn back in the day before she started touring….her and her hubby are awesome people.

  17. Keep the 30sec rule but let it run only after marking your lie. Yeah you have to mark every shot but that's how you keep dead specific on the 30sec limit. This also annoys me what brodie said. It's so arbitruary where your shot time runs. Just throwing thoughts here.

  18. pro tour was told by the local crew that the teepads were made to the standard the tour explained to them, but they didn't pack any gravel into a few of the new teepads and didnt tell anyone till the tour arrived the week of. They learned the hard way that it wasn't good enough to just pack sand down and stayed late late that friday night trying to mitigate

  19. I have been in a group where I thought I crossed and 2 of my card mates ( who are my good dg friends) said a big no and the 3rd person on my card wasn't sure but also is only 12 years old. I took it back to where the they thought I crossed and went on with the round. SO it dose happen sometimes where the card doesn't agree.

  20. 12 holes or 18 holes. Par differs on courses. Maybe it could be a par 64 on "every" course and some have 20 holes and some have 14 holes?

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