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Building the Buffalo Bills Draft Board: Strategy, Prospects, and Predictions | DC

In this episode of Disguised Coverage, Anthony is joined by Russell Brown (NFL Draft analyst for FantasyPros) to detail the intricacies of the Buffalo Bills 2024 NFL draft board. As the draft approaches, the Bills are tasked with prioritizing prospects, evaluating needs, and strategizing for success in adding impactful talent to their roster.

Join them as they discuss the key factors that go into constructing a successful draft board for the Bills, and break down the top prospects at positions of interest for the team, highlighting potential first-round targets as well as mid-round gems that could provide value and depth to the roster.

Tune in as they explore the intricacies of building the Buffalo Bills’ draft board, offering expert analysis, player profiles, and predictions for how the Bills will approach the draft and shape their team for the upcoming season and beyond. From analyzing team needs and positional depth to scouting potential targets, they provide a comprehensive outlook for the 2024 NFL draft of the decision-making process behind the scenes.

0:00 | Opening Thoughts
10:51 | Mapping Out Who and What Will be Available at Pick 28
1:13:06 | Most Ideal and Realistic Player for the Bills at Pick 28
1:21:36 | Wide Receivers with a Round 2 Grade
1:42:12 | Dominoes for the Bills in Round 1 and Round 2
1:51:40 | Deepest and Shallowest Position(s) in this Draft Class
1:56:50 | What the Buffalo Bills Need to Come Away with from this Draft
2:01:20 | Closing Thoughts

Check out the “Priority Ranking the Needs on the Buffalo Bills Roster: Paths, Targets, & More” episode of Disguised Coverage here:

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What’s good folks family friends loved ones enemies friendenemies Wizards witches Muggles mud Bloods people of Middle Earth to another episode of Disguise coverage the only podcast that gives you an equal amount of blueberries in each muffin and is presented by the best pizza in Buffalo New York and that

Is onep pizza you can find the online menu in the episode show notes whether here on YouTube or whichever podcasting app or platform you are listening to this show on I am your host Anthony find me on Twitter at proor an that’s Pro twocor n in tonight’s episode of

Disguise coverage I am joined by one of my favorite guests much like I was on last week’s episode when I was joined by Bruce Nolan and he called out in the beginning saying like oh you know you got to be careful when you say like one of one of your favorite guests because

What happens if somebody calls you on it and then you got to rank them one day and it can really can get into the weeds with it but my guest for tonight’s show is genuinely one of my favorite guests and one of my favorite people as well

Who will be diving into a really fun conversation that we have planned for this episode I think a lot of a lot of the conversation come draft cycle and circles this time of year especially when you get focused down to a team a lot of is just mock drafts and putting

Those pieces together and and I think that’s fine and all good and well um but I the conversation that myself and my guests are going to have tonight is kind of building the Bill’s draft board by breaking down the rest of the board in the first round specifically those first

27 picks and then kind of using that as a jump off platform in terms of how many positions are going to go and which players do we think go in those 27 picks who’s available at pick 28 breaking things down by position grouping and how that impacts the bills at 28 which then

Impacts the bills going forward throughout the entire rest of this draft so in this episode you’re going to get some bills specific analysis some schematic stuff some fit stuff and then also a ton of prospect analysis and evaluation and to join me on that journey in this episode like I said one

Of my favorite people Mr Russell Brown formerly of cover one now NFL draft analyst for fantasy pros Russ thank you for taking the time I appreciate you and welcome to the show yeah I mean I’m excited to talk some rugby tonight um and I I want to know if you had to rank

Me in guests am I one of one or am I like one of I got to be one I have to be i’ have to i’ have to quantify how many people are in like my favorite guests it would be a it’s a short list um of like

Who who no no no I’m not saying like where you rank I’m saying like the people that I would use the term like one of my favorite guests it’s a small list like I don’t say that for like every person that comes on the show um man that sucks for those people well

It’s usually more like you have to be you have to be like a repeat repeated a repeat customer here on the show at least probably like three times in order to like fall because like once is a what is it once is a whatever two is a trend

Three is a blah blah blah I feel like I got to get it to at least three and then then that then we’re talking like good analysis Good Rapport good availability like there there’s a lot of things that go into it there’s a science to it and

It’s also it’s also stressful for me like bringing guests which is usually why I go to certain people more often than not because one I gravitate towards a certain level of analysis but two and you know this like it’s hard in this space to continuously have like open

Lines of communication with people some people are doing this full-time and it’s one of like several things that they do full-time so it’s hard to get them at the right time at the right moment depending on when you go live some people live in different time zones some

People do this as a side project so you got to see what they’re doing during the day do they have kids are they sick like whatever there’s a lot of moving Parts which why I always appreciate you you know it’s very easy just to be able to

Text you and be like hey man you want to join me like on this date and you’re like either yep or you’re like nope and I’m like cool we keep pushing but you are and that’s that’s the key right there that that’s the key of me being

Number one he said the keyword text he text me he text all of his guests and there’s there’s a lot of there’s a lot of text between me and Marty janetti here so I’m I’m happy to be back see now that’s what I was going to say because

You’re but you’re also mean to me which is what I was say like I don’t know if I can have the number one guy you’re mean you’re mean to me you’re emotionally you’re you emotionally batter me behind the scenes and it’s just it’s really hard to deal with sometimes I mean you

Have said some mean things to me though that is absolutely true but it mainly in retaliation and my my son just sent me a text so I got to give him one real quick what’s up brother I like it the bomb on Don yeah the bomb on Don he’s probably

Dying laughing but let let’s talk some football sorry everybody no you’re good you’re good I enjoy these one-offs and these tangents as as we are you know ones to do good report it is a good report it’s because we’re you know the tag team chams we The Steiner Brothers

Live in uh In the Flesh I was just watching a Steiner Brothers match I can’t I can’t go down this road we’re gonna get too distracted I can’t let me stop let me derail this off cycle train before we get to off cycle let’s focus

On the draft how you feel we’re about a month away kind of like from a date perspective um close which it’s it’s man I feel like we were just in Mobile and I feel like the bills just lost to Kansas City again like it’s crazy how fast the

Offseason do yeah you know like it just moves and here we are sitting a month away from the draft after I feel like the season I really feel like we were literally just in Mobile talking ball talking about that Lions game against like the 49ers like having Dr dude I

Well I can’t I haven’t gone back and watched any of like the bills like losses like I can’t do that like it would it would destroy me more than it already does but as we sit here a month away kind of just high level before we

Get into the meat of it all what what are your what what are you feeling as we get towards this draft are you are you thinking of any player in particular are you thinking of a position group is there a certain team you got your eye on

Or a certain round or day what’s like as you think of like the 2024 NFL draft right now what’s like the first thing that kind of pops into your mind offensive line baby the the run the run is gonna happen in the first round and I

Think a lot of people forget that and I I said that with Michael ardy on Von weeks ago and I’ve said it on this show we’ve I think we even went into some detail about the offensive line group and um I was on the show a month ago so

I can’t remember what it I remember we did Edge receiver we might have even done corner and that might have been safy we did safety all going yeah all go man even that too like it was like a month ago ago or a month ago ago

Obviously a month ago but we were yeah breaking down like what to watch for heading into the combine and now combine’s done and dusted and we’re getting ready to cruise into the draft free agency already like we’re 29 days away but I I think I feel most confident

About the offensive line I I always trust my analysis there sure there’s a miss or two but I I always trust how I feel on those guys and I I feel like I I’ve got a pretty good grasp there and I I’ve got a good grasp on you know all 11

Positions essentially but it it’s one of those things where um yeah a month ago I was like H oh man I’m I’m struggling here because I was so I felt so far behind and now I feel like I’m caught up and I’m I’m like okay now I I got to

Watch some more players I got to get to the the 125 Mark the 150 Mark so we’re we’re you know we’re in the low 100 it’s like 108 or 109 but I feel good um I’m feeling pretty good about it so no I’m excited I’m excited to do this I I love

Doing this with you and um yeah I love the questions that we have outlined or that you have outlined for us I’m excited I’m very excited too and uh you know it’s funny too you mentioned like the board like I’ve I’ve pushed it every year like when I started doing this I

Was like okay let me have a top 100 then I was like top 125 top 150 and this year I was like I’m just going to go right and have like a top 200 and I’ve been so you and I were texting about it like last week and Watchers of the show know

Uh Tuesday night I was like not feeling great but I was fine I was sick Monday I’ve been sick for like three weeks it’s been the wildest thing but I was good and then Tuesday night I got crazy sick like Tuesday night like SL Wednesday morning at like 2:45 a.m. specifically

2:47 because I woke up and felt terrible and I remember what time it was and I was out of commission all Wednesday all Thursday the majority of Friday some even into the weekend and I was like so stressed I was like oh my God I got to

Get to my 200 and I’m like not where I want to be like there’s so many more tiers and levels I want to get to I was so like and as I was like I was I felt so terrible I was asleep for like 20 of

24 hours like those three or four days in a row but when I was awake I was like I gotta get through this draft board and it was just man it’s it’s funny like those little things like of how they stret you out like as you get forward

It’s like oh I’m so excited and then it’s like do I have enough people like scouted do I have everything ranked appropriately like I always get real anal and like Tinker where I’m like I have this guy as 93 and this guy is 94 but I feel like I should swap him and

It’s like it doesn’t matter like you’re fine like stop with the nitpicking do do you have a goal of players that you try to reach every year I don’t think I’ve ever asked you that question like in terms of like an overall number yeah yeah usually I’ve kind of like hard set

It even though it is somewhat arbitrary um last year I had a top 150 this year I do want to get to like a top 200 and I do think I’m still going to reach it I just have to kick some stuff into overtime after missing out I’m like

Especially because I have everything very regimented of like what positions and you and I were going back and forth and texting you’d be like hey man like what do you like three four weeks ago you were like hey what do you think of the tackles I was like I haven’t gotten

There yet you were like watch them now I was like I have a process like leave me alone I got now my process got like derailed because I missed out on like four days and yeah just and it but it’s all good and it’s fun and I enjoy

And you enjoy it and the people enjoy it and that’s why we we’re here so without further Ado let’s just jump into it oh also and I want to say as Russ and I start to go through you folks watching live and in the live chat you know how

We like to do here on this show so for those playing at home questions thoughts comments concerns feel free to throw them up into the chat anything with Super Chat gets automatic priority and I will bring it up to the screen one because I respect the monetary donation

Two I see the color and it attracts my eyes and brings me away from my notes but also Russ and I have specific questions we’re going through tonight so when we bring up those questions when I bring up those headlines again those of you play at home feel free to flood the

Chat with your answers your questions your thoughts likes dislikes anything and everything you got um I will bring up as many things as physically and humanly possible as we go out on this journey but Russ let’s start with the big the big ticket item round one the

Sexy aspect for most teams including the Buffalo Bills a lot of debate amongst bills Mafia and Bill’s fans over what they want to see at 28 who they want to see chosen at 28 but I think before we get to that and I don’t mean just necessarily you and I tonight just mean

Like anybody breaking down that conversation I think we need to first map out the first 27 picks from that aspect and really determining like who will even be there at 28 which is so much of the conversation right like there’s so many guys who I love and then

It’s like well that guy’s not gonna be there at 28 so it doesn’t even matter like why do we have to have him even in that conversation so let’s start with offensive line guard tackle Center allinone grouping I want to start with this one because I think this is

Probably the biggest bucket of what we’re going to see in the first 27 picks how many offensive linemen do you think go in the first 27 picks I think eight go uh I’m gonna be honest I think eight offensive lineman two of them are for sure interior guys

Jackson Powers Johnson I was going to say can I guess the eight oh yeah go ahead okay so you only have one I gave you the easy one yes so okay so all fuaga yep Olu yep leam yep Mims yep jpj yep Graham Barton yep Troy fanu yep

Nah sweet I have the exact I have the same I have eight as well those are literally my eight so as soon as you said eight I was like I just want to see if a match continue sorry I got excited no and and I think that’s I I think

That’s kind of where the consensus is here and I I think you know is there a wrench thrown in there possibly is it Tyler gon maybe out of Oklahoma is it Kingsley Sumaya out of BYU who I think as teams maybe start to do some cross

Checks there you go back to the Senior Bowl you see some of the stuff that he did and you really zero in on him I think you can see a lot of positives within his game and I think there’s that guard tackle flexibility you add in the

The fact that he’s cousins with pan Su I think there’s some Intrigue there um so he could be a backend first round guy he could be an option I I guess at 28 if if we want to get into that conversation I don’t necessarily see that being a thing

But maybe it is um but yeah I think I think there’s going to be a run on offensive lineman and I I think the the bills are going to be a team that me personally I think that that’s what they’re going to zero in on in the first

Round because that run is going to to force teams in the second round to take the the next group or the next tier or the next pairing of offensive linemen and by the time they get into the 60s they’re already on to the next tier so

They’re gonna have to force their hand a little bit I think into that second tier of guys if you let’s say those eight guys we talk about as the first tier because you can mix and match them however you want you then get into the next tier and that’s the tier of you

Know Zack fras Tyler gon Kingsley suitea uh Christian Haynes you know the list goes on so I think once you get into that list that’s kind of like your second is third is tier however you want to word that but uh yeah I think that’s what what It ultimately boils down to

For the bills is are they going to feel like they can get one of those guys in the 60s I don’t see it happening but I could be wrong I mean I’ve been wrong before but I think the last like three years I’ve nailed the Bills pick so I I

Think uh I I I I don’t know we still got a couple weeks so we’ll see I’m I’m still trying to figure it all out but yeah I think eight offensive lineman go and I’m in a similar boat like I think gon is the one that I think is a real

Wild card too like could potentially creep up in there and then that makes nine either way I think that’s a good option for the bills even if it’s eight just to play like kind of lowest number scenario that’s eight of the 27 picks ahead of you going on offensive lineman

So you’re down to like 19 and that’s a really like fun option when you look at that potential run looking at it from a Bill’s perspective I don’t know why I’ve just kind of gotten this feeling because offensive line isn’t like a need for them but if someone Falls I could see it

And you know I put Jackson Powers Johnson on the graphic just for the the sheer idea of it like I think he’s gonna go somewhere in the 20s and I don’t know why I just have this feeling of like him being there at 28 and the bills just

Being like this dude’s awesome and we could kind of like use him so boom like let’s take him and then you move McGovern back to guard and then you have jpj at Center and he’s I mean he’s absolutely phenomenal although I do like I do like Zack Frasier who I watched a

Bunch today um but jpj is just in another world of his own and remember you when I talking about him at the Senior Bowl like I just wasn’t I wasn’t prepared for him to weigh in the 330s given how he moves on tape like how

Athletic he is how fluid he is in base I knew he was big but I was like eh he’ll probably push like 318 319 maybe low 320 he like 334 333 like like good into the 330s not like oh he’s you know 330 point8 no he’s like mid 330s and then

You’re also sitting there being like okay like that’s not just workout weight he’s gonna practice this week at that weight which he did and he look so good yes he dominated he looked so good and he ticks like every box and I think that’s just such great value at the back

End you even if a team doesn’t need offensive line I will never be upset at a team drafting an offensive linean because you always need offensive line like I don’t care offensive line in corner for me is always those spots where like you can never have enough offensive lineman you can never have

Enough corners and especially too with that conversation I know for people of you know help Josh Allen and help Josh Allen and I know a lot of that has been like from a weapon standpoint helping him with the offensive line is so tremendous idea too and I could see if

One of these especially from a versatility standpoint if jpj is there or our boy gr Barton if he’s potentially there like the idea especially with Barton who offers you like every position Flex potentially with what he did at Duke like you could do guard Center and Tackle like that’s a really

Fun option yeah tackle over yeah it’s so interesting to see if they do go o line there but for the wide receiver only people in the first round or potentially other positions I do think that the biggest bucket of players that get dropped into that first round like I’m

In the same spot like like like like we said I think the floor realistically like I think eight is a very safe bet with potentially um again I think if you could get to like nine with gon or I know um you know dude from BYU is really

I’m just refused to say his last name because I mispronounce it like all the time sure yeah whatever you say and he he’s rising up boards too you know what’s funny too like I felt that way about fanu from Washington and then I just nailed his name and for whatever it is I

Just can’t get Su matti’s name right oh I I guess I came close there I just can’t get it like it I don’t know if it’s all the vowels it’s driving me absolutely nuts um yeah but he’s like he’s starting to rise up a little bit like people are starting to throw him

Into first round conversation like I think once the once the entire first round is done I think you could see nine or 10 offensive linemen truly being off the board but in that first 27 I think eight is the flooor yeah no I’m I’m with you 100% And I think that’s why the

Buffalo Bills will be faced and if just to anybody out here watching and to you if I say the Detroit Lions and we’re talking about the bills it’s my apologies I do lion stuff and they like a couple times already I’ve caught myself in my head don’t say Lions don’t

Say Lions so if I say it my apologies but um like with me I’m so intrigued with the offensive line pick for the bills because like take Zack Frasier for example if you got rid of jpj in this Draft Zack Frasier would be talked about

In the first round it would be same type of thing as we saw with Frank ragna when he was coming out and not saying not saying he’s the same player because he’s not but he gives you that guard Center versatility he’s got long enough arms to play either one he’s got good snapto

Step quickness he is a m in the Run game I mean former wrestler which we know Shawn mcder and a really good wrestler like four yeah yeah 159 and two like and I look of it like this like if he’s there at 28 which I think he will be and I I

Part of me really feels like he’s the guy like I I was thinking that today a whole bunch especially watching he he his hand usage is an Aaron chromer s sty he yes I was watching him against Houston I think it’s l the second play of the game he’s blocking their really

Big one Tech number 93 for Houston who’s a monster and the way he puts his inside hand in and clamps him right in his ribs the positioning the hand quickness and the you can see the grip strength just from there and his hand he’s constantly refitting hands and just leveraging so

Well and you combine that with the wrestling background and what he does and I was do the same thing I was sitting there watching I was like I don’t know I just had like a gut feeling I was like EXA Fraser going to be the

Pick at 28 I feel like people would be upset at that because not enough of the fan base knows who he is they know of jpj because of the rep but I could see Frasier being the pick and I’d be like that’s a cool pick and I could see the

Fans wanting to burn everything to the ground yeah and I think when you look at the position I mean when you look at teams across the league finding a center is difficult to do but pairing one with a quarterback young or not or a veteran like Josh Allen getting somebody in there though

To help establish that ground game which should be very important for this team for how much they use Josh Allen and then obviously trying to get James Cook the football and running with him and doing that type of stuff getting that guy that could come out and help

Identify pre snap is a good leader which is everything that he is like pre- Snap stuff there are glimpses on tape where and I believe they were playing Texas there’s a glimpse where he is picking up a line stunt and a blitz at the same time and like he identifies it he picks

It up he’s quick enough to do it and it’s like wait a minute this is a a guy his head is always on a swivel like you’re watching like he’s he’s handling somebody here and scanning here and then what I love too in typical fashion like

If nobody comes he’s like all right cool I’m just gonna finish finding work here and bury the dude who I’ve just had my hand he’s always alert head on everywh yeah and that’s I mean you’re it’s like you’re in my mock draft 3.0 or something like it’s just I

I don’t know I I Circle in on him and I always kind of create a a mini board if you will for players that I think fit certain teams and you obviously get kind of caught up in the consensus of what like makes sense but then you got to

Create two or three players that could be sleepers or just fits because of the number of times that they visited with that player the interest in that player uh or schematically how they fit off of need or value or or whatever it’s going to be and I think Center is a sneaky

Need for the bills I don’t think it gets talked about enough because everybody wants worthy or Mitchell from Texas and look I love Mitchell you love worthy we like both players but there’s a reason to why when you look into big boards the three receivers are in the top five in

The top 10 and then there’s a significant drop off so it’s the same question that you could have to the New England Patriots or the New York Giants or the Minnesota Vikings whoever’s going up for a quarterback let’s take the Patriots for example within the bills Division if their two guys are Jaden

Daniels and Caleb Williams and both those guys are gone this is a team that’s projected to win four and a half games next year do you really think they’re going to force their hand at the quarterback position knowing the hit and miss you know percentage of that

Position probably not so why should the bills force their hand at receiver just because it’s a sexy new toy it doesn’t make sense because you’re not necessarily going to hit at that position because if you go back and look at previous drafts over the years there’s a lot of guys out there on

Twitter and in the National media and myself included that liked a whole hell of a lot of receivers and a whole hell of a lot of those receivers are on their third fourth team in the NFL right now and it wasn’t that long ago so it’s like

Me personally the safe pick is the offensive line I think the bills need to draft safe in round one they have a ton of capital for day two and day three they can get sexy then hit the Home Run and maybe it’s a maybe it’s a double

Maybe it’s a single take a guy like Zack Frasier um and I I think that’s what I think that’s what he is I I really think he would be the guy that is a no-brainer for them yeah I’ve I was literally like I said I was watching him today and I

Just I don’t know what it was and really I I wish I could quantify it but I was just sitting here watching him and I was like he I just feel it at like pick 28 like I think he would be there it and it does make sense to that degree

Especially given again and we’ll have this conversation as we go forward but given what you could still get at wide receiver in round two again it might not be the specific player that you like if you love you know ad Mitchell you don’t take him at 28 you’re not getting him at

Pick 60 if you’re the bills but that doesn’t mean you can’t get you still can’t get a really good wide receiver at 60 which is the whole point of how deep this class is and what you can get you can still get a wide receiver too and

Even potentially one that still has wide receiver one upside based on Who falls and what happens yeah I’m very interested and the old line and the other thing with the receivers too and maybe we shift Focus to receivers but with the I I mean I don’t know I’m just

Spitball but with the receivers like you have Stefan Diggs whatever happens with his situation we’ll see if there is even a situation I don’t know what to make of that I’m just on the outside he can’t go from a financial perspective no like he he would have to

Be an absolute toxic nightmare for them to move him because of how bad the financials are so like to put that in perspective like if they do move him that is literally them saying even if it’s not explicitly them saying that’s them saying this dude is such a problem

We’re willing to chop off both of our arms financially just to get him out the door right I don’t think it’s gonna get I don’t think it’s at that point I don’t think it’s gonna get to that point but yeah there’s such a problem from a dead

Cap perspective yeah he also from a dead cap perspective not to get off to too off track I was looking at Prescott’s contract today because of the news he’s got a dead cap hit this year of $66 million and his cap hit is 55 like it’s

Wild what his cap number is and Diggs isn’t that to that level but it’s wild as well yeah and I think that’s how like people say the salary cap doesn’t exist you’re probably right it doesn’t to an extent because these teams are worth billions and billions of dollars but at

The same time the structures of these deals is why there’s so much cap flexibility because however they structure it and I don’t know the financials and all the technical terms we need Greg Thomson for that but it’s one of those things where like uh it’s one of those things where like you’re

You’re paying them $55 million on the year but then there’s another $60 million behind it because if you get rid like there’s just so much Financial Guru crap behind it I just I don’t know but uh talking about receivers Diggs Curtis Samuel khil Shakir Mack Hollands not

Saying ma Holland is a you know it’s going to move the needle tremendously that you don’t take that guy at 28 but I’m I’m operating under the assumption that yes Mitchell Thomas those guys are gone so you get rid of the top five guys um with Mitchell Thomas and then

Obviously the consensus top three now you’re forcing your hand at what key on Coleman doesn’t create a bunch of Separation that was what I think that was the problem with Gabe Davis right I I don’t know like yeah so I mean it’s like one of those things like do you you

Have Dalton conc like you’ve you’ve spent the capital on the weapons you now have to spend the capital on the product or on the protection and and getting things going and they’re they haven’t really done that like they’ve brought in guys like you know who we’re talking

About here with uh with with the center MC mcder and or McGovern excuse me and it’s it’s one of those things where like you brought in that guy for for essentially Pennies on the dollar but you let go of Mitch Morris because he can’t stay healthy like you just you got

To bite the bullet here and you got to get a quality Center on the interior and when you fit the profile that the bills look for in football players it’s just a no-brainer to me so that’s fair Let’s uh I was going to go QB’s next but let’s

Stick to the wide receiver group since we’ve already talked about it a little bit so first 27 picks you kind of alluded to it already The Big Three Marvin Harrison Jr uh Malik neighbors rumo dun you also think Brian Thomas Jr and AD Mitchell both go in the top 27 is

That the only so you think five wide receivers go in the top 27 and that’s who those five are yep and I think ultimately six go in the first round I mean you could you could make a case that Xavier worthy doesn’t go on the first round just simply because of his

Frame and teams might be hesitant on that he had the lower body injury stuff earlier in the year to there might be some hesitation there but when you look at like Maris Hollywood Brown and players with that profile there’s a lot of intrigue and when you run a 421 or a

422 or whatever you want to sayic teams there A team out there that’s going to fall in love with that speed I don’t know if it’s Miami I don’t know if it’s Philly I don’t know if it’s Tampa man if it was Miami how ridiculous him waddle

And Hill and a like that’s wild I know I I look at Tampa and I’m just like man you brought in Baker you brought back Mike Evans do you try to take this offense to the top but you have the need at corner because Carlton Davis is now

Gone so like Tampa is an intriguing team right before the bills um Arizona’s another one I mean do they call me crazy but do they double down at receiver in the first round did they take Marvin at four and then they take Xavier worthy at

At 27 like man it sounds crazy they have enough Capital do they move up for a guy like that so like I I think realistically there’s five I think Coleman and worthy are the two guys that are a bit on the outside I don’t think

Legit gets in I just don’t I I mean maybe but I I would be surprised like seven eight receivers in the first round I know it’s a pass heavy League I know they’re fun and sexy picks but I alluded to it there’s not been a lot of success

Once you get past the first kind of two tiers of wide receivers in the NFL draft every tier you find one guy but a lot of teams are swinging and missing are they really gonna swing and Miss on guys that you know a month ago we had Xavier leet

As like 50th 55th overall but now suddenly I gotta put him at 30th in my mock draft no I don’t think so like I don’t care what the consensus says you know so uh yeah I just I think realistically you got five I I I really

Do so and I also wonder too the the positional depth at wide receiver I just wonder how much that’s going to come into play for teams Brandon Bean talked about it a little today on I think he was at like on the PFF podcast or something like that talking about I

Think his literal example his literal example was if you had a player on equal tier for wide receiver and some other position they’re more likely to go with that other position because it probably has more of a drop off to the next pick then wide receiver does but if the wide

Receiver value is up here and the other one is here then they’re like no no question we’re going to go wide receiver and that’s been my thing all along like the drop off from whatever wide receiver I think you probably get at 28 to whatever wide receiver you could get at

60 I don’t think is as significant as defensive tackle or Edge potentially or interior offensive line or tackle like whatever like aspect um I really I just want to shout this out real quick Roy says Troy Franklin late round run wouldn’t Shock Me Troy Franklin is a

False god and a false prophet I hope that that doesn’t happen but to each their own but I respect you Roy um I actually could see that potentially happening as well um so like I’d be cool if the if the bills go receiver like if the bills go with Legette I have no

Problem because okay you want to take a baby AJ Brown dude who’s 220 plus and runs a 43 and high points the football and knows how to play Above the Rim downfield cool I also like the fit of the Gat with the bills because talking about yes and you were

Talking about that position grouping like the receivers the big thing with me is whoever they draft as wide receiver too right like that rookie wide receiver this year isn’t going to be Target Two in this offense that’s Dalton cancade and then Target three khil Shakir potentially James Cook

If you’re talking touches you know catches plus runs James Cook is option three in this offense so let’s label players as options dicks is option one Kade is option two cook might even be option to if you’re factoring in the Run game but your top three from a touches

And options perspective is already set so that rookie this year at best or at like most in terms of responsibility really only has to be option four or Target four Touch four guy for you but again that’s not even including Shakir and uh Dawson Knox and anybody else that

Could creep up the pipe which is why I like the idea of a Legette because okay they don’t have somebody with his size profile his athleticism profile and his speed profile what does he need to do needs to add some Polish to his game from a route Tre perspective and a stem

Perspective cool you know it’s a really great way to do that while you’re option four or five as a rookie and you can just all you would have to do is just be big and strong and fast your rookie year and let the rest of the game come you

And I completely forgot about Curtis Samuel in that whole conversation with that just now so that and he so he’s going to be in your top four as well so that rookie you know wide receiver that wide receiver too even if it is Legette or Javon Baker whoever it is really is

Option or touch five in your offense so it could so I like the idea I’ve come around more to the idea of Legette I always like this tape from a a wow perspective heading into the Senior Bowl I didn’t love him on day one at the

Senior Bowl I liked him more on day two but I just think you could take a guy who has that ceiling and just needs to work on his floor because you can give him a lot of that time his rookie year to work on that floor because he’s not

Going to he might be wide receiver too on the depth chart but he’s not wide receiver too from a touches or targets perspective which allows him to really develop and then you can just lean into that skill set which is why I have a two on Legette I would have no problem with

Him being the pick at 28 because I think the fit with the bills really works for them but also for his career trajectory because there’s not going to be a lot that’s put on his plate from an expectation perspective given the surrounding cast yeah no that’s a great

Point and I and I I think like look I like the FID get but the point to receiver four receiver five the number of touches like that’s why I think like do you really need to force that in the first round I just that’s

Why my still my my ideal option is I I would love to take best player available at any spot in round one and then just like if if you could do that and guarantee me the bills get Von Baker at 60 like I’ve felt this way since before

The Senior Bowl that’s why I would take that every day of the week because he’s yeah he can also be a true a and I think he has some wide receiver one upside as well but then you get that fit with the upside let him simmer and you’ve had

That BPA obviously that’s you know you’re taking some risk in in into that there but yeah it’s just from that need perspective long term it’s a little different with okay what is the long-term structure for Shakir or Samuel or Diggs or whatever like when do you

Need a new wide receiver one is it next year is it 2026 like Diggs might still very well be on the team does he start to get phased out like does he slow down I’m not saying he will but just all these conversation pieces I think that’s

What starts to creep into people’s minds but that’s why I think it gives them so many options at wide receiver because you really just need a specific dynamic or skill set added to the group right now and that get that gives you the entire menu like you can

Go any because they don’t need to be the second option for your team right well and that’s a good point that’s a good point I I guess really I mean like what would we identify the Bill’s biggest needs are going like 30 days away 29 days away whatever the countdown is but

What are the biggest needs for the team I mean how would we assess the team right now I would say interior offensive line at least one another receiver sure uh just as like that wide receiver four five um and maybe there’s the upside to be like number two or number three in the

Offense then you have Corner safety some some type of defensive back probably multiple yes um another interior defensive lineman I would have to think yep I mean that’s how I would identify it I would maybe even throw a linebacker in there but I know you don’t want to

Talk about edrien Cooper so I like edrian Cooper I just don’t want to have to take them in the first two rounds like that’s just given what else they have because you need you need a wide receiver too from a from and I want to say wide receiver to again

I mean on the depth chart I mean from like a size and frame perspective like that’s what you need so you need wide receiver you need another interior defensive lineman you need another Edge I would love some offensive line depth but you could also go offensive line

Starter on the interior I also think you could throw a dart on the board for a tackle just to have some added depth in long term like I know in tons of mocks mocks aren’t real but like the PFF one I do Christian Jones is always available

In like the 130s so I’m always like okay cool I’ll take Christian Jones every single time why not um tackle from Texas for those who don’t know um again so you’re looking at Edge you could still make a pick at safety Mike Edwards is only there on a one-year deal and the

Depth behind him is still shaky corner is another one too that you and I were talking about the other day rasul Douglas he didn’t have an extension this offseason he did a restructure so he’s under contract through this season and is a UFA after next year so that means

Your CB1 for this year is not on the roster for 2025 yeah for 2025 kyum is still an unknown quantity and even if you’re super high on kyum okay he’s cb3 this year you still need a corner four but realistically with Kyer and I want him

To be CB like two or one in an ideal world but there’s just so much unknown I think corner is a need because you could need a cb3 this year and Corners get banged up all the time especially Benford and even Douglas to a degree so

You need a cb3 this year in my estimation but also you could use that cb3 to be your CB2 next year maybe it’s and I I give the example all the time like I always find a way to get like Chris Abrams drain like in like the

Third or like fourth and I’m like okay cool be my cb3 this year and then it’s you and Christian Benford next year is the one and two or maybe and this was this was one that was proposed in the chat I forget by who like a month ago

Someone was throwing out scenarios and was like oh like where does like best player available come down versus need this was before Trey white got cut and everything and somebody was like what happens if teron Arnold Falls to 28 I was like he’s awesome but like you have

Trey and Douglas and benrey you don’t need it now I’m sitting there being like Oh if Terry and Arnold fell yeah that’s actually pretty sick because now again like you have to figure out who’s going to be cb3 this year but you have your long term CB one and two with him and

Benford like there’s just all these Brandon Bean did a good job like he does every offseason of mitigating all the needs so that there’s so that the conversation we’re having is the one that we have where there’s not like Priority One is this no he he fills the

Holes and mitigates things so you can have a conversation of being like Oh it could be this it could be that it could be over here which is what makes their options and their menu so wide open which again coming back to receiver is why I think receiver in round two just

Makes so much more sense because there’s so much less positional drop off there than there is at these other positions that they could use guys at now the flip side of that that I’m worried about and you kind of alluded to it a bit I do see

Like five or six wide receivers going in the first round but then from like the end of the first to pick 60 where the bills go I could see like 12 wide receivers going where it’s just this huge run and then it’s like uhoh we’re in on the tail end of the run

And all that depth that we loved in round two is gone that’s what you tried to balance and he gets scared because that’s where I think the big run is going to happen I don’t think you’re going to see all these first round wide receivers I think that’s for the

Offensive line and another position to a degree that we’re going to get into in a minute I think the run on wide receiver really happens from the end of the first round through the end of the second like I think wide receiver dominates round two and then you’re kind of taking you

Know a luck of the draw taking kind of Fate by the wayside a little bit and trying to see who’s going to be there at 60 yeah but then you got the you know you’ll have a run on running backs I know that’ll probably more so start in

The third round but you you can see probably one or two go in the second I I would have to assume at least two you know between Trey Ben Trey Benson Jonathan Brooks uh Blake korm I mean kind of take your pick of of who Marshon Lloyd you know Jaylen Wright I mean

There there’s enough there where maybe the bills get a little lucky and kind of get somebody to fall at wide receiver to them in the second round that kind of fits that tier and then they don’t necessarily have to be this 6070 reception guy in year one because they

Were picked at 28 they can catch 35 balls 400 yards three or four touchdowns and be fine and I all the fans are gonna talk and be like he sucks he only caught 35 balls you’re not gonna look at the usage you’re like he sucks right he he

Was only on the field for 500 snaps but yeah you know whatever um but no you look at like uh you know a lot of comments here about pass rush and stuff like that I think it’s great I think they should go get quick to interrupt

You like the chat is a great example like you can see all the different options for people of how they’re ranking stuff you’ve got wide receiver two defensive tackle Safety Center um defensive end yeah pass rush Matt Matt came here and gave specifics and said three Tech which is why there’s somebody

At 28 who I really love potentially will talk about Roy came in and said three Tech like RC is coming in saying say is one oine is two but again that all it’s a great microcosm of what the bills need like you could ask 10 people what the

Biggest needs are and rank them and all 10 will give you 10 like 10 different orders because it’s all a little bit it’s all six of one half a dozen of the other yeah no and I in like pass rush like once you get through Dallas Turner

Jared verse and Leu latu there’s a drop off there just is it’s a big but it’s a big drop off like a significant drop off and you’re not gonna force your hand to take brillan trce or Adisa Isaac or Chris brasswell I mean or your boy chop

Robinson who you love no you’re not gonna take him like could you take Darius Robinson at 28 and get away with it yeah could you take Johnny Newton get away with it absolutely I think he’s a great fit I think he’s a home run pick

Next at Oliver but last time I said that I was an idiot and they don’t need two three techs even though you can align think differently in the NFL with two eyes and four eyes and what not but whatever I’m I’m goingon to I was going

To Pock in I just want to comment on that now like so initially before the bills had resigned Daquon Jones and you and I have talked about Newton and Murphy a punch but spec specifically Newton I really like Newton um I liked him when he was Jan Newton I like him

Still even though he’s Johnny Newton now either way however you want to label yourself I’m fine with it I didn’t like the idea of him at 28 because of the positional redundancy with Ed Oliver I thought you weren’t maximizing his skill set because okay like what’s he going to do play like

Rotational three or like are you going to try and put him at one tack again that’s not maximizing his skill set with them bringing dayquon in I don’t know what that triggered or changed in me I do to a degree I am very much on board

With Newton at pick 28 because of your top three on the interior which is a premium position nowadays if you can generate pass rush from the interior spot like that’s why so many of these teams are paying your Chris Jones’s and your Jeffrey Simmons and your Aaron Donald’s like these dudes that dominate

Inside who can compromise the depth of the pocket is just so tremendous but with Newton even though he’s your second string three Tech like your your first and second down dudes are dayquon and Ed Oliver and this isn’t to say that dayquon can’t play on third Downs

Because he can and he showed it this past season but when you get to those known passing downs and passing situations it’s at Oliver and Newton on the inside or to your point you can play games and kick Newton out to a four ey or even put him on as a five depending

On what kind of tackle situation you got same thing with that Oliver the games you can play but even aside from that known passing downs and passing situations it’s Newton and Ed Oliver on the inside and that’s nothing to sneeze at with dayquon like you would then have

This nasty three-man rotation on the inside with Austin Johnson who the bills just signed as your defensive tackle for so you’re looking at your two1 TXS and Johnson and daquin your two threes are Newton and Oliver that’s a very solid top four versus the run and the pass

Then you’re all so looking at very I don’t want to say very little because that’s I don’t want to set the expectations so high for Newton or lower at for Ed Oliver but then you’re mitigating the drop off when Ed Oliver goes off on the to the sideline and you

Bring in Newton like right you’re looking at the high tier guy as your defensive tackle two at the three Tech spot but again it’s that pass rush usage and like you said this is a passing League so even though Newton would be a backup I still think he’s going to be a

Guy who’s seeing like 45 almost 50% of snaps depending on what the game script is and then that’s tremendous now you got a premium spot who’s affecting the quarterback and who fits the bill scheme so well from a penetration standpoint that’s really why and so here yeah

Pete’s comment like oh no we have two Ed Olivers what a terrible thing that’s been my thought and then you’re working in like dayquon Jones wherever you want like just it it that’s what’s gotten me on board more and more you want to affect the quarterback pass rush has

Been a let down for the bills in the playoffs these past couple of years and I think a lot of times thought is oh pass rush defensive end Edge for me I’m looking there I think the premium guy who’s going to be there from a pass rush

Perspective at best is probably Newton I like Darius Robinson a bunch I I would play him at Edge not a defensive tackle I do think he fits the bills archetype but I don’t think he’s there as a pass rusher right now I’d have no problem taking him at 28 because big long strong

And he’s going to play the run like a monster like you could do a lot worse than having Darius Robinson and Greg rouso as your defensive ends when you want to play light boxes because nobody’s getting outside you have forced and boxed every single run inside no matter what and then that obviously

Changes the things you can do um which is so I’m okay with Robinson there my dream is started to become like Newton at 28 because I think he’s a premier player I have round one grade on him and him being there at 28 I just I don’t

Care if someone’s going to be like well we already have two starters inside yeah but he’s a hell of a third option and then on passing Downs he’s your starter inside yeah and you can like we mentioned alignment versatility sure you can move him in in a variety spots which

He did at Illinois with with with Newton he moved all over the place I mean you go to the Mississippi State game in the bowl game that they had uh two years ago he’s lined up at the nose the three the two I the the five the you name it he

Was everywhere and that was really when I think he started to to turn it on and really show okay I’m gonna take over this team now defensively for for us but uh the other thing too is like you can bring in so many different fronts now

Like you can bring in you know fiveman fronts the fourman you can and the bill started to monkey with a little bit last year they Ed some more bare fronts they Ed some more tight front stuff like and then you start you start to get really creative with those fronts and what you

Can do yeah yeah exactly so you get into all this different stuff and I think getting a guy like Newton just makes a lot of sense I mean because the players that they’ve brought in on the interior or brought back on the interior they’re not necessarily sure things Newton isn’t

A sure thing either I mean he’s got to be healthy he’s got to have his head on right in the NFL I mean all these guys do they got to be smart but at the same time like you bring him in you kind of have a long-term plan for the next four

Or five years on the interior to help Ed Oliver and help your pass rush and stop uh Patrick Mahomes I mean that’s the guy that you got to stop you got to find ways to limit him Isaiah Pacho and that Kansas City Chiefs off an interior pass

Rush if you can if you got to choose like you can either have pass rush from The Edge or pass rush from the interior you’re taking pass rush from the interior every single time because that’s L literally the worst option for a quarterback is pressure right up the

Gut in their face and that is what Newton gives you not to mention from a long-term perspective dayquon signs that two-year contract which I love he’s 32 years old you bring Newton in now you’re solidifying two of your top three guys with Newton and Oliver for the next

Three four years with what Oliver’s contract is then you just have to keep fitting in whoever that one Tech is or what you want to do like it could you could do a lot worse than going with Johnny Newton at pick 28 yeah I mean imagine a defensive line that is

Featuring in the AFC Championship Game third and eight game on the line Von Miller Greg Russo Johnny Newton and Ed Oliver I mean that is a recipe for success and that’s what it’s about and I I was bringing you know I’m glad we bring up the pass rush and Johnny Newton

Because as I was kind of talking about earlier like for each team in the draft I bring up kind of a mini big board for that player and I’ll go or a big a mini big board for that team so like I’ll have like three or

Four players that I really like and when I get to the bills the three players that I consistently write down are Zack Frasier Johnny Newton and Xavier worthy I think that those are the three guys if they were to somehow get one of those three they’re better off as as a

Football team and you’re not writing down ad Mitchell because you think he’s going to be gone I think he’s going to be gone and uh you know and when you have let’s just say the Chargers for example let’s say the Chargers move from 5 to 11 and they get picked 23 well if

They pass on a receiver at 11 because the Run happens and they take Brian Thomas Jr or ad Mitchell at 23 which is kind of weird that they would take ad Mitchell because athletically speaking like from a a frame and measurable standpoint he’s damn near the same

Player as Quinton Johnston when you look at the frame but I think he is a different type of player to be completely honest with you but that’s a conversation for a different day but uh yeah I mean that’s just kind of how my process works with each team and and how

We figure out what they’re going to do and and who they’re going to take so uh the the fourth player that I would add to that big board for kind of myself would be a defensive back and I I don’t I’ve I haven’t figured out what defensive back makes sense for the bills

I don’t know if that’s Kamari Lasser I don’t know if that’s a corner a safety uh I I don’t think it’s like a Kool-Aid mckinstry I don’t think it’s like Nate Wiggins quinan Mitchell or tyon Arnold I think those three guys are kind of gone um and then I look at you know

Potentially the safety spot do they force their hand with like Tyler Newman do they I don’t think I don’t think cam kitchens is on the board uh at 28 anymore I just don’t I don’t think he tested well enough not saying the pro day wasn’t good and not saying that

Place speed and tape speed and all that stuff doesn’t matter it does but the combine does matter to an extent and he just I don’t know there’s some concerns there now just athletically speaking um but yeah I just I like I don’t know what they do in the secondary and that’s

That’s the kind of the holdup with me with the bills is which one as far as defensive backs which ones do they take at 28 if that’s the direction that they go because like we said they don’t really have a clear need they have kind

Of a a wide variety on the menu it’s like you go to your fav ding spot and you’re like man I like the I like the chicken strip Pita but I like the pizza I want the burger and the Patty Mill I don’t know what I want and that’s what

The that’s what the bills have presented their fan base because you really don’t know I’ve gotten into like the second and third tiers of corners and become like obsessed with them to the bills like the Mike sanser Tails um honestly both dudes from Missouri I like rake

Straw and I mentioned Kad like him being in that mix I want to take a look at Andrew Phillips from Kentucky I haven’t watched him enough um but even some of the dudes like couple of your boys who I knew you like brownley from Louisville Max Melton your boy from Ruckers like

There’s all these intriguing ways that the bills could go with corner there’s so many options like from from this aspect let’s hit a couple pieces real quick we can just we’ve had so much of this conversation let’s just hit we just some quick one liners how

Many QBs you think go in the first 27 do you think JJ McCarthy is a lock now we get four QBs in the top 27 yeah I think there’s think four are the lock okay I struggle with saying is they’re a fifth and that’s just simply because of the Denver Broncos like I

Don’t know what the hell they’re doing who’s the fifth gonna be pennx or do you think like all this love for Spencer Rattlers coming through like I think if it’s if it’s Denver I think it’s Nick I think it’s Nick I just he’s such a Payton QB like that’s what I’m saying

Like stylistically he fits with what he’s looking for in a quarterback experienced at 61 games played you you don’t necessarily I like I don’t think he’s going to get a much better in the NFL but maybe he gets a touch better under Shawn pton like if he was to go to

Let’s just say Tampa Bay I think he’s just a dude right like he’s probably like Kyle tras 2.0 but if he goes to Denver with Shawn pton I think it could potentially work and I’m so intrigued there at 12 like what the hell do they do because they don’t really have the

Ammo to trade up unless they’re taking future assets or Patrick Caine or or something like that and they’re moving a player I don’t think that’s going to happen so like I think four for sure probably five just simply because there’s so many needs for quarterbacks fair and then all right so we’re looking

At that defensive tackle I think is a quick one for us as well like I think the only sure defensive tackle lock in the first 27 picks is Byron Murphy from Texas agreed yep okay cool same spot um Edge Turner verse latu those three any

Chance you think latu I think of I think Turner and verse there’s no chance in hell either of them fall to 28 especially Turner I don’t think ver Turner is ahead of verse for me but verse isn’t falling as well and chance whether it’s the medical whether it’s

Some of the stuff on tape that you and I have talked about any chance you think latu Falls the 28 he’s been a hot name for uh Bill’s fans lately and then he also ticks a box as well because again you’re looking at that edge spot it’s

Groot it’s V it’s AJ Essa it’s Kingsley Jonathan right now V is still an unknown commodity at this point Kenny being Edge two can he get back to a one is he a three I do think Edge is a need what are your thoughts on latu potentially fall

Into 28 because I I do think he ends up in that mid 20s range I don’t think it’s unheard of that he falls to 28 I doubt it but I wouldn’t be completely floored if he fell no he’s like the one guy where I’m like okay if he fell I get it

Lot of medical stuff there teams are probably just not drafting them because of the Medicals and maybe some of the concerns in the Run game like like we were talking about it on on the other day uh just he’s he’s a he’s a fun player to watch best pass rusher in the

Draft by far just as far as hand usage and the repertoire of moves that he has he’s got great length for the position he’s got good overall size mean we’re 65 259 but long arms long arms like he’s got a a really nice you know double

Swipe move he can swim there’s so much yeah like so much that is is just beautiful to his game I mean it’s chef’s kiss but the Run game stuff is what worries me like when I’m watching his teammate Gabriel Murphy boy running there with his head cut off like his

Head’s on fire just going berserk in there yeah just trying to go through everywhere I love every once in a while to like Murphy will throw a cross chop in and if it doesn’t work the next snap he’s like I’m just running through this tackle’s face or or they’re lining him

Up in the a gap and he’s going up against guard and centers and as as a little athletic outside like Edge yeah and Gabriel Murphy’s a guy that I don’t know what to do with him I think he’s a top 50 top 60 player in the draft as far

As tape I mean like from a edge rusher standpoint he’s fourth best in the class as far as pass rusher like by far he’s in that tier of verse Turner and latu maybe there’s a step down but the the stuff that he can do with only 30 and a

Half inch arms is ridiculous but that’s the problem 30 and a half inch arms only 6’2 kind of maxed out with his frame what he’s an odd front standup outside backer like what the hell is he so that’s the thing but with latu yeah like

I think he’s in the Run game it’s the the hesitation right like I don’t see him knifing down the line of scrimmage in laying out to make the tackle like he’s content with just kind of setting that edge and being there not saying he can’t set the edge I was thinking of

This earlier because we were talking about so much yesterday like and I don’t mean this as a as a pass rusher he’s such a finesse pass rusher with his hand usage this quickness everything is fine and precise I also think he’s a finesse run Defender and I think that’s why you

Phrased it perfectly yesterday like he doesn’t really stick his nose in a lot of stuff and yeah like he either if he’s not winning immediately off the line and there to make the play you don’t really see it and I think because he he plays

The run in the pass the same way which is a finesse Precision style and it works tremendously as a pass rusher but I think that’s why it leaves you with something to be desired against the Run exactly playing the run it’s it’s a p it’s pure mentality it’s just like

Violence and wanting to do it versus like okay my hand here and precise this and time this it’s like no dude like you want you want Precision in technique but it’s just a mentality and you want to beat the hell out of the band in front

Of you and stop the right yeah and and I think the thing too is like when you when you look at the board in front of the bills like I think there’s just too many teams that either need help on the interior offensive line or on pass rush

Or whatever like especially with pass rushers I I think there’s just too many teams in front of them like Arizona at 27 they could use a pass rusher Tampa Bay they just got rid of sha Barrett they could use one um you know and especially with Arizona they love to

Dial up different types of blitzes and packages like they make sense Green Bay with the NFC North getting potentially two young quarterbacks in there with Caleb Williams and maybe JJ or Drake May or whatever like you already have Goff you have some established guys there you

Got to you got to get that pass rush going especially in the playoffs you have Gary you have Lucas vaness now you bring in latu like you get some options there especially with the new defensive coordinator um you look at uh Dallas I mean what does Dallas do they just lost

Torren Armstrong I mean they’ve lost some some guys so I don’t know I I just think gatu is gonna be gone I think it’s a dream scenario that he’s there at 28 maybe they move up a little bit to try to get them but I just I would be

Surprised but yeah like once you get through those three there’s a drop off I don’t think chop Robinson’s a first round pick I think Darius Robinson you could make the case but it feels like that’s kind of cooled off a little bit that felt like more like senior bll hype

And then you watch him in that 335 stack and how horrible that is and you’re like I don’t know what to do with this guy testing also didn’t help him as well like he felt big and clunky yes and I I didn’t expect his change of direction to

Be great again I I think he’s a compression style power rusher but the fact that you we’re still having or some of yes and some of like the larger conversation is still like oh cool you like Darius Robinson are you playing him an edge or defensive tackle that right

There is enough to be like like to scare people off a little bit or scare me off a little bit but to your point like after that top three at edge with Turner and vers and latu I think it’s similar to the falloff at the top two at

Defensive tackle like I think those three edges are in a class of their own and I also think Dallas Turner is in a CL I like verse but I think Dallas Turner is just with his with what kind of athlete he is I just think he’s in a

In a almost tier of his own at that edge spot so you’ve got those three at Edge and then you’ve got Murphy and Newton at defensive tackle there’s a bunch of like tackles at defensive tackles I like as we go down further I know a bunch of

Bills fans like Braden Fisk some like Chris Jenkins I like Dwayne Carter uh from duke I like both of the Clemson boys I like Rook I like Tyler Davis like I like Michael Hall from Ohio State but a lot of these guys there’s a significant drop off from Murphy and

Newton to whoever else like I think a lot of those other guys whoever you have as defensive tackle three I think a lot of it is more siloed skill sets specific three Tech specific One tech or more rotational options and a good death ways like I think there’s a bunch of

Defensive tackles in this draft that can be your defensive tackle three or your defensive tackle four like in a good way yeah I only think really Murphy and new are those dudes that are like these guys can both be your defensive tackle one or your defensive tackle two if you have a

Stud and that’s also part of the reason why I’m gravitating towards that spot early on like if latu fell or if Newton Falls because I think there’s such a drop off at Edge from those top three and a defensive tackle from those top two versus what’s what the rest of the

Class looks like I’m with you 100 perc and I and I think the thing with with defensive tackle like with that drop off like are you like let’s just throw a player out there tandre sweat would the bills be comfortable with taking him in

That you know at 60 and I think you can now because you’ve got dayquon and Austin Johnson like and he’s he’s a one Tech times a million so then like what are you doing unless they feel comfortable enough like okay this guy can play you know second and short third

And long scenarios for me because he can rush the passer sweat can in a in a sense like there’s some limitations he’s not going to have this amazing burst and closing he’s got a nice arm over swim though that you’re like oh look at him just pull that out there’s some decent

Lateral movement in that phone booth especially 360 pounds which is legitimately what he’s playing at yeah and I think if you brought him in that would free up at Oliver a lot which would essentially you know I think that that might work for them but it not it’s

Not going to work for every team and again are they really going to continue to like double down with with these nose and one technique type players I don’t think so I think they’re going to probably spread the love out a little bit so yeah I mean I I like this

Defensive tackle class I’m really intr with Michael Hall I just don’t know what to do with him because of his size um I’m in the same way though bro he’s so light but he’s so explosive and honestly he doesn’t get pushed around a ton on the inside even though he is lighter but

And those snaps man he’s he’s jumping like two gaps in the blink of an eye like he’s going from like the if you’re looking from the defensive perspective he’s going from like the left B Gap to the right a gap in like an instant like the explosion the lateral agility the

Hand usage and the quickness everything it’s so fun inside but I am scared like going up against NFL Talent like how regular can you win there being in that 280 pound range like that’s that’s a real real real hard life and you know I know people thr all like oh like Aaron

Donald but that’s such a hard bar to kind of live up to I’ve gotten a little more confidence with it knowing how good kijah cany did as a rookie last year but he was a completely different tier versus Hall and also he’s built differently from a frame perspective

Yeah but but that’s but I think Hall’s a good example too like there’s all these guys like I like this defensive tackle class I don’t love it if it’s like oh I really need like a one or a two to really anchor my line but I love it like

There’s so much depth in rounds two and three and four for you to get like a rotational guy on the interior and give you like defensive tackle three or at worst defensive tackle like top four snaps and with how every team rotates nowaday that’s tremendously valuable

Yeah and I think with this rotation I I think you know and the lions are a team that does it a lot they rotate guys in and out like crazy but also everyone does that to a degree now from college through the NFL it’s a rotation position

Yeah and that brings up the the player that that’s on the you know on my mind like where do the Bills value somebody like Brandon dorles out of Oregon like he’s he’s kind of like that versatile I don’t want to say he’s a chess piece because he doesn’t really have like a a

Masterful skill set or one thing that really separates him from the bunch other than the fact that he deflects a bunch of passes at the line of scrimmage like that’s really the only skill set that he has and he’s like two years ago he was super explosive like it’s weird

Kind of how he dropped off a little bit but I am curious with him like would they find some value there because he does fall into like that Levi ozar Jonathan bowler type of player you know he’s not super quick he’s not you know overly fluid or or anything like

That but a decent First Step gets his hands up reads the quarterback’s eyes well can that be enough to say hey we could take this guy at 60 and and this is a guy that we bring in and just really put him into our rotation because

If there is that drop off at 28 or you know with the first round defensive lineman and let’s say Newton and Murphy are both gone and the pass rushers are gone all right maybe they take the offensive lineman play it safe and then in the second round they take a Brandon

Dless I know it’s not sexy I know that would kind of be like man that’s Carlos Basham 2.0 but at the same time don’t say that how dare you say his name I mean he’s not the same player they’re two different players but you know what I mean

Like it would be kind of like a win coming out of your sales a little bit I think especially for the fan base but that spot is a real L like you need a fourth man to round out your interior defensive line for this Buffalo Bills

Team and ideally that person is a three check like you’ve got dayquon and his backup Austin Johnson and you’ve you’ve even got ianu you know as that option too kind of like the third man in that spot but you need a three tech there and it’ll be really interesting to kind

Of see like where they go with it which again is why it’s not horrible if you get I’m I don’t know if you get Dwayne Carter in like the fourth round or third round or whatever aspect of he’s your like your second tier like three Tech

And he’s your backup like cool I think that’s fine I just think it’s a premium spot now and it’s why I continue to gravitate towards Johnny Newton and the idea of him being there and like what he could potentially be um and I do like Michael Hall in that option as well like

But again you’re not taking him early I don’t know where he’s gonna go that’s also me and what keeps popping in my head is I’m so that the bills got screwed with that comp pick like they should have had a third round pick now you’re going from after they pick at 60

They don’t pick again until 128 and then their comp pick is pick 133 that 133 pick was supposed to be a pick in the 90s or something in round three that’s also a huge aspect too because now you have to like chess piece this board

Together which is why I’m also a fan of trading down from pick 28 or using some of their day three capital to move up a little bit and trying to acquire more qual quality with the quantity they have although I do like having a ton of

Swings um at the plate and a bunch of throws at the dartboard but yeah that like you’re sitting there for 68 picks like after you pick your second guy you are waiting 68 picks and then again you’ve got pick 128 133 and 144 and then

160 and 163 so you’ve got a whole bunch um in round four and five that are close together but you’re missing out on a ton of like so much of this draft is strong in rounds two and three you’re missing out on a good chunk of that which means

In round one at 28 or round two at 60 there’s a chance you might see a name where it’s like o but it’s like well we like this guy and there’s a huge drop off at the position and we had to do what we had to do now which is why I

Wouldn’t be surprised yeah if it was a Zack Frasier at at 28 or some name at 60 that everybody was like really and it’s like well you’re waiting 68 picks like that’s a long fraking time man yeah well it look at like the Denver Broncos like

They have the the 12th pick then they don’t pick again to like 76 77 like that’s a 65 player drop you know and then you don’t pick again until like 125 now you’re waiting another 40 turns for another another swing like there’s some teams out there that that they they

Don’t have any Capital you look at the Bears they don’t have any they have four picks in the draft this year like I just I don’t understand how you bringing a rookie quarterback like Caleb Williams who let’s be honest he’s he’s not a sure thing you need help around you have a

Older Keenan Allen you have DJ Moore who takes on a bunch of contact like there’s so many things like that you think about I’m not trying to make this a bear show but like I just get down these these thought processes in my head and I got

To get them out because it’s just like there’s so many things that that play a piece into this and with the bills they have so many like you mentioned it so many swings at the plate where it’s a good problem to have because they can package stuff move stuff up there’s

They’re going to find teams that are going to want to move some picks to get some some extra swings and the bills are going to be able to land on a couple of guys and hopefully those guys are the players that we’re talking about in another year as a is a either great

Rotational depth piece or a for sure starter and I think that’s the key is is finding those rotational depth piece guys that they have so yeah I think that’s fair and then so to kind of like bring this together of mapping out these first 27 picks kind of put some things

Into perspective for you folks so we’re looking at again we’re playing like minimums like kind of be minimum guaranteed aspects so there’s 27 picks before the Bills pick it pick 28 28 Minus you know one is 27 for those doing math at home we got eight offensive

Linemen going so 27 minus eight that’s 19 players that uh potentially will be picked in front after those eight offensive lineman we’ve got four QBs going in the first 27 so that knocks it down to 15 we’ve got one defensive tackle and Byron Murphy that knocks it

Down to 14 we’ve got those three edges in Turner verse and latu that knocks it down to 11 Russ has five wide receivers going that knocks it down to six players and then I also think you got to throw in some guarantees like Brock Bowers is

Gonna go quinan Mitchell is gonna go I think teron Arnold is gonna go start to think of and I hope my math isn’t wrong because I was kind of doing it on the Fly there with everything but start to put that into perspective when you start

Thinking of who is available at pick 28 who you really want the bills to get wide receiver I think could be like a one like I could see four going I could see five going I could see Xavier worthy slipping in because of that speed I could see someone maybe betting on Keon

Coleman because of the traits and he’s the fifth wide receiver or he’s the sixth wide receiver so something could get thrown off a little bit as we talked about as well there are offensive linemen like Tyler gon who could jump up a little bit or dude from BYU so maybe

There’s 10 offensive linemen that go in the first 27 but start to use that as your frame of reference when thinking about like man I really want the bills to get this guy or I’d love for them to do this at 28 and then do this at 60 it all starts

With what happens in those first 27 picks start to put it in the frame of okay what do we think are the most guaranteed known quantity players that are going either position groups or positionally and that’ll start to frame a lot of who will be there which is why

Again like I come back to the idea of like oh Johnny Newton like I think it’s a realistic opport an option that he’s there at 28 based on how the first 27 picks will shake out and then kind of go from there so I think that was a nice

Way to kind of frame this conversation um for a little bit as we start to jump off uh here Russ let’s stick with that pick 28 before we move on to the rest of our conversation here kind of phrased it in this way for the bills the most ideal and realistic

Pick at 28 I always have to throw the realistic in there because I don’t want someone to be like oh like Romo dun Falls and he’s the pick at 28 fantastic who is the most ideal pick for the bills at 28 but also within that realm of

Realism for you I think we’ve talked about them both I think Zack Frasier from West Virginia is is an ideal and a realistic player I mean we we went into detail about what he brings to the table and then with Johnny Newton I think he’s the other one out of Illinois now if

Both of those guys are either gone or just not like players that they value I think it it turns into defensive back I I think there’s poten a defensive back that they might fall in love with because if those guys are gone or they don’t value them I I don’t know what

Other position they would value like I get it we want to talk about receiver but I’ve mentioned Mitchell’s not going to be there I really don’t think he’s going to be there I don’t even know if Xavier Worthy’s gonna be there and are they really gonna take the swing on him

Just because he’s fast maybe I don’t know I also don’t know the like I would have been and I I you mentioned earlier like I really like Xavier Worthy I liked Xavier like if the bills took him I’m not going to be upset I I mean a

Super fast dude who runs good routes and has really good ball track and downfield cool I’ll take it yeah I don’t love obviously the size of the frame although tankal and Jordan Addison and their performance last year and Josh D had made me feel better about the sustainability of smaller dudes and he

Has to clean up his drops but the drops deep are not really an issue I like the idea of worthy more before the Curtis Samuel pick I just think you really need a specific and at the end of the day you just want to draft good football players

Right like so if the bills took worthy or lad makoni like I’m like okay cool whatever but I do like the idea of having more of a prototypical X type of body in that grouping I’m big into the adage and everybody in their mother kind of says it now like building your wide

Receiver room kind of like a basketball team so I want a point guard and I want a two guard and I want a small forward and a power forward and a center like I don’t want a whole team of two guards just like I don’t want a whole team of

Power forwards and the bills don’t have that power forward they don’t have that Wing guy like and so I would love that’s why I like the ad Mitchell fit even more that’s why I like Javon Baker like the idea of okay this is a frame you don’t have this is the

Dynamic you don’t have in the room this is a skill set option and it still gives you some of that upside you’re still looking for from a two and a one perspective but I like the worthy fit more before Curtis Samuel and I also

Think Worthy is more of like a slot in a z more than he is an X I’ve seen him get off press and be okay being off the line of scrimmage like with his hand technique and his speed but I just think he’s a dude like you don’t want anybody

Touching him ever and so you want him as that Z you want him as that slot you want to use him as that move guy but they’re starting to use Stefan Diggs a little more in that way so then I’m like again it’s just all this positional

Redundancy but at the end of the day it’s cool to have interchangeability and that Dynamic and just good football players but it that fit is what I come back to to withw worthy but it does throw things off to again to a degree with that pick at 28 I’m in a similar

Boat with like the realistic option like I think ideal and realistic Newton and latu are my top and then I’m gonna throw ad Mitchell in there potentially as well just from like the ideal side I really do think Mitchell’s gone like I going into the combine I thought Brian Thomas would be

The fourth receiver off the board and would be gone by the time bills went at 28 that I didn’t know who went after now after seeing Mitchell in the combine as well and then you put together with the tape and all that aspect like I I’m in a

Similar spot like I just don’t see him being there at 28 but I think he could fit into this conversation no I think he does I mean I just I just being real I mean like I’m with you like I just I don’t think it’s a realistic chance of

Him being there now if he is awesome Sprint to the podium take your guy if that’s your guy um get him before the Ravens or or the Chiefs get him or potentially the 49ers like no doubt about it but I I don’t know and the third guy that I would mention is and

You mentioned him earlier is is Rik straw I I I would be very I’d be intrigued by him I I really would like I I don’t know if it’s Kamari Lasser I think with Rik straw like he ran a 451 yeah he he battled through a groin

Injury through most of this past season so I think he’s actually a little bit faster than that I mean he his 100 meter dash time in high school was 11.06 seconds but I watched him close down Malik Neighbors in a short amount of neighbors makes a catch over the middle

Against Missouri and breaks it and is about to take it and R straw closes him down in like a 10 a 10 yard hiccup granted he’s starting to gear up he’s ahead of like neighbors gearing up already so they kind of monkeys with it

But he closes him down in a hurry and he gives you inside outside versatility which I like yeah and I think that’s the thing is like he he shows that you know he can cover the slot and kind of handle some of those shallow crossers that you

See but then at the same time he can play on an island and in a press man situation and he’s kind of got the hit fluidity that you’re looking for to kind of transition and and open up field and run with the receiver he’s got long arms

I think his arms were like 32 and a half uh or 32 so like he’s he’s a willing run Defender I think he just checks a lot of boxes for what they’re looking for on the perimeter and if if they don’t feel like there’s a sure thing there on the

Perimeter outside of you know Douglas or something like that and they feel like they just got to bring somebody else in or if they feel like elim is is ready to take that next step I don’t know what they’re thinking in their room they don’t I mean like safety okay Edwards is

Cool but like I think with just Rik straw you’re trying to alleviate some of the pressure that’s going to be on those DBS and I think bringing in a guy like rraw we talked about this you bring in a kind of a cb3 and you develop him and

Eventually you now have a CB1 after you lost Trey white I think that’s a good plan of attack to have and I think Rik straw kind of fits that he reminds me stylistically of like Emanuel Mosley so I think I think he’s somebody that makes sense I know it sounds Rich for people

But I don’t know if he’s going to be there at 60 I don’t think Abrams dra is gonna be there at 60 so like I just I think these Missouri guys are well-liked in the NFL draft circle from from NFL decision makers and I somebody there there’s going to be surprises in the

Back end it just it is what it is we have to get away from the consensus thought and that’s why I’m here and that’s why we’re discussing this because like yeah I de realistically there’s a couple of guys that make hell of a lot of sense lat to the guys that we’ve

Talked about but just thinking outside the box I think rake straw and uh and the guys that you mentioned M make ton of sense I mean it just really does and I mean I like both of those mouri Corners there’s so many corners I like

In this draft really a lot of the DBS like especially safeties too like I I really like nuben and cam kitchens and Javon Bullard but so many like the kind of the day three type of safeties well I shouldn’t even say this because some people have because safety’s all over

The place for some people but like the Malik Mustafa the Jaylen Simpsons like the kapos like these really interesting dudes that I’m like oh this guy could be like a fourth round or a fifth round safety and you let him sit for a year and then like maybe that’s who you’re

Starting safety is next year after Mike Edwards leaves on a one-year type of deal um yeah I think there’s going to be more DB action for this team aside from safety like I think everybody came into this draft being and like oh well the bills need a safety and then they signed

Mike Edwards and brought back rap and it’s kind of like oh they still need some depth but corner and I tweeted it out yesterday I just think it’s a sneaky one like you technically could use a cb3 this year and you don’t have a CB one

And two next year on the roster because R Douglas is going to be UFA now maybe they’re gonna bring it back and that’s the plan so on and so forth maybe elim ascends but right now you just don’t have that known quantity wrapped up and granted you’ve said multiple times here

None of these prospects are known quantities if the draft was an exact science everybody would hit on everything but that’s not necessarily case and that’s what also makes this conversation very very fun another conversation wanted to have him jumping around a little bit but where are where

Are we boom we’ve talked about it multiple times here in this episode Russ the round two wide receivers and the depth there at that spot so and also I want to preface this and say not everybody who goes we say this every year not everybody who gets picked

In the first round is a firstr graded player especially on the back end usually when you get to the 20s you’re getting dudes who have a second round grade that are being picked in the first round now that doesn’t mean that’s bad value that doesn’t mean this player is

Terrible that’s just how it works the range is and I forget it every year and I always tell myself to write it down what is it like on an average year there’s like 16 to 20 like first round graded players roughly like in a good year you’re pushing into like the lower

20s like 23 24 type yeah I would say the average is probably somewhere between 16 to 20 I I think was it last year or the year before I want to say like the consensus was like 10 to 12 like yeah that I was thinking one was one year it

Was like 13 dudes were like had first round grade a couple years ago it might have been last maybe it was last year’s draft but last year’s draft wasn’t too like stacked overall um yeah I think it was last year right last year’s right everything blurs together for me like

I’m horrible with the same thing with like WrestleMania someone will be like oh what number of WrestleMania is your favorite I’m like the one had this match and this match and this match they’re like oh what number WrestleMania is that I’m like I have no idea like I remember

Certain like know WrestleMania 9 and like WrestleMania like 12 and 13 14 17 but everything like aside from that I got like and those are landmarked just for like big matches that are tied to him yeah but I just can’t it’s so hard for me to do the number stuff but all

Right so round two graded wide receivers we you and I both talked about a run happening on wide receivers in the second round and the strength of this wide receiver class really being in round two graded wide receivers so the question for you how many second round

Graded wide receivers do you have so how many receivers have a round two grade for you in this draft class uh looking at the board um so the the round one guys it stops at romad dun so I this was also my my I was figured we’ get to it as well I

Only have three receivers with a round one grade so it’s the big three for you as well so Marvin Harrison neighbors and a dunesday are the only receivers that have a round one grade yep and then we have Mitchell Coleman Brian Thomas Jr okay Xavier worthy lad makoni that’s

Five y Troy Franklin is six yep Ricky peol is seven yep Roman Roman Wilson’s eight okay Xavier Legette is nine Jaylen pulk is 10 and that’s it okay so we’re pretty much very similar I’ve got Legette in there as well I’ve got Javon Baker in there who has a

Two for me like a two three this is one I I keep flirting on going back and forth I really like Germaine Burton yes and I like him so much that I I’ve had like a three on him but I keep flirting with the idea so for this I’m like just

Screw it I like him so like I’m just giving him a two as well so I’m in a similar boat so that gives me like a 11 or 12 I might have missed his name he might have been on there I’m trying to see I’ve got Worthy Brian Thomas Jr and

This isn’t in order just off rattling through I’ve got worthy Brian Thomas Jr ad Mitchell lad makon Keon Coleman Troy Franklin Ricky peera Xavier Legette Germaine Burton Javon Baker Roman Wilson and oh and Javon and Jaylen P so I am sitting there at 12 and honestly oh I

Really really like Jaylen McMillan and if you twisted my arm I might give him a two and so then I’m pushing it to 13 but no matter how you slice it there’s a lot of round two graded wide receivers is this also that specific area the round

Two graded wide receivers is that the strongest spot and position in this entire class like not even just the wide receiver class as a whole top to bottom but that round two wide receiver grouping is that the strongest aspect of this draft class as a whole right it’s a good question right

It’s a great question I don’t think so just simply because of the offense tackles like we we can talk about probably 10 to 11 maybe 12 guys in the first round and then once you get through those guys you can like and that’s in like the the 10 first round

Offensive linemen you know we had the eight going before uh you know the bills at 28 and then you could add in Um Zack Frasier in there as nine Christian Haynes as 10 Tyler gon as 11 okay so let’s say those are the 11 potential first round guys or in that conversation

But then you get into Kingsley Sumaya you have Jordan Morgan you have Roger Rosen Jord Morgan who I really like as well you know talking about him yeah good call sorry yeah no you have him you have delmare glaze you have uh Cooper BB Dominic Dominic puny Cedric van pan

Granger is one who I like to I was watching um Illinois versus Kansas and watching puny kind of give it to Newton a little bit and I was like and just big body dude like long arms Big Frame okay like I like it yep yep yep no so I think

It I I really think it’s kind of like a tossup between those two and it’s more so like who’s going to be the more successful like it it’s almost like uh remember like those Survivor Series matches like where you’d have four on four all the time yes how it used to be

When we were a proper country and ex yeah I oh man dude and you remember too Survivor Series used to always be the Wednesday it was the night before Thanksgiving yeah and it was awesome yes it was the best thing because you knew you were off the next day it was a

Pay-per-view the night before the next day was Thanksgiving and you’re a lion guy yeah dud you’d watch that and you’d wake up in the morning and and smell the bird cooking then you’d watch the Lions and John Matt and Pat summer it was awesome I was just you’re going you’re

Going to bed watching wrestling waking up in the house smells like mashed potato stuffing and turkey and then yeah I’m turning on the TV and it’s Barry Sanders and Pat Summerall and John a man it was just no much better it’s phenomenal but yeah I mean so like

Between those two it it’s really kind of a tossup I would lean towards offensive line just because there’s been so many misses over the years for these day two wide receivers but that doesn’t mean that the bills will not hit on one if they took one like the two guys you

Mentioned Jaylen McMillan I Jaylen pul I think they’re very close in the grading and I could see either one being potentially the guy there at 60 for for the bills I I go back and forth all the time on which one I like more and because the one that threw it really for

Me was McMillan was the two going into this year he got banged up and that kind of helped pulk emerge a little bit yep but if you go back to the 2022 tape Jaylen McMillan is the hard two in that offense and he’s got a couple reps

Against Oregon where he’s given it to Christian Gonzalez and you and I both love Christian Gonzalez last year he was by CB1 I thought he was phenomenal great pick for New England he’s going up in High Point in the football and wrestling it away from like Christian Gonzalez and

Like so 2022 Jaylen McMillan is still in my head of what he can be 2023 he was banged up and they used him more in the slot once he came back like Y and I go back and forth of who I like more between him and pan it’s also funny that

They have the same first name but it’s spelled differently they’re different kinds of players like it’s man also that that offense like pennx Odun McMillan pulk I like Jack West over the tight end I like Dylan Johnson like you got like Troy fanu like a tackle like that

Offense was just wild Rosen Ian I forgot about Rosen good late value yeah rosengarten might be a first round pick I mean Mel Kyper in his latest mock draft had him going like 31st to San Francisco did he really yeah oh wow that’s and if he’s putting them in there

That’s he’s hearing something yeah that’s also a big thing too like just to hit it really quickly like some of these mocks come out from these people and I know like a lot of fans will be like this mock sucks like you know Timmy so

And so in the first round these guys who are connected like that these mocks aren’t necessarily like this is who we think should go this is what they’re hearing and what they’re like putting pen to paper because of the inside knowledge like that they have so if

There’s some kind of smoke like that now that might not mean that Rosen Garten goes in the first but it could be a sign that teams value him with like a round two type of grade and that means he might be gone by the time round three

Starts and so it’s a guy maybe just to perk up on your radar a little bit sorry yeah yeah and I mean he’s got a name of a Chicago Cubs pitcher so it works out perfect I mean that’s every time I’m like Rosen Garden I mean what in the

World but uh with Jaylen pulk I I want to say this like if they’re looking for a potential Gabe Davis replacement I think he might be that guy like when you look at measurables they’re very similar in a way Gabe Davis was a little bit

Heavier um PK’s a step faster I mean but but Davis ran you know uh 45440 pulk ran a 452 I thought P was going to run faster I was thinking like I wasn’t expecting good 44s but I thought was thinking like 449 448 is but

I said the same thing I think I I think on um whatever the app is you know me and my degenerate self I think they had them at like 446 I took them under and I was so disappointed course of course you bet of course you’re betting on 40s you

Like you just such I researched this for a living I have to that’s true I hate that you also like make a living with it now too it’s just like feeding it even more like of Fe yeah it’s just so wild yeah but like pul he’s you know he

Provides Prof positional versatility I think he can play inside outside I think um you know he was used in motion I thought a lot and it forced some rotations like with you know displacing linebackers and nickels and stuff like that so I think if like you’re trying to

Get Stefan digs one-on-one you can move Hulk and he’s going to catch the ball in the short areas he’s strong enough to run after the catch but he’s not fast enough to always run after the catch so you got to take the good with the bad

With him uh he got a late second for me um I I think the drops were a little bit of a concern when I watched him against Stanford I think he lacks you know explosiveness I don’t think he’s real threatening there but I like pulk I

Think he he makes sense for Buffalo I’m with Y on McMillan the way 2022 looks for him compared to 2023 I know the injury plays A Part same way I felt with like Olu fanu you watch fanu in 2022 absolute stud you watch him in 2023 he’s going through the motions he looks

Lethargic he looks I don’t know if it’s out of shape I don’t know if it’s because he was banged up the way he was in 2022 like I would I would have thought there was no way anybody was going to come close to touching him yeah

In in this year and now you’re sitting there and people are like well you know all could be number one Mims could be number two or could you know some people could make it to 20 he might make it to the Steelers man like that’s a legit

Thing I don’t think he makes it the Saints because of everything that’s going on with them in the offensive tackles yeah I just saw the stuff today with Ryan ramch like they don’t think his knee is going to be healthy for this like I love Ryan Ram he’s such a good

And it just sucks that they’ve been snake bit the last like seven eight years like Armstead got hurt a bunch before he left and then Rami now and Andress Pete was always getting banged up like they just they got screwed against the Rams in the NFC Championship

With that non interference call like I just don’t know what is going on with like the the water in New Orleans like it’s just absolutely what sorry sorry no you’re good I think there’s just a lot of bourbon or something down there that these guys are just getting banged up

It’s all the beads all the beads are getting thrown into the water and everybody’s leading everybody getting injured and the beads always makes me think of when I was in Mobile for the first time and I’m with Eric Turner and they’re like yeah there’s a Marty gr

Parade we like go and we’re like getting these beads thrown at us and I’m like I’m not lifting my shirt I don’t know what to do I’m not seeing anything like what’s going on but uh what happening that was the biggest the biggest Sur me of going down to mobile last year for

The first time was like that Marty gr started there and I was like oh like I just always Associated it with new New Orleans but also too like Mobile’s close to New Orleans it’s all in like the golf like geographically but yeah that’s like

One of the that and how good the food is like everywhere we go to is just what I was not expecting whatsoever it’s mindblowing but you know other re other receivers for round two and I don’t have a second round grade on him I have a

Third round grade but he is one of my favorite day two players players that’s Jamari thrash out of Louisville you guys know I’m going to talk about him he’s exper I mean like we talk about Savvy route Runners right like lad makoni or was it makoni or peol you labeled as a

Professional route Runner makoni but you honestly you could apply that to Ricky piol too like they’re both just so good they’re they they run them they run their routes differently but they’re just yeah man L lad runs his routes like he’s been in the NFL for like nine years

He just looks like that type of dude he looks like the dude that is up for 14 hours watching release packages and finding ways to beat the opponent and I wouldn’t be surprised if Jamari thrash kind of did that too I I wouldn’t say he’s professional route Runner but I

Would say he’s an experienced route Runner and I think he can run the entire route tree he’s got great burst and pacing within his routes um he makes some really good adjustments on some back shoulder throws he did that at the Senior Bowl and when you’re looking at

You know a receiver that is 5 foot1 188 Pounds he runs you know a sub four5 at 446 I think you can work with that you’re looking for like a number three a number two number three maybe a number four receiver which is what it sounds

Like the bills are doing I think thrash makes a lot of sense now the drops are concerning he’s had 17 of them in his career um so that’s obviously a concern I think he struggles with more physicality at the line of scrimmage but I mean what receiver doesn’t let’s be

Honest like a lot of guys do so I think if they feel like thrash makes sense I I think pulk thrash McMillan any of those guys at 60 would be great to just slide into into this offense and really the production and and the expectation would

Be I think a lot more realistic than when you took that receiver in the first round I like thrash especially with what he can do in the underneath in the intermediate and he this is gonna sound like such a stupid thing to praise someone for but he’s probably like the best hitch or

Like sit route runner in the entire class he just has this ability to sell vertical and then he sinks his hips and it gets it’s one two two steps and he opens up and the corner is running past the marker and he just created like five

Six yards of Separation he did it I watched him do it against Notre Dame I watched him do it in the rain against pit I watched him do it against Indiana like it is just it doesn’t matter who’s covering him like he takes off and his eyes and body language are making you

Think uh oh this dude’s going up the sideline and as soon as those Corners turn and open up those hips he’s putting he’s taking that large that large step and sinking his hips and he’s popping it out like I just like what he does I like

Him in Mobile too you and I were talking about him on I think day one or day at the end of the afternoon in day one or day two just sitting there and yeah like I like his tape and it’s funny too like there’s just man there’s just so many

Receivers that keep coming through and obviously like they’re not all going to be hits like it’s impossible for like all these receivers in this super deep class but the odds of them hitting are I think higher than most years and it’s just wild like what you could

Potentially get in this in this group and let’s let’s stick with that conversation um taking what go ahead I was going to just add I I haven’t brought up one player but I to just kind of put the nail in the coffin on Jamari thrash seeing him in Buffalo running

Hitch seam concepts with Stefan Diggs would be phenomenal I think it would be it would be awesome him running the hitch on the outside digs up the seam Chef kiss and then uh the other player in the second round I haven’t talked about maybe you’re about to bring him up but Roman

Wilson would love would love to see him I just don’t think he’s going to be there I just I think he’s going to go a lot sooner than people think um there’s so much to like about him he’s a guy that you hear checks a lot of boxes his

Work ethic is outstanding uh and you think of like teams looking for maybe like that next amanra St Brown I’m not saying he’s amanra St Brown that type of player but the work ethic like what he had to do to get to school in Hawaii the dude was getting up at 3:00 morning

Getting on an airplane and flying across the island to go to school like that’s some dedication to your craft and he goes to Michigan and has all this success he has a huge year this year so I think when you look at Senior Bowl was phenomenal at the Senior Bowl yeah I

Mean like lad makoni gets a lot of Praise Ricky peaw gets a lot of praise for his release package and Route running and and the lateral movement skills that those guys have but Roman Wilson is up there too so I think that there’s a really nice blend of round two

Guys and and I just had to throw some shout out to to Roman Wilson even though he’s a Michigan guy but I think there’s a lot to love with his run after the catch ability and just the fluid route running ability that he I hate Roman Wilson not because of Roman Wilson but

Because to watch like to get a good sample size of Roman Wilson you have to watch like seven games because they run the ball so much at Michigan like his his targets right I’m gonna give you every single game in his targets from the first game to the last eight five

Three five four four four four 11 uh zero against Penn State where he got banged up uh Maryland one they ran second oh that’s right yeah uh Maryland one Ohio State six Iowa three Bama four Washington four he had 67 Targets on the year so like just to get a good sample

Size like you start with that Purdue game because you’re like okay like dude out here you got like 11 targets nine catches cool that’s his most targeted game and then everything else you’re trying to like scrap together reps same thing for like um who I really like I like Marshon Lloyd

From USC but he was banged up and then he’s in a rotation so I’ve had to watch like so many USC games to get the tape from Lloyd like I can’t just get like four games where there’s this heavy workload I’m out there watching like seven and eight because the reps are so

Minimal that’s like the Louisville guy not jaar Jordan but the other guy gendo yeah dude I put on one of his games he was in the back field like 10 times didn’t touch the ball one time dude he the first game I I was watching thrash against Notre Dame because Jordan does

Really well in that game against Notre Dame and I the whole time I kept being like and I wasn’t watching for the running backs but I was like where’s gendo like where is he and then he’d like go in for a snap and then be out

For like 50 snaps in a row yeah it’s just so tough to try that guys’s not getting like the Reps and me having to grab multiple games drives me nuts in the same way that teams that have bad angles for their all 22 like Washington is a great example Washington’s camera

Is like on a freaking satellite on the moon it is so zoomed out it pisses me off it’s so hard to spot those receivers sometimes it drives me ins and that’s the other option too that I hate players I wonder why their offensive coordinator left that’s right horrible angles guys not differentiating

Themselves and that’s also too like watching on tape do something different wear a different color arm sleeve wear different color cleat I hate guys that are like look the same like yeah they all they all have single digit numbers so the camera’s far away and I’m like I

Don’t know who number one is versus number four because the Fawn is a certain way none of them are wearing an arm sleeve they’re all wearing black gloves and black cleats I don’t know who is who like it’s oh it’s just like that’s why I appreciated thrash thrash

For most games is wearing the arm sleeve on his left elbow and no one else is doing it and it’s a white arm sleeve I’m like okay I recognize you’re like certain like Javon Baker always has the T-shirt hanging out a little bit and the

Towel and the arms I’m like okay I can put it all together I hate where I have to yes I need the aesthetic like one you look good you play good but two it’s really a pain in the ass to watch the tape when I don’t know who is who and I

Have to wait until I get the end zone angle and see the number and then I gotta go back to the sideline angle bro it’s just first world problems it’s just really it’s just really really really tough um let’s continue some of the conversation we start to uh hit our last

Segment here so round one and round two Domino is how I phrase this so let’s play We we’ll go two options you talked about one a little bit but let’s say the bills go receiver in round one what are you looking at them to address in round

Two again based on the team but also based on what we think the board is going to look like at 60 um how things are going through I I think like as much as I would like to see them go get that pass rusher I mean I I think you have to

Go find the interior offensive line you you you have to get somebody I know it’s a a good interior offensive line class and I know it’s a good offensive tackle class but like if Cedric van pran is your guy who reminds me a little bit of Lloyd cushenberry like in a light way

He’s kind of maxed out at 298 pounds but at the same time like you bring him in you might be able to Plug and Play him a little bit maybe he sits for a little while whatever I think you can go that route is Cooper BBE there if he is I

Mean he’s got really short arms that’s a bit of a concern uh but I think he’s probably going to be gone but if he’s there I watched him giving giving the business to Byron Murphy they had a good battle Kansas state versus Texas and I actually think BB won that battle more

Often I thought he was gonna come out last year you and I were both bummed when he didn’t come out last year um yeah I like Cooper BB a lot sorry continue no I’m with you I’m bummed that he didn’t come out either because I could have had him on the the show

Interviewed him the whole thing it would have been great and then he unfollowed me but whatever it is what it is uh not bitter about it whatever I’m not salty about it but yeah so I I just think getting offensive line help is important and it’s something that they need to do

I just I think it’s in need that’s why I talked about it so much in the first round I I don’t think Zack Frasier is GNA be there so that’s why I kind of push for him in the first round but if they went that wide receiver route you

Have to kind of pivot and in the second round and prepare for the next wave of offensive linemen because you know there is that drop off from 60 all the way down to the next pick so 128 you might not find a starting that low in the

Draft like you just might not so I I think that’s important and if you can get that depth now cool you can get pass rushers you can get guys to get in there situationally you can get interior defensive line help to bring in situational guys if you feel confident

That Jones can be you know first and second down and obviously you have that Oliver and and you can kind of get that blend and then again the situational pass rushers that you can bring in so I think that they can do a little bit more

With the defensive line and even in the secondary where I I think at you know wide receiver interior offensive line just doing this conversation that’s the domino effect that I would have if I’m the bills and that would be what I’m hoping for kind of falls into my lap

That you can go and get receiver offensive line and then so let’s flip it on its head which we talked about a little bit so we don’t have to elaborate too much if the bills don’t go wide receiver in round one does that mean that they should and or will go receiver

In round two like do you think cuz again so talking to that point after pick 60 your next pick is pick 128 and then again it comes in bunches you’ve got 128 you’ve got 133 so on and so forth but that’s a huge that’s 68 players between

60 and 128 and that’s a bunch of receivers that are going byby I mean looking at the way that they’ve structured this roster I would I wouldn’t be surprised if they passed on it I’ll be honest I mean like you you signed Curtis Samuel to a pretty decent Siz deal you saw the

Emergence of Shakir you have digs we talked about his contract the only way you’re getting rid of him is it’s toxic you brought in a veteran like mat Hollins like to me that’s them showing the cards and saying hey the wide receivers are going to go

Early we know we’re not going to get one at 28 unless we trade up and get one we feel confident enough in this room to where okay if we have to take one at 60 cool but more than likely we’re probably going to take him in that 120 range or

Package something and move up into like let’s say 95 or whatever getting that top 100 where they should have had their comp pick sorry continue no no I agree I agree with you but I I think that’s more realistic and I I think at that point if

They let’s say did offensive line in the first round I think then they would look at secondary or defensive line in round two and that that’s how I would picture it and it might be you know you starting the trenches they might have to hit the

Reset it I mean a few years ago it sounded it looked like they were trying to do that you know when they took Russo and then they they took Carlos Basham and doing that show live together as and like they were trying to build in the trenches for now and it didn’t

Necessarily work out completely you found some you didn’t find others now they kind of got to get back into doing that and find those guys and hopefully they can do it in this draft because it’s just the way it works I mean again I I don’t know it it might not work it

It it might be receiver I just the way this roster is structured and I and I look at every every single team religiously every single day and when I look at the bills I see just the holes that interior offensive line corner interior defensive line and you throw in

A pass rusher and a receiver I mean that’s how I would label it so do they s do you think they surprise anybody by like going and just getting a a running back like that’s not in the cards right like that’s not a I think on day three

If they keep all these picks you’re 100% going to see a running back because they’ve got you’ve got Tai joh Johnson you’ve got cook I mean they have a propensity for I mean what Zack Moss was a three dein single ter was a three James Cook was a two they love their day

Two running backs I just think they can afford that’s why I brought that up I no 100% like I I’m in lock step with you I just really think this year they can’t afford it I think you’ll see one though on day three just given cost control

Term all that aspect like you sit in a guy and you take him in round four or round five and that means you get him for four years paring him with these next two years of James Cook and maybe he takes over for a cook after if you

Don’t give him a second contract like I think they will take a running back again especially I think the sweet spot for running backs this year is like rounds three through five like based on who’s there there’s not too many like oh this guy’s a top 50 lock or this guy’s a

Top 100 lock um like there’s so many like random skill set dudes like I like Dylan lby like I like rashen Ali like so many guys who I just think are so cool but I think they’ll get one just on day three man they would piss everyone off

So much if they went like Zack Frasier in like round one and then like Marshon Lloyd at 60 like oh my God everybody so it would make I mean dude it would make sense dude I sorry I I know that would piss people off but it would make sense

Like now if they forced their hand and took like danan Edwards who I think is a I I think he’s a pretty damn good running back personally I think there’s some limitations with his game but take I love Marshon Lloyd and I even like Edwards 2 to a degree they cannot

Take they could not take a running back at 60 like and I’m Pro running back and I’m Pro Lloyd but what if that run of receivers happen and they’re like all right is probably a good offensive line I mean okay so then they took Frasier in the first round okay that’s fine like

What does Edge look like what does safety look like what does Corner look it all depends but because if that run at receiver happen then I have a feeling is is Kad there at 60 like then I feel like one of these Corners fell and I’m sitting there 60 correct like somebody

From that someone from a more premium position has fallen and then I’m sitting there going okay like there there’s no way the best player available mixed with the need and value is a running back at 60 as much as I love Marshon Lloyd but again I’m and I’m also this a

Conversation from another time as well like I’m also a big proponent of like I just I want the bills to run the ball and throw and do downfield play action shots with Josh Allen who has a cannon and then you when you want to spread everybody out and just put him in hell

And put him in a blender but with this offensive line and with Allen as the quarterback power Run game and bootlegs and shots off of it like where Allen is just you know you move you adjust the line and you move the pocket and Allen

Can send Moon shots and if not he’s got space to run or he’s just trying to shake a Lineback or a defensive end out exactly like just I want that especially with how many issues they’ve had with generating explosives out of their regular dropback game right let’s just

Do it the old school way and just make everybody suck up to play The Run and now we’re taking Moon shots down the field but man I would just from watching everybody watching the world burned if they went running back at 60 oh my God I cannot imagine if they take a running

Back at 60 whatever stream is happening on cover one I’m getting on right then and there bro I’m not I’m battening down the hatches I’m putting like I’m treating everything like this The Walking Dead I’m putting up 2x4s on the Windows like nah I’m turning all the

Lights off like I don’t want to be I’m getting a one Pie Pizza I’m getting the hell out of here I’ll already have a one Pie pizza but I’m hunkering down and you’re not going to hear or see from me for a long time because I do not want to

Be caught in the crossfire for those people um couple last pieces before we head out here deepest position in this class and shallowest position or positions in this class you get a multiple for the deepest multiple for shallowest what do you got we’ll start with the deepest is there one that’s

Head and Shoulders above the other is there two or three what do you got for the deepest position or positions in this class yeah I mean deepest is is offensive line I’ve I’ve reiterated it I mean that’s just especially when you put the whole piece together like tackle and interior pieces Center included

Obviously like there’re so much quality at the offensive line spot this year in this draft yeah no 100% I mean you’re going to probably see between those two right there we’re probably going to see close to 25 maybe 30 go I mean let let’s be honest like there’s a lot there

There’s probably even more it’s probably more than that it’s probably like 45 I mean it’s up there it’s a number it’s going to be a lot yeah it’s going to be a lot uh next would be then wide receiver I would just say from Deep just from watching the tape I don’t know

Who’s all going to transition to successful players at the next level but we’ll we’ll leave that conversation for another day shallowest by far tight end tight end is good call I I’ve said linebacker the more I watch like you know real quick who’s your who’s your tight end two Sanders s

Yeah Theo Johnson oh okay from Penn State okay fair and then that that there’s just a drop off I mean and then I just don’t care anymore yeah I I’ve never I like Ben sonat from Kansas State a lot I really do but obviously I’m like

I’m not sitting there being like Oh man first round guy but like I wouldn’t be mad if my team took sonat on day two I like Kate Stover I mean like he’s okay like he’s kind of forgotten about but absolutely it’s just one of those things

It’s like I I love watching tight ends I I love being able to watch guys that can go out catch football block like you get the best of both worlds when you watch tight ends and I always enjoy breaking them down and like going through summer

Study and fall and all that like there just wasn’t much there and then like I earlier and I might have said it on this show like I I brought up linebackers but like the more I I dive into them I think you can find some feasible ones pton

Wilson Edan Cooper who I love uh Jeremiah Junior’s okay uh ban boy from the Senior Bowl who you interviewed like I I think he’s going to be a day three dude like I like what he offers he’s he’s calling that ND defense he’s adjusting everybody he’s penetrating

He’s smart like he had a go back like 2020 2021 when he was with there with Kyle Hamilton dude he was playing it like this oh that’s right he played like this shell role it’s the weirdest you have to go see it it’s the weirdest thing I remember watching it on

Broadcast I wasn’t watching the tape at the time but I forgot that and then he again this is also kind of The Insider piece as well like I remember you showing us um what you speaking with him like after practice that Wednesday when we were at the seafood spot um it just

His answer to you was so great and so smart and so in detail and in depth and and it wasn’t like he struggled to give that answer it was just esort L yep exactly like he he impress I liked him at the Senior Bowl I liked him even more

When you like interviewed him and then just yeah he just flashes on the tape like when I’m I’m I’m usually not watching for Notre Dame’s defense I’m watching for whoever they’re playing offense against but he I just keep seeing 27 making plays like left and right and he’s just so smart but yeah

There is some value at linebacker too that’s fair yeah and then and then um you know another one is a UCLA kid Darius masasu I think I’m saying that correctly 53 yes he’s all over the fraking place just popping dude sideline to sideline penetrating and I noticed

Him yesterday when I was watching lau and Murphy like and I I’m mad at myself CU I told myself to look I was like look up 53 and I completely forgot until right now yeah he’s just popping D his left and right dude yep he like a little

Bit under size he’s like 511 225 he didn’t run fast like he ran like a 47 475 somewhere in that range fast on tape he’s going sideline to sideline against like bubble screens like dudes are catching it behind the line and before they get five yards down field he’s

Meeting him in beine and burying them yep and I think with this new kickoff Rule and stuff like that and the Special Teams value that we’re looking for in the NFL now that’s now coming back uh as everything comes full circle back to the NFL special teams actually matters uh

Time is a flat circle yeah it you know but he he would be a guy that like I could see the bills taking some interest in just simply because of kind of the athletic profile but at the same time the Special Teams value I I think bringing in another linebacker doesn’t

Hurt this team by any means uh just because of Milano just being banged up from time to time and those types of things so I don’t know I think uh yeah the shallowest position is tight end and we got on the linebacker thing just because I said I think on this show that

Linebacker was the more shallow position originally yes but now that I’m I’m through a lot of the final evaluations tight end is by far that’s fair I’m gonna SAR boat as well all right Russ last question what I think I phrase it to you what three things do the Bills need to

Come away with from this draft but it could be a big one now it could be two it could be three it could be multiple we’ve talked about a bunch here what do the Bills need to come away with from this draft is it a player type is it

These specific positions and addressing certain things we’ve hit so much but if you had to rank like this one thing or these top two or these top three for you that Outsider analysis perspective what do the Buffalo Bills need to come away with from this 2024 draft

Interior offensive line is number one by far I I think I always take the scenic route with my answers I can’t just give you three posess three positions and move on with I like it I like it I like the context I like the detail I need the

Detail uh interior offensive line I think it’s important to get a young piece in the middle of the offensive line especially just throwing Center out there if you can find an upgrade there do it it’s worth the first round pick you get the fifth year option potentially pairing that with Jo like

You just look at the success of a lot of quarterbacks and I might there might even be a piece that I wrote uh oncover one years ago talking about this the importance of the center position and looking at some of the teams and this was back in like 2019 so like you saw

Ryan Kelly go early he was there to be paired with Andrew luck obviously luck retired you see it with Frank ragn now he was brought in for Matthew Stafford obviously Jared gof has him but when ragna’s not in we saw it earlier this year that offense struggled in Detroit I

Think the thing is Mitch Morris Mitch Morris for Patrick Mahomes early on like you pair those those young centers where those a stablished centers either in like high priority pick or a veteran guy to boost with those QBs and you lost him now and like even when he if he didn’t

Play at certain times for the bills last year or years prior I you the impact is felt it is felt like I don’t care what you watch on film and how you want to tell you like oh it’s okay the backup his film his film is real no he’s

Awesome it just a decent a decent enough cap number some concussion stuff um I think maybe they moved him more because they’re trying to move to a different type of interior like they want more like depth of the pocket security and more anchoring which is a strength of

McGovern and moving towards Center but honestly like if you take Frasier as a good anchor and there really isn’t anything that jpj can’t do so like it’s an upgrade like either way yeah so I I think that’s just I think that’s when you make a a move like that and you move

On from a guy like that I to me that’s just I don’t want to say it’s a red flag but it’s like hey that’s a light shining in my eye I’m going to pay attention to that one so that’s why I put Frasier in interior offensive line up there uh next

For me would be defensive back I I just look at this team and if you can find somebody that can help make a difference and not just put it all on you know the the trade for Douglas or the signing of Edwards like you’re putting a lot of

Pressure on guys that don’t have anything beyond this year sure you could bring them back but we don’t know what the plan is and we don’t know what’s going to be offered and those guys might bet on themselves and say Hey I want a bigger deal I you know especially

Edwards hey I took the one-year deal already I’m not taking another one-year deal I’m gonna go get three years for 15 million from the Chargers or whatever so I think defensive back makes a lot of sense you know whether it’s safety or Corner um and then the last one I’m

Going to go with interior defensive line I I I think you have kind of a wellestablished interior defensive line but you can make it better and if you can again if I would almost interchange them in interior offensive line at times like if you can go get Johnny Newton

Cool if you can go get Zack Frasier cool but those are the two guys on the wish list for me on the bills and if you can go get that guy great if you don’t get Newton because he’s gone or you like Frasier Moore and you feel like okay at

Pick 120 I’m Gonna Get You know an interior defensive lineman is that Michael Hall is that you know is that the the root kid out of uh Clemson is there somebody else that you can get in that position cool I think though you have to add those three spots uh to to

Really help your team I know the sexy pick is receiver but I just the way that roster is shaped I don’t see it I just don’t see it and I think that’s fair and I appreciate the way you see things and I appreciate you riding with me man I

Didn’t I really thought I was like we’ll probably come in in like an hour and a half here here we are not me dude we’re always two hours how I should I should have known we’ll throw up the banner that says toodles folks because we are

Going to start to wind down here Russ before I do my you know closing thoughts and if before if anyone has you know obviously still in here for the live viewers if you have not already please please please and thank you drop a like on this video it goes a sincerely long

Way towards help myself and the entire team to track and Trend in front of more eyes and ears here on YouTube so if you have not already please drop a like on this video or if you’re watching Post Live later as well please drop a like on

This video but Russ you were tremendous as always before I uh kind of Do The Parting words for everyone floor is yours tell them who you are what you do where they can find you anything and everything uh the floor is yours to you know spread your

Work yeah no well first and foremost always appreciate it always love coming on uh it’s like when you send the text I’m like I don’t even know why you ask just say hey Tuesday you’re coming on like it’s an automatic yes um no so it’s always great being able to do this

Always love you know getting back here with cover one and having some fun talking ball um we’ll do it anytime any place uh but yeah coming up fantasy pros I got a mock draft 3.0 that should drop within the next couple of days by the weekend for sure it’ll be on Twitter at

Russ nfldraft uh my Prospect rankings for quarterback running back and receiver is in the works um my big board should be you know finalized as far as top 100 and one players my draft guide and all that as well that will all be released together it should be done by next it’s

Essentially done but all the editing and the finishing touches and all that it’ll be out within the next week maybe two uh just simply because of Any graphic delays or anything like that but uh to see it all you go to you can also go to Lions if you

Want to learn about the Lions and see some of the stuff I’m writing about over there or just follow along at Russ NFL draft on X so I appreciate it as always my man yeah you were phenomenal um I mean it’s also nice that we’re boys at

This point um so I appreciate you as a person but your work I mean that’s really where it all started like your knowledge of the X’s and O’s and just being able to talk ball with you and bring you on especially when it comes to the draft pieces like your prospect

Evaluation and Analysis is always top tier and you I forget I I always tell myself that you’re to like remember it too like you’ve been one of the most like accurate mock drafters like the past several years like uh you just you keep grinding it out like you knock that

Stuff out of the park so it’s always a joy um when I can find the time to get you on and when you can find the time to join me but apparently it’s automatic you know I just say the word and you’re there and that’s usually how it works

Out so I appreciate the hell out of you everybody give Russ a follow again on Twitter at Russ NFL draft he is 1,00% worth the follow get yourself some one Pie Pizza like I mentioned in the beginning the show of course sponsored by the best pizza in Buffalo New York

Delicious sweet sauce pie cup and CH pepperoni homemade blue cheese um they have a ton of drives and initiatives and pieces they do in the City of Buffalo so they’re good for the community as well partnering with Roswell to try and knock out cancer partnering with the SPCA the

Alzheimer’s Foundation Toys for Tots come holiday season they’re good people making great food um so treat yourself to some one Pie Pizza piz and do some good for the community while you are at it tell them cover one in Disguise cover sent you they also have a pizza that

They named after the brand it’s the cover one Allen goat it’s I can’t even describe the ingred it’s it’s goat cheese and I don’t even don’t want to spoil it it’s it’s phenomenal it’s absolutely tremendous so go get yourself some one Pie Pizza as soon as possible

If you have not already please please please and thank you drop a like on this video here on YouTube if you’re listening on one of the podcasting apps or platforms that’s cool too please rate and review And subscribe to disguise coverage on those platform forms turn on notifications for disguise coverage here

On YouTube tell your family and friends and loved ones about how awesome this show is if you liked this show word of mouth is tremendous if you hated this show tell your enemies about it and try and ruin their day by making them watch it appreciate you folks tremendously

Especially for all those who wrote us live here on this episode we had a ton of Engagement back and forth with each other back and forth with myself and Russ thank you folks very much for joining in and tuning in live if you didn’t watch live that’s cool too thank

You for your post live view or your listen download on the audio platforms any and every ounce of support is tremendously appreciated by myself and the entire team here at cover one thank you very much for tuning into this episode I will see you tomorrow night for another episode of the cover one

Film room Wednesday March 27th 7 PM Eastern and then another episode of Disguise coverage next Tuesday 900m Eastern as always until then they don’t do it for me here on this show and for Russ as well major thank you to Russ for crushing it again thank you to all you

People and all the kindness and thoughts and words and clicks and all that kind of stuff thank you very much I hope you and your family and friends and loved ones are all doing well and staying safe be kind to one another take care of one

Another I will see you tomorrow for the film room or next Tuesday 900 p.m Eastern for another episode of Disguise coverage until then as always God


  1. How does the Buffalo Bills draft board look for you? Who and/or what are your looking for? Let us know in the comments

  2. Jackson Powers Johnson. He'll be in range where Beane can trade up a little and re-fortifies the middle of our line, giving us 3 anchors who don't get pushed back. I loved Mitch to pieces, but he wasn't an answer for the depth of pocket issues Beane began to address last year.

  3. I would draft Graham Barton at 28, if he is there, and the WRs are a bit picked over. Graham can play OC, OG, and OT. He is a super clean prospect, and really smart. Protect the QB !

  4. Jermaine Burton's "character questions" clouds his fit for the Bills, but IMO he would be a great value at pick 60. He had ZERO drops in 2024. 6' 196lbs. "Burton's got wheels. He can gobble up turf with his long strides, often blowing past DBs without breaking a sweat.

    Elite at hauling in the deep ball. This guy can adjust on the fly to snag those off-target heaves with ease."

  5. Ja’lynn Polk vs Legette at 60 if they’re both there? Assuming no WR in round 1, that’s what I’m torn on

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