Golf Players

Duck Insider 3-29-24

Breaking down last night’s action on the diamond and previewing a full weekend for the Ducks!

Duck Insider presented by OnPoint Community Credit Union is live from the Country Financial Studio every weekday from 1-2pm. #GoDucks

The official YouTube channel of the University of Oregon Ducks.

15 seconds until Air Time Mark 15 seconds until Air Time Oregon is going to the final four the following is a learfield presentation of the Oregon Sports Network or he going to play in the national championship game this is duck Insider we need to get community we need

This thing to be bigger than just our little circle of players and coaches are you kidding me touchdown Oregon with two seconds on the clock he hits it that’s the bigger picture in this thing allowing the community to celebrate the hard work BL call mentality this group

Brings each together and the ducks have won it the ducks have won we get to struggle together and we get to have joy together Dante will dribble it out the Ducker Pack 12 Tournament champion I am so proud right now to be the head coach at Oregon Oregon atest champion in a 12

Win season this is duck Insider on the Oregon Sports network from learfield presented by onpo Community Credit Union people are the point now let’s go live to the Country Financial Studio to talk Oregon Duck Athletics it’s Friday of spring break we’ve got a lot to cover on

The diamond some golf in action lacrosse coming up tomorrow a lot to cover and welcome in inside the Country Financial Studio Joey Mack here with you today we’ve got baseball at home PK Park hosting game three between Seattle and Oregon tonight by the way kids get in free tonight five o’clock start perfect

Timing for maybe maybe Mom and Dad happy hour at the Ballpark that’s cool and then you know kids get in free it’s cars day we’re going to have a debate tonight on the broadcast because apparently I’ve been told by by Brooke Robinson who’s our new lead for the Oregon marketing

Team I’ve been told that I have a a take I said that all three cars movies in the trilogy were good people disagreed with me I I thought they were they were fine they were good I you know the first cars is great the third cars is great I would

Say the second cars is good but good Trilogy so anyway it’s cars night at PK Park tonight uh tomorrow by the way for that noon start Oregon and Seattle the Ducks are going to host an Easter egg hunt and I still hope that we find a way to have some

Speckled eggs duck style I also brought that up in the Press Box and got massively shot down like you want people to paint the isn’t that what you do Kelly what what is going on in here live on the air Kelly Graves is here folks are you coming on look at this look

Softball coming up uh the golf teams are in action and Coach it’s it’s recruiting season it sounds like for you you know hey welcome to the days of the portal it’s always recruiting season how about that yeah yeah 365 days a year it’s changed a lot hasn’t it yeah it has you

Know there used to be a nice Rhythm to the season after the season was over you had a chance to relax a little bit before you started working out with your own players and and getting them better in the offseason not anymore yeah you’re on that horn or on that portal every day

Looking who who’s in yeah have you seen the Cars movies this is an important question like the the cars uh the Disney Pixar movies with lightning uh yeah what are we going for here so the answer is no the answer is no all right I think I

Saw one of them I can’t get a def answer so I it’s cars day at PK Park kids get in for free you know so that’s fun if you want to come over to the ballpark tonight enjoy some weather good weather well I’m more into the baseball than the

Actual promotion but that’s great yeah that’s great uh good baseball team 17- seven so far for Coach Wazowski hoping for more wins we all figured that I mean he does such a great job man alive yeah that’s a great sport I you know the one I’ve really appreciated is is softball

Since I got here that is so much fun to watch baseball I’ve been a lifelong fan you guys know it’s probably my favorite sport after uh basketball but softball I just it moves so fast yeah and and you can’t make a mistake yeah because those

Bases so close hey do have you as a baseball consumer yeah have has your uh viewing and enjoyment of the sport at all changed with the pitch clock like if you has it changed you no because you know me I like to talk so isn’t that why

We go to the game have a good time chat Converse uh young kids now don’t know what that means actually uh but I I enjoy it I think they did the right thing yeah yeah I I like the rule changes so a couple things this year so

In collegiate baseball now you can have a pitch comom right so they can literally hear you know fastball whatever you want them to throw okay and that’s also picked up the pace I I’m into it oh so no signals anymore don’t have to no okay okay yeah that means

You’re not picking signs and having an Astros conundrum and you know but I think that’s okay I I like all that that’s gamesmanship I think that’s the great thing about baseball there’s a lot more gamesmanship in that sport than a lot of the others in basketball though

Like if they know your play calls right like I guess that’s Scouting Report yeah they all do anyway right yeah I mean in in today’s day where everyone has has Synergy and video and everything else like right like everyone knows what you’re going to do for the most part

Right yeah yeah oh yeah no no question it that’s the biggest change I think we’ve seen really uh yeah just your ability to Scout and know sometimes we you know I I’ve got players and I’ve had players even when we were a little bit better that you know we they didn’t even

Know what we were running right or they would forget so it’s hard in two days to teach him what you know Stanford’s going to run you know talk about all that triangle stuff but you know what the play call is and you can shout out hey this is what’s coming right exactly

Exactly or after timeouts that’s a big one like I’ll look to whatever coach has that Scout and say okay what are they going to run because on Synergy there are Tendencies so guess what 75% of the time after they call a timeout they’re going to run some kind of a middle ball

Screen and so we can kind of set our players up for it and have them be expecting it video has changed coaching right I mean just so significantly uh it has yeah yeah definitely was and I talked about this once that like collegiate baseball 10 years ago you

Were happy if there was a live stream now like everything is on a live stream and so you just see the Tendencies I I’m fascinated by this stuff coach like the way that you all’s industry has changed I think it’s remarkable uh yeah in fact one of my assistant coaches Lisa Oma is

Really into analytics and she has broken down when we had recruits come in she analyzes where they’re at and then how moving here can affect them so like like today just things like when she comes you know a player comes off a ball screen let’s say to her left she’s

Making 29% of her threes to her right she’s making 38 uh this side of the floor this is her efficiency that side of the floor this is her efficiency what’s her free throw rate all these things these nuances that are different than even 10 years ago go that’s wild

And some coaches coach by it yeah you know and I I think there’s a little disconnect there there’s I think certainly like uh it’s a balance right there’s a balance yeah if you only live by the analytics yeah okay yeah for sure so what so like what’s up I mean I

Haven’t even asked you about you know what’s going on with with with yeah this used to H by the way this used to happen when we first built the studio in gosh five six years ago now kg used to just walk by all the time and be like you

Guys want me to come on yeah always this is why I like having the studio in this building and I I I I do miss you all over at Matthew yeah I do too you know I I mention that every time I come over here this is where we come over to take

Recruiting pictures and things like that but uh yeah you know I I always thought that was one of the great things about Oregon when I first got here you had a chance to go down to W’s office and just sit down or Casey Martin who uh you know

Is a great sports fan not just golf fan he he follows duck Sports um and just sit and just chat you know I I learn a lot from other coaches you know we all go through the same thing we had a tough year and uh it’s nice to be able to go

Down to another coach who’s maybe kind of experienced the same thing like how did you handle it what did you tell your players and so you can learn a lot just by uh you know being around other coaches I’ve always felt like good coaches well maybe good Professionals in

General are lifelong Learners you know like there’s always something else you can learn oh my goodness no doubt yeah no doubt I uh when I hate sitting in a hotel room that’s one of my least favorite things in life Terry used to tell me that all the time by the way

He’s like coach Graves cannot sit in a hotel room it’s like you know as you get my age I’m 61 and I’m not saying I’m old by any stretch but to think okay I’m spending the latter part of my life sitting in a hotel room either watching

Film or watching TV and so when I do go on the road to recruit I will almost always call one of the local universities or colleges or something and say hey do you mind if I just sit in on a practice so I have sat in on you know hundreds of practices of

Other colleges and I watch and I take notes and I get some good stuff good drills good sets good out of- bounds play whatever and so yeah I think it’s important to be a lifelong learner and coaches like broadcast I always say that broadcasters especially young in their

Careers we steal stuff from everyone else we’re hearing you know and then it becomes kind of our own style I feel like coaching’s probably similar to that you know what that’s it everything I run I’ve stolen at some point but no okay but every coach can say the same thing

But then what happens is you okay you you steal it I like this but then you tweak it a little bit right given the talent that you have and then you tweak it again with other talent and then pretty soon it’s your own stuff and people are stealing from us back when we

Were running a lot of ball screens with Sabrina and that crew you know I had every WNBA coach at some point call me and say Hey how do you guys do this and this and this you know and I said well you know we’ve stolen this from the

Turkish men’s league there you go you know I I love watching European men’s basketball it’s fantastic and you get some of the best sets I think they’re a little ahead of the NBA even and the NBA steals a lot of what they do uh and uh

Anyway that’s kind of how it how it goes who who do you steal from who’s your announcers oh gosh I mean growing up I stole a lot from John Miller okay love him really love the way that that John Miller just like flowed in baseball um I

Actually think it’s a travesty that Mike too does not call NBA Radio on basketball for basketball anymore I loved Mike too calling radio basketball and obviously Jerry Terry stole a lot from those guys we’ve been blessed to have some really good ones right here

You know when I I grew up in Salt Lake uh when I was in college my my family lived in Salt Lake City and I went to University of New Mexico in Albuquerque and I remember when I would drive home and that was a significant Drive I would

Listen to uh Vince Skully because Albuquerque was the triaa minor league team for the Dodgers so they did all the Dodgers games and I don’t know how many times you know Vince Scully helped me get through that long drive just listening to him and such a great

Storyteller you know he he was fantastic I I’ve it’s funny we were actually just talking about this in the studio today like as long as cars are a thing the audio medium is not going anywhere for exactly what you’re describing right like I think about that a lot that

Sometimes on a long drive I got to be like I got to get people through with the game you know well now I listen to Joey Mack when I drive to Portland and I and I’m watching or listening to Ducks baseball but actually I I’m going to

Tell you this I think radio is the best way to follow baseball I yeah I I agree I think it’s better than TV yeah there’s I mean so it’s it’s the oldest sport on the radio um it’s the original like broadcasters sport uh there’s some Nostalgia to it for sure well that’s the

Sport itself yeah that’s what makes it great the history is more important in baseball than any other sport that’s why I am a traditionalist i you are we in a break now you actually went to a break no no no no we’re this is we’re rolling

Uh a traditionalist so I still like home run RBI batting average and that’s gone away all these analytical other stuff I don’t understand it as much right and I it doesn’t mean as much to me do you say RBI or RB well I used to say RB uhuh but

That makes sense now you say RBI because it’s proper grammar or rsbi R that’s what it should be rsbi but forci it should be yeah ribbies you know ribes was cool went with that for a while but that’s you know I was a baseball card collector right like every kid was and

Uh you know that’s had batting average home run RBI yeah and then it had you know bases on balls and that kind of stuff but basic stuff yeah the basics not the well look War you got to get the basics right before you can can have the

Advanced stuff right get 101 down then you can take 2011 amen there you go well coach this is great to see you actually I should I mean fans are going to be upset we’re 15 minutes in and I haven’t even asked you so what’s going on with

The team it is recruiting season as you said just where you at how are things going yeah well we haven’t really seen the team much since we since we got done playing because we went right into dead week and then finals week and you can’t do anything during those two weeks with

Your team and then last week was spring break or this week is spring break so they’re all starting to roll back in and uh you know I’m anticipating we might have some changes on the on the roster as you know everybody always seems to do and uh but we’ve already got a

Commitment and this Alisa Mia signed and she’s a good player the same person in Germany that told me about satu when she was young really also swears by this player said Kelly she is really good four and a half steals a game is a lot and and she just kind of well-rounded

Average 6.8 rebounds and over five assists and just plays the right way and and played for a friend of mine Jim Jaber at Sienna and Jim said Kelly this kid can play she’s going to really help and so you get those kind of recommendations as well as what I’ve

Seen uh with my own eyes going yeah I think we’ve got a pretty good one there sweet love to hear that uh Scott asked a great question your best baseball card that you ever had uh wow you know okay true story so I collected them all from like early 70s

On so I had them all so which one was my favorite well Roberto clemi was my favorite player growing up I just saw the Roberto CL statue when we were in Pittsburgh oh a struck yeah no beautiful ballpark he uh he’s the greatest right fielder that ever played 17 gold gloves

Or 14 gold gloves and 317 batting average lifetime 3,000 hits and God bless him he he died of course on a on a plane during a mercy mission to Nicaragua during an earthquake but uh yeah my favorite but a a neighbor of mine collected like oldtime cards his

Dad so he gave me a ton of cards from the 50s had mantel and mazes and no it was crazy now okay but I wasn’t smart enough to put him in a you know in a plastic case or anything like that I’m putting that stuff in my bike

Spokes you know and so I flag on the play I Big Time flag but you guys I’m telling you I probably gave away so I I G ended up giving up all my cards you gave away a fortune a fortune and in fact the guy I gave them to who works

For the IRS now he was one of my Boyhood buddies grown up and he said yeah when I was going through college if I couldn’t make rent I’d go down and sell one of them cards and it’s like God dang man that’s great it’s like but if he was a real

Friend wouldn’t he have given me a piece later on a piece of the action yeah I didn’t even get a percent so he he must owe you you know on the investment then right by the way I’ve got a recruit here we’re taking pictures say go time get

Out of here thanks coach good talking with you go Ducks always great to catch up with Kelly Graves you never know what’s going to happen in the studio and next we’re going to talk baseball yeah we’re doing that when we come back baseball game three coming up on the Oregon Sports network from

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Community Credit Union people are the point federally insured by ncua Equal Housing Opportunity imagine all the fun you can have this spring break in a new Toyota I’m having fun and I’m not even there Ready set go get your Toyota today Toyota Let’s Go Places dealer inventory may vary so your participating Toyota

Dealer for details event April 1st your daily dose of Oregon Athletics this is duck Insider from learfield babes what are you doing what I’m just mowing the lawn no it’s blazing hot and dry out here don’t you remember Smoky bear says avoid using Power Equipment when it’s windy or dry where’d

You learn this oh it’s on Smoky with many other Wildfire prevention tips right thanks honey bear cuz remember only you can prevent wildfires brought to you by the USDA Forest Service your state Forester and the Ad Council wouldn’t it be great if life came with a

Remote control you know you could hit pause when you needed to or hit rewind like that time you knock down that wasp’s nest uhoh well life doesn’t always give you time to change the outcome but pre-diabetes does with early diagnosis and a few healthy changes you can stop pre-diabetes before it leads to

Type 2 diabetes to learn your risk take the one minute test today at DOI have brought to you by the Ad Council and its pre-diabetes awareness partners A surprise appearance from Kelly Graves and we welcome you back to duck Insider presented by onpo Community cred true story I had no idea that he was going to come by and just pop on and baseball yeah coming up we’ll talk a lot of softball tonight jeski is going to join

Us from Los Angeles much better start on offense for baseball yesterday seventh inning was key and this is where baseball’s crazy sometimes it was a five to2 game ducks are in front but Seattle loaded the bases seventh inning one out Ducks roll up a double play Then Oregon responds with two of

Their own in the bottom half to make it seven to2 Mason nille hits a three-run homer the following inning it’s 10 to two that was the momentum shift Ducks started better got a good performance from from RJ Gordon Jeffrey herd had a day four for four with four RBI Mason

Nille with that big home run that I alluded to Bryce beter got drilled three times I mean you can’t plan for that but the guy at the top of the order got on base and awful lot ducks are 17 and seven a good place to be Mark Wazowski

Postgame I think much happier than he was at least a couple nights ago 10- two win 16 hits just how do you feel like you guys did overall today uh good good response to yesterday felt like the team um you know they responded well and um I thought the overall the

Pitching was uh solid and yeah it was a it was a optimistic uh day for sure Jeffrey herd goes fourth for FL before going out at the game just what you see from him lot of lot of base hits to the other way just I feel like that kind of

Gets him into a rhythm going the other way like it does with Wy yeah I don’t know maybe so you know a lot of times um that’s what happens you know I mean he he had a lot of good swings today it was good I mean he hadn’t been racking up

Hits here lately started off really hot and was our most consistent guy and then he kind of cooled off a little bit but you always good to see him get back on it have such a good day today madx M gets a start third of the year goes 3

For five or three four whatever it was just what did you see from him there um swung back good um played okay at Short right um you know if anything um you know he got a little bit tentative on maybe a play out there um that I know

That he’d like to have back but I think that’s normal kind of for just you know growing pains with the Freshman um really encouraged with what he did offensively though boy he put great swings on the ball all night maybe even his best swing went for an out you know

Deep Fly ball to center field and it got caught up in the wind um you know he I thought he really give us a spark and a lift how do you feel like RJ performed I think he left six or seven guys on base during his outings yeah really good I

Mean I we didn’t we didn’t uh make a play or two for him um same thing with Ian we didn’t make a play or two for Ian led to some Innings and yet they were able to get out of it and then I thought Cole Stokes probably came in and got a

Couple of the biggest outs of the game with the double play ball the six uh the 463 double play you know when he when he got in there I thought that that was a huge performance for him uh RJ pitched well Ian pitched well and Callin at the

End pitched well yeah Brock is there any I know you know happened just a handful of minutes ago there any any update on him or no and cassella just like a pulled hammy there running down to First yeah I don’t know if that’s anything serious or not time will tell but I I

Don’t think so you know we took him out precautionary and got to follow up with with grate there at the end was that like a was a knee issue that he was happen or I’m not too sure again I’d have to follow up with him and see what

That’s all about it didn’t seem serious so this overall I again I’m going to ask you about the lineup another time the million time but this one seemed like it was doing pretty well you feel like you’re getting a little bit closer to kind of figuring out a good little

Rhythm with it um yeah I mean I can’t really comment on that until actually we watch the tape and see you know the the pitches that were addressed or weren’t addressed and you have a better feel you know even last night after I was frustrated with the way we we played

Offensively you know I go back and I watch the tape and I’m glad I kind of bit my tongue because I thought we actually hit better than we showed last night um the tape showed that and even though we didn’t have a bunch of hits and a bunch of runs we actually hit

Better than than I thought we did on tape and so I’d rather look at the tape and see what kind of offensive performance we really did have it was obviously good we had some loud swings um you know Mason nille had a loud swing

At the end of the game Anon Aros had a alloud swing at the end of the game and there were several other really good swings you know uh backside RBI type swings and at bat so it was more of a complete offensive performance today and you called it yesterday with Mason he

Said that he was swinging a really hot bat during practice he h a three-run homer tonight makes a couple good plays and left just overall just wouldn’t feel like you can get out of him in left field he’s a really good young player he’s a very talented young player and

You know um as he just continues to grow and get better you know I mean he’s he’s a guy that has sky the limit potential and yet you know uh he’s Young And so there’s there’s there’s a lot of teaching that needs to occur to be able

To help him get where he needs to be uh the good part is is that he’s a hungry player like all the guys are and he really wants to do well Bryce got hit three times today four four times excuse me did does that at all kind of go

Through your head of like he gets hit a lot like maybe putting him at the leadoff isn’t such a bad idea because there’s a good chance he might get plunked well I think he was on base five times uh today and so if you define the

Role of a leadoff hitter it’s to get on base and you know when you have six set bats you get on five times yeah that definitely does answer that Bell yeah I was proud of Bryce and that’s a that’s a tough kid right there you know anytime

You get a I’ve never coached a middle linebacker on the football team you know at a place like the University of Oregon with a awesome football team and he’s a middle linebacker that started this year for the Ducks uh he’s a tough guy another person got that got hit did you

Get hit by Chase mears’s foul ball there and I think the first or the second inning no comment none at all nope just throw some dirt on it fine what does it say to you about the the two true freshman that came in got double play balls kind of stopped the momentum

Put hay in the barn now for you guys who you know are are so good in the the later third late Innings of a game um it was kind of the the different script today got out early um do you feel like Cole and Colin give you a different

Energy maybe in those middle Innings that that can be transferred to to keep that energy throughout the middle third yeah I mean they’ve got big arms right and so um just using them at at critical times you know we didn’t bring Cole Stokes into that game at a really easy

Time and um and he answered the Bell you know in a big big way so I was really proud of Co great stuff from Mark wasikowski a happier coach postgame things to build on game three against Seattle U tonight 5:00 4:45 pregame show across the Oregon Sports Network also

Softball yesterday number 21 Oregon rallied from two runs down early gave up a couple runs late five to3 loss to UCLA Thursday night at Easton Stadium I’ll tell you though couple young players in Paige sikki Katie flry first home runs of the season for the Ducks who are now

2011 s and3 in conference play they remain a half game ahead of the Bruins 5-2 in conference for UCLA look I can’t say this enough it’s a critical Pack 12 series no matter how it goes for the Ducks the Bruins is a critical Pack 12 Series game two tonight

At 5 o’clock we’ll break all that down with neski the voice of the softball team on the road for kwva chatting with Knight when we come back to duck Insider right after this on the Oregon Sports network from learfield hey duck fans we’re all about protecting our home turf here in Eugene

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You suddenly love everything you guys I love this song I love these nachos I love our kickball league I love this guy what’s your name you know what I’d love a ride one it’s it’s time to head out if you see a buzzed warning sign call for a ride when

It’s time to go home Buzz driving is drunk driving a message from Nitsa and the Ad Council I love your car is this real leather when you’re high you feel different you think different you talk different you draw different you listen to music different but you probably knew

That problem is you also Drive different and not in a good way that’s why driving high is illegal everywhere so if you’re high just don’t drive make a plan to get a sober ride because if you feel different you drive different brought to you by Nitsa and the Ad Council back on Duck Insider presented by on Point Community Credit Union Joey Mack in the Country Financial Studio joining us on the zoom line is night year live from the Jane wow that’s modern technology for you he calls a game actually I’m about to joke about

This but I called games from here during Co when basketball and football was on the road so um that brought back bad memories neski is on the road he’s got Jane Sanders Stadium as the background but on the road in Los Angeles as the Ducks are taking on the Bruins tonight

Coming off a 5 to3 loss yesterday night what’ you see takeaways from the tough one against UCLA last night I mean I saw a very competitive game I mean these are two of the top teams in the Pack 12 this is a top 25 series The Ducks are 24th

UCLA is number 15 and it certainly lived up to the hype I mean this is going to be a great series overall I mean it was back in fourth Oregon took the lead UCLA took the lead Ducks battled their way back tied it three to three late they

Had a chance uh going up into the bottom of the six inning uh ultimately UCLA scored a couple of runs late they took the lead on a pinch hit to RBI single uh but the Ducks showed that they can compete against a really good UCLA team UCLA uh their pitcher yesterday Caitlyn

Terry was the Pack 12 freshman of the week and she just shut out University of Washington on 81 pitches I mean that is a tough freshman to go up against and the Ducks did a good job scoring three runs against her and overall I I think

That if you look at the pitching Morgan Scott had a pretty good outing four Innings and did allow those three runs but she settled in and Taylor Spencer threw one inning out of the pen and you know she struck out Maya Brady so I mean the Ducks were able to compete and this

Is going to be a great series and I’m looking forward to game two tonight so Paige sikki had the big fly night one of a couple big swings for the Ducks you mentioned it being a competitive game I so the way that it worked for me last night baseball wraps up softball’s in

The sixth inning and I was really excited at the top of the sixth inning and then the bottom of the sixth inning didn’t go the way that the Ducks would have liked but the point I’m making night is competitive game page sikki a big reason why absolutely and you know

She got the party started she hadit a home run it was her first of the season ver since 2022 I believe in the fville regional so quite a bit of time away from home runs uh but she she crushed the ball I mean that was some of the

Best contact I’ve ever seen from not only her but any Oregon player this season and you know I I I don’t know how big the walls are at UCLA I think they’re around 8 feet because the outfielders are around 5’11 uh to 56 somewhere in that range and they’re

Jumping up and even when they jump up against the wall their glove is just eclipsing the top of the wall so I’m going to say it’s about 8T scard above that and that’s 28t so combined about 36 feet she hit it over the scoreboard I mean that’s about the size

Of the green monster at Fenway Park like that is a monstrous home run and like just to see her stature you know she’s 53 and just to see her crush a softball like that was insane you just knew it off the bat and uh I mean she’s really

Uh challenging Ariel Carlson for the way that she could crush a softball because I didn’t realize that pig had that type of Pop okay great to see that from her so serious question now how far would it have gone at the Jane are we like on the

Outdoor tennis courts I mean where where would it have landed I mean it probably could have landed on the outdoor tennis courts you know they have that netting in left field and so like the way that she hit the ball it probably would have gone over that netting and rolled to the

Tennis courts like that’s how far she probably hit it all right so more of that from Paige sikki coming up uh at least that’s the plan for the Ducks now you you talked a little bit T night about the pitching and and I feel like we knew going into this series that

Pitching was going to be a key it’s been a key in what Miss Lombardi calls a Super Regional every single weekend what do you anticipate in the circle on the hill tonight I I think that you know you probably you’re going to see Stevie Hansen start tonight last week it was

Lis sski getting the start in game number two I think you’re probably going to see Stevie Hansen tonight uh you know skolski threw yesterday in the sixth inning and so I I think that you’re probably going to see Stevie Hansen start the game and then if Stevie gets

Into some trouble I I wouldn’t be surprised if coach Lombardi went back to Taylor Spencer Spencer only threw one inning yesterday and I mean she struck out two batters only thre 18 pitches and you know coach Lombard’s trusted in her in some big spots this season and I

Wouldn’t be surprised that if she went that way went for Taylor Spencer and then at the very end of the game Spencer runs into some trouble you might see Morgan Scott but I mean I think that’s the great thing about this Oregon softball team for the last couple of

Years it felt like they really didn’t have a bll pin this year they have a legit staff they have five pitchers on their team that are really really good and you know you could you couldn’t go wrong either way I think this is a Ducks team with the big pitching staff and the

Pitching is going to carry them I mean they have one of the top ER in the Pack 12 they don’t walk a lot of batters I mean the staff is legit you know to that point like coach Lombardi and I have had that conversation a lot that softballs

Really Chang to to being a a staff from the broadcaster chair I mean you’re seeing more pitching changes than I ever saw you see more pitching changes in a weekend than I ever saw probably in an entire season I’m joking uh but the point is Knight I mean the depth and the

Competition level in the circle what have you seen from Oregon this year I mean I think that you know you have a lot of options and I think that that that’s the big thing is that like you have the utmost faith in every single one of these pitchers going out and

Getting the job done and I think that’s the really good thing to see um because in the past it felt like Oregon was like just leaning on Stevie Hanson especially during her freshman year then it was a little bit of just Morgan Scott being laned on uh last year with Stevie Hansen

As the supplement now this year you have Taylor Spencer out of the bpin that’s been excellent Alisa kski has been a great starter for the Ducks and you know rean breed loves can add some Innings as well and so I think it’s good because you know you can get yourself out of a

Jam like coach Lombardi was unafraid to pull Taylor Spencer yesterday after just giving up one hit why because she has the most faith in her Bullpen and I think that’s what’s different with this year compared to last year but I certainly agree way more way more pitching changes uh dude Fullerton on

Tuesday they whipped out six different pitchers saw I don’t know I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that in softball six different pitchers in a game that that was crazy well and what a roller coaster of a game on Tuesday we haven’t even talked about that like it’s been a long

Trip for for Knight and the softball team down in in Southern California enjoying spring break have you gotten tan I don’t know if I got tan but I am enjoying spring break went golfing yesterday right before uh really bad I just I just I just started golfing a month ago so that

Was my fourth time going out golfing but I hit my first par so that that’s what I’m happy about I got my first par hey that’s not bad look you you realize you could have just said oh I shot par like and we would have believed you I mean

Yeah but but but I I’m a truthful guy you know you know he is a truthful guy I can I can confirm night rescue joining us so kwva down there for the hometown call coming off the loss for the Ducks against UCLA tonight it is a five o’clock start for Oregon softball the

Ducks taking on a good UCLA team you know I probably should ask you this earlier tonight like coming into the series I felt like UCLA was down in non-conference season at least by the Brewin standards but coming off some wins in conference what’s your assessment of UCLA and also what’s your

Assessment of the whole pack 12 here because I’m about to ask you about the importance of these games and the standings here coming up I mean the pack 12’s as competitive as it always is and I think that UCA they’re a team that was trying to find their footing at the

Beginning of the year they lost their two options in the circle last year Megan Faro and Brook Ganz the former duck and so you know you lose your top two options in the circle and now they’re really relying on two young underclassman a freshman and a sophomore

On their team and we saw both of them yesterday uh Taylor Tinsley was excellent at the end of the game for UCLA and she’s going to be a really really good pitcher I anticipate her probably getting the start tonight and she’s going to be a tough pitcher to go

Up against and then Caitlyn Terry again another excellent option for UCLA so I think this is a team that has a lot of offense obviously Maya Brady is the top player in the Pack 12 if not the top player in the country and you know this

Is a good UCLA team with a lot of options offensively pitching wise a little thin but you know it’s a it’s a good UCLA team and I think the big thing for UCLA is you look at their non-conference and they struggled a little bit compared to previous years I

Mean they were the number two overall seed last year going into the NCA tournament they find themselves at number 15 right now but UCLA did go six and0 against the Big 10 a conference that Oregon struggled against in the non-conference and so I I think that you

Know things are starting to click for UCLA they were able to salvage the series against Washington win a game against the Huskies after dropping the first two they swept Utah a really good Utah team that received first place Pack 12 votes at the beginning of the year

UCLA didn’t receive first place Pack 12 votes and they were able to sweep the youth so I I think it’s a good team and you know they they really are a top 15 team and I think that Oregon showed that they can compete with a top 15 team once

Again great stuff from neski the voice of the Oregon softball team coming up we’ve got more with Knight we’re going to get a quick timeout and return to duck Insider right after this on the Oregon Sports network from learfield imagine all the fun you can have this spring break in a new Toyota

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The University of Oregon and on game day we’re right there with you on the field in the bleachers and in the classrooms drop by our local branch today and discover the many ways OnPoint can help support your financial well-being onpo Community Credit Union people are the point federally insured by ncua Equal Housing

Opportunity imagine all the fun you can have this spring break in a new Toyota wo I’m having fun and I’m not even there Ready set go get your Toyota today Toyota Let’s Go Places dealer inventory May VAR so your participating Toyota dealer for details event an April 1st

This is duck Insider presented by onpo Community Credit Union on the Oregon Sports network from learfield sometimes I just cannot believe all the storms we’ve gone through here I can only hope that we’ll be able to leave this house to you one day baby you’re a legacy planning for

These disasters will make sure we’re safe and is the best way to protect that Legacy protect your legacy visit plan for the tools of tips you need to start your emergency preparedness plan today brought to you by FEMA and the Ad Council hi I’m Danica Patrick watching

My nieces grow Play and Learn is amazing but not every child gets to be carefree one in six kids in the US are hungry this breaks my heart and it’s something that feeding America is working to change each year the feeding American network of food banks rescues billions

Of pounds of good food that would have gone to waste and and gives it to families in need to help visit brought to you by feeding am and the Ad Council a lot of action on the diamond as we welcome you back to duck Insider presented by OnPoint Community Credit Union Joy Mack in the Country Financial Studio Oregon baseball game three tonight 5:00 first pitch against Seattle and then also 5:00 Oregon UCLA it’s game two nightes will have the call on kwva

The student radio station here at the University of Oregon voice of the softball team joining us we continue our chat with night jeski now a conference standing Stanford 7 and0 how about that Stanford sitting at 7 and0 UCLA 5-2 then it’s Washington and Oregon at 7 and3

Everybody else is below 500 in the league standings right now critical Pack 12 series night right I mean how do you slice it up critical Pack 12 series I mean it’s monstrous you know and this is going to dictate how things go for the remainder of the Season UCLA they’re

Trying to crawl their way back after dropping those two of three against the Washington Huskies and so I I think that Oregon you know they find themselves with three losses right now they need to even it up against UCLA keep themselves ahead of the Bruins and try to get

Closer to Stanford Stanford’s really good I mean they have some really really good players on their team uh nigera candid is like by far one of the best pitchers in the Pack 12 and she’s going to be a tough uh pitcher to go up against against but thankfully the Ducks

Don’t have to face off against Stanford until the last week of the season and then they get to stay in Palo Alto for that final week as they’re going to be having the Pack 12 tournament there so that’s right they got a lot of time to think about the Cardinal and prepare for

That but you know a couple of big series ahead especially with Washington coming into town next week well the fact that Oregon so far has won every Pack 12 Series right I mean it’s rare that the ducks have have in fact n you’ll know better than me Oregon has not dropped

The opening game of a series yet right uh that is correct yeah yeah so this is a little bit of Uncharted Territory for the Ducks looking for a bounceback how do they do it some keys to success in game two and in game three coming up I

Think the offense needs to be big you know Oregon’s a type of team that like if they score three four runs they’re going to probably win the game and yeah yesterday uh they didn’t win the game when they scored three runs but they were in it and I think that you know if

They get on top early if they can get into a two three run lead early on I think that their pitching is going to carry them that’s what we’ve seen all season season long if Oregon could get out onto a good good start get a lead

The pitching is going to cruise and I think that’s going to be the big key today uh pitching wise you don’t have to try to limit the Bruins I mean they’re going to score some runs like when you have Maya Brady at the top of the order

That’s a tough out they have consistent options up and down the order uh but I I think scoring runs is going to be the big thing today you’re going to have to get to Taylor Tinsley if she is the starter if Terry’s going to get out

There again then you’re going to have to get it to Terry early I think that’s the big thing for Oregon today you know talking about offense then two night I mean I’ve been so impressed with with Kyu Shar I mean a 425 average I don’t care how you’re doing it that’s

Impressive I mean you talking about a spark plug at the top kyar has been that this year she certainly has and I think the most impressive thing about lar is she is a slap hitter and the other week in media availability she was like oh yeah I know exactly where I’m hitting

The ball every time I am exactly locating where I’m going to hit the ball in the dirt and how I’m going to get to first place like that’s just her game plan like she is so talented that she can just dictate where the ball goes and

I think that you know having a hitter that can get on about half the time if you factor in her on base percentage is just incredible at the top of the order and honestly just going back to the bottom of the order I’ve been really impressed with Hannah Delgato in the

Ninth spot I think that she’s been excellent uh obviously sikki had the big home run yesterday but she’s been batting in the E spot to have it Paige to Nikki at eight Hannah Delgado at nine and then kyou sha at the one spot like those are three really good bats in a

Row that can turn over the lineup bring it to Ariel Carlson or Alissa Daniel kind of batting in that two spot that’s dangerous I mean if you put Runners on for Ariel Carlson Oregon’s going to score some runs and to have three great options with lar Delgado and sikki is

Amazing for this Oregon team yeah we’ll see what coach Lombardi does with the lineup tonight but to your point earlier about Paige sikki I mean getting the Home Run she’s played such a great short stop hitting 288 on the season but maybe some confidence suddenly if 5 six seven

And then seniki 8 just going off last night’s lineup get it going night like that’s probably where the ducks can can length that out a lineup and maybe can lengthen out a a few runs uh earlier in a ball game because I mean everybody had

At least well I should say the middle of that order had at least one hit having some multiple hits in the middle of the order would help the Ducks absolutely and I think the big X Factor if you look over the last 11 games has been Emma Cal

You know Cal has done a great job getting back on track offensively through non-conference play she struggled she was hitting below the Mendoza Line uh she had a stretch Where She Went four for 35 and since that point and packed 12 Play since the first game against California be impact to a

Play she has a hit in all but one game and she’s really gotten the backat going and you can see the success for Oregon they’ve won eight of their last 11 games because Cal has been that bad they were missing in that middle of the order and

You know she did it again yesterday had an RBI double late in the game in the sixth inning to tie it um she had a home run against Cal State Fullerton earlier in the week on Tuesday and you know to have a bat like that in the middle of

The order and that 5 to seven range is really really huge I think KK humph is starting to come around a little bit had big weekend against her former team or big game I should say against her former team Cal State fullton on Tuesday and then you know Katie flanner she’s a

Freshman and you know she it took her a while to get her first hit it took about 15 at bats for her to get her first hit then she finally got her first hit against Cal and you know she’s starting to kind of get it going you know it

Takes a while for a freshman to get used to college softball and especially when you start your career over 15 like it’s a lot of pressure to try to get that first hit once you got that first hit it felt like all the pressure was lifted

Off her shoulder she had a three for three game against Utah uh yesterday batting right behind emau she had a home run her first home run is an Oregon Duck she’s had some big doubles um and I I think that she’s starting to come around too and so you’re starting to see this

Lineup really solidify itself uh coach lardi loves to change up the batting order but last year and the year before that it felt like she was constantly shifting players in an out of the uh lineup this year it feels like the same players just a little bit of Shifting in

The batting order and I think that’s the big difference is there’s a lot of consistency throughout it just depends on what the matchup is and what she likes and where she’s going to place hitters but I think that the middle of the order is really starting to get it

Going and that’s why organs won eight of their last 11 games yeah could be big time here coming up tonight Ducks looking to even the series against UCLA critical Pack 12 Series in the Pack 12 standings Ducks win this series they’re in a really good spot and then we can

Have some fun talking about a match up at the end of the year with Stanford like Knight was alluding to earlier that’s what that’s what’s on the line and also top 25 wins on the road tough to come by even in the Pack 12 tough to

Come by means a lot five o’clock tonight game two against UCLA pregame rolling a little bit before that on kwva for folks listening to the hometown call with the voice of the team night jeski it’s going to come around exactly five o’clock we like to keep it at five o’clock so that

We don’t upset the music DJs I appreciate the honesty from night your resue hey on that note so everyone we said that KN and the crew was going to be down for the 11:00 a.m. start on Saturday but night I understand that because in Los Angeles if it drizzles that’s considered inclement weather

Which means that y’all don’t have a broadcast location yes they told us that we don’t have a tent they don’t have any covering for us and uh they don’t have a way to give us power ethernet uh in the rain and you know it’s unfortunate you

Know the one time of year that the Ducks are down in La it’s going to rain but you know my my my thoughts are they should just move the game to Aon stadium so it never rains so that that’s my solution that was that was well done

That that was that was well played by by night jeski he thought about that one before I before I asked him so uh in all seriousness though that that stinks I wish that there was going to be the hometown call for hopefully a rubber match in a series coming up night uh so

No kwva broadcast on Saturday because it’s going to be drizzling in Los Angeles just not ready for that sort of weather like we are up here I suppose and well that means a big win tonight with neski on the call 5:00 Oregon UCLA it’s game two Tevis on the Pack 12

Network and then tomorrow uh the only broadcast unfortunately you get is on the Pack 12 Network can’t be tuning in tonight on the hometown call night safe travels Happy Spring Break here’s to making your first uh Eagle how about that someday someday that’s the goal that’s the goal yeah skip the birdie go

Straight to the eagle can can we change the name of an eagle and just name it a duck I mean maybe we could go Albatross could just be a duck right okay there you go see this guy this guy hey safe travels buddy I appreciate the time

Thank you Joey you take care when we come back a lot more to cover a busy weekend around Oregon Athletics not just on the diamond but both Diamond Sports uh hey we’re in the thick of Pack 12 play more coming from the Country Financial Studio it’s duck Insider presented by OnPoint Community Credit

Union on the Oregon Sports network from learfield as a local community credit union founded by teachers onpo is committed to supporting the students and faculty at the University of Oregon and on game day we’re right there with you on the field in the bleachers and in the classrooms drop by our local branch

Today and discover the many ways OnPoint can help support your financial well-being onpo Community Credit Union people are the point federally insured by ncua Equal Housing Opportunity hey Duc fans we’re all about protecting our home turf here in Eugene you should do the same for your home with Country Financial Insurance home

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Company country Casualty Insurance company for Country Preferred Insurance Company Bloomington Illinois property must meet age and condition requirements which vary by state more duck Insider coming up on the Oregon Sports network from learfield you took the first step and quit smoking but even former smokers may still be at

Risk for lung cancer that’s why save byth wants you to know about a new lowd do CT scan that can detect lung cancer early it takes only 60 seconds and could save your life you took the first step now take the next visit save byth for a simple quiz to see

If you’re eligible and talk to your doctor about screening save byth is brought to you by the American Lung association’s lung for initiative and the Ad Council my simple solution to the problem was remove people from the scene and help them feel safer in response to attacks against asian-americans Maddy

Park raised over $250,000 to donate cab rides to the Asian Community there is so much more work to be done we really need to come together and Tackle this issue as a community support the Asian Community learn how at lovehasnolabels decom brought to you by love has no labels and the Ad Council back on Duck Insider presented by OnPoint Community Credit Union Joy Mack with you here in the Country Financial Studio ducks and dogs today Oregon women’s tennis hosting Washington over at the student Tennis Center if you’re live with us in the 1:00 hour there’s a little construction going on

Around the student Tennis Center so you might have to Veer around but it looks like they’re playing outside which is a good good omen for the week ahead and the weeks ahead for tennis might have some outdoor tennis for both the men’s and the women’s teams best of luck

Though to Courtney Nagel and her Squad against the Huskies here meanwhile for Oregon men’s tennis they’re on the road today you’ll have some updates tonight on in Denver Colorado taking on Denver beach volleyball is in action against UC Davis also against boyy State here this afternoon more details coming

On after the conclusion of those and for men’s and women’s golf both in action yesterday senior manori Nagano put together a stellar back nine in the opening round of the Ping ASU Invitational on Thursday led the Oregon women’s golf team with a three under number 12 Ducks finished the day with a

Two under 286 no sixth place in the 17 team field that features seven other top 15 teams ducks have one of the best teams in the entire country and monori Nagano led the way yesterday now Nagano 69 puts her in a tie for fifth overall in the individual leaderboard and

They’re in action today as we speak Oregon women’s golf continuing in the ASU and ping Invitational they’ll be in action today and tomorrow more details from Nate Krueger on and the Oregon men’s golf team they were in action in the duck Invitational earlier this week they’re in San Francisco at

The Goodwin Greg Soul hog shot a 1 over 71 led the number 24 men’s golf team in round one of the Goodwin on Thursday so Clos the day tied for 28th the Ducks finish the opening round in the middle of the pack tied for 15th in a field

Featuring 31 programs it’s one of the biggest Collegiate golf events of the year at the Goodwin Casey Martin said about yesterday quote we didn’t play particularly well Golf Course is really difficult and I’m sure that played a big role in our challenges we just didn’t have a lot going tomorrow’s forecast is

Brutal it will be War that’s Casey Martin describing what he anticipates today in San Francisco more details coming on as the men’s and women’s golf teams will both wrap up their respective rounds uh today and both are scheduled to be in action tomorrow as well also in action Oregon track and

Field the Stanford Invitational in Stanford California it will be available on Flow track uh today and tomorrow a lot on the horizon for the outdoor season which is now getting into full swing here with spring term on the horizon for the University of Oregon Oregon lacrosse in action against UC

Davis tomorrow see you at 1:00 at Pape field softball tonight at 5:00 and 11:00 a.m. tomorrow in Los Angeles and the 4 game set comes to a close for duck baseball here this evening 5:00 for game 3 noon tomorrow a lot going on have a great holiday weekend everybody spring

Term starts on April Fool’s Day on Monday see you Then and when going from point A to I need you to stay safe please so always sing with me so put your phone on D and that means do not disturb when you’re driving and when you’re going

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