Golf Players

Understanding the low point creates consistency with the irons. ๐Ÿ” #shorts #golfswing #golftips

What is consistency what creates consistency in the strike with the irons it’s understanding where the low point is and how to control it so first let’s talk about what low point is low point is when the head of the golf club is directly below the grip cap that’s the

Low point and when I’m swinging a club I want my low point to be ahead of the golf ball not at the golf ball but ahead of the golf ball so with this six iron when I come in I want to feel that that shaftline is somewhere in that sort

Of that 7 to n degrees of of forward shaing the handle of the golf club is going to be out here like that and when that happens now I strike the ball then I get into the ground and then I get to the low point


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