Golf Players

Armstrong vs. Freeport

WPIAL Non-Conference Varsity Softball
Freeport Yellowjackets at Armstrong River Hawks

For for all right well it looks like we are live on the air here on high toop Sports Network Josh re go with you this afternoon I’m going to be doing some stuff here doing some stuff you know how it goes um as this game gets underway Armstrong and Free Port wpil

Nonconference change up Madison Baker and she gets the strike out to end the Freeport top half of the first inning uh my phone’s doing a lot of work here so bear with me I’ll get the game changer up and we’ll get you line up and take you through the action during

This game interested to see what this Armstrong team looks like State semi-finalist last year two years prior made it to the state championship game uh no gold medals uh but a gold in the whii a couple years back Jenna CLA swov home run in that game against pen Trafford

I’m sure many remember um that was an exciting game and the riverhawks fell to shayer last year in Extra Innings in the WPI or excuse me in the PIAA semifinals Freeport will rely on Ace Sydney selker this afternoon the birthday girl her birthday was yesterday so happy to birthday to

Sid she will be continuing her softball career at akan uh next season so much more on the horizon for Sid selker and I’m going to get another camera in here so you guys can get zoomed in on the pitcher and the hitter catcher umpire I’ll be doing that I’ll be getting your

Scoreboard up here in a second thanks to Armstrong indoor Athletics today’s official broadcast partner and scoreboard sponsor AIA the premier training facility in the region baseball softball they have youth soccer leagues even in the back there where they put in that gorgeous indoor turf it is a a sight to behold if you’ve

Never seen it check it out you can find out more at a. Team all right well the fre Port went in order there in the top of the first excuse me Madison Baker uh starting for the riverhawks baker taking over for cam sprankle sprankle uh was the pitcher on those two State turn

State final appearances and the state semis last year sprankle now graduated so Baker had been waiting in the wings for a little bit and she now gets her chance I’ll tell you exactly what she did she got Abby detis and then Sid selker struck out then ree selker struck out to end

That top of the first so a good start there for Baker and we’ll get it back to the game stream as I said the phone is uh doing triple Duty right now uh running the stream off the mobile hotspot thank to Verizon seems to be working

Well and uh got the game changer on too so I keep putting my phone far away from me that’s not uh I’m going to take this drink off this table too because uh with my track record it’s getting spilled so leading off against sit silker is Emma

Paul and she needs no introduction just a tremendous all-around athlete basketball softball and they got her bat and lead off this year so that is Armstrong manager Keith Sha ‘s philosophy to get Emma Paul as many at bats as possible and put her in that number one spot I mean she’s got the

Power she’s she’s got the power numbers to hit you know three uh which is where you know kind of the conventional knowledge of putting your best hitter is because you want them to drive in runs but more and more with the analytics in baseball Major League Baseball kind of trickling down to other

Levels of baseball and of course college and high school softball uh you’ll see a lot of the times uh with good teams you know their number one hitter might be their best power hitter might be their best you know uh Ops so it’s interesting that coach shaer is doing that with Emma Paul

Here to start the season ball hitting in that one spot all right I’m going to work on the other camera here real fast if I stand up I’m got my knee on concrete there it didn’t didn’t feel great but uh we’re going to get another camera up for you get you zoomed in

And Paul takes a ball in the dirt and trust me she has a pretty razor sharp eye um at the plate you’re not going to fool Emma Paul and she hit one of the most incredible home runs here last year that I’ve seen it’s it’s not a big park

At all it’s kind of a homer Dome really in in this senior classes woo Sid selker blows her away with the heat so Paul does can’t catch up and right as I’m talking about how well she hits silker dialed it up a notch and fired that one

Right down the middle and Paul couldn’t catch up but hey we’re going to give him a pass on that one cuz she’s still in basketball mode she took her team to the wp championship game and the PIAA quarterfinals so we can give Emma a pass on that one early season strikeout

Against a very very good division one pitcher I mean not easy to jump back in when that’s what you’re facing but sit zelker give her credit she dowed it up right there and that was straight heat there was no there was no um confusion as to what that was going to

Be and that ball hit deep to center field back to the fence and it’s going to carry out of here home run Shelby cloak didn’t even give me a chance to get set there Shelby cloak on the 10 or excuse me the 01 pitch goes deep dead

Center field and boy unlike the past couple of games here between Armstrong and Freeport it’s actually a nice day and the ball kind of just car out you can kind of see I don’t know if you can see it on your screen I think you can on the Armstrong Dugout there the American

Flag hanging up top and it was when cloak was up now it’s blowing the other way of course but when cloak was up it was kind of fluttering out this way and cloak got that up into the jet stream and got it out of here one- nothing

Riverhawks one away in the bottom of the first inning a solo shot by Shelby cloak gets Armstrong on the board for whoops got my microphone Mex mixed yeah mixed up there so at the plate right now a new face for these riverhawks in the lineup Isabel pren of the sophomore and she

Gets Bat on Ball goes to the Gap that one is over the right fielder gorle and into second with an opposite field double is Isabelle penica back to- back extra base hits for the riverhawks and another runner in scoring position for Armstrong so Armstrong getting a piece

Of Sid selker here after she struck him a PA out Shelby cloak goes deep and then penica opposite field got over gor’s glove just short hop the fence there and in with a standup double is presen and now we got Jesse C Pew just one of hit I I still think

About it to this day one of the most ridiculous home runs I’ve ever seen uh it was an a state playoff game down in Bedford and I think that thing is still going years later probably got up into the U Stratosphere and orbiting the Sun Pew swings through that fast

Ball and so last year you look at this riverhawks team they’re missing obviously the entire Outfield uh graduated Jenna CL uh was the home run leader Pew Le in rbi’s but they’re missing cassid Adams in center field and Emma smar and right a lot of speed there a lot of well smar

Especially in the playoffs would hit for power especially down at Mars that uh Joe rhods and I joke that that is going to be renamed emsm field she did so well there and so many big whippi and State Playoff games um oh there go my rosters blowing away I’ll be back

Yeah woo uh w out of breath there had to run those rosters down they’re blown away and on the other side of this new concession stand they have between the baseball and softball fields I saw Nate Bailey I said Nate what are you doing run those down he was looking at his

Phone he said he didn’t see them so selker gets bu on strikes pardon me while I catch my breath not much of a sprinter anymore going tuck these oh man we go right under the computer so they don’t blow away and at the plate right now Abby

Bower riverhawks up one- nothing on the strength of a Shelby cloak solo Homer that is where we are oh man pardon me I’m telling you I I’m not I’m not a runner I used to run cross country those days are long gone and uh yeah that one caught me by

Surprise I just saw those rosters blown away and I didn’t want to not have my information so away I went that’s the real life situations you get here on high top sports network so selker now uh behind Abby Bower 3 and0 we’re going to work on this other

Camera here real fast and then I’ll get the score scoreboard up for you and we’ll be good to go and ooh cker just oh she did get the strike call wow I was going to say that was painting the black there sit selker with a nice delivery and uh not much that Bower

Could do with that I mean that was that was paintting black so a nice play or a nice pitch excuse me by silker and a walk though issued on the next pitch and that’s come on you got to be kidding me that’s the audio Nate yeah Big Nate with the hands thank you

Nate Nate Bailey tracking down the case for the audio interface that I’m using it just went flying I’m sure you can hear the the wind wrestling up here if you’ve ever watched a game on high top sports network you’ve heard that wind up here high top of the hill and gorgeous Manor Township

PA okay let me do this so riverhawks after that two out walk have two on here and selker oh man I can’t catch a break my stuff blows away I thought everything else was uh too heavy to blow away but apparently not I don’t even know what that was it

Just went flying past me but it’s definitely mine so I’ll tell you here in a second as that ball gets away from ree silker who is the back stop for her sister panica advances to third base and up to Second the pinch Runner that is Lily Guthrie The Freshman

Getting out there and on the base paths so Guthrie moves ahead as does penica so two in scoring positions swinging a foul ball away there by Natalie Ziggler so uh if you’ve watched this Armstrong team over the past four years on hight toop Sports Network you’re hearing some new

Names and a lot of these girls uh sophomores and freshman getting a chance now that the uh well the I guess you would call them the foundation have uh kind of moved on from Emma Paul and Jessie Pew that ball chopped towards first base fielded and tossed over Schmidt covers as clerk

Fields the ground ball and the riverhawks leave two in scoring position but they get on the board Shelby cloak long ball just got over the center field fence and that makes it one nothing riverhawks and there go my rosters again I got I got nothing Nate is like Johnny on the spot over

There he is the man the one and only Nate Bailey I mean you’re saving me man thank you so much I I wish I had some rocks up here to just yeah Nate Bailey flee a foot tracking down my rosters again as they blew out from under my computer so I’m putting my

Phone on top of them and the audio interface case can go in there under a mountain of wires and I’m going to take a quick break here from speaking and I will get that other camera up and running here for the top of the second and just a minute thanks

To Armstrong indoor Athletics today’s official broadcast partner and scoreboard sponsor pardon me got a lot going on up here try and level this I’ll try and call the action here Baker on the hill and she is facing the first baseman uh for the Freeport yellow jackets that being Lauren Clark so the

First batter for Freeport this inning is Clark and that one fouled Away by clerk back to the screen count now two balls two strikes lead off batter Clark here might hear some cheering there’s a JV game behind me another strike out there for Baker she gets Clark one away here top of the

Second all right what can we do we can do it all all right and uh after the strike out of Clark swung on first pitch fast ball and lifted uh it says I got an error here I don’t see anything on my end let’s check Ye Old YouTube Creator Studio

Well little ground out there to end the inning one two three once again go the yellow jackets okay let me see if I can uh find what’s going on here yeah I mean everything looks solid on my end here um take a look down maybe a little bit

Well hopefully that did it everything uh looking good right now uh so the score after one and a third is Armstrong one Shelby cloak solo home run there in the bottom of the first and Free Port nothing Madison Baker doing a good job so far against these yellow

Jackets and we’ll take a look at selker as she delivers to Jordan clingen Smith big playoff hero last year for the riverhawks she had a Grand Slam in the I believe it was the quarters not 100% sure but everything kind of blurs together when you’ve been

Doing it this long whoa that is a camera I didn’t want to drop that all right do that and we’ll try and get that going for you here just momentarily and suker the one-w pitch missing right there two and two now to Jordan King Smith one of the riverhawks the younger

Riverhawks last year that did have a chance to get some quality playing time for Coach schaer so you would certainly expect her to be a big part of this offense once again this year he count two and two delivery there by selker change up and she got her just

Fluttered across the letters and selker picks up another K down goes Jordan King and Smith the backwards C brought to you by stephy’s country catering make sure you check out Stephy on online Facebook search Terry Stephy and you know what it’s about time to start thinking about those graduation

Parties and uh all the fun stuff that comes with the summer and if you mention High toop Sports Network Terry will slick you up with a 10% discount for your next event now that’s only an event can’t do it on the Sunday takeout but I advise checking

That out as well Sunday takeout special is just dynamite and Terry knows how much we enjoy them over at high top headquarters because pretty much every time it’s my turn to cook I just uh put my order in there on Facebook and Terry takes care of the

Rest it’s kind of funny I said uh for baseball he was the stolen base sponsor because of his blazing speed on the base paths and he said that’s a little known baseball tidbit Terry Stephie stolen base threat back in the day so right now selker will be working against Madison Baker her Mound

Counterpart here as we have one away here in the bottom of the second inning if you hear me getting a little flustered it’s because I have 8 million wires and my feet and there some of them are tangled up trying to remedy that situation selker fires in there and Baker takes a

Good healthy cut at that one fouls it straight back so most likely Sid will not be throwing that pitch again to Baker she was just a hair off of it I mean it was a big cut by Baker she knew what was coming a little heat up high couldn’t do

Anything with it but it’s usually a good sign that a batter has the speed well judged that fast ball up and in and did it hit Baker I believe it did unless that was Ball Four no it was a two- two pitch there so Baker must have caught her somewhere but she will

Be replaced at first base a courtesy Runner coming in for the riverhawks what am I doing here okay there we go I was trying to find the roster so going to first base uh the courtesy Run for the riverhawks that will be Rachel ban and at the plate for Armstrong

Now we are looking at Matty sturgeon another freshman uh outfielder getting some playing time here during the exhibition schedule okay let me find one more thing here and we’ll get you that batters box View does so it’s always always fun to watch her no matter what we’re playing there

Goes the rer oh Nate I need you Nate I move one thing there goes the roster Nate is on it Nate Bailey should have been a wide receiver in high school with hands like that thank you Nate try not to ruin your whole afternoon he said it doesn’t bother him

And if folks out there don’t know Nate Bailey he was an absolute monster on the offensive line for Armstrong during his high school days played at Mercy Hurston college and uh the term road grader applies when it comes to Nate but really an athletic offensive line and he’d get down the

Field and he was crucial to Zay dck setting multiple school and WP records during his senior year that one blooped it’s going to drop and a base knock and a double slide in there good Hustle by Emma Paul she just stuck her bat out there and kind of

Served it into right field and Paul no hesitation she knew it was dropping the whole way never slowed down around first and slides into second with an extra base hit and that’s probably one of the shortest doubles now what Paul’s ever hit but that gives the riverhawks two in

Scoring position here just one away excuse me two outs apologies there uh here in the bottom of the second so selker trying to work work out of a jam she did so in the first and really reached back for that one kind of got away from her ball outside so Sela right now

Working to try and get out of a jam without allowing any more damage here and that one again off the Plate Shelby cloak who went yard her first time up at the plate right now chance to pick up a couple more RB here if she can find the Outfield

Cloak obviously showed off the power there in her first at bat and’s see if she can find a base hit here and add to the riverhawks lead suker obviously wants to avoid that that one got it the I love this umpire I’ve seen him lots of times he has a very

Slow and deliberate strike call and so where I’m positioned out here in left Center I can kind of get a really good idea of if it’s going to be a strike or not but the the call is so slow as he raises his arm and makes a fist for a

Strike uh that sometimes I get fooled but not fooled there was clo as she walks to load the bases and now selker uh in a definite Jam as the riverhawks have them loaded and penica who doubled off the right field fence her first time up she is at the plate and looking

To really put a incase in the scoreboard here a crooked number uh for the riverhawks as I mentioned penica with that that double to right field her first time up that one low silker misses I got uh I got wires I need uh one of those wire organizer things they make

Those right I believe they’re called interns so if you want to get a high quality internship here with high top sports network come and help me stay organized fun for the whole crew all right I think I got it now silker is behind penica 2 and0 selker came out to talk to

Her and missing again I believe that was a ball there so the bases are loaded nowhere to put for zenica so selka really kind of struggling right now to find that Strike Zone and that one right at the knees and she’ll get a strike there boy that was a big one Sela really

Needed that one and she found the strike zonea make it three and one so they call this a hitters count and penica once again trying to do damage but selker not allowing it on that pitch as she gets forena to swing right through it and a huge pitch here the payoff

Pitch Full Count bases are full of riverhawks and a swing of a miss cker out of it and that is oh man ice water in the veins there by Sydney selker as she is able to work back from a 3oh count and get presena for the final

Out of the Armstrong half of the second inning one- nothing riverhawks here on this Armstrong indoor Athletics game day my name is Josh treos hope you’re doing well it’s a sunny day a lot of clouds in the sky but once that Sun Peaks Out Boy does it feel great

And we’d also like to thank berts foot golf course our home away from home here at high toop thanks to Travis Trevor Alicia and the crew Claire crater a former Yellow Jacket also the event coordinator out there at Birdsfoot Claire’s a great friend of ours and we got to witness some pretty

Amazing moments in her High School career especially on the volleyball courts so thank thanks to Birdsfoot our official Golf Course hey it’s great to uh own a business and have an official golf course it it don’t get much better than that all right I’m doing some things obviously

You can kind of hear me moving around luckily I’m kind of tall so I can reach a lot of places uh I need that in this job hey let’s see if we can get her going here okay okay okay now let’s do this I know I talk to myself you know

They say it is a sign of genius that’s at least what I tell my kids you know hey your dad’s a genius yeah he might sound like a crazy man while he’s talking to himself but trust me genius level just working get this camera just

Where I need it to be and then I’ll bring her online and you guys can get a look uh in tight there at the uh Baker and the hitter and the catcher and all that good stuff that one fou back let’s see if that’ll work there that looks pretty good bring it up

Here online here just a second uh Baker working to Clark right now got her the first time around okay let’s see here Clark down in the count one and two that ball sprayed out towards right field it’s going to going to be foul uh keeps the count at one and

Two and that one over to Paul her throw a little bit high but Pew what a play gets up off her feet there and snags the errant throw by Paul but able to catch it is Pew and get the tag down so nice play by Jesse Pew over there at first

And you know Pew kind of known uh as a as a big power hitter uh but I always tell people you know her uh her skills defensively at first base is just knowing where everything is she is really really sharp there at first and her uh heads up play right there you got

To know when to give up the bag as a first baseman that’s one of the hardest things to teach a young first baseman is to know when to give up that bag and get off of it and she saw that ball coming out of Paul’s hand new was going to be

Offline gave up the bag made the catch and got the tag down and uh Clark with some good speed up the line there but Pew able to to get that tag down and get a very crucial out one away here in the top of the third riverhawks

Lead two nothing or excuse me one nothing pardon me has made a uh a run a there in my mind I don’t know how that happened well something uh is not exactly working here on my on my end I’ll see if I can get it remedied real

Fast and looking back Schmidt over there at first that was Bower behind the plate well don’t worry I’m still here I’m just uh looking for something try and get that other camera for you folks I mean it looks good I just can’t get it to come

Up on the screen I think the I’m just giving you a look inside here this the magic I believe the battery of the camera is a little little funky at the moment so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it we’ll find out uh Keith schaer out there trying to

Get an explanation for something not sure what I’m going to see if I can do one thing before I scrap this whole plan and try something new I don’t like the scrap plans but sometimes you got to okay let’s try this that’s not doing it okay Runner down to first base there

Oops my phone went away that is Schmidt two away oh and that ball just off the glove of kingan Smith and into right field quick backup there by sturgeon and right um cling Smith that ball wasn’t really hit all that hard by digitus but I think it kind of got clingensmith to misjudge

Her jump a little bit I think she jumped Just a Touch too early probably thinking that ball was hit harder than it actually was and it just tipped off her glove into right field so a hit for detis and and that will bring Sid zelker to the plate big

Cut I think that’s Sid I’m not sure yes it is so Deus I mean Baker made a pretty good pitch on that I thought you know high and tight in on the hands of the Lefty detis but she was able to get the badad around quickly and make just

Enough contact to serve it up high and there’s a rip but Jordan King Miss was there that time didn’t have to jump for that one as selker lines it right into her glove and that’s the final out of the freeboard third inning Nate Bailey again I didn’t even know that

Blew away that time Nate thank you well I’m going to ow Nate some money at the end of this game for sure as he keeps tracking down my stuff that blows away I’m trying to put things on top of it but you know it’s not like I’m doing anything else here so

Getting ready ah head to the bottom of the third rever Hawks up one- nothing a little bit of a pitcher duel going on here Madison Baker and Sydney selker going at it and selker as her first two times around here has had to really work out of some jams is loaded last inning

Second and third in the first but able to do it and uh you don’t get division one scholarships for being a mediocre pitcher and Sydney selker certainly is not that she is like I said just a a competitor through and through and if you’ve ever had a chance to watch her on

The volleyball court and in the circle as we have numerous times over the past four years you can really understand why we have such an appreciation for her uh not to mention the fact she’s a great kid from a great family that is always a help you know when you do this

Job like we do and we’re you know we’re members of the community that we serve and we we know people we see people and people have the you know their opinions one way or another most of the time I would say the majority of the time very

Supportive of what we do here in the greater Armstrong County area I say greater because you know we cover Armstrong we cover West Shamokin we cover Freeport that’s a border school kisy that’s a border school and you know we do a lot of uh especially come playoff time a lot of

District six games out in Indiana County uh during the regular season WP games all through Butler and alany so we’re everywhere and then once it gets to poua time boy we were in Bald Eagle Area uh last week and let me tell you brother that was not a not a quick

Drive out to Bald Eagle in belfont PA and you know the worst part about it is was snowing and you know there’s no there’s no uh there’s really no straight shot from 80 back to Katanning and you got to come down from Brookville and it’s just windy and dark

And and got to give credit to Joe rhods he drove the made the drive for us and man oh man he was he was fighting he was fighting for the cause but he got us there and home safely was a heck of an effort that’s

When as a coach you know you would be like it’s a heck of an effort out there kid little ad boy and Joe got us back to the high top headquarters in one piece so I’m trying something else here we’ll get her let’s do this and maybe this I don’t

Know don’t want to knock my other camera over that would not be good real time here folks you get it in real time okay now let’s do this as well suker out of the game right now uh now in pitching that’s Smith so I mean I don’t really blame uh Ronda

Jittis the Free Port manager I don’t really blame him for taking sit out get her three Innings uh she threw a fair amount of pitches not over the top amount of pitches let’s just take a look at her line real quick so silker three Innings pitched excuse me two innings pitched she’s she

Came out here um and now Smith in the game for the jackets three hits one run one earn two walks five strikeouts so you know no reason to to wear Sid selker out um if you’re Ronda gittis right now with the the section schedule always a battle in h Freeport section so selker

Gets the start pitch as well oh look at Pew heads up play she’s going to be in there and she’s thinking about going to third but she hits the brakes talk about a heads up play Jesse Pew nice base running skills right there she gets down to second on the delayed steel catcher

Through behind her she took off and that’s one thing that the riverhawks do very very well um is that delayed steel and want to try this again with that right there oh boy okay there’s some music being played down there I don’t know why I don’t know

If we have a pinch I don’t think so uh brother Jess tuned in at home what’s up Jess glad you’re watching not a surprise that you are thank you for the um heads up on The View we’re going to get another one here bud don’t worry just have to uh find the right

Combination all right down at second base now Jesse pew I closed my game changer shouldn’t have done that open that back up and I believe at the plate right now for the River Hawks I’m going to say that get to the game stream here yeah Bower walked and

Then ban came in to pinch run and now we got Ziggler at the plate I think that was the way it went last time around I’ll just make sure uh actually Lily Guthrie in the pinch run so Guthrie at first pew at second and Ziggler at the plates swings over

That change up it’s in the dirt Pew and Guthrie will both move up so despite the swing in the Miss there by Ziggler Armstrong gets a couple more base runners into scoring Position and a swing and that one’s going to drop in left field Ziggler with an RBI single Here Comes Guthrie she’s in beats the throw home and advancing after the RBI base hit is Ziggler down to Second so riverhawks add two more courtesy of that two-run single by Natalie

Ziggler good piece of hitting right there by Ziggler waited got her pitch and was able to do the damage a two-run base knock and that one fouled away okay there well at the plate base knock again that one’s going to get to the fence into the left center field Gap Jordan King and

Smith will drive home Ziggler with run number four for Armstrong so 4 nothing now Hawks non-conference action here at Armstrong Junior Senior High School my name is Josh Ros thanks for tuning in to high toop Sports Network always love to have you and love that you’re spending some

Of your time with us this afternoon gorgeous day you could be doing anything in the world right now but you’re here with me hey all right well folks we’ll get her up here one second and that ball hit toward right field it’s going to drop a just foul pull that up

There maybe bring this here again talking to myself sign of Genius really it is I swear all right there’s that second look that I was teasing you about for cheese two innings but there it is I think we can put the first cable I used in the trash base KN

Up the middle around third is CL SMI she scores and an RBI single there from Madison Baker helping her own cause five nothing Hawks here in the bottom of the third well selker came out uh obviously was scheduled for her to come out after two innings cuz she certainly could have

Kept going but now that Smith is in the game for Freeport you know the riverhawks have jumped jumped on her a little bit and put up four runs this inning and still hitting only oh there’s nobody out wow so nobody out there for the riverhawks Duron a base knock and

The hits keep on coming Armstrong doing some damage here in the bottom of the third inning to get you a little tighter there we’ll do this get a little bit tighter on that that Mound View well I guess it’s not a mound in softball it’s a

Circle and we’re going to have a meeting in the circle right now Yellow Jackets taking a moment to maybe calm Smith down just a touch uh it’s difficult you know you’re coming in against this team uh I wouldn’t say historically a great hitting team but certainly over the past three seasons

Just a phenomenal offense here at Armstrong and they’re a 5A school you know uh fre Port 3A well they got they’re 4 a in softball excuse me and out there you know throwing is a girl who’s just a sophomore you know and she’s uh well we

Got a pitching change I believe yes we do uh now is Leah Clark a freshman so we went from Lauren Clark the sophomore to Leah the freshman and while we have a moment as Leah warms up we’re going to take a quick commercial break and thank today’s official broadcast partner Armstrong indoor

Athletics Armstrong indoor Athletics located at 132 South Grand Street Avenue in downtown Katanning offers a state-ofthe-art trading facility and top tier instruction by experienced coaches to help turn your youngster into the best baseball or softball player they can bat and cage and Bullpen Lane rentals are available for 30 to 60 Minute

Sessions and you can also sign your baseball or softball player up for private hitting pitching buiilding and catching instruction with our no Staff be sure to visit Armstrong indro Athletics online at a. team or call them at 72459 9761 for more information today and welcome back to high top sports network Josh R here with you this afternoon I got to say that oh boy I’m extremely happy with the weather today the past two Armstrong

Free Port games have been rough for the kid really two years ago just uh one of the all-time worst uh that I’ve ever experienced cold rain snow sleep uh fried monitor glad I didn’t get electrocuted uh but not just that both teams scoring a ton of runs I think

There was 36 runs in the game and I was going from uh here to West jamoka to do boys volleyball and I just had to leave a I really couldn’t take it anymore I I mean I was I couldn’t I didn’t have a monitor I didn’t know what was going on on the

Stream anyway so I just shut her down I think I was in the sixth inning when I shut it down and I got in the drove out to West joken had to raid the tech ed room to get a monitor and uh was able to do that thankfully and um got the boys

Volleyball game there that night it was awful I got to tell you it was I I got a a bad one last year too I think I want to say it was Indiana maybe nanic I it was a red and white team and it was so windy that Joe rhs uh

Came up here prior to the game hours before the game as that one chopped the short Force out at third for out number one this inning if you can believe it Fielder Choice there as jansky grounds to short little 63 put out there to cut down the lead Runner

But Joe rhods came up here and worked his tail off trying to build me some kind of cover it was a it was a modified Duck Blind let’s put it that way it was awesome uh until the wind really started blowing I mean this thing was like

Bungee corded down we had weights on stuff and it didn’t matter I mean the wind had to be 50 60 mil an hour up here and uh do Z blocki former riverhawk football standout he was hey guys stay over there please cameras thanks uh little guy just caught a

Touchdown he was fired up so I don’t want to hey you got to have fun when you’re at a game when you’re a kid and they’re out throwing the football there beside me but I think a finger or two came up in in your uh screen up top there so let

Just try to limit that but do blocki uh hung tight with me in the the Duck Blind and was holding it down literally holding it down as I was running the stream there’s a Fielder Choice it’s going to be an RBI ground out over to third is Emma Paul so Paul

Advancing well that’s interesting they have Paul up she’s certainly not up I really hope that that game changer is not frozen she’s down at third base trust me I see her down there number five oh wait no sorry let’s uh I am all discombobulated here there uh that’s definitely not Emma at PL

Let’s just get the roster out here Emma Paul is at third base next to her father Jamie down there coaching third and at the plate right now is Isabelle penica so we are well it’s catching up right now so I’ll let you know and penica extends the arms that one deep to center

Field it’s off the fence Paul trots home penica into second with her second double of the game RBI double by is B pen makes it 6 nothing I believe or maybe seven we’re going to have to wait uh I can’t see the actual scoreboard here and I was yapping about being in a

Duck Blind so but I’ll never forget that game because of dozic he he came in he crawled under there with me and held everything together uh while the wind was just torturing us and as soon as he left H at the conclusion of the game I said thanks dozic really appreciate man

Soon as he left and let go it blew into my face I caught a canopy beam to the nose and explo lives were yelled and I got pretty much everyone here to turn and look because I was just at my wits end with the uh the wind and then two

Guys from the I think it was nanic now that I think about it but uh two guys from their fan base ran over and they helped me get everything together so I didn’t lose any equipment Paul Waits on the change excuse me Pew Waits on the

Change up drills it off the center field fence and penica into score Pew she slides around the tag and gets in there for the with the RBI double how about Jesse Pew waiting on that change up and just serves it and that’s how much power she has that was nothing but her

Forearms doing that right there and she hit it about halfway up dead center right under the scoreboard and that’s the kind of Pop That Jessie pew packs at the plate and so now uh we’re going to get a little visit there from selker over to talk to Leah Clark a little

Bit Jessie Pew wow that was I mean she had already taken her step kind of expecting a fast ball planted her foot and then just used her forearms really in her shoulders to smack that one off the center field fence foran an easy Trot home and then Pew with the smooth base

Running in the slide around the tag right there as trying to bring that tag back I believe that was Kelly Schmid out there at second she tried to swipe back at Pew but Pew a veteran there inside the tag with the RBI double so the riverhawks keep it rolling here eight

Nothing Armstrong in bottom of the Third and ground ball Short Stop picked up fires that’s a low throw and it gets through the wickets of Schmidt over there at first excuse me that’s not Schmid she’s at second apologies uh they don’t have a number it’s 21 for free port and that is Jamie

Radvan you know that name if you follow uh Freeport softball quite the uh quite the softball family the rad van but that throw coming in low and hot from Abby detis out there short and it’s not like she doesn’t have the arm to get it there she I think she just

Just kind of palmed that ball and it went in low on radan and through the wickets another run scores as Pew oh no she didn’t she’s at third base well I thought she did you know it kind of just take for granted that the riverhawks are going to take that extra

Base uh but PW still standing out there at third and now Ziggler ground ball one hopper over to third firing across is Clark and they get out of it finally Freeport able to end the Armstrong third inning but not before the Hawks put a seven spot on the scoreboard riverhawks now leading eight

Nothing over the three-point Yellow Jackets non-conference action here softball action I said uh on the baseball broadcast on Monday uh we’re not used to going so deep into basketball season this year we were able to roll with the marry and Center girls and do a state semifinal

Game in basketball and it just like I don’t know you blink and you turn around and it’s baseball and softball season and uh just for every athlete you know adjusting to a new um season a new sport you know take some time and it does that for us too it took

Us uh taken us a little time to get back in the mode of baseball softball spring Sports Outdoors I’m like I was leaving and I thought well I better put another I better put a heavier shirt on and then I got the old vest out for some extra insulation because

Listen if you’ve ever been to a game up here you know what it’s about I see some blankets down there on the riverhawks side of things I mean even as nice as it was today or or it has been still that that wind can get to

You all right so that’s going to bring us to the top of the fourth inning free Port Trails Armstrong eight nothing uh Pew and presen really big at the plate for the riverhawks today and just shows you that the just because Jenna CL isn’t here just because EMS Merrick isn’t here

Anymore there’s no slowdown in this riverhawks offense it just isn’t and you know you got Emma Paul you got Jesse Pew and I really been impressed by penica so far first time getting to see her uh play some varsity you know get some varsity action and you know she obviously has some

Popping that bad as boy um who is that couldn’t pull the bat back and just Baker High fast ball out of the Zone but it got a piece um who was that re selker yeah got a piece of her bat and instead of it being a ball up

High and out of the Zone it is a foul ball strike so that makes it 0 and two swinging a miss and Baker that was a little soft stuff away had some spin on it for sure break it away from RE selker and she goes down swinging and let’s take a

Look uh quickly here at Madison Baker’s line she has been very very good Baker three and a third two hits no runs allowed and that was strikeout number five for Madison Baker so good start for her and her first pitch in there for a strike to

Clark there are two Clarks in the game don’t worry I’ll uh it just says Clark this is Lauren at the plate number 12 and Baker swinging a miss and she’s just cruising right now you got to love that uh watching her work she um you know she she face it she probably

Thought she was good enough to get more work than she did leading up to this her senior year and oh boy strike three paints the corner and strikeout number two this inning by Baker and that is number six for the game but uh what I was saying you know

Baker probably felt like hey I’m I’m good enough to get some varsity Innings here but cam Frankle just she held on to that starting spot never did anything to lose it certainly and and one thing I will say about cam not an overpowering pitcher in terms of velocity but boy

Could she mix it up uh great speed changes location different kinds of offe speed stuff and when the stage was the biggest uh cam Frankle pitched the best and that’s one thing you want out of your starting pitcher is when the stage gets bigger the lights get brighter you know

They up their game and the best games that I saw a cam pitch in high school were playoff games I mean just phenomenal uh against pen Trafford in that state semi game that Armstrong won three to2 I believe at Mars and cam was just lights out I think

She gave up two runs in the first inning and did nothing for the rest of the game and she as I said she uh did not Rel that starting spot and of course uh the coaches worked in Baker the past couple of years when they could where they could obviously you got you

Know you got a good starting pitcher waiting in the wings but you also don’t want to mess with the rhythm of a team especially when they’ve been winning at the clip that Armstrong has been and Swinging to miss again the rise gets another strikeout so three strikeouts that inning as gorley goes

Down Baker now to seven for the game and riverhawks uh have not really been threatened uh so far in this one Freeport offense being held at Bay here by Madison Baker doing a great job in the circle for the Hawks and what do we got here no I just got some message that

Went away some kind of error message I’m not sure what I do do have to do is get this phone plugged in because we’re zipping through the battery I have my charger there it is so make sure you stay tuned to hi toop Sports Network you’ll see take a

Look at our website social media uh platforms uh where we’re going to be tomorrow it’ll be an Armstrong County Softball Showdown Leechburg and west shoka we’ll have that on the network tomorrow afternoon and I’ll tell you what those uh those wolves man they’re going to be dangerous they have a lot of

Offense uh being led right now by senior Lily Jordan just mashing the ball Lily with four home runs in her first three games not sure um she’s added to that total since this Wednesday since Monday well you just got to keep I kind of have

To move my phone around I’m sorry to to get the best reception up here as it is my mobile hotspot therefore running the stream and also running game changer as that one is picked up on the infield base hit to start it I mean everything looking good over here

I uh looks good on my live preview it’s not buffering or anything so hopefully you folks out there at home are enjoying a a smooth broadcast well that was Jordan clingensmith with the lead off base hit and just want to make sure I got everybody correct here and who’s up

Who’s out on the field Baker at the plate and yes Leah Clark still uh in the circle for the jackets service is excellent so we’re GNA we’re going to bank on that and uh hopefully you folks out there are getting a as I said a smooth broadcast all

Right well Baker at the plate right now down at first is clinin Smith after her leadoff single it was cut down in the infield and a walk to Baker so Lily Guthrie has replaced Baker on the base paths uh the first couple times around let’s see if she does

Again I think we’re going to get a different courtesy Runner here for Madison Baker this time around Keith schaer uh doing a lot of work to that line up card today want to see who got down there I think it was number 17 for Armstrong check the old rust there indeed Emily Brown

Sophomore down there at first base cling Smith at second nobody out and riverhawks trying to put a couple more on the board here against Clark if they can and waiting on that grounding it up the middle fielded at second get the fours we should have just hung on to that one

But kinget Smith does not force the issue uh the throw across there not so now we have Runners at first and third one away riverhawks up 80 on the yellow jackets not ripped left side through base hit RBI die Emma Paul oh that ball in tight good velocity

There now by Leah Clark going against the number two hitter Shelby cloak is Homer Dan wat so far in this one and I believe also a fly out if I recall correctly I’m not sure Runners at first and second that’s and Guthrie and that ball in the dirt blocked nicely by

Selker and Clark delivers here rolls that one in so that’s going to walk the bases loaded uh never tempted to swing at that with Shelby cloak in the dirt well I always say that in the dirt but it’s not really dirt it’s field Turf but you kind of bowled that one

Across the own plate and that’ll bring the bases loaded for PNA because she’s had a big day at the plate trying to add to it and ripped towards short quick toss only going to get one so a run will score on the RBI ground out super Zena adding to the RBI total

Today she’s got a fewy dokie where are we here and Jesse pew at the plate now 10 nothing riverhawks Emma Paul at third penica at first and Pew takes that pitch penica down to Second without a throw so I’d say that would be defensive indifference I’m sure

Silker is not going to fire down there with em AAL at third I guess it still goes as a stolen base I don’t know have to look up the rule on that M Pew just in front of that off ring Keith Schaefer down to his knees

Can’t make the Play error on the manager Keith schaer going to have to tell him hey either stay in your box or make the play coach Keith a great guy and awesome awesome coach really a softball baseball softball lifer Keith a visor guy down there third

Pew Waits on it rips it and again splits the outfielder couple more come in for the riverhawks 12 nothing Armstrong and Jesse Pew just the uh professional hitter up there I’m telling you last two times trying to get her with a change up that is a mistake because if that thing is

Anywhere near the plate she just going to wait on it and smash it um last time up about halfway up the fence out there and this time short hop center field fence and brings home two more for Armstrong so that ball ripped and it’s off the base defense and left field Pew she’s

Going to hang at second Bas and all the way around having to hit the brakes and Retreat after a nice swing there was Abby Bower and doesn’t look like the doesn’t look like the offense has gone anywhere yeah half of it or more than half of it might be up at Ganon but

The riverhawks still showing that despite the losses to graduation they could still smack the ball around the yard 12 on the board here against freeboard that ball in the dirt bounces away from Cel to the back stop Pew tiptoes down to Third and behind her into second base will be Bower

So not uh not much going Freeport way freeport’s way here and that ball Sky shallow right going to be a tough play and able to hang on at second nice snag going over her shoulder and running back that was Schmidt tracks it down and gets yellow jackets out of the inning

But the riverhawks tack on four more here 12 nothing Armstrong as we get ready to head to the top of the fifth inning here on high top sports network Josh re gos with you thanks for tuning in as I said always glad whenever you spend part of your day with us

Okay I’m doing something here always doing something and I want to say a special thanks to Armstrong co-athletic director Jay canes I mean he was waiting in the parking lot to pick me up I mean it’s a lot of equipment to to walk up over this

Hill and Jake was waiting for me and uh I had put an extension cord in the baseball Dugout like utility closet last year it wasn’t there uh and so where I’m set up in left Center I I need that extension cord uh to get power over here for everything

And the one I brought with me was about 50 feet short I mean it was a 50F footer but I I needed the full hundred to get over here and I’ll tell you what Jake canish just I didn’t even ask him he just turned around left and I thought oh

Man I probably should have asked him to uh see if he could find me an extension cord no sooner than I pick up my phone uh to call him then he was driving back with an extension cord so thank you Jake canish uh always on top of it here

At Armstrong I I really appreciate him for you know everything he does for us I got to tell you that it’s it’s not an easy job um to be the athletic director it just isn’t uh at any school and you know they don’t make much money I got to tell

You it’s a sometimes a thankless job which I’m pretty familiar with and Jake does it well and he does it with a smile on his face and he never ever ever you know gets flustered and I ask him for stuff all the time I’m like

Jake I need this Jake I need this and he always comes through so I appreciate UJ canes thank you sir for uh helping make my life just a little bit easier today I’m able to telepathically sense that I needed the uh the exclam the um extension cord I

Was going to say exclamation point because I’m looking at one but uh Jake is the man he he did a great job uh for us all through football basketball I mean he’s been great ever since he’s been on uh have been promoted to that position you know the Kenny Stewart

Longtime athletic director passing away and 2020 and uh Todd Harvey and Jak canes have split the duty since and they’ve been awesome and especially awesome to us uh we’re here quite a bit uh as you know if you follow hiop Sports Network we’re this is you know one of our I would say

Kind of like home schools and and you know I I think we have great relationships with all of our athletic directors including Sean senson down at Freeport um but Jake uh I gotta tell you man he came through today so thank you Mr canes I hope you go back at this

Broadcast and and check it out and see that I don’t just make fun of your playlist during basketball season he uh Logan badak who plays first base for the Armstrong baseball team and also does some broadcasting for us at high top I got him going about it on the air

As that ball served out into left field nice bit of hitting right there boy I got to look that name up but that was a nice you know there some of these small lefties you’ll see during softball they get in there and they slap at the ball and use their

Speed to get down the line well right there Megan grond is her name first bat right there listen at 5 feet all of five foot tall and she took that pitch now into the game of course this is no longer Baker on the hill if you haven’t noticed

I wasn’t talking about it but um Rachel ban uh coming in to get some work here riverhawks up big um but Gran that was a nice piece of hitting usually those slap hitters they don’t try and get it over the infield they try to put it on the infield and

Make those infielders field the ball and make the throw but right there goleman uh she served that pitch right over left side of the infield got down to First with a base hit so that it’ll be a leadoff single for the jackets here in the top of the fifth

Inning ow sorry about that I just went to Neel in front of my computer and uh my middle of my knee went right into a rock you just can’t make it up I’m serious you just that hurt so bad and I’ll give you um a little bit of context something

To compare to if you have kids and they’re little and they like to play with Legos and they leave a Lego on the floor or a bunch of Legos on the floor and you’re trying to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and you’re

You’re making your way through the hall and it’s dark and you can’t see anything and then boom you step on a triangular hard plastic Lego right in the middle of your foot that is what it just felt like to put my knee down on a rock

So taking one for the team up here in left Center there’s Logan uh walking over I think I can’t tell there’s somebody in front of them but man these kids uh today they have the bat bags that have everything I didn’t have a bat bag like

That when I played it was like uh more like one of these tripod cases real long and thin and not much to it sometimes it was hard to get your spikes in it you know didn’t have all these like like backpacks you can hold one has three bats in there

What we had three bats for the team and I’ll tell you what if you if you know your baseball and you know your high school baseball you played with a bat that everybody wanted to swing that ball popped foul and it drops and and somebody out there is

Going to be like yes as soon as I say this you know I was a in my baseball career was in the 90s so it’s a it’s been a while the East and black magic that bat I mean basically you look at it now it looks like a piece of lead compared to

These bats that the kids use now all the technology that goes into them and you know what’s your drop angle and how the weights transferred in The Sweet Spot is that one got him on the double play quick thinking there as the line drive picked by B and she turns and fires to

First base and that’s going to do it riverhawks 12 nothing Victorious here at home and man that was quick work by Armstrong they got to that uh you got to be I think it’s 11 after five and when they got that 12th round I thought boy freebo’s going to really uh

Have to do something keep this game going and grman started it off there with that you know nice nice little piece of hitting to get it out into left field lead off single however ban really quick in the circle there she’s able to pick that ball and fire over to Pew

Before Gran could get back and that was it Game ending double play riverhawks Win here at home non-conference and they’ve had three free ports number the past three years uh that that win a couple of years ago here where I told you it was raining and snowing and sleeing and I lost a

Monitor that got fried and that game I think it was 22 to 14 or 24 to 14 or something it was crazy but then last year riverhawks at Community Park a couple of homers uh to to beat selker down uh in Freeport and then today boy

It’s going to be tough to really really judge Armstrong until they start playing against their section until they start playing some they have Hempfield next Tuesday here at home we’ll be broadcasting that one but that’s going to be a good test always uh good measuring stick to see what you do stack

Up against Hempfield that’s a softball Powerhouse so the riverhawks oh see Mike Reed here what’s up man how you doing Mike Mike Reed the head varsity boys soccer coach here at Armstrong also one heck of a photographer and he supplies us with some images throughout the year that we

Use in the sports section of the Leader Times high top sports network the third party contractor uh we take care of all the content for the leader time sports section the paper of record here in Armstrong County and M uh gotten some of the the nicest photos

The the best action shots that we’ve had over the past few years uh since we launched high top and came back to the leader times one in particular the Cassidy Adams taking the home Runway up in uh oh that was a state quarterfinal game against Central Mountain

St Francis yeah and Mike you got that perfectly the best part of that photo is the guy in the chair behind the fence looking like this like he’s like oh no it’s going to hit me but Cass went up and took that one away so that was that was a win for the

Riverhawks that day they get one again here today at home and we’re going to run down some quick stats here on the Ryan Bowser State Farm postgame show Ryan a fantastic sponsor day one sponsor here for us on hight toop Sports Network he’s postgame show sponsor

Today and let me get out of the video highlights here that they well they put those up on Game Changer pretty fast but let’s get to the box score here riverhawks get a home run from Shelby cloak in the bottom of the first that was the opening

Blow uh both teams scoreless in the second then the you know Sydney selker came out of the game scheduled um you know she wasn’t going to go the whole way here as I said you know why waste her in a non-conference Game when she is undoubtedly fre ports Ace so after two innings selker exits the game take a quick look at her line Sid silker uh two innings pitch three hits one run the earned run that Homer by cloak uh two walks five strikeouts so

Selker I mean she did her job uh but not going to go the whole way in an exhibition against Armstrong and she gave way to uh pardon me I dropped my roster again luckily I didn’t need Nate to run it down for me um well we have Ali Smith in here as

Coming into pitch and I don’t think that was her first I thought it was I thought it was the Clark girls that both pitched but apparently not apparently I was wrong about that so apologies uh but on the box score here coming in to relieve Sydney selker Ali Smith the freshman and you

Know hey you’re getting thrown in the fire when you’re a freshman and playing varsity in any level any sport and she had a rough go with things four hits six runs all of them earned two walks no strikeouts and then Lauren Clark uh excuse me Leah Clark apologies I

Think yeah Lea Clark CLK uh she came in two innings pitched six hits five runs all of them earned and two walks no strikeouts so selker you know you’ve seen her keep going the past couple of years against Armstrong and I don’t you know I I agree

With what ronus did here today you know I I wouldn’t waste her yeah of course you put her on the you put her in the circle was her birthday yesterday of course she’s going to want a pitch and um you know selker two innings in there pitched decently

Really only one mistake worked out of a couple of big jams did silker and you know she came out of the game and then Armstrong went to town on the less experienced freep Port pitchers and able to win this game in five innings 12 nothing so we looked at Sydney sers line

The Free Port pitchers lines only three hits today uh detis with a base hit man with a base hit and Schmidt all singles for free ports and Armstrong quite the opposite uh riverhawks had 12 runs on 13 hits 12 RBI that’s a good sign as a team

Six walks five strikeouts big game for Isabelle pren she was two for four three RBI two runs scored penica couple of doubles couple RBI doubles actually and then right behind her in the batting order Jesse Pew two for three three RBI run scored and a walk Pew um doubled

And also I guess that yeah that one she hit the short hop def fence only got a single out of it because it got out there so quick and it’s not like I said it’s not a big Park so Freeport able to turn it in quickly and then you go down

The line Emma Paul lead off two for four two runs scored in RBI Shelby cloak right after her the home run one for two two walks and an RBI penica as I mentioned two for four two runs scored three RBI then Pew two hits then after her Bower with a

Hit followed by Ziggler with a hit followed by Clingan Smith two for three two runs scored in an RBI cling Smith also a double in this game and then Baker also had a hit boy oh boy sturgeon had a hit too so really uh everyone swinging the bat well for Armstrong

Today as they pick up a 12 nothing Victory and I’m just sliding down oh boy that is a wild score um I kind of mentioned it on the broadcast oh boy uh in the baseball uh game on Monday right now the riverhawks baseball team down six nothing to Plum on the

Road that’s not the Wild score I was talking about I was talking about the West Shamokin wolves baseball team up on Con on 22 nothing what is L Schwarz running for touchdowns in that game I mean that is uh that’s a big number in a baseball game 22 nothing right now the

Wolves uh up on cona Township in the third yaza a rough day down there for kod Township and look at some finals yesterday West shoken baseball beat Indiana 155 uh we got well I just said riverhawks this is the game you just watched riverhawks 12 nothing and that will raise the riverhawks

Record to three and0 they have not allowed a run this year 10 nothing over knock oh I’m sorry uh is not three and0 well I guess those were scrimmages against Burl um as I said they were supposed to take on Hempfield that game rescheduled to next Tuesday that’ll be

Here uh so the schedule not completely up to date on their game changer but I believe the riverhawks are 3 and 0 or 2 and 0 excuse me uh 10 nothing over knock on Monday 12 nothing here today over Freeport and some nonconference exhibition action and the next game

For let’s see I said the schedule’s not updated I don’t know why I’m telling you what the next game is going to be maybe I can find it on the internet real quick before I sign off here riverhawks impressive once again offensively this team is just it just

Keeps on keeps on charging forward um it’s it’s really been fun to watch uh certainly for us here at high toop Sports Network being able to broadcast so many of these games just a Powerhouse and I got to tell you you know people you it’s so what for me what have you

Done for me lately kind of mentality in the world these days I got to tell you I’ve been up here in 2017 covering the riverhawks and let me tell you they weren’t beating teams 12 nothing in five innings in fact they were on the opposite end of that uh they

Were they were taken the beating back then so a real credit to how this program has been developed uh over the years because you know you’d see Franklin Regional on the schedule and you’d think oh man this is going to be 18 nothing in three Innings

And a lot of times it was and those girls didn’t mean they weren’t playing hard didn’t mean they weren’t you know giving everything they had it just hadn’t come together yet and boy about four years ago started to come together for these riverhawks and you know a lot

Of people a lot of pundits you read uh some of the media and some of the reporting you’ll see that a lot of people think well well Clans is gone sm’s gone Adams is gone sprankle’s gone aon’s gone these this team’s not going to be good and I have said well I’m

Going to say it on on the air right now for the first time this season but I people that I’ve talked to um stuff that I’ve written I think this team’s going to be dangerous I think they’re going to be very dangerous and you get a bat like penica

She hits the way she did today and and you got really only wanted bad to judge her against a high quality pitcher but she hit well against selker cloak I think uh really started to come on late last year and into the playoffs she was really really good

Good I think you got a lot of pieces here it’s obviously a young Outfield and I think Baker feels like hey maybe I got a little something to prove uh she pitched extremely well today and we’ll take a look really quickly at Baker’s line go back that was the results the

Team results so Baker um today four Innings pitch picked up the W two hits Allowed no runs no walks seven strikes outs so I mean keep your eyes peeled for this riverhawks team this isn’t just a you know a couple year window for this team I don’t think as long as this

Season Emma Paul’s at Short Stop Madison Baker’s in the circle that infield all intact from a year ago you saw what Jesse Pew could do uh a couple RBI couple two two- run double or excuse me two RBI doubles in this one and both of them

Were on change up she had already taken her step realized it was a change up pled te with the longest playoff streak in whip softball history that being the Leechburg Blue Devils excited to see that one looking forward to some good softball out there in Rural Valley two teams one really

Building its history right now and another one steeped in history and achievements that that being the Blue Devils really a just a phenomenal Story the way they’ve continued to be successful and get to the postseason every single year I’d have to go back and look I think it’s something like 34

Years in a row um you know it’s been an impressive impressive thing to see what leeburg has been able to sustain in terms of Team success over the past several decades really so the JVS here they’re getting ready to uh take the field and that means the end of the broadcast for

Myself got to pack up this equipment go thank Nate Bailey for running my stuff down as it continued to blow away over and over and over and over and over again thanks to Nate quick on his feet quick reflexes appreciate you Nate so I uh got to go Shake Nate’s hand talk

To Mike Reed just a little bit while I get packed up here and we will be back tomorrow as I said exhibition softball here early season I didn’t check the weather hopefully uh similar to today you know in Western PA it’s never the same two days in a row so I’m kind of

Worried uh it could get bad I don’t know I’m going to pull up the weather before I get off here well tomorrow uh fingers crossed 52 in sunshine not as warm as today but let’s just keep it dry especially out at West jokan if you’ve ever been to those fields you know

Excited they put field Turf down in the infield both the baseball and softball fields it drains great but guess what uh the the two fields are backto back essentially and the middles of those two outfields it’s just uh swamp so hopefully we stay dry and can

Get that game in tomorrow it looks like we will so make sure you tune in tomorrow West Shamokin and Leechburg we’ll have it here right for you live and free of charge on hiop Sports Network okay well jv’s going through their warm-ups here that means I’m going

To get off the air thank you again for tuning in this afternoon appreciate it as always feel free to check us out on social media just search hiop sports on Facebook hiop Sports onx then you we’re at hiop Sports Network on the Graham and I think that’s it uh I’m

Trying to think if we have any more social media we might uh we don’t have a Tik Tok but everybody says we should get a Tik Tok and like I said I need an intern so if you’re looking for an internship and you know how to do the Tik Tock feel free to

Reach out oh of course check out the website hi topsports and first pitch uh about to go down here for the JV game so I’m going to jump off recap the final score Armstrong 12 free Port nothing a final in five innings riverhawks off to a 2-0

Start and that’ll do it for us here at Armstrong Junior Senior High School for the entire high top sports network team my name is Josh reos thanks to Armstrong indoor Athletics and I bid you Ado have a great rest of your day

1 Comment

  1. Please comment on what is happening in the game, not irrelevant stories. I would like to know who is playing the actual game.

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