Golf Players

Alex Noren’s drill for becoming a better wedge player | Short Game Mastery

Amateur golfers often struggle with short game from a variety of distances with their wedges. Alex Noren often sees people use a scooping motion when using wedges and he has a drill that will fix this.

Place a club a foot behind the ball and use it as a reminder to not scoop and instead take a divot when hitting wedges.

All right I’m Alex noren at PJ West and we’re just going to go through a very very simple drill to kind of just before you tea off to improve your short game or anything under 80 yards a little bit before you head out on the course and

What I see when I play pro AMS with amers is that a little bit too much scooping out of the bunker a little bit scooping out of chipping and stuff you especially in the rough or you try to put a little bit of spin on the ball uh

So the angle of attack is really important in the short game so a little bit higher angle of attack and then you don’t have to take a massive divot after that but just getting used to the club going a little bit up and down so what I

Do here I got a 56 in my hand you don’t need to go to the short game area you can just do this on the Range you put a nine iron whatever Club you want foot behind the ball you don’t have to put it very close just a reminder of not

Kind of scooping it so you hit the stick so this about a foot behind and then you just go from a little chip you see like I get above this and above it coming down but it didn’t take a divot so it’s not all about the

Divot uh it’s just about the angle of attack it comes in so then you canit hit a few longer ones so you see a little bit of divot um and you can go work your way up with this so like that’s that’s not going to be in play and then like 70

Yards so a little bit more divot um and then you can imagine maybe a bunker shot uh cuz most people don’t have time to go to the every you know potting chipping everything for the round in a bunker Shaw you put the ball here you open the club face a little bit

You try to get above this you can put the ball quite close to this and just hit one like you would out of the bunker so little bit of divot and I think when you just get used to this do it like 5 minutes before the round then you get

Out on the course you’re going to chip it better a little bit better bunk out of the bunker and your wedges are going to be better so I hope it helps you next time you play

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