Golf Players

UPDATES AND INTEL: Florida Gators hold first spring scrimmage


In this episode of Gators Breakdown, David Waters reviews the first spring scrimmage for the Florida Gators. Listen as David discusses news and updates from spring practice, along with insights from head coach Billy Napier.

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Gator breakdown because there’s never a dull moment in Gator Nation the gator breakdown podcast is ready to go I’m your host David Waters you can find me on social media at Gator Dave and we are here to talk about the first scrimmage for the Gators this spring

2024 season coming up first time the Gators have been in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium in a scrimmage setting for this spring so lots to get into of course we’re here for Billy Napier and we’ll get some Intel some updates from the scrimmage itself more we more what probably filter out um throughout the

Next couple days uh so of course stay tuned to Gator breakdown we’ll update it a as it is but uh there’s there’s plenty to get into after this first scrimmage so we’ll get into some quarterback play um some other standouts to other positions of course as well but plenty

To get into on the heels of this first scrimmage so before we get there like subscribe right here on YouTube subscribe on your favorite podcast platform but hey look really helps us out here on this YouTube all those likes it goes a long way and sharing Gator breakdown with everybody else out there

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Hear from Billy Napier right after the first scrimmage of this spring on Saturday you know I think in Spring ball when you get to practice six seven and eight you know you find out what type of Team you have um and I told the staff to

Find out what type of Staff we had and I think we made progress this week um you think about today we’re kind of at the halfway point um scrimmage number one first time we’ve tackled uh first time we’ve kind of managed the endgame situation piece as players and I think

It’s really reflected what I’ve seen for the first seven you know I think practice has been very competitive you know I think we’ve got a group of veteran players that are doing a good job kind of set the tone and being a really good example and then I see the

Young players um some of which were here last year and some of which would just got here uh continue to make progress so you know I do think that uh I’ve been pleased with what I see um I do think that the next two weeks are going to be

Critical you know and I think that’s the big takeaway with the players today walking off the field was we’re halfway uh and it’s important that we have a great Focus over the next two weeks so critical two weeks to come uh we’ve got to get really specific about

The areas where we need to improve you know we’ll present plans to the players individually uh the position groups the units and the entire team we only get to get on the grass with the players so many times right especially with pads on so process um from a process standpoint

From a fundamental standpoint right I think each individual player is in a little bit different place um and part of coaching is getting someone from point A to point B uh and even though we may have some veteran players they’re all still growing and developing there’s all things there’s still things to learn

Right so at this point we try to get really specific with each player so we’ll take tomorrow and Monday uh and we’ll basically evaluate each player individually and say okayy let’s give this guy some direction over the next two weeks narrow the focus um and then we back up each

Position coach will think about his group as a whole uh and then the units you know we’ll get together offensively defensively the Special Teams group and think about okay hey um cuz most of your concepts are buil at this point you know you got probably 80% of the insulations

In now you get specific with fundamentals special situations uh maybe position flexibility Right Moving guys around I thought today it was much like 1 through S it was competitive you know there’s bright spots um in all parts and I thought we made plays on defense I thought we had

Great energy we tackled well today uh thought secondary in particular we tackled well uh we we made the offense turn the ball over there’s you know the offense had a couple turnovers in the red area um pretty clean for the most part there was a few penalties I would say I

Was disappointed with but um overall it was back and forth I would say defense probably got the best of the offense today but there were bright spots on both sides I thought the kicking game was really good um thought we we got good competitive work in all six phases of the of the

Team there you go there’s Billy Napier after the first scrimmage and sounds okay pretty positive and you can definitely tell this was a a really sticking point where Florida is in the process of spring practice about halfway through get this first scrimmage in and hey look for these players I think bil

Na didn’t come out and say this but the way I took it was you know what you got to start separating yourself these next two weeks are going to be crucial for we all know we can’t hide behind it transfer portal is coming up um I’m sure

Florida will have some guys leave um they’ll be in the market to bring some guys in I’m sure and the next couple of weeks may go a long way and depending who feels like they may not have a future at Florida and leave and leave some roster holes Florida will need to F

Or want to F coming up so these next couple of weeks are I think important for the team important for players and their future and what they want to do so yeah you hope uh every guy takes it as serious as they can and the next couple

Of weeks are you know guys take it that okay this this is where I need to make my stride there’s a lot of position battles you know out there and this these next two weeks sound like they’re the most important in separating yourself uh for where you want to be on

This team maybe your future of college football especially heading in the fall you where do you want to be on this team so all in all sound like a pretty good day you neor saying pretty much what they have seen in the first half of spring practice and in a lot of ways

That’s good um everything that you’re teaching developing these first the first half of spring practice seeing it come to fruition on in a spring setting probably pretty good there for Billy Napier so all right let’s keep it going shared all I could from Florida uh

And Billy what they had to say so I had to read the rest uh along the way but Billy naer did also talk in particular here on on some players we’ll start at the quarterback position of course on Graham merch Billy naer goes on to

Say I think Graham look he’s in year two he’s starting think about what Graham did last year right move to a different country learn a new language essentially talking about transfer from Wisconsin to Florida a new group of people so Graham starts with a leadership presence and credibility he starts in January

Essentially this is his team to some degree and I think that’s probably the big takeaway he has a voice and a presence for the month of January February and March now we’re in the football piece where that’s even more impactful because he’s communicating with the players each day I mean I think

Graham has earned the respect of his teammates with the way he prepares I think I mean this guy lives in the building very process oriented he’s maximizing all parts of this day and he’s an example we talked about the quarterback kind of being the standard bearer of the entire organization think

About teams typically the quarterback sets the pace he’s done that we are trying to get gr to be more aggressive without being careless I think the narrative on him coming in obviously everybody talked about the interceptions at Wisconsin and all that he proved he could play clean

Ball last year and then I think now it’s about trying to improve the calculated risk let’s try to be aggressive and manage the game and eliminate careless play but let’s try to get create let’s try to go create more explosives and distribute the ball be the point guard

And push the ball down the court that’s music to our ears I think that’s pretty much the first time Billy Napier has really dove in to what he wants to see from gr Merz and guys you know I asked Billy Napier about it as the season was winding down last year I

Asked Grant Merz about it when he was on the podcast a couple months ago and we all have been talking about it on social media Gator breakdown plus I know you all have been out there talking about it the next step for Grant mer in this offense yeah you lose your best weapon

In Ricky pisol but you still have to find a way to push the ball down the field that is the next step that is the next step for this Gator offense of course receivers are going to come into that offensive line play which we’ll get into in just a second will come into

That as well Billy A’s basically saying hey the pocket’s been clean look that was part of the issue last year it wasn’t all Grand Merz but you hear Billy naer discussing hey some of that is Grand Merz get him to take the calculated risk it was a point of

Emphasis last year to take care of the football coming from Wisconsin where he threw a lot of interceptions Bill you’re not going to have that all right you focus on that that improved gr mer improved so much in taking care of the football some of that was being maybe

Too careful with the ball so now there’s calculator risk and the point of inanis we knew it would be this coming in we’ve all talked about it but I knew firsthand it was going to be a point of emphasis this spring you just heard Billy Napier spill it all out there we

Want him to take those risk we want him to take care of the ball absolutely that that’s that is goal number one but we are trying to create more explosives we’re trying to distribute the ball down the field some refreshing talk I think there from Billy naer being able to say

This was what we want from our quarterback this is the next step this is what’s going to make us better all right let’s get on to it and well you know what we’ll go we’ll go through some notes that’s where we’ll go to the next step I’ll try and weave it

Into the players we’re talking about at the time let’s go through the scrimmage gr Merz all throughout Camp as well so far complete control of this offense has been pushing the ball down the field from what I can gather from multiple sources out there and also the return

When not really return uh getting team Ray DK fully available was limited in the first part of spring but when DK came back I think his first practice may have been last Saturday or no at least his biggest impact I can’t remember what day he came back I think it was after

The team came back from spring break if I remember off top of my head but anyway DK comes back and and it was an immediate immediate you heard T Wilson and I talk about a little bit last episode of Gator breakdown DK was an immediate threat down the field um and

Going into the scrimmage it wasn’t just down the field but back shoulder throws timing throws to DK mer and DK have something already we know they were at Wisconsin together for both the probably their better Seasons two years ago but now they’re in Gainesville together instead of Madison Wisconsin and as we

Now hear there’s a little bit of connection there the connection’s all the connection from wiscons has kind of just Blended over into Florida right now so it has been down the field now I don’t think DK is going to be a consistent downfield threat that’s not

His game he’s a he can be I think he’s more of a you know intermediate catch and run type of guy but the connection there you know he can be he can be a downfill threat just not not a consistent one but also the timing throws the relationship between him and

Graham I think that can go a long way so out of the scrimmage that was a big time connection Merz DK Merz last year with Wilson so you think those are probably the top two options you know kjck going to be there that was the top three receivers for

Florida in the scrimmage your starting receiver set DK Wilson kjck but you know I think before the end I think we need a burke amazel to be this offense is going to take that next step that consistent downfield threat that we’re talking about but for now there is a

Threat there with DK and that was on display I think it was a 40 yard pass if I if I remember right um in the scrimmage from uh DK was around the 40 yard Mark um for for a big play between Merz and DK so Merz in control all

Spring long I put it on Twitter the other day I’ll I’ll give my defense of one in just a second but the player I’ve heard most about in a positive way is grah Merz on the offensive side of the ball complete control of this Gator offense let’s move to the heralded

Five-star quarterback DJ lagway probably getting his wakeup call just a little bit in the last week of spring practice uh gr M there’s no quarterback controversy there ever was going to be in Spring practice uh as much as we’re all excited for DJ lagway he’s going to play a big role I think

This fall but I think having the Freshman moments the last week or so um still a big threat to throw the ball down the field still a threat with his legs bootleg situations but right now I think probably kind of swimming for the first time as look you expect this I

Mean it’s not going to be all smooth sailing right from the get-go you’re going to have some Growing Pains last week or so probably been that way for DJ lague but Billy Napier did say after the scrimmage first of all I would say he’s impressed me with his ability to learn

And retain information picks it up really quickly his ability to take it from meeting room to walk through and then to do it in practice setting today was really good for him he had to play he had to play the situations as they arose throughout the scrimmage I think

The next big step for him is the game management piece I actually asked him on the field today quote did you play poker growing up did you actually play cards growing up if you play Texas Holdem you get a three and a four and you fold your

Cards and you go on to the next hand he obviously didn’t play poker going up but sometimes you got dealt a bad hand and you got to learn how to play the next hand play the next play managing the situation thinking of your decision making Rel relative to the game and the

Team within that setting I think he’s done a really good job in a practice setting but today was new for him every day is a new learning experience for him but he’s a quick learner and he did a lot of good today I think he made some

Plays with his feet played with the twos most of the day I think that’s where he’s at I think he’s got physical Talent he’s picked it up quickly and now it’s just about the game management piece next so there we go and DJ lagway um there’s going to be the growing

Pains no concern no issue of hearing might be struggling struggling in the last week or so it’s expected there’s nothing that scares maybe about hearing oh he might be struggling a little bit it’s he’s going to everybody does and he’s got a great quarterback to learn

From far as not having to rely on him a whole lot it’s a okay that DJ lagway you grow from those things you learn from those things so billion a is getting that and look I know lot of you out there this is no surprise either not saying you’re out there expecting DJ

Lagway to not have any issues of course it’s it’s part of the game it’s part of the game game uh can’t wait to see how Florida uses him I still think he’s going to be a huge part of what Florida does on offense in the fall but uh yeah

As far as you know the the the quarterback situation goes I think you have to like where Florida’s at right now halfway through spring practice what what you have in Merz what you could potentially have in lagway pair that together and tell like bil a is pretty

Pretty pretty happy as well of where Florida’s at so hey plenty more to get into we’ll hear more from what Billy napr had to say and we um we we’ll go through some more Intel updates from the spring game but hey look guys as many a couple weeks like I said we’re

Halfway through spring practice and as many of you already know the orange and blue game is brought to you by Florida victorial on April 13th and part of that is an exclusive Victorious member benefit Florida Victorious will host an exclusive autograph signing for its members with head coach Billy Napier and

Gator football players following the game if you’re already a member you get there you can buy for $30 you can buy a pass to go on the field as well through Florida Victoria all you got to do is go to the game and you can meet and greet your favorite players get their

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As well so look it’s a no-brainer to help support the players access the players guys we’ve nailed the interviews here on Gator breakdown the last few months and that’s because of f of Victorious we’ve had gr Merz Trey Wilson Tryon web no Noel pagin great interviews the last couple

Months all thanks to Fida Victoria look look guys I’m not trying to shame you into joining I know it’s tough out there economic wise if that’s part of it okay you know you live your life you you you take care of you first but if you got

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Do it you get benefits as well access to players all that good stuff get 20% off your first month using promo code Gator BD when you sign up link is in the description to join Florida Victorious all right let’s keep it going uh offensive line continuity let’s go to

The offensive line a little bit and maybe this is why gr Merz is being able to hit some of the ball down the field Billy Napier goes on to say yeah quote Yeah the pocket’s being cleaner I think that’s one of the bright spots so far

The length on the edge has just been the major difference maker I think the ability to to to the two portal tackles Devon and Brandon have done a great job and they’re getting quality work because of Cam and Austin being banged up right so that for is Fletcher and Kaden

Fletcher West fought the true freshman Caden as well in his second year to get into the action with the twos and they’ve done a great job so you’re literally you’re out there with the first and second group and you’re 67 67 68 67 and a half you know we’re just

Much better on the edges you get Austin and cam back in the summer so yeah Jake and a and Damien obviously have experience Bryce love it has been a bright spot he’s developed nicely he’s been one of the more impressive young linemen Christian Williams is doing good things Roger KY shows some position

Flexibility being able to play center and guard so Rob’s in a good job with that group you know we’ve added some quality players and I think John in just a short amount of time coach the cers helped our group improve man I hope I don’t think it is talking Billy na talking that

Glowingly I mean let’s go back to before spring practice and we discussed it Billy Napier in coaching Clinic saying we had guards playing tackles last year and we’ve heard Billy Napier I think already a few times this spring Hammer the fact home we have some length on the

Edge our tackle spots us going and hit the transfer portal is going to make a huge difference because of what we’ve done at tackle we have players that can play tackle we have players that fit playing tackle and he just measured them 66 6768 I mean f does have some link

There and you have to like what you’re hearing from the headman himself I know it’s spring practice all this is coach speak that’s that’s where we’re at right now you but at the same time they speaking pretty glowingly about this group and I think a lot of it

Comes from the realization of where they were at last year and having play Damen George play out of place because it just necessity well that necessity is not there anymore the necessity was go to hit the transfer portal and bring in some offensive tackles and that’s what

They’ve done now they they it will be a better offensive line because of that I don’t know the ceiling the ceiling may not be great but I know if they stay healthy I’m confident the floor is much higher I I I will say that right now I’ve heard pretty good things about

The tackle so far you know it’s still early on as far as the scrimmage goes to defensive line and look this should be expected is getting the better of the offensive line right now but think about how deep Florida is up front on the defensive line and the steps that we

Think they take transfer portals well with Joey San cam Jackson last year and we’re all excited for a Kelby Collins and LJ McCrae and TJ cersi I mean I think we think the potential the defensive line should outs sign the offensive line at least early on right

So here in the defensive line getting the better of the offensive line that’s kind of where it’s supposed to be right now and hearing that through the first scrimmage up until this point as well not hu a huge surprise probably the way it should

Be but I do like the floor of this group I do think the ceiling is higher can they reach it I’m not sure but I think what Florida was able to do and now with these reps in Spring oh I’ll hit this point one more time

I’ve hit it to death the last couple of weeks but the injuries I think will really benefit Florida here does Austin Barber even get his job back and that’s not a shot at him or anything but Devon Manuel coming in with some SEC experience at Arkansas he started at

Left tackle today n Harris at left guard Jake Slaughter at Center Right Guard um Damien George and right tackled Brandon crch Dixon that was your starting five that’s a pretty good group that’s a pretty good group need to stay healthy but at the same time those tackles getting all

These reps so can’t Waits even though he was on the team last year hobble with some injuries right now probably will miss the rest of spring Austin Barber very limited this spring I don’t know if those guys get those job backs but I I think they’re pretty good depth pieces

At the most Brandon kinshaw Dixon to me he’s starting on the right side that’s that that’s set in stone to me I do think that left side’s got some competition to it when Austin Barber returns he wasn’t great last year left tackle and I think he can grow I think

He can develop but he’s missing some of that development time right now wouldn’t wouldn’t not Shock me if even though Austin Barber is returning Devon Emanuel might be the starter when it’s all said and done hey I’m I like it it’s competition that group needs all the

Help they can get on the progress Billy na did go on to save for the offensive line um some of them a little better than I thought to be quite honest with you to see all the young kids I think we were right in the evaluation process I

Guess is what I would say we took some height link developmental players and I think they’re going to be good players for the Gator and look I’ve said this before you’ve had this two offensive line coach system I can give you up as much as I

Don’t want to you guys know I don’t make many excuses as much as as disappointed as I was in the offensive line play last year if you’re keeping this two offensive line coach system and you recruited the way you’ve recruited not at the elite level nowhere near the elite level on

Offensive line that means you’re going to have to bank on development and you know what we won’t see that development till probably year three of the offensive line we had to take the transfer portal for tackles no no doubt about it but that interior group that is really

Really really based on the develop the development of the two offensive line coach system and now being your third year if it’s going to pay off it needs to be this year and bill says hey look I think we’ve hit on it I think we’ve hit on the height link developmental players

I think they’re going to be good players for the Gator well year three is when we got to see it if you were banking on experience year three is when we got to see it so your n Harris your Jake Slaughter your Roger Kerney that’s the three guys I’m looking at that’s the

Three guys that have been in the program for at least a couple years they slaughtery longer but Harris getting some playing time last year Kerney was a developmental player needed to get his body in shape his second year yeah those guys need to contribute and they need to be plus players for

Florida all right let’s go to the other side of the ball well you know what we’ll keep it on offensive right quick because this will be in relation to the offensive line the Run game and the the the gator montro Johnson no surprise what he’s

Been able to do had about a 10 yard run for a touchdown today day in the scrimmage but the I’m telling you the young guys really stepping up Tryon web has had a really good spring camp and standout players as well for young guys Jaden ball Kanan Daniels those two

Freshman running backs for can go for a deeper running back from everything I’m hearing from what happened at scrimmage from what’s happened in Oklahoma drills from what’s Happening up to this point in spring camp Florida Florida hit on those two running backs now I I still got the same question question is there

A home run threat there probably will be who’s that going to be kanyan Daniels is probably one I look at but both those guys tough physical Runners bowling ball mentality hard to tackle hard to bring down those guys we gota wait and see can cam Carroll come back can he be the player

We thought he might be last year still dealing with the injury still very limited F would get him back in the summer for the fall can he be a a reliable player coming back from that injury L being very cautious with him right now but if he can’t I think there’s

Still a lot of confidence in two true freshman running backs and look Billy Napier we know he will play him mono Johnson played a lot as a freshman at Louisiana Trevor etn played a lot as a freshman now trayon wed didn’t have to because you had etn and

Johnson but you know you won’t be in a situation I think you have to unless some more injuries pop up I mean montro Johnson like he’s not going to be a Workhorse for this Florida offense but given this is his final year no doubt about it this is his final year in

Gainesville unless something goes wrong I think Billy ay will give him every opportunity to be the guy I don’t know if that quote unquote means Workhorse Tryon will will get his Sher carries these running backs will these freshman running backs will get their Sher carries I think there’s a lot to like

Here I think I do think there might you know Johnson and etn have been pretty even in number of handoffs and and a lot of the stats the last couple of years I think Montreal will probably be I don’t know be far and away but he’ll be the clear number one

Back but I do think farida’s got some options think Fida can get creative in the Run game I like what I’m hearing from that group all right let’s go to the other side of the ball uh one player who has shined so far this spring and especially today in scrimmage tackling

Machine and you guys know if you followed me long enough here in the 904 I cannot be any more excited about linebacker Grayson Howard really good scrimmage head in the game true linebacker we’ve been wishing forther to have one we wanted him as a recruit we

Got him as a transfer having a good camp so far had a really good scrimmage Billy apry went on to say it’s been great he’s taking advantage of the Reps that are available because of Shamar and Derek Shamar James derck Wingo um he’s taking advantage because of those guys

Being out he’s one of the most productive players out there today I think when we look back at his stats there was a lot of production for him today he’s a good communicator he’s got an edge to him he’s big he’s long I think he cares about the place he came

Back there’s something about Florida kids I think there’s a connection to the place and a pride there he cares about Florida he does I’m telling you that’s one reason he came quote unquote came back like Billy a said he came back to the State of

Florida he wanted to be close to home he wanted to be close to Jacksonville he wouldn’t Florida was his only choice hit transfer portal all that it was Florida and I’m excited for it I’m excited to see him in orange and blue and and it may be even more crucial going

Back to the scrimmage Manny n with a groin injury we’ll see how serious that is so Florida is getting a little bit beat up at the linebacker spot we just mentioned Shamar James Derek Wingo there from Billy Napier we know those guys are limited now maybe taking another hit

Right here with Manny nry miles Graham being out for the rest of spring as well so little bit of injury concern on the linebacker spot have to just power through it right now but even more Reps for one um pup Howard maybe you know we’ll see we’ll see where

That goes I don’t I don’t think Jaden Robinson another linebacker of course there was some report he might be injured as well but then I kind of saw that redacted so maybe something to keep an eye out on but pup Howard I think going to live up I think Florida once

Healthy there’s a lot to like about the linebacker spot they got to get healthy first I’ve seen Shamar James out there in the you know running around of course not doing too much as far as physic physicality goes but going through some of the drills with the linebacker group

But long as healthy they they’re good they’re I mean I I think they’ll be good um they’ll be a a much better plus than they were now still relying I think for the best of this linebacker group you still rely on a bunch of young names well pup Howard’s only in his second

Season overall his first season at Florida we want miles Graham aaronles in the summer as well Jaden Jaden Robinson in his second year so I think for the best of this group to shine through is going to have to rely on the young guys see where it all ends up I like

There’s a lot to like there’s a lot to like all right let’s go before let’s wrap it up here Billy apry does talk about the defensive back transfers and improving the second improving the blle the defensive back transfers improving the secondary there let me get it out uh

Billy Neer did go to say yeah the key deal is the experience piece right when you look at all three of the DBS that we added through the portal a ton of experience and then Aaron Gates was banged out last year so we get him back he’s healthy very talented player Devon

Moore he’s finally healthy he’s got a presence out there and throw that in there with Jason Marshall back and then all these rookies that played last year Jordan shareif Bryce chaen Dee I always hate leaving somebody out there but overall that’s a deeper group and I think we’ve added some good experience I

Was pleased with the way they tackled today let me repeat that everybody I was pleased with the way we tackle today in particular those guys did a good job getting the runner to the ground we need to play better back there right and I think Will’s done a good job and I think

We’re a work in progress but I like what I see music to our ears I can’t sing don’t ask me to sing but that was some music right there that’s what I want to hear um look to me like unsolicited for Billy naer to come out and say something like

That I don’t think that’s coach speak I think this is something that he actually saw in the scrimmage these are things I’ve heard up to this point in the scrimmage this might be the most improved group right now on this team and that’s the the defensive secondary and we’ve known for issues for

Years the issues at the safety spot now I’m going to go ahead and put it out there going back to what I put on Twitter a couple weeks ago and I mentioned the standout player on offense so far has been gr Merz well it might be a surprise on defense you know defense

That’s been DJ Douglas the transfer from T Lane at back there at the safety spot when I get practice notes from the quote unquote inside of practice so we’re not trying to share too much but the general thought of DJ Douglas being a big time plus player for Florida right now has

Come up almost every single practice so far and it was apparent in the scrimmage again DJ Douglas has been one of the best players so far on the defense for this and look that that that is a surprise I’m not going to lie Jordan Castell has been a little limited so

It’s been ASA Turner and DJ Douglas back there at the safety spot and it’s been he brings a physical presence to the safety spot now I think when we hear things like hey this group tackled better DJ Douglas was kind of known for that coming in anyway look that wasn’t a

Whole to know about him because he come from T Lane and T L’s won a whole lot of ball games the last couple years DJ Douglas has been a big part of that but he’s been a player that I have heard almost every single practice as a

Standout now look I know some of you may take it the another way saying okay well I didn’t expect that if we’re hearing a whole lot from him I don’t know what that means for the steps of this defense I’m telling you it’s a positive I could

Be completely wrong but I think when it’s all said and done I think this one that might play out on the field that way thej is is somebody and this is from multiple sources of a player that is standing out DJ Douglas is one of those so Billy ner

Mentioned of course there’s a lot of good experience back there through the guys in the transfer portal through guys that played a whole lot last year you mix it all together I don’t think it would be a surprise if this and the coaching change Will Harris of course

And look I don’t know how much of an upgrade if it be an upgrade from Cory Raymond we we’ll see but I think the energy is better in that group with a a younger coach a coach that may not just rest on his Laurels a bit somebody that I think connects a

Good bit with him look Cory Raymond could go off and go have good years at LSU again certainly he could that doesn’t mean it could not be a benefit from to move on with him and get somebody who may have a better relationship with the coaching staff may

Have a better relationship with players maybe somebody who just communicates in a different way that is more beneficial not saying he can’t but maybe maybe just a different voice was needed and I know we said that last year about him taking over the whole secondary and that would

Be a big plus for that we talked ourselves into that I was part of that now I’m going to try and talk myself into a different voice might be needed a different approach might be needed and given all the experience given all the pieces for returns back

There on the secondary with Will Paris leading the way it can be a positive for the Gator back there we can see that Improvement we’ve been waiting to see especially at the safety spot the physicality at that spot I mean physicality both ways corners and safeties we saw Florida get targeted

Over and over again the corners not being able to tackle that’s got to get fixed but yeah transfers those safeties I think it’s really really going to help Florida on that back in competition can breed success that’s what I think we’re going to see back there all right there we go overall

Let’s go defense won the way won the day of no no surprise as I said kind of expected there ad jeene did not take part in um in the scrimmage nurs and a hamstring injury kind of happened early on in spring camp so far expected to be back

Pretty soon to to full participate but did not participate in the spring hopefully another player that we do hear about as uh spring comes along uh about three interceptions I think for the defense today jiah Davis is another name that that keeps coming up at that safety star spot for the

Gator so Sharie Denon you know maybe coming in to Spring was thought to be the guy Aaron Gates is coming in now too as you heard Billy AER say kind of coming back from injury last year and then josei Davis who had a pick in the uh in the scrimmage of DJ lague

So Florida pretty good competition maybe in that star nickel role and what was the other one let me see Deon Moore picking off uh he picked off lague and Josiah Davis picked off Merz so you heard bil a say there were some turnovers there look look that’s the beauty and the curse of

Spring football the offense does something bad the defense benefits the defense does something bad the offense benefit so you know take it how you want I can’t tell you how you want to take it so hopefully you hear Hey the defense had a good day today and tomorrow you

Hear the offense had a good day and you keep maybe hearing that on repeat back and forth back and forth uh but that’s uh some of the some of the other notes I’m trying to trying to think here anything else kind of good position by position we just kind of did that there

Um yeah not much more uh probably the play of the day Billy AER did mention that Tyreek Norwood uh walkon a defensive lineman dropped in the coverage got an interception the team went crazy because of you know it’s tough being a walk-on and I think Billy

A even said he had to fight back from an injury as a walk- on um and the team went crazy for it uh so you hear something good you know some good news as well from a player that’s going going to get the Reps more reps now than he probably ever

Will but be able to make a play make an drop in the coverage make an interception and I don’t know how the teams were broke up I don’t know how much they did one-on ones uh you know first team versus first team offense defense first team versus second Team

All that good stuff I I I don’t know the layout of the scrimmage um but more than likely you know if they’re trying to make it easier for the first team offense and you got somebody like Tyreek Norwood getting his little chance and dropping in the coverage and making a

Play okay good for him I mean look team team comaraderie you hope that hearing how happy the team was for him but that’s part of Spring ball that’s and Billy talking about that walk- on program and trying to build it up to a point he says he likes where

Where they’re at right now with that but hey look it’s good to hear um Norwood getting in I believe that was against Kay Millan uh so probably were you know it probably was down the depth chart a bit when he was out there but good for U

Good for him to get noticed make a big play and it’s about it about it that’ll wrap up right there we’ll wrap it up right there after the Gator’s first scrimmage you heard from Billy Napier all he had to say insights there of the kind of day it was there for the

Gators and we’re going to continue it on Spring practice will miles out will be back live Monday night we’ll get back on our Monday night 8:30 show we so we will be live everybody try and tune in remember that we’ll be back live will and I we’ll probably we’ll probably look into the

Edge group a little maybe the running back group a bit as well and since it’s been a while since we’ve gotten together we’ll probably everybody’s join us out there on youtube’ll probably take some Q&A a little bit as well uh so far through spring practice so it should be

A fun episode when will and I get back together on Monday but that’ll do it for this episode of get breakdown I am your host David Waters you can find me on social media Gator Dave guys and girls out there thank you for joining me on this episode of Gator’s breakdown


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