Duffin’ Up Episode 105: Tempy’s Tees

On this week’s episode we welcome on Adam, founder of Tempy’s Tees, a New England-based golf tee company. We discuss the origins of Tempy’s Tees, how Adam fell in love with the game of golf, and the new rivalry that brewed between Brian and Adam on the podcast!

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It’s a duffing up Podcast all right Duff Daddy and du M we have on a very very special guest for you this week we have on a man who creates probably I would say the third most important thing in the golfing world and that is tease you use one on every hole

Unless you’re like me on part 3es and an idiot and you don’t Tee It Up which now I will start to because we do have Adam from tempy teas on this week Adam how we doing man doing well thanks for having me I’m excited to uh talk to you guys

Today absolutely now I do need to ask you are you like me and you don’t tee up your part three shots or do you te him up because you do run a golf te company no I te him up I was about to say we would we would

We would have to cut that we would have to cut that if if it if that was the case but yeah you know Adam local guy is well all of us are are New England guys you know I’m from South Eastern Mass and Tim and Bry are from uh are from I don’t

Can you even do like Northeast Rhode Island or like what exactly do we call where L is nor Northshore Northshore I kid do not it it’s funny it’s got the best B Pizza it’s got the only good ba Pizza I I kid you not uh

When I when I was in Ireland uh in one of the like apart department stores uh I think it was dun’s which is like their JZ Penney or Cole’s uh they had a a t-shirt on the rack that said Northshore Rhode Island it just like it’s it’s so

Funny and I wish I bought it I don’t know why I didn’t probably because I was abroad and had zero money to spend on even groceries but I like to this day I call uh well I’m going to start really calling it North Shore Ro but

Uh it’s I mean there’s no Shore up there but comedy you know yeah I mean you can’t drive 45 minutes south or east and not hit a body of water so basically everywhere’s a Shore it’s kind of nice is the ocean state Adam great to have

You let’s uh let’s get this thing going this is gonna be great let’s do it thank you so much yeah absolutely So Adam um before we even get into tempies you know how did you get into the game of golf man so I’m a baseball player uh come

Man well went to UMass Amhurst played baseball there um graduated baseball ended played a couple years softball a couple years old man baseball and uh my dad my brothers always played golf so it was just something that was familiar I guess um and I was like everybody else

You know I could hit it real far I didn’t know where it was going every iron shot was pretty much a shank I didn’t know what the hell I was doing um but I just kept playing kept playing kept playing um every Saturday pretty much I’d go up to the course and Chip

And Putt for a little bit um and then I moved from Brockton to Taunton and joined segre Country Club and they got a dry range and everything that I needed so from there just kind of really snowball um now I don’t really even practice

Anymore I just I just play as much as I can get out there as much as I rather just play you know te no practice there’s no re once you get over the age of 30 there’s no reason unless you’re on the PGA tour or you know but there’s no

Reason to practice who does that just gonna end up hurting myself so I I’d rather hurt myself playing than practicing well getting getting cut from the baseball team is how I really focused in on golf in in Rhode Island it was the same season in Spring and I got

Cut from The Freshman baseball team and uh so I gave I was like I I’ll go out for the golf team and I’m so glad um because I mean like unlike uh Dustin bedya at my height um he I I don’t have the work ethic or the or the drive as

Him so uh I wouldn’t have made it too far but I’m with you on that I don’t really have much in the height Department either there so Pedro is your God as well guy that we looked up to or look down to sorry Dustin I had to

Do that you know he listens every single week so we we we had to we had to but how how often are you playing this you said all you do is play golf you know you’re not practicing I mean it’s tough Winters around here but how often

Peak season are you playing how many times a week um I think I got a total of 70 rounds last year so I mean you can kind of average that out uh pretty much when it’s not raining I guess you could say and we we

Have a game there’s always a game at my course so you know any day I want I can pretty much pick and play in a game with anywhere from8 to 28 people 32 people so it’s a it’s a pretty good time what uh what made you want to get

Into the tea business I mean obviously a golfer but uh there must have been a moment where you’re like I got to start making my own teas it’s funny uh I don’t know what when it was but I saw some video online of some kid he just created he just

Created a business like in 15 minutes and I was like this there’s no way there’s no way so then I was like screw it let’s see so I just started thinking of things I could do and it just kind of snowballed from one idea to

The next to the next and then I was like teas tempies teas my nickname was tempy so it just kind of like I don’t know it just kind of hit me in the head and I was like all right let’s just do it and I didn’t really

Tell anybody I didn’t really put much thought into it I just I just went running and uh that probably wasn’t a great idea but um I’m still here going you went out into the the bamboo forest of Massachusetts and and decided to to make teas out of it yeah that’s exactly what I

Did that’s right we are eco-friendly te’s here we have eco-friendly te’s right right right right biodegradable biodegradable you can throw them into the woods and they just and feed him to a panda put it back with family right isn’t that what happy said yeah yeah oh man it’s brilliant because like there’s

So many I mean with the with the rapid increase in in interest in golf throughout the country throughout the world uh you have so many different brands uh creating trendy hats creating trendy uh apparel um balls uh you know whatever bags and things like that and

Uh it’s got to be like a you hit a niche that’s like you know not many people a market that not many people have tackled in Trendy te’s you know what I mean like it’s like a you know hip te’s you know even like a notable tea brand I mean how

Many uh tea brands can you go up to and be like oh oh I know that tea brand but like now with such a catchy name with such a it’s like oh I’m gonna buy tempe’s teas because I know the guy I know it’s a brand I recognize and I

Think that’s brilliant nice work hey thank you very much it’s uh I’ve had a lot of help um don’t get me wrong once I got this thing going excuse me do you guys uh no group chat golf yeah y so I met Sunny early on when he started his page

Like 5,000 followers maybe less than that like we had met and then he joined my golf course so we we just became friends and and I asked him for help I was hey I’m starting this thing can you just you know either post me or just

Give me some tips on how you were able to grow quick you know so I could try to do it myself and he put me in contact with so many people um like Colorado golf blog he’s been been great to me as well so like there’s a lot of people um that he

Connected me to that really helped uh with the brand early on um and I was having that same conversation um with one of the guys from uh Country Club adjacent because they he was he was saying the same thing there’s no like titlist of teas or foot Joy you

Know you know what I’m saying not to just use them because they’re um local local favorites actually they don’t really like me that much so uh didn’t even have mentioned that one but you know it is what we had some logo issues early on but we we we got past

That do you do they ever have issues with the I see the hats all the time that say titties all the time that look like titlist do you have to bleep that out is Mrs Monroe not going to like no no we can keep it in we can we we I hit the

Little explicit button and I don’t know why I’m holding an allen wrench but I am uh we hit the handy you’re the handiest guy I know oh just yeah right Monroe got temp you gotta gotta see this I don’t know if you can make it out but it’s um

It’s kind of hard to see but it’s uh it’s a it’s our it’s the our fourth uh show host at his bachelor party on his deathbed he’s a it’s all all the guys gathered around while he’s passed out after uh a night out at the steakhous do you think we’ve hit statue of

Limitations where we can actually tell the story now have we had statue of limitations we don’t we don’t edit so it’s now it’s it’s out in the worldwide web yeah I was about to say basically our buddy got way too drunk at his steak night and uh he literally went down that

Where my bed was because there was a pullout couch that I was supposed to sleep on for the weekend and literally we all get home because he went home first and we all get home and he is just snuggled up like a bug just like like literally like we don’t even

Know if he’s alive like barely breathe not snoring well Tim Tim being the the the paramedic he he had um IV bags to to rejuvenate him nice that’s you you have to charge big for those but yeah so naturally we took a photo and and put it

On a on a divot tool and when we say he looks like a make AWI kid he looked like a make AWI kid yeah the sheets were white he was oh was the best was the absolute best so bad but I think it was just a disco

Nap and then he ended up uh an hour like a two I don’t know an hour and a half later he propped up and continued to play pool and stuff like that Brendon right am I right I don’t think he slept there the whole night he didn’t sleep

There well no he he did sleep there he went back to sleep there and I had to find a new place to sleep so I was sad about that he just didn’t want to miss out this bed was in the middle of all the

Action it was it was which is why it was a great bed to pick well I pck it but but anyway um but no I think I think it’s it’s so true I mean obviously some of the the most genius business ideas are so simple it’s like what is

There that’s not a lot of companies doing it or like what is something that everyone uses and and so Brendon I want to revisit what you said before what are the first two necess uh Necessities out in a golf course you said third third most necessary things on a golf course

What’s one and two golf ball mhm golf clubs okay and brain and your mental mental state no that’s not NE that that’s that’s a detriment sometimes yes it’s true but it’s it’s always there I could probably use a pair of underwear on the golf course nah overrated and and with that baby powder

To go within true boy this this this one this one is interesting right is going to go right on his website of third most third most necessary thing in a golf course right under under before underwear it’s before you can play golf naked you could Absolut you can’t play golf without te’s without

Ball without a ball without golf clubs well you can’t play without te’s I’ve seen some guy on Instagram yeah but like do you do you fear that we’ll go back to the sanes like the olden days and you’ll be totally out of business people it

Or how about that that uh woman was on the senior tour or the the the qualifier where she would just literally put a huge divot at the tea and and Tee It Up a good old yeah Legend yeah I’m I’m I’m gonna boycott tempy’s te’s and just join

Join the old folk and do that good luck good luck I’ll get kicked off the course in no time let’s have a let’s have a match I’ll BR I’ll bring a pale of sand and uh and bring it around and that was the Duff and up Podcast ladies and

Gentlemen yeah yeah I just turned I just made enemies burn Bridges and see you geez Bri guy you literally I’m all fired up in this camo Polo I feel like fighting a war here I gotta gotta pick my battles shout out to Brook from smoke show we should have all worn ours

But I forgot Buy in Boston but it’s an amazing amazing Polo oh but yeah apparently Brian wants to go to war against te’s right now so Brian the floor is yours yeah the Bri Brian vers the world um you’re so that’s awesome so where like

Are uh I mean I’m assuming you sell them online and and such can can you find them anywhere else where what’s what’s kind of your your plan it’s mostly it’s Mo I really only advertise on Instagram and I can’t advertise really I can’t spend money they won’t let me because of

That logo issue that I had previously so I’m I’m shut out on that but uh I got an Etsy I got an ebay um and I’m pretty much it’s just uh emailing places and I work with a few few country clubs that are uh pretty decent you know so I’m just

Slowly getting there it’s only me so I’m just slowly getting there I also have a full-time job so it’s not like this is the only thing I do um and I play people like me running you out of business you can’t go full time right I’m living in in the woods back

Here but that’s fantastic so you slap I’m you slap slap the the country club logo on it is that that kind of yeah some places do that um some places just get like the natural te’s that they hand out you know put in the in the carts or

Something they don’t have any logos um most of them are with the logos though and um I like doing those because those it’s it you get a little interaction you know it’s not just hey can I get 10,000 T’s backed by five you know it’s like I need

A logo here I want to do it this color that color so it’s pretty good uh you get a good rapport with the with the with the most of them are Pros uh I would say I work with most of the pros there might be a few just managers

A shop or something like that or owners of the country club but it’s for the most part it’s the pros and they’ve been great with me so far so I I really appreciate that that’s great have you have you had that like almost like a a celebrity in

Uh in the public where you just go to a random golf course and you see someone using your te’s and you’re like hey that’s my te’s like where’d you get those te’s and then little little do they know that they are playing with the

Creator of that s te uh I I that hasn’t happened to me I’ve gotten pictures or text messages of other people other people that are play with people that are playing with that’s sick um like I got a text message the other day from my

Buddy that uh he was on an airplane and he was wearing his hat and somebody’s like Temp and like just walked by him and it was just an older guy like I’ll never know who that is he doesn’t know who it is it’s just that’s that’s cool

To me though that’s pretty cool you probably you probably thought it’s a titlist yeah there you go again I don’t like you man you’re out of here I know I’ll it down I’ll reel it in I’ll reel it in holy oh here we are we’re trying to build our

Local friends yeah and Brian just watch no literally was like you know what duffing up Podcast no you’re trying to grow this I’m burning it down I’m bringing it with me oh no that’s cool though I mean just seeing seeing your your brand your logo

Out out in the wild um and and clearly OB obviously you got good friends who who are excited to to share that with you even if if you’re not seeing it yourself yeah I I definitely um I got a lot of people in Brockton that support me

Um all three golf courses have my te’s which is pretty cool and and most of my friends obviously growing up are from there so they they’ve been supporting me which is great too so it’s it’s more definitely more of a local thing but that’s fine with me I’m okay

That’s the best part you got to build you have to build local relationships cough cough Brian cough cough uh you can’t just tear people down just I’m gonna be on mute for the rest of the the time here can I just blur your face out of

Here I I’ll go I’ll I’ll see myself out no Brian you have to stay you have to stay but but no I I think I think that’s really I think it’s great because like um you know there’s always and there’s also like a bunch of um you know like

Local stores when you think about like the independent golf shops like Joe and Le’s and eastn and everything like that like there’s so much up here for really only times that you can play eight if we’re lucky eight months out of the year so like it it’s it’s really great that

That we have such like a great golf environment but at the same time I feel like a lot of the local golf brands also like really support each other and that that’s something big um you know I know I know you know Brooke pretty well from

Smoke show and then I’m sure you you’ve dealt with a lot of the other guys as well from like I don’t know if you’ve talked with the Cape Cod golf guys at all or anything like that but you know everyone’s just so nice like it’s it’s great when you get like introduced to

All these different guys and they’re just like yeah we’ve heard of you I’m like no you haven’t like don’t say that and then like they actually have it’s really it’s really cool to see it is I um I just played in the Cape Cod uh golf

Guys event the indoor event you did I did that last year I couldn’t make it this year I was like why did you guys do it on St Patrick’s Day weekend sorry sorry sorry Jared and Adam I didn’t mean to say that out loud you’re right though totally nice

Guys great guys it was fun I had fun um now was that the one is Champions still in Plymouth or did they end up moving no they have two they have two now okay was it at the pl was it at the Plymouth one or was it at the new one water bridgew

Gotcha because we did the Plymouth one last year and that place was that place was really good they did a really good job with it it’s basically right next to Pine Hill or yeah Pine Hills yeah right um they were saying uh I’ve never seen the Plymouth one so I

Don’t know but they were saying that the Plymouth one was a little bit smaller than this one yeah yeah definitely so uh like the bar was in the middle which was cool and I think they had six Bays Maybe maybe seven wow damn but it was nice it it was a nice

Place was a good time if it’s a tournament what does that look like like what’s the format are they uh is like around Robin at first and then you go down take us through that uh so it was a straight scramble so it was uh you and a

Partner so they had um two Sims in four of us in each booth and uh you just played a scramble like we finished like an hour and a half before everybody else so we were just sitting for a while uh and everybody plays a scramble on the

Same course we played old sandwich which was awesome nice harder in real life yeah oh yeah I’m sure I mean way harder in real life um but uh so everybody just plays 18 holes as a scramble and um after that we did a closest to the

Pin um and before that was a long drive yeah did they do the circle of love for putting or did they do the uh the the auto putt when once you got onto the green this time around because last year we did the circle of love and boy let me

Tell you that was it was difficult to get it into the circle of love before you could pick it up sometimes it was uh inside 10 feet was a gimme yeah yeah I mean there’s just no way like whoever does it first to make putting realistic on a simulator will make millions of

Doll like they’ll make so much money yeah that was uh when I went to the PGA show actually there was so many of those boosts they weren’t even boost they were just like giant spread out areas with all these simulators and and like there I didn’t really focus on the putting

Because not one single person was putting everybody was just hitting drivers as far course yeah I mean it’s basically a d a simulator is just a driving right like it’s just a driving range inside so they want to do there should be a cup at before the the screen

You know like you should be I would rather putt to something instead of just putting into the screen this is 20 feet or This is 40 feet like is it at least if I’m putting to a hole I kind of can figure out where I’m going I don’t know I don’t play that

Much indoors like I said I don’t practice that much so it’s uh just once we get outside it is what it is right and here in theth East is just kind of a way to keep the whistle wet and just keep it going until the warm weather

Comes yeah it’s got over 50 it’s got to be I I don’t want to freeze my ass off for four hours I I don’t love it that much we did have a couple good weeks uh in the past month you play it all I didn’t get out because I think that nice

Day or the day before it was the indoor tournament oh yeah it was that was a um the really nice day so I I didn’t get out I we’ll see it’s coming it’s coming man I’ll tell you what though the the fake spring it’s an

Absolute fake out up here now like it is it’s BR and it gets worse every year I feel like because it was great but it was and it’s St Patrick’s Day weekend so everyone’s outside and it’s like 55 60 degrees both Saturday and Sunday and it’s lovely and then as soon as Monday

Hit 40 in rating again for the rest of the week and I was like what happened it sucked it really did suck the wind is the worst it’s so windy down here I don’t know if it’s windy where you guys are but it’s so windy and

Taunting that is just it felt like we’re in the middle of winter again what is going on let’s warm yeah give it a little consistency you know like give me a consistency I don’t need I don’t need to go like this I guess that’s why they call it

Northeast weather not San Diego weather God dang and I I always laugh at uh the the people that have the uh the covers and the heaters for the golf carts and like power to them but if if I have to use something like that I’m not I’m not

Playing like I don’t I don’t want I don’t want to be play that bad yeah it’s not that fun yeah my mom has like a little seat that she she has like a little cover that she puts on the seat so it’s like a little warmer but like

It’s not even like a warmer but it’s just like a little cover so it keeps her a little warm but yeah no I see it like the full like ZIP down and I’m like okay like how do you enjoy this we got we got to get her like one of those fuzzy

Steering wheel covers oh my God she hate it she would hate like bright pink it would be great or like leopard print feel like Brooke would like we should get that for Brooke yeah that’s true surprised he doesn’t already have that it’d be it’d be 998 degrees and humid and she’d still have

That thing oh yeah oh yeah sweaty hands actually that’s really funny I can I can totally picture it yeah oh man I can’t I can’t wait for to for the uh when she she gets big enough to have like a smoke show like golf cart that’s just all pink and and

Some Spinners on the on the rims and just uh the loudest speakers that no one wants to hear she’s a wild card she’s definitely going to make it though she’s got she’s she’s got dog like she’s got fight she’s yeah we won’t use the cliche but she’s

Got that dog she’s got the dog in her so that’s always good I didn’t want to say it because it didn’t sound right in my mind it doesn’t sound right it doesn’t sound great I sto myself yeah that’s the problem when you when you do the when

You run the podcast that has no filter you continue to have no filter so and it’s and it’s recorded correct and I don’t know how to edit very well so we kind of just roll with it whatever live and learn exactly exactly so beside obviously besides um the teas

You guys are doing what what made you guys kind of get into like the apparel game as well I know it kind of goes like hand inand basically but like where you just kind of looking at because we’ve had buddies who’ve done the apparel too and the one thing they say is just

Getting like uh like the samples is just can be an absolute nightmare brutal brutal yeah I won’t do it again I might I might get some new hats and maybe some hoodies but like it you just you got to buy too many of them and too many different

Sizes yeah you know it’s just it’s so hard to figure out what what people and then and there’s so many different Fabrics now like everything is either stretchy or nothing they make today is what I want what what fits me or what feels good for me so then I’m like if

I’m not gonna wear this I can’t expect anybody else to wear this that’s kind of and uh so like I have polos and hoodies um and I did t-shirts for a little while but it’s just you got to buy too many of them it just not doesn’t really work for

Me yeah I mean the the hoodies online look great so I will say that that may be a purchase coming down the road that thing’s sweet looks like a good material too this is very nice this was probably the only thing that worked out was the hood I’ll continue with hoodies for sure

Because I I’m a hoodie guy I wear hoodie man if I could wear it all year I would but uh obviously there’s a couple months in there that it’s not yeah being in a hoodie in July is no then you like you can’t take it off number one because you

Know it’s stuck to your body basically because of all the sweat and then yeah just you’d have to bellich check it and cut the sleeves off could do it could do it rip oh well yeah they gotta have T-shirts now that have hoodies I would assume somebody made that already oh yeah oh

Yeah yeah they do yeah they’ve got so have like a a villain NOA like it’s basically a pullover that just has a hood on the back and it’s very funny uh I’ve seen those like really thin and then you just have Hood but I bet you

They do now have like I mean now that hoodies are also just getting so popular on the golf course too which finally like oh my God finally love love me a good hoodie but it’s just so easy to play golf in them too it’s amazing every every kind of

Weather is fine because you’d wear it anyways or I would I don’t know about everybody else but like a hodie works for me if you’re in the rain maybe it gets a little heavy but it’s still it’s doing its purpose agreed and it’s perfect for those like even in the Summer where you

Roll up to the golf course at 6:00 a.m. and there’s still that chill in the air you know what I mean you know you’re going to take it off by the third hole but it’s still there it’s still got your back you know what I’m saying hoodie is just all

Around I’m hoodie guy 100% I’m yep Adam how’s the game going right now like uh obviously you haven’t played yet but by the end of last year you know were you playing well have you played better talk to me about your game um yeah the last few years is probably the best I’ve

Been um couple years ago I won the Brockton open whoa um the B division not the a division the B division um I am I think I finished at a 1.6 handicap oh snap um you should probably be in the a Division I now I now I have to yeah I

Was I was right on the edge a couple years ago when I won it could it could have went either way depending on the week I played before you know the handicap could have changed um I just had a really good three days that I probably won’t ever have

Again and nor normally I would ask what’s the best part of your game but with that handicap there’s there’s very few uh flaws to out there you know it’s funny you say that but I still think I have no idea what I’m doing so I I also I don’t take any practice

Swings I play as fast as humanly possible um I it just get in the cart get out of the cart hit the ball get back in the cart get on the green already know what you’re doing I already read the putt while everybody else is putting and then I putt yeah and

It’s it’s really not that hard um I I don’t I don’t the whole looking at the ball and and I just I I don’t have that in me I don’t have the patience in me say it louder say it louder for the dumb Dum that’s wearing a

Camo shirt right now Brian I just I just have a lot more stops along the way I can’t I can’t I can’t really hit it get back in the cart I uh I wish I could do that I wish I could uh be waiting for

People to arrive at the green but uh I’m I’m usually the one people are waiting on and uh you don’t have to be you don’t have to be good just just hit it man just hit it I’m I’m a clubhouse guy I’m good for morale and uh it doesn’t show in this

Podcast I seem to be ruining the morale and tearing tearing this family apart but uh but no I uh no that’s that’s that’s fantastic I mean any given day depends on it um and and yeah and and what Brendan’s hinting at is I definitely overthink a lot out there um

You’ve gotten so much better though I was never really a problem you’re just uh you’re just irrational I am irrational that is true he just irritable I I think of it like this I I played the basb I played baseball the same too like I’m swinging

At the first pitch if it’s a strike you know like I’m not letting a strike go by I’m going to hit the ball and something’s going to happen you know like that’s kind of how I play golf too and at some point I just stop worrying

About what the ball does you know like I’m not gonna hit the green every time it’s just never gonna happen so I’m not going to get worried or pissed when I miss um and once you stop hitting the ball out of bounds the the whole game changes like you

Just you gain so many strokes back because you’re not losing balls all the time so that was a huge help too can’t wait yeah one day one day right it’s it’s not called that we’re really good at golf podcast for a reason it is called the dein up Podcast for a reason

Which makes sense no but uh I I definitely the worst thing for me is when I have to back off the ball because then like if it’s like a gust of wind or honestly my some people in my family are not are are pretty good at like in the

Middle of my back swing just like flirting something out accidentally uh you know we won’t name names but or somehow you can hear a dog from three miles away and exactly right so but which is crazy because like if I have music going I’m fine because it’s

Constant noise but as soon as you get like a little bit I’m just like what the heck just happened do do you know what’s my my pet peeve which is kind of funny because the the reason they do it is is to be courteous is when a a greens

Keeper is mowing the lawn and and like they’re mowing the entire time and then like so you’re you’re setting over your ball and getting used to hearing that that mower noise and they turn off the mower right before you swing and I’m like no like I was just got used to

Hearing that now now I got to like rethink it it’s it’s you hold on hold on you too have some serious mental yeah we yeah we knowy we need therapy for sure I’m telling you yeah no we we are very mentally weak and and physically and physically and

Emotionally yeah and I don’t know what else yeah I’m about to I’m about to start crying it’s okay it’s okay you broke us you just broke it don’t don’t point out our flaws Ryan you broke yourself on this we know we have a problem we know

It we’re the first oh we’re such about getting better is is accepting and so we’re I don’t think I can say [ __ ] but we’re such mental mental dwarves Little People yeah mental mental little yeah that’s we’re just big idiots that’s for sure but but yeah no I take like I

Legitimately take like maybe one practice swing and then I just hit the ball Jimmy and Brian have seen me in action they they tell me I go too fast actually Mike tells me I go too fast I I just I I feel like this is if I start thinking I’m gonna [ __ ] it

Up because I’m G think about gonna forget something else so I’m just like screw it dude just just try to hit an ice if it if it works great if it doesn’t it doesn’t you know like I I yeah I don’t know what it is just doesn’t bother me anymore it definitely

Bothered me before but now it’s just like I can’t I just can’t be getting angry out there I’d rather just have a good time it’s it’s hard enough you know respect it is definitely hard enough so like if so someone in your situation in the way you play say you’re

Like yeah over this shot you’re like I got this thing in the bag and then you hit a m hit you skull it yeah I mean 1.6 obviously you don’t do it often but how do you for us who do it all the time how do you regroup what’s

Your advice to us from that mess up shot shot to the next shot uh yeah so if I hit that shot which it does happen it does happen a lot it does happen uh I just laugh to be honest with you I I it’s just not I

Don’t know if it’s that I don’t care about the end score like the end of the game or if it’s I just don’t expect to hit I just don’t expect to be Tiger Woods every time I swing the club you know like it so literally my only advice would be to

Have more fun you know like just not worry about it that much because you’re going to hit a bad shot like it’s just it’s gonna happen you would literally have to practice every day for like eight hours a day for not and I’m not

I’m not don’t get me I’m not no Pro here I’m I’m just some guy who played baseball and could transfer it to golf somehow so it’s just not I’m not talking from some more High High Ground here uh I just that’s my advice to everybody is to have more

Fun you got great wooden sticks in your bag though we know that so we’ll take it great wooden sticks yeah that’s true you eliminate just that that thought of do I have enough teas or do I have quality teas you got that cancel that it’s very embarrassing if I have to ask somebody

For a te yes it’s because you gave them all away you’re just a generous dude you just gave them all way I do leave every single one in the tbuck so I get a new one every time so I I run out a lot I

Was gonna say I I probably I’m a big recycled tea guy like on a part three I’ll take a a broken tea that I could stick in the ground that I found there so I’m probably using yours you you are literally a terrible person yeah yeah I’m really I’m putting you out of

Business just one one recycled tea at a time I I apologize I gotta start I gotta start being wasteful I hear that a lot of people will do that and I would say I don’t know it’s probably 50/50 right like how many people actually buying

Te’s least I was going to say I can’t remember the last time CU if I’m invited to a country club I’m I’m getting handfuls out of that oh yeah oh yeah I’m okay with that because they’re buying from me so yeah you’re like take two handfuls

Yeah oh I love that that’s so funny yeah seriously take them all like in fact laugh at the laugh at the the the starter as you pour him into your bag that he has to go get more especially especially if I know they’re tempy te’s

I’m I’m I’m taking the whole bin and and emptying into my bag yeah you got it man I’ll give you a list after right yeah yeah I will I’ll be your your secret agent out there we might want to give the list to Tim because Brian could use it for

Nefarious reasons no no no I I I need to to make amends and I need to give to do my Penance so yeah send me that list I dude I’ll go tonight I’ll I’ll go right now once we hang up you if you all right so for me for

The listener speaking of finding ball uh T’s on the on the T box and things like that if if I look down and I pick up a t how do I know it’s yours what’s the signature marking besides like having a logo on there I mean does it say temp

T’s on them do they have Mark you know talk to me how do I know I just picked up a Tempe te yep so uh all of the ones that I have for sale now the new I just just dropped a new n stripe collection which is just a tea somebody actually

Mentioned that they look like uh crayons which it didn’t even hit me when I was creating them but it actually does look kind of like crayons they do look like crayons can can confirm I’m on the website right now yeah so like they’re very colorful and they have tempy’s uh

My little logos on the top it says tempies right on the cup um I have some older ones that have tempies on the side on the sh after the te um and then I have one te which is just like five or six different colors Al together I call

It a color splash the most engulf um that one’s pretty cool those those that’s probably my best seller um but that doesn’t have anything that doesn’t say anything on it so that’s a that one is up for grbs I guess you could say I shouldn’t say that

But that one’s up for grabs I guess but it’s Unique enough to be like oh this tea is pretty neat yeah very yes it is a very unique can I’m on the website right now it is a very unique tea and I like it a lot and I uh I work with

Um Kings deer in Colorado and they they put their logo on the cup of those and they sell those in their Pro Shop that’s pretty cool it’s pretty it’s a lot of color you know it’s just real colorful so it’s uh who I I don’t know who it was but somebody called them

The Jerry Garcia and I I just Jerry Garcia is that’s funny I could see it I could see like it it does give off a little deadhead Vibes so yeah right right there was somebody from Vermont too so there was somebody who was definitely yeah definitely a

Dead head he just looked at it and he was like this is this is The Reincarnation of Jerry right here this is what he would have wanted right exactly now how do you what’s your what’s your pitch why why should uh why should people buy buy your your te’s

Over any other te’s like what’s kind of the draw to it all I could think about is like a commercial saying are you tired of your standard woodc colored teas we have tempy teas it looks like Jerry Garcia that would be the best Instagram real like that would be the are you

Tired of tempy’s tees look at this tea um so like in my head I can hear like a uh like uh this med do you have methyl you know one of those commercials that’s like a lawyer trying to get you to did you take this pill you know that’s yeah

Jim zakov he solves problems yeah were you at Camp leun during 1986 oh Jesus misoa that’s what you got mesothelioma asbest it turns out the colored teas cause cause Brian don’t don’t don’t do it don’t do it you’re already you’re already six feet deep yeah they get they

Get you that dog in you that’s what they do that’s you have a bad case of the dog that’s awful um you saved what you could that is that’s what I’m thinking though in my head is I have one of those commercials in my head oh man 18800 call

Jim you know he’ll fix it’ll fix your problems right I I have uh I have people like ask me this question all the time especially when I did a booth at the golf show a couple years ago it’s like what’s different about your teas and I literally I’m just like

Nothing they’re golf team you know like they’re wooden golf they got different designs if you want your own you can put your logo on them you can custom customize them the way you want to but like they’re going to break so I don’t want to hear it you

Know it’s wood it’s gonna break people people always say stuff like that like um man there was some way to uh what did they say this was like all my friends at Brockton Country Club they the first ones I had broke very easily so they were always always making jokes about it

And I’m like well it’s a pretty good business model if you’re buying if you keep buying more it’s going to work um so yeah I don’t I don’t you know play games I don’t lie to people about what it is it’s going to break it’s wood

Um the t’s I have now are definitely thicker and better than the first batch that I had I mean I’ve only been doing this for man we’re coming up on four years actually uh now that I’m thinking of it um coming up on four years so like I’ve figured out the thickness you

Know they don’t break as easy I guess you could say they’re made better that’s good yeah so it’s uh and they got better colors you know it’s just more fun it’s just a lot more fun like I said I like to have fun I like to bring fun to the game I

Think they’re fun some people don’t care about te’s do I care about te’s that much just a go the passion I can feel the passion it’s awesome I’m just looking at I’m looking at the color splash te and I’m just trying to go through my head I’m like

How do we make a how do we make a commercial that includes talking about misoa not about the Tea though not about the tea but then you also somehow have Uncle John’s Band playing in the background like at the end just for the sole fact that have to bring Jerry

Garcia you could put his you could put a a a portrait of him on the top too we gotta get a a j Jerry Garcia impersonator to do the whole commercial and just totally sell it the uh putting his face on the top is actually a great idea I don’t know I

Don’t know if I can do that but I’m gonna think about it now I might actually write that down because that’s actually where just I mean it could just be like a you know what they do with uh the Bob you know with the Bob Ross head

Too you could just like take out the eyes and everything and it’s just the boom it’s just the the afro you know I have I have a meme actually of him of Bob Ross and instead of the painting The the water it’s my tea excellent see see

Great minds great M you already thought of it but I you know here it is the creative juices are flowing here this is just a business meeting right now and then Here Comes Brian just to be like nobody wants these tees no no everybody should go out and buy about a

Thousand of them because they’re the best te’s in the market they break a little less than other T’s and um and it’s a good it’s a good uh founder and owner here it’s a quality te it’s a quality te that’s what it is the quality tea and coming soon they may either have

Jerry Garcia or Bob Ross’s face on them one of honestly like to to my previous point if someone asked you that like why do I buy my tea just be like can you name me another brand of te’s negative hon my te’s you know me now before

Before I couldn’t I couldn’t tell you once I started though I they started popping up on my Instagram I was like wow there’s actually quite a few shoot you really you have no idea nobody knows who makes your te’s you know like you said earlier Joe and Le’s they

Probably sell bags of 500 or a thousand and I don’t know who makes them yeah you know I don’t know what the company is it’s just a bag of teas they they and and to be honest with you they probably buy the most which is probably the

Cheapest you know so it is what it is I maybe someday I’ll I’ll uh work my way into those stores but we’ll see well if anyone from Joe and Le’s is listening all you got to do just get just get the color splash teas in we’ll start low

Well I mean we well not low but we’ll start with the color splash te’s people will be like oh my God these things are great I really do they would too I think people would buy them immediately if they if they were like next to the cash register or something and they’re like

Wow look at this if they were just next to other T’s I would be I would be like I think I’m gonna get right like I would be like I think I’m gonna get these instead um but yeah no these are great these are I’m very I I will be definitely getting some

Def very much the support awesome Tim what do we think ready I mean I think I know the answer to the first one I mean 1.6 all right I mean Adam talk to me please I’m guessing the answer is yes do you have any whole

In ones no no one of us one of us one of us dang I had no idea what was coming either I didn’t know what you were asking and uh no I maybe have one or two that are like inside a foot but I’ve never come close I was also I don’t know

Why this PO popped into my head out of that I was thinking of like random questions that you could have been thinking of but I I think I was thinking you make a tea of Rich mAh mahogany and put Rod burgundy’s face on Top you wouldn’t even have to make it out of mahogany just just just have the the the what is it the W the lacquer what is it called just like yeah you literally say whatever you want these days so it is what it is right right hey what’s that teammate yeah literally just

On the side Rich mahogany and then Ron bergy on the top this is write that down that one’s better than that’s better than Jerry Garcia’s said that one so much you’re just gonna wake up every morning to DMS from all of us just giving like just ideas yeah you’re gonna hate us

You’re gonna be block and you’re gonna have you’re gonna have Brian’s you’re never gonna make it just quit now yeah Brian you’re out of here I know I know for a fact that my face will never be on those te’s because it’s I feel like I’m

Banned if anything it’s it’s a x through my face on on the te there I mean that’s that’s what made golf great was the the the Brooks Bryson rivalry so maybe we’re on to something oh you want to have a rivalry yeah I’m gonna start my own Tea Company oh

Jesus well those ideas are mine buddy those ideas they’re already in the notebook I will see you in court they are already in the notebook I I was thinking you know have you seen those um utensils the edible utensils like the spoons and Forks that you can

Eat maybe I’m going to do that with teas I got to do that what do they taste like sense how does that make sense it it sounded good before I said it and then then I said it and then D up Podcast it sounded good before I said it to that’s our new

That’s our new line yeah it sounded good before it actually was said is there actually utensils that you can eat uh yeah there are there are utensils they like uh they’re made of like a really thick like Cracker almost kind of thing um like you could have soup with it and

It holds up holds up better than the the paper straws um and you just eat everyone hates everyone but the turtles hates the paper straws so yeah yeah that one Turtle I saw in a picture though yeah one yeah seriously just one Turtles that’s how you can have a

Rivalry with Brian we can all agree where we have a rivalry with the turtles no I I don’t I don’t do battles in the water I don’t I don’t [ __ ] that I’m not the na wait until they come on land I I just stick to to the ones that

Don’t make sense to the battles that I that I can’t win and there’s no point in doing it um but we’re here I’m I don’t think I’m gonna wear this shirt again I’m a little irritable in it I think well you’re you’re camo so it’s

Yeah I’m gonna I think I’m going to buy a hoodie though from tempies real quick 35 bucks that’s a steal good pricing pricing did you hear that everyone great pricing great pricing and it comes with 10 teas holy hell sometimes I forget that sorry for those folks sometimes I I love

That any any order if your name Brian so help me God that yel review is GNA be so brutal if you forget my 10 te you would you would be doing yel reviews yeah funny this it just turned into a war I got a lot of free time on my hands

I gotta I gotta keep myself busy oh Brian Brian the yelper oh better start giving five star reviews not to tempies not on my watch oh jeez every every post I make there just gonna be a little snark comment under it yeah just gonna follow up Brian stop posting one star

Review can’t wait to see your review on his edible te’s after you get fertilizer poisoning yeah very true think about that Brian didn’t I thought about it I I just uh I I’m going back to the drawing board guys relax Cal down oh shoot Adam I want you

You are stranded on an island you’re stranded on an island and you’re there for one year uh you just have a it’s just you in this island you have unlimited golf balls and I guess te’s because you know you created te uh and but you can only bring one club to this

Island which club are you bringing I’m going to bring a six iron love it because I think I can do multiple things with a six iron we have not had I don’t think we’ve had six iron yet we get seven iron a lot yeah that’s

I feel like that’s an easy one we get like nine iron a lot pitching wedge a lot driver we get because like everyone just wants to hit a driver a wedge would be cool too because you’re in a close space it’s just you you don’t have to go

Far to get the ball I get it but like you want to know what Brenan said yes it’s the only uh recorded to date uh pick brenon went with the putter I went with the putter what are you gonna on Sand there’s a green we have decided

Okay there’s a green it’s like a Sandals Resort good one because you could putt all day yes thank you I’m very I I’m better at I’m actually better at putting now than I used it’s actually probably the best part of my game now which is

Crazy to say um let say let me just say this is my worst nightmare because this is all practicing true very true yeah worst nightmare you’re gonna have to make holes you’re gonna right right I’m gonna clear a path through this Forest on this island that’s gonna be for your

Year you’re not even gonna you’re not even gonna hit the balls you’re just gonna clear and you’re gonna be like Daniel the Greenskeeper you’re just gonna and that’s how the tempy’s resort was born one down I got one tree down in a year he’s gonna be cutting down trees

Whittling teas out of it just to pass the time he doesn’t want to practice anymore yeah let me get my knife out yeah geez a l Adam I want you to look into your backyard look into your backyard I don’t know if you have one but if you have a backyard look there

Imagine there’s a golf hole there yeah golf hole you can play it over and over again uh it could be any hole that you’ve either played or you’ve seen on TV it comes with all the amenities like the coastline the desert the mountains whatever all the

Scenery which golf hole are you going to be have you gonna have as your backyard hole wow um Pebble which one what is it the sixth hole the seventh hole down part three part three yeah yeah at the water yeah yeah yeah gotcha um because I think it could be different every

Day oh with the wind and stuff yeah that that does come included it is part of the scenery what that’s a good I know that’s a creative answer right there because of the confirmation on which hole that is though is is it is it the seven okay I

Thought up but yeah that’s my pick wow we’ve never had anyone factor in the weather to their choice of whole because we have had people who’ve picked Pebble before but most people go 18 because you can go you know you can play it every day and

You can do like a part five part four part you know wherever you set it up but I mean it is it is the signature hole that’s for sure I like it it’s definitely a wind thing for me like I don’t I don’t like the wind but I’ve

Seen people hit like hybrid or three-wood on that hole and then I Al also seen people hit wedge so you know it could be different every day I like I have a new golfer poll question I like it introduction introduction do it and this works out perfectly because of Adam’s first answer

To no hole in ones okay if you had if you had $10,000 to put on the table right now do you think it is more likely that one of us four will make a ho in one in our lifetime or one yeah one of us four

Or that none of us will get a Hole In One In Our Lifetime and so obviously obviously you by the time you die by the time all four of us die you won’t have that $10,000 so it’ll go to your kids or something like that or a nice charity if you don’t have

Kids I’m saying don’t hit it you saying all four of us won’t hit it oh don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby especially ESP that’s a hex that’s that’s a hex you just put a hex on me Madam zerone just put a hex on me what the heck this is

Your oh my God I’m getting it tomorrow so help me God and I’m not gonna use a te no I hope it’s with a temp te and a Odin gol ball that’s that’s good brand brand loyalty there I’m gonna have to start putting cheese back in on the part

3es now just just because of it I’m gonna have to start maybe that’s what maybe that’s why I’ve never ever gotten it is because doesn’t work for me so I oh man well Adam dude thank you so much for coming on tonight man we really appreciate it you’ve made two great

Friends and possibly one mortal enemy but it was uh ple you know everyone please go check out Adam has so much stuff on here I know for a fact sooner or later I will be getting uh these Splash color these Color Splash te’s because these things are amazing uh

Brian hopefully got a Brian’s thinking about a hoodie yeah how are the sizes do they run run big run small just right uh me and you are not the same size so uh it might be tighter on me than you no just like just think it’ll

Go large what what do you usually get large yeah I like I like to be a little bit pre- flowing I think large will fit perfect if it doesn’t you can exchange it I I’ll be at your doorstep we can hang out because we’re besties we’re besties right right everybody

Please go we need we’re we’re gonna need to have Bri Brian and Adam like we’re gonna have to play as a foresome and Brian and Adam in the same cart and just see what happens we may have to Y we gota make either be best of friends or

We’ll have to separate them by all three before Easter Sunday we got to make amends I can’t go into the new holiday with uh with this on my conscious I’m driving the car though I’m driving the car oh so I’ll see so I’ll me I’ll me

You on the next hole then CU you’re leaving me in the dust I’ll take all the clubs I need yes yes I’m going right by your ball man me me and Adam may be in the car we may be three holes ahead if you guys no practice

Swings all right oh I would love it oh man oh I would love a three- hour round there’s nothing better but Adam dude thank you so much for coming out man we really appreciate it yeah thanks for having me guys I appreciate it’s been fun a lot of laugh nice to meet you Guys

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