Golf Players

Toe Putt & Acceleration.

Jackie Burke Jr., Steve Elkington and Jason Kokrak on the practice green.

I Want You To Toe putt it toe putt toe putt right on the toe I uh I only do that when I get the the like the greens like I’m dead downhill and I only have to get it started but very rarely will I

Ever hit it off the toe cuz I feel like I can gauge the speed pretty good even hit it straight but left to right putts like I always put the line you know say that my line is the titlist or whatever I put a line on the ball through the

Prov one we’ll do that so on a right to left putt I always line it up maybe just just on the outside edge of that toe so I mean when you hit it it’s a little more dead and it’s going to keep its line better

On the high side and then I with the Left Right putt I hit it off the other side so it’ll kind of well why do you consider yourself a bad putter I don’t consider myself a bad putter I just want to be a better putter oh toe putt when you practice it it

Makes you way more aggressive too what does that do for you JB obviously we know that makes it comes out soft but you can be real aggressive I feel like it’s making me release the club had like more through he do he doesn’t stop his

Club you like it when he doesn’t stop it right you think that makes him roll it better yeah I think he he’s more sensitive to Rolling something perfect

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