Golf Players

HOW MANY ACES CAN WE GET?!? (Disc Golf Putt Putt)

Flying Armadillo is one of my favorite courses in the world! The perfect combination of fun and challenge, with a bunch of ace runs! Check out this video of Trevon and I trying to ring up some aces, and be sure to check out Trevon’s channel for another video from flying armadillo!


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No wait what do you mean let’s Go what’s up guys welcome back to the Vlog I am here with Trevon at my favorite course in Texas the flying armadillo mini just south of Austin in San Marco and if you saw my video here last year you probably know how much fun this course is I’ve got my pound toolbox

With me full of Putters and mids they’re all just begging for chains Trevon brought his cart for the long haul that is the whatever 2000 foot course and uh it’s trev’s first time out here I’ve been telling him how awesome it is that he has to get out here and we’re just

You know I I got four aces last time I was here now I got Trevon with me the goal is definitely to get more than four so let’s get right into it flying armadillo mini can’t wait without further Ado this is the Monday after the

Open at Austin and to be just right away I am representing is POA Nikolas Ana because he took down his very first disc golf pro tour Elite Series win yesterday with two clutch putts on 17 and 18 Kyle Klein our buddy was charging from the third card but Nikas shut the door got

The job done so I’m representing nichas with the shirt and your boy seop payou I’m going full full finish representation today and now it’s time to Ace for my finish Bros oh turnover got it yo oh my God turnover surprise me all right I’m going Heiser oh yeah right up in the air

Garbage that was so bad that’s got a chance sure does o too long all right as I mentioned before the open in Austin has passed and I actually have my worst Tournament of the year so far this year however the conditions were tough the course was tough it was just

Like sloppy muddy windy rainy and we had a shortened 15 hole round yesterday after a wild delay was the only way that no was able to to complete the round and that ended up with me shooting a five down the same as the day before but it

Fared so much better because the three holes they eliminated were holes that I birdied all three the round before my previous five down but just so so thankful that I was able to grind it out I was two over through four in that shortened round and then I birdied five

Couple Pars in a row and then nine through the end I birdied like seven or six of the last eight and I’m just very proud of my effort I I held strong stuck stuck it out and uh just just knew that if I kept grinding kept plugging away I

Have a chance and going into 17 I told myself if you can birdie one of these next two you definitely have a chance I missed a birdie uh no I wouldn’t say I missed I didn’t have a great birdie opportunity on 17 but then 18 had a

30-footer and I knew exactly what it was for I cashed it down watched the scores come in and ended up snagging last cash so obviously not my best week weekend but could have been much much worse if I didn’t stay mentally strong and I’m just so proud of myself for sticking it out

Getting the job done and grabbing some more points as well but next up is a week off before we head to Houston for the Texas state championship and we’re actually getting a tour of the NASA facility thanks to Jared who reached out on Instagram he wanted to set it up last

Year but I actually skipped the Houston event so thanks to Jared and definitely we’re excited for that the basket’s in the shack in the shack yeah so it’s seems like a skip yeah I did a I did quite a good skip earlier is it short enough no that was

The right skip though yeah I’m going md5 that looks good A so close no that’s oh yeah well yeah will go in that was the best chance drop no it tickled it tickled I heard it no way how did it go in there gosh dang

It I got one more well now I got to try my other MD I can’t believe I did that first try that could do it oh man we love them all though all right I lied ah too high lied I got to go again this one’s going all Air yikes all

Air huh all Air oh glitch get up get up parked all right here’s the result an unfortunately empty basket but they did Tickle chains with the pink MD so that’s a tapping the tripod doesn’t fit in here all right get ready hole three this is called the Lefty hole as you can see

This Gap is pretty difficult to Ace I’m going to try like a high like stall and and pancake shot got it you weren’t even I wasn’t even watching you got to watch it back bro okay all right we’ll watch it back after I cannot believe that didn’t go Fireball

Yes I threw Fireball on 100 foot 110t hole all right I’ll try it I did see the last second of it yeah a I think you need the speed of the driver yeah yeah I I mean I skipped it like 40t off the tea Simon back on the

Vlog Simon was supposed to be here today just so you guys know but he was like no Simon’s a little worn down yeah he is that was a great try I could do [Applause] it oh too far way too far imagine that little all guys whole four the basket

Is right there but the angle from the teapad is horrible that’s why I got on the wide angle camera great bid got it oh in front of it no way there there are yeah I know it all right one of the newest additions on the course here is

The Silo hole asra Robinson already did a AC all chains Ace Through The Silo double ace but we’ve got a gallery here now so it’s time to put on a show it’s right and we still haven’t grabbed an ace yet this round four oh shoot there’s somebody there

Sorry all to oh lift oh almost had the bank shot metal hit metal hit yep a dang it that one’s not as flippy Drop really turn turn turn driver yes that’s it come on too high oh two metal hits boom f plus d yeah we got we got a basket and a chain I many I thought I felt like that should have stuck the gallery cheered us

On but we did we let them down but this is one of my favorites basket in the ground just a little slider skip do it oh oh yes is it it I think it is is it in I think it’s in hey the most the chainless Ace the most

Uneventful Ace on the channel ever to be had I mean maybe there’s a chance that it like slid on the outside but it’s got to be it why am I holding the flippi putter I own that’s a good question all right I think this is a Simon Ace too

Wide there it is there it is yes yes there it is there it is yes yes that’s less way more satisfying than mine that was pure all the way yes it was this the I’ll climb baby let’s go perfect pyro yeah I’m going sidearm next too oh do it yep that’s another

One another metal hit back to back chain hits no we got we got to roll it so we know if mine is in not let’s find out really intrigued to know if mine went in cuz that was got to be the the silent Ace it better be in it it was crazy

Little reaction though it has to be oh it is a little bit wider I don’t know oh the basket oh man well mine’s in score one for casy MF white that is just a sad sight right there that’s disappointing that would have been really funny that funny though

It deserves to be right there though it just crawled in wait it’s suspended by the basket no no sorry Trevon all right hole seven just another disc golf hole wait begging for an Ace and this time I think think I’m going to go tactic sidearm to start drop what is that holy

Crap too far good line though yeah solid do it get it I’m all over the metal hits got it got it heyo got it got it hey hey one up one1 let’s go broxy and it’s all tied up one to one let’s go tea off from the top of this deck over

Here and the first time I came here I wasn’t smart enough to know that catch cam is the way to go so here we go oo ah too soft that was a good line drop drop wow thing just wanted to float forever so much

Glide I can do it I can do it it’s all too far I think I think I think if you’re going to go back H you got to go this way but it’s so hard railing just got to sit on it got do like a mato that is bold bro yeah that’s

Like the end of your career maybe maybe your life yeah maybe good thing you signed a waiver okay I do if I do like the Mato like still really hard that could oh lift oh really close yeah ah nope not chance she gone all right we’re done we tried our best no

Dice first hole and three holes without an ace hole nine is called the sign hole I love this hole I I dream of coming up with something similar to this on my course someday but there’s many ways to Ace it last year I nabbed it with the

Md5 going at that no entry sign and diving in so we’re just going to try and repeat that right off the gate [Applause] oh you know what I forgot to try on that in the ground hole was a MD jump putt oh that was that was tracking it

Misses the sign all right this is the exact md5 I aced with last year wow clean I got I got two zippers I want I want the zipper Ace oh okay let’s see it nope off signing in oh oh almost had it ooh pyro that was a cage that was a

Cage then two poles Mike Carman right at the gut no what what what what where you going another cage last one for me really yeah wow I’m not even close to down get oh the sign I didn’t even realize it says ramp r ah head yeah that’s what I

Was going for oh wow okay let’s try that I kind of want it again y yep no just lifted into the cage instead skip oh dang it yes ramp oh cage again should I just aim for CH no maybe aim for cage yeah I know yep no how many time hit the cage

This is what it looks like to play The Flying armadillo a graveyard of discs and none in the basket sad soldiers sad day off the tree oh almost had it off the tree off tree clean oh off tree hey yo Nice Shot nice shot somebody just

Ace to eight the the one off the off the balcony yeah that hole was so hard yeah that’s pretty dope that was so so hard do it no the wind is yes no yes no on the lighthouse hole and the lighthouse is the basket with the buoys and stuff but

I actually got this one back to back last year let’s see if we can replicate doy Foxy’s been hot it’s hot it’s hot wind dude what all right not my best effort oo buddy oh backand time that was a weird wind reaction dang I like that one all right

Spore still looking for a Spore Ace not like that all right hole 12 the Big Bird Bell hole so you got big bird with his nest and some eggs then the bell’s guarding the basket and this is actually Rock and Tony’s first Ace shout out to rock and

Tony May if I would just quit throwing them on like such I just want to ring a bell that’s oh buddy yes no that Bell just robbed that was in without the bell ring but she did get you did get the bell ring I can do it drop in there the Chain got it got it no my gosh wow dang dude that was money that gine MD sidearm got it oh buddy seriously what the guy got to do ooh skipping I didn’t even see that little dirt spot maybe I can skip it I’m going another MD sidearm wow unreal dude those are so

Good why is it that like without the gimmicks we would have aced like four times on this hole that’s the fun that’s the fun part oh yeah I know but like there are some holes that don’t have the G we can’t Ace them what disc is that that is a

Particle particle no no idea what it does I just somebody gave it oh my God that was big bird that was oh my God it almost went in did it really yeah skip driver yep oh what was that if you’re going to be a fireball at least skipped like a

Fireball so much beef on the SP no enough oh Simon SL shot running out oh he’s throwing Simon I swear if you Ace with it before I do oh it’s beefy been throwing it for years still never aced it really yeah I didn’t know it was so

Beefy that’s why I never Ace with it oh boy oh holy wind uh let’s just throw some sidearms at it not like that that was actually pretty clean though off the gun oh it’s the cage here’s Mr Big Bird hello and his eggs and Hell’s Bells all right guys

Whole 13 trev’s first time ever seeing the ultimate gimmick hole the plays are right side roller right side bank shot right side High Bank Shot Through the AC unit top of the Red Bar down c three Bank shots on the left side a roller or like a Skip and straight

Through the slats so what if I just throw it at surely if I throw like all 12 shots at the Contraptions that’s just going to go in yes exactly like that oh look it it’s coming back to play what is that that’s what I did

Earlier too the four end roller is how I aced it last year oh it’s the wind weird weird wind yeah got it y got it yeah let’s go all right two to one I feel like the score might rack up on this hole Bank Shot low left

Orange no what what is that bro roller off the middle up and over okay I like that oh I missed it nope oh boy four thing just took off gosh this wind is killing wind is not roller friendly even though you already aced it come on oh if you went

In the unit if you went in the unit you would have aced it I might need to reload on this hole Yeah I’m I don’t blame you that was the most depressing shot ever I haven’t even put a good bid on any of them oh my it’s too windy for my disc my

God AC unit ah got it yes yes got it yes yes let Go’s killing it all right all right well now that you did the AC unit we already seen that one I want to go bar down s off the red or just throw it into the Chimes Again yuck bar down s it is bar down s it is yeah oh nope green oh that’s a weird one come on red I got two emergencies oh gosh absolutely nothing Simon bar down Sy no I’m just like this is like my mega Shankle apparently I want to throw the

MD right through the slats but I just don’t think I can do it because it’s not going to be flat yeah it’ll never stay flat but I want to try it what that would have been so aggressively oh gosh y yes all right we decided that three Aces

And a lot of metal is enough to just move on to the next toll but first Spore Ace on the board Trevon got a four-and roller and a down the shoot Ace so score is three to two right three to two me three two me right all right moving on after I have

To find all my discs I sprayed everywhere all right ho 14 definitely the tightest gap on the course just try and not block the basket when we yep Ace run it oh he’s trying yeah too windy no it’s not no it’s not all it’s got to be better all right see

It okay okay oh that had a great chance do it dude off the cage do it do it Oh Come On’s all over it give it to me I only have one more option nope I keep cutting it over and over and over again I’m going let this the nice fella play

Through oh that was a good effort yeah best one so far last one yes oh sidearms on another level right now you want to be on the Vlog SL SL shot all right please oh good run spinner do the left Gap okay all right whole 15 80 ft Texas flag America

Flag oh you said left Gap did I yeah my mind said right nice well it doesn’t help when you hit the first tree yes oh oh oh too High that was pretty good oh off the flag pull well for anyone who’s wondering I’m pretty sure I’m terrible at following directions even a year apart I don’t think I’ve ever played this hole before because 17’s tead is right behind that basket we just played and I don’t think I’ve ever seen this

Hole before so first look at it for both of us I’m I’m planning on burying the the hatchet here you we’re still 32 right yep he wants to bury the hatchet not like that with the aest too looks good dang O Negative come on tactics we need need

Chains off the tree do it do it do it oh my God off the tree do it do it do it oh my God off the tree baby just CL tied up tie it up I knew I shouldn’t have talked crap W baby come on spoke that into existence do it

Again that tree’s friendly jeez how tell me how nope I didn’t trust that one we’re we’re three and three three and three all right guys s whole 17 we’re tied up two to go and we want Skippers on this one I want rollers wants rollers okay oh

Boy are you trying to go over that crossbow no okay that was a great bid that’s the one that’s it got it oh it just went to it too high sharp yeah it needs more M straight online all right look at it’s still rolling in the background all right little little one

Hop my disc could make a oh my my disc could make a chef boy Rd commercial counter oh I did counter all all air dang I can do it oh there it is oh you got to hit that like a little a little more right yeah

Just dead center it oh I hit a tree I think I’m too worried about the camera angle run out of bullets again no that was the one that was the one I was waiting for got it oh oh Simon no wait what do you mean oh I was

Trying to skip it yeah yeah yeah I get I hear you here we are guys last hole 18 Tied Up 3 three this is it it’s all going to be decided right here wow can’t even hit the house oh he did it oh man they look so good I

Know it’s hard to get it and then the house comes up quick both sides of the house come up quick oh that’s horrendous let’s go let’s go up one Huh squeaky through the window all right I’m going flip dog send us home oh man some MD saucers how the mighty have fallen no drop ah I hope that didn’t chunk stay up oh man left do it left ah that one’s not going left all right

This is probably my last one P1 I got three more P1 saucer three more for my tournament life no too flippy oh no way with the glitch no o tough wind maybe two more okay I got I got I got emergency ones emergency there putting putters fair fair win I can never

Win good come back on the last hole baby let’s go buzz right at the buzzer right at the buzzer it’s all right you can play you can play now EXO hard tactic all cash money and that ties my record for four aces in one round out here at

The Flying armadillo trev’s first time ever playing it he grabbed three two of them on the same hole and uh here’s another graveyard of discs but the winner XO hard tactic shout out to Mike Carmen hooking me up with this one and that’s going to do it for today’s video guys flying armadillo

Always a blast be sure to check out trev’s channel we’re going to go out for another round and film another another Ace run Vlog on trev’s channel so be sure to check that out Trevon Crow disc golf but once again this course is amazing thank you to the owner for

Letting us play for free and I’ll be back but thank you for watching like subscribe and next up is Texas state championships Peace


  1. Casey at the Armadillo is a sure sign of spring…even if it snowed back in New England.

  2. Is it even an ace if you throw your whole bag every teepad? 🤷‍♂️ Not hating your skills but it's so much more passion when it's real and not Hollywood/editing shit riiiight?

  3. Really, there needs to be more courses like this and less the hybrid/ball golf courses.

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