Golf Players

2003 Brier Championship Final – Ferbey vs Dacey

Curling Legends Podcast Presents:
Randy Ferbey (Alberta) vs Mark Dacey (Nova Scotia)
Brier Championship Final
Halifax Metro Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia
March 9, 2003
#curling #brier

Related Podcast Episodes:

The following is a live presentation of CBC Sports night descends over the Citadel and Halifax as the Nokia Brier moves to prime time to decide a champion Alberta the first to arrive at 554 Atlantic about an hour ago driving the same route from the hotel sitting in the same seats in their van their butterflies in formation Mark Daisy and

His ring from Nova Scotia arriving less than an hour ago the home team fitting to make it a night to remember in Nova Scotia a game for the ages Alberta’s Randy Furby prepares to distinguish his career as the only man to win five briers in Halifax Furby has owned the

Spotlight his team has been perfect an unbeaten rer in a Dream Season no other rink has been so dominant on the verge of an unprecedented third straight title as their skip bids to better the legendary Richardson’s but the home team has designs in a milestone of its own

It’s a half century since Nova scotia’s last victory giant killer Mark Daisy is already top of two great Champions Russ Howard and Pat Ryan is the Alberta skip next tonight Randy Furby Rees his game for a glorious evening Mark Daisy steadies his team for the Glory of St [Applause] Andrew Championship curling on CBC from Halifax Nova Scotia It’s the final of the 2003 Nokia Bri tonight the two-time defending Champion Randy Furby rink of Alberta takes on the mark Daisy team of Nova Scotia rain tapering temperatures falling should help with humidity inside this WOW loud Metro Center a capacity

Crowd awaiting the final the first time Nova Scotia has played for the Brier title since 1951 good evening and welcome to the final of the Nokia Brier it’s versus Goliath you know 52 years ago nobody gave Nova Scotia much chance of winning when they went unbeaten and did

It on home ice here in Halifax and here we go again the mark Daisy rink on home ICE unheralded especially after dropping his first draw of this Brier 104 to none other and the Randy Furby rink of Alberta Furby for his part says he’s playing this one scared just one win

Away from an unbeaten Brier and a record fifth win and they certainly cut a swap this this week through the round robin finishing first perfect at 11-0 BC Nova Scotia and New Brunswick next all at 7-4 so the Furby rink in a class by itself in the pige playoff format Alberta

Defeating BC’s Pat Ryan in the onew game handedly 82 in seven ends they get a birth directly to the final Ryan relegated to the semi-final in the 34 game Mark Daisy defeating New Brunswick’s Russ Howard 6 to4 to advance to the semi-final and this was the scene

Yesterday in the third end mark Daisy and Pat Ryan Daisy here looking to draw to the button the game’s tied it two at this point he’s on the mark in a 3-2 lead to the six then now Ryan in trouble he’s looking to draw the button facing four Nova Scotia red stones counting

He’ll get a piece of the button but not enough to give up a steal of one it’s 53 Novas now the eighth end and this is where the semifinal turned the Dy rink here with four in the eighth and that was the game make the final

96 Nova Scotia going to his first final ever since the playoff format was adopted here’s the matchup tonight Randy Furby unbeaten and with the best shooting percentage as a team against this Daisy rink with four losses in the round robin but perfect in the playoffs their game has been getting better and

Randy Furby is standing by with Don Whitman thanks Mark Randy Furby did the team follow the same routine and making its way to the rink today pretty much the same we’ve been on course all week and we wouldn’t let our driver lead lead us astray at all now this is going to be

A pro Daisy crowd you were the favorite last year in Calgary you think that’ll be any problem out there today well it could be if they get up and they or Mark’s making a few good shots but we’re hoping to take him out of the game by

Possibly getting an early lead in this game and then just Contin on to the rest of the game you’ve been very aggressive from the start in almost every game will that same style Prevail oh I’m sure it will you’ll be expecting a corner guard if Mark puts wi in the house first and

He’ll get a guard are you thinking about your place in history as a result of a win today no not at all not not at this point in time we just want to play I’m worried about the first day I’m not worried about what’s going to happen in

Two and a half hours guys behind you seem to be pretty loose and having some fun back there for most part they are all the time bunch of clowns they now let’s join Joan mccusker thanks Don congratulations mark on leading your Nova Scotia team to this

Brier final how will it help that you were in a Brier Final in 19 1995 um well it’ll be familiar surroundings being out there once before but uh the whole team has been in the atmosphere all week so um we we’re just treating it as business as usual no

One’s been able to beat Ry Furby this week what will this team need to do differently to win in today’s Final uh we’re going to have to stay extremely mentally tough and uh we’re going to have to execute uh to the to the best of our capabilities and capitalize on any

Opportunities we get how does it feel to have the hope hopes of this whole Arena and even the whole Province on your shoulders as you go into this prior final well that certainly is going to help us draw energy uh it’s going to

Take a lot of a lot of energy to play a game like this but uh you know we try to put the blinders on when we’re on the ice and only focus on the uh on the ice and what we’re doing out there best of luck today thank you let’s join Mark Lee

Thanks joining with Mike Harris we just heard mark dacey saying he’s going to feed off this crowd how about home ICE home crowd Advantage what kind of a factor is it well he’s got tons of energy to draw from this has been one of the most vocal crowds we’ve seen in a

Long time at a Brier and and Mark’s got the right attitude he’s going to use it to his Advantage we saw it yesterday in the semi-final he had every opportunity to not play well in front of this crowd he came through with Spades flying color so I don’t I don’t see anything

Different for him this tonight in the final conversely yesterday uh Randy Furby was Jered when he was introduced during the semi-final could it be a distraction for his ring well ry’s done himself no favors this week by taking some shots at some of the curlers here

This this week and it’s kind of a Unwritten rule you don’t do that sort of thing so the crowd’s been getting on them look for if they get an opportunity they may the problem with Randy Furby and his rank they’re so good they may never get that chance out here tonight

Should be terrific look forward to your analysis tonight Mike yes history in the making one way or the other as Furby girds for a challenge from the home team it is no ordinary Day you know yeah I win now sometimes I lose I’ve beened but I it’s andary day and it’s all your mind at the End The Nokia 7210 phone with available camera headset the new pocket translator we make multimedia messaging as easy as see snap and send noia connecting people to make sure your pictures last for Generations is Sarah there make sure the paper says Kodak show her what you look like Kodak

Paper has advanced technology told you identical technology that resists fading and keeps your pictures brilliant for Generations find Kodak paper at this mine retailer you already know these uses for your carer here’s a few you might not have thought of the hat rack the Shower the centerpiece the chandelier you can always use a CER night Together you’re going do it do it build life can they say football is a game of inches I wish we had inches the Scott Tournament of Hearts proud sponsor of women’s curling for 22 Years the no Brier live on CBC brought to you by Sheridan see for yourself by Ford built for life in Canada by CER you’ll look for things to clean and by Nokia official wireless phone of the season of Champions oh there’s a buzz in Halifax tonight for the underrated home team coming in

Ranked last in shooting percentage during the round robin the kind of stats that would suggest an early exit not an appearance in the Nokia Brier final but they’ve made the key shots when they counted and they’re here tonight to face Furby and Alberta the defending Champions as we go to the booth and

Welcome Don Joan and Mike again thank you Mark hi again everybody yes this will be a memorable night at the Halifax Metro Center will curling history book be Rewritten or will a drought that has lasted for more than 50 years come to an end mark Daisy has the hopes of the host

Province on his shoulders but he’s playing with confidence well he certainly has gotten on a rooll playing with some momentum he had to scramble for a playoff spot late in the round robin and with every game in the playoff system he’s gotten stronger and stronger he’s got a very good team first year

With Bruce lonus and Rob Harris but they come with a lot of experience a young player in Andrew Gibson and boy did they play well against BC yesterday they’re on a roll ry’s going to have his hands full well Randy Furby has been on a roll

12 and Z 11 and zero in round robin and the winner of the one versus two game he’s been playing well all year Mike he has they’ve gone through the entire season with eight wins as a team and that is just unheard or sorry eight eight losses you’re right that’s unheard

Of with the number games they play they’ve been incredible all week and all year and uh they’re going to they’re going to be the the team to beat here tonight uh Mark Daisy going to have to take it the title away from this team

Well they won a two years in a row they won in Ottawa they won last year in Calgary they’re so strong from lead through Skip and is there any matchup that might be pivotal in the course of this game well this front end leads uh Marcel Rock and second Scott feifer are

One of the best in the business they do everything so well but I’ll tell you Nova scotia’s front end Rob Harris and Andrew Gibson did some great things yesterday not only did they match up against the lead and second from BC but they showed some cool calm judging and

Sweeping as in this shot Mark Daisy’s draw to about two Ines he had to come to Cool com and collected put it right where they needed to be the work of the front end could be critical for both teams in this championship game Alberta against Nova Scotia here at the Halifax

Metro Center for the 2003 Brier title Mark well da the last team to go unbeaten all the way to the Brier title was ironically Alberta back in 1988 the Pat Ryan rink with Randy Furby throwing skip stones playing Jean Ritz of Saskatchewan in the final they were down

Seven to5 in the 10th they crack a triple to win at 8-7 and finish the Brier undefeated at 12 and0 all the way to Victory and that’s the circumstance Weighing on Randy Furby’s mind tonight he looks awfully relaxed as Mark dacey carries the weight of an entire

Province’s hopes here on home ICE before we get underway in the first end quick primer on the rules of play tonight we’ll feature the three Rock free guard Zone each team will be allowed to have 73 minutes of stop time with two timeouts of one minute in duration each

We’re ready for first rocks Alberta and Nova Scotia for the Brier title and once again Don Jan and mik well as the result of going unbeaten through round robin play Randy Furby and his Alberta teammates have last Rock Advantage Randy Furby talking to Mark Daisy about the

1995 Brier final that was played here in Halifax and Daisy that year played third for Brad height of Saskatchewan in losing the Brier Championship to Carrie burtnik of Manitoba and by the way that was the first year that the paage playoff system was used in the

Brion and later that year in 1995 Mark Daisy moved to New brenwick and two years later moved to Nova [Applause] Scotia Andrew Gibson the lead puts the stone in the Rings and as Randy Furby told me when I was talking with them prior to the game they’re going to go after it right from the opening shot always a team philosophy with this Randy Furby team in any event they go into

Whether it’s a cash fi a playoff game a Brier game they play aggressively early in the game many times in the opening ends of a game yeah with the championship on the line when the team that tosses first stone puts it in the Rings the opposition will hit it but

That’s not the case with the F no and they they that’s their style of play in every game they play and one of the main we got to give credit where credit do to the ice makers here they’ve done such a great job about 4T of swing and it it

Allows teams to play aggressively so finish it finish it hard guard attempt here Nova one of the interesting statistics when they have had last Rock Alberta on 24 occasions d the number of times and they’ve only scored a single point have scored two or more so that’s a pretty good indication

Of just how aggressively they play the game L it up L it up close close hard real hard stay on it hard just a rub on the red stone sitting out front Marcel Rock was saying the between this Brier and the other two in Ottawa and Calgary he’s

Probably playing more scared than in the past well the target keeps getting bigger on your back the better team you are the everyone gets up to beat you and and uh you know really hasn’t hasn’t bothered him too much this week going 12 and0 but uh you have to understand what

Where they’re where position they’re in and very few teams have ever done what they’ve done I can only think back to maybe Russ Howard back in the early 90s where they would only lose five or six games in an entire year these guys are

Kind of a class of their own and uh they are the ones that have everything to lose in this game and Nova sco has everything to gain great Rob haris attempting to provide some cover for the shot Stone again it curls just a little further off the

Center line so that opens up the shot Rock and there’s an opportunity for a roll and an opportunity missed there for Nova Scotia they had the second Center guard there and and you don’t like to say key miss this early in a game but certainly that was a good opportunity to

Put some added pressure on Alberta first 10 11 Scott fer is the youngest member of this Alberta team at 26 it’s one of those in between results they could have rolled behind either guard had it in between opportunity goes back to Nova Scotia get the roll behind those guard normal normal up it’s

Good Rob Harris said the experience of playing at home is everything he dreamed it would be and More [Applause] no the roll takes the shot rock over to the other side of the Rings and Furby is opting to norres again back to giving the ice makers credit they’re they’ve done such a good job and get three and a half to four feet of swing and we’ve seen it all

Week when rocks get out to the to the edges of the of the house teams are taking no time deciding to go around the center G because there is such a big finish you don’t have to be very precise coming by the guard by half an inch to get it

Buried will they get this one by they just got by w see how much this curls it’s almost coming out the other side of a second Center guard if there was just the one Center guard that that rock would be completely Exposed on the other side so you see how hard they’re brushing

This one cuz it just took a big turn it almost rubbed that guard that’s three out turns in a row in that same path that have curled very hard well when you get great ice conditions you see great shot making and I think we’re going to be in for a treat this evening

75 Bruce lones was the key shooter for Nova Scotia in the eighth end yesterday in the semi-final win over Pat Ryan two critical shots that led to a score of four and victory whoa whoa whoa freeze it not all there More he still got the touch and good edging as well those shots are made by only by telling the skip where that rock is going to end up and that front end did we always have this so I think we got P up here jamming all day yeah I

Think so just a three here it’s good all right that’s tough just looking for a stone in the the top eight foot set set up shot it kind of you can get it with the but they made a reference to jamming all day are they talking about the

Yellowstone if contact is made on the top red going back onto the other red I believe they’re referring to an angle raise on their own Yellow Stone later in the end going to just Jam onto that back Stone in the back a foot but uh we’ll

See four see where this ends up for line three Three’s a tight guard three tight three Line’s good three maybe four maybe four there just for line yep little bit we’re not there y we’re there unlike a lot of other teams that use stopwatches to time a stone the front

End uses their eye judgment and they have weight zones that they shout out during the course of the game right out of the hand these sweepers will call out where they think the rock is going to end up and these are the zones that they think that they’ll end up with three

Being a tight guard seven the tline and 10 being the back 12 those are the numbers you’ll hear most frequently yelled from Team Alberta other teams have copied this style and Dy Furby was saying it’s very flattering other teams are using this system lus again just sneaks past the

Guard nudges his own and I believe it’s shot that is an unbelievable amount of finish in that spot that was not the call the call was to freeze to Alberto Yellow Stone and this actually over curls and gets to his Stone that’s completely be nudges it in

For shot and fortunately did not roll far enough to allow uh Team Alberta Double want to move it I think so down team Alberta watching how much that rock curled for Nova Scotia 11 will also call to come across the face of that uh the red stone they know it’ll finish by the guard just playing a little hit and roll

And they’re going to leave one lonely Red Stone in the Top and he nudges the Y rock into shot position nice touch there you’ve got Heather newin on the left with baby hie and also Wendy Furby Randy Furby’s wife I see some of this yeah no you can freeze to you want you want to give him the

Inter slash well yeah he’s going to have that isn’t he what if I make the thin double get four over here get the 86 over here what do you think can’t can’t touch that if if if you nick the four and it goes through here that’s fine push the four that way

Bit see less than half he you can’t see you can’t see half that rock oh yeah but it’s busting hard I’m thinking hacker board weight yeah yep hack I like hack okay hack weight’s that look [Applause] Ross got to keep it off that red got to keep it off the guard looking for

A half weight hit perhaps double danger of course is hitting what do you think there’s nothing else mer is there yeah there not really a lot else I mean I can guard this turn he got the hit and roll in off our red yeah so bust in there hit it on

The nose so we’re going to try and hit it hit it thick ha wait all right we talked about this yesterday a little but the weight control is very very important you’re a little bit overthrown the Rocks just tend to run run run so if he’s going to throw hack

He needs to have the exact weight that he’s he’s asking himself for y first stone of the opening end for Nova Scotia skip Mark Daisy beautiful shot and he is going to lie maybe two as the result of nudging the two yellows away from the four and

That also came so close to the guard that took a lot of guts to call them off right now and you see how close they came to the guard made that shot as good as they could the only problem that is he open up he’s coming in there we’re

Not getting in there I know he’ll hit this hit wow you’re going to make contct with something throw AOW 11 here like we have all all week no we’re not even be that one out are we H we might be I think it’s irrelevant though yeah we might be right hard to

Say yeah that’s all we got Dave well we can freze to it too we rub our yellow to and then run a guardian or something like that you might pump that in after line it up I don’t think you would you like the freeze see third to almost a half well it’s

Tough It’s going to be moving in there you can see half he said yeah all right play on it okay ry’s concern is that stone at the top foref foot is in such a good spot that he need to move it and and he’s saying if you just hit and roll out

Would be fine and you might get a chance on your next one to draw in that’s a short half I through this here normal right there and as we said we talk about this all the time when you’re throwing a little bit more weight the sweepers need

To let the skip know how much weight to anticipate when it’ll Cur 11 yep Watch the back push it far enough well it’s difficult to tell whether the rock on the left the Yellowstone belonging to Alberta or that rock in the T line the red one belonging to Nova Scotia is shot out at least leave us double for our but he did remove the stone most

Importantly sitting at the top of the Flor well I don’t even know Mar marks first indications to hit that stone so I believe he believes that yellow is shot [Applause] Rock control weight yeah try to roll it way over to the left we don’t want to stay right there all right if I’m a little more than that’s fine I’m pretty sure it’s going to go good just looking to clear that Yellowstone out of there and if they

Stay at the back eight that’s fine he knows that the best he can do is force dve to draw the forefoot does not want to leave it there for for backing it will be a difficult draw though because of the placement of the guards and how

Much the Rocks curl yep yep yep real real [Applause] hard again just skinning the guard and Nova Scotia lies four that go away Prett good I thought you bit tight I yell right away the like easy yeah and these are one of these routine open hits that are so important early a

Game when you ever throwing against four I don’t think the draw is there with that turn just so so scary what do you think how do we hit that with easy or what either it’s just as easy both ways yesterday Nova Scotia without last Rock in the semi-final against Pat Ryan

Of British Columbia opened the game with a steal of two what time kind of way did you throw easy on the no Dave na it words of encouragement from Marcel Rock and Dave Nan with his final Stone of this opening and must nail it or Nova Scotia is going to Steal and that’s why David NN throws last Zone with last Rock facing four Reds NN comes through with the first point of the game [Applause] up here just about everything seems Larger than Life the Prairie the sky even our Animals and when someone comes by our true value with a problem large or small they know they’ve come to the right place True Value official Hardware supplier to Championship curling the world’s largest hotel chain is almost anywhere you want to go the world’s largest hotel chain tucks

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And we love you this calls for a bud life Ford Hot Shots celebrating its ninth season this year’s first prize a Ford Focus zx5 valued at more than $23,000 and a Nokia 6310 World phone in this skills competition curlers go head-to-head delivering six different shots from a hit and stick to a double

Takeout each worth a maximum Five Points the final four all second Mark La of New Brunswick Phil Gorvette of Pei Newlands Jamie corab and Northern Ontario’s Mike Des it came down to Gorvette of charlot town here attempting to come through the port his sweeper on

He needs to put this rock on the button and he will for Five Points in a total of 19 out of a possible 30 points on the day then L of monton needing to hit and stay looking for a piece of the button also for Five Points in a total of 20

And so it’s p eyes Phil Gorvette and Mark loock of New Brunswick in the Ford Hot Shots Final oh pressure right from the opening end here of the final of the Nokia Brier it’s one- nothing Alberta leading Nova Scotia after one end of play it was 52 years ago that Nova Scotia last won the Brier they were hanging from the rafters at the old dalh Housey Arena when this

Unheralded team the Don Oiler rink of Kentville went unbeaten 10 and0 in the round robin and back then the Tankard was awarded to the first place team in the round robin and second Fred Dyke The Only Living member of that team is home in coldbrook just outside kfil watching

On television tonight to see if this Daisy team will take their place of honor Don this is the fifth time that the Brier has been held in Halifax 19 51 When the Dawn Oiler team won 66 when Ron North caught of Alberta won 81 Carrie burtnik 95 Carrie burtnik and as we

Mentioned that was the year the page playoff system was introduced and since the paig playoff system was used this is only the second time that a team from the 34 playoff game has advaned to the final no 34 has ever won the Bri when these teams met in Round Rob and

Play to open the Brier Alberta scored a convincing 10 four win and that would be the first of 11 straight in round robin competition talking about front end very important these guys leave these stones at the top of the Ring don’t slide anything near the T line when they’ve

Got the hammer that’s a good shot from Andrew Gibson Marcel Rock a 31-year-old school teacher at Riverbend Junior High School not a lot more for line Line’s good he’s devoted to curling has to hire replacement teachers and uses up a lot of holiday time no bump yep yep yep yep only you’re

Got a lot of sacrifice can’t make up those holidays cost you a little bit of money but Marcel also makes a lot of sacrifice to his two little girls there’s Gabriella and baby Isabella it’s Gabriella’s birthday today her third birthday and Marcel wanted to send a happy birthday he also wanted to say

He’s never been home for Gabriel’s birthday because he’s been curling in the Brier let it Cur bit you there’s a sacrifice I think she’ll forgive him EAS let it Bend a bit I think he wouldn’t mind missing a few more birthday one more isine all the way easy all the way who

Whoa around see a fly across the the back okay back sure it’s just fully buried yeah Scott Fifer the 26-year-old Alberto second geology undergrad at the University of Alberta right to the back is Good’s good all there go got to go hardine hard hard we’re by we’re by who oh

Dave as you’ve seen with these draw attempts the sweeping is so important because they are just missing those guards and we mentioned yesterday the Rocks finish so hard they have to really anticipate the sweep really tough to do and there is a little Frost in the ice

Because of the high humidity h w was telling me that the gauges inside the building indicate that the humidity has gone up outside the humidity 96% yes he’s he’s dealt with some humidity problems already this week when they did have a a heavy rain uh before

The game was at 32% and on the worst day here this week was at 40 so it’s not as bad as he seen but certainly it it could be an issue today we’ll see how see how the weather play a role up never stop come on never stop

All that work is rewarded as Rob Harris makes contact with the yellow Alberta Stone great rushing again anticipating the big break at the end of the path nice shot by Rob Harris Difficult part for Mark Dy now again these stones are behind the T line playing into Randy hand got move seven is tline whoa and they’re shouting nine all the way which means it’s heavier than they wanted there’s a t line intersecting the word noia across the

House and when the Rocks slip behind the T line especially early in the end you just don’t ever count on Counting those ones later on they won’t be the ones that’ll come into play usually like that they’re shot can’t kill both yellows can we no

Well if you roll and you roll across the top of the red but just leaving them with pocket though just roll in for now I guess we’re going to do that either way not if we draw one option here would be to to throw a stone into the top of the for

Foot but Mark is continuing to move these Stones around at the back of the house hoping that he might get those other red ones into play but it’s again very difficult to have rocks behind the score against this for team and that’s what Bruce Lo was

Saying down at the other end even if we make this the other team’s just going to draw More even a big pocket eh oh I know but look at the line up of those two up front there brce I know I know be the next I st down to it normal here always one or two shots ahead of yourself you know what the opposition is going to play Mark hard

Lining up the two stones in the in the 12 foot eight L than you in Ottawa at the Brier Randy Furby was talking retirement he’s got commitments for the next couple of years now as the result of his curling success he’s got a continental cup the can of the cup and

An Olympic trial’s birth little tap little tap little tap Alberta allies one this other one should be going and maybe this Mark was talking about these two stones at the top of the Rings being useful later but right now he’s going to be just coming in

Nothing this Oh no I got I got about here hoping to move out all the yellows play board wait can you get on the nose this yeah have a look those strong you can get some action on these and move that back a bit too we don’t want

To go too early hack weight hack weight almost seems as though they’re saving those two stones up front for use later if possible well they’re lined up so nicely for Mark and his team that they know Randy does happen to make a nice freeze in there he’ll be able to blast

It in there get some off you throw a little bit more weight it takes that much longer for it to C this needs to curl a mile get ready big finish Great shot Nova Scotia lies [Applause] to it’s great weight control sometimes when you’re looking to move those rocks uh behind the T line and move them a little bit you tend to overthrow those a little bit but on this ice if you overthrow give more weight than what the

Skip asked for it will not curl as much as the skip anticipated this is getting to be very dangerous now you want to do that there’s no margin for error on any of these shots there’s a lot of red hanging around the Rings 9 10 off n 10 10 10 is back 12

Y here’s that late movement roll it and the inside flop on the [Applause] button Shot they’re very cool common collect for looking at that many of the opposition still watch the Roll On Your Side Andy talked about the possibility of that double raise up front dangerous if you don’t touch those stones at the top of the Rings Randy f be able to throw another one into the

Pocket there into the into the top of the four foot top of the button and then noas scoia may have a real issue on their hands who who get up that’s what they were counting on they discussed that shot earlier another great shot from Bruce lonus and his shooter stays perfectly

Guarding the shot how get out right now good news for Alberta free and then we’ll tap it after a no I mean he right now he can get our yellow out with the intern I guess where’s going to go well if he threw peel or something or no

Oh yeah yeah he he could get it out right now yeah okay well we don’t want to leave in the double as long as we get across there e been watching this Furby rink over the last couple of years what is so interesting about them it seems all four

Members are always on the same page they all seem to realize what strategy has to be employed and they pretty much agree there really aren’t many l discussions about what shot to play well they make a lot of decisions by committee they they talk a lot the especially Scott Fifer II

Randy Furby the the third and Dave Nan the the skip talking about what shot should be right and they play so much together that they have faced these kinds of situations before and they have developed a successful way of getting out of the there it small B

Coming down just to all there all there all there there bumping very nice Dave sorry bar very nice off what about an turn BMP I you play the red straight back too of course that’s just in won do much good turn freeze the inside then he just

Guards and I got the one to come off of for two that’s a tough two it’s a hit and roll to the back one is what it is well if we bump it yeah are we second shot if we bump yep if we bump and we touch six we are

Yep bump but two a freeze try and tap it to a freeze on that just skinny by the five as tight as you can yep another important draw for Mark Jon top to a freeze trying to tap ours up just a foot or so foot and a half and to come into

The Rings nudge his own stone for a freeze and lie two this is a team shot 70 they use different terminology for the weight they use a split time you watch Andre Gibson will be timing from the back line to the first hog line he’ll get a a Time on his stopwatch 3.65

3.70 that tells them whether they need to sweep it or not and if you were with us yesterday you remember recall the great draw that he made to the edge of the button in the third end to pick up a single point as he got that same touch on this

Second end in the championship game he wants to push the Red Rock back by about a foot great line a great line look at this what a shot Perfect Nova Scotia has come to play tonight you’ve got to just tapen what do you mean with weight uh I don’t like throwing weight cuz you come off that one just touch it up can we throw enough to just tap him back shot oh yeah yeah just just like an eat almost the

Same as I threw just a ha hit as much as you can see yeah just a hair more weight eh two rocks to come in this second in and only one rock is out of play just don’t want to hit this one too hard his own yellow too hard that will

Actually down move all of these Stones around at the back of the ring so he’s just going to throw eight is back 8 foot enough to them back four foot this will leave Marc Dy an outturn tap on the one he just threw that going

To be too much ice now I I think it’ll come in there you think we’ll get there now with a little more weight is okay remember looking for an eight which is back 4ot weight nine 10 10 who close who n 10 10 Nova Scotia still lies one and Mark Daisy has the same shot for two points he’s just taking a look to see if he has an opportunity to get more than two look at this I think he just took a quick look but decided he didn’t want to get greedy

Here or bad things could result listen to the crowd there is a temptation to maybe try to make an inter play on this one and get three but if you ever happen to rob the stone at the top of the foref foot ha you you only get one when you’ve got an opportunity

Like this this is a good chance here to get it get ahead of the game nice thing is he just threw the shot as well once again listen for the sweepers shot between weight and line L lot of room it’s got a Bend Cen mine’s

Good hard hard you got to be there all right guys how’s it wait wait fine to curl whoa who it’s got a B who who who C it bent just to enough and it’s a deuce on in number two for Mark Daisy and his Nova Scotia team and a onepoint

Lead oh this is a team shot they’re talking about whether it was the same we slightly less sweeper wants to sweep it a little bit for weight but they’re talking about waiting for it to curl waiting for it to curl they still want to sweep it for the T and it’s

I it so after two Nova Scotia leads by one it’s a job with the difference you’re part of a team getting handson experience sure there are easier jobs but with us you see the world you make a difference the Navy think about it maybe this is the challenge you’re looking for

Strong proud today’s Canadian Forces a message from the government of Canada introducing Advil Extra Strength for today’s tough pain I was born to get standing ovations now I dance to stay healthy but when I’ve neglected my diet I’ve depended on the science of sentrum daily for Complete vitamin and mineral support

Sentrum helps make my day Complete if you’re going to do it do it build for life in Canada my name is David Mo I’m from Niagara in the Lake Ontario and I was a student here at the University of Glasgow Scotland’s great the land the people the history but you don’t know

How much you miss home until you’re away from it so my roommate James and I decided to create a little piece of Canada we called our room Caribou house in fact it became known as The Unofficial Canadian embassy here on campus but for some reason it still

Didn’t feel completely Canadian yet so I wrote home to Tim Horns for a little Help you know there’s some things that just say Welcome back to the Metro Center in Halifax Mark dacey turning the tables in the second end with a tap for two and a 2-1 lead over the defending champions from Alberta as we go to the third end on well this team from Nova Scotia continuing with the momentum that

Carried them through victories in the three versus four game against two time Canadian Champion Russ Howard and then another victory in the semifinal against three-time Canadian Champion Pat Ryan and the game is on again in this third end Alo is that that’s not the first more Nova

Scotia didn’t have last Rock and it was Alberta that’s started with such an aggressive play well I want you to notice how Nova Scotia coming to play today making all their shots but this Alberta team is staying very cool calm and collected well there was there was every opportunity in the first couple

Ends for them to get into into a lot of trouble they made great shots to get out of trouble and you can only lie three and four points against this team for so for so long before it’s their turn and then we’ll see how Nova Scotia handles the pressure

But JY continuing to be aggressive than not going around the tight Center guard Andrew Gibson is the youngest player on the ice the second youngest Brier competitor this year only Brad gushu at 22 younger than and it’s got a B Bachelor of Commerce degree from D all the way back to the

Pass had a terrific game yesterday in the semifinal and that’s a lovely draw weight right there we got to be ready to go R way behind time you hear the reference to time and when you get into a draw game time does become very much a factor and as I

Mentioned yesterday the CCA is experimenting with timing changes when a rock comes to rest the opposition clock starts and the clock will then stop when the stone is released so in effect you are not running the clock when the stones are in motion but you time the amount of time

Between shots exactly thinking time between between shots and and uh that what that does is allow teams to play more aggressively doesn’t penalize them for throwing more draws than than toos and I think it’d be a great idea well for the spectators if you could have

Every end played like the last one they would certainly find it much more enjoyable and what you would do is reduce amount of time to about 45 minutes and the Manitoba curling Association has been conducting some experiments on behalf of the CCA for such an innovation well you can see how warm it

Is in this building when you’re on that ice level and all those fans good five light’s good light’s good just for wait got move it’ll go we’re all there there it’s all there stay close getting better Line’s good still there still there no bump no bump no bump no bumping

With I don’t want to get them back because they haven’t moved all week it’s about that much true looking to pick this Stone out cleanly y Harris was on the Brier executive committee guys and then of course when he wound up winning the provincial title with Mark Daisy he had to devote more

Time to preparing for participation as a player in the Bri Rob has played with Mark D before they are mixed champions 2002 Canadian mix Champions whoa whoa whoaa off off off off nice easy tap back there from Scott Fifer that’s a good chance here for Nova Scotia to lie

Too they’d like to roll this Stone away from that corner guard in towards the center line control Bruce lus the Nova Scotia thirdd has a level four CCA official certificate he’s also been involved uh a number of curling organizations in the province of Nova Scotia shot he’s the first vice

President currently as a matter of fact of the tro Curling Club and a former mayor of staki what are we doing nice shot there from Bruce see they’re taking play away from the corner guard and Randy Furby now looking for a freeze on that red stone side of the forefoot

Seven eight no bump guys inside that line needs curl long way just for line it’s all there coming down needs to curl just for line I’ll get it here but still needs to curl still needs to curl Marcel here here great judgement by the front end they’re they just uh they know what

They’re doing this leading second when they call out what the weight is they make adjustment as they come down the ice you can hear them talk well I think it’s an eight maybe it’s a seven maybe it’s a six and they’ll six and they’ll change their mind as they go down the

Ice as well one of the factors as well on this ice when you’re drawing is whether inside the 4 foot line or not squeeze it won’t SL slide quite as well as if you stay out into the no SC would like to hit and stay

Here big weight nose hit off off off off finish hard well the two rocks he was aiming at go out of play the shooter rolls over beside the other red and I think shoers right now it might be like what bailout time for Alberta to try and get to the

Next go here can freeze on here try and freeze to those two you like going around the here yeah ry’s first instinct was to play the Come Around by grouping those red stones together it takes Albert off the hook a little bit now they’re not scrambling to

To try to create offense to to generate their Duce but actually get in control have a chance to really sink one behind the corner and have a better chance of hanging on two points PES room guys six seven go eight it’s so difficult to generate two points with freezes with

The with the weight that these players hard now much easier to use the guards instead I AG all the way all the way hard hard hard hard hard hard that stone is about half buried behind the corner guard sorry for kind of playing fire kind of playing

With fire AR well Wide Open House wow yeah every end he’s been looking at three and four Stones that’s what Randy means by playing with fire and and uh again just credit to Nova scota they they’ve made all the shots they’ve needed to ha waight yeah there’s a good angle that you can

See from the hack you would be be able to see almost half of the Yellowstone in the house that’s why they need to throw a little lighter weight hack weight get the movement by the guard again he’d like to stay in the forefoot and not allow Dave the same opportunity to go

Around that corner guard Fox Harbor Resort was named by Golf Digest Magazine in 2001 as the best new golf course in Canada close to the Guard just by again the work of the front end got that stone past the guard wow you got to thank your leading second for making that shot they Leed on those rooms and there was not a lot of room between the guard and The Rock let us know for r

To hit and roll behind the corner guard try to get it a little bit more buried than ry’s draw a very compact delivery by Dave nean 11 up Up who who who all you got all you got all you got trying to get a roll and they get a bit of a roll but not enough to bury it that stone is slightly more exposed than the the previous draw from Randy same shot for Mark yeah he didn’t deserve that [Applause]

Last I’ll play a little more weight time what’s that a little more weight this Time by making contact here Mark DA has a great chance to force Alberta take their one point and be tied up with hammer off this has to move R off got a piece and the shooter is going to roll out of Play sorry guys I guess the first one scared me a bit [Applause] gunshot to P it over Alberta looking for a way to blank this end I think it goes I think it goes pretty easy Dave I think it goes pretty easy you got to throw peel and hit it on

This side yeah I know you think it goes that easy can you knows it well you got to hit on this side a bit you nose it I’d say nose no but anywhere on the outside you’re good should we try it or what don’t matter well I mean you can’t be too far

Outside either no I know I don’t want to hit the boards and draw let’s draw huh let’s draw for one as I said before it’s hard to Rattle this Alberta team take a look at the options many teams will be taking a chance to try to blank the easy as Randy

Does okay I mean it does but I would have to be like this far from the boards okay draw for one yeah okay it’s all right mission accomplished here for Nova Scotia it’s always good when you can force your opponents to take a single ideally you want to steal yourself but

If you can limit your opponents with last Rock to just a single point you’ve done the job well Nova Soha has taking the hammer now out of the hands of the the advantage of having last rock out of the hands of Alberta and that’s a that’s a a

Good start to the game for for Nova Scotia that one needs full 12 and without much difficulty it slides down into the top of the four so it’s a single point with the final Stone of in number three in this championship game at the noia Brier is all even a Two a Nova Scotia an unforgettable place where saltwater cities living history and legendary Hospitality meet a place with 7400 km of Coastline dotted with charming Seaside towns a place that really swings more than just a vacation this is Nova Scotia Canada Sea Coast contact us today for your free vacation guide world is

The 2003 Ford World curling championships are coming to Winnipeg April 5th through 13th the big question is which men’s team will be wearing the colors of Team Canada well we’ll all find out on Sunday but for now call to reserve the best seat you can because

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Back at the Halifax Metro Center through three ends we all tied Alberta and Nova Scotia in the final of the Nokia Brier ladies and gentlemen it’s been three years since Sandra schurer lost her life to cancer in her memory the Sandra schurer Foundation was created to help families with seriously ill

Children and the response from the curling Community has been tremendous and it continues tonight representing Nokia products limited the Canadian curling Association and the host committee please welcome Al Gilchrist maren Miller and Matt Harris with a check for $1,774 71 from the Saskatoon chapter 1517 kns of Columbus home lottery Bob Barkman is

Here tonight with a check for $60,000 [Applause] and from the Atlantic Lottery Corporation the vice president of social gaming Bert mcwade with a check for $5,256 3,000 tonight and here’s Kee hemings representing the foundation G yeah thank you Mark it’s it’s a pleasure thank you for your generosity guys esally on the

Behalf of the foundation everybody on the board on behalf especially of the family who’s going to benefit of this money thank you very much over the last two year we got more than $800,000 overall so keep being generous and we’re going to do good thing with that money I’m sure fantastic thank [Applause]

You well the curling fans have certainly responded and have been most generous in their contributions to the Sandra schurer Foundation and if you would like to make a contribution you can go about it this way here’s our mailing address as well as a phone number and you can

Get some information and donate online at the email address at the bottom of your screen our motto is helping families with seriously ill children and through people’s generosity that’s just absolutely what we’ve been up to in the last two years Al Gilchrist of noia asked us to say hello to his mother

Edith watching in London onar I said Al you’ve got a cell phone you can call her he say she’s such a devoted curling fan she wouldn’t leave the television set to answer well that’s great well Al gilr is quite a curler himself and he’s been a a

Great new addition to the Brier in the last three years and uh really a nice man and if this game continues the way it has gone through the first three ends there are a lot of people across the country are going to be glued to their television sets watching this battle between

Two-time Champion two consecutive Champions Randy Furby of Alberta and the local favorite Mark Daisy of Nova Scotia now this is a game of placement of stones as we said earlier in the telecast it is the jobs of the leads and the seconds to get keep these rocks in

Front of the T line so that they can be used guarded or promoted later in hand room room room lots of room y heart go guys all the way up great weight control again amander Gibson Maryanne way a member of Colleen Jones Canadian women’s championship team along with Nancy delahunt Kim Kelly and

Colleen Jones representing Canada at the World Championships upcoming in Winnipeg they take place at the Winnipeg Arena from April the 5th to the 13th and one of these teams will be joining them at the World Championships no bump no Bump what nice and they won this year’s Scott Tournament of Hearts as Team Canada as the defending champions they automatically had a birth in the Scott Tournament of hearts and uh we’re going to invite our viewers on this evening’s telecast to respond to a question about the possibility of the men’s Champion the

Brier Champion returning the next year as Team Canada all right you can log on to Sports to tell us what you think cbc’s virtual skip like gives you a chance to vote should the Brier Champion return as team candidate there are a lot of people who would support such a move particularly the team that wins well it certainly has been a sucessful move it in the Women’s

Championship the scotch R of Hearts having a team cada come back every year the event at the end we don’t want to give I don’t want to pass that one or not well that’s good that’s that’s good Bo shot good sweet think of we’re running yellow into red clear them anyway

That got to run that in or run it that way not bad you could probably get them both even yeah you can run it that way too well yeah they’re quite a bit different all right let’s go here heel Alberta’s in a great position right now putting pressure on Nova Scotia

Those rocks are well placed for a straight back they are raising their opposition Stone Those oh almost a bonus he almost got both yellow stones in the Rings great shot though good well judged they needed to remove one of those stones at least well done same I think it’s at least the same

Yeah same Scott Fifer just through the rock into the top eight the same seven at least because they realized the time clock could be a challenge uh very quickly dig in people are moving into the hack getting set to throw as soon as it’s their turn deeper than they wanted I didn’t

Think he any I thought it was I thought it’s well buried though away turn the one of them hack hack good opportunity here and the other option for Mark Daisy is to try to follow Scott fight for down uh and stop in front of the T line as

Well Queen yep yep yep whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa close yep yep heart heart off get up get up side roll Del shot fantastic shot two two great shots from Rob Harris he had to wait to the very end to get the movement and just enough to get behind the guard very

Nice took Randy about four seconds they decide to play the center come around the center guard and ignore that stone tight not Line’s good just for line Line’s good six room six Line’s good yep oh room line only top four there top four just for for nice touch from Randy Furby well

Done well swep and they were saying six all the way down and that’s top four8 NOA scoti is now going to look for another run back nice thing for them is that guard is their own this time I know Bruce lones will attempt to drive the Redstone back onto the

Yellow he could get both yellow Stones great shot oh he got a nose hit at the back unlock okay all right watch where this Red Rock rolls to rolls into the open all BR need a sweep leaves Randy Furby a chance for a double bumper down and this is a Randy Furby

Specialty they’re actually going to play a hit and Roll Just bumper down eh yeah once again cool and calm bum down so close to being a perfect shot Bruce now hard Marcel hard Marcel hard very nice okay the percentages for both teams very high Furby through three ends 92% lonus 96%

As a team Nova Scotia 92% Alberta 90% what you want run back again yeah okay same we more wait oh off close off off again the red back into the Rings onto the yellow but he’ll nudge one of his own out and as a result the Yellowstone at the back is

Shot okay that hit no that hit no again two bad breaks there for Bruce lus was so close to making both of those stra backs they make those Look So Easy Mike they are very difficult you’re throwing those with a lot of weight you’re you

Have like a a fraction of an inch to play with that you must hit the top stone and you do need some good luck to make them perfectly but not being shot Stone right now really hurts it uh allows Dave n to come around to the top of the button and lie

To and this will be really first pressure shot 7 eight that Mark dy’s really have to face in this game all there n Only If we have to 10 n no it’s coming down back eight Line’s getting good all there all there cut over very nice Alberto lies too you don’t touch it

The same spot we were playing before when you get the skips at 96% you know you’re in for a whale of a curing oh it’s just fantastic so [Applause] far you’ll hear the crowd encouraging the no the is there oh is there I think this will walk though what do you think r

I mean either shots what do you think it’s a better result to get through in the inter do yeah that’s right ice back weight there’s they can ever come through that hole with a with a backline weight they might actually be able to make a back ring double perhaps Li to

But Mark mentioned the result is better playing the shot and he’ll remain buried for shot St he’s able to play a little bit more weight with The Intern maybe up close up up close off clean he’s got the Hole what a great shot fantastic fantastic curling by Mark Dy there’s Heather Smith Daisy and Rob Harris’s wife Laney Peters in the crowd cheering on their their husbands and Dave nedin cannot afford to play the same shot in case he ever wrecked he would leave an opportunity

For Nova Scotia to score four so he’s forced to play now the same outturn draw and try to cut down the 4f foot for a draw for two for Nova Scotia going keep him to his one often we talk about if a skip changes their mind in the hack that they

Should come back down to the other end and readjust the ice Mark Dy did change his mind took a minute settled and threw it perfect Dave nwin with his final Stone of this fourth end attempting to limit the damage to just one good seven six clean no bump there we’re there no bump

Yep yep get There what just not the same shot it’s basically the same shot in an attempt to get two same shot through the whole all right playing the inter turn bump coming in just nudge the Yellowstone out of play have the shooter lie to it is essentially the same

Shot not much room between the high Center guard and The Rock closest to the wings and that’s the port that whoow J is attempting to come through oh right off this is wider line definitely than his first this rock has to curl if he’s going to get past the guard closest to

The house it does not curl enough early sweep it I know it was less weight but it didn’t need it and it’s a single point for Nova Scotia and through four they lead by [Applause] one yeah that’s okay guys get this bird put away and we’re done for the

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Curling’s New Millennium in 2000 it was Saskatoon once again and a new attendance record next march Saskatoon shines once more with Nokia Brier 2004 this is the big one the 75th and we will open the doors to our house cada’s party get your tickets now and come celebrate

75 shining years we’re going to go fishing and we’re going to play hockey oh yeah Rusty he just ate you know no he’s fine he’s fine Scott tows getting you out of big messes Cecilia I have never loved another the way that I loved you Scotties be soft be

Strong the Angus McDonald Bridge spanning Halifax Harbor on this Sunday night 3-2 lead for Nova Scotia Angus McDonald was actually the premier of this province back in 1951 the last time Nova Scotia won the Brier reminder coming up following our coverage of this Nokia Brier final here in Atlantic

Canada Sunday Report with Carol mcneel will be seen Sunday report will be scen at its regular time at 10 p.m. everywhere else Don well this has been everything a lot of people anticipated it would be prior final featuring Randy Furby attempting to Edge his name into curling’s record books with a third

Consecutive Victory and Mark Daisy attempting to end the drought for the province of Nova Scotia that has existed since Dawn oer won a Brier in 1951 stay clean on itan it yeah we got come on guys hard for line hard for wait you talk about how great the shot making has been

Throughout the first four ends we know Alberta can continue this type of play for for 10 consecutive ends the question now is going to be can Nova scosha maintain this extremely high level of play we saw them do it in the semi yesterday hopefully for their sake

They’ll be able to continue on and uh Alberta’s been ducking dodging some bullets out here and something Mark Daisy talked to his team about during the break between the fourth and this fifth end as he did yesterday in the game against Pat Ryan he stressed mental toughness well Mark Daisy is a

Competitor he’s been around this sport for a long time he’s won his fair share he certainly has lost his fair share too and uh he knows for himself that he has to keep his chin up he’s going to be able to recover from misses and stay in the game

70 whoa whoa it’s out there really got a B want to cross Center work wait finish it at the end finish it y hard hard hard hard good shot very nice It you talked about how well this Furby team has performed as a skip Randy Furby is 34 and4 in Brier competition coming into this game they’ve got a streak of Brier winds going back to last year in Calgary they lost to mark nosworthy of newfinland in round robin competition

And since then they’ve gone 15 and zero 34 and four Randy fur’s record in his three years as skip of this team a percentage of 895 clean clean yep little bit yep keep it straight yep clean just clean okay line same as yours Andy a little tighter

I clean though who whoa easy over curly over curly off well it’s always interesting to find out how viewers respond our question should the Brier Champion return his team Canada overwhelming support to follow the same format as is used at the Scott tournament at heart 67% of

Responded in favor of the Brier Champion returning a double by Alberta takes care of two Red Rocks now BDA has last Stone on this fifth end that’s just a great shot a raised back by Scott feifer now Scott Fifer maybe one of the best seconds out there in this game male or

Female and I don’t need to rub it in Mike but it was an all second hot shot this year y y out there y must been the skip sweeping the stones made differ desperately trying to get it past the guard can they keep it straight no

It’s going to get a bit of a rub Mark going hard try to get this into the Rings a little more this is our first look in two games out of wide outturn come around around the corner guard you talked earlier Joan about Scott Piper being the best second in the

Game what a career he’s had 26 years old he’s had two Canadian Junior titles and now two Brier titles a world championship a world junior Championship real good well don’t get me wrong there’s lots of good seconds out there but this young man ranks right up there at the top top eight top

Eight who who whoa whoa whoa whoa shot making such as that is what has impressed Jo mccusker with st and that’s just perfect it’s top 8 foot dead buried behind two Corner guards going into an area that really hasn’t been played did you hear Scott say that this

Is our end it may be the first one so far of this game they certainly have been playing catch up good Bruce talk about plan gotta go hard real hard Line’s great light whoa whoa bounce off yep hard bounce it hard whoa gooda you hear them talking the whole

Way down talking about well if it’s not going to be in there as a freeze what’s the second best option and then if it’s going to be short what’s the the next best option good head St right here then even it’s a little short here yeah he’s he’s running that eh probably

Bose since his team was form David nwin has thrown skip stones Randy furry has called the game’s not the worst like I mean the house short you know like you don’t have to take a deep just Cas for good nail it f and Randy Furby the other day paid

Quite a compliment to Pat Ryan he said he may be the best curler I’ve ever seen he said but the young man who throws skip stones on my team is going to replace him as the best ever I think when they first formed this team like Dave went through skip zones and also

Called the game just wasn’t comfortable with that situation and they made the switch early and it’s stuck ever since they’ve had so much success okay another great come around from Randy kvy there’s Pat Ryan two time Brier Champion as a skip responding to the crowd as his picture is flast on the

Jumbotron and he also played third for Rick folk in 1994 he put together back-to-back titles in 88 and 89 with Randy Furby as his third I think they’re just applauding because they heard him singing in the Brier patch last night most of this crowd was there he doesn’t mean Elvis

Mean Elvis impersonation but a big shot here for Bruce lonus needs to make the run back looking for another raise take obviously Jo you’re disclosing where you were last night while I was hard at work look at this into the pocket yellow Stones thr out of the Rings what a raise and run

Back by Bruce lus is that any good there’s ly feeders and Smith Dy again perfect angle now it’s hard to make those when the rocks are wide open and that double is there never mind raising a rock perfectly to hit both of those stones out again Randy trying to take advantage

Of the guard that is still there eight we’re all there whoa right off whoa down guys six seven seven great line again yeah go a little bit nicely done I’m a Believer if that team makes a great shot against us you get in the hack and you throw fast and

Try to get your shot right back now there’s a good example it did slide a little deeper than Randy would have liked they were looking for that stone at the top eight foot it did go all the way back to the T line so if Mark Daisy can make a nice freeze

Here they needed to take it to the T line because the line wasn’t good until the very end right you guys like straight back or do you like freeze um I’m thinking freeze I liked your call initially what are you thinking she no hit it’s not that hard let’s do this comfortable with

Y you know you’re on a roll win a nose hit and a run back is not that hard that’s right well it’s nice to see both these teams are executing so well it’s just a question of what shot you want to play it’s a chess game it’s not whether

You’re going to make it it’s what shot do you want to make and really been impressive so far this is a big shot though not as easy as he making it out to be trying to drive the red back onto the yellow in the Rings and I guess it was easy incredible shot

Making Randy fby and his team just have to be wondering what they need to do to get something going here and every every question that’s asked go their an not really holding they have to play a game of patience that’s what they need to do at this point that’s their only choice

Is to continue to Sock him in there and wait for Nova Scotia to make an error well I hearken back to a comment that Randy Furby made in the third end when he said to his teammates as he was making his way down the ice boys we playing with fire [Applause]

Tonight inter turn draw for Dave 56 got to go line seven Eight eight is back of the four foot as possible whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no I I know I know and it digs in at the top of the [Applause] button well this is decision time for Mark Dy it’ be easy to force Alberta just cutting off that draw shut up

Robert half open on the or does he play the run back and you see what he’s called riding the wave a risk and reward though if he doesn’t make it it’s a score of two I’m surprised he’s changing turns though this is the turn that Bruce Lon has

Played though they they do know this spot well he expressed such confidence when he played the run back with his previous Stone so obviously he feels he can also make this yep yep close unreal fantastic C and the crowd Go lock get we couldn’t get one to really stick except for your double now he’s not happy because they’re not staying just a hair yeah about an inch oh but that’s the good players are perfectionist that’s what makes them good the rock that Mark raised back the shooter actually rolled a couple of

Inches tightening that Port ever so slightly for Dave he didn’t really have an issue with the guard on his first but The Rock has changed positions ever so slightly morein facing two as he throws the final Stone of n five just for line right off clean clean no

Clean no okay we’re by we’re by we’re good good line they found the hole great shot and he puts it right on the but well I thought it was going to dig in it FES to the back of the four but it’s still a great shot by David Nan

Facing two on N five and what a championship final we’ve been witnessed to tonight here at the Halifax Metro Center it’s all even at three at the midpoint let’s join Mark Lee thank you Don with the Alberta skip Randy Furby wow pressure right from the first end uh

What do you think of this match well they’re playing unbelievely well right now I was I’m throwing up the white towel there for a moment there they made so many rais backs uh we haven’t had that many made games this all week and they’re and they’re they’re playing

Fantastic but uh you know we’re still tied up we’re in a good position we just got to keep doing what we do best and hopefully we’ll get a miss out of them yeah can’t blanker make a mistake what’s the difference uh this dayy rink from

The one you beat 104 in the opening draw I don’t know you’re going to have to ask them I don’t know what the difference I like the old team I don’t like this team here keep it going Randy good luck thank you Randy Furby with a 3-3 tie here

Through five ends of this Nokia Brier final a tremendous shootout with the home team hanging tough against the two time defending Champions to make sure your pictures last for Generations is Sarah there make sure the paper says Kodak show her what you look like Kodak paper has advanced technology told you identical technology that resists fading and keeps your pictures brilliant for Generations share find Kodak paper at these fine retailers it’s the excitement the

Challenge the competition the skill the friends the speed the Finesse the agility the teamwork to play For the Love of the Game it’s the fastest team sport on Ice it’s Ringette Ringette it’s everyone’s game up here just about everything seems Larger than Life the Prairie the sky even our Animals and when someone comes by our true value with a problem large or small they know they’ve come to the right Place True Value official Hardware supplier to Championship curling a Nova Scotia an unforgettable place where saltwater cities living history and legendary Hospitality meet a place with 7400 km of Coastline dotted with charm in Seaside towns a place that really swings more than just a vacation this is Nova Scotia Canada Sea Coast

Contact us today for your free vacation Guide back at the Metro Center in Halifax at the fifth and break of a fantastic final here at the Nokia Brier all tied at three well curling is often described as the Roaring game the Scots described it that way hundreds of years ago and they were intrigued by the

Rumbling sound the rock made on the Frozen lock but these days the roar in the game has a lot more to do with strategy and your voice it better be in good Form curling’s Call of the Wild New Brunswick’s Russ Howard fellows with the best of them he’s curling signature Roar no I don’t know I don’t know what it is I’ve always been able to yell I don’t uh it’s just I’ve got one of those voices that uh seems to Bellow out and

I’m intense and uh I know some people it offends them and uh that’s why there’s a mute button but what if you were a skip who didn’t have a voice I just had a surgery a couple weeks ago and um my voice was well compared to uh a month ago my voice is

In really good shape right now but um I am using it more than really I should right now and uh it’s pretty hard not to Ontario’s Brian Cochran endures laser surgery on his vocal cords every 6 months his voice is a far cry from Howard’s so he depends on a $2.99

Whistle well it’s pretty simple it’s uh when when the guy lets the rock go it’s whistle means means sweep and if I Whistle again it means get off and so whatever you’re not doing if I Whistle doesn’t do it I had to have a letter from my doctor

To uh State what my uh what my problem was um I I got the feeling that they were concerned it was going to take too much uh too much of the spotlight that I was going to blow the whistle like you could stop traffic on the street or something

But Cochran succeeded in impressing upon the CCA his need to communicate with his team it’s not only a game of inches I mean you’re talking the 16th wining sometimes of you know are you Corner Frozen or do you get through a port and uh being able to communicate uh maybe uh raising your

Voice a bit to get the guys excited to to lean on the Broom a little more I I think that that’s very important it’s a big disadvantage it’s more power to him to play the way he’s playing my guys can tell by my urgency uh you know I yell

Out all the time but sometimes they can really tell that I’m like listen boys we’re not fooling around we just has to get by the guard and uh so there’s a lot of communication by the tone and and the and the volume this week in Halifax Cochran has used his whistle hand

Signals even gone right up and whispered in the ears of his sweepers but he’s making no excuses there are times I wish I could yell at more exactly as that rock but that’s you know my teammates uh are communicating with me too so no I’m not going to say I’m handicap in

Anyway Brian Cochran the middle school principle from Russell Ontario said he actually considered being a second or a third because he didn’t think he had the voice to be a skip but that $2.99 whistle helped him stay in contention right until the final day of the round

Robin here in Halifax at the fifth end break a tremendous battle for the Nokia tanker they’re all tied at three introducing Advil Extra Strength for today’s tough pain I’ve always been a Hands-On kind of guy now I keep busy to stay healthy but when I’ve neglected my diet I’ve

Depended on the science of sentrum daily for Complete vitamin and mineral support sentrum helps make my day complete it’s a job with the difference you’re part of the team getting handson experience sure there are easier jobs but with us you see the world you make a difference

The Navy think about it maybe this is the challenge you’re looking for strong proud today’s Canadian Forces a message from the government of Canada my name is David Mo I’m from niagro in the Lake Ontario and I was a student here at the University of Glasgow Scotland’s great the land the people the

History but you don’t know how much you miss home until you’re away from it so my roommate James and I decided to create a little piece of Canada we called our room Caribou house in fact it became known as The Unofficial Canadian embassy here on campus but for some reason it still

Didn’t feel completely Canadian yet so I wrote home to Tim Horns for a little help you know there’s some things that just say Home cbc’s Hockey Night in Canada presents a special Monday Edition at 9 Eastern sundine and the rest of the Leafs battle Anson Carter and the Oilers this is our game it all starts Monday night at 9 Eastern Jake had the number one morning show in Phoenix now I am in Calgary

Don’t touch me he’s an American in Canada so what I got this job because I look like the cutout I didn’t know 9:00 on CBC comedy Friday the Halifax Skyline sparkling on the Harbor on a cool night here in March we’re at the fifth end break of the

Nokia Brier final as we recap the scoring in the first five ends here at the Metro Center in the first end David netan facing pressure hitting for one but facing four Nova Scotia counters for a one- nothing lead then Daisy tapping for two in the second Nan getting one back

To tie in the third Daisy wrecking on a guard settles for one in a 3-2 lead after four and then Neta went again with one to tie it at three through five ends as we go to the booth Don Joan and Mike and their thoughts on the first five

Ends thanks Mark well the dreams of the Halifax Brier committee and chairman Matt Harris have been fulfilled ideally they wanted a Nova Scotia rank in the final and they’ve got Mr Daisy here and what a game they are being treated to well we talked on the

Top of the show about Nova scosa playing with some momentum just getting stronger and stronger as we went through the playoffs well haven’t they played incredible tonight you know they’ve matched um Alberta shot for shot they’re coming up with everything draws and hits well we saw evidence of the great touch

That Mark Daisy had or has in yesterday’s semi-final win over Pat Ryan and he demonstrated more of that very delicate touch on the second end when the only Deuce of the game was scored well Mark made a great shot on his first one drew that stone the see at the top

Of the button there on his first one and made no mistake with his second little little tap or two and just continued to make great shot making and and he played an in turn raise on his first one in five an outt raise coming back and on

His second and what can you say just keeps putting pressure on Dave Nan but uh to their credit and Randy mentioned we’re playing pretty good and and at some point you have to think that the the the Run has to end for the da rank they’re in the game it’s 3-3 at the

Halfway mark and you can’t expect Nova sco to play better the second half of the game so Alberto’s going to be pretty confident going into the second half of this match well as Randy Furby said he much rather be playing the daisy team that they met in the first game of round

Robin competition when they won 104 here it’s a battle it’s 33 through 5 ends now let’s join Mark Lee Bri Don he’s playing the dacey team that’s already knocked off the likes of Howard and Ryan and they’re tied at three when we come back we’ll talk with the Nova Scotia Skip The Nokia 7210 phone with available camera headset the new pocket translator we make multimedia messaging as easy as see snap and send Nokia Connecting People PX bathroom tissue is pillowy soft and now new PX Ultra is pumped up to be the thickest PX ever for an ultra thick softness you can actually

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Unbelievable John Cullen host the Just for Laugh 20th anniversary how much to get in how much it’s free buddy what a barain a 2hour special Monday March 17th on CBC it nourishes and sustains us is vital to our lives now it can kill us we don’t know what we’re

Dealing with sick all night there could be some kind of seage fix it it’s no problem half the population is infected and it’s getting worse your town is all over the news are you going to tell anybody that we’re doing this this looks bad we trying to cover it up there’s

Nothing wrong with the water betrayed next week at 8 on CBC television Canada’s country gentleman is back the with his special guests Cynthia Dale the Wilson show favorites Donna and Leroy and much more remembering good times and good old Tunes talk about the good times next Sunday at 7 on

CBC welcome back to the Metro Center in Halifax a thrilling Nokia Brier final tied at three just in advance of this sixth then here’s the Nova Scotia skip Mark Daisy Randy Furby was saying just before the break he’d rather be playing the mark Daisy he beat 10 to four in the

First draw of this Championship but uh what’s new about this Mark Daisy we’re seeing who’s so red hot in the playoffs we’re much more comfortable now with the ice with our own play and uh we’re just trying to use our mental toughness to our advantage we’ve already knocked off

Ryan and Howard it’s 33 after five do you feel you have momentum mark um we’re in a good position we started without hammer and we’re tied up with now so we just try to carry that and use the hammer properly the crowds waiting for the six then good luck the rest of

The way thank you Mark Daisy Nova Scotia Randy Furby Alberta they’re all tied at three done well look at the numbers that the uh skips have posted through the first five ends of play absolutely incredible and the real difference is that uh that shot that

Mark missed for two where he had to come through at a very narrow port to score score is Deuce and that was a very tough shot so that is his only blemish in these first five ends so to start end number six in a 3-3 tie Nova Scotia with last Rock I got

In Nova Scotia has overcome starting the game without last Rock it’s now our five end game that they do have Hammer it’s a matter of what they’re going to do with it are they going to be able to score more than one I think it might be a little

Stickier Alberta has played more draws than takeouts thus far in the game close to a 3 to one differential on room I don’t think that’s a a really big surprise Mike Alberta very comfortable taking chances of drawing and and Nova Soha has has the draws they have played have been have

Been necessary and Mark I think just is the reason they play fewer is that uh you know they’ve been just removing all those draw shots that Alberto been throwing in the ring but certainly Nova has been equally aggressive the first five huh you reflect back to the last end and those

Tremendous run backs first by Bruce lonus and then the two by Skip Mark Daisy when it looked as though Alberta on N5 might get a deuce well the shot by Bruce lus really turned it around and Alberto’s lying two buried in the ra double I remember Scott Fifer said this

Is our end they had their D set up and it is a classic story when a favorite like Alberta coming in undefeated no one coming anywhere close to them all week comes into the final and another team comes in ranked as Underdog they know they have to raise

Their level of play to be competitive and that’s what’s been happening with Nova Scotia over the last number of days they keep raising their level of play to match their opposition oh really well Pat Ryan was the last to go through a unbeaten and win that was in

1988 Vic pet in 1997 from Manitoba went through round robin play with a perfect record 11 and zero but then lost twice in the one versus two playoff game to Kevin Martin and then in the final game to Kevin Martin actually no this way oh yeah

Prior to Ryan’s 12 and zero Mark when the Brier was based strictly on a round robin system Ron northcot in 9 1969 was the last post a perfect record a l more 1979 was the last year of the straight round robin format in 1980 they changed

Playoff system in 95 to the page playoff system hard saw a great Come Around by Andrew Gibson on his first stone but his second one slipped well behind the T line this will allow Randy Furby without the hammer to utilize that stone and another great Come Around by Scott

Fifer coming around those two stones at the top top the ring tap a few these are the freeze tap shots meaning you’re just you’re not trying to throw this by yourself you’re throwing a normal tline weight let the sweepers bring it along if they need to if it has

Line just to tap a few inches no nothing a little wide and heavy it’s not a good combination here strong just over threw that come in again again and there’s the chairman I like coming this way I like this way of this year’s Brier Matt Harris Graham Harris brothers to the Nova Scotia

Second Rob Harris more more more more I got less n Line’s fine Line’s tight Y Line only nine well then nine is going back four they don’t want to be taking this rock behind the T line right off right off that’s a mistake he’s going to miss that

Shot he needed to come in the top eight foot M you might not be that doesn’t matter we get in top top button in turn that yellow stone at the back of the button is going to be very difficult to remove that or the inter draw yeah

Probably that all right that’s a shot right there that one walked at the end Bo y yep Rob Harris gets to throw this again remember he was a little heavy on his first one don’t we off right off Bruce line close now Line’s good clean who W lots of weight starting to come

Sideways here now half off right off do you slides to the back of the four just biting the for foot big Miss Mike yeah it is and there’s there’s the good new only good news for NOA sco is there’s two ways into that stone but ry’s going to try to

Get a get one into the top of the button seven seven well then only if we have to never okay we’re all there never have to n don’t set up a double at the back we’re way back there though well I don’t know uh just straight to that back red we’re bumping off

It yeah a little off it does make you wonder whether the path here is a little bit Keener that’s a number of rocks in a row all coming behind the T line quite often after the fifth end break of of big games where there is a some time off

The ice the ice has a chance to cool ever so slightly it does make the speed a little quicker but really at this point of the end you would have think the players would have picked up on it by now there’s really not much of an

Excuse for that thr a lot of rocks in one spot thr 38 to the back 8 foot and you’re saying 60 is good to the tea that’s a discussion between the front end could be a little frustration talking no line at all this is wider and heavier than anything we’ve seen so

Far just getting foed on the Alberta still lies too and both teams seem to be a little confused about the weight as I said I’m quite surprised because both these teams know better it’s a couple feet heavier and we just can’t find it we want to be okay one or two

Once or twice in an end to see that happen but this is that’s five consecutive stones on come deep it’s got to be sweeper weight though six seven seven good for line no seven oh sose oh only if we have to no right off close close clean y coming down R

Who great shot to the top of the button Alberto lies three nice there’s Wendy Furby Randy Furby’s wife Randy also has three children should I finish a bit at the end on a little bit and I know that uh all the wives have had to do a lot of of work to

Support their husbands curling taking care of the family all those kinds of things well ry’s children Cody Spencer and Taylor back home watching Big Shot here for Bruce lonus this is just actually incredibly important he really needs to make contact with the stone at the top of the

Button if he ever makes a mistake here Alberto will be able to close off the foref foot with a guard y who who who w y no lus gets just one on the top I thought we were hitting it as thin as we could there’s a lack of of communication

Of what the call was I missed the call I thought we were trying to hit as th as we could I was trying to hit it into it sorry I missed the call in you might have this you might have this all right then let’s go again quick I mean if you’re short

Yeah you see the int of these players as I said they’re perfectionists they’re trying their hardest out here the game is still tried and some you know sometimes you have to take the time to communicate that second not sure that outturn was the best call anyway but what you do draw

The side I guess no no I thought theor was a right call just execution everybody still struggling with the weight there because the ice was Heavy neither side thus far has been able to steal during round Dr play Alberta was able to steal on 15 occasions they’re threatening to do it

Right here good seven no line oh right off seven still seven not cut a big break for Mark Dy right there okay D sorry guys that’s all right back a bit or good chance for not only a double but you may actually see all three of these yellow Stones

Removed from play that’s just what Randy kby said Mike might get them all and can Marky throw this hard enough you bet he can probably a little more than half let’s go Mark keep for him right now is to make sure he doubles the two that are

In the 4 foot area if he gets the one at the back for that’s a bonus but he needs to get himself out of trouble here remember last year’s Brier in Calgary a score of four on the fifth end with a big triple kill by David Nan and

Route to the victory over John Morris here’s the big weight from Mark Daisy his first stone of the sixth and there they go great shot line two get that if you want to try not out of trouble yet though those rocks are behind the taline well he’s not out of trouble for

As much trouble about giving up a steal I think David right now would be very happy just to go back to the four back of the FL and freeze to those stones and allow novaia to score their one they do not want to actually have the stone stop top four half exposed and

That will leave a pick shot for two got move eight oh no bump at all we’re not bumping freeze it freeze it it’s all there want to get this over to the Redstone bumps the yellow back may have some room very nice Dave okay good shot Fu Lo no it’s

Not you know there’s a buzz of anticipation in the crowd as they look at those stones and the way those two yellows are lined up thinking that perhaps Daisy can last and pick up more than one maybe get a whole bunch but I don’t think it’s there is it Mike no I don’t

Think so Mark has to remember where he is and what the game situation is he wants to maintain control of the game he has to he has to score he cannot give up a steal here as to it no that’s stay in had almost bumped it too far might be closer you think

Mark’s wondering if he can bump this Yellow Stone back and and perhaps lie to but first his point was there’s no point in no harm in trying it but it doesn’t appear that red will be second shot the one at the back of the for on the left

Of the screen might be second shot but I just had a 65 so it’s much that yeah and that was the question that that Mark asked uh his front end like is just everyone just throwing heavy what is it what what’s the draw weight good conversation last

Bruce I think it’ll be fairly close to to see whether they’re lying too or not but he certainly has to make sure he scores tight green no no no it’s fine wait good green 62 whoa clean wow whoa wow whoa nice [Applause] line will he get more than one no nice [Applause]

Shot so once again Nova scosa has moved in front as Daisy comes through with a shot in the final end of six he really he really didn’t have anything anything to lose by trying this tap back coming down to those ones he was going to get a point anyway so he thought he’d

Give it a whirl tap back the Yellow Stone see where they ended up and give himself a chance to get two so with four ends remaining Nova Scotia leads the defending Champion by a point a lot heavier I think the first start the world largest hotel chain is almost anywhere you want to

Go the world’s largest hotel chain tucks you in around the globe with over 4,000 hotels in over 80 countries the world’s largest hotel chain is Best Western inviting you to get a good night’s sleep bestwestern the world’s largest hotel chain call 1 1800 western or visit

In 1989 Saskatoon set a new standard for the Canadian men’s curling champion I ship in 2000 it was Saskatoon once again and a new attendance record that still stands today next march Saskatoon shines once more with Nokia Brier 2004 this is the big one the 75th when we open the

Doors to our house Canada’s party ticket packages are already selling at an amazing rate get yours now and come celebrate 75 shining years the 2003 Ford World curling championships are coming to Winnipeg April 5th through 13th the big question is which men’s team will be wearing the

Colors of Team Canada well we’ll all find out on Sunday but for now call to reserve the best seat you can because this promises to be the best Ford worlds ever call one8 780 seat the Canadian curling Association appre appreciates understands and wishes to acknowledge the importance of local

Sponsorship to curling teams across Canada throughout the curling season in an effort to recognize local corporate support of teams which have achieved the privilege of representing their Province or territory at a Canadian curling Championship we are pleased to provide some deserving profile to their respective corporate supporter you already know these uses

For your carer here’s a few you might not have thought of the hat rack the Shower the centerpiece the chandelier you can always use a ccher the seventh end to come here at the Nokia Brier final with the home home team moving up by one this was the scene earlier today as our colleague Don Whitman was inducted into the Canadian curling Hall of Fame

Don has become a fixture on the curling landscape he has enjoyed an unparalleled career 42 years covered his first Brier in 61 his connection with curling has spaned 31 briers and several fashion trends in between Don worked with Colleen was partners with Don dug for 25 years

And he still rolls up his sleeves in 2003 Don congratulations from all of us here at CBC Sports well thank you Mark uh I feel very honored to be inducted into the Cur Hall of Fame beside uh someone who has won an Olympic gold medal and working with a silver Olympic

Medalist and uh it was quite an honor because uh when Mark referred to Colleen Jones on the sled on the tracking camera there as we’re were fooling around one day um she was the MC of the luncheon today and she is certainly going to be involved in the curling Hall of Fame if

And when she ever decides to retire exactly we well long overdue Don from all as a as a curler and a longtime viewer I’m uh we’re also very proud of you and congratulations from all of us I’m glad I guess you’re glad and quite happy we’re not wearing those orange

Jackets anymore no but I wish they’d bring back those other ones with the the leather and all you were so handsome oh it’s not get carried away Joan what were what do you mean were I was hoping you weren’t going to pick up be a good 5050 clean clean Line’s good NOA scosa

Starting this end with the draw to the Bon yep finish it hard Mandy Gibson now looking for the guard hard Queen yep good Gooden good shot Andy so very many of these ends setting up the same Mike it’s just a matter of where they the jocking for

Position with the uh the seconds often and where the rocks are going to end up it’s a critical end for both teams but Alberta would like to take their their dece here get control of the hammer back they go into eight this one back to get two

Yes we can make your odd one too that’s talking to Mark I never would have guessed it what do you think button almost 60 eh y well both these teams have provided us with their complete repertoire of shot making in this championship game as it should be when you’re playing for title Line’s

Great all there back okay room no come on guys just wait on it y top 12 is not the worst Bob Harris’s numbers have uh dropped a little in the last two ends he was at 88% through five’s good he’s now down to 78% yep

Close yep only five six I don’t think he can afford to keep those dropping if she’s going to be playing against Mr fer Line’s good five who it’s going over curl not not to the but not not to for foot watch this Frost really creep go ahead we mentioned earlier that there

Was evidence of frost in the playing surface and you heard the reference to frost creeping in from Randy fby freeze if you tap of a foot it’s fine what you say it’s all right if I to of the foot yeah Rob Harris has been heavy on his last three draws

Green yeah got to go for gotta go gota go gota go line and weit Line’s good hard guys y hard all the way right up roll it roll it okay Rob Harris’s problems continue never really had the wait did he it was close I think not for a to oh yeah I

Know it’s up to you do you guys like that I don’t mind it yeah all right even even a four is good yeah trying to come through the the port I think it’s all there all there four is 12 foot four off off got a curl no no got

To curl big yep yep whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who whoa off Mar clean off no off off Just a Touch it’s third shot Alberta still lies one Mark Don a reminder of bonus hockey coverage tomorrow Monday Night in Canada the Leafs are at Edmonton to play the Oilers game coming

Your way at 9 Eastern 6 specific those Leafs coming off a hard fought overtime tie against Vancouver last night at home we doing draw full draw okay and the new addition Owen Nolan coming up with a couple of goals and the Edmonton Oilers coming back home after a very successful California

Swing now finds themselves just two points out of seventh place in the Western Conference another big shot here for Bruce lonus Alberta has control of the top of the Rings mine was 47 to the back wide inter come around going to go go W go to go guys what a great

Shot comes through again draws don’t get much better than that great [Applause] sweeping you’re going hard to get it around this Zone at the top of the forefoot just thr like a tap and tap yeah so how do you want to hit this one uh half a rock which way across the face

Yeah bumper down eh no just tap in the house yeah okay got to tap this now so You’ throw probably 11 is good eh yep and 11 back line up L up close h h H that might work might work because it’ll set up a shot a lot of options there yeah actually not B yeah Daisy has to be careful here it’s a lonely red stone Jesus you almost going to this there’s too many options for yellow right now for Mark to throw a guard he

Needs to get another Stone into the 4 foot area clean it early yeah Alber has the option coming in off the stone on the left they have the double raise on the two stones in the center and uh you can’t guard everything sometimes best guard is second shot it’s

A difficult shot though needs to be right down there again line close little more maybe go pass the T line oh there heavy that’s not really good is it understatement by after making such a great shot with his first stone on this end lonus slides a second

Through you like that much what we doing oh yeah I knew I was a little up when I it playing the center line option here which one want hit yell one yeah cuz it opens up his back red watch the easy easy easy no never this needs to move he’s on the

Guard ton of wait what a break [Applause] still not out of trouble yet but uncharacteristic Miss Randy Furby fact he’s got the double Reds doesn’t he what you like freeze top top yellow on the forefoot if you can place it there and he makes this yeah

Yeah I think you got to it’s not bad no like it yeah Mark is trying to eliminate a yellow stone here I guess there were no real good options so he may as well take one while he’s while he’s out of here I think was is his final decision looking

To hit and roll and nud his own Redstone normal up K it it’s a nice hit roll the shooter in perhaps nudge his own Stone into this area he’ll have to be careful that he doesn’t leave a double with his two redstones group them together and uh

Give Alberta a chance to to get them both out and lie a couple yep got to go right up does this nose hit set up a double possibility now for Alberta it does it’s it’s a good it’s a good opportunity but Dave has to be careful that if he

Doesn’t make it on his first shot he he he’s going to leave that stone at the edge of the button it’s tempting to hit the one on the button first I think even here and pushes up a bit y you like that do that or we could play this well

We’re giving him a double that what do you like all right he always got the double after yeah they’re playing a different game these you always you’ve always got that double raised take out on your next one if you don’t make this stve so that that’s I mean the confidence of these

Players is incredible so they have elected to play the double what do we got down there play the double Marcel Rock us usually stays back it’s Scott feifer that goes down and has some input into strategy and placement of stones the concern was by playing the

One on the button they would leave Mark Daisy a double to get out of the end so they’re going to be the ones again that force the issue here it’s not the easiest double Mike got to be they’ve got to be very exact with this that wents first stone of the

Seventh Alberta trailing by a point he’s trying to get two one two there they go PR good hea push the three through S in front of the too far can you CL his back can I throw if I hit the three first hard like just a bit of it which direction is the

Five going it’s kind of coming this way isn’t it that dou little bit little bit this will be open for two yeah what do you think hey what do you think hack weight on this try to hit it almost on the nose whole nose yeah you

Don’t like the double because of the jam well no I make the double I got to risk being awful close to that yeah and if I uh well you don’t really closer to the high one I can make the double he’s got this for two yeah is he making that no I like

Your haway shot let’s kill one yeah I agree this is the one just can’t roll too far no I know and if we do roll too far let’s roll way too far over here the capacity crowd at the Metro Center in Halifax has certainly been supportive naturally for Mark Daisy and his Nova

Scotia Champions critical where this rock rolls to he does not want to roll it to a spot where Le us no hit to jam on here where it lines up the jam for two I think he’s got to play tight in that guard stop usting I agree with Randy Furby this is

Not an easy shot neither of the shots he’s got to play very close to the top yellow Stones if he hits the top one too thinly actually he may actually leave a roll out and leave an opportunity for Flor for Dave very very critical shot here L of room off

Aose have to make sure that they get one of them here is there a danger he could push this back onto his own right out right out right out out that did the trick draw for two it’s the obvious call Dave may play that pin double for the way going very

Thin double but uh there for four if you want to try it just draw huh draw all day there you go there’s there’s the third opinion Fifer just go here all right I think Nan if he had his brothers might like to try that double for four oh it’s

A tough double though it’s so thin you you you have to almost miss the first one well I mean I’m not going to discourage you but it’s up to you guys I know I like a d all right all right interesting comment from Marcel Rock I’m not going to discourage

You usually in marel does offer opinion the team takes it fair Fairly seriously Marcel says very very few words out there but uh he knows he knows what he’d like to see and and uh he’s usually the voice of reason when it comes down to

The end of the end of the discussion a draw for two for David Nan and Alberta would have the lead for the first time since the opening end okay the first Deuce as well so Alberta has the lead with three ends remaining the defending Champions up by

A point yeah just had to hang air more for him I know that’s what I say he’s jamming here all a Nova Scotia an unforgettable place where saltwater cities living history and legendary Hospitality meet a place with 7400 km of Coastline dotted with farming Seaside towns a place that

Really swings more than just a vacation this is Nova Scotia Canada Sea Coast contact us today for your free vacation guide to make sure your pictures last for Generations is Sarah there make sure the paper says Kodak show her what you look like Kodak paper has advanced technology told you

Identical technology that resists fading and keeps your pictures brilliant for Generations sh find Kodak paper at these fine Retailers the Nokia 7210 phone with available camera headset the new pocket translator we make multimedia messaging as easy as see snap and send Nokia connecting People people we got pull together if you’re going to do it do It I was born to get standing ovations now I dance to stay healthy but when I’ve neglected my diet I’ve depended on the science of sentrum daily for Complete vitamin and mineral support sentrum helps make my day complete I’ve always been a Hands-On kind of guy

Now I keep busy to stay healthy but when I’ve neglected my diet I’ve dependent on the science of sentrum daily for Complete vitamin and mineral support sentrum helps make my day complete it’s just an ordinary day and it’s all your state of mind at the end

Of the day you just got to say I st just anary and it’s all your of mind at the end of the day the first Deuce of the game for Alberta David netan for a Time contemplated the possibility of trying a very tough double in an attempt to get four

And we’d like you to respond log on to sports do you think Alberta should have attempted the double for four yes or no pretty steep game like I’m interested to hear what people would say because certainly um you know there’s there’s what opinions one way or the

Other and what’s your opinion well I I certainly like the draw for two it’s been a tight game kind of an uphill battle sometimes for both of these teams I think if you got an opportunity to get the two points I think you take it Mr Harris I agree and importantly for for

Alberta that they don’t let that influence your voting decision importantly they’ve been trailing the entire game they needed to ensure they got the lead back I think that was the the number one factor in the decision but opportunities have been so rare for Alberta in this game I think

They were looking had this could be the game right here just get it out of the way and and run for three ends similar to the Brier last year in Calgary where they attempted the big shot and made it interesting setup here in the eighth end and we we’ve spoken on many telecasts

How important the eighth end is in a close game and Marcel Rock from Alberta put his first stone behind the taline and that that’s an error he needed to keep it in front of the tal line so we’ll see whether the comes into play as the end progresses yep yep hard hard

Hard try to tap it back whoa whoa whoa whoa weight’s goodan this was the spot two ends ago that many of the the players over threw they came heavy over [Applause] again tight to the guard I got me in Bruce he’s only throwing one take out and he had perfect weight with his draw here on 8 maybe it curled just a little too much actually curled too much and it it’s behind the taline there’s only and there’s only room for one more

Stone on it’ll skate Line’s good six Line’s real good come on got room now get in here big swing again sorry guys don’t handle what frease what do you want 50 too much 60 for there yeah all right no room for error on these on these rocks now that we’re getting late

In the game there is no plan B you can’t be short you can’t be heavy you can’t be can’t be light got to be perfect Bruce haris has struggled with his draws as that statistic indicate yep I think it is down he’s missed his lasty got good line Y good clean yep y

Wa y to keep this key up on the center line side great shot very [Applause] nice well after struggling coming heavy and short last and got it right this [Applause] time what come around with okay more handle Scott Fifer responding to a comment that someone made with his last shot that

Lost kind of lost its handle so he said he was going to throw more handle actually I think Scott said it himself was it Scott himself where is it is again sign of a great no light hard hard come on come on come on we need that

Line Marcel thinks rocks are picking up some debris lot to handle I just died okay great chance here for Mark Dy you like to double that stone off the back of the button roll the shooter out of there normal up she end up hitting on the nose is okay yep yep yepa right

Off and he gets both yellow Stones perfect and a beautiful roll as Well well after a couple of Misses on the previous end Rob Harris redeems himself here on eight and look where this double is made and the shooter rolls in behind the guard the corner guard Alberta now has only that one lonely Yellow Stone at the top of the forefoot and any

Mistake now will give Nova Scotia a great opportunity to score more than two points here in eight unless you want to come to here then we can always run it later initial call was to draw into this area kind of like the entr what do you like let’s try

This your yours pick a little bit I think so it just continues to amaze me how calm cool and collect R is only if we have to don’t have to no you don’t have to well it’s coming down no room still eight you guys lots of

Room eight or way wide eight is back maybe nine no no just eight never touch it starting to walk over now good weight but it’s wide open now we have a chance that’s good see what he does here The Optimist now we have a chance as Randy Furby is he thinking he’ll have

A double I think he’s happy has a second stone in there four area hardine realine Big Shot here from noine guys real she tight to the top one a little r on his own okay sorry Bros not enough ice enough room on those everything’s walking back turn yellow you can’t get

Just don’t want to set up anything thin on this at least right now we got yeah we got that but we don’t want to set he’s running this that’s why I was wondering if you want to tap that got we got a little off it though

Cuz then you’re sitting here if he does run it this one’s going straight onto there time about here I’m out where right here I don’t mind that who shot we are well then I he’s going to run this thing I think he has to I I

Don’t know that I like this that much because he runs it here right now that’s gone this one’s staying this one’s gone well this one might Jam there hope maybe or something well that’s going through the got maybe oh well look at the angles going what if we throw one up here double

PE well but but but he doesn’t have a double there yet right he hasn’t got a double A yet made all the other ones oh I why what’s he doing here if we do nothing what would he do right now he’s running the guards all

Day I don’t know that I mean I hate to sit one on the outside but if you could ever get to here that’s good too what if he blast one is he going to get rid of all them though might here comes the coach Brian Moore and the

Fifth Man Dan h never make that rub that’s good but if I ever move that red one over and he runs it in there really just so careful with the placement of stones how L what do you figure what are you looking at what are the options R

Off I think the draw is too difficult CU we hang on the side he doubles them we’re in big trouble right what oh I know th this is probably too dangerous you hang it here he’s doubling he’s coming in there again okay so what are our options then either a

Guard I don’t mind the guard he’s probably running something yep or he’s running ours like well he’s running ours too that’s true yeah or you play this and just move in to well that’s that’s fine Marcel but you put that even on Center Line he can

Get to this well he might get his own he might give us a pocket too I think we have to but like we’re going to have a guard afterwards want a guard we guard okay let’s try a guard what do you guys think yeah we still have a guard after

The fact you like the Guard the guard considering that Daisy may just come down into the top of the for that will leave a little angle here on this outside Yellow Stone we can always save that out for Alberta guard’s a safe call two they’re counting on Nova scoia playing the double

Feld on their next shot keep line too no we’re fine Line’s good Line’s good no Line’s good who let it die let it die let it die okay yeah Mark Daisy is running the center line guard in I know that’s the well I mean it depends right but the only reason I like

Put your taing that was you make that how does he ever get them out yeah I know but if I missed but this one here hopefully hopefully he’s close you know Le our one around the butt yeah yeah that’s true yeah that’s what I’m hoping for sticking I mean yeah get this right

On the nose if he does get it a little bit across the face he actually might be able to make some sort of thin double on the El but big shot well if he makes a th thin double the defending Champions are in a whole mess of trouble need to curl a hair

Goes how good is that oh my goodness how good is that well we got the out we got the U with last Rock in the E of the semifinal yesterday Bruce loens made a similar big shot all right and that’s respect Randy Furby turned around to Bruce loens and said good

Shot good news for Alberta is that the stone is behind the T line this will allow possibly of getting out of this end with a good freeze or perhaps even just a nice come around I don’t I think the freeze is better right on just because Nova scos has been so

Successful with those run backs you like to get it into a position that they cannot use biggest shot of the game for Dave right here attempting to freeze to the shot mine’s real good we’re all there’s good all there all there mine’s good small up that’s not bad okay hard hard hard

Hard hard hard hard hard hard get here good hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard is that a sweeping air they thought it was a seven there which is the T line it just came it came down in a hurry they were surprised how fast that it it came down

Yes that’s a sweeping a mat sure came up yeah obvious shot might be just to hit this and pop it through the hole Mark’s looking at the Double peel so that if Dave tries to make some sort of play on the stone at the top of theot he’s going to have a short

Double this is Mark hitting great strength in his great belief in his hitting ability knowing if he makes the double peel Dave’s going to have to make the perfect C what’s he do Peter corham the coach making his way down to confer with the team yellow red into yellow yeah I know

Except you got to keep the yellow there to do that what do you think Bruce what are you liking I’d like to hit it so that yellow goes off that red and then goes over the top maybe he just draws into that pocket there and gives us the draw for two

That’d be all right too wouldn’t that at this point if what if we double PE May he’s playing a hit on the nose and when he’s hit and roll over he’s going to be h on let it roll over yeah he’s going to weld it again the next time though isn’t you don’t

Like picking that eh I don’t mind it that was my first just going to weld it better or yeah but if he welds it I can play the double off the Y it goes right through every I mean you I think the outter probably what Bruce your first

Instinct was right play it just through the Rings yeah try to punch it through that hole sure yeah yeah I like that okay all right thanks Peter we need a rest Mark has to make sure he gets rid of that yellow son talking about throwing it quietly and bumping it through the

Hole I said if you almost better just to thank the hit and roll away Joan just to make sure you get it out of there you don’t want to have the over C and rub off your own Stone on the button and leave bve in second shot in behind all that

Cover once again talking about just removing that one but there is a garden play you still have to be very very careful you can see he can only see a quarter of the stone be that’s what he needs to hit he needs to hit a quarter really like to get this out of

The 8ot to have possibility of those all those other Reds and the Rings Counting up Oh he wants to push this yellow through the hole a he’s on the stone out front a big break there for Alberta all right still not the end of the world though there picked a little bit it oh hypothetically we tap this at an angle leave him an O yet it’s for

Well it’s for too many I mean he’s going to have a pile play a little tap on it get that one out of there oh you’re saying with waight what about just this cuz you’re rolling in that way you give him a triple what about just

That oh I see you give him this no yeah but this one this one going on there or that one’s going on there uh if you throw a bump you might if you throw a bumper just to the I like get to the inside of it with what bumper

Well now we’re now we’re throwing weight but if you’re not right on the nose and he’s got a no but even if we’re to the inside with the draw that’s okay okay right yeah so what are we playing here then well just enough to freeze it to get

Shot don’t you think I kind of like playing a bit more upweight and rolling behind that guard don’t give him a double Marcel oh just a cop and roll I guess you roll inside it’s fine it’s real good I know but I know well he’s got an open

Sh for one too which is play the role that’s good oh he can Hammer this too all day oh he will you play the role you got it right okay play bumper bumper okay whatever you need bum down here we go I’m always amazed in listening to these discussions with the curlers

Knowing where the rocks will wind up and what angles that they’ll set up for the opposition well they have to and it’s from years of playing against Great teams that uh if they leave them and not think about where the rocks are going to end up you leave a triple for Mark Daisy

They know Mark will make it well the danger here for Dave Nan is that the shooter stays in the Open Wide Open they nose hit it and leave Mark a double for three they have to get the roll bumper up who whoa whoa whoa whoa It’s got to cross Center cross Center

Cross yep y y changing the call here trying to bump roll the other One B Works a great heads up might be there for three is there a see anything possibility he could get those Yow or smashing hard it’s spinning my shooter hits that one yeah I know where’s the red one just a matter of getting getting the five out yeah looking at a

Triple I got to hit a good chunk of the five so it doesn’t just go right into that five that’s the only that’s right what are you looking at I mean the only other thing is the inter turn tap here for one or or the outturn draw for one must yeah do you

Think I could get where’s the yellow one the four fo go well it’s got to go off this off that and out right there yeah right there and it goes off at not angles are there mark can throw it hard enough let’s give her a go Mark that’s your shot but I think

So you see the clock ticking getting tight for two ends to [Applause] remain shooter goes onto the r on the other yellow get them all moving well it’s a big shot Mike for for lots of points but you could give up a steal and be down too after eight as

Well I’m looking at the draw the draw is not that easy either though this is uh you know it’s it’s not nearly as easy a decision as Dave nedin had in the last 10 this is uh his his options to score one aren’t that easy either this is just

As difficult I would say da attempting a triple takeout could be a huge reward he could wind up with three He did not remove the yellow rocket jammed on the red it’s a steal of one for Alberta with two ends remaining the defending champs are up by a pair curling with every game played your contact to the world expands with over a million participants utilizing 1100 clubs across the country curling is an

Entertaining social way to stay active play for fun play to win or just come out and enjoy the membership benefits clubs can be assisted by the Canadian curling association’s Development Fund which serves to promote renovate and offer advice on operations get involved join a club near you today it has lifetime

Value it’s bred for European tastes but built for North American desires with a seductive ergonomic design provocative performance responsive power sexy low profile Wheels eye poop and Cur View and superb handling in tight Corners not to mention driveways decks and even those silly Motor Cars The Cure

High pressure washer you really have no options it’s a job with the difference part of the team getting handson experience sure there are easier jobs but with us you see the world you make a difference the Navy think about it maybe this is the challenge you’re looking for

Strong proud today’s Canadian Forces a message from the government of Canada Ford Hot Shots curling skill testing competition first prize a 2003 Ford Focus zx5 valued at more than $223,000 and a Nokia 6310 World phone here’s how they play the Ford Hot Shots challenges the abilities of individual

Curlers who attempt six shots from a hidden stick to a double takeout each shot worth a maximum of Five Points after three rounds of competition they were down to a pair of seconds New Brunswick Mark laco and Pei Phil Gorvette here’s loock who plays for Russ Howard out of

Mona he needs needs to be right on the Mark here attempting a hit and roll to the button for five and he’s got it for a total of 17 points edging Gorvette by two congratulations to mark laok of New Brunswick and daughter Sarah he’s got

The keys to a new Ford loock in the driver’s seat a brand new Ford Focus zx5 the Ford Hot Shot well on the previous end Dave Ned contemplated attempting a shot for possibly four on this last end mark Daisy attempted a triple for a possible three and he

Jammed on one of his own and he’s upset with the end result quite obviously because this first steal of the game could be pivotal in determining the outcome well Mark’s angry at he at himself he never got out to the broom on that zone and really NE never gave his

Sweepers a chance but okay also is watching the title slip away too a little bit and he knows a two-point deficit to this Randy Furby for him is going to be very tough to overcome here in the final two ends so now if you’re Daisy you try and blank this end to

Retain last rock into 10 or do you no he’s got to go hard he’s going to go for his Deuce here he’s going to need to take a deuce and a steel at some point anyway so he may as well try it now and and uh try to steal in in 10

Well in the discussion I think was with Furby’s team during the break between the last end and this was do we play this uh open or with rock so I think it’s more of a decision for Furby it’s not a decision for Daisy and here are the results we asked

If Alberta should have tried the double for four in the seventh very close 54% say that NN should have attempted the well I think he did the pull now after that last shot I think the opinion would be greatly different but certainly at the at the time it was uh it was pretty

[Applause] tempting but want going back to uh the comments about strategy Dave said well if we throw a guard might give him a better chance for Randy said I’d happily give him to at this stage the way this game’s been going and take the hammer into 10 well either case scenario it’s so

Exciting last last two ends possibly three it depending on on the way things uh end up here three over for line how’s line Line’s fine no no no no over curl I’m just a little surprised to be throwing a guard when you have a two-point lead

But right now let’s join Mark thanks Don we’re in section 15 with the Canadian women’s champion Colleen Jones how exciting is this to be from Nova Scotia and to have your clubmate from the May flower in the thick of this final well it’s pretty neat I mean um Kim and Paul

Fleming won the Canadian mixed and uh we won the squad and you know with Mark here trying to make it a Triple Crown it’s pretty neat here to weigh in on strategy here in the night well I it’s it’s just makes me so nervous watching period both teams are playing awesome

Making so many shots this game’s far from over I mean it’s a two-point lead they’ve been putting on a clinic and um I think Mark could you know it’s just it’s a long way from over that’s all I know Colleen thanks for your time and

Best of luck to you in your rink at the world championships in Winnipeg need that I didn’t do very well weighing and on the strategy do something make your shots Good’s real good a five time Canadian Champion will represent Canada in the Women’s World competition will a five

Time Champion be skipping the Canadian men’s rink Randy Furby has that opportunity well geez ry’s team is showing no fear here in and really just putting a lot of pressure on Mark Dy but also giving Mark Dy a lot of opportunity as well to get some rocks in play but

Marcel rock made the comment between ends he said let’s gamble let’s go for it well fby that wanted to go as well and Mark dy’s team though a bad break had a pick on Andrew Gibson’s second Stone that’s why there’s two red guards over to the one

Side okay F still a good situation for Nova Scotia though though four guards in play with trailing by two sorry guys I’m certainly I’m sure they’re happy to see so many rocks air more that’s out there a bit more through more for sure not a lot more good five yep lights

Tight it five hard L’s good hard got to go hard come on come on come on come on hard six six quick quick quick quick quick quick well the three Rock free guard Zone has certainly made for much more entertaining curling with rocks in play on every end and there’s a good

Possibility that next year the Canadian curling Association will adopt for all play in Canada the four Rock Rule which is now used in international competition is there room there man is there room there come on is there room there you think yeah just enough okay should hold

That corner and then break after the hog eh for an outturn draw through the port concern the St will be curling too much yep to get through that Port both teams also concerned with the time clocks they’re not taking much time at all and calling shots get right back close you need a

Tick here comes here it comes little rub off the red stone out front but the stone just delivered slides to the back of the eight you see Nova scotian particular in trouble under 10 minutes to play this a second I don’t like G there we still have a timeout remaining though

So under under 10 is a bit of a concern but as long as they keep moving it should be fine penalty is a little severe you lose the game if you run at a time so they griping the back one hit in the back one

Okay I don’t know what do you like I don’t well he’s coming in there what turn do you want let’s go what turn you want well see I throw a guard and then he rips a double and then and then we’re guarding for our livs yeah just looking at coming

Through the P I like the outt Dave peel that stone out of the back 8 foot and by doing that they’re they’re saying to uh DA’s Nova Scotia team you still got to deal with our Stones you got to make a great shot to get out of this hand

Quean Queen I like this play one angle raise away from lying too buried if they did throw the guard so and the way Nova coach has been executing those this game you don’t want to leave them anything were you surprised at all that he opted to throw the out turn rather

The in turn at that not not really just a matter of comfort really for both teams say my big surprise is they’re going so hard after here in nine but they’ve got a really good situation right now Alberta does that stone biting the almost biting the button behind two

Staggered Center guard Corner Frozen guards Nova got some work to do they hope to score two points through eight ends Alberta has a team 88% Nova Scotia 82% line Line’s good finds the hole can he get shot no okay good NE shot he just needed to get one in a

Position where Alberta cannot remove the stone you like going right here cuz if he yeah even if was long it okay it looks like there’s so much room there in between those red stones that Bruce lonus had just had just thrown but it’s actually a tight port with a big swing in the

Ice three three three tight three clean two three three maybe four just the three oh yeah clean yep oh oh oh oh yep yep hard now [Applause] shot kind of wait normal all a little up normal just normal’s good maybe up being asked for angle race is at about

Number seven in this game BR has made looking for an angle race to like too buried off off off off y y who whoa it might be close look at this that’s great job didn’t turn out perfect under swep little thinner and they would have both stayed dead Buri behind those

Center guards but another fantastic shot from Bruce what more can you ask him he’s just made everything this [Applause] game you know with all due respect to some of the previous rer Champions Brier games the curlers today are attempting so many more difficult shots and a lot

Of it has to do with these incredible ice conditions the consistency and the four great players per team that we have out here L it Up an inside roll for nein behind cover the live [Applause] shot yeah the ice conditions have been the biggest change in the game they are so consistent and there’s so much movement y that’s all we got a raise Double if he makes it no if he makes it the back one has to be open because he’s too thick Smith Daisy mark just a hair broom Sky also a very competitive C all right let’s go Mark straight back rais double Heather Smith was the 1991 Canadian Junior Women’s Champion

Girl arm lessly through the hole even if we come off that right so as long as we get to here anywhere there I don’t think he has much for two yeah let’s get another one in there either that or we guard right now what does he

Do you like going in what do you like Scott huh what what shot does he have for two right now he’s got a double okay then guard that no we were Ry saying going in oh okay as long as you don’t rub off and leave him in in off that’s okay yeah I

See what you’re saying yes it is nail biting time for Mark Daisy this is it make this one what do we doing bumping it up top four C just na it D if he makes this shot Mark D will have virtually nothing even to score a single point six

Seven got to move seven remember seven is T line all there there great wow just finished in like crazy wonderful shot too too far all right I don’t think it’s we have another angle race might take a time out yeah time out time out time to confer as a team and

Call in coach Peter corham again my shooter was if I just hit this thin my Shooter’s coming on this angle and like that but it’s got to it’s got to have some serious action at least if I angle that one in it’s only got to hit two rocks that her shooter off this

One off that and not nothing on that side Rob nothing there and I don’t think this is there not enough action no I think if you get it thin enough to go back it’s going back right here it’s going to be dead by it’s going to be so dead after hit says

Is going to be so Dead yeah sure I think our only option is that One you like that one mer I don’t mind [Applause] it that’s definitely there where is this one really is questionable let’s play this yeah Less in half right there this girls out here doesn’t it I’m not going to be able to speak very yeah you bail when you can I

Won’t very difficult in off but there is the possibility that he could get two or an angle raise Ang ra angle raise all right I’ll give her a good stab if nothing else all right CL guaranteed do or die right here from Mark Dy the angles are there definitely there

Can they pull one more out of the hat is the only question angles are there they have to be so exact last Rock to the ninth end nov Scotia trailing by two looking at two Alberta stones and it’s a steal of two more the defending Champions are getting a grip on a third

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Night’s sleep Best Western the world’s largest hotel chain call 1 1800 western or visit my name is David Mo I’m from Niagara on the Lake Ontario and I was a student here at the University of Glasgow Scotland’s great the land the people the history but you don’t know

How much you miss home until you’re away from it so my roommate James and I decided to create a little piece of Canada we called our room Caribou house in fact it became known as The Unofficial Canadian embassy here on campus but for some reason it still

Didn’t feel completely Canadian yet so I wrote home to Tim Horns for a little Help you know there’s some things that just say Home a farewell to the Canada winner games after two weeks of friendly competition in bathur and Campton New Brunswick for the first time in 24 years Quebec wins The Game’s flag as the province with the most points tonight on CBC late night the closing ceremonies check your local listings Dawn W into

Play in Alberta with a strangle hold on History yes and uh between ends Mark Daisy walked over to Randy Furby and he said congratulations Furby jokingly replied I’ll shake my hand then and Daisy said I can’t we have to play this Dan then my shoe just ripped well

Exactly well Randy Furby got a much tougher game out of Mark Daisy in this Championship than many people anticipated he would oh absolutely well critical end was end number eight as Joan mentions so often that you need to score an eight give yourself a chance coming home and

Uh Mark just got into so much trouble there a nine great execution in these last four Ends by by team Alberta First scoring their deuce in seven in the big Steel facing a lot of trouble in eight and Dave n came up with two big shots when he needed topping on

The stone it’s so difficult for team Nova Scotia to continue and finish off the game I need know that number earlier swe there’s that that outside remote possibility possibility that you might be able to get interest you may be able to get four but you’re trying to keep your head up

And finish it off and and get off the ice uh hide your emotions until that point in time Marcel Rock picks out the red Nova Scotia Stone Andrew Gibson being asked to throw the corner guard again no idea what the split is I don’t either why you didn’t split it nope

Uh often when we uh we come to a Brier or a Scott T of hearts and all the prizes come to the the team that finishes first and there’s very little for the team that comes second but in this year’s pror this team from Nova Scotia because Randy Furby has already

Qualified for the numerous other events they have won several prizes already Dawn yes and next year there is going to be I think a change in rules at the Brier where the top two teams will qualify for the Olympic trials but yes Yesterday by winning the semi-final game

Mark Daisy and his team got the opportunity to play in the Canada Cup the Continental cup and they also got an Olympic trial spot simply because Randy Furby had already qualified for all of those events by the way talking about the next big event on the curling calender the

Upcoming World Championships in Winnipeg that Colleen Jones will be playing in some of the women she will be competing against Nicole strazak of Switzerland Anette Norberg of Sweden Edith lowon of Scotland Olga yova of Russia Diana gaspari of Italy Shinju a of Japan and ulri Schmidt of Denmark Randy Furby will have a

Wonderful opportunity as well at Worlds to win backto back World Championships what an incredible accomplishment uh this team this Randy Furby team has had over the last 12 months Mike they have just virtually won everything worth winning out there well and you look at the records any time you

Can lose fewer than 10 games in an entire season they’re playing 100 plus m games that’s incredible and and it said unheard of really in in curling circles and their dominance here this week has been and it has been dominance every position All Stars in every position they’ve just looked so

Strong and even even Mark Dy took all they could curling in the high 90s just to keep Pace first five ends don’t forget both of these teams wasn’t only Daisy curling in the ’90s it was also team Alberta curling in the ’90s the first five as well and and uh I said

We’re we’re so used to seeing these guys win they make it look so easy it is not easy to do what they do Furby won his first world gold medal in 1989 playing third for Pat Ryan competition that year in Milwaukee in the 2001 World in Loon

Where he was skipping For The First Time in the World Championships 65 loss to uh PA lindol of Sweden eliminated him from gold medal competition they finished in fourth place but last year in bismar he claimed the goal I don’t think there’s any doubt that this this Randy Furby team is one

Of the best teams ever put together big hand for Nova Scotia Randy P’s final Stone Final Stone of this game anyway will run noas rocks Standing Ovation for Mark D his ring as well as for Randy Furby and the Brier has a new statistic on which to focus the first ever threee Randy

[Applause] fur Scott [Applause] marce awant [Applause] but you were absolutely right Mike your assessment of this game the daisy ring curling at 90% through the first five ends but they had to be at that level to stay in the game against the fvy forces and Randy team forces you to play that

Way they make so many shots themselves and it wasn’t easy shots angle raises and all these great shots but again back to Dave Nan the champion and now let’s join the three time Brier Championship skip Randy fur’s with Markley thank you Don Randy an historic night a record

Fifth win for yourself three in a row for your team can you put your emotions in and rate this victory for us now a that was such a tough vict that was such a tough game Mark and his team played so well that was a tough one of the

Toughest games I’ve ever been involved in these guys never give up you know Dave made some great shots there you know those draws tough the frost was coming in and uh right now I’m in a loss for words it’s unbelievable what this team’s accomplished Andy first team to

Go 13 and0 at a Brier how hard is it not to be tested not to be beaten once and then get a test like this in a championship game oh it’s extremely difficult I like I said in the fifth 10 I was almost throwing a white flag they

Made so many raises and we just uh they had they needed one more in the ninth and they didn’t get it and uh thank God where did this match swing in your mind probably at the first Deuce that we got in the six10 after the break I felt

That uh you know we’re sort of in control again and uh this team likes to be in front and when we’re in front we’re tough to beat how about uh your third here the man who throw skip stones David netan uh again you were called upon to make some pressure shots right

From the start of this match yeah that was one of the toughest games I know I’ve ever been in my life those guys were just amazing I mean a 15ot run back all of a sudden looked easy when we’re looking at them for them and uh I just

I’m so thankful that we were able to hang on and you know keep pressuring them and eventually get some rocks in some right places but uh what a game this is rare to win three in a row first time one team’s ever done it uh can you

Put into words the chemistry and I guess the moment that you’re feeling here uh this is unbelievable I’m just I’m just so thankful right now that we’re able to do it uh I mean we we made this a goal of ours from the beginning of the season

To get a chance to come back here and uh to go through this week and have as many uh great games as we did with so many teams here and uh especially as last one uh you know it was one of those ones that you didn’t F then that we just said

We’re in for the game of our lives and uh great great feeling right now David well done and good luck to you and your teammates at the world championships in Winnipeg thanks very much David Nan Randy Furby and a three peat for Alberta the first team to do it three times in a

Row here in Halifax Tonight The Nokia 7210 phone with available camera headset the new pocket translator we make multimedia messaging as easy as see snap and send Nokia connecting People more working people we got to pull Together you’re going do it do it Build you already know these uses for your CER here’s a few you might not have thought of the hat rack the Shower the centerpiece the chandelier you can always use a ccher ah Nova Scotia an unforgettable place where saltwater cities living history and legendary hospitality meet a place with 7400 km of Coastline dotted with charming Seaside towns a place that really swings more than just a vacation this is Nova Scotia Canada’s Sea Coast

Contact us today for your free vacation Guide the Nokia Brian live on CBC brought to you by Sheridan see for yourself by CER you’ll look for things to clean by Ford built for life in Canada and by Nokia official wireless phone of the season of Champions a curling three Pat on an historic night here in Halifax as Alberta prevails doubling the home team from Nova Scotia 8 to four three times Champions first we looked at a recap here yesterday as Nova Scotia in the semi-final defeating Pat Ryan to make it here for the first time in 52

Years Ryan’s trouble in the sixth end needs to draw the button gives up a steal and the Nova scotians build a two-point lead but this is the champion on the day first in 2001 in Ottawa again last year in Calgary and now for a third time here in

Halifax ladies and gentlemen the 2003 Nokia Brier champions for the third year in a row from the avanir curling club in Edmonton the team from [Applause] [Applause] Alberta [Applause] Now to speak on behalf of the title sponsor please welcome Alan gilchris president of Nokia products Limited ever since Nokia became title sponsor of this Championship three years ago I presented the Brier tanker to one team and one team only the Furby team from Alberta congratulations gentlemen on your historic

Threee continue on your undefeated streak at the Ford World Championship ships in wiip and to team Nova Scotia you have thrilled this Hometown audience all week long beating the odds you have done your Province and your fans proud and to all the teams who competed this week thank you for 10

Incredible Days of world class curling and your passionate commitment to amateur sport the 2 the 2003 Nokia Brier will be remembered as one of the very best this could not have been possible without a dedicated organizing team an army of volunteers and of course the best curling fans in the

World on behalf of noia Canada thank you see you in Saskatoon in 2004 now Mr Gilchrist it’s time to decorate this year’s champions from Alberta the coach Brian Moore congratulations Brian congratulations fifth Dan Hollow Chuck congratulations lead Marcel Rock homor here second Scott Fifer third David

Nean and the skip a five time Champion Randy Furby now will the members of the RCMP Halifax Detachment H division please bring the Nokia tankered forward team Alberta the 2003 Champions it’s yours to hold High I’ve done this many many times gentlemen you know the rule to [Applause] go you’re watching

Everybody Team 8 tonight in Halifax remember what your told You yeah that one C softness you’ll notice to make sure your pictures last for Generations is Sarah there make sure the paper says Kodak show her what you look like Kodak paper has advanced technology told you identical technology that resists fading and keeps your pictures brilliant for Generations moment

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Chain call 1800 western or visit in 1989 Saskatoon set a new standard for the Canadian men’s curling Championship with Standing Room crowds every day to kick off kling’s New Millennium in 2000 it was Saskatoon once again and a new attendance record next march Saskatoon shines once more with

Nokia Brier 2004 this is the big one the 75th and we will open the doors to our house Canada’s party get your tickets now and come see celebrate 75 shining years an emotional defeat for the home team tonight as Mark Daisy and Nova Scotia are defeated by the defending

Champions from Alberta and here’s the Nova Scotia skip now you you did your Province proud Mark first time in 52 years Nova Scotia in the men’s final but for a shot or two uh how are you feeling right now um I feel like we probably wasted a couple of opportunities in that

Game to uh take a two-point lead once in the fourth end once in the eighth end um just didn’t make the shots at the right time and they’re an awful tough team I mean they just even when you look like you got them in trouble they keep

Drawing in some freezes and they managed to bail out of a lot of ends and uh that’s what makes him so tough a gallon effort marked tonight and talk about a consolation prize Canada Cup entry Continental Cup and the Olympic trials good luck in the future thank you very

Much Mark Mark Daisy of Nova Scotia in a tough one tonight as the albertans make it three in a row tonight up here just about everything seems Larger than Life the Prairie the sky even our Animals and when someone comes by our true value with a problem large or small they know they’ve come to the right Place TR value official Hardware supplier to Championship curling the 2003 Ford World curling championships are coming to Winnipeg April 5th through 13th the big question is which men’s team will be wearing the colors of Team Canada well we’ll all find out on Sunday but for now call to

Reserve the best seat you can because this promises to be the best Ford worlds ever call one 780 seat it’s a job with a difference you’re part of a team getting handson experience sure there are easier jobs but with us you see the world you make a

Difference the Navy think about it maybe this is the challenge you’re looking for strong proud today’s Canadian forces a message from the government of Canada ah Nova Scotia an unforgettable place where saltwater cities living history and legendary Hospitality meet a place with 7400 km of Coastline dotted

With charming Seaside towns a place that really swings more than just a vacation this is Nova Scotia Canada Sea Coast contact us today for your free vacation guide a milestone evening in Halifax tonight in men’s curling Randy Furby with a record fifth Brier title an 84

Win Alberta over host Nova Scotia at the Metro Center in Halifax a reminder later tonight the emotional farewell to the Canada Winter Games from BS camton New Brunswick the closing ceremonies of repr check your local listings on CBC late night but at night for first here in

Halifax five for Furby three in a row for Alberta and the first team in men’s history to go 13-0 all the way to the championship as the host team acquitted themselves gallantly on a tremendous historic night in Nova Scotia thanks for watching and as we say good night from

Halifax we’re now joining Royal Canadian Air Force


  1. Could you please also post the 2002, 2003 and 2005 World Men's Curling Championship finals as well. Randy Ferbey and his team represented Canada and were in all 3 finals and won all of them. It would be nice to see them on Youtube. Thanks.

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