Wrist Hinge SECRET for Consistent Ball Striking

Improve your wrist movement in the golf swing.

In this golf lesson, PGA pro Kerrod Gray and Alex Riggs share their wrist hinge secret and demonstrate how to correctly hinge your wrists in the golf swing for consistent ball striking. They also discuss how wrist angle affects club face orientation and the difference between the left and right wrist in the golf swing.

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β›³ Chapters
0:00 – Introduction
0:45 – Left wrist in the golf swing πŸ‘ˆ
1:35 – How to stop cupping wrists in golf swing
2:35 – How to set the wrists in the takeaway πŸ‘ˆ
3:25 – Right wrist in the golf swing
3:55 – Look for this checkpoint in the takeaway
5:05 – Drill to load the trail wrist πŸ‘ˆ


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Knowing this wrist hinge secret will transform your swing the hands are the onepoint of connection with the club so we need to ensure our wrists are moving in the correct way so many players get this wrong so in this video you’ll learn the best way to move them so you can

Level up your ball strike in let’s get stuck in okay Ry let’s talk about the wrists in the takeaway and how they should work to create this classical tour Pro position that you see by this stage which essentially then sets up the rest of the Swing to work in harmony we see

There is a difference between players and how they move their right wrist and their left wrist of course and the effects that they would have on the shaft y so let’s talk about one of the most common errors that you see with the player and we were talking about it

Before the video started about players that use their left wrist for the right hander too much yes well if we take a look at where that left hand is on the golf club before we’re going to create a a neutral left hand grip we already have

Extension in this wrist now I think it’s the misconception of what a hinge actually needs to feel like but a lot of golfers as they start working into their back swing they do all of the work with that left wrist and as you can see if we hinge aggressively okay and extend that

Left wrist in the back swing what we’re going to do is we’re going to see that club face gets a lot more open and there are some shots in golf where we want this but you know flushing a seven iron is not one of them yeah certainly so

This would be a a great position to be in guys for uh a lob shot a bunker shot because you’re going to keep the face open you can use the bounce yes but if you’re trying to go for distance definitely not the way to go about it so

From a dress we would see that this player would almost just use from this position of extension or this cupping that we’re going to see from the face on and they just as a way of keeping the club light they almost maintain it too much

And that keeps the face open yes so how do we Rectify this we need to learn how to extend the trail wrist okay I think that it’s it is this concept of where the hinge needs to come from now to make the golf club go up we will need to add

Some extension yeah if we do all of it in that lead wrist well the face is just going to open up more so we need to learn to feel more of that with our Trail wrist if we start to work back and we get more extensions through here this

Keeps the strength of the face where we need it such that we won’t need to flip the club at the bottom yeah and as we can see guys the effect of these wrist angles position can greatly influence the club face orientation so it is so important and if I use what rigs was

Talking about before this in the model that we’re working on fixing here and I just keep that cup too much you see how the face and the toe is pointing up to the sky even past that point and if I was to actually just rehearse this now

With my back hand ensuring that I’m creating that cupping that extension of the back wrist with the right hand first and then I actually place my left hand on what do we see with the lead hand there rigs well it’s in a lot more of a neutral position so it’s gone from that

Extension or cup at a dress and as we’ve extended through the trail wrist the lead wrist has neutralized yeah big time and there is a wide range of movements that these wrists do work throughout the golf swing but what we do see is the right wrist would tend to move in more

Of this backwards orientation throughout the swing uh rather than an upwards yes okay and a lot of players as they swing the golf club would tend to move this lead wrist upwards and not on a 45 Dee angle about what should be working but the checkpoint really at the end of the

Day from both face on and down the the rigs what do we got here from the face on what should we see with the checkpoint of the wrists what I’d love to see is when the hands are just in front of that trail leg that the club

Shaft is around parallel to the ground this is a great indication that we have added in the right balance of pivot or body rotation with that load into the wrists yeah perfect and from here if I just take my left hand off the golf club

And I keep my right on you can see it’s supported nicely yes once again place it back on if I take my right off that might feel very different to you guys you might be so used to seeing the logo of the glove staring up from you but

It’s actually in a more supported position yes but it’s just going to take slow thoughtful reps to be able to groove this sensation in of achieving this very structured traditional look now from there the right wrist might feel like it’s a little bit more cued as

We swing it back y but let’s say we take this exact same position into impact rigs well that’s exactly we’re going to see all the best players in the world exactly we’re never going to see this cupping taken into impact cuz that’s going to be scooping exactly right so

Would you say that it’s a great little drill in itself like swinging halfway back stopping checking the face right wrist is uh hinged back and then just trying to hit little shots down there without question I love that yeah and I think that’s a great one for building

Awareness of Club face control What compression a really low powerful shot for such a small swing as well is going to make a big difference yeah for sure for those of you using a which is one of the best forms of feedback as you work through that if you do that again when

We load the trail wrist the way that we’d like to we’re going to see that that Leading Edge is going to be on a very similar angle to your torso yeah for sure great checkpoint from down the line guys and just from a visual here

You’re going to be able to see that your lead wrist there is relatively flat and my right wrist is going to be slightly hinged back from this point then we push our body towards the target this follows in nicely from our little extension video that we did I’m going to have one

More little practice swing of that mate get the feeling of it put it into a full shot last shot of the day let’s make this a ripper felt pretty loaded beautiful off the club face M all right job cheers

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