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Welcome to episode 14 of The Mark Jackson Show. In this episode, Mark and Bluu take a look at the pending NBA investigation into irregularities on prop betting involving him. This includes a powerful message from Mark to young athletes.

Plus, the fellas debate how much longer LeBron is capable of playing..

The dynamic Mark & Bluu father-son duo reveals another side of Mark Sr., showcasing his role as a devoted father and a man grounded in faith and truth. Get ready for captivating stories and commentary as we hear Bluu talk about. Ask questions in the comments because we will continue to answer them in future episodes.

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14:31-17:09 ROCKETS READY
17:10-22:38 LAKERS SURGING
22:39-25:35 LEBRON TIME LEFT
25:36-27:00 KOBE RESPECT
33:03-35:04 T.O. FLASHBACK

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Welcome to another episode of The Mark Jackson show I’m Mark Jackson on the com and talk to me Network special shout outs again to my guys Cam and mace killer and murder I’m with my Dynamic co-host blue I got a question for you man what’s up a year ago this time did

You envision yourself co-hosting a television show nah honestly I know we had some conversations about it in the past we talked for for a moment about us doing something like this but N I didn’t in my wildest dreams think that we’d be sitting up here father and son doing

This at this time you know me I procrastinate so i’ be like yeah we going to do it we going yeah yeah no that’s where I got it from no I’m just saying no we here though you you killing it too we here though yeah you look good

That’s nice don’t do that what’s that Plum today you you got some nice colorways huh are you finished you get nervous are you finished are you done I’m just saying are you finished are you done I’m just saying you look good man I don’t know what to say look you look

Marvelous thank you that’s what that’s what I’ll be done when you start giving me the compliments back man just help help help me feel good D my bad but yeah I’m happy I tell you you look great yeah okay thank you thank you there we go let’s give a shout out to our

Sponsors Underdog fantasy click the link in the bio below and use the promo code mark That’s m a r k they’re matching up to $100 go click it right now man we got some good stuff today again always always we ready you ready there you know

Know what I started doing a little bit just a little bit what you be proud of me reading the comments no yeah just just y’all just getting y all I got through to him y getting to him just a little bit just because I felt like I was neglecting the people writing and

They they they their comments have been on point and inspiring and encouraging let me ask you are are they your friends now no what the no but the the comments is good right absolutely y’all keep liking commenting we see it all sending questions sending questions dming him

Ask him for money whatever y’all need hit up Mr Jackson don’t do that don’t DM me I don’t got nothing for y’all all right we got some good some good stories today oh man we going to start off with something hot though I don’t know if you you ready you ready I

Stay ready so I don’t have to get ready I feel that I feel that I’m going to let you off the hook that was corny but anyways um no I’m messing with you we got jonte Porter who who recently been involved in a uh some gambling accusations Adam Sila

Has been on top of it and the NBA has been addressing it but what’s your feelings just regarding this situation shocking disappointed don’t know the details don’t know the truth that hasn’t come out yet just wish him the very best and hopefully he had nothing to do with the NBA do does an

Incredible job of nurturing tutoring guiding leading these young players as soon as they get into the league of what to do and what what not to do how to conduct themselves what to stay away from hopefully this is a lot to do it nothing hopefully comes out here clean

It’s just unfortunate and I think it sends a message to athletes basketball players celebrities you got to be careful who you hang around who you’re with because you can stumble into the same way you can stumble on a blessing you can stumble onto something that find

You in the middle of something you had nothing to do with I remember a quick story I was in my second year first or second year my second here because I wasn’t living home at the time and I the same B BMW that I talked about driving

Rewind back three years I’m in college and I got a guy from the neighborhood that basically lives with me in my apartment for about four days a week just just hanging out because we just we was boys he played on my team growing up we just hung around good dude make a

Long story short fast forward to my second year in the league now I hadn’t seen him maybe in months or year whatever I’m driving in neighborhood go back into the neighborhood in my car I see him on the corner hit the horn yo act action call me get in the car like

Get in the car come on come on it gets in the car I’m driving to BMW and my neighborhood blocks from my house that I just lived in as rookie the year and don’t want to get longwinded but we pull off next thing I know cop siren go off

Behind me what the heck is going on I ain’t worried about it I got my license I got my insurance I’m Legit I Look to to to my right and my guy who’s my guy is fumbling in his pants I’m like what what is this dude doing he’s like I got

Drugs on me drugs you know me I don’t smoke I don’t I don’t do nothing drugs I’m like sit still so he sit still the cop comes up thank God the cop recognizes me and says you good Mark I leave I go a block down the road get out

My car think about think about the story that would have been told if I’m caught now I’m going to jail with this dude because he’s in my car yeah thank God today all these years later he’s cleaned and changed his life around but I was in

The car with a a dude that was had turned into a king pan just an important lesson of who you’re around who you allow in your Camp because you can find yourself in a whole bunch of trouble so to the to the porters of the world and people in that situation not just

Athletes I’m talking to the regular folks too be careful who you’re around now one thing I’ve always been impressed with is the fact that nothing really ever seems to Rattle you and this is coming from your son I’ve watched you up close when when they pulled you did your

Heart start to be fast were you a little anxious I was young I was young I was yeah I’m second in the league yeah I’m like yo what the heck is and I see this dude fum I’m like what what are you doing so yeah I was nervous and you know

Historically with people that look like us that there some great cops but there’s some also there’s also some ones that don’t treat us the way we supposed to be treated so that was in the back of my my mind as a as a young black man being pulled over fortunately it all

Worked out well and um we moved forward but it’s a lesson to be be learned years later and hopefully this young man is is clean and has no involvement the league will get to the bottom of it though now let’s just say hypothetically he is guilty of what he’s accused of what do

You think the answer is for Adam Silver that’s a great question and that’s why Adam Silva Joe Dumas and the leag get paid the big bucks to make those decisions I wouldn’t want a guy to be banned for life especially a young guy if he made it he made a mistake and and

The lore of 50,000 100,000 500,000 million dollar can be enticing at times where you look at instant gratification instead of long-term problems that you you you present I would say a suspension uh uh if if it’s true a long suspension but I wouldn’t ban them I’m a guy that

Believes that legendary alltime great Pete Rose deserves to be in the Hall of Fame all these years removed from potentially betting on games or what he was accused of and what he agreed to doing I think he has too much of a body of work to not being in the Baseball

Hall of Fame I’m talking about I’m 59 years old about to be and he’s one of the greatest baseball players I ever seen it’s a crime to not have him in the in the Baseball Hall of Fame so I would say for Porter a suspension but not not

A ban even though even though a message has to be sent and you have to be clear and firm with the message that you send not just the porter but to anybody else that may consider going down this road I think it depends on how how deep the

Rabbit hole goes on on whether or not you can suspend him lifetime or Seasons or or whatever the level of repercussion is because if he was the one actually making bets then we got to talk about some some long-term bands cuz that’s that’s pretty serious I’m just trying to

Show him some yeah you trying to show us some I appreciate you show him some love right now we we out there betting under and cross over out of bounds I’m like yo what we doing come on man that’s crazy that’s crazy dud Bank the three like

That’s like the dude when you go to the gym and he want to get on next with his boys but he run with you so he throw your whole team off yeah that I I’ve met that guy plenty of times I’m still mad at

Him all right man we got uh oh we not even GNA go nowhere we GNA stay right here cuz I want to know y’all didn’t have the the the underdog fantasies the the fantasy sports that we have nowadays where everything is just at the click of

A button for you to be able to enjoy fantasy sports do you got any stories of uh of when when you were playing and it was something that you you had to look twice and be like dang that’s kind of shady well just like today you go to

These hotels in different cities you see all sorts of characters in the lobby you go out you see all sorts of characters that know who you are so I’m not sitting here telling you that the opportunity didn’t present itself to do crooked things or things that you got no

Business doing whether it’s me or teammate but we were fortunately smart enough to not cross the line and especially for for me I knew what to do and what not to do I didn’t come from you know my parents making millions of dollars so that didn’t sway me enticing

Me with the million dollars and and you know house in the Hills wasn’t going to make me do something that my core beliefs told me not to do because I came from a place where I was totally comfortable and confident and secure in living that way but you do have

Characters all around the games and not just gambling Char just characters and you have to use wisdom and know who’s for you and and and and who’s against you because everybody that that’s why I say you you know people say I once I with my co-workers before they

Say Mike Breen I say how many friends you got 100 man you you out of your mind man and we would laugh Jeffy like you don’t have 100 friends they like so we one by one critique his his and he felt bad went down his whole friend group

Yeah we went down his whole friend group he started 100 he now is down to about 60 and he’s like depressed and Jeff and I’s like we’re high five in each other like y’ are y’all are grumpy man why y why yall got to go down his list of

Friends you don’t have 100 friends if you think might have 100 friends if you think you have 100 friends get into a jam a real jam and and then you’ll realize Fair Point fair point I don’t have 100 friends that’s why I’m not not hating I’m just saying no if you if you

Got if you got one or two or three friends your your entire life that’s your your friends you winning I got a lot of friends I can’t I’m in a different what I mean you got to make a distinction between my my best friend friends my closest friends no no I

Didn’t I’m not making a distinction I’m saying friends how many friends you got I’m like Mike B I got 100 I got okay keep on living I got a lot of friends you keep I’m no I’m I’m I’m living but but at the end of the day you

Can’t really just keep everybody at Arms distance forever so you have to open yourself up and use wisdom I am the Ali of friendship I keep the jab in your face you got to be that’s not friendship no no no you got acquaintances then I have Associates I have acquaintances and I have

Some friends I don’t have 100 friends nowhere in near 100 I don’t want 100 friends you should run for president no your answers are guess amazing I could be president I used to think I couldn’t I could be president I’m not running for it but I could I’ve seen some jokers in

Singular not plural go ahead all right another news we got some uh we got some more WrestleMania in the NBA earlier this week we had Draymond putting Patty Mills in the choke hole what what you got to say about that oh man H what’s your comments what you

Think was it was it too much it was too much they he didn’t even get a technical for it he shouldn’t this is my thing are we are we 90s rough no what do y’all want us to be rough nose hard nose basketball players nowadays or do you

Want a flagrant too and Draymond to get ejected I didn’t ask him to be ejected so what you want if I put Patty Mills in a headlock like that give me a technical I’m not saying because it’s Draymond Green I’m saying it’s a technical and we

Move on his job is to be an enforcer to a certain extent not cross the line set the the tone and then live with the results while still being able to finish ball games so I thought it was a it was a technical foul it should have been but

Draymond is doing his job so I got no problem with it they leave with the win and uh he played well yeah I think I think when you slow it down and slow motion it looks worse than it was I don’t think he his intention was to to

Yoke up Patty Mills like that I think it just happened for them to get tangled like that my job if you look at the picture as a referee staring at Draymond Green putting Patty Mills in a headlock is not to say was that what he intended

To do the dud in a headlock the dud in the headlock about to tap out no it’s Ser technical foul shoot the free throws take the ball out of bounds and let’s pick up where we left off see you was killing Richard Jefferson you would not

Be a good ref you got to be able to think of what’s the intent in this play no I would be an outstanding referee outstanding no you would not You’ be giving out texts you be you’re talking CRA you’re not talking to me CRA you be

Throwing people out of the game i’ be moonwalking yeah you might hit a do that again that’s pretty good do that you only get one you only get one no that was nice all right thank you thank you you act like you didn’t see me I told

You I got the two step down that’s true that’s true I stay keep it hitch keep it right here American band stand right you oh you remember see you know I’m impressed I’m watching I’m listening I’m here but that should have been a technical foul and we move forward I

Don’t know you know I’m with Dre M man he’s playing hard he’s playing hard and when things happen they just happen I coached him he’s a great player he’s a future Hall of Famer that’s a technical foul and you move forward you know what when I coached him he wasn’t a guy that

Got a bunch of technical fouls and the reason why is because from day one I said to the team we are not good enough to give away points and try to win ball games now they’re at a different stage right now he can get a technical foul he

Can get one every other game they can win ball games at that time the margin of error wasn’t big enough for us to get technical fouls give away points and then try to win games and to tell you how much of a pro he was he understood

That if you look at early in his career he wasn’t getting technical fouls he wasn’t crossing the line he understood when they got to a point where he and they can get away with it he utilized it to his Advantage honestly I’m not sure that they’re at the point right now

Where they can afford to give away points no I was talking about when they when they won the four championships okay okay I was about to say cuz the the Rockets Rockets are right on right on their tail how you feel about the the Rockers are they a real a playin threat

They are I mean you put together eight n win streak minus one of your best players if not your best player Jaylen green playing lights out basketball they compete they defend they’re extremely well coached and they’re on the heels of the Warriors and the Lakers it’d be an

Incredible story if they somehow move into that playing spot that’d be unbelievable you think they got a a shot in a seven game series against those top teams or is it Styles makes fights it depends on who’s the top seed and who they wind up playing but I believe that

Because of the shooting ability that we see in 2024 everybody has a chance I don’t need the political answer man okay I’m I’m I got to ask you so direct if the Rockets running to the Timberwolves who wins in the seven game series the Timberwolves okay if the rocket is run

Can they beat them yes they can beat them because you’re talking about a team if it’s the rockets that means that they want a playing game who’s your pick though we here we I want your pick uh Minnesota if if that’s the situation Minnesota and Houston I’m going to go

With Minnesota their body of work and and the veterans that they have Denver and Houston don’t do that okay so what team at the top are you picking Houston as such a possibility if we just saying don’t do that see that’s my problem with you you throw in one word that changes

The entire sentence or the entire question what team at the top would you think Houston possibly could be that wasn’t the question what was the question I forgot yeah let me let me let me let me restate it now since you going give me another chance to fix the

Question hold on that they could beat not possibly that they possibly changes that question that they can beat and possibly that’s the same thing no you say Tomatoes I say Tomatoes you playing too much Scrabble with friends man I’m nice I’m nice I’m nice so do the are the

Rockets a legit threat or is this just them just are they just a threat to the Lakers and the Warriors are they a threat to win it all no no are they a threat to to to knock off one of these top teams if they get in the playoffs

With shooting ability their toughness you get sanon back healthy towards the end of the year they’re well coached I I’m not going to pick them to beat any of the teams on the top of the west but can they beat them yes can they advance in a playing situation yes okay one thing

They’ve they’ve done they’ve gotten veteran guys you go get Fred Van vet you go get Dylan Brooks you go get Jeff Green you got proven guys that you can trust when the lights get brightest I feel that I I’ll accept that answer thank you’re nice thank you I appreciate

You’re nice we gonna stay we gonna stay with some with some of the top teams recently the Lakers played the Bucks end of the game we got a big block with LeBron sitting out ad shut shut down shut the game down took the W walked out

Of the arena with it on his back man what’s the seiling for the Lakers going into the playoffs first of all it wasn’t just ad incredible game scoring defending rebounding he got help also Austin Reeds Big Shots big plays rebounded assisted uh D’Angelo Russell scoring Rudy hachimura Spencer did WI a

Big shot at the end of the game so it was a total team effort I said it before and the Lakers unpredictable unpredictable what but one thing they do have they have the ability to control a game with the healthy LeBron James with the role players playing with a lot of

Confidence with Anthony Davis legit future Hall of Fame big that can control both sides of the court I need him to continue to be aggressive I need him to continue to patrol and control the pain area you think about it Damen Lillard drives left left-handed laying looks

Like it’s going in at its peak Anthony Davis blocks the shot keeps it in bounds the things he can do to impact winning I wouldn’t want to face them so I I think they’re a dangerous team in the Western Conference come playoff time and I I I I

Believe that they can beat anybody but the problem with the Lakers is on the flip side anybody can beat them I’ve seen them during the course of the Season be inconsistent on both sides of the court and when you are inconsistent during the Long Haul of the Season you

Don’t have the ability to turn the lights on and think okay it’s it’s all of a sudden time and we’re ready they’re a dangerous team but I’m not picking them to win it you know what I said flick the light on it reminds me of a

Story I was 11 years old I believe probably 9 years old till 12 I remember the the late great Muhammad Ali who’s my favorite athlete of all time he said I’m so fast I can turn the light on turn the light off in my bedroom and get in bed

Before the light go off you know for 3 years I turned the light off and jumped in the bed and never could pull it off for 3 years of my life did you ever did you ever get it you got close no and the bed was right by the light I’m my dad

Walked in finally three years what are you doing I’m like Ali said he could do it my dad’s like no he was just trash how old were you I was from from from 8 years old to 11 years old that is hilarious and the light was right by the

Bed I flick it off and I’m in mid I couldn’t do it I’m like this dude is incredible if he could do this for three years that’s hilarious you never you never got it not a chance what an idiot but you never know the Power of Words and what

Somebody have you trying to you know trying to do had me trying to do it for three years that’s hilarious anyways back to back to the Lakers you downplaying us again us us yeah yes us downplaying us we are the team to beat it’s a it’s a full why you making that

Face why you making that face because do you just ignoring 82 Game season you’re not the team to beat you may be you may be a team that can beat anybody but you’re not the team to beat the team to beat is in Denver in the in the Western

Conference yes but at the end of the day we can beat Denver we can beat the Timberwolves it’s a full-time game I can’t put that many miles on LeBron ad we got vets so during the season we we sit back a little bit and yes you might

Catch us on an off night every every now and then but when it’s a full seven game series y’all better be ready man let me ask you a question since you said we can’t be beat since you’re part of the Lakers are you fine with LeBron James in

The Milwaukee game at the end of the game when deanis is shooting free throws on the side counting the count as he’s shooting the free throw come on man what’s wrong with that come on man what’s wrong with that man he having a good time you don’t want our players to

Have fun no I want I want I want you to have fun that’s fun okay to me that’s fun as as Yiannis as soon as free throws and the gamees online I’m over there counting that’s fun that wasn’t funny was it funny and was it fun is two

Different things no I know I need I need you know what was more fun what getting out of Milwaukee with a W with a win that was that was now that was fun no that was I’ll admit that was fun and as you said I did downplay the rest of rest

Of the players ad did do great Austin Reeves hit big shots DLo ruy but I need I need ruy to grab that um that board though that uh that defensive rebound yeah that was that was that that type of effort that’s what that’s what’s gonna

Get us to the next level you see coach LeBron Stone Court yeah I’m fine with that I’m fine with that I’m fine with that why you trying to Pigeon hold him if you fine with that just let him do his counting on the side I don’t need to

Be the ref and the coach you got to decide no no no that’s Braun he get to do it that’s his that’s his Arena let him do his thing I really like that though because holding guys accountable if you are the star of the basketball

Team in uniform or out I need to hear your voice and I need you to hold guys accountable and also hold yourself accountable but I like the idea that the coach doesn’t have to do any everything and if you see something say something and at that particular time he was on

Point saying to Rudy challenging him you got to go get that basketball that’s a long rebound get engaged and let’s get out of here with the victory that could that could have cost him the game yeah it really could have but those are the type of moments like you said those mean

Something and Braun coming on the court talking to him he’s not going to forget the next time that he has that opportunity he going after the ball I’m not so sure about that oh that sound that sounds good all right all right you’re right there’s going to be another

Sermon needed at some point you’re right you’re right you’re right I’m giving them too much credit I’m giving them too much credit So speaking of speaking of LeBron he’s been in the league for a long time now when was uh you remember the first time you saw him play I do I

Was playing for the Utah Jazz and saw him on national TV playing in a high school game and knew right away he was going to be an all-time great uh it’s a stretch to say he’s going to be in the discussion for greatest ever but you

Knew right away he was going to be all time great baring any health issues and he is not disappointed with all the pressure the bright lights from day one he has responded and has responded emphatically I thought about something I don’t know the all five guys but there’s

Only five guys alive Five Guys in history that have played against Michael Jordan Kim to Jabar and LeBron James there’s only five human beings and it played against all three you on the you on t no that’s impressive that’s I mean that that’s that’s that’s impressive that gives you a different perspective

Yeah when you’re making a judgment about those guys but he has put together an incredible incredible career and it’ll be fascinating to see when it ends like he he can continue to play just just like Tom Brady he left in an MVP discussion and left on his own own terms

And still had summon the tank that late and LeBron is the same way he’s going to make all NBA and in his 21st first season yeah man how many more years you think he got as many as he wants the reason why hold on hold on hold on I’m

The biggest LeBron dude not as many as he want no can LeBron average 10 rebounds and and and I mean can he average 15 points and nine assists three years from now yes we don’t we don’t we don’t really want to see see that his his determination is not what we want to

See how much he wants to continue to play did we really want to see Mike on Wizards yeah not really I wanted to get my get back when I see exactly I don’t need to see people cooking LeBron and trying to get their get back on LeBron

Like no le Mike on the Wizards was still he was still time scor and still good so yeah yeah I think I think the individual decides when to say when not not don’t don’t think about what the who cares if you’re LeBron James what Mark Jacks and

A blue things you know at the end of the day it’s him and his family and the sacrifices that he continues to make and that he’s made do I want to do it anymore and then leave on your terms and he will be able to leave on his terms

Barring andury again that’s true I wanted the late great Kobe Bryant I I didn’t want him to end I wanted to see Kobe continue to play selfishly I didn’t really want to see him keep going because at my in my mind I’m like this is Pete Kobe giving us all that he got

Retiring leaving it all on the floor like that’s respectable so when when some like Tom Brady Tom Brady could have played for another few years but at what point do you look and be like all right my legacy is complete I thought he owed

It to me to still try to play I owed it to you you talking about me saying us you saying Tom Brady owed it to you to you know the one regret I had as as a as a head coach in the league what I talked about it a couple episodes ago Kobe

Bryant tears his Achilles in front of the bench when I was a Warriors coach and they call a timeout to see if he’s okay he tears as Achilles we we didn’t know he TS Achilles we knew he was hurt he walks to the bench during the time

Out I’m in the Huddle as the coach we’re not going for the Okie dooke don’t don’t fall for it he’s fine don’t let your guards down let’s finish this team off if I would have known Kobe Bryant was actually hurt they wouldn’t had to commit a foul to stop to let him

Out the game I’d have called the timeout myself and let him exit the game so that’s the one regret that I have as a head coach and is is somebody saying well you don’t you’re not competitive you don’t really that’s not going to win or lose me the ball game that’s showing

Respect so that’s the one thing that I would have done differently call the timeout and let him exit the right way I don’t think that’s that bad you was you was coaching with the Mamba mentality I wouldn’t do that for everybody he was I’m just being honest the list is short

The list is very short the list is very short n that’s good though that’s good I think I remember that game that was a big deal when he when he tore his Achilles yeah that was a big deal and it didn’t seem like because he came back to the free

Throw line it seemed like okay he’s good yes and it showed you the mentality it’s a different breed which made me years later feel good because when I told my achilles during the NBA Finals playing stupid pickle ball mhm I got helped up and I walked to the

Car grabbed my my phone and walked to the car so I could have I could have taken the two free throws that’s that’s I didn’t needed to stop play after that from from the from the car to the hotel I couldn’t move by the time I got to the

Hotel it was that’s M mentality right there yeah yeah crazy I I got the two freet thros but that’s it that’s it who’s who’s you playing pickle ball with Jeff Ang Gundy Mike Green Lisa Salters and our producer Tim Corgan and it was it was just it was that intense no Mike

Green didn’t play two days earlier he tore a calf muscle playing pickle ball with us and I’m like what type of pickle ball games are y’all playing but I’m clowning him I’m like are you serious you tell your Achilles just just by playing stupid pickle ball we not even

Really moving that’s a joke he’s getting treatment before the game like that’s a clown show I’m taking pictures I’m making fun of them two days later read what you saw I didn’t say all of that I I don’t need I don’t need you playing preach I don’t need all of that I’m just

Saying you you it was all good when it was somebody I’m seeing the same team doct oh man oh man what are you doing playing pickle ball I’m retired why did you why did you ever join in the into the mov it was fun and it’s it it

Doesn’t take a lot of movement but it’s movement that basketball players don’t and haven’t made in years so it was brand new to my body and my C my uh kiles just said what’s going on and right away when it happened I turned around I thought somebody dropped the

Weight behind me I’m like what is this dude doing on the court I turned around nobody’s there I knew exactly what took place dang no never had any pain though no pain dang I did uh I did Poes for the first time the other day did you yeah

That was crazy never again I’m all right no nah cuz it was just a bunch of like woo stretching like the resistant relax the resistant bands hip work like you they put you on the sled so you basically it’s it was crazy when I left

It was muscles that I didn’t know I had that that I felt sore pause but more power to you yeah it was crazy you you want to try it one time what you think you know me why you never want to try anything never stretched unfortunately

Never lift weights other than once n I’m you wear that like a badge of honor it’s no no no it’s time to stretch it’s time for you to let’s let’s go stretch man you you think you think there’s a chance I could touch my toes at some point hey yo what

Relax you think there’s a chance that I could stretch and do some things that I have no chance of doing in my entire life yes yeah okay it’s some people that that don’t start stretching until they get to their their senior citizens then they in the yoga class yeah you’re not

Though you might be able to make a if you stress a little bit you might be able to play in the league no might be able to make see you being disrespectful to the players today that’s disrespectful I’m not going to tolerate disrespect the way they disrespect the

90s which makes no sense you know how many people in the 90s would dominate today stop you know how many gods would be max players today I’m do this dominate I’m saying it respect how many gods would dominate today how many guards would be max players and and and

Thank you way to come down a little thank you okay the guys that you be wearing their jerseys maybe yeah I’ll give you that way to respect us don’t you you know what’s messed up with you maybe yeah I’ll give you that that’s three different answers is yes or no you

Gave me three different statements it was hard for me to decipher what exactly you were saying maybe Isaiah Thomas could come and dominate yes there’s certain players that would dominate but you’re not going to name me a bunch of guards that would just dominate today’s they start and be franchise players for

Their team you told me Nick vanex would be a franchise player he’d be a starting point guard averaging 20 plus points and be one of the stars of a of a good team that’s true we also have players like D’Angelo Russell that are what you just explained he’s not averaging 20 plus it’s

Close it’s similar what what does close mean I’m just saying it’s you disrespecting our day and age in the 90s y’all you know how good a guy like Andre Miller told us you told us you know how good a guy like Andre Miller was yes Andre Miller had crazy game I’m know chy

Bips Rod Strickland trell not disrespecting you making it out you changing the narrative I don’t want to disrespect y’all y’all just don’t give respect to our generation so we need to talk about you y’all keep saying that these players had no weaknesses y’all had weak I only said it about one guy

That one guy has some weaknesses we not going to go there no you told us that for 17 years you played in the league and you remember the one time that you shot a left-handed floater because you never went you never shot left-handed shot it was a left-handed layup I didn’t

Have a left-handed floater you know in horse that’s your go-to and I I okay you one of the greatest point guards of yall generation you never I’m I’m going to I’m not going to argue with you they never made you go left didn’t say see the problem is I

Didn’t say I couldn’t go left I prefer going left but but I’m not going to finish with my left hand that’s the difference I’m not that’s that’s that’s a big deal how many players the guards in the NBA is not many that you going to be like he can’t finish with his left

Hand as a starting point guard like not to disrespect you I’m not trying to disrespect you I’m just having conversation what about a guy that’s having 25 plus points per game and the uh Scouting Report tells you he’s not going to go left if you Jaylen Brown he

Said I worked on what I couldn’t the of the summer and I I I put myself position where if you me that way now I’m going to be able to respond credit to him but one of his weaknesses was his inability to go left comfortably and make you pay the price there’s no

Problem with having weaknesses and then making it a strength that’s a fair point thank you I got that was a great great great point I got to just let you live all that one you should say that more more often what you mean nothing go it’s

A lot of people that if we was having this discussion you might not never get that so just you know okay you’re right thank you I need that more often this is good this is good all right man let’s go to flashback time uhoh you ready yeah I’m ready we

Got some good ones today let’s put it up uh-oh oh this is you and with with the alltime great right here arguably the greatest wide receiver of all time you and to man to Legend wow the Legend legend yeah good dude great dude another guy that got a bad rap as an individual

Been around him quite a bit Class Act true professional great competitor my opinion the third greatest receiver to ever played a game behind Randy Moss and Jerry Rice but into discussion with anybody played in the Super Bowl with a broken leg uh and performed you can make

The case he was the best player in that Super Bowl um and he’s people people don’t know it but pretty good basketball player too we played like twice a week three times a week and you’d be in the games and he talked trash and tremendous athlete but had some game on the

Basetball court This was um we were actually at the um Colorado football game supporting coach Prime and we just took a picture on the sideline but too is a guy I got a lot of respect for a lot of appreciation a lot of love for great dude off the field

Great dude and he and you’re right he does have game and the craziest part is that’s one dude that I’ve seen as a former athlete that stays in Peak condition so you run to him in the open gym you you playing against a dude that’s in shape that’s ready to go yeah

He I don’t even know how old he is he’s working out with his shirt off can you imagine me taking my shirt off and doing sprints no no I can’t imagine yeah he’s but the thing I love about him is if he sees one

Of my my kids or one of y’all is love some guys is only that way when when they see you with them he is a guy that treats people the right way got a lot of respect for him shout out to T man Legend all right we got another one oh

You got the Legends let’s put it up you got the Legends in the building wow this you and the the great Biz Marquee late great Biz Marquee man wow you know anything about nobody beats the biz sing it again no no do you know anything about that

Yeah man legend legend G too soon a guy that was a legendary rapper was a great guy great great guy and this is at a game where we chopped it up a little bit always love I remember I talked about having a celebrity game at St John’s universi supporting the NAACP years ago

For so many years and so many celebrities and Superstars came and showed support he was one of the first guys that showed support by showing up and participating but somebody that um impacted a lot of people and was a game Game Changer as far as hip hop is

Concerned mhm Legend man let’s take a moment and thank our sponsors Underdog fantasy click the link in the bio and use the promo code mark That’s m a r k play the pick them game that’s one of our favorites that does it for this episode of The Mark Jackson show special

Shout out to come and talk to me Network Cam and mace and my co-host blue remember 2017 Serena Williams won the grand slammer tennis that’s not the most impressive thing it was a 23rd Grand Slam she did it while 8 weeks pregnant nauseous sick hot flashes uncomfortable I’m talking to you right

Now who’s trying to birth a business birth Financial Security birth a relationship you don’t have to wait to deliver you can win in the process Blessings


  1. Kelly oubre n Nick Nurse been fine 50k each, what happens if a player/coach say he doesn't have it right now

  2. Latrell Sprewel is a right handed shooting guard from the university of Alabama. Milwaukee, Wisconsin native. First team all nba team 1994

  3. Charlie Ward (Florida State) point guard 6’2 190 thomasvile, GA New York Knicks 1st rd pick. 1993 heisman trophy winner. 1993 ACC Offensive player of the year. 5747 career passing yds. 504 rush yards. Did not run forty yd dash at combine 😂

  4. Blue always hit Pops with the jabs. The episode with him laughing at Jordan throwing the ball at Mark & the Tom Chambers jab had me in tears

  5. Mark, what’s up with Travis Best? Can you get him on the show? Maybe tell some stories about him. I know he was your back up but I look at him like The Pacers’ Derek Fisher. Without the rings of course.


  7. Mark Jackson can u please come coach the Phx Suns they need somebody they respect I know you got your religious obligations but they need a Real coach Man U were ahead of your time man congrats on the podcast 🔥

  8. “You don’t have to wait to give birth to the process” : needed that one- going for a masters degree at “the play in of life”….

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