How to STIFF 50, 60, 70-yard wedge shots

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Hey everyone welcome now to another swing Quest video I’m going to be talking about how you can stiff those 50 60 and 70 yard pit shots now this is a very important distance to master because it’s going to be this type of range where you’re

Trying to get up for a par or a bogey if you’ve been in trouble off the tea also on par fives you might be near the green and have a chance to get up and down for birdie having an accurate amount of distance control over over this length

Of shot is going to be so important and the reason I think a lot of you guys are going to find this video how interesting is that because over this length of shot the swing is quite short even if you’re not the most confident driver of the golf ball if

Your long LS aren’t exactly where you want them to be that doesn’t matter because with this type of shot you can become proficient even if you slice the ball out of bounds so firstly I’m going to be using a 60° lob wedge to hit the 50 yard shot

Now it’s important to note the club that I’m using because as we progress through this video to those longer distances The Loft on the club is going to become very important also this is going to be about how you can control the power of a swing

By using the big muscles of the body and because the swing length is only very short most people no matter kind of handicap sometimes no matter age you’ll be able to achieve the same kind of distance with the same kind of clubs that I’m using so 50 yards with a dramatic castle

In the backdrop what do we need to be doing to achieve this distance and maybe what are some of the issues that you could be facing well first of all a lot of people when they’re struggling with the lob wge don’t know what the lob W is

Let’s stick with it we’ll tend to drive the hands down at the ball get very very steep either fat or back out and thin the ball down towards the target this is because a lot of golfers on the back swing will tend to use an aggressive amount of wrist hinge now there’s

Nothing wrong with using wrist hinge however as soon as you start to crank it up as that extends coming through the ball that will add power and it’s having that extra power coming through the ball can often throw a lot of golfers off so what we want to do is power this motion

Using the big muscles now first of all I want to get a couple things nailed down so my feet are about hip width apart ball position is in the center of my stance but I’m going to lean a little bit to the left hand side so for a

Right-hander but more towards that lead foot I’m going to be putting about 60% of the weight on that front foot this should help me deliver a slightly descending blow whilst not digging now from here I’m going to be using my body to really power this swing so we’re

Going to be talking a lot about using the body and not using the wrists however you’ll notice at a dress I do have a natural set with those wrists so the club and the arms are at a slight Angle now that means as I turn the club

Away and I move it to halfway this natural set will remain so there is still that tiny bit of hinge in the wrists what I’m actively not doing is this the feeling of this is not to extend the arms and lock them out but to just have them extended and to keep them

In that position throughout the back swing to power the back swing I’m going to use my body I’m going to turn the chest away but I’m also not going to restrict my lower half if that right hip that trail hip wants to turn that’s absolutely fine so extended those arms

In that setup position rotate away until my left arm reaches parallel to the ground now you’ll notice how my club has carried on a little bit in its Journey because of the natural reset that I had address as I move through the ball I’m going to turn onto it continue rotating

The body through until my right arm reaches parallel to the ground something I do get asked on these short range shots is should I keep my glove on for me I don’t think it makes a massive difference I think if you’re ever in doubt keep your glove on 2 revs of backspin on that particular shop that will check the ball but on a firm green it still might release so conditions are important flighted that one a bit higher oh pretty much bang on pitched on the 50 depending on how you grip the club will

Also alter the amount of distance for this particular shot I tend to hold the club a little bit further down the grip very simply all I want on this shot is a little bit more control this could add a little bit of extra Club Ed speed so gripping halfway down is absolutely fine

You know this is all about control rather than power now consistency of strike is going to be important for this shot if you can keep the length of your swing very consistent then the ball will pretty much be sent the same distance every time if you catch it a little bit

Low out of the face it might fly a little bit less but what we’re looking for and at the crook of this what you guys really need is if you’ve got 50 yards to go and you want to be landing it around that distance you don’t want

To be landing it 40 yards and you don’t want to be landing it 60 yards if it lands 45 or if it lands 55 that might not be too bad you’re going to be in and around the hole where you need to be it’s just really bringing in those

Outline shots and adding the level of consistency that you need so to go from 50 yards to 60 yards I’m not going to change anything within my swing but remember we spoke about how you can change your wedges to affect flight now 54° that is obviously less Loft than my

60 which should send the ball further if I put the same swing exactly the same technique and setup on this wedge it should go about 10 yards further oh pretty much pitch level with the pin we’ll take that so all I’ve done there is literally change the loft of my

Wedge exactly the same swing and I’ve managed to get about 10 more yards now once that pitched on the green it release more I’ve got less Loft it will give me less spin again something to bear in mind and let’s say we want to hit it 70 yards I wonder what we could

Do so we’ve moved back to 70 yards and in my hand I have a 50° wedge so if this all work works out we should be able to hit a 50 a 60 and now a 70 yard shot by just changing the loft of the club and not altering anything

Else slightly on the thin side which launched it a little bit lower but not too bad at all so subscribe if you haven’t already but to continue your swing Quest journey and to better improve your sh game check out these videos here


  1. Spot on with this lesson. Everything that we did in our chipping lesson with our PGA Hope coaches re-enforced what you just showed us. I love all your tips and lessons, you’re one of the best YouTube instructors.

  2. I need this in my life. I play off 8 and I can’t get it lower and it’s because of these sort of distance shots, long games good, chipping and putting are good but I often try to leave myself a full shot into a green because the 50-75 yard shots are just guess and hope.

  3. Great video Pete however this becomes so much harder when you try it of the grass. I find it much easier off of a mat. Can't wait for the Golf bidder with Rick. is there a Bullard rematch on the cards? Cheers

  4. The challenge is getting some spin on these partial wedge shots. Isn’t clubhead speed what generates spin?

    It appears (from the face-on view) that your ball position is SLIGHTLY back of center 🤔 I assume that’s ok so as to have “ball first” contact and a slower trajectory.

    Good stuff (as always) 👍🏻

  5. my yardage card that hangs on my bag has the carry/rollout distances for half swings from 8 iron down.
    thanks for the confirmation Pete

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