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FOR FREE: wXw Fight Forever Match: Big Bucks vs. Aigle Blanc & Mike D. Vecchio (23.03.2024, English)

Norman Harras and Alex Duke have joined forces to form the team Big Bucks. They plan to write wXw history. Can they already close the first chapter against Aigle Blanc and Mike D. Vecchio?

Find out by watching this match!

This full-length FREE MATCH was recorded as part of the live event wXw We Love Wrestling 59: 16 Carat Gold Revenge in the Batschkapp Frankfurt.

Want to see wXw We Love Wrestling 59: 16 Carat Gold Revenge in FULL? Then subscribe to wXwNOW 2.0 right here on YouTube! Just click the “JOIN” button below this video and for just EUR 9.99 per month you will have access to HUNDREDS of wXw events, in both German and English, including all three nights of wXw 16 Carat Gold 2024.

That’s is fight forever that’s is the bat in F fort on is on attack team mat scheduled for one [Applause] fall partner here is their International Superstar Al jand Norman [Applause] h [Applause] C CTI Pig BX time for our fight forever match here in Frankfurt we get ready for 16 karat gold revenge and a team on their way to the ring who formed over 16 karat gold weekend Alex Duke Norman Harris the big bucks to two men who frankly deserve each

Other massive EG massive sense of entitlement the two of them say they are here to make history and to make their mark on European Wrestling He is the Royal [Applause] Hunter he is the El War Machine Mike def what a team this is the Royal Hunter and the Belgian war machine AGA Blanc and Mike deio great Partners we’ve seen them team together many times before we’ve also seen them fight against each

Other and that was very recently in fact at 16 karat gold weekend both of these men were among the 16 competitors in that tournament they ended up clashing in the first quarterfinal on night two long putting deio away to advance to the semifinals plenty of respect remaining

Between those two as was evidence after the match it seems they are very much back on the same page here tonight so the big bucks of Norman Harris and Alex Duke looking for what would be an important Victory early in their career as a tag

Team together we saw them in the the tag team Gauntlet on night two of 16 karat gold they stole a win against Anita deaugh and Oscar then were defeated by maggot and Aaron insane then the big bucks fought Oscar and VN again later that weekend we love

Wrestling 58 a match they lost so this narrative they’re trying to spin of making history and making their mark on European wrestling is a point they are yet to [Applause] prove B Rings were underway here on fight forever the big bucks against AGA Blanc and Mike deio it is Norman Harris

The self-proclaimed International Superstar start things out against the Belgian war machine Harris ever patronizing a shoulder block from deio very mixed weekend at 16 karat gold for Mike deio as I said made it to the the quarterfinals of the main tournament the pace quickens here between these twoo also part of the

Four on four Lucha Rules match on night three arm drag bit of Lucha influence there there’s a drop kick from deio deio getting fired up here in [Applause] Frankfurt tag to AGA Blanc his name as we’ve said before translates as the White Eagle certainly he’s able to sore like an

Eagle and he gets going Harris is trying to prevent him from getting goingo and blano doing a number on Norman Harris quick snap suplex veio in launches over the top Ascent on Splash now EGA bloke with one of his own L enjoying the support of the fans

Always a great crowd in this part of the world as in tags Alex Duke for a double hip toss great agility from AGA Blanc to land on his feet running Upper Cut From The Royal Hunter want to Harris as well it’s time moves out of the way boot goes up IGA

Blanc in a stepping stone over Alex Duke to take out Norman Harris the ever Innovative AGA Blanc showing what he’s made of here on fight forever taking down Alex dukee and growing in confidence with every passing moment here is Blanc long 16 karat gold Journey eventually ended in the semi-finals at

The hands of Peter Toni have a great match between those two they’ve had several of them here in wxw this a time now after the biggest Festival in European wrestling for everyone to try and regroup Norman Harris trying to regroup Group by trying to take a shortcut there

Against AGA Blanc Deo getting into the ring and that was a a deliberate move I think by the big bucks to try and Ri deio so they could double team AGA Blanc and unfortunately it worked [Applause] perfectly du un load in with some boots there to AGA

Blanc be getting more and more agitated in his Corner blon planted face first Duke trying for a big win for the big buck A La Blanc prevents it from [Applause] [Applause] happening duuk will bring Blanc back into the big bucks Corner blon knows he doesn’t want to be there he’s trying to

Fight his way out of that corner but unsuccessfully Duke and Harris both making impact there with AGA blonc in the corner gets flapjacked does Blanc haras we to convert that into a victory and he was less than a second away from doing so haris again trying to anger deio

Again it has worked and again the double team in the corner by the big bucks Theo needs to watch his temper you’re in there against someone like Harris or Duke who will deliberately use that part of your personality against you kick to the ribs from duke drops the

Elbow bucks again going to test the resolve here of the royal Hunter who again kicked out on two du just carrying that KNE KN between the shoulder blades of Blanc wearing him down the strategy here is clear it’s a big buck can can somehow wear down the Royal Hunter he’s not

Going to be able to climb the ropes some of those highflying moves that are the most dangerous in his Arsenal Duke again there cutting him off at the first sign of Blanc building any kind of momentum and Norman Harris continuing where his partner left off we know that

Harris has a a very colorful history here in wxw former two-time shotgun champion and of course at one time was our sporting director he was our boss for a while that was a deeply unpleasant period of time back as an in ring competitor now and he almost got the win

There it’s always had that sense of entitlement that sense that he is better than everyone else kind of looking down his nose at everyone harrass and he goes into the corner there blon not there but he’s found a kindred spirit I think in Alex Duke as harass escaping two suplex attempts drop

Kicks Harris and it’s that tornado DDT on Duke that might be the opportunity that he needs to make the tag but no Harris preventing him from getting anywhere close no springboard cross body and AA blun might get another opportunity to get to his corner deio desperate for the tag and he gets

It here comes the Belgian war machine close on from deio one on Harris one on Juke big boot to the face of Harris and a chop M Deo unloading here on the big [Applause] bucks going for the Power Bomb deio looking for a power bomb on Harris Duke Duke saving his

Partner Deo calls in the buck to collide with each other he’s down those massive Hands On The Backs of both of his opponent the tag now to AA Blanc and Blanc going to launch if he can get his balance launching off deio didn’t get quite what

He wanted but he got enough to take both of the big bucks [Applause] down looking maybe for stereo twisting brain Busters Blan and deio maybe about to serve the big bucks another loss both get struck in the back of their skulls Duke is legal Blanc will go for the pin and

Dukee just just kicking out the big bucks are hanging on in this one by a thread Here Comes deio once again again double forearm smash Duke is taken out but Harris look distraction oh my deio I think he thought that was Duke accidentally hitting his partner something similar to

What happened in that Lucha Rules match on night three when deio hit one of his Partners deio got struck by Harris Juke collapsing on top of him Harris is holding Blanc in place Juke with the pin and the big bugs steal the win Zager in five forever match Alex T

Norman haris The Big Box a big win for the big bucks after another unfortunate miscue from Mike deio second time that’s happened this month and no one I’m sure will be more angry with Deo than he will in himself the blatant opportunism of the big bucks on display as mea blonc storming

Back to the locker room without his partner Harris mocking deio so is Duke I think that might be a mistake do not poke the [Applause] bear big bucks getting a little bit cocky shoing deio and deo’s had enough deio deio snapping he’s got Duke up drops him with the PO bomb

Deio has had enough and the big bucks May well need big buck to cover their medical bills after [Applause] that

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